#sorry. i just had to put the middle school level physics formula in there
glue-thief · 4 months
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listen... i'm just saying. would you rather have a coach who puts in 100% effort but his team loses every single game, or a coach who does the bare minimum when it comes to coaching yet somehow his team is still undefeated
output work/input work x 100 = % of efficiency
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elysiumwaits · 5 years
I was tagged by @novemberhush which is great because I love to talk about myself. It’s a problem sometimes at work, but it’s great for when I’m in therapy and doing memes on the internet!
Rules: answer 15 questions and then tag 15 people
1) Are you named after anyone?
Kind of. So my name is Emily. My mom had a cat named Emma - my biological father (who was not a good man) was jealous of the cat, and, long story short, Mom did not have a cat because of this asshole. So she named me Emily because she liked the name. I’m essentially named after her favorite pet. My middle name is Marie, it’s a family name - the last person who had it before me was my Great Aunt Marie, and she was, I’m told, the kind of woman who would take no shit and no prisoners. My mother told me it’s a very fitting middle name for me.
That said, please, please, please don’t call me Emily. Em is okay, I go by that in real life, but I actually prefer Eli or Ely most of the time. 
2) When was the last time you cried?
Shit, son, I cry at the drop of a hat. Probably a couple days ago? I’m a frustration crier and a happy crier and a oh-shit-I-dropped-my-fork-again crier, so it just... doesn’t really register anymore.
3) Do you have kids?
No. I work in a daycare, specifically the infant room. I love it, but personally, I don’t feel like kids are currently in the plan. This may change - I love children, but right now I don’t trust anyone enough to share a child with them, nor am I financially or mentally stable enough to raise one. 
I am, however, extremely maternal, so I will probably eventually have one. Just one.
4) Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Mmm, kind of? I don’t suffer fools gladly, which is sometimes a problem because my mouth moves before my brain catches up. I don’t use sarcasm in a mean or mocking way with people who don’t know any better - I will exaggerate it to use it with children so they know, without a doubt, that it’s sarcasm and a joke. Adults who should know better than to do ridiculous things, though, are fair game. 
Take, for example, the woman who told me I didn’t dress professionally enough in the infant room because I was wearing leggings and a comfortable t-shirt.
I used sarcasm with her. “Oh, I’m sorry. You’re absolutely right, I’m sure you put makeup and heels on for [child]’s 4 am feedings, too, right?” And then I pointed out the stains on my shirt from baby food and formula. 
With kids, though, who are old enough to understand what sarcasm is, I’ll do a really exaggerated, over the top eyeroll and be like “Oh, goodness, we never ever go outside, do we? We’ve never gone outside a single day you’ve been here!” or something like that, because they laugh and they know it’s a joke. It also helps them develop critical thinking and communication skills.
5) What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Okay, so, I am a hypervigilant person thanks to a lot of PTSD-inducing trauma, so the first thing I notice about a person is usually how they hold themselves and if they have anything in their hand. I notice body language religiously - someone with an aggressive, threatening stance is immediately labeled a threat, whereas a person walking with arms to the side, shoulders back, and a general open body language is labeled not-a-threat.
That’s how I live my life, day to day. Threat or not-a-threat. Every single place I go.
I don’t recommend it.
6) What’s your eye colour?
Blue - apparently a very striking blue, I’ve been asked multiple times if I wear contacts. I do not.
7) Scary movie or happy ending?
HAPPY ENDING. And honestly, I have to know that beforehand or I have too much anxiety to enjoy the book/film/show/game.
8) Any special talents?
Writing, though that’s less talent and more intense and obsessive devotion to a craft. 
I hesitate to add: I’m also very good with tarot cards. Give me enough time with a person, one of my decks, and I can pry deep into their lives and tell them things about themselves that they’ve never revealed to another soul. It’s honestly terrifying. I have stories.
9) Where were you born?
Missouri. Technically in a helicopter, not actually in a hospital. It was a very emergency C-section, I was a month early, and Mom had actually coded. She likes to tell people that I’ve tried to kill her at least once!
10) What are your hobbies?
Writing, gaming, reading, Youtube videos and shows, crochet (less so lately, I have trouble remembering patterns these days). I write a lot, I read mostly fanfiction right now, I game when I can (usually Skyrim, Dragon Age Inquisition, or Minecraft), I watch a lot of Rooster Teeth and Achievement Hunter, and occasionally I make blankets and washcloths when I get so stressed that I can’t function.
11) Do you have pets?
YES. Okay, so I have Boo, who actually might be my soulmate. I’ve never felt so close to an animal. He hopped in my car one day when I pulled into a parking lot, and I was like “Oh, okay, I have a cat now,” and he’s been mine ever since. In my defense, he was very, very skinny, declawed, and more than likely abandoned. I call him Seizure Cat sometimes because he always seems to know when I’m about to seize, and he’ll climb on me and purr so that I don’t wake up alone. It really helps. 
Then I have Piper, who is my princess. She is 16-17, and to be frank, I stole her. I say I rescued her, but essentially, I stole her. I saw my friend’s dad kick her hard enough she bounced off a wall, and when it was time to go, I just picked her up and took her with me. For a long time, I was the only person she would let near her. She’s mellowed out quite a bit, hangs out mostly in her basket next to the food bowl, and yells when she wants attention - if you try to pet her before she wants it, she gets super angry. So affection is always on her terms!
Last but not least is actually my parents’ dog, Kobe. He is a massive German Shepherd/Treeing Walker Hound mix that we got from a pound in St. Louis. Brought him home at 8 pounds, found out he had distemper (he was the only of his litter to survive it), and 95 pounds and roughly three years later, he sleeps at the end of my bed (or couch when I can’t sleep in the bed). He is insanely smart - he’s officially smart enough that he knows all the commands he’s supposed to, can understand sentences and respond to them. He just doesn’t listen, because he pretty much knows he doesn’t have to. Luckily he’s an only dog, and my parents and I adore him, because he’s pretty much untrainable, simply because he’s so damn stubborn.
12) What sport do you play/have you played?
I can tell you that there is not a single person in this world who has ever looked at me and said “oh yeah, she’s sporty.”
I broke my wrist in a junior high kickball game. I wasn’t even playing. I was walking around the gym, talking with my hands with my friend @artsake-dreams and someone kicked the ball. It was hard enough that it flew across the gym, bounced off my hand, and snapped my wrist. The gym teacher didn’t believe I was hurt, the substitute nurse thought I was faking, so I walked to the office and cried to the secretary (who was my mom’s friend, mom is a teacher in the same district). Mom brought the x-rays in and very quietly and intensely not-yelled at the nurse and the gym teacher.
Later, in senior year, I got banned from playing hockey in the gym because I was too aggressive and almost got a detention for swearing. The only reason I didn’t was because the PE teacher was honestly just glad I was showing an interest in something physical.
13) How tall are you?
14) Favourite subject at school?
English/Writing. I also really enjoyed the sciences, even if I wasn’t good at the math. I was excellent when it came to the theories, but the formulas were really difficult for me. I also really love philosophy.
15) Dream job
I want to say writer, but that’s a lie because I don’t like people giving me deadlines for writing. I think an editor with a publisher is my dream job. Possibly a college-level writing/English/literature teacher. I’m one of those people who believes that writing is a skill that can be taught (though some are born with an innate talent) and that it’s something that should be taught. But that’s a post for another day.
Uh, okay, tagging some people? @artsake-dreams @sophaoat @thepeacering @icarusthriving UUUH it’s 2 am I don’t know 15 people off the top of my head, sorry, BUT if you see this you’re welcome to do it and say I tagged you!!!
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natalia-km · 7 years
Firstly congrats on your fantastic gcse results you should be really proud 😄🙌🏽 As I'm sitting my exams the coming year ( 😭 ) just wanted to ask if you have revision tips for me in regards to the main subjects ( i.e. Maths, English etc ) Please and thank you 😊
Thank you so much!
I’m more than happy to give any advice any time :)
This post is very long so I’m sorry lol. If you can’y read the whole thing I also did a summary at the end. 
 Repetition is key, start by doing some past papers given to you by your school and get used to doing three 1 ½ hour papers. Identify your weaknesses and keep practicing. Keep practicing past papers and problem solving booklets you can find online as the new types of questions are heavily based on problem solving and combining units e.g. algebra with graphs. For revision I went through my past papers and looked at the questions I got wrong and what I didn’t understand. Honestly just doing past papers in maths after learning all the units is the best way to revise. I did past papers really from the start of year 11 all the way to the exam.
Some useful websites that I used (I just wrote out the questions you do not need to print everything) 
Some content on different exam boards may vary but maths is maths and virtually the same on all exam boards. I sat Edexcel and my school offered these books that come in three. I really recommend these as say, for example, pg 51 on inverse functions in the revision books matches pg 51 in the work book. When we had spare time in class or have a spare 10 minutes it is really helpful to complete a page of fractions or something. There is also a book called past papers plus with exam questions in the exam format (if that makes any sense lol) Which is what I used the most. My copy had loads of mistakes but if you buy a new one I think it will be fixed (haha get your act together edexcel) 
If you are aiming for 7/8/9 a really useful site is churchill maths, your school has to be registered and pay a license or something, which my school was, and you can access so many maths papers. I think there are 9 sets of three papers or more. They are really hard and take a while to get on their level as they have multi step problems and problem solving. These are really good as they start at the difficulty of the middle of the regular paper and go up. This is really helpful for the exam as the easy questions will seem really easy and the hard questions will not feel so bad.
