#sorry i havent been drawing emojis lately :(
v-anrouge · 2 months
Answer some or all, I want to know more about you 👀 that wasn’t the right emoji but oh well I’m using voice to text
Do you have freckles? 
 Do you drink tea or coffee? How do you take it? 
What was the last song you listened to? 
Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side? 
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? 
Do you prefer drawing or writing? 
What’s your ideal number of blankets to sleep with? 
What’s your favorite band/artist? 
When is your birthday? 
How tall are you? 
What color are your eyes? 
Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now? 
What’s your favorite color? 
What’s your favorite season? 
Want any tattoos? What of? 
Want any piercings? Where? 
Who is the last person you texted? 
Do you have a best friend? How long have you been friends? 
What/who do you miss? 
How was your day today? 
How much sleep did you get last night? 
Do you believe in aliens? 
When was the last time you cried? Why? 
What’s your favorite decade? 
What are some seemingly childish things you like? 
What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times? 
How are you, really? 
Does it take you a long time to make decisions? 
What are you looking forward to in the near future? 
What are you looking forward to in the distant future? 
If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go? 
Do you sleep with your door open or closed? 
What’s your favorite flower? 
Do you currently have a squish? 
Do you like your middle name? 
Do you prefer dogs or cats? 
Do you have any phobias? 
Do you stay up late?
Do you like the beach? Do you prefer it sunny or cloudy? 
What’s your favorite cartoon? 
Tag 5 of your favorite blogs
Do you have siblings? How many? 
Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? 
Is there anyone you would die for? 
What do you need when you’re sad? 
Have you memorized your phone number? 
Who’s someone you can trust with your life? 
What does your last text say? 
Wild Card. Any question, ask away. 
1- actually yeah but theyre super super super light so u can barely see them
2- coffee, i hate tea. i drink it with milk and sugar
3- more KDA
4- side, shrimping
5- yes:3 rook vil and my childhood plush
6- drawing
7- one, and it has to be thin
9- june 19
10- 5'3 💀
11- very dark brown
12- all my mooties
13- abandonment, forests, insects, worm like things, heaven, dogs
14- blue and purple
15- winter 100%
16- yes! maybe of a deer, not realistic tho
17- i want all my piercings back my mom made me take them off so now im only left w my bites and the cheek ones😔
18- my mother
19- my lesbian irl :3 like two years?
20- peace
21- okay-ish
22- like 4 or 5?
23- i don't care for them
24- like 1 hour ago, obey me 💀
25- i don't think there are decades to be celebrated humans are evil in all of them
26- cute things, children movies and cartoons, they make me happy
27- i haven't read in LONG because books in brazil are way more expensive than i can afford
28- okay i think
29- yes😭
30- getting a job that i actually like
31- moving with my irl
32- to my irl's house :3
33- locked shut
34- oleanders!
35- nope
38- insects, worm like things..i think that's it?
39- yeah💀
40- no, but also yes, i dislike beaches because in there's always those fucking sand dollars , i prefer it sunny because the water is cold
41- GUMBALL!!!
43- two older brothers
44- my irl
45- my irl...
46- distract myself and talk to people i like (usually my irl)
47- no i havent 😭
48- my irl <3
49- it's a fight between me and my mom id rather not, sorry
50- I have absolutely no idea what to ask tbh😭 uhmm i guess id like to ask why so many ppl like me
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chanstopher · 1 year
hiiii, im your secret santa !! whats up 😸 ! i was wondering what your favorite season is hehe, and what kind of hobbies you like to do. i hope this doesn't feel like an interview !! also i noticed you have multiple santas so i will be using cat emojis 😻
OMG HI!!! sorry sorryy im so late i'm a little sick rn so i havent had the energy to be online, but im so excited!!! my favorite season is definitely fall, I'm a big fan of hoodie season and just the whole aesthetic of the leaves on the ground and how crisp the air is. as for hobbies I love drawing, mostly chris lmao, and i read a lot too, i like all different genres of books too, last month i was reading a book on cephalopods and also pet sematary lol im also reallllly into playing video games! The last of us is my all time favorite game and i just bought it for the ps5 so i've been replaying it before the show comes out in january! and omg pls i dont mind the interview style, it's such an easy way to dive right in and get to know each other! so what about you whats your favorite season and hobbies???
