#soup ferret
akiacia · 10 days
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ferretwhomst · 7 months
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garma-mom · 2 months
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bethany69esda · 1 year
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Fed these creatures my own “Duk Soup” (critical care carnivore with egg and salmon oil) and they just got lost in that sauce. His face and whiskers are covered in it. His belly is extra fat due to all the soup he ate
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pawgyle · 9 months
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Soup kitchen doodle Wren
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aroace-alucard · 1 year
(if you answer, pls tell prev what you voted for, or voting makes no sense,)
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woodpengu · 2 years
Enby: "How do I become more fem/masc/androgynous?"
Me [also enby]: "Go forth as you are, giving not a feck unto a world that would demand labels based upon a subjective view of their reality."
Enby: "Yeah, cool, but their subjective view of reality is what I want to mess with."
Me: "..." 😐 *sigh* *waves hands in magical ooga booga fashions* "Congrats, you are now a furry."
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jayrockin · 11 months
What were the programmers who created nedebug originally trying to make?
Nedebug was originally designed to be a comprehensive seismic detection and weather tracking computer. The goal was to create a system which could predict impending natural disasters to calculate damage minimization plans and evacuation routes, and communicate this information with citizens and a way that took into account a huge variety of bug ferret social values, interpersonal dynamics, and political concerns. Somewhere from this overambitious primordial soup mess of a program, a person emerged.
Nedebug's descendants (aka, all sapient A.I.) can have very different personalities, but they tend to highly value social connections and seek positions that allow them to observe a wide range of data inputs, interact with lots of people, and manage complex systems.
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coconutdays · 7 months
little red riding hood reader x big bad wolf toji... how are we feeling 🤭
I legit jhavefksnfjskdfnjdf
this is set in like an a/b/o kinda world where y'all may not have actual furry ears and tails but the distinction between different types of 'animal' spirits ig comes through bloodlines and scents. like you'd be a bunny omega and crap, you come off as very soft when you pass by people and naturally are thrown off by predator types. ur friends tend to be squirrel, dog, ferret, etc types that r lowk mellow and calm.
one day you're walking to your friend's workplace to drop off some soup since she's sick and you're a good cook. and when you're there, you bump into wolf alpha type toji zenin, the ceo of your friend's company. mf immediately freaks the shit out of you bc he's staring you down and you can sniff the predator drive he's getting towards you. you know he's a wolf type from the strong overwhelming smell and the alpha scent isn't any help either. and he can't get enough of how good you smell, he just wants to chase you down and feed off of how scared you get. he's normally always been with wolf type girls cause it's just what he's always been with, but something about how soft and small you are is suddenly making his entire body itch.
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lordarsonizzzzt · 1 year
If you still want fluff, may I interest you with Clef, Bright, Kondraki and Glass with an S/O who carries around a handbag (bigger on the inside) that's filled with plushies and they throw said plushies on the doctors when said doctors are having a bad day
✽ Today was shitty, to say the least. He had a lot of nightmares about her
✽ Today he was trying to be the funny asshole he always is, but he was more jumpy. If someone touched him and he didn't saw them he'll literally stumble back and his breath would quicken.
✽ He was now drinking some coffee, his lip a little bloody because of how hard he was bitting it. The moment he put his cup down and got up to go and do work he felt how he was punched by something.
✽ He looked down and saw a teddy bear, he took it and started looking around confused until he spot you.
✽ You were a Safe type SCP, a humanoid that liked to make people happy. You always carried around a bag similar to Santa's and would pull anything from it.
✽ He rolled his eyes but kept the plushie the whole day, he even ranted to it about the horrible soup and tried to give it sum soup so it could know that, it was indeed, horrible.
✽ Before he left he went to your containment cell with a little box, some rings and stuff in it. Inside your cell was a normal room, white walls with some red, yellow and purple paint sprayed on it, a bed, a desk with art supplies and a TV.
✽ He looked around and frowned when he realized you weren't there, which was weird cause your time to hang around the facility was over.