When you practice every question write down the equation(s) you are going to use. You do not get a formulae sheet so you just have to learn them off by heart. Every question I did in class and homework I wrote down the relevant formulae and them slotted in the numbers and etc etc etc. By the time of the exam you’ll look at a trig question and know the cosine rule off by heart and it will make your life so much easier.
English lit.
 oh the bane of my life. I have seen each exam vary from exam board to exam board and it does vary with different books you have been given. I studied Great expectations, Macbeth, Blood brothers and conflict anthology on Edexcel, the papers will be different on AQA and OCR and if you study different texts.
A major revision tip is to read the text properly before you start studying it in class. Then I would re read it but only skim through it and properly read the main chapters that have a very important scene at around christmas time and leading up to the exams.
LEARN YOUR QUOTES. Flash cards are great, I categorised quotes by character and theme and just wrote them over and over (but that style works for me and may not work for you). ½/3 word sentences are easy to remember and are concise to slot in where you can. e.g. Macbeth is referred to as a “tyrant”. easy one word quote that you can develop.
For english the time restrictions are ridiculous. Omg it was literal hell. When you do homework like write an essay on the significance of the witches in Macbeth look at the timings you have and try doing the essay in the time. 
And to save your should learn the timings per question it will honestly save you from spending so much time on one essay and leaving none for the next questions. 
In the exam I was quite sneaky and drew the timings on my watch so I could see when I had to change question which was a life saver *prayer hands emojis*
Instead of kind of learning the whole text sub categorise the information in the questions (I know I didn’t explain that well but hear me out). For example in for Macbeth my essay question was the significance of the witches, and in Great expectations it was the importance of location. What I did was categorise Character, Theme and setting. 
I didn’t revise setting and it came up so don’t skip it. Depending on the question it will require 4 or 5 paragraphs so learn 4-5 points for each theme and character. When revising just learn a one sentence point that you can quickly recall and develop in the exam. Flash cards are reallyyyy useful in this. I used mine literally in the car going to school on the exam day.
e.g. The significance of Ambition in Macbeth.
1. Lady Macbeth’s Ambition is the driving force to kill duncan
2. Macbeth realises that ambition is futile without an heir so it leads him to murder Banquo
3. leads Lady Macbeth to her downfall
4. Macbeth murdering Macduff’s family is his ambition to kill Macduff and restore peace. 
These are very short points which can be expanded upon. :)
For the poetry there’s 15 poems. Don’t bother learning 15 I learnt 5 and got by. It is impossible to learn all 15 but read and analyse all of them in class so you get a good general idea of what they are all about and how they use structure and punctuation etc. I linked them together by theme e.g. No problem, half cast and class game all go together. In your categories learn one or two that can be compared to anything. I learnt no problem, belfast confetti, cousin kate, exposure, charge of the light brigade and what were they like. If you’re not doing this exam board or anthology collection these titles may not mean anything to you but you get the jist of it. 
For each learn the structure, rhyme scheme, imagery and punctuation so in the exam you can recall the poem you select to compare to and the main points. 
Finally for english literature learn for each essay question what is needed, some will need context (19th century fiction doesn’t) some want writer’s intention and effect on reader. but putting in context where you can will not hurt.
English language:
I found this really hard so I’m not really an expert as such. For revision learn how many paragraphs are needed for each question and practice with time limits. Practice highlighting text and picking out key information and language, structure and form. Remember to comment on all three of language structure and form for the relevant questions. I think it is really useful to read chapters of 19th century fiction to get used to the language as it’s in paper one. Honestly reading one or two chapters of a the sign of four, pride and prejudice, the woman in black or anything you can find is really helpful. 
Paper 2 i think is non-fiction, you can’t really prepare for the texts but practice planning the question is the best revision for this paper. For the long comparison question practice finding similarities and differences in language structure and theme. I did this over and over again for different combination of texts. 
For imaginative writing just practice writing an opening, one paragraph and an ending for different questions (I got examples from my teacher like write about a time you ere scared or write about a time you had to work hard for something) Learn a few really good vocal to slot in here and there but not too much so you sound like a dictionary. My favourite was Megalomaniac and I kid you not I used it in every possible place I could. 
Science (?) 
I was still on the old system and I’m not sure if it is changing for your year? Free science lessons on youtube was basically my saviour and past papers are your best friend. For biology it is just repetition of vocab and systems, I used a lot of acronyms and silly little jokes here and there. For chemistry keep practicing the maths part because that is where a lot of marks can be gained e.g. calculating moles and titration. For physics I just practiced lots of maths questions? I didn’t do too well in physics but *shrugs*
How I worked is I wrote up the lesson neatly the day after the class, before a test I would review it and during revision I condensed the information onto ¼ of an A4 page (I didn’t find flash cards big enough and hard to draw diagrams and stuff) and repeated condensing of information so it got to a pint where each type of cell had their own ¼ A4 page for themselves.
In summary:
Maths: Repetition, repetition, repetition. Write out equations for absolutely every single question you do. Past papers/specimen papers/9-1 hard questions booklets you can find online.
English lit: Learn how many points per question, examiners love a good introduction and conclusion (2 sentences will do fine) but it’s not the end of the world. Flash cards for each theme, setting and character. Learn the key context, structure and imagery of a handful of poems that can be compared to a number of different poems. Quotes, Quotes, Quotes. Shove them in where you can. One or two words quotes are ideal as you an easily embed them.
English Language: practice planning your essay answers for the longer questions (spend no longer than 3 minutes doing this) when annotating extracts don’t write out full ideas or sentences of the extract it wastes time and that sheet is not marked. Just write down a few words for a point you can use. Imaginative writing plan your answer for no longer than 5 minutes, remember to use punctuation, varied sentence length, vary sentence starters and do not be cliché e.g. and it was all a dream *pukes*. 
Science: Write down every formula you use for every calculation question e.g. moles=mass/RFM, Moles=volume x concentration in chemistry. practice past paper questions. LEARN UNITS THEY CAN GAIN A MARK. e.g. J or Hz. Acronyms are a life saver for remembering complex systems like the kidneys in biology. Silly little things help too. e.g. remembering the blood vessels in the heart I think VAVAVA  (Vena cava, right Atrium, right Ventricle, pulmonary Artery, pulmonary Vein and Aorta.) 
General: Find a system that works, for me it is just writing things over and over again. You may find the leitner system useful (link below) or mind maps. Find what works for you and don’t listen to a teacher telling you to do revision a certain way because “variation helps” which is a complete lie. Just find what works for you. 
Also prioritise, subjects you do value as much can wait a day, for me German was not as important as maths so i spent more time on maths than german (as an example) but don’t completely abandon a subject because you will get stressed.
I hope this was of some use to you and maybe you can pick out a few things to help you revise. This year will be tiring but it will pay off on results day, trust me. My main tip is to just keep on top of work and get things done asap. Good luck with your exams this coming year I believe in you! 
- Natalia x
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albertcaldwellne · 7 years
Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers
Imagine this: you’re training a champion athlete or an actor to be the next Marvel superhero. Each day they arrive at your gym and have a killer workout, followed by the perfect post-training meal. Their productivity is envy-inducing. 
Then they go on vacation.
They fumble around the resort gym trying to figure out exercise replacements. Eventually, they give up and return to the pool bar for a round of margarita’s to ease the pain and embarrassment of failure.
The former is an environment built for proactive high-performance. The latter describes a reactive scene of struggle and loss.
Similar scenarios play out everyday in your quest for high-performance at work, in your writing, and for your coaching business.
If you are proactive, plan ahead, and follow the playbook of a high-performer, you can crush the competition and dominate every day.
But if you get soft and lazy, wing it, and wake up unproductive and reactive, you’ll struggle, kill your momentum, and end up joining the New York Jets down on Loser Street.
I’m here to save you and your clients from that fate (although sorry, we can’t save the Jets… I’m not a miracle worker).
Follow these 7 rules of high-performers so you don’t miss out on a single day of making massive progress towards your big goals and dreams.
1. Harness Your Champion Mindset
We’ve all been champions at one point in our lives. You might have been a state champion, a top bodybuilder, head of your fraternity or sorority, star of your school play, or the valedictorian of your class. Maybe you’ve had an amazing ‘before-and-after’ transformation or simply married out of your league.
Somewhere along the line, your plan came together and you rose to the top. That means you already have a champion mindset installed inside of you. Now, to get to the next level in life, you simply need to harness the power of your championship principles.
The winning principles in life are simple. I’ve seen them work time-after-time in many different industries for my thousands of coaching clients. I call them the 5 Pillars of Success:
i) Better Planning & Preparation Than Ever Before ii) Professional Accountability (your ‘coach’) iii) Positive Social Support (your ‘cheerleaders’) iv) A Meaningful Incentive v) The BIG Deadline
When you have these Championship Principles in place you can win the CrossFit Games, write your first book, or build a 7-figure coaching program.
Go back to a point in time where you had incredible success in life, look at what you did right, and apply those lessons to your life today.
