#solas/Varric do be kind of canon
grandpasauce · 9 months
Can I say something that blows my mind about Varric and Solas’ relationship? Imo Varric was THIS close to actually convincing Solas. we all talk about romanced Lavellan almost getting him to admit everything and possibly give up his plans, but we neeeeddddd to give Varric props like this man was really about to convince a whole ass god (literally named Pride) that he is wrong, that going through with some self destructive attempt at rectifying ur mistakes by destroying the world is Not the proper way to process ur grief, and Varric doesn’t even know he’s doing it. Varric really is the party bard fr the charisma score on this man………..
yes I’m talking about the man on the island banter. Every time I hear it I tear my hair out because VARRIC you almost HAD HIM he was CRUMBLING I just KNOW IT
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crackinglamb · 20 days
Fanfic Writer Questions
Tagged by @dreadfutures, thank you! 💕
Tagging @ir0n-angel, @natsora, @lilbittymonster, @maculategiraffe, @bogunicorn, @theluckywizard, @fasterpuddytat and @pikapeppa. No pressure!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,917,213 as of this morning.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Dragon Age, Fallout 4 and Doctor Who are the three current. In the past I've written for Mass Effect, Southern Vampire Mysteries/True Blood and Borderlands. I have one (1) lonely Wayhaven Chronicles oneshot.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
What a Wicked Game to Play - 1590. This is my epic DA MGIT fic. Solas/OFC, rated E, 412K words.
Twist - 1416. This was my first DA longfic. Carly and Co. show up in the top five again. Solas/OFC, rated E, 197K words.
Junkyard Dogs - 551. My very first fic. Written for FO4 almost 7 years ago. Hancock/F!SoSu, rated E, 107K words.
Twist Some More - 460. An extended epilogue/love letter to Carly and Solas. Rated E, 67K words.
Humans Are Just...Like That - 327. A sorta crack treated seriously oneshot for Mass Effect. It began its life as a long thread in a Discord server. I made a comment to the effect that it should be turned into a fic, and everyone told me to go for it. So I did. FemShep/Garrus in the background, rated T, ~3K words.
(All of these are complete, too.)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Almost always. Even if it's just with emojis. I generally say that I will reply to every comment as long as it's polite.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
No More My Heart Beats Without You, a Solavelyan oneshot. 'Ware the tags. Rated E, 5K words.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
TSM, without a doubt. The entire point of the Twistverse was to write a happy ending Solavellan.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Rarely. I'd say I get more trolling than hate. To date I've only had to moderate one fic to keep it under control.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
*cackles* 51 of 113 of my fics are rated E and another 18 are rated M (although sometimes that's for violence). What kind? Any kind. Explicit, fade to black, character driven, pure PWP, established ship, there's a couple of threesomes in there, a variety of kink...
I am a shameless purveyor of sexual content.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've only ever written in-franchise crossovers, and I don't think those count.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. People are welcome to as long as they credit back to my original, though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I've written a couple round-robin style fics with the DAFF crew, and collaborated with my beloved Angel once or twice.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
I'm poly and aro. OTP is not in my vocabulary. 🤣 But I have pairings I return to, time and again. The Doctor/Rose, Hancock/SoSu, Varric/Hawke, Solas/Anyone.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Just Like Fire. It started as a prompt fic when I was in a slump. But now I'm kinda over it and don't really feel like putting in the energy to wrap it up. Solavellan, rated E, 26K words.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, smut, being succinct and bite-sized. Even in the longfics. And of course, canon shall be yeeted.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Endings! OMG, trying to get myself to a conclusion is like pulling teeth.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm eh about it. Sometimes I do it with fantasy languages, sometimes I do it if it's canon (I know, a rarity for me). Sometimes I just don't because it's more work than I care to do. It's case by case.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Fallout 4
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Uh... *forgets everything I've ever written*
Look, I tend to write for me first and foremost, so I reread a lot of my own work and inevitably get sucked into it. I am the target audience, after all. But there's a couple that I've reread the most:
Unexpected - FO4, Kellogg/SoSu, rated E, 30K words. This was my first real attempt at canon divergence and I still love it very much.
Hope Is a Fragile Thing - DA, Solas/OFC, rate T, 13K words. A soft but kinda sad post-canon thing. The goal with it was to both finish the writing before posting a word of it (which is how I do all my work now), and to write a MGIT without explaining how she got there.