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whimsyprinx · 3 years
Self harm mention cw
Picture this, it’s almost 4am and you’re awake drawing because you don’t have a normal sleep schedule. Your ex coworker who you hate and haven’t spoken to in almost a year messages you saying he’s sorry, you’re confused as to what he could possibly be sorry about because there’s not like been any tragedy in your life lately to you’re knowledge so you ask him what he’s sorry about and he’s like “the cutting” and you, someone who hasn’t self harmed, are like “what the fuck do you mean” and he tells you that his ex, another ex coworker of yours and one you actually are on good terms with despite not talking often, told him that you had hurt yourself and had been on the phone prior with her. You tell him none of these things are true, then to top it off he asks if you’ve told her you’re in love with her and like boy howdy no ya havent but okay what a fun thing to sprinkle on top of this mess, all the while he keeps apologizing. Like firstly who messages someone at 4am apologizing even if this had been true “hey we haven’t spoken in a lot time and it’s 4am but sorry to hear about the self harm” and secondly what the fuck is his ex going on about,,, girl see you okay??? Is this because I didn’t message you back about the billie eilish emojis?????
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mingi-bubu · 4 years
Watch “Love O2O” with Me!
Episode 8
we’re baaacccck
i have to talk myself out of finishing the red bean mochi i just bought today *pensive emoji*
but anyway
i need more water, my phone isnt, plugged in, the show is pulled up
as mark anderson would say, lezgeddit
so we start off with wei2 and xiaoyang wrapping up the tutoring sesh
and boy hasnt anyone told you its not polite to go thru other people’s belongigns???
stop that
the fact that she doesnt even notice until he asks aldskjfaslk
he saw her drawing of naihe thooo
yaoyao is glaring at september
they have a remote control helicoptrelalkjfa;lke
i know the announcer guy is an npc but i love him
damn naihe is cruel
ah wait
wei2 is tooo
akldjfalskd damn they really did just skedeet
they won without fighting adklfjaskd
ooh ok round 2
ooohhhhh wowowow
diemeng’s outfit??? slaps so fuckign hard
its so pretty
i love her hair piece
ugh this guy again
oooh the swords are lit up thats so fun
wow ok that game was short
oh diemeng and weiwei are gonna go and chat
oh diemeng’s irl person is wearing such a cute sweater
what is going on with wei2′s sweatshirt
why does the zipper go down one side to her elbow??
anyways diemeng is apologizing for how the clan had treated wei2
she can’t wreck the relationship between diemeng and the clan leader??
ma’am i regret to inform you...
wow that got sad quick?
nevermind comedic relief with xiaoling and weiwei
alkdfjalskd the yakult bribe is sending
also i love that theyre going out for hotpot
i want some :(
diemeng and the other guy havent shown up yet
they broke up O.O
that means by default naihe and wei2 have won the battle
wei2 is going to ask nini what happened
so diemeng was going to kick the one trouble maker girl out of the clan but then her bf disagreed and they broke up and diemeng is on decline all for private messaging
and then montage of weihe owning everyones ass
he looks different in this lighting
almost like park hyungsik
shut the fuck up with the smile im sick
alkdsjfasadksfj @ how naihe’s character just stares at nothing when nai’s away
not @ how the #Squad are enamoured with nai and wei2 chatting privately in frong of them
ive had enough of this guy
*points at yiran’s greasy cousin*
ive had enough of her too
*points at the girl who is 100% with YR’s cousin bc he has money*
awww wei2 talking to her parents
not to be all thats the mood and i definitely would say the same thing but..
erxi got hired for the internship!
sisi, xiaoling, and weiwei didnt tho
xiaoling is my girlfriend sorry i dont make the rules
sisi dragging erxi for filth about her outfit
al;kdfsl she needs to go shopping for new clothes
sisi looks so cute!!!