2. Make Time Magic
If you’ve read my book, The Perfect Day Formula, you’ve heard the phrase “Magic Time.” This is the two-hour block of the day where you are three times more productive than usual. For many, like myself, magic time is in the morning.
Case in point: I wrote this 2000 word article in one shot between 4:05 and 6:15 a.m.
But at the Fitness Business Summit 2017 (FBS), John Romaniello challenged me on this principle. He said, “Screw Magic Time. Ignore Craig Ballantyne. Forget Bally the Dog.” Okay, he didn’t mention my dog (he’s not that cruel), but Roman did say that Magic Time wasn’t as effective as the power of a deadline.
At first I seethed with anger. Seethed, I tell you, seethed. (If you’ve never seen a Canadian seething with rage, just picture Mel Gibson in a 1970’s era hockey fight.) But after reflecting on what John said, his argument helped me modify, and improve, my Magic Time formula to make you an even more effective high performer.
There are multiple times of day when you can “trick” your body or your mind into performing at a higher level than you thought possible. It might be in your “Magic Time”, or it might be when you give yourself a hard deadline with consequences.
I still believe in the power of Magic Time. You need to find it in your day, and ruthlessly foster it and protect it from all the time thieves in your life.
And yes, as effective as Magic Time is, there’s nothing more powerful than a deadline.
I agree.
A deadline helps a high performer to get stuff done in record time for three reasons:
First, it spurs us to overcome the initial inertia.
Second, it keeps us going through the middle of a tough project knowing that we’re on the homestretch.
And third, it gets us to work faster and push harder the closer we get to the finish line.
3. Corollary: Make Time Your Bitch
“It’s not about the hour you get up, it’s about what you do with the hours that you are up.” – Craig Ballantyne
I don’t care what time you get up.
In fact, I don’t want you to get up at 4 a.m. One of the reasons I get up early is to avoid other people. So go back to bed and leave me alone!
High performers don’t worry about the clock. They focus on the concept of time and bend it to their will, owning their day and controlling their life. Let’s look at two extreme examples.
I get up at 3:45 a.m. seven days a week. It’s essential that I start writing at 4 a.m.
On the other hand, my good friend, Joel Marion has spent the last nine years dominating the online fitness and supplement industry working between the hours of 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. He clocks out when I clock in.
The actual hours don’t matter. Forget where the hands are on the clock. What matters is that high-performers take complete control over time and operate on their own time.
We snub the convention of the world and work when it works for us. We make the world operate on their clock, not the other way around. If you want to work from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., then so be it. 
4. Today’s To-Do is for Tomorrow
One of the biggest mistakes potential high-performers make is waiting until the morning to create a to-do list.
But if you are making your to-do list in the morning, you are already too late. The list needs to be done the night before so you can wake up and get right to work.
Here’s a two-step plan for finishing your day correctly and starting tomorrow with a big win.
First, at the end of your workday, grab a scrap piece of paper and do what I call “a brain dump.” Write down all the crazy thoughts running through your head, such as all the things you want to do the next day, all the people you need to contact, and all the obstacles in your way.
Next, organize these thoughts into your to-do list. Prioritize your action items. Script your day. Cut what doesn’t matter. Insert your most important work tasks into clearly defined and defended blocks of time.
There you go. Tomorrow has been conquered today.
Planning ahead is a high-performers secret to success.
“Nothing wins more often than superior preparation. Genius is usually preparation.” – Kekich Credo #73
5. Feed Your Brain Rocket Fuel
This section isn’t a lecture on protein intake, organic foods, or staying hydrated. Gwenyth Paltrow can tell you how to do that. (Seriously, her Goop.com is one of my favorite reads.)
Besides, you most likely know physical nutrition inside-and-out. Instead, we’re going deeper and darker, and pushing the envelope with an edgy approach to fueling your mind.
You see, high-performers need a little extra. It could be caffeine, or it might be bourbon at 11 p.m. as you settle into a writing frenzy. 
Now I’m not suggesting you go full Hunter S. Thompson mode where you start your day with a line of cocaine at 4 p.m., but you need to give your mind whatever it needs to crank out content.
I initially resisted this idea. My father was an alcoholic, and it made me never wanted to become dependent on any substance in life.
For example, I would never go more than two days in a row consuming caffeine. I know you coffee drinkers can’t believe this. But I’m serious.
However, a little self-reflection made me realize that my best writing days were enhanced with a little rocket fuel for the brain (i.e. caffeine), so I loosened up and my performance went through the roof.
Keep in mind this is a calculated dose of rocket fuel, and you’re not being given permission to dose yourself willy-nilly.
Identify your rocket fuel. Dose accordingly. 6. Create an Insanely Clear & Concise Vision
High performers do this for every aspect of their lives; they create an insanely clear and concise vision of what they want. 
In my workshops and at my retreat, I take my coaching clients through an extensive two-hour vision creation process. It eliminates the clutter in your mind, and it gives you complete clarity on what matters in your life and how to achieve exactly what you want.
Once you’ve created your vision, only then can you start putting in place your daily high-performance habits that will bring you faster results in every area of your life.
Just like you can’t design a killer training program without knowing your client’s goals, and just like you can’t build a house without blueprints, you can’t get what you want without a vision.
7 . Model Other High Performers
This is not a definitive list of the rules that high performers follow, but it’s a good place for you to start so you can own your days and take back control of your life.
When you put these high performer habits in place, you’ll triple your productivity and start attracting more success and opportunity into your life. It’s a proven equation for domination.
But frankly, there’s so much more you need to install into your life in order to be the ultimate high-performer that you know you can be.
After working with over 5,000 coaching clients, I still see the need for greater self-confidence and techniques to overcome self-doubt, as well as better systems for eliminating temptations, obstacles, and external negativity that are likely holding you back in the first place.
That’s why I’d like to invite you to my Perfect Life Retreat on November 9-10th in San Diego.
You’ll join me, John Romaniello, Lewis Howes, Jason Ferruggia, Tucker Max, Bedros Keuilian, and over 200 other high performers across dozens of industries (from Hollywood actors to female entrepreneurs to The New York Times bestselling authors).
Over the two days we’ll do a deep dive into installing the Habits of High Performers into your life so you can finally achieve the success you deserve.
But this isn’t another seminar where you sit through lecture after lecture and leave with 40 pages of notes that you never end up implementing.
Instead, after we create the roadmap (vision) for your life, we’ll spend the rest of the time working through concrete action plans so that you leave with most of the work done-for-you and the snowball of success rolling down the hill and your momentum picking up speed.
At the end of our time together, you’ll walk away with a crystal clear action plan to achieve exactly what you want in life.
Plus, our team is doing something for you that you’ve never experienced at any other event.
As a recovering introvert, I know how difficult networking can be, even when you’re in a room of positive high-performers. That’s why our team is spending dozens of hours making your connections in advance.
We’ll give you a done-for-you list of who you need to meet (and why), so that you can make big-money connections easily and automatically. If even a fraction of the 100+ events I had attended in the past would have done this, I’d be exponentially more successful than I am today.
If you want to be a high-performer, if you want to install your champion mindset into every area of your life, if you want to meet the writers, coaches, and speakers that you’ve looked up to for years, and if you want to get a proven blueprint that gives you faster results, then you can’t miss out on the 1st ever Perfect Life Retreat.
Last thing… Roman’s twisted my arm and made me keep open my BOGO (buy one, get one) offer for his readers. That means when you register today that you get to bring a high-performer friend for free.
Click here to take advantage of this deal today.
The post Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers appeared first on Roman Fitness Systems.
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ruthellisneda · 7 years
Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers
Imagine this: you’re training a champion athlete or an actor to be the next Marvel superhero. Each day they arrive at your gym and have a killer workout, followed by the perfect post-training meal. Their productivity is envy-inducing. 
Then they go on vacation.
They fumble around the resort gym trying to figure out exercise replacements. Eventually, they give up and return to the pool bar for a round of margarita’s to ease the pain and embarrassment of failure.
The former is an environment built for proactive high-performance. The latter describes a reactive scene of struggle and loss.
Similar scenarios play out everyday in your quest for high-performance at work, in your writing, and for your coaching business.
If you are proactive, plan ahead, and follow the playbook of a high-performer, you can crush the competition and dominate every day.
But if you get soft and lazy, wing it, and wake up unproductive and reactive, you’ll struggle, kill your momentum, and end up joining the New York Jets down on Loser Street.
I’m here to save you and your clients from that fate (although sorry, we can’t save the Jets… I’m not a miracle worker).
Follow these 7 rules of high-performers so you don’t miss out on a single day of making massive progress towards your big goals and dreams.
1. Harness Your Champion Mindset
We’ve all been champions at one point in our lives. You might have been a state champion, a top bodybuilder, head of your fraternity or sorority, star of your school play, or the valedictorian of your class. Maybe you’ve had an amazing ‘before-and-after’ transformation or simply married out of your league.
Somewhere along the line, your plan came together and you rose to the top. That means you already have a champion mindset installed inside of you. Now, to get to the next level in life, you simply need to harness the power of your championship principles.
The winning principles in life are simple. I’ve seen them work time-after-time in many different industries for my thousands of coaching clients. I call them the 5 Pillars of Success:
i) Better Planning & Preparation Than Ever Before ii) Professional Accountability (your ‘coach’) iii) Positive Social Support (your ‘cheerleaders’) iv) A Meaningful Incentive v) The BIG Deadline
When you have these Championship Principles in place you can win the CrossFit Games, write your first book, or build a 7-figure coaching program.
