#somehow I am both james and barty in this scenario
nikolai-alexi · 11 months
James: look, as a reasonable, adult, and well-functioning member of society—
Regulus: a what? I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard you correctly, run that one by me again. Reasonable? Adult? Functioning?
James: *ignoring him* —I understand logically that the different Froot Loop colours are just dyes, but I’m telling you, in my heart and in my mouth, they’re different flavours
Barty: *busting down the door* THATS WHAT IVE BEEN SAYING
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anouri · 2 years
3 9 and 11 for the ask game <3333
< 33 (ask game!)
3. Who is your favorite character to read? To write? 
i took this to be referencing favorite POVs, so:
my favorite to read is sirius, i think, and then james next. mostly bc i think their thought processes are very different from mine, and i like reading that, it's intriguing!
my favorite to write is regulus (guys pretend to surprised pls /j) because it comes naturally to me. admittedly, the ease arises from the fact that whenever i write regulus it is actually more or less a case study of myself in diff scenarios. like when i get stuck whilst writing him i genuinely think 'what would i do' and then it gets me unstuck (is that self-centred???)
9. Which character do you genuinely think you would be really good friends with if they existed in real life? 
i'm about to list them and give reasons bc i'm annoying & can't be concise, and yes i spend time thinking about it:
well let's get this out of the way, i wouldn't be friends with regulus bc i am him. so. yeah, i would be reg in this scenario
i would be the closest friends with james & sirius & pandora, bc the people i am best friends irl have personalities that perfectly line up with them- i somehow find myself gravitating towards outwardly emotional, loud, spontaneous ppl who will do things without caring what others think, even though i am not those things lol. they'd be the ones i'm most comfortable with one-on-one.
then second closest with remus & lily & dorcas & evan, because i need sarcasm or intellectual discussions or both to survive. but i would hang out with them in a group rather than one-on-one bc i just tend to do that with less talkative people.
and then the rest? (pls don't hold me to this list lol)
i think the only one i would maybe not be friends with is barty, not in a malicious way but i think he'd make me feel a little uncomfortable to hang out with sometimes (but it totally depends on which fic/how exactly he's characterized)
11. Do you have a comfort fic that you always come back to? What is it?
i often reread portions of just lovers (like we were supposed to be) just to feel something lol usually act one, bc happy clueless james makes me happy
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