#somewhat implied mcgenyes???
baadbaadblacksheep · 6 years
McReyes + 29?
This totally isn’t what you asked for but it’s what got in my head I’m sorry also it’s based in canon and not in LtR so double sorry??
A kiss as a promise
“Spending a lot of extra time with ninja boy.”An accusation under the guise of simple observation. Gabe couldn’t hold back his heavy sigh, not even looking at his boyfriend sitting in his bed, where he had been waiting patiently to start this shit again. Gabe had just gotten back from one of the training arenas. The practice had taken longer than expected, as usual due to Genji’s dramatic breakdowns when he was frustrated with learning his new body and Gabe’s hard-headed determination for him to keep going. “Jesse, you know–” “Yeah yeah. Same shit, new day. The Shimada kid has mandatory training exercises that must be overseen by his commander.” Jesse recited the last line with a clearly mocking imitation of Gabe’s own voice. He didn’t see it, but Gabe could still picture that sneer on Jesse’s face he put on when he got pissy.The Blackwatch commander only grunted and strode past to the bathroom, stripping off his clothes in one swift, practiced movement. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the reflection in the mirror of Jesse sidling up to the door frame of the bathroom, watching him. Gabe had been mistaken; Jesse is choosing to pout tonight.“You know Angela or Moira also sit in. Jealous isn’t cute on you, Jesse.”Normally this would be the part where Jesse sputters and growls, easily losing his facade and showing that desert hot temper Gabe knows he can get when things don’t go his way. Instead, it’s oddly quiet before a soft, “yeah, I ain’t very cute anymore.”Gabe stops his forward stride where he had been intent on getting right into the shower, hearing defeat in his protégé’s voice. “What are you talking about?” He questions as he turns around, feeling only slightly awkward to be naked during an emotionally tense moment while Jesse still wore his flannel pajama pants with one of Gabe’s soft, too-large shirts. “He’s all young and new and spitfire and… and needs guidance and comes from a bad situation… just the way you are with him, so patient but firm and taking extra time to make sure he’s adapting…” Jesse was rambling, words pouring out of his mouth like a dam had burst. Insecurity was not something Gabe had seen often in Jesse, but he had obviously been holding all of this in his head for a while. “First of all, Genji’s only a year younger than you,” Gabe cut him off, shaking his head, “And second, I was the same way with you when we first brought you in. I took my time with you, I showed you the ropes, and you became a capable Blackwatch agent. And years later you’re my second in command, earning that all on your own. The Shimada kid has potential too.”Jesse’s mouth became a tight line across his face, brow furrowing. “Yeah, but that’s my point. You’re treating him like you did me.”Gabe resisted the urge to let out a frustrated noise, snatching a towel from its nearly folded place and wrapping it around his waist. He wasn’t going to do this naked. “What are you going on about? Certain circumstances call for special attention–”“And you’re sure givin’ it to him, aren’t you?” Jesse snapped, that temper finally flaring. They stared each other down before it finally clicked for Gabe.“Oh my God, Jess. I’m not fucking the cyborg.” Jesse’s cheeks reddened, posture defensive now, “Not yet! And when you got accused of being too close to my training, what ended up happening later on!?”Gabriel groaned, dragging a hand down his face. “Jesse. Me giving you special attention towards your training was not foreplay. I didn’t really notice you in that way until you were a pretty established agent.” The wind looked to finally be out of McCree’s sails on the matter… Did he seriously think their private training was that intimate? That was a question for another time.“You know, you could be helping me train the kid instead of pouting on the sidelines.” Jesse cocked an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. “You claim you’re so similar. Maybe he needs to talk to someone who’s been where he was. See what he could achieve in time.”Jesse let out a laugh that sounded more like a scoff before stepping forward, closing the distance between them. He hooked a few fingers of one hand in the top of the towel on his commander’s hips. Now it was Gabe’s turn to raise an eyebrow.
“Alright, alright. I’ll do jus’ that,” Jesse murmured, his good natured attitude creeping back into his voice. “I know it’s stupid, but promise me you’re not tryin’ to pull somethin’ with him?”
Gabe rolled his eyes with a smile, cupping the back of Jesse’s head with one hand and flattening the other to his lower back, pulling him in against his solid build. “I promise,” he murmured, locking their lips in a solid kiss that seemed to stretch on further than necessary. The dreamy look in Jesse’s eye, along with the sudden iron grip on his towel edge, was enough to tell him that was satisfying enough.
“Not unless you wanted me to,” he couldn’t resist adding, grinning. He expected Jesse to huff and growl at the little joke, but to his surprise the cowboy only grinned back.
“Well now, mayhaps in the future his commander and his right hand man might train with him without the pryin’ eyes of the docs. You never know, maybe he’s still pretty cute under that metal mask. Angie showed me a picture of him from before; he was quite the looker.” The towel got pulled off with a flourish, hitting the floor. “Enjoy your shower, there, boss.”
Gabe managed not to gawk as Jesse left the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
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