Go back to a point in time where you had incredible success in life, look at what you did right, and apply those lessons to your life today.
2. Make Time Magic
If you’ve read my book, The Perfect Day Formula, you’ve heard the phrase “Magic Time.” This is the two-hour block of the day where you are three times more productive than usual. For many, like myself, magic time is in the morning.
Case in point: I wrote this 2000 word article in one shot between 4:05 and 6:15 a.m.
But at the Fitness Business Summit 2017 (FBS), John Romaniello challenged me on this principle. He said, “Screw Magic Time. Ignore Craig Ballantyne. Forget Bally the Dog.” Okay, he didn’t mention my dog (he’s not that cruel), but Roman did say that Magic Time wasn’t as effective as the power of a deadline.
At first I seethed with anger. Seethed, I tell you, seethed. (If you’ve never seen a Canadian seething with rage, just picture Mel Gibson in a 1970’s era hockey fight.) But after reflecting on what John said, his argument helped me modify, and improve, my Magic Time formula to make you an even more effective high performer.
There are multiple times of day when you can “trick” your body or your mind into performing at a higher level than you thought possible. It might be in your “Magic Time”, or it might be when you give yourself a hard deadline with consequences.
I still believe in the power of Magic Time. You need to find it in your day, and ruthlessly foster it and protect it from all the time thieves in your life.
And yes, as effective as Magic Time is, there’s nothing more powerful than a deadline.
I agree.
A deadline helps a high performer to get stuff done in record time for three reasons:
First, it spurs us to overcome the initial inertia.
Second, it keeps us going through the middle of a tough project knowing that we’re on the homestretch.
And third, it gets us to work faster and push harder the closer we get to the finish line.
3. Corollary: Make Time Your Bitch
“It’s not about the hour you get up, it’s about what you do with the hours that you are up.” – Craig Ballantyne
I don’t care what time you get up.
In fact, I don’t want you to get up at 4 a.m. One of the reasons I get up early is to avoid other people. So go back to bed and leave me alone!
High performers don’t worry about the clock. They focus on the concept of time and bend it to their will, owning their day and controlling their life. Let’s look at two extreme examples.
I get up at 3:45 a.m. seven days a week. It’s essential that I start writing at 4 a.m.
On the other hand, my good friend, Joel Marion has spent the last nine years dominating the online fitness and supplement industry working between the hours of 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. He clocks out when I clock in.
The actual hours don’t matter. Forget where the hands are on the clock. What matters is that high-performers take complete control over time and operate on their own time.
We snub the convention of the world and work when it works for us. We make the world operate on their clock, not the other way around. If you want to work from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., then so be it. 
4. Today’s To-Do is for Tomorrow
One of the biggest mistakes potential high-performers make is waiting until the morning to create a to-do list.
But if you are making your to-do list in the morning, you are already too late. The list needs to be done the night before so you can wake up and get right to work.
Here’s a two-step plan for finishing your day correctly and starting tomorrow with a big win.
First, at the end of your workday, grab a scrap piece of paper and do what I call “a brain dump.” Write down all the crazy thoughts running through your head, such as all the things you want to do the next day, all the people you need to contact, and all the obstacles in your way.
Next, organize these thoughts into your to-do list. Prioritize your action items. Script your day. Cut what doesn’t matter. Insert your most important work tasks into clearly defined and defended blocks of time.
There you go. Tomorrow has been conquered today.
Planning ahead is a high-performers secret to success.
“Nothing wins more often than superior preparation. Genius is usually preparation.” – Kekich Credo #73
5. Feed Your Brain Rocket Fuel
This section isn’t a lecture on protein intake, organic foods, or staying hydrated. Gwenyth Paltrow can tell you how to do that. (Seriously, her Goop.com is one of my favorite reads.)
Besides, you most likely know physical nutrition inside-and-out. Instead, we’re going deeper and darker, and pushing the envelope with an edgy approach to fueling your mind.
You see, high-performers need a little extra. It could be caffeine, or it might be bourbon at 11 p.m. as you settle into a writing frenzy. 
Now I’m not suggesting you go full Hunter S. Thompson mode where you start your day with a line of cocaine at 4 p.m., but you need to give your mind whatever it needs to crank out content.
I initially resisted this idea. My father was an alcoholic, and it made me never wanted to become dependent on any substance in life.
For example, I would never go more than two days in a row consuming caffeine. I know you coffee drinkers can’t believe this. But I’m serious.
However, a little self-reflection made me realize that my best writing days were enhanced with a little rocket fuel for the brain (i.e. caffeine), so I loosened up and my performance went through the roof.
Keep in mind this is a calculated dose of rocket fuel, and you’re not being given permission to dose yourself willy-nilly.
Identify your rocket fuel. Dose accordingly. 6. Create an Insanely Clear & Concise Vision
High performers do this for every aspect of their lives; they create an insanely clear and concise vision of what they want. 
In my workshops and at my retreat, I take my coaching clients through an extensive two-hour vision creation process. It eliminates the clutter in your mind, and it gives you complete clarity on what matters in your life and how to achieve exactly what you want.
Once you’ve created your vision, only then can you start putting in place your daily high-performance habits that will bring you faster results in every area of your life.
Just like you can’t design a killer training program without knowing your client’s goals, and just like you can’t build a house without blueprints, you can’t get what you want without a vision.
7 . Model Other High Performers
This is not a definitive list of the rules that high performers follow, but it’s a good place for you to start so you can own your days and take back control of your life.
When you put these high performer habits in place, you’ll triple your productivity and start attracting more success and opportunity into your life. It’s a proven equation for domination.
But frankly, there’s so much more you need to install into your life in order to be the ultimate high-performer that you know you can be.
After working with over 5,000 coaching clients, I still see the need for greater self-confidence and techniques to overcome self-doubt, as well as better systems for eliminating temptations, obstacles, and external negativity that are likely holding you back in the first place.
That’s why I’d like to invite you to my Perfect Life Retreat on November 9-10th in San Diego.
You’ll join me, John Romaniello, Lewis Howes, Jason Ferruggia, Tucker Max, Bedros Keuilian, and over 200 other high performers across dozens of industries (from Hollywood actors to female entrepreneurs to The New York Times bestselling authors).
Over the two days we’ll do a deep dive into installing the Habits of High Performers into your life so you can finally achieve the success you deserve.
But this isn’t another seminar where you sit through lecture after lecture and leave with 40 pages of notes that you never end up implementing.
Instead, after we create the roadmap (vision) for your life, we’ll spend the rest of the time working through concrete action plans so that you leave with most of the work done-for-you and the snowball of success rolling down the hill and your momentum picking up speed.
At the end of our time together, you’ll walk away with a crystal clear action plan to achieve exactly what you want in life.
Plus, our team is doing something for you that you’ve never experienced at any other event.
As a recovering introvert, I know how difficult networking can be, even when you’re in a room of positive high-performers. That’s why our team is spending dozens of hours making your connections in advance.
We’ll give you a done-for-you list of who you need to meet (and why), so that you can make big-money connections easily and automatically. If even a fraction of the 100+ events I had attended in the past would have done this, I’d be exponentially more successful than I am today.
If you want to be a high-performer, if you want to install your champion mindset into every area of your life, if you want to meet the writers, coaches, and speakers that you’ve looked up to for years, and if you want to get a proven blueprint that gives you faster results, then you can’t miss out on the 1st ever Perfect Life Retreat.
Last thing… Roman’s twisted my arm and made me keep open my BOGO (buy one, get one) offer for his readers. That means when you register today that you get to bring a high-performer friend for free.
Click here to take advantage of this deal today.
The post Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers appeared first on Roman Fitness Systems.
0 notes
almajonesnjna · 7 years
Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers
Imagine this: you’re training a champion athlete or an actor to be the next Marvel superhero. Each day they arrive at your gym and have a killer workout, followed by the perfect post-training meal. Their productivity is envy-inducing. 
Then they go on vacation.
They fumble around the resort gym trying to figure out exercise replacements. Eventually, they give up and return to the pool bar for a round of margarita’s to ease the pain and embarrassment of failure.
The former is an environment built for proactive high-performance. The latter describes a reactive scene of struggle and loss.
Similar scenarios play out everyday in your quest for high-performance at work, in your writing, and for your coaching business.
If you are proactive, plan ahead, and follow the playbook of a high-performer, you can crush the competition and dominate every day.
But if you get soft and lazy, wing it, and wake up unproductive and reactive, you’ll struggle, kill your momentum, and end up joining the New York Jets down on Loser Street.
I’m here to save you and your clients from that fate (although sorry, we can’t save the Jets… I’m not a miracle worker).
Follow these 7 rules of high-performers so you don’t miss out on a single day of making massive progress towards your big goals and dreams.
1. Harness Your Champion Mindset
We’ve all been champions at one point in our lives. You might have been a state champion, a top bodybuilder, head of your fraternity or sorority, star of your school play, or the valedictorian of your class. Maybe you’ve had an amazing ‘before-and-after’ transformation or simply married out of your league.
Somewhere along the line, your plan came together and you rose to the top. That means you already have a champion mindset installed inside of you. Now, to get to the next level in life, you simply need to harness the power of your championship principles.