✽ He almost drops the box when you hugged him from behind and he stood still as a rock to then let himself relax in your embrace.
✽ "Hey kiddo, got you something, consider it a thanks"
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✩ He is always having a bad day, he's just good at hiding it.
✩ He was angry this time, well more of a mix of emotions. He just discussed things regarding TJ's situation with Mikell and his blood was boiling.
✩ He was close to just shutting off his brain and continuing his day as if nothing happened, to then unload in his house until he was hit with a plushie.
✩ He managed to grab it before it fell and he stared at it for a while, to then search around who threw it to him.
✩ He heard your laugh and it made him smile, you really were a nice addition to this site. Always running around giving people things, hugs, helping them.
✩ You never got too close to him tho, so interacting with you this first time was a new thing.
✩ He turned around to thank you but you were gone, he looked back at the plushie and then around to make sure no one was there. He hugged it hard and he let some tears drop, he thought of his little brother and how one day he will get him out of here and make him live a happy normal life.
✩ He named the shark plushie Thomas, and he lays in his in site dorm.
✩ He would try to hang around with you a little more, would become a father figure probably.
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✿ He was having a bad hangover, he had a fight with Draven, he was close to getting into a physical fight just because.
✿ He spent most of his day in the cafeteria, drinking way too much coffee. He almost left when you came running from nowhere and hugged him, he froze.
✿ Yeah it was his idea that you roam free since you only want to make people happy, but it still was weird to have a SCP do that.
✿ You then pulled out something from your bag, and he almost laughed at the plushie.
✿ It was something in between a fat ferret or a fat cat, either way he loved it and when you gave it to him he smiled.
✿ "Thank you kiddo, how about I get you some apple juice hm?"
✿ Your fast nod was enough for him, he got up, ruffled your hair and went to get you some apple juice.
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✧ So this man doesn't have the greatest relationship with his family, today his mom called and they both had a fight over the phone.
✧ Everyone could notice that Glass was rather mad today, he would have to take a few second to answer so he didn't sound like an asshole.
✧ So everyone tried to not make that much contact with him, and he kept himself in his office just speaking to people when needed.
✧ He heard some knocks and he sighed, syaing 'come in'.
✧ So you came in, went over to him and handed him a tiger plushie, or something like that.
✧ He just started at it for a while, then he looked at you, then back at the plushie. He took it and mumbled a 'thank you'
✧ You stayed around in his office helping him until he felt better.
✧ At the end of the day, Glass was back to his normal self.
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fable-and-folly · 10 months
fic recs
Novel length fics I love and wish were real books :)
The Curse of Anteros -- @danpuff-ao3 -- Snarry, 52k, E
When Harry is cursed, he seeks out Severus Snape. They have a long history behind them, after all, and they've always had so much between them. Who else would he go to?
Kept in Cages -- @sweet-s0rr0w -- Drarry, 76k, E
Deep in the heart of the Ministry lies the Beast Division: a hidden room where ancient beasts roam, and winged creatures soar, and grumpy giant ferrets eat all your biscuits unless you keep them well hidden. Draco Malfoy would know – he’s been working there for five years now, after all. Meanwhile, on Level One, ex-Golden Boy Harry Potter is stuck in another interminable policy meeting, completely unaware of the mysterious comings and goings just three floors below. But when a giant snake emergency requires the assistance of a Parselmouth, Harry finds himself thrust, unprepared, into Draco’s weird and wonderful world – and naturally, he can’t keep away…
A Lick and a Promise -- @tackytigerfic -- Drarry, 55k, E
Something sinister stirs in Hogwarts! When magical creatures and students at the school are hit with a debilitating blood curse, Minerva McGonagall approaches the Ministry for help. Star Auror Harry Potter seems to be the obvious choice to go undercover—as DADA Professor, naturally. He’s going to need the help of the Ministry’s foremost expert in blood magic to get to the bottom of the mystery, though, and he’s not entirely convinced that going back to Hogwarts with Draco Malfoy is a good idea. Things are complicated between them—what’s new?—but they know they have to learn to work together (and keep their hands off each other in the corridors) in order to solve this case. Luckily for them, Hogwarts itself wants to lend a hand. A tale of love, lessons, and learning to really live.