Blank template under the cut
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
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fereldanwench · 1 year
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I'm not entirely sure how much of DAI I'll end up replaying--I'm definitely not doing all the side quests, but I do kinda wanna do the DLCs since I totally slept on The Descent and haven't played the other ones since their release. But until I finish the game or get bored with it, I wanted to do slightly more structured rambling about Valerie in Thedas.
First things first: Yes, Goro also exists in this AU. How? Not sure yet, haha. Story-wise, I immediately envisioned him being a bodyguard for a Tevinter magister, but I'm still musing a lot on the specifics. Pretty-picture-wise, I might attempt to create him in DAI's CC. But that's a big might. I don't have a lot of confidence I could do him justice. I think looking into porting some of DAI's assets to Cyberpunk would probably be the "easier" method, but that's not something I'm interested in pursuing just yet.
Valerie's in-game build is a human archer. I was torn between archer and mage--In her canon, she's guns and netrunning, but more on the guns side so I went with archer. (Also, I just like playing as an archer. Old-time mutuals might remember that's what my canon Inquisitor was, too.)
Her face tattoos were an effort to find something to sort of mimic her cyberware, and of all the options, these were the closest. I was originally going to try it with scars instead, but I lost my first attempt at making her because the scars can crash the Enhanced Character Creation mod, and I didn't want to tempt fate again.
Although I'm obviously playing her as the Inquisitor in this, I don't actually want her to be a big damn hero in Thedas. I kind of like the idea of her being from a disgraced merchant family from the Free Marches who ends up doing fantasy merc work that eventually brings her to Tevinter.
I'm still very much trying to suss out where she'd be politically and religiously. She's been denying that she's the Herald of Andraste, which feels right to me, but I can't decide if she'd believe in the Maker or not. I generally tend to assume the average Southern Thedosian probably doesn't challenge that belief too much, but she might not be average in that regard. To be decided.
I don't have Cole or Dorian yet, but Valerie's quick first impressions of the advisors and companions so far: Leliana: The single most terrifying person Valerie has ever met (potentially across all universes, lmao) Josephine: The only responsible, reasonable adult in the room Cullen: Just because he's a good fighter doesn't mean she can't tell he's a total dork Cassandra: Brash and headstrong, but in a way Valerie very much likes; not too keen on the Herald shit, though Varric: Affable and clever, but senses a whiny streak that might get on her nerves Solas: Arrogant and condescending, has to begrudgingly accept his expertise Blackwall: His beard is so big because it's full of secrets, and those secrets are not about the Grey Wardens Sera: A little over-the-top, but in an endearing way (for the moment) Vivienne: Pompous and powerful, definitely not someone to piss off Iron Bull: Almost suspiciously honest, but she admires the bond between him and the Chargers
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broodwolf221 · 10 days
OC tag game: Intended for Inquisitors but wording it so you can use for other OCs as well! Alternatively you can RB this to make posts for all the OCs you want, in case you don't want to tag others. and feel free to tag me (elvhenprince) or reply to this post so I can see your ocs!
tagged by @elvhenprince !!!
tagging: @lyriumlullaby-ao3 | @hollytree33 | @plisuu no pressure ofc uwu
nessa lavellan | she/her | 31 | stubborn!!! earnest, straightforward, never gives up on anything
Associated colours/symbols/animals
lots of warm tones and autumnal scenes
What are their hobbies/skills?
she was a hunter in her clan and has the associated skills - patience, skill with a bow, quiet movement, etc. for hobbies, she reads when she can, and following the events of the game she trains a lot in her spare time
Is there any art they are good/bad at, or interested in trying?
she has no concept of herself as an artist, or even a potential artist. if she tried anything she'd get frustrated with it really fast.
What is their comfort food? Do they cook it themselves?
interesting...! i think she'd enjoy warm, hearty meals. she's used to dalish dry foods (things that transport and keep well and are lightweight) and doesn't mind them, but isn't big on human rations. she's a stew kinda girl, really. and she can cook it herself but she's not that good at it. her food is very plain/bland.