The winning principles in life are simple. I’ve seen them work time-after-time in many different industries for my thousands of coaching clients. I call them the 5 Pillars of Success:
i) Better Planning & Preparation Than Ever Before ii) Professional Accountability (your ‘coach’) iii) Positive Social Support (your ‘cheerleaders’) iv) A Meaningful Incentive v) The BIG Deadline
When you have these Championship Principles in place you can win the CrossFit Games, write your first book, or build a 7-figure coaching program.
Go back to a point in time where you had incredible success in life, look at what you did right, and apply those lessons to your life today.
2. Make Time Magic
If you’ve read my book, The Perfect Day Formula, you’ve heard the phrase “Magic Time.” This is the two-hour block of the day where you are three times more productive than usual. For many, like myself, magic time is in the morning.
Case in point: I wrote this 2000 word article in one shot between 4:05 and 6:15 a.m.
But at the Fitness Business Summit 2017 (FBS), John Romaniello challenged me on this principle. He said, “Screw Magic Time. Ignore Craig Ballantyne. Forget Bally the Dog.” Okay, he didn’t mention my dog (he’s not that cruel), but Roman did say that Magic Time wasn’t as effective as the power of a deadline.
At first I seethed with anger. Seethed, I tell you, seethed. (If you’ve never seen a Canadian seething with rage, just picture Mel Gibson in a 1970’s era hockey fight.) But after reflecting on what John said, his argument helped me modify, and improve, my Magic Time formula to make you an even more effective high performer.
There are multiple times of day when you can “trick” your body or your mind into performing at a higher level than you thought possible. It might be in your “Magic Time”, or it might be when you give yourself a hard deadline with consequences.
I still believe in the power of Magic Time. You need to find it in your day, and ruthlessly foster it and protect it from all the time thieves in your life.
And yes, as effective as Magic Time is, there’s nothing more powerful than a deadline.
I agree.
A deadline helps a high performer to get stuff done in record time for three reasons:
First, it spurs us to overcome the initial inertia.
Second, it keeps us going through the middle of a tough project knowing that we’re on the homestretch.
And third, it gets us to work faster and push harder the closer we get to the finish line.
3. Corollary: Make Time Your Bitch
“It’s not about the hour you get up, it’s about what you do with the hours that you are up.” – Craig Ballantyne
I don’t care what time you get up.
In fact, I don’t want you to get up at 4 a.m. One of the reasons I get up early is to avoid other people. So go back to bed and leave me alone!
High performers don’t worry about the clock. They focus on the concept of time and bend it to their will, owning their day and controlling their life. Let’s look at two extreme examples.
I get up at 3:45 a.m. seven days a week. It’s essential that I start writing at 4 a.m.
On the other hand, my good friend, Joel Marion has spent the last nine years dominating the online fitness and supplement industry working between the hours of 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. He clocks out when I clock in.
The actual hours don’t matter. Forget where the hands are on the clock. What matters is that high-performers take complete control over time and operate on their own time.
We snub the convention of the world and work when it works for us. We make the world operate on their clock, not the other way around. If you want to work from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., then so be it. 
4. Today’s To-Do is for Tomorrow
One of the biggest mistakes potential high-performers make is waiting until the morning to create a to-do list.
But if you are making your to-do list in the morning, you are already too late. The list needs to be done the night before so you can wake up and get right to work.
Here’s a two-step plan for finishing your day correctly and starting tomorrow with a big win.
First, at the end of your workday, grab a scrap piece of paper and do what I call “a brain dump.” Write down all the crazy thoughts running through your head, such as all the things you want to do the next day, all the people you need to contact, and all the obstacles in your way.
Next, organize these thoughts into your to-do list. Prioritize your action items. Script your day. Cut what doesn’t matter. Insert your most important work tasks into clearly defined and defended blocks of time.
There you go. Tomorrow has been conquered today.
Planning ahead is a high-performers secret to success.
“Nothing wins more often than superior preparation. Genius is usually preparation.” – Kekich Credo #73
5. Feed Your Brain Rocket Fuel
This section isn’t a lecture on protein intake, organic foods, or staying hydrated. Gwenyth Paltrow can tell you how to do that. (Seriously, her Goop.com is one of my favorite reads.)
Besides, you most likely know physical nutrition inside-and-out. Instead, we’re going deeper and darker, and pushing the envelope with an edgy approach to fueling your mind.
You see, high-performers need a little extra. It could be caffeine, or it might be bourbon at 11 p.m. as you settle into a writing frenzy. 
Now I’m not suggesting you go full Hunter S. Thompson mode where you start your day with a line of cocaine at 4 p.m., but you need to give your mind whatever it needs to crank out content.
I initially resisted this idea. My father was an alcoholic, and it made me never wanted to become dependent on any substance in life.
For example, I would never go more than two days in a row consuming caffeine. I know you coffee drinkers can’t believe this. But I’m serious.
However, a little self-reflection made me realize that my best writing days were enhanced with a little rocket fuel for the brain (i.e. caffeine), so I loosened up and my performance went through the roof.
Keep in mind this is a calculated dose of rocket fuel, and you’re not being given permission to dose yourself willy-nilly.
Identify your rocket fuel. Dose accordingly. 6. Create an Insanely Clear & Concise Vision
High performers do this for every aspect of their lives; they create an insanely clear and concise vision of what they want. 
In my workshops and at my retreat, I take my coaching clients through an extensive two-hour vision creation process. It eliminates the clutter in your mind, and it gives you complete clarity on what matters in your life and how to achieve exactly what you want.
Once you’ve created your vision, only then can you start putting in place your daily high-performance habits that will bring you faster results in every area of your life.
Just like you can’t design a killer training program without knowing your client’s goals, and just like you can’t build a house without blueprints, you can’t get what you want without a vision.
7 . Model Other High Performers
This is not a definitive list of the rules that high performers follow, but it’s a good place for you to start so you can own your days and take back control of your life.
When you put these high performer habits in place, you’ll triple your productivity and start attracting more success and opportunity into your life. It’s a proven equation for domination.
But frankly, there’s so much more you need to install into your life in order to be the ultimate high-performer that you know you can be.
After working with over 5,000 coaching clients, I still see the need for greater self-confidence and techniques to overcome self-doubt, as well as better systems for eliminating temptations, obstacles, and external negativity that are likely holding you back in the first place.
That’s why I’d like to invite you to my Perfect Life Retreat on November 9-10th in San Diego.
You’ll join me, John Romaniello, Lewis Howes, Jason Ferruggia, Tucker Max, Bedros Keuilian, and over 200 other high performers across dozens of industries (from Hollywood actors to female entrepreneurs to The New York Times bestselling authors).
Over the two days we’ll do a deep dive into installing the Habits of High Performers into your life so you can finally achieve the success you deserve.
But this isn’t another seminar where you sit through lecture after lecture and leave with 40 pages of notes that you never end up implementing.
Instead, after we create the roadmap (vision) for your life, we’ll spend the rest of the time working through concrete action plans so that you leave with most of the work done-for-you and the snowball of success rolling down the hill and your momentum picking up speed.
At the end of our time together, you’ll walk away with a crystal clear action plan to achieve exactly what you want in life.
Plus, our team is doing something for you that you’ve never experienced at any other event.
As a recovering introvert, I know how difficult networking can be, even when you’re in a room of positive high-performers. That’s why our team is spending dozens of hours making your connections in advance.
We’ll give you a done-for-you list of who you need to meet (and why), so that you can make big-money connections easily and automatically. If even a fraction of the 100+ events I had attended in the past would have done this, I’d be exponentially more successful than I am today.
If you want to be a high-performer, if you want to install your champion mindset into every area of your life, if you want to meet the writers, coaches, and speakers that you’ve looked up to for years, and if you want to get a proven blueprint that gives you faster results, then you can’t miss out on the 1st ever Perfect Life Retreat.
Last thing… Roman’s twisted my arm and made me keep open my BOGO (buy one, get one) offer for his readers. That means when you register today that you get to bring a high-performer friend for free.
Click here to take advantage of this deal today.
The post Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers appeared first on Roman Fitness Systems.
0 notes
neilmillerne · 7 years
Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers
Imagine this: you’re training a champion athlete or an actor to be the next Marvel superhero. Each day they arrive at your gym and have a killer workout, followed by the perfect post-training meal. Their productivity is envy-inducing. 
Then they go on vacation.
They fumble around the resort gym trying to figure out exercise replacements. Eventually, they give up and return to the pool bar for a round of margarita’s to ease the pain and embarrassment of failure.
The former is an environment built for proactive high-performance. The latter describes a reactive scene of struggle and loss.
Similar scenarios play out everyday in your quest for high-performance at work, in your writing, and for your coaching business.
If you are proactive, plan ahead, and follow the playbook of a high-performer, you can crush the competition and dominate every day.
But if you get soft and lazy, wing it, and wake up unproductive and reactive, you’ll struggle, kill your momentum, and end up joining the New York Jets down on Loser Street.
I’m here to save you and your clients from that fate (although sorry, we can’t save the Jets… I’m not a miracle worker).
Follow these 7 rules of high-performers so you don’t miss out on a single day of making massive progress towards your big goals and dreams.