NOT at how weiwei is dragging her roommates for filth too
damn wei2 got voted most likely to cheat :(
not at how wei2 was threatened to go aldkfjalskdjfa
and shes carrying their bags
ugh iconic
why not just move the clothes into one bag?
it’d be easier
oh she has been noticing that naihe has been bossy
please tell me xiao nai takes them to dinner
oh tea about xiao nai’s company trouble
it looks late is weiwei going to miss her date??
gaming date
september is not looking at the road
look at the road
i love him and his braincell
alkdjf;alkjefaoiwe SEPTEMBER IM DYING
everyone is cheering for them
hospital scene
a head wound shouldnt be bleeding that lightly unless something is very wrong or it’s extremely superficial
im feel so bad for september
hes definitely going to feel so guilty for a long time
swetie no odont hit yourself
also why didnt he get examined too???
oh god this is sad to watch
ok no way in hell is a hospital ever that empty
again he shouldve gotten checked out
i want to give him a hug
if he cries its over lads
the other half of the #Squad
mirror fish is cryign tho
so fuck alright then
weiwei is disappointed bc she dont know whats going on
she didnt get dumped you people are just mean
y’all really have that much beef with a video game character
*side eyes*
doctors are coming out
we know they cant kill him so im guessing coma
mirror fish and september are cryign
water is a limited resource plesase stop running it if you arent using it
she really be thinknig all men are liars
her sad outfit is really cute
im gonna be real
i care infinitely more about nai right now than i do weiwei
oh damn her hair is loose for the first time in like ever
montage of her sadly going thru her days
of her filling up a mug with water
of her walking by the basketball court and seeing naihe playing
talk about a hard to do layup lmaooo
she and the #Squade are running
this extra in the backround is running with jeans
do they have like an academically mandated run time?
y’all just gonna up and leaver her like that??
nai nai nai nai nai nai
i was right, hes in a coma
and hes awake
his parents are there too!!!  along with the #Squad
oh shit
alkdfjasld;kfj kodak knowing that nai is fucking with him im sick
they really didnt tell mrs nai
oh my god he was just unconscious for a night???
ugh i need a clearer timeline
but anyways
he is awake again even tho i kinda wish they wouldve pushed it to the next episode for ~drama~
oooh maybe the next episode is when they meet
i hope so
also i have so many issues for how the hospital stuff was done but thats my own problem so its fine
thank you for reading along!!!
stay safe and stay healthy <333
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spearxwind · 5 years
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it should all be updated now!! ty!! 
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dkjfkfdj god im glad. theres like.... 50 million adri asks in my inbox rn and idk when theyre from or what theyre referring to but just know i love u all a lot and the fact that you like him this much makes my day every day ty yall
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im glad you like her!! i havent had much of a chance to draw her, esp. since i mostly use her to represent myself, but eventually I might :’) sorry i cant give a more specific answer im definitely planning on redoing her ref sheet though... at some point
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we’re doing PRETTY GOOD ive got a lot of his story down and ive finally, after THREE YEARS. nailed down the lore in a good way so its all dandy and ive been really good!! busy with irl stuff and visiting my friends and doing a lot of cool things, ive honestly never been better -w- 
as of right now though, adri’s been in timeout for about two weeks and i am seriously holding back from drawing him so i can focus on other ocs and other projects kjsdkjlshsj but you guys won’t really catch the timeout I guess since im going to be spamming art for the next 10 days (both of him and other ocs though. but you probably wont catch him on timeout is what im saying. not that i havent kept yall on timeout for 3 months whoops)
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god i didnt even think anyone remembered nulll.... ty my dude. i actually came across all my old art of him the past couple days bc i was organizing all my files and yknow, i might bring him back at some point (but dont hold your breath...... im notorious for forgetting these types of promises)
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youll be.......... happy to know im starting another comic though (dont worry, i probably wont leave this one half done. its been in development for 6+ years kljhksjdfhskjghl) 
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my art tag up to now consists almost entirely of art made on firealpaca! its a free, lightweight and versatile program and ive drawn on it for years. I recently bought CSP since im going to be a lot more serious about my art now, and I also got to a point in firealpaca where id already learned how to do mostly everything and the limited brush engine was holding me back, so i waited for CSP to go on sale and WOW it is absolutely amazing, theres SO MANY tools and brushes you can download for free, its literally mindblowing. i really really recommend it if you’re willing to put the money in
i do know of other free programs that you could use though! there’s medibang paint, its also very powerful however for me it was really counterintuitive to learn 
and there’s KRITA as well which has several brush engines instead of just one ! 