An activity they like to do with their partner(s)/bestie(s)
she enjoys conversation a lot, at least when it's not about how to save the world. casual or deep, she just really enjoys discussions with the people she cares about. and while she's gotten used to having it less, she really appreciates physical, nonsexual affection - cuddling, hugging, holding hands, that kind of thing. through the course of the game she becomes more reserved and uneasy in that regard, but the underlying desire remains
Would they be able to lie their way through a card game?
it depends on who she's playing against lmao. a lot of people, yes. someone like bull, varric, leliana, vivienne, or solas? no.
With no regards as to whether it exists or is realistic, what would they want as a pet/companion?
something big and furry. i'm thinking a bear or a wolf. she gets cold easily and would appreciate something warm to cuddle with.
Do they have a night-time ritual? Does this differ if they are at their own residence vs somewhere else (e.g. camping)?
pre-game, in her clan: she'd help make sure everything was set up for the night and take a watch, but otherwise she had a limited routine. basic hygiene stuff - clean her face, clean her teeth in some canon-friendly way, etc, then just crawl into her bedroll during game: veryyy limited because she was regularly exhausted, only the most basic hygiene, armor off, in bed. and when she tried to help out at haven/skyhold people always rushed to assist her since she was the ~herald~ then the ~inquisitor~ and shouldn't be bothering with the mundane labor (which she is so ???? about), so she eventually stopped, although she still pitches in when she's out in the field setting up camp post game: brushes her hair, washes up, checks repeatedly on her daughter revas, sometimes ends up reading a bit in bed
What is in their inventory?
bandages, hunter's gear (carving knives, etc), extra blankets because she gets cold easily. she's used to carrying enough gear to sustain herself during long periods of hunting, but it takes her a while to realize that she should carry enough to help others, too, so her pack slowly fills out more
Their preferred dress in these settings: Daily, formal, casual/bedding down
daily: lightweight, unrestrictive, modest clothing. she prefers wools and layers for warmth, particularly during the course of the game because haven and skyhold are COLD. formal: for the winter palace she yielded to what josie thought was best, but given free reign she'd have wanted a long dress. high-necked, long-sleeved, and green would be her preference. she's not good at theorizing about fashion, but she would have been drawn to something that was highly detailed with embroidery or beadwork casual/bedding down: long-sleeved shirt and a lighter one over the top, leggings and breeches. the lighter shirt and breeches come off for bedtime, but the other layers stay on
After the events of the Main Plot, did your OC go back home, or reunite with their people from before? Why / why not? If they did, then did they bring any new friends/partners with them?
she traveled to wycome to visit her clan a few times, but did not stay - although she wanted to. she still feels incredibly close with them, but after the reveal during trespasser, she also feels fundamentally different. she kept her vallaslin, but her faith has been deeply shaken and she's unwilling to burden her clan with the pain she's going through in regards to it. she did bring solas and revas to visit them, though. they figured solas was a city elf and neither of them dissuaded the clan from that notion.
How did your OC deal with permanent injuries/changes/trauma gained from their story, if any?
the loss of her arm shook her deeply and she honestly hasn't really let herself grieve or be angry about it. instead she just keeps pushing forward - as soon as she was healed enough, she began training with cullen to learn how to use a sword instead. eventually her grief will no longer be something she can push aside, but for now she keeps it at bay with activity she also refuses to wear a prosthetic. she pins her sleeves up - during warmer weather she wears sleeveless shirts as well, but she still gets chilled easily so she prefers the layers
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So you mentioned how you leave Hawke in the fade, do you ever bring Varric with on that quest? (Maybe I'm just a sucker for angst ((which I totally am cuz for my canon warden I have her date a soft Alistair who is pissed and dumbs her when she makes him king and then she makes the ultimate sacrifice and Alistair is devastated he never got to talk it out with her)) so I always take Varric and Cassandra with cuz I think it's nuts that the game doesn't have him react in the fade to leaving Hawke. So I picture a dramatic speech like fuck this Hawke let someone else be the hero for once, you deserve to live. And Cassandra is there seeing someone she put on a pedestal and saw as an unstoppable hero met their end.)
I've brought a few different combos into the fade but my favorite combo is definitely Varric/Cassandra/Solas; Varric because of Hawke, Cassandra because of Divine Justinia, and Solas for the fade itself.
I love and hate the fade quest for a number of reasons, but the part of me that revels in angst just adores it, it's such a heartbreaking part of Inquisition's story. I keep Alistair a Grey Warden, so it becomes a final choice of either making him stay behind, or my Hawke, Ed... it's a brutal choice that ends with Ed staying behind.