1. Harness Your Champion Mindset
We’ve all been champions at one point in our lives. You might have been a state champion, a top bodybuilder, head of your fraternity or sorority, star of your school play, or the valedictorian of your class. Maybe you’ve had an amazing ‘before-and-after’ transformation or simply married out of your league.
Somewhere along the line, your plan came together and you rose to the top. That means you already have a champion mindset installed inside of you. Now, to get to the next level in life, you simply need to harness the power of your championship principles.
The winning principles in life are simple. I’ve seen them work time-after-time in many different industries for my thousands of coaching clients. I call them the 5 Pillars of Success:
i) Better Planning & Preparation Than Ever Before ii) Professional Accountability (your ‘coach’) iii) Positive Social Support (your ‘cheerleaders’) iv) A Meaningful Incentive v) The BIG Deadline
When you have these Championship Principles in place you can win the CrossFit Games, write your first book, or build a 7-figure coaching program.
Go back to a point in time where you had incredible success in life, look at what you did right, and apply those lessons to your life today.
2. Make Time Magic
If you’ve read my book, The Perfect Day Formula, you’ve heard the phrase “Magic Time.” This is the two-hour block of the day where you are three times more productive than usual. For many, like myself, magic time is in the morning.
Case in point: I wrote this 2000 word article in one shot between 4:05 and 6:15 a.m.
But at the Fitness Business Summit 2017 (FBS), John Romaniello challenged me on this principle. He said, “Screw Magic Time. Ignore Craig Ballantyne. Forget Bally the Dog.” Okay, he didn’t mention my dog (he’s not that cruel), but Roman did say that Magic Time wasn’t as effective as the power of a deadline.
At first I seethed with anger. Seethed, I tell you, seethed. (If you’ve never seen a Canadian seething with rage, just picture Mel Gibson in a 1970’s era hockey fight.) But after reflecting on what John said, his argument helped me modify, and improve, my Magic Time formula to make you an even more effective high performer.
There are multiple times of day when you can “trick” your body or your mind into performing at a higher level than you thought possible. It might be in your “Magic Time”, or it might be when you give yourself a hard deadline with consequences.
I still believe in the power of Magic Time. You need to find it in your day, and ruthlessly foster it and protect it from all the time thieves in your life.
And yes, as effective as Magic Time is, there’s nothing more powerful than a deadline.
I agree.
A deadline helps a high performer to get stuff done in record time for three reasons:
First, it spurs us to overcome the initial inertia.
Second, it keeps us going through the middle of a tough project knowing that we’re on the homestretch.
And third, it gets us to work faster and push harder the closer we get to the finish line.
3. Corollary: Make Time Your Bitch
“It’s not about the hour you get up, it’s about what you do with the hours that you are up.” – Craig Ballantyne
I don’t care what time you get up.
In fact, I don’t want you to get up at 4 a.m. One of the reasons I get up early is to avoid other people. So go back to bed and leave me alone!
High performers don’t worry about the clock. They focus on the concept of time and bend it to their will, owning their day and controlling their life. Let’s look at two extreme examples.
I get up at 3:45 a.m. seven days a week. It’s essential that I start writing at 4 a.m.
On the other hand, my good friend, Joel Marion has spent the last nine years dominating the online fitness and supplement industry working between the hours of 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. He clocks out when I clock in.
The actual hours don’t matter. Forget where the hands are on the clock. What matters is that high-performers take complete control over time and operate on their own time.
We snub the convention of the world and work when it works for us. We make the world operate on their clock, not the other way around. If you want to work from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., then so be it. 
4. Today’s To-Do is for Tomorrow
One of the biggest mistakes potential high-performers make is waiting until the morning to create a to-do list.
But if you are making your to-do list in the morning, you are already too late. The list needs to be done the night before so you can wake up and get right to work.
Here’s a two-step plan for finishing your day correctly and starting tomorrow with a big win.
First, at the end of your workday, grab a scrap piece of paper and do what I call “a brain dump.” Write down all the crazy thoughts running through your head, such as all the things you want to do the next day, all the people you need to contact, and all the obstacles in your way.
Next, organize these thoughts into your to-do list. Prioritize your action items. Script your day. Cut what doesn’t matter. Insert your most important work tasks into clearly defined and defended blocks of time.
There you go. Tomorrow has been conquered today.
Planning ahead is a high-performers secret to success.
“Nothing wins more often than superior preparation. Genius is usually preparation.” – Kekich Credo #73
5. Feed Your Brain Rocket Fuel
This section isn’t a lecture on protein intake, organic foods, or staying hydrated. Gwenyth Paltrow can tell you how to do that. (Seriously, her Goop.com is one of my favorite reads.)
Besides, you most likely know physical nutrition inside-and-out. Instead, we’re going deeper and darker, and pushing the envelope with an edgy approach to fueling your mind.
You see, high-performers need a little extra. It could be caffeine, or it might be bourbon at 11 p.m. as you settle into a writing frenzy. 
Now I’m not suggesting you go full Hunter S. Thompson mode where you start your day with a line of cocaine at 4 p.m., but you need to give your mind whatever it needs to crank out content.
I initially resisted this idea. My father was an alcoholic, and it made me never wanted to become dependent on any substance in life.
For example, I would never go more than two days in a row consuming caffeine. I know you coffee drinkers can’t believe this. But I’m serious.
However, a little self-reflection made me realize that my best writing days were enhanced with a little rocket fuel for the brain (i.e. caffeine), so I loosened up and my performance went through the roof.
Keep in mind this is a calculated dose of rocket fuel, and you’re not being given permission to dose yourself willy-nilly.
Identify your rocket fuel. Dose accordingly. 6. Create an Insanely Clear & Concise Vision
High performers do this for every aspect of their lives; they create an insanely clear and concise vision of what they want. 
In my workshops and at my retreat, I take my coaching clients through an extensive two-hour vision creation process. It eliminates the clutter in your mind, and it gives you complete clarity on what matters in your life and how to achieve exactly what you want.
Once you’ve created your vision, only then can you start putting in place your daily high-performance habits that will bring you faster results in every area of your life.
Just like you can’t design a killer training program without knowing your client’s goals, and just like you can’t build a house without blueprints, you can’t get what you want without a vision.
7 . Model Other High Performers
This is not a definitive list of the rules that high performers follow, but it’s a good place for you to start so you can own your days and take back control of your life.
When you put these high performer habits in place, you’ll triple your productivity and start attracting more success and opportunity into your life. It’s a proven equation for domination.
But frankly, there’s so much more you need to install into your life in order to be the ultimate high-performer that you know you can be.
After working with over 5,000 coaching clients, I still see the need for greater self-confidence and techniques to overcome self-doubt, as well as better systems for eliminating temptations, obstacles, and external negativity that are likely holding you back in the first place.
That’s why I’d like to invite you to my Perfect Life Retreat on November 9-10th in San Diego.
You’ll join me, John Romaniello, Lewis Howes, Jason Ferruggia, Tucker Max, Bedros Keuilian, and over 200 other high performers across dozens of industries (from Hollywood actors to female entrepreneurs to The New York Times bestselling authors).
Over the two days we’ll do a deep dive into installing the Habits of High Performers into your life so you can finally achieve the success you deserve.
But this isn’t another seminar where you sit through lecture after lecture and leave with 40 pages of notes that you never end up implementing.
Instead, after we create the roadmap (vision) for your life, we’ll spend the rest of the time working through concrete action plans so that you leave with most of the work done-for-you and the snowball of success rolling down the hill and your momentum picking up speed.
At the end of our time together, you’ll walk away with a crystal clear action plan to achieve exactly what you want in life.
Plus, our team is doing something for you that you’ve never experienced at any other event.
As a recovering introvert, I know how difficult networking can be, even when you’re in a room of positive high-performers. That’s why our team is spending dozens of hours making your connections in advance.
We’ll give you a done-for-you list of who you need to meet (and why), so that you can make big-money connections easily and automatically. If even a fraction of the 100+ events I had attended in the past would have done this, I’d be exponentially more successful than I am today.
If you want to be a high-performer, if you want to install your champion mindset into every area of your life, if you want to meet the writers, coaches, and speakers that you’ve looked up to for years, and if you want to get a proven blueprint that gives you faster results, then you can’t miss out on the 1st ever Perfect Life Retreat.
Last thing… Roman’s twisted my arm and made me keep open my BOGO (buy one, get one) offer for his readers. That means when you register today that you get to bring a high-performer friend for free.
Click here to take advantage of this deal today.
The post Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers appeared first on Roman Fitness Systems.
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johnclapperne · 7 years
Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers
Imagine this: you’re training a champion athlete or an actor to be the next Marvel superhero. Each day they arrive at your gym and have a killer workout, followed by the perfect post-training meal. Their productivity is envy-inducing. 
Then they go on vacation.
They fumble around the resort gym trying to figure out exercise replacements. Eventually, they give up and return to the pool bar for a round of margarita’s to ease the pain and embarrassment of failure.
The former is an environment built for proactive high-performance. The latter describes a reactive scene of struggle and loss.
Similar scenarios play out everyday in your quest for high-performance at work, in your writing, and for your coaching business.
If you are proactive, plan ahead, and follow the playbook of a high-performer, you can crush the competition and dominate every day.