The Beauty of Thestrals and Other Unseen Things -- @writcraft -- Drarry, 63k, E
Harry has terrific friends, an amazing girlfriend and his job as Head Auror enables him to work on challenging cases and Ministry reform. He just wishes he could work out why he’s been so out of sorts. When Draco Malfoy is arrested for gross indecency, Harry’s comfortable life begins to unravel. He’s forced to decide if it’s worth risking everything for love in a world where following his heart is a criminal offence.
Nocturne -- @necromanticnoir -- Snarry, E, 54k
A Gothic Snarry version of ‘Beauty and the Beast’, inspired by the dark and sensual tale from the Czech film version, ‘Panna a Netvor’. I follow some of the plot, but then diverge and do my own thing. Got to make it even weirder, right? An eerie, erotic, brooding, bloody, batty, haunting fairytale. ‘Underneath my skin there’s a human. Buried deep within there’s a human. Despite everything, I’m still human.’ - ‘Human’ by Daughter
A Guide to the Morphology of Magic -- orphaned -- Drarry, 64k, E
When Draco Malfoy is hand picked to investigate a string of curses cropping up in Muggle communities in North America, the last person he wanted to be traveling with was Harry Potter. Still, duty calls, and the two set off on an adventure chasing down mysterious curses, sleeping in cramped hotel rooms, and trying to navigate their newly formed post-War selves as they make their way through small towns and long, dark stretches of highway.
Soup-pocalypse and the Great Curry Cataclysm -- SquadofCats -- Drarry, 104k, E
Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.
Star Quality -- who_la_hoop -- Drarry, 118k, E
Two years after the war, and Harry’s content with his life. OK, so it’s a little annoying that he keeps winning Witch Weekly’s Most Eligible Bachelor award, and he’s really not looking forward to the unveiling of an enormous gold statue of himself, but he loves his friends, and he loves being an Auror. And if he yearns for something more, something he can barely bring himself to think about, well, he’ll probably get over it. No one’s happy all the time, are they? But then everything changes, and Harry’s thrown into a new and dazzling world he’s not sure he can actually escape from. And as time goes on, he starts to wonder: does he actually want to?
By the Grace -- @letteredlettered -- Drarry, 139k, T
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
On the Deficiency of Translation Spells -- @liladiurne -- Snarry, 41k, E
Divorced, single, and free, Harry lives a completely unapologetic life in Paris. Between casual hook-ups and an easy, comfortable job, he likes to think he is as close to happiness as he'll ever be. And when he gets offered a teaching job at the prestigious Académie Beauxbâtons, he thinks he may have found exactly what was missing. But Harry is thoroughly unprepared for what he finds there - a familiar face that's been haunting his dreams for six years.
Wild -- orphaned -- Drarry, 92k, E
“No,” Harry said, by way of greeting. Malfoy’s blonde head rose slowly, carelessly. “Get out.” “I feel as though we’ve already established this, Potter,” Malfoy responded. “And I feel that what we established was that you telling me to get out of places really doesn’t make me more likely to vacate them.”
Tapestry -- @kbrick -- Drarry, 91k, E
In 2017, Harry is on his way to Pansy and Luna's beach house. He’s a bit terrified of seeing Draco, to be honest. It’s been a while, and then there’s the little matter of Draco having married someone else in the interim. In 2001, Draco is drunk, wearing Pansy's mother's ermine coat, and afraid to walk into the Leaky because someone might throw a curse at him. So, of course, he runs into his ex-nemesis and hopeless crush, Harry Potter. This is a love story that isn't perfect, about two people whose timing is never quite right, and all the moments that come together to make something extraordinarily beautiful anyway.