The meta reason for making this choice is I love Alistair too much. I want him and my warden to remain together until the end so I'd leave nearly anyone in the fade just to save him. And I don't want to make him king just to avoid the hard choice; he never wanted it, and Rose wasn't ever going to force it onto him.
But from a story-telling standpoint, Ed staying behind hurts so much because that's literally his fear; if he had his own fear engraved tombstone in the fade, it'd say something like "Abandonment" or "Being Left Behind." It's one of the reasons he stays by Anders' side after the events of DA2 despite ending their romantic relationship, he can't abandon the man he's loved for years even when everyone tells him he should....until, of course, we get to the fade and he feels he no longer has a choice.
Ed never wanted to be some hero or champion, but it's so engrained in his identity now that he constantly feels the burden of sacrificing pieces of himself for others. He feels the guilt of every loss he's suffered, whether it was actually his fault or not. In his mind, no matter how much it hurts, or who it hurts, it's the "right" choice to leave him behind... he's read enough of Varric's tragedies to know how this goes.
I also headcanon that when Carver's made a warden, he goes back to Fereldan to serve under the Hero of Fereldan and becomes best friends with Alistair. So I imagine that's another reason Ed insists he be the one to cover them. He went to great lengths to keep his brother out of this mess [even though Carver protested every step of the way] and doesn't want Carver to lose his best friend, even though he would also be devastated to lose his brother, but y'know.... Ed's just like, "Tell Carver I'm sorry, and that I always thought the world of him."
Even as Alistair, who never got to know his brother and dreamed about meeting his sister only for her to reject him, argued back... it's no use. Ed made up his mind to face his greatest fear to save them, and Ash begrudgingly agrees with him.
As for Varric, it hurts to watch him ask happened to Hawke... and then to listen to him recount a story about the kind of person Hawke was... and to give him a comforting hug... it all hurts.
But... that being said, I have thought about possibly doing a run where I do leave Alistair behind in a worldstate where Rose made the ultimate sacrifice. Alistair lost her and became disillusioned with the Grey Wardens, only remaining because what else is there for him? When it comes to someone staying in the fade, he insists it be him. He faces the nightmare as Hawke and the Inquisitor escape, and mutters under his breath, "Wait for me a little longer, my love," before attacking.
...because why not break my own heart some more, y'know?
Whether I'll be brave enough to attempt that is yet to be seen.
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herearedragons · 7 months
Some Neilar thoughts that I have nowhere else to put, so I’m putting them here:
he’s very superstitious. It doesn’t come up for a surprisingly long time, until someone mentions Fen’Harel by name and Neil won’t calm down until they’ve clapped their hands twice “to scare the Dread Wolf away”. He also has a couple of luck/protection charms.
has definitely eaten bugs and worms before, including live ones. Found out the hard way that discussing edible bugs over dinner isn’t appropriate in Orlesian/Fereldan society.
until DA canon will give me any other information about what the heck happens to an Inquisitor who drinks from the Well of Sorrows, my official “ending” for him is that somewhere post-Trespasser, the Sorrows take full control of his body and he just disappears. A small group of former Inquisition members led by Leliana eventually zeroes in on a series of assassinations taking place in Tevinter and eventually it’s confirmed that those are being committed by the former Inquisitor. Between his assassin skills and some weird magic power-ups from the Sorrows, no one can match him in combat and he keeps escaping, until Dorian steps in and, after a proper “I know you’re in there somewhere” fight, he’s finally captured and imprisoned. The mages figure out a way to disrupt the Sorrows’ control to a degree, so, while he’s still not allowed to roam free, Neil can also contribute to the Solas hunt.
when I first made him years ago, I decided that Varric’s nickname for him is “Sparrow”. At the time it was just because sparrows are small, floofy and fast, and I was considering changing it to something more meaningful recently, until it hit me that Neilar is the only Inquisition member Varric nicknamed after a bird. A bird. Not a bird of prey like Hawke; something smaller, friendlier and… safer. So, yeah, now I like the nickname and it stays, and the new headcanon is that Varric (whether he realizes that or not) sees his relationship with Neil kind of as a second chance; maybe he can keep this one out of trouble. It makes a lot of sense if I go with Kane or Rina as the worldstate’s Champion, since they have similar motives to Neil (both are self-sacrificing; Kane sacrifices his identity and good name to keep his family out of trouble, Rina nearly sacrifices herself to a demon to do the same)
……but Neilar very much doesn’t stay out of trouble; he drinks from the Well and loses himself to the spirits in the name of what he believes. And I think it makes sense that, instead of being with the people who are hunting the possessed Neilar down, Varric goes to do whatever he does in the canon material for those ten years, and just… doesn’t talk about the Inquisitor. Sparrow ends up the exact same as Hawke, maybe even worse.