But if you get soft and lazy, wing it, and wake up unproductive and reactive, you’ll struggle, kill your momentum, and end up joining the New York Jets down on Loser Street.
I’m here to save you and your clients from that fate (although sorry, we can’t save the Jets… I’m not a miracle worker).
Follow these 7 rules of high-performers so you don’t miss out on a single day of making massive progress towards your big goals and dreams.
1. Harness Your Champion Mindset
We’ve all been champions at one point in our lives. You might have been a state champion, a top bodybuilder, head of your fraternity or sorority, star of your school play, or the valedictorian of your class. Maybe you’ve had an amazing ‘before-and-after’ transformation or simply married out of your league.
Somewhere along the line, your plan came together and you rose to the top. That means you already have a champion mindset installed inside of you. Now, to get to the next level in life, you simply need to harness the power of your championship principles.
The winning principles in life are simple. I’ve seen them work time-after-time in many different industries for my thousands of coaching clients. I call them the 5 Pillars of Success:
i) Better Planning & Preparation Than Ever Before ii) Professional Accountability (your ‘coach’) iii) Positive Social Support (your ‘cheerleaders’) iv) A Meaningful Incentive v) The BIG Deadline
When you have these Championship Principles in place you can win the CrossFit Games, write your first book, or build a 7-figure coaching program.
Go back to a point in time where you had incredible success in life, look at what you did right, and apply those lessons to your life today.
2. Make Time Magic
If you’ve read my book, The Perfect Day Formula, you’ve heard the phrase “Magic Time.” This is the two-hour block of the day where you are three times more productive than usual. For many, like myself, magic time is in the morning.
Case in point: I wrote this 2000 word article in one shot between 4:05 and 6:15 a.m.
But at the Fitness Business Summit 2017 (FBS), John Romaniello challenged me on this principle. He said, “Screw Magic Time. Ignore Craig Ballantyne. Forget Bally the Dog.” Okay, he didn’t mention my dog (he’s not that cruel), but Roman did say that Magic Time wasn’t as effective as the power of a deadline.
At first I seethed with anger. Seethed, I tell you, seethed. (If you’ve never seen a Canadian seething with rage, just picture Mel Gibson in a 1970’s era hockey fight.) But after reflecting on what John said, his argument helped me modify, and improve, my Magic Time formula to make you an even more effective high performer.
There are multiple times of day when you can “trick” your body or your mind into performing at a higher level than you thought possible. It might be in your “Magic Time”, or it might be when you give yourself a hard deadline with consequences.
I still believe in the power of Magic Time. You need to find it in your day, and ruthlessly foster it and protect it from all the time thieves in your life.
And yes, as effective as Magic Time is, there’s nothing more powerful than a deadline.
I agree.
A deadline helps a high performer to get stuff done in record time for three reasons:
First, it spurs us to overcome the initial inertia.
Second, it keeps us going through the middle of a tough project knowing that we’re on the homestretch.
And third, it gets us to work faster and push harder the closer we get to the finish line.
3. Corollary: Make Time Your Bitch
“It’s not about the hour you get up, it’s about what you do with the hours that you are up.” – Craig Ballantyne
I don’t care what time you get up.
In fact, I don’t want you to get up at 4 a.m. One of the reasons I get up early is to avoid other people. So go back to bed and leave me alone!
High performers don’t worry about the clock. They focus on the concept of time and bend it to their will, owning their day and controlling their life. Let’s look at two extreme examples.
I get up at 3:45 a.m. seven days a week. It’s essential that I start writing at 4 a.m.
On the other hand, my good friend, Joel Marion has spent the last nine years dominating the online fitness and supplement industry working between the hours of 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. He clocks out when I clock in.
The actual hours don’t matter. Forget where the hands are on the clock. What matters is that high-performers take complete control over time and operate on their own time.
We snub the convention of the world and work when it works for us. We make the world operate on their clock, not the other way around. If you want to work from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., then so be it. 
4. Today’s To-Do is for Tomorrow
One of the biggest mistakes potential high-performers make is waiting until the morning to create a to-do list.
But if you are making your to-do list in the morning, you are already too late. The list needs to be done the night before so you can wake up and get right to work.
Here’s a two-step plan for finishing your day correctly and starting tomorrow with a big win.
First, at the end of your workday, grab a scrap piece of paper and do what I call “a brain dump.” Write down all the crazy thoughts running through your head, such as all the things you want to do the next day, all the people you need to contact, and all the obstacles in your way.
Next, organize these thoughts into your to-do list. Prioritize your action items. Script your day. Cut what doesn’t matter. Insert your most important work tasks into clearly defined and defended blocks of time.
There you go. Tomorrow has been conquered today.
Planning ahead is a high-performers secret to success.
“Nothing wins more often than superior preparation. Genius is usually preparation.” – Kekich Credo #73
5. Feed Your Brain Rocket Fuel
This section isn’t a lecture on protein intake, organic foods, or staying hydrated. Gwenyth Paltrow can tell you how to do that. (Seriously, her Goop.com is one of my favorite reads.)
Besides, you most likely know physical nutrition inside-and-out. Instead, we’re going deeper and darker, and pushing the envelope with an edgy approach to fueling your mind.
You see, high-performers need a little extra. It could be caffeine, or it might be bourbon at 11 p.m. as you settle into a writing frenzy. 
Now I’m not suggesting you go full Hunter S. Thompson mode where you start your day with a line of cocaine at 4 p.m., but you need to give your mind whatever it needs to crank out content.
I initially resisted this idea. My father was an alcoholic, and it made me never wanted to become dependent on any substance in life.
For example, I would never go more than two days in a row consuming caffeine. I know you coffee drinkers can’t believe this. But I’m serious.
However, a little self-reflection made me realize that my best writing days were enhanced with a little rocket fuel for the brain (i.e. caffeine), so I loosened up and my performance went through the roof.
Keep in mind this is a calculated dose of rocket fuel, and you’re not being given permission to dose yourself willy-nilly.
Identify your rocket fuel. Dose accordingly. 6. Create an Insanely Clear & Concise Vision
High performers do this for every aspect of their lives; they create an insanely clear and concise vision of what they want. 
In my workshops and at my retreat, I take my coaching clients through an extensive two-hour vision creation process. It eliminates the clutter in your mind, and it gives you complete clarity on what matters in your life and how to achieve exactly what you want.
Once you’ve created your vision, only then can you start putting in place your daily high-performance habits that will bring you faster results in every area of your life.
Just like you can’t design a killer training program without knowing your client’s goals, and just like you can’t build a house without blueprints, you can’t get what you want without a vision.
7 . Model Other High Performers
This is not a definitive list of the rules that high performers follow, but it’s a good place for you to start so you can own your days and take back control of your life.
When you put these high performer habits in place, you’ll triple your productivity and start attracting more success and opportunity into your life. It’s a proven equation for domination.
But frankly, there’s so much more you need to install into your life in order to be the ultimate high-performer that you know you can be.
After working with over 5,000 coaching clients, I still see the need for greater self-confidence and techniques to overcome self-doubt, as well as better systems for eliminating temptations, obstacles, and external negativity that are likely holding you back in the first place.
That’s why I’d like to invite you to my Perfect Life Retreat on November 9-10th in San Diego.
You’ll join me, John Romaniello, Lewis Howes, Jason Ferruggia, Tucker Max, Bedros Keuilian, and over 200 other high performers across dozens of industries (from Hollywood actors to female entrepreneurs to The New York Times bestselling authors).
Over the two days we’ll do a deep dive into installing the Habits of High Performers into your life so you can finally achieve the success you deserve.
But this isn’t another seminar where you sit through lecture after lecture and leave with 40 pages of notes that you never end up implementing.
Instead, after we create the roadmap (vision) for your life, we’ll spend the rest of the time working through concrete action plans so that you leave with most of the work done-for-you and the snowball of success rolling down the hill and your momentum picking up speed.
At the end of our time together, you’ll walk away with a crystal clear action plan to achieve exactly what you want in life.
Plus, our team is doing something for you that you’ve never experienced at any other event.
As a recovering introvert, I know how difficult networking can be, even when you’re in a room of positive high-performers. That’s why our team is spending dozens of hours making your connections in advance.
We’ll give you a done-for-you list of who you need to meet (and why), so that you can make big-money connections easily and automatically. If even a fraction of the 100+ events I had attended in the past would have done this, I’d be exponentially more successful than I am today.
If you want to be a high-performer, if you want to install your champion mindset into every area of your life, if you want to meet the writers, coaches, and speakers that you’ve looked up to for years, and if you want to get a proven blueprint that gives you faster results, then you can’t miss out on the 1st ever Perfect Life Retreat.
Last thing… Roman’s twisted my arm and made me keep open my BOGO (buy one, get one) offer for his readers. That means when you register today that you get to bring a high-performer friend for free.
Click here to take advantage of this deal today.
The post Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers appeared first on Roman Fitness Systems.
0 notes
joshuabradleyn · 7 years
Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers
Imagine this: you’re training a champion athlete or an actor to be the next Marvel superhero. Each day they arrive at your gym and have a killer workout, followed by the perfect post-training meal. Their productivity is envy-inducing. 
Then they go on vacation.
They fumble around the resort gym trying to figure out exercise replacements. Eventually, they give up and return to the pool bar for a round of margarita’s to ease the pain and embarrassment of failure.
