#sorry about the watermarks but these are too HD to actually give a shit
thegeneticopera · 9 months
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Darren Lynn Bousman and Paris Hilton on the set of Repo! The Genetic Opera
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gallickingunsteals · 4 years
Gallickingun/Lilhemmo is tracing art, reposting art and gifs, stealing ideas, and more
We’re going to start by introducing ourselves: we are a group of anonymous artists, writers, and editors that are either in @bnhabookclub​​​​ or have left it for various reasons related to the admin and creator, @gallickingun​​​​ / @lilhemmo​​​​ and the mod staff as a whole. This doesn’t mean all of her staff is bad, but they’ve strongly enabled, overlooked, and allowed Morgan to steal for too long. We’re not associated with @gallickingunexposed​​​​, but we would like to work with them if they have more they want to share. The reason we’re remaining anonymous for now is because some of us are still in Bookclub. As you’ll see below the cut, and if you go through gallickingunexposed, you’ll find that Morgan has ruthlessly degraded and talked shit about people within Bookclub as well as kicked people without saying why or telling her mod team. 
Next, we’ll explain why we’re doing this. Many people will respond with “Why not message Morgan? This isn’t right. You’re creating drama.” We’re not sorry to say this, but theft is not drama. It’s disrespectful and rude as well as illegal depending on the circumstances. Alongside this, Morgan has been contacted about these actions in the past multiple times by multiple people but continues to do it and/or insist she’s in the right. At that point, what else would you propose when handling it privately doesn’t work? 
Additionally, all creators deserve to know that someone is blatantly and consistently disrespecting their mutuals or people they follow by stealing their stuff. They all deserve to know that there is someone (Morgan) out there who might steal their work or break their posting rules as she’s done to others, as well as know if she’s already done it to them. Had this happened once or twice then we wouldn’t be posting this, but Morgan has a record of reposting art, gifs, stealing fics, ideas, and tracing art and she continues to insist that she doesn't do that.
This post is meant to give Morgan a wakeup call and inform everyone of things they are ignoring or unaware of. If you decide she is still in the right after reading this, then we hope you and her are blocked from other creators’ accounts so that you don’t get the chance to steal their work. This is not a discussion. This is a compilation of just some of the things she did.
Please keep in mind that this isn’t just about creative laws, this is also about creative decency and integrity, and the respectful treatment of creators. All of those have been continuously ignored by Morgan and other Bookclub staff after it is brought up multiple times, which proves that they are unfit to be in any position that allows them access to others’ pieces or a position that lets them dictate what people post. It also shows how little they care about creators as a whole. 
A solution: remake the Bookclub, remove Morgan from Bookclub staff at least, and possibly get new support staff (unless the current staff truly does disagree with her ways). If the other support team and members excuse her for stealing, reposting, etc., then they are just as bad, and those in support staff team shouldn’t be in there any longer. Shame on them for promoting and enabling creative theft. That is not an environment anyone should be promoting or enabling. Fair warning to anyone interested in BNHA Bookclub right now — they currently do not care about your work being stolen and the head admin herself has and still does steal from and ridicule and disrespect others even in Bookclub. The Bookclub was completely stolen (details below) and shouldn’t get the benefits and praise that come with zero credit and claiming originality.
And for Morgan, when you see this, we know you’re going to delete your theft posts so that the original artists and editors won’t see it. You’ll say you deleted it because you “know it’s wrong” and you “shouldn’t have posted it” but if that were the case, you would’ve done so the first time people have brought up you stealing, not the 2nd or 3rd or 4th — this is a trend. Delete them after you own up to it with the original posters. Let them see that you’ve done this. You can’t cover up what you’ve done by saying you didn’t do it or garner pity with a long apology. We also know that’s something you tend to do right before you repeat the same “mistakes,” feed into hate messages, and throw a pity party with your followers to feel better about your wrongdoings. An apology is the bare minimum. You should actually stop posting things that aren’t yours, stop copying ideas that aren’t yours, and stop covering up your theft. You are not the victim here!