theres mischief, its a program that uses vectors to draw so you could infinitely scale your drawing up or down  and never lose quality. its a paid program but there’s a free version, the only problem is that it only lets you have one layer
OKAY thats all the like... asks that i can actually give an answer to. the others I either dont know how to respond, dont require an answer or the like, but i promise ive read every one of them! !
im going to clear my inbox now to make space for all the new asks :3 ty yall
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HI DER! idr if i said already but first of all, i loved closer, its incredible!!! im literally obsessed w ur writing ur so so so talented dhsjfjsjd
second, eb and harri took mr mowels (eb’s boyfriend, basically my brother in law now) to the like harry potter studio tour thing, and mr mowels bought me a slytherin sketchbook and pen (even tho it was his birthday) and theyre so beautiful! but the sketchbook is so special idk what to draw in it! i love the book and pen so much tho theyre so cool. they also got me cookies as a present yesterday when they went on another big trip and they look exactly like my emoji :D
how r u? sorry i havent been too active lately <3
Hello cookie!! Thank you for always making me smile with your kind words, I appreciate you so much 🥰
Aren’t you lucky 🥰 they all sound so sweet, I hope you enjoy your presents
Don’t be sorry!! I’m good, on my break and calm for once. How are you?
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memedokies · 7 years
(almost) every anon ask since fall 2016
if u havent noticed i am BAD at answering asks so here’s a Big Dump of most of the asks i’ve gotten in the past few months
ps; i’ve excluded pokemon suggestions bc i plan on getting to them at some point
Hihihi!!! What brushes do you use in fire alpaca??  i dont do much in firealpaca (esp not lately lol) but when i did use it a lot i just used the fill bucket and the standard/default brush to fill in gaps n such lol! i dont really draw in it, i used flash/adobe animate for the lineart and just fill in color in firealpaca :3
when did you start animating?   uhh when i was around 11 or 12 when i started digital art i guess? i just used photoshop for the longest time then got flash when i was like 15 or so
 How did you get flash?  i got the creative cloud dealie, its technically required for my school :—-0 
 hello!! what are you majoring in in vcu?? im thinking about going there for college  im in communication arts! omg cool lmk if u come here ill tell u where to get the best bubble tea
 how many fps do you use for your wiggly animations? i work at 24 fps in flash on twos but just end up using photoshop’s 0 second frame delay/ “no delay”?
 Hey love your animations! What do you animate with?  adobe animate 2017! (previously flash) 
You mentioned a YouTube channel but I can’t seem to find a link to it? Do you post processes on there? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCovvoZxlQjFaIA7A3w_94Zw theres not much atm but i plan on posting a lot more, including process/speedpaints! 
i really like your art style gosh darn!!! everythings so fluid and stylized and nice aaa (also ur animations are goals) do u have any tips for someone still developing their artstyle????  WAH TYSM!!!!! compile art you already like and incorporate aspects from their styles into yours, BUT dont limit urself to one style! if u like something then try it out! do straight up copies (as PRACTICE, DONT CLAIM IT as your own ofc) of stuff you like to see how they work and what you’re clicking with. spending time on fundamentals is MEGA helpful so keep going back to that too! USE REFERENCES!!! draw …from ur soul…what makes u ..FEEL good
 how do you make that burn effect on your lineart? it makes it your pieces look sharper and even more interesting, it’s super cool!!  when i used to use flash for lineart and firealpaca for coloring a lot, setting the lineart layer on BURN with the coloring layer seeping a lil past the lineart would get this effect automatically 
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(like on the whiskers. u can see it gets a brighter brown(?) and the warmer yellow on the ears)
but since then i’ve been using sai+photoshop more so i just do it manually! i’ll use this funny pic of me and my cat as an example lol
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^i select the lineart/everything i want the funky color around
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^slam that INCREMENT button a couple times
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^make a new layer under the lineart
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^fill that puppo with ur preferred color! something brighter works best, or even straight up white
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that’ll give you something like this
then i open it in photoshop
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and i mess with the pink line layer’s blending mode..color burn usually does the trick but depending on the Look you’re going for, saturation, multiply and overlay have some similar effects that look cool. 