The Secret of the Philosopher Stone -- @yletylyf -- Snoldemort, 115k, E
Voldemort gets the Philosopher's Stone, but finds himself trapped at Hogwarts and in need of rescue. Loyal Death Eater Severus Snape is on the job, but even he is not quite prepared for Lord Voldemort to return as Tom Riddle with a patched-up soul and no interest in war. And as for Tom? Well, it's not so easy to stop being a domestic terrorist.
The Left Words -- authoresswithoutwords -- Tomarrymort, 234k, E
Harry has some weird words on his left wrist. That must be one of those strange things that Aunt Petunia hates so much. But it's okay! He likes them. Then, it all turns even weirder. Hogwarts, magic, a Headmaster and a Dark Lord await Harry - he would prefer if they all just left him alone, thank you very much. But when has it ever mattered what Harry wants?
When the Rose and the Fire Are One -- @perverse-idyll -- Snarry, 81k, E
Harry's haunted by guilt. Snape's warded by roses. Each must free the other in order to free himself.
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legs-art · 2 months
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Hiiiiiii first art post I'm sharing publicly! This has been a month in the making but it's so worth it. These are a handful of characters in my OC universe, the Elemental Realm! AKA the Eclectic Chamber, I'm currently going through a name change from elemental realm to eclectic chamber. Don't worry about that.
Italicized names mean those are placeholders while I still try to come up with a better name. For some, those placeholders have been there for years :P whoops
These comprise pretty much all the significant characters I have (with a guideline of appearing in at least 2 stories although there's some exceptions). There are roughly another 100 or so characters that I opted not to include because they're either not as significant, I don't have an interesting design for them, or I just didn't feel like it. Full namedrop behind the read more in case you're interested! Maybe I'll do a part 2 of this in a year or so, who knows.
If there's any characters here that tickle your fancy, shoot an ask or a comment for me to infodump about them! Quality of infodumping may vary, especially considering I still have to step around spoilers and whatnot, but I'm very interested to show you how these characters have been sculpted in my head over these past several years. (Also, I will be revealing some info about the story ideas I already have in mind for the Elemental Realm soon, so stay tuned for that!)
Uhhhhhh yeah. Hopefully I'm not forgetting to say anything important. I really love what I made lol I hope I can finally start moving this universe outside of my head and into the world ^_^
Anyway, yeah, sorry to the following for not making the cut:
The Pawn
Pirate Cat
Frost Wyvern
The Other Plant Species
Olive Hills Grandmother
Disco Restituo Grandmother
TVHead Salesperson
The Hidden Prime Minister
Operatic Nobeard
KUR-180 (Ferret Form)
Hyperlink Trace II
Wibblewobble Vortex
Cuttlefish "Danger" Aromantic
Teodoro Locksmith
Galleria Monies
Vapo Sea Devil
Sternum Crease
Base Sorceress
Nom Diamonds
Zareen Hangus
Mark Genuine
Blundered Impersonator
Cow Cowboy
Blood Knight
Ice Prince
Ice Squid
Ice Cephalopod
Old Guy With Badger Stand
Blobular Shapeshifter
Chad Shakespeare
Elephant Friend
The Tourist Trap
Fluffy Boy Rabbit
Fluffy Boy Bear
TTRPG Komodo Dragon
Windmill Gnome
Robot Police Dog
Little Mouse Guy
Perfect Soup Nerd Bird
Sentient Tiny Hot Air Balloon
Verde Mermaid
Clownimatronic / The Machine
The Crescents
Mongoose Man
Blizzard Wizard
Kulfi Wala
The Beast
Still Chaos Penguin
Caged Water Beast
Monsterfucker Snake Robot
Crystal Aurora King
Star Matter Ursa
Pyramid Of Mayhem
Top Hat
Alien Traffic Control Tower
The Stalker
Majesty Of Colors
Andromeda V5
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ferretwhomst · 6 months
bruh. while planning the current chapter i was like "this'll just be a short chapter which briefly delves into ford's personal issues + the Arrival :) need to give my readers a break after the mess that is the nightmare sequence haha. it'll be like 500 words max"
i just broke a thousand words on this chapter and im not even close to done yet!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVENT EVEN MENTIONED PORTAL STAN. APART FROM FORD HATING HIMSELF THATS LIKE THE MAIN THING ABT THIS CHAPTER
maybe if i make all the other chapters like 500 words longer i can get away with calling this one "short" lmfao
kidding the nightmare is long ENOUGH DEAR GOD IT'S ALMOST 3000 WORDS-
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pallweople · 10 months
Assigning Pall Weople To Animals!