ART (reposting and tracing)
Recently, Morgan got an ask and said she doesn't repost fanart without permission. Right before that, she had done just that with screenshots of a bunch of Bakugou art in a Google search. We felt this was still a form of reposting, but we wanted to ask the artists themselves too since Morgan didn’t. They all agreed that it’s still reposting because it shares their content where they don't allow even if it's not the HD image. She didn’t have to post the art. She could have gotten her notes without reposting art (yes, she cares about that and you can see in the link shared in the stealing ideas section of this post).
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She edited this post to crop out the art, so someone must have told her to do so. We would like to give her more credit, but the BNHA Bookclub rules are a strong indication of her beliefs: that no matter what the artists and others think, she doesn’t believe she reposted -- she doesn’t want to admit she’s wrong or facilitating reposts.
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“9. Do not repost content without credit... But we realize sometimes you’re just doing a google search and can’t find the original poster.”
The rules of the Bookclub themselves, as pictured in @rivendell101​​​′s post about Morgan stealing the Bookclub entire set up, rules, theme and concept of Bookclub from her, do not mention anything about reposting content or plagiarism or anything else that would promote protecting creators. So what?
This means you’re safe (by Bookclub standards) to repost and steal on your blog! And with that, you’re safe to do it in the server too because Bookclub staff has deemed this okay. So all of support staff are guilty of enabling and practically promoting theft.
It unfortunately gets worse from here. 
Morgan has not only reposted art, but traced art too.
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The original artist, @lem0uro​​​, doesn’t allow reposts or tracing of their work (read - one, two, three, four) (here’s the original art). They have also said that this counts as reposting because again, their work is being shared in a manner that is not on their blog or being reblogged. But Morgan wouldn’t count this as reposting. 
There is no permission like she says she would get if she reposts (but she doesn’t, remember?), neither is credit given. You have to zoom in to find the blurry watermark and hope that you got it right so you can find the original artist. 
Who, again, doesn’t allow tracing. Most, if not all, artists don’t. You can easily overlay those two images and see that it was traced, not referenced. 
GIFS (reposting)
Fandom editors typically don’t allow reposting of their work. If they do, you follow their rules for reposting (common rules are either get permission, credit them, or both). In Morgan’s case, she has reposted multiple gifs over the years, and also posted a submission of someone else’s gif — yes, that’s still reposting because she still chose to post it when she knew it wasn’t hers.
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We couldn’t find the creator of the submitted gif but if someone does, please send them this or tell them about this happening so that they can know. It’s not the person who submitted it as there are multiple reposts dating back to before Morgan’s post.
The second gif is by @slaughterofinnocence​​​ found here and it’s unclear if they allow reposts (but that doesn’t make it free real estate, Moe).
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This gif is by @sstarphase​​​ found here and they don’t allow reposts.
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Again, not Morgan’s original gif because it’s been reposted multiple times before. If you know the creator, please let them know this is happening.
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This gif is by @bellblake​​​​ found here and they don’t allow reposts.
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This gif is by @billrskarsgard​​​​ found here and it’s unclear if they allow reposts.
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We couldn’t find the original creator but if you know then please make them aware.
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We couldn’t find the original creator but if you know then please make them aware.
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We couldn’t find the original creator even with the watermark, but if you know then please make them aware.
We’re aware that some of these posts are old, but that doesn’t excuse her actions, especially since she insists that she doesn’t repost. That only shows that this isn’t a one time issue.
IDEAS (exact copy and pasting and mimicking without inspo credit)
We won’t be addressing Morgan stealing fic ideas because that has been brought up by multiple other people already including @gallickingunexposed​​​​ and @lady-bakuhoe​​​​. Keep in mind that this is a compilation of observations no matter how small.