i also usually get rid of the outermost edge of pink line that’s visible around the lineart, just so it looks a little cleaner? to do that you just select around your lineart, increment/expand selection, and delete/erase in the selection of the pink line layer
uhh yeah! lmk if anyone needs clarification on this, i have some other #TIPS on makin ur art look crusty and funky so…lemme know if you’re interested :—3
What do you use to animate? And, a more specific question, how do you make transparent animated gifs? adobe animate 2017! (previously flash) i export my animation from flash as a png sequence then open it in photoshop, where the background will be transparent and save it as a gif from there nyaaa
if anyone needs more clarification lmk and i’ll make a proper walkthrough :-0
 Hello!! Ur art is rlly pretty and so inspirational and nice to look at!! 💗💗 I was wonderin’ if ya had any tips on choosing shapes for characters? Like, when you draw shapes for a certain character, it looks rlly like it fits with the character’s personality n stuff!! ( e.g: Your Love Live! drawings!! The characters look so good in your style.) I’ve always admired how u did that n was hoping for some tips maybe?? Anyways, have a good day!!💛💖💟💜💝💞💖 HOOGA!! TYSM!!! and YEA you basically guessed it, i mainly just think about the character’s personality and translate that into a shape or Pheeling… 
especially for anime characters i look at the Very Subtle differences in the character’s original design..or possibly canon implications…for example kotori has slightly different eyes (it also says on her wiki page she has soft droopy eyes!) so i make sure to incorporate that Detãile
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 anime wiki pages that have details like that is nice, for love live they have cute lil “charm points” which is really cool n helpful! listening to how a character is described in their world can give clues to what differentiates them which you can make more clear in your design
taking into account each characters context is good too, what they do/hobby/personality and how that could affect their appearance/posture/attitude
 YEAH its really fun to figure out certain characteristics and make it evident in their appearance! or. idk thats just what i do lol. hopefully this helps!
Have you ever seen the anime jojos bizarre adventure? alas i have not..i have some friends whom are into it so i’ll prob end up watching it sometime lol
sorry if this is obvious but!! are you the creator of Fork and Knife: Food Fighters?? your gif of fork is super cute btw!! yes i am!! wah tysm!!
Hey my little sister found your animation on an online art gallery and she really loved it! omg cool, thanks so much!!
Your style is so lovely!! OHG thanks!
your blog is so precious i love it a lot! your art is so cute too ^u^ waa thanks!!
Your art and animations art really cool! Keep up the good work! You are amazing!! aahg thank you!! :’333
 your art is fuckening amazing hh broe…tysm
 Oh my gee, I used to follow you on Deviant Art, and now here I am, finding you on accident. You’re still as talented as ever. =w= b hUIOpugh deviantart, my homeland..my origin.. thank you!!!
- O mg I love your art! 💕💕💕 thank you!! heart emojis!!! 💖💖💖
- your art and animations give me so much inspiration, thank you! everything about your style is so fun and it cheers me up omg this validates my top tier goal in life, im so glad!! thank you SO much!
Your style is so charming and adorable ;__; thank you!!
ur art is so gross in the best way possible this is the biggest compliment ive gotten thank u so much. i love making gross squishy awful drawings
 your art style is very cute ! 🌱 oohg thanks!! thanks for the little sprout emoji, i love her
GOOD ART!!!! good art good art good art EVERYWHERE I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! OHHGG THANK YUO
how do ya draw such cutely its driving me nuts Nuts NUTS !!! I LOVE SPARKLES AND BRIGHT COLORS AND FUNNY ANIMALS..its my lifeblood..thank u.. 
You’re a really rad artist! I’m Glad there’s some cool artists that are local! Have a good time at VCU! oh wow thanks!! 
Ur shapes r so good thanks i LOVE a nice wholesome shape!
I rlly like ur art style my dude thanks!! 
hi! just wanted to let u know that you’re wonderful and i wish u well in everything u do this is making me bVERY HAPPY THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
 Im love You!! IM L OVE YIOU
that meowth boy is so good. i love him as he is my son THANK YUO i too, love meowth a Lot
 I love how your art is basically lines and curves, it’s very cute oo thanks! 
i love your art style so much!! it’s so zesty? i cant think of a better word to describe but its like. zesty & refreshing & rly rly cool !!! THATS A BEAUTIFUL ADJECTIVE I LOVE IT thank u so much!!!