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greypetrel · 4 months
how about some silly little blorbo questions!
What kind of holidays do your baes like best? Could be in-game canon or our holidays irl (like Christmas, April Fool's, etc).
I'm especially interested in Aisling💖, but I'd love to know more about any/all of them, so your choice!
Come come with all the questions! :D
Aisling would differ from canon to AUs.
In canon she has little love for the Chantry, and after Trespasser, celebrations even in elven style left a VERY sour mouth. She'll pick some celebrations from the Avvar, and found some solace. Her favourite festivities are Solstices. She'd love Summer Solstice best because of the fruit: first peaches, long day, there are puppies around, it's warm. She's a spring girl, but there it's her time to shine. She'll teach her child that on First-Day, the Dread Wolf brings gifts to good children (like Santa. Out of pettiness), and that will be a close second best. She doesn't like winter and hates the cold, but it's usually the time Dorian can manage to escape and come visit, so everyone gathers, Niamh gets overtly excited, it's a fun time.
In the DadWolf AU (tag in link, and infos in the Masterpost) she'd LOVE Halloween. Halloween will be a huge event in the house (art on the link): namely, Varric and Solas will go all the way to invent group costumes, Varric will spend way too much money for them, they'll involve friends. Halloween is a very serious event for them, and organisation usually starts as August comes in. She, Dorian and Cullen never got rid of being called The Three Musketeers from that one time, when they were children, when Solas and Varric managed to lure him in the group costume (Solas was Richelieu, Varric the Queen). And they went around all together all the time, so. Autumn is not her favourite season, but she'll favour Halloween for the atmosphere and the memories. and organising costumes all together.
Other blorbos under the cut!
Raina: Satinalia. Any chance of doing ruckus and shenanigans around town and she'll jump right in. Garrett: All Soul's Day. Pumpkins are in season, it's autumn, the nature is coloured prettily. The Veil is thin and you can meet the most interesting spirits. Radha: First Day with all the family gathered. Alyra: Satinalia too. Again, under the cold façade she's silly, and Satinalia is the time she can dress up and go and do some ruckus without pretending to be the Arlessa/Warden-Commander, get in a tavern and drink and sing come on Nathaniel get that stick out of your ass and get dressed. Max: Her parents were fishermen, and she grew up mostly with her maternal grandma, from Livorno. She loves Ferragosto the best! In Italy, there are fireworks (less than on New Year's Eve, generally the cities organize shows), you gather with friends and family for a pic nic or a barbecue. It's peak summer, so it was usually, for her, a picnic by the sea, lots of food and merriment, and watching the horse race in Siena on extranet.
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exantivancrow · 1 year
hi again! 👀, 💘, 🧸 for any OC(s) you'd like? :3
hi laya! i got rohan as requested but i've been thinking about my og blorbo keala lately so she's on here too with the other canon ocs. ty for the ask!! sorry it got really long lmao.
does your oc believe that they are attractive? do they use that to their advantage?
rohan never noticed appreciative stares because they only lasted as long as it took to see his brand. on the surface, he was kind of busy, but zevran taught him how to use his body as a weapon in more ways than one.
nicholas is hot and he knows it. he uses it as conflict deescalation. he'll make a joke when his friends personalities clash, he'll distract the guard/nobility from a target so they can escape, etc. other than that, norah might kill him if he tries to use his "feminine wiles" on her one more time. it doesn't' work. stop flexing your biceps. (in the background, varric is banging his head on the table).
cody doesn't personally find herself attractive? but she knows other people do, and totally abuses this power. when she was a barkeep, it was to get better tips and politer customers, as herald to earn more favor, and as cody, it's solely to win friends and influence cullen. cullen has no power in their relationship, his girlfriend is too pretty and rewards him for good behavior, he's completely useless.