The former is an environment built for proactive high-performance. The latter describes a reactive scene of struggle and loss.
Similar scenarios play out everyday in your quest for high-performance at work, in your writing, and for your coaching business.
If you are proactive, plan ahead, and follow the playbook of a high-performer, you can crush the competition and dominate every day.
But if you get soft and lazy, wing it, and wake up unproductive and reactive, you’ll struggle, kill your momentum, and end up joining the New York Jets down on Loser Street.
I’m here to save you and your clients from that fate (although sorry, we can’t save the Jets… I’m not a miracle worker).
Follow these 7 rules of high-performers so you don’t miss out on a single day of making massive progress towards your big goals and dreams.
1. Harness Your Champion Mindset
We’ve all been champions at one point in our lives. You might have been a state champion, a top bodybuilder, head of your fraternity or sorority, star of your school play, or the valedictorian of your class. Maybe you’ve had an amazing ‘before-and-after’ transformation or simply married out of your league.
Somewhere along the line, your plan came together and you rose to the top. That means you already have a champion mindset installed inside of you. Now, to get to the next level in life, you simply need to harness the power of your championship principles.
The winning principles in life are simple. I’ve seen them work time-after-time in many different industries for my thousands of coaching clients. I call them the 5 Pillars of Success:
i) Better Planning & Preparation Than Ever Before ii) Professional Accountability (your ‘coach’) iii) Positive Social Support (your ‘cheerleaders’) iv) A Meaningful Incentive v) The BIG Deadline
When you have these Championship Principles in place you can win the CrossFit Games, write your first book, or build a 7-figure coaching program.
Go back to a point in time where you had incredible success in life, look at what you did right, and apply those lessons to your life today.
2. Make Time Magic
If you’ve read my book, The Perfect Day Formula, you’ve heard the phrase “Magic Time.” This is the two-hour block of the day where you are three times more productive than usual. For many, like myself, magic time is in the morning.
Case in point: I wrote this 2000 word article in one shot between 4:05 and 6:15 a.m.
But at the Fitness Business Summit 2017 (FBS), John Romaniello challenged me on this principle. He said, “Screw Magic Time. Ignore Craig Ballantyne. Forget Bally the Dog.” Okay, he didn’t mention my dog (he’s not that cruel), but Roman did say that Magic Time wasn’t as effective as the power of a deadline.
At first I seethed with anger. Seethed, I tell you, seethed. (If you’ve never seen a Canadian seething with rage, just picture Mel Gibson in a 1970’s era hockey fight.) But after reflecting on what John said, his argument helped me modify, and improve, my Magic Time formula to make you an even more effective high performer.
There are multiple times of day when you can “trick” your body or your mind into performing at a higher level than you thought possible. It might be in your “Magic Time”, or it might be when you give yourself a hard deadline with consequences.
I still believe in the power of Magic Time. You need to find it in your day, and ruthlessly foster it and protect it from all the time thieves in your life.
And yes, as effective as Magic Time is, there’s nothing more powerful than a deadline.
I agree.
A deadline helps a high performer to get stuff done in record time for three reasons:
First, it spurs us to overcome the initial inertia.
Second, it keeps us going through the middle of a tough project knowing that we’re on the homestretch.
And third, it gets us to work faster and push harder the closer we get to the finish line.
3. Corollary: Make Time Your Bitch
“It’s not about the hour you get up, it’s about what you do with the hours that you are up.” – Craig Ballantyne
I don’t care what time you get up.
In fact, I don’t want you to get up at 4 a.m. One of the reasons I get up early is to avoid other people. So go back to bed and leave me alone!
High performers don’t worry about the clock. They focus on the concept of time and bend it to their will, owning their day and controlling their life. Let’s look at two extreme examples.
I get up at 3:45 a.m. seven days a week. It’s essential that I start writing at 4 a.m.
On the other hand, my good friend, Joel Marion has spent the last nine years dominating the online fitness and supplement industry working between the hours of 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. He clocks out when I clock in.
The actual hours don’t matter. Forget where the hands are on the clock. What matters is that high-performers take complete control over time and operate on their own time.
We snub the convention of the world and work when it works for us. We make the world operate on their clock, not the other way around. If you want to work from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., then so be it. 
4. Today’s To-Do is for Tomorrow
One of the biggest mistakes potential high-performers make is waiting until the morning to create a to-do list.
But if you are making your to-do list in the morning, you are already too late. The list needs to be done the night before so you can wake up and get right to work.
Here’s a two-step plan for finishing your day correctly and starting tomorrow with a big win.
First, at the end of your workday, grab a scrap piece of paper and do what I call “a brain dump.” Write down all the crazy thoughts running through your head, such as all the things you want to do the next day, all the people you need to contact, and all the obstacles in your way.
Next, organize these thoughts into your to-do list. Prioritize your action items. Script your day. Cut what doesn’t matter. Insert your most important work tasks into clearly defined and defended blocks of time.
There you go. Tomorrow has been conquered today.
Planning ahead is a high-performers secret to success.
“Nothing wins more often than superior preparation. Genius is usually preparation.” – Kekich Credo #73
5. Feed Your Brain Rocket Fuel
This section isn’t a lecture on protein intake, organic foods, or staying hydrated. Gwenyth Paltrow can tell you how to do that. (Seriously, her Goop.com is one of my favorite reads.)
Besides, you most likely know physical nutrition inside-and-out. Instead, we’re going deeper and darker, and pushing the envelope with an edgy approach to fueling your mind.
You see, high-performers need a little extra. It could be caffeine, or it might be bourbon at 11 p.m. as you settle into a writing frenzy. 
Now I’m not suggesting you go full Hunter S. Thompson mode where you start your day with a line of cocaine at 4 p.m., but you need to give your mind whatever it needs to crank out content.
I initially resisted this idea. My father was an alcoholic, and it made me never wanted to become dependent on any substance in life.
For example, I would never go more than two days in a row consuming caffeine. I know you coffee drinkers can’t believe this. But I’m serious.
However, a little self-reflection made me realize that my best writing days were enhanced with a little rocket fuel for the brain (i.e. caffeine), so I loosened up and my performance went through the roof.
Keep in mind this is a calculated dose of rocket fuel, and you’re not being given permission to dose yourself willy-nilly.
Identify your rocket fuel. Dose accordingly. 6. Create an Insanely Clear & Concise Vision
High performers do this for every aspect of their lives; they create an insanely clear and concise vision of what they want. 
In my workshops and at my retreat, I take my coaching clients through an extensive two-hour vision creation process. It eliminates the clutter in your mind, and it gives you complete clarity on what matters in your life and how to achieve exactly what you want.
Once you’ve created your vision, only then can you start putting in place your daily high-performance habits that will bring you faster results in every area of your life.
Just like you can’t design a killer training program without knowing your client’s goals, and just like you can’t build a house without blueprints, you can’t get what you want without a vision.
7 . Model Other High Performers
This is not a definitive list of the rules that high performers follow, but it’s a good place for you to start so you can own your days and take back control of your life.
When you put these high performer habits in place, you’ll triple your productivity and start attracting more success and opportunity into your life. It’s a proven equation for domination.
But frankly, there’s so much more you need to install into your life in order to be the ultimate high-performer that you know you can be.
After working with over 5,000 coaching clients, I still see the need for greater self-confidence and techniques to overcome self-doubt, as well as better systems for eliminating temptations, obstacles, and external negativity that are likely holding you back in the first place.
That’s why I’d like to invite you to my Perfect Life Retreat on November 9-10th in San Diego.
You’ll join me, John Romaniello, Lewis Howes, Jason Ferruggia, Tucker Max, Bedros Keuilian, and over 200 other high performers across dozens of industries (from Hollywood actors to female entrepreneurs to The New York Times bestselling authors).
Over the two days we’ll do a deep dive into installing the Habits of High Performers into your life so you can finally achieve the success you deserve.
But this isn’t another seminar where you sit through lecture after lecture and leave with 40 pages of notes that you never end up implementing.
Instead, after we create the roadmap (vision) for your life, we’ll spend the rest of the time working through concrete action plans so that you leave with most of the work done-for-you and the snowball of success rolling down the hill and your momentum picking up speed.
At the end of our time together, you’ll walk away with a crystal clear action plan to achieve exactly what you want in life.
Plus, our team is doing something for you that you’ve never experienced at any other event.
As a recovering introvert, I know how difficult networking can be, even when you’re in a room of positive high-performers. That’s why our team is spending dozens of hours making your connections in advance.
We’ll give you a done-for-you list of who you need to meet (and why), so that you can make big-money connections easily and automatically. If even a fraction of the 100+ events I had attended in the past would have done this, I’d be exponentially more successful than I am today.
If you want to be a high-performer, if you want to install your champion mindset into every area of your life, if you want to meet the writers, coaches, and speakers that you’ve looked up to for years, and if you want to get a proven blueprint that gives you faster results, then you can’t miss out on the 1st ever Perfect Life Retreat.
Last thing… Roman’s twisted my arm and made me keep open my BOGO (buy one, get one) offer for his readers. That means when you register today that you get to bring a high-performer friend for free.
Click here to take advantage of this deal today.
The post Productivity Hack: 7 Tricks to Steal From the World’s Top Performers appeared first on Roman Fitness Systems.
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