#spacial awareness and depth perception is zero
loppiopio · 4 months
let's play a game?
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briefcasejuice · 1 year
Idk sometimes I feel it’s equally ableist when people pretend Matt’s abilities don’t give him any advantage over what a regular blind person would have. He is 100% blind, but he also has the kind of spacial awareness no other blind person has
i'm not sure who you're talking about in reference to 'people' because i've never seen anyone pretend that he doesn't have an advantage over the average mostly blind person but the enhanced spacial awareness he has due to his abilities is literally a given fact so much so you don't even have to think about it in depth to understand it. he's a vigilante so talented in martial arts & various other fighting techniques that he's made a name for himself all over the world due to said sheer talent. he is also a blind man whose brain receives zero (0) visual perception who needs disability aids because his powers are just as much as a deterrent as they are aid in themselves sometimes. both facts can co-exist.
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strxngerbxtches · 2 years
eddie munson is rlly clumsy and i’m sticking to this
mans has ZERO spacial awareness and just knocks shit over all the time.
he keeps a first aid kit in his van bc he runs into stuff and falls over a lot
absolutely willing to offer a bandaid to anyone who’s hurt (usually brings them when he’s going to smoke bc he gets even worse about it when he’s high)
probably nearsighted/has poor depth perception so it def contributes to the clumsiness. (also might be why he has trouble in school bc he’s insistent on sitting in the back of classrooms but he’s just blind af)
we see some of the clumsiness in the show when he’s trying to jump into the lake and just,,,falls immediately
i really think this is part of the reason he would be like entirely amazed by a s/o who’s like a cheerleader or something because he’s so uncoordinated that seeing people do tricks and stuff is really cool to him
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madmaryholiday · 4 years
Trying to quiet my mind enough to sleep, and it suddenly burst out with a random memory from high school that I still feel grumpy about:
In gym class, we started each day by sitting on the gym floor in lines, and each person sat in a specific spot in a specific line so that the teacher could take roll call easier.
Except the gym floor had zero indication for where those lines were or how far apart each spot was. Meaning that unless you were in the first couple spots of a line, you just had to guess where your spot was.
I have terrible depth perception, spacial awareness, and genersl, like, estimating ability.
I was never near the front of a line.
I was habitually early to class because of my anxiety.
The teacher would scold us when we sat in the wrong spot.
This did not lessen my anxiety.
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