keala is attractive but doesn't pay any attention to it at all, and frequently forgets, so no, she doesn't use it.
is your oc a good flirt? are they charming?
rohan is incredibly charming in an innocuous kind of way! and he's not a good flirt in the way that his method of flattery involves telling people that they way they use that knife is really sexy. which really only works on zevran.
nicholas is very charming, and a great flirt. when it comes to women, it's the follow-through he has trouble with. he doesn't know how to take it any further. the bigger problem is once he gets with fenris he doesn't know how to turn the charm off. stop hitting on him! his boyfriend might glare you to death!
cody is an incorrigible flirt. she's terrible at understanding the difference between being friendly and flirting, so most people think she is when she's not. but also, all of her inquisition friends have been on the receiving end before. from cassandra to solas to bull to rylen, she flirts, and they all know she only means it playfully. she and bull are pretty bad about it, but she and rylen are actually worse. they're both solely teasing cullen. he's tired of both of them.
keala is charming in an unintentional way. she's just so earnest about how nice you look today, that you can't help but be endeared.
into public displays of affection or are they more reserved?
rohan will never really get over the idea that it's not safe to show affection. don't let anyone know that you have a weakness, a soft spot. that being said, he will still show affection just in a reserved way about it. brushing against zevran without real intention or purpose. acts of service. eye-fucking, yknow, the usual. things he can get away with in public.
fenris takes a while to open up to public affection. nicholas respects his boundaries about it. when it comes to the hightown market? a brief hand brush or caress is fine. when it comes to their friends, a casual kiss or grope is fine. when the agregio comes out, one will be lucky to avoid having to bleach one's eyes.
cody is as openly affectionate as she can be while still being professional. she has a public image to maintain or josie will kill her and then thedas is doomed, so despite wanting to pinch cullen's ass on the practice yard, for the good of thedas, she cannot.
keala is very openly affectionate! facial kisses, holding hands, or delrin's personal favorite, coming up behind him when he's not in full plate, and wrapping her arms around his waist and pressing her face into his shoulder blades.
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spainkitty · 1 year
I saw this amazing picrew that a blog I just started following used to make all their OCs. I just HAD to do it, too. (I started with all my DA girls, but it kinda spiraled, anyway) @merrybandofmurderers thank you so much for your content🤣 My sleep and ADHD don't thank you, but *I* do.
The "Canon" Girlies
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Aleandria Cousland(-Theirin)- Age 19-20; Mabari: Toby; charismatic, persuasive, and determined. She saved as many lives as possible, forgave almost unforgivable trespasses, and saved the world and perhaps a very Old Soul. She would do anything to help her friends, willing to break laws, sacrifice limb and life, and even give up a throne if they asked it of her. While she refused to give in to the need for personal revenge, she felt overwhelming relief when Howe & Loghain died.
Class: Archer Warrior & Templar (Favored Weapon: Misery longbow & Cousland sword & shield)
Love Interest: Alistair
Best friends: Morrigan, Leliana, & Anders (and she really liked and respected Justice fuck you bioware).
Erin Hawke- Age 24-31; Mabari: Falcon; firstly, she thinks she's hilarious. She's cunning and fast, always ready for a quip and a fight. While pro-mage, she takes her title of Champion seriously and did everything she could to mitigate damage and keep the peace. It took looking at the Chantry's rubble, the immediate regret for her initial reaction at Anders' decision, and finally her sister's heartfelt plea, for her to stop straddling the line of protector and true rebel, and later fugitive.
Class: Shadow Rogue, dual wielding daggers, poison-user
Love Interests: (prev) Isabela, Anders (fugitives together)
Best friends: Isabela, Bethany, Varric.
Unfortunately, Fenris died by Hawke's hand when he joined the Templars. We don't like thinking about this, I'm still crying.
Lanil (Surana) Lavellan- Age: 30. Willful. Powerful. Ruthless. Although she lost her entire memory to the Nightmare, she regained her earliest memories of the Ferelden Circle & how she remade herself in the Clan when they accepted her after she escaped during the Blight. She learned to care deeply about her culture and doing the right thing for her People. The Inquisition would be her tool to continue helping them, and mages, across Thedas. She learns empathy and kindness slowly and painfully with the help of her Inquisition companions. (She secretly loves pranks and is a huge horsegirl. Favored mount: Reckless the Green Dales Feral.)