Based purely off of vibes! (I know I haven't talked/interacted that much with to a lot of you, but you're still cool as hell! :D)
( @arsonisticscholar ) Arsonator -> Red Panda
( @astral-catastrophe )Astral/Jay -> Moose
( @miadancer24 ) Bailey -> Otter
( @cal-the-duende ) Cal -> Koala
( @hero-dualies-pog ) Campfire/Zen Anon -> Swan
( @circusislife ) Circus -> Bear
( @frostedshadow ) Frost -> Penguin
( @justsomeghostt ) Ghost-> Axolotl
( @hyperfixatezz ) Hyper/Riju -> Ferret
( @justanotherhighlycaffeinatednerd ) Katnip -> Artic Fox
( @ladye-zelda ) Ladye ->Dove
( @linksarehere ) Link -> Zebra
( @misc-me0707 ) -> Flamingo
( @mushr0oms-and-m0ss ) Mushroom -> Frog
( @is-apotato ) Potato -> Rabbit
( @somebody-random-lol ) Random -> Bat
( @skyward-shade ) Shade -> Raccoon
( @hero-of-soup (aka. 6leafclover) Clover/SOOUP -> Humming bird
( @xjgbhk ) -> ShoeBill
( @mossy-chai ) Z -> Squirrel
( @link-or-sherlock ) Sherlock -> Cheetah
( @nancyheart11 ) Nancy -> Ocelot
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heroofshield · 6 months
Whumpcember Day Two- Sickness (Clintasha, G, No Warnings)
In hindsight Clint should have seen it coming.
They were in Amsterdam, trying to ferret out an arms dealer, and it was his first time in the city. Normally he was able to understand the layout of a place pretty quickly, but for some reason struggled with the numerous bridges and bicycle friendly layout. He'd be minding his own business on the sidewalk and then a bike would appear out of nowhere, nearly clipping him in the process while acting like he was the problem.
Tired and fully in a bad mood, Clint decided to return to the safe house and pulled out the burner to text Natasha that he was on his way.
Natasha heard the door to the safe house open and walked into the main room, pausing when she saw Clint. "What happened?" she asked, taking in his sodden appearance.
Clint shivered as water continued to drip down him and puddle on the floor. Drawing his arms across his chest, he chattered out, "Fell into the water."
"I can see that...but why?"
"Because...this goddamn city and it's 'bike only' bridges that aren't clearly marked!" Clint felt his cheeks heat up with the frustration he still felt and tried not to shiver even more but it was hard.
"Why don't you dry off before you get sick and I'll find a back-up outfit." Natasha said, disappearing for a moment and reappearing with a towel outstretched towards him.
Clint took the towel and started to dry his hair off. As he finished, a sneezed escaped and they both froze. "It's a just a sneeze, doesn't mean anything." he sniffed while wrapping the semi-wet towel over his back.
"Yeah." Natasha nodded as Clint squeaked his way through the apartment towards the bathroom.
Clint tried to stifle another sneeze but failed. Reaching for the box of tissues, he grabbed one and blew his nose for what seemed like the thousandth time. Blowing his nose, he threw the tissue away and leaned back against the pillows-hating that he was sick.
Feeling his face burning, Clint grimaced slightly as he swallowed and felt his sore throat protest at the action. Closing his eyes, he tried to relax and rest while Natasha was out but couldn't. Letting out a huff, he slowly got up and shuffled into the bathroom-hoping that another hot shower would loosen some of the congestion.