You seem like you would watch Osomatsu-san. I could see you drawin dem bois in you hella rad art style. osomatsu was the wildest ride of my life. tho i dont think i could physically be able to sit down and draw them seriously ever… 
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 Pls make more angry cat comics theyr so halarious plllls 👀 more are on the way!!!!!!
Have you done a meet the artist i sketched one when the meme was still poppin..is it too late lol? maybe i’ll still do it
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glucoseoppa · 7 years
yo u know di bts ask thinggie that u reblogged? ? pls answer from 💣 until di end!!!
💣 we are bulletproof 1 or 2
Part 2 for sure because of its health goth aesthetic and knock off versace and 14 year old me loved fuckboy jimin
🤗 if you could spend the whole day with a member who would it be and what would you do?
I answered that here
🐰 describe jungkook with 3 emojis💯😂💪🏼
👺 who do you think is the meme-iest one from the meme squad?
I don’t even know who meme squad is but I think that Rap Monster is actually the greatest meme in bangtan but ARMYs aren’t woke enough to odd future culture and r/streetwear to canonize him as a meme
🗺 where are you from? had they ever been there?
I’m from Cleveland and of course they fucking havent
🏝 which member would you take with you on a deserted island?
I answered that here
💰 do you have any merch?
I actually don’t which is surprising, but also a lot of trashy people at my school wear BTS shirts and I do not want to be associated with that nonsense n o no 
🔪 your favourite part in cypher 3
I’m basic so of course it’s Yoongi’s part about the blowjobs and also when the beat cuts out and drops again in the last chorus
🐕 choose the bts dog
i know nothing about the bangtan dogs i dont have emotional capacity to stan their dogs but i am very confused as to why namjoon named his dog rap monster. dogs cant rap
🍑 describe jimin in 3 emojis🙄🦐🍯
🗡 in hunger games who do you think would die first and who will survive to the end?
🍻 which member would you want to grab beer with?
👣 have you ever tried to learn any of their dances?
this is so embarrassing but … i know like all of them .. in my defense they only take like 20 minutes to learn and im a dancer and i get bored ….
👓 describe namjoon in 3 emojis
🐻 ryan the bear or kumamon
kumamon for sure because i have loved kumamon before bts even debuted to the point where my original url was about kumamaon and ryan looks like someone i would bully
👔 what’s your hogwarts house? where do you think each member belongs?
im a slytherin and this is what i honestly believe fuck rm sortings
Gryffindor - Jimin and Taehyung
Ravenclaw - Namjoon
Hufflepuff - Hoseok
Slytherin - Jungkook, Jin, Yoongi
🏃 in scale from jungkook to namjoon how fast do you run? 
not as fast as jungkook, but definitely faster than namjoon
📸 concerts or fansigns
😇 decsribe hoseok in 3 emojis👅🕺🏻🌻
😸 are you shy and pure like jimin or freaky and naughty like taehyung?
in what world is jimin shy and pure u must be kidding me
💣 what’s your favourite bangtan bomb (video not lightstick)
i know this technically isnt a bangtan bomb but the video where jhope plays flute with his nose while yoongi listens contemplatively
🛩 bon voyage or american hustle life
i answered this already but im too lazy to link it
A M E R I C A N  H U S T L E  L I F E
📖 do you write fanfiction?
📣 which cypher do you like the most?
i dont like the cyphers that much but 3 is the best for me
🐢 describe yoongi in 3 emojis🍷🔪💖
😪 what’s the best song to listen before falling asleep?
original paldogangsan/satoori rap. in fact this is a great song to listen to while waking up, while going to school, while going to work, while getting married, while having sex, and while drying. it truly has crossover appeal
📚 share your favourite fanfic
i dont think i have one
🎬 if there was a movie made about any member what kind of movie would it be?
🙋 have you ever met them in person?
no but i almost went to they concert which is even more painful
💁 describe jin in 3 emojis
😓 war of hormones or boy in luv
this is difficult but … war of hormone because everyone (except yoongi sorry) is serving looks … also the song is a bop …
🌈 most to least Not Straight in your opinion
i dont really like to discuss stuff like this because most of the time its based on harmful stereotypes + people’s sexuality’s are their own business ya know?
🖍 who’s drawings do you like the most: jungkook’s or jimin’s?
jimins stop elevating jk 
🤔 spring day or not today?
spring day because of the dirty kid aesthetic
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