Class: Rift Mage (Spirit & Storm; Sceptor of Razikale)
Love Interest: Cullen (Mabari: Fetch)
Best friends: Dorian, the Iron Bull(ouch), Cassandra, & Varric. Solas is her special snowflake friend and she is enamored of the Fade thanks largely to him.
Unfortunately, her journey was not fast enough for her to choose to save the Chargers, believing that the power of the Qun was more useful to her ends. She blames herself entirely for what happened with the Iron Bull and this experience is what makes her choose to forgive and save Solas in the end. +Hardened!Divine Leliana.
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Protagonist Masterpost
Here's the list of my playthroughs for reference if anyone's curious who tf I'm talking about in my pieces!
Aridhel Mahariel - bow rogue, romanced Zevran, straightforward dalish who neither understands nor cares about shemlen (or durgenlen) politics, blood magic is probably fine as long as you use it responsibly, anxious and blunt, "let's focus on stopping the world-ending plague of darkspawn first, and worry about the rest of this bullshit later, hm?"
Saffron Cousland - sword and shield warrior, romanced Alistair, noble in every sense of the word but cheerful and friendly, Queen of Ferelden, Arlessa of Amaranthine (and Highever), killed Rendon Howe with her father's sword, fixated on duty, "because it's the right thing to do."
Theodore Amell - arcane warrior mage, romanced Morrigan, bastardization arc powered by Morrigan whispering bad ideas in his ear, loves his terrible witch girlfriend, blood magic is fine and the chantry is oppressive, ambitious, "I am no longer baby, now I want power."
Renan Tabris - dagger rogue, romanced Leliana, disaster bi, still grieving for her almost husband but would rather die than admit it, exactly zero patience for anyone's bullshit, raised Andrastian (derogatory), canonically kind of a bitch, loves her stupid new baby brother, harden everyone, distrustful, "like dogs, Shianni"
Valda Aeducan - two handed warrior, romanced Leliana, honorable and serious, trusts no one, girl raised in harsh political nonsense learns to trust her found family and forgive her bio family while unlearning bad lessons simulator, sneaky/quiet sense of humor, intense loyalty to her people, values tradition but values compassion more, genuinely regrets what happened with Trian, "For the honor of my house, though I have none myself any longer."
Iris Hawke - knife rogue, romanced Anders, diplomatic as a means to an end, loves mages so much, circle mage Bethany, will do anything to protect what's left of her family, noble impulses but awful sense of humor, fanatic, "why don't we try asking the Arishok nicely?"
Ian Hawke - elemental mage, romanced Fenris, sarcastic, sided with the templars because magic is an essential part of him but it's brought nothing but grief to him and his family, templar Carver, quip for every situation, never loses his positive outlook for long, self-loathing, "dad did WHAT for the Wardens? Why am I not surprised."
Kiera Hawke - two-handed warrior, romanced Isabella, sarcastic/aggressive, sad bastard warrior Hawke, everyone who gets close to her dies, Bethany dies, good attitude broken by the wear and tear of life, loves her buddies who are also terrible, angry and broken, "you tell me where Bartrand is, I'll help you wring his fucking neck"
Alice Hawke - knife rogue, romanced Merrill, circle mage Bethany, p much pure diplomatic bc she's genuinely that nice, mom friend central, no one is irredeemable, far too trusting, kind of a busybody, "clean your blades, watch your purse strings, don't be a dick."
Delilah Hawke - big damage mage, in love with Varric so no romance because Bioware are cowards, pure sarcasm, sends Carver to the wardens, adores her stupid chaotic bisexual family, beat down by this world but stubbornly clinging to joy, flat refuses to talk about her problems, uses her staff as a polearm, "Where would I be without my trusty dwarf?"
Miriani Lavellan - assassin bow rogue, romanced Solas, confused hardass Dalish doing her very best to navigate suddenly being in charge of all of this stuff, cares so much about everyone all the time, terrified but resigned to her responsibilities, self-sacrificing, sense of humor buried under all that sincerity. "I am the Inquisitor, through no virtue of my own. Vir suledin nadas."