Natasha let herself into the safe house and heard the sound of running water. Setting the bag on the table, she starting checking the surveillance recordings as the water stopped and after a minute the door opened.
"Feel better?" she asked, partially taking off the headphones and semi-concentrating she scrubbed through the audio feeds.
Clint let out a grunt which was followed by a cough.
"I got some soup."
There was a pause, followed by a sniff.
"Chicken noodle. Actually found a cafe that had pretty decent reviews of it. Luckily we're here on a day when they serve it."
The sound of shuffling drew nearer and Natasha spared a glance to see a slightly haggard looking Clint going for the bag on the table. Pausing the recording and fully taking off the headphones, she stood while saying, "And some ginger ale. The bubbles will help with the congestion. Or at least that's what the internet says. Later I'll make some hot lemonade and honey if you want it."
Clint opened the soup container and closed his eyes as the warm steam wafted towards him. "Thanks." he rumbled out before taking a small sip.
Natasha let a small smile appear and placed a comforting hand on his back. "You're welcome."
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heyimdove · 9 months
It’s been about a month since I finished Drinking Buddies and Diaries, so I have a quick story about writing it and how COOL fanfic readers are:
I don’t live in the UK, only been there once, and my short stint in London happened to coincide with a terrorist attack about a block from where I was, so my memories of it are tinted a bit off. When I think of London now, I mostly associate it with tons of low-flying helicopters (also one fantastic leek soup)((and public toilets that cost money))(((and a ferret on a leash I saw at St. James Park))).
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So all the places referenced are almost entirely googled. And I spent FOREVER looking through various pubs near Soho/St. James Park/Berkeley Square before finally deciding to use the Goat Tavern (mainly because the big golden goat that stares down at you from the road). It just so happened that the pub had a controversial history and some neat secret underground tunnels- basically the kind of place I could see demons hanging around. Goats are so often associated with satanic stuff thanks to Ol’ Baphomet, so it really seemed to fit perfectly in a never-been-there-but-I-hope-this-works kind of way.
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Well, actually, it turns out there are TWO Goat Taverns. Not far from each other. One has a golden goat, the other has a goat stonework thingy. The one without the golden goat had the murderer and tunnels, I think? Regardless, wtf London? Couldn’t one of you have been The Ram? The Alpaca? Some other even-toed ungulate?
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Anyway, it’s too late to change it now, so Muriel and Crowley go to the Goat Tavern, meaning they go to both at once, meaning it’s one fucking pub in my fic, two pubs just mushed into one.
Despite this confusing development, a reader (egana) decided to make the trip over to the Goat Tavern (the Mayfair one). They said:
“I… shall be paying a pilgrimage to The Goat Tavern in honour of this fic later this week”
Obviously that was an extremely cool thing to say and I begged them to tell me what it’s like. It turns out they actually went!:
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I have been smiling all day at this because it really makes the time I spent digitally trekking through all these little pubs and eateries to find the right one for Crowley to take Muriel to, when he couldn’t bring himself to dine at The Ritz with anyone but Aziraphale, entirely worth it. It sounds more angelic than I intended but I actually love that, because now it’s more believable that angels would enter it at all, despite that freaky staring goat.
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Like bro are u kidding me
Anyway, fanfic readers constantly make me feel the warmest feelings towards the world and I love you all. I love that egana would take the trip out and even bother to follow up. The people I’ve been able to interact with since posting are just lovely. I was so afraid to share my writing with the world. As it turns out, the world is actually very, very nice.
Someone let me know recently that DB&D is the most-kudoed post-S2 fic (or was when she told me anyway, it might not be anymore), and that is so mind-blowing and heartening. I’ve been working on some personal novels lately, and it’s all thanks to the support and kindness from fic readers. So if you’re here because you read DB&D, you should know that you have helped resuscitate me. Thank you. If I ever get published, I’m dedicating my first novel to you!
And if I ever do get published, we can all take comfort in the fact that I would have an editor who will stop me from combining two real places into one. I still can’t get over that TWO GOAT TAVERNS exist on opposite sides of one fucking park
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