You can read this post about Morgan stealing the entire idea of Bookclub. Are network and archive blogs and servers exclusive and original ideas? NO! But Morgan didn’t just copy the idea, she:
took credit for it
copy and pasted the rules from @southsidearchive​​​​
copied the same exact theme as ^
copied the set up of the server from ^
bonus: shit talked the admin of ^ and said she’d use them for notes and only add them to Bookclub at the very last minute
Again, you can’t take credit for a common concept like Morgan did, but you can easily give credit to where you got the idea or what you’re basing your actions off of, which Morgan didn’t do. That’s called saying who inspired you. Since Morgan and staff legitimately plagiarized the entire Bookclub setup, they didn’t just get inspiration in that case. 
Moving on, all of the people contributing this post except a few have been here since the beginning of Bookclub and have either left Bookclub or remain in it. We remember what it was like when it started up and we’ve seen the changes it has gone through. Interestingly enough, these changes were not original. 
NOTE: Because Morgan and Bookclub staff have stolen and taken credit for the entirety of southsidearchive’s set up, this is being brought up because it is no mere coincidence that they’re doing the same things again. The only difference is that they were caught sooner.
A couple of us noticed the current changes reflecting @haikyuucreations​​​‘ server only after Morgan had joined. This is a smaller instance compared to the previous, but that should mean there’s no issue with mentioning “I got this idea from them” just like @southsidearchive​​​ did with their rules and haikyuucreations did with their set up. 
There was no mention inspiration when Morgan took all of these from haikyuucreations:
QOTD (role and channel)
the same bots
a split administrative staff between the blog mods and server mods
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As you can see here, Morgan didn’t join the haikyuucreations server until July 25th, and she only waited a couple days until she started copying the way they did QOTD. Previously there was no role or a separate channel, but Morgan shamelessly used that idea and didn’t say she got inspiration or anything. Instead, she passes it off as her wanting it to be more active. The nice thing to do would be at least promote or mention the people you got your ideas from even if they aren’t original ideas. We’re sure Morgan wouldn’t want someone writing a whole fic inspired by hers without saying, or creating an entire blog and server like hers without saying.
Below we’ll talk about the dates that Morgan and Bookclub staff copied the same bots as haikyuucreations. Public bots are not exclusive, but the idea of Bookclub is completely unoriginal since it is a carbon copy of southsidearchive and now it’s imitating haikyuucreations.
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Once again, no one owns common concepts, but we believe the timing is all too convenient for Morgan to be adding in the same bots after joining the haikyuucreations server. When we first joined Bookclub, Writer-Bot and Carl Bot weren’t there, but Morgan went ahead and added both of them in like she “just came up with it,” to quote her directly in the post linked earlier from southsidearchive.
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You can see the earliest messages from those two bots in the haikyuu server and compare it to when Writer-Bot joined Bookclub. There isn’t anything about when Carl Bot joined, but we and anyone else in the server can confirm that it wasn’t there until after Morgan joined the other server. 
Besides this, she got her character bot ideas with prompts and flirty lines from the southsidearchive server, but there was no inspo credit for that.
We will, though, reach out to the staff of haikyuucreations to see if Morgan at least asked about getting inspiration for how they run their server. If that is the case, we’ll delete everything regarding Morgan copying from them. But that’s really unlikely since she didn’t do that for southsidearchive.
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Another instance of copying without inspiration credit is Morgan copying haikyuucreations split staff setup. Since at least June, their blog and server have been split between two different teams. This third screenshot is from August 22nd after a Bookclub member spoke with Candy from the Bookclub staff. This change of Bookclub being split is a recent one, once again only coming up after Morgan has seen it work in the haikyuu server. This information was sent via DM, and Bookclub staff is continuing to avoid acknowledging that they’ve stolen ideas from other archival blogs and servers.
This is unrelated to creative theft. We want to point out another inconsistency where staff has failed to uphold their rules and protect their members, specifically about incest.
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They make it very clear that incest is not a topic allowed in the server or in fics submitted to the blog, yet they allowed this conversation about Todoroki family incest to occur. If it’s allowed in specific channels, then that should be clear in the rules but it isn’t. But that’s just what happens when you copy and paste someone else’s rules and don’t have any familiarity with them:
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According to gallickingunexposed, there was also the instance of minors getting into NSFW channels by lying to staff and by staff opening the channel up temporarily for everyone to participate in. This isn’t legal. It’s unfair. It’s disgusting. Being lied to is out of your control, but Bookclub support staff willingly opened up a NSFW channel for minors to get in. Temporary or not, that’s unacceptable.
And to discuss rule 11: Lyssa/@burnedbyshoto​​ was kicked without notice to anyone, members and mods alike, just because Morgan didn’t like her (referencing gallickingunexposed). This doesn’t mean Lyssa was innocent, but since only Morgan knew about kicking her, no one could personally take it up with her. That’s an abuse of power and a fine way for Morgan to go around her own rules. With all of that, Bookclub members are literally forced by the rules to respect staff and their decisions, breeding an unhealthy environment where no one can speak up without facing backlash in the server or in DMs -- like Morgan shit talking her own members and other bloggers. 
We compiled as much as we could, but there is definitely more that Morgan has stolen and more that her staff has enabled. We believe the best solutions include
1. Bookclub to be remade since it was completely stolen and continues to steal from others.
If someone steals a gif, art, or writing, the proper response is to delete it. It’s unlikely Bookclub staff will do that with Bookclub, so the least they could do is stop benefitting from others’ ideas. Had the Bookclub been marginally influenced by the Riverdale and Haikyuu servers and blogs then it would be different, but this is too far. There is no telling how far they’re going to go and Morgan has no limits of what else she’ll steal and defend. This also needs to happen because the rules themselves are not followed by staff. If you don’t know your own rules or you’re not going to follow them then change them. They were never your rules in the first place and the power is being abused anyway.
2. Morgan needs to leave Bookclub staff. 
She may have started it, but it was never her idea or setup in the first place. Considering she doesn’t follow the rules she copy and pasted, abuses her power, and consistently disrespects other creators either personally or by stealing from them, she doesn’t deserve to get by with another fake apology. Multiple apologies over the same thing followed by the same “mistakes” are worthless. They’re emotionally manipulative and only serve to let her get by with doing it again and get pity when she’s caught. We considered suggesting a suspension, but since Morgan has already left the server once and came back with the issues persisting and more arising, we don’t feel like this is a proper solution. She will only come back and continue to be a risk to the members of Bookclub for talking poorly about them behind their backs and for stealing from them and others. We sincerely hope that Bookclub mods are capable enough to run Bookclub without her, especially if they remake it to fit them. It’s understood that Morgan did most of the admin duties on her own and wouldn’t let mods participate despite being told or asked of, so we hope that that’s even more reason she shouldn’t be in staff.
3. Apologize to the original posters and follow their instructions.
Don’t delete the posts before they see, that’s just running away. If they tell you to credit them, do it. If they tell you to delete it, do it. But don’t delete it and brush it under the rug. And once you do apologize, don’t go back to posting and pretending everything is normal. This is a serious topic and deserves serious reflection. Every time this comes up, Morgan goes in circles victimizing herself, giving an apology, and repeating. That doesn’t work 10 times in a row.
This post will remain up until all three of these suggestions are taken. We’ll continue to help find more content that Morgan and staff have stolen, even if it means getting no sleep because this matters. As writers, artists, and editors, Bookclub staff should understand that. Morgan may not and has proven that she doesn’t care enough to change her ways, but we won’t stop until we see what we want.
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living-dead-parker · 5 years
Thoughts on Far From Home
So I've had a little over a day to process it all and shit. Probably should've done this when everything was fresh in my mind so I'll probs come back to this if I rewatch it this weekend. Sorry if I forget some stuff, feel free to ask about it if I miss something!!
That in memoriam scene damn near knocked me tf out...the watermarked stock photos, the doves in the background of Tony's picture, the low res picture of Vision that was a masterpiece of its own. That should have been the movie, I would've watched hours of that tbh
Aunt May stay looking fine like damn you are the definition of "people who mind they business age fine" or whatever that saying is
May and Peter doing humanitarian shit made my heart for uWu and shit
Netty Pot is the cutest thing ever and yeah pretty much how hs relationships work for the most part
The VISUAL OF THE BLIP?? It was so stupid but it was so good I almost cried of laughter and the way they reappeared??
I cackled during Mr. Harrington's story about how his wife pretended to blip
Nick Fury can suck a dick in this one ngl, leT PETER LIVE
I need to stress how FINE Jake Gyllenhaal is, I will STFU now bc then I won't if I keep going
EDITH My love!! Also Peter calling in a mf drone on Brad like damn bitch chilllllll literal definition of disaster bi
But also I'm upset Brad Davis was made into the asshole, Remy hii is too fine for that i hate it
Peter giving Mysterio the glasses, i was screaming internally calling him a dumbass bc wHY WOULD TONY CHOOSE YOU OF ALL PEOPLE TO CHOOSE THE NEXT TS??!! IT WAS FOR YOU!!!
My take on Peter handing the glasses away: Tony knows better than to give Peter that kind of power. Yeah, Tony thought Peter was capable of handling his own, why else would he let him keep all that tech? But I think Tony would also be smart enough to not put that kind of pressure on Peter as well as give such a big responsibility to Peter. However, I know it wasn't completely Peter's fault, he was under some Mysterio trance or whatever; he trusted him. But I still think Peter should have known that in the back of his mind, that Tony would probs never give Peter that option to choose the next Tony Stark or Iron Man (whatever the note said lmao)
Everything after felt almost blasphemous with Beck and co. talking shit on Tony. It felt wrong, bc THAT'S MY BABY! TONY STARK IS MY BABY
The illusion scene was so amazing tbh and it was just so damn awesome to watch holy shit
ZOMBIE IRON MAN HOly fUCk I was jumping in my seat. I was crying, don't get me wrong. Reading the grave w Tony's name made me sad but then seeing the deteriorated gauntlet got me so pumped I'm actually really pumped reminiscing on the scene and then when he COMES OUT IN THE DETERIORATED SUIT AND HE THRUSTS HIMSELF UP BEFORE IT CLOSES UP AND IT SHOWS THE HELMET W THE SKULL AND IT LOOKS SO WICKED SO AWESOME I WAS PUMPED YALL THAT SHIT WAS iNTENSE IN THE BEST WAY I need an HD pic of it for my aesthetic and shit
Side note: I plan on getting zombie iron man tattooed on me it was amazing.
The train?? Oof
The jet scene w happy made me cry for so many reasons. I was happy to see Happy
Peter watched porn before or after fighting Captain America and honestly I probably would too ngl. Not to be weird but he probably watched a Thor porn parody bc I would too (call it Thor Ragnacock)
The AC/DC scene got me listening to them again holy shit and now I miss Tony :((
"I love Led Zeppelin" I was so ready to smack a fucking kid holy shit but wow I love one (1) dumbass
The final battle was intense but so good
When Peter mimicked Cap he should have said "Avenger [singular] Assemble" that was a missed opportunity but oh well
That spidEY SENSE SCENE?? WITH THE DARK ROOM AND THE DRONES?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? THAT WAS AMAZING JUST IMAGINE PLAYING SOME ROCK SONG OVER IT it would be like the new AC/DC in IM, Immigrant Song in Thor, Just A Girl in CM type thing it would've been amazing and we were robbed. I personally would have put something by Rob Zombie or maybe White Zombie maybe Misfits but idk
The scene in the airport with I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend playing and Peter and MJ holding hands was acc really cute
RAMONES THO?? I got so so excited heading IWBYB. First Blitzkrieg Bop in Hoco and now this?? Jon Watts was a punk no doubt about it (I can see him being into ska ngl) I see you homie. (I REALLY love Ramones I own like 30 shirts)
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