Asher Adaar - two-handed warrior, romanced nobody, blunt and direct Tal-Vashoth mercenary who gets persuaded that maybe she actually is the herald of andraste, but honestly just wants to handle the things with as little religious and/or political nonsense as possible, blunt and violent, "We save Thedas TWICE, my hand wants to kill me, we save the exalted council specifically, and this is what we get??"
Stephan Trevelyan - rift mage, romanced Cassandra, a good sweet Andrastian boy, true prophet who has a meltdown when he finds out about Solas, best friends with Dorian, keeps the inquisition and wants to really save the world, stubborn AF, "Faith is a choice. The Maker set these events in motion so long ago we can no longer see His hand in them."
Samahl Lavellan - tempest knife rogue, romanced Dorian, cheerful, sarcastic, and overwhelmed, insanely competent but good at hiding it, terrible little bastard, hates responsibilities, laughs in the face of danger (and Cassandra), keeps insisting he's not the Herald, kinda lazy, "I guess I'm learning now, aren't I, Mother?"
Riska Cadash - artificer knife rogue, romanced Sera, direct and sometimes brutal but ultimately caring, the WORST sense of humor, criminal upbringing noble fashion sense, besties with Dagna, vaguely andrastian and very confused, "What's the worst that could happen?"
Aridhel, Ian, Miriani - Protector, Victim, Survivor
Saffron, Iris, Asher - Shield, Dagger, Sword
Theodore, Kiera, Stephan - Ambition, Sorrow, Faith
Renan, Alice, Samahl - Vengeance, Kindness, Laughter
Valda, Delilah, Riska - Exile, Prodigal, Pauper
Miscellaneous Inquisitors
Isene Lavellan - fire mage, romances Iron Bull, primarily jokes and asks questions, basically a horrible mix of Miriani and Samahl. Sweet and a bit of a brat but ultimately up to the challenge. A disaster at the winter palace. Her general response to her workload getting heavier is to adjust the straps that hold the world on her back and carry on with a smile. "Oh I would've made a shit Keeper, I like starting fights, lighting fires, and knowing stuff I'm not supposed to know way to much."
Harea Lavellan - knight enchanter and ice mage, romances Cullen, open minded and sweet, a bit naive but genuinely wants to make the world better, distressed by the mark and the everything but willing to bear it to keep others from suffering. Self sacrifice is a big theme here.
Rogelan Lavellan - sword and shield warrior, romances Josephine, kind of a hard-ass but willing to be romantic, would rather talk than fight but won't give up his ideals, careful and deliberate in everything he does but bold when he's made a decision. Understands shem bullshit better than most.
Helga Cadash - big hammer warrior, romances Blackwall, personality tbd
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mutantenfisch · 2 years
Dorian Pavus von Dragon Age? :)
Let's go! :D favorite thing about them Unironically, that he's voiced by Ramon Tikaram. I adore him. least favorite thing about them The devs could've handled the whole 'grew-up-with-slavery' aspect a LOT better. But i'm staying curious about what they miiiiight do with the lore regarding that in DA4. favorite line Also unironically, his 'I'm too pretty to die!' when his health is low in combat. The delivery of this line is just perfect. brOTP I kind of like the idea of him being friendly with Varric or Blackwall. And how he and Vivienne mock Solas. This banter is so much fun and makes me think that he and Viv actually develop a friendship. I mean, they are both extraordinarily talented mages. There definitely is common ground between them to bond over. OTP With my dwarf Meret Cadash and with my elf Ondras Lavellan. I also like a queerplatonic relationship with Ilargian, but Ilargian is married and also very in love with his wife. nOTP Any female character tbqh. Let him be gay in peace. random headcanon For my InquisiMaeve AU and also my canon AU with Ilargian being Inqui and Maeve not - he teaches her and later her son to use her magic more effectively and safely and kind of becomes Aimar (the son)'s tutor in the post-Trespasser time. unpopular opinion Adoribull is cute and i don't get the drama around it. song i associate with them Somebody to Love by Queen. favorite picture of them The fourth one in this post by @lorandesore
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glassarrows · 1 year
Who do you think they’ll get along with best among their companions, if any?
Who will they romance, if anyone?
Do they have any scars? What are they from?
If they met, how would your Inquisitor get along with your Warden? Your Hawke?
What’s your Inquisitor’s opinion on each of the various races, if any?
inquisitor ask meme.
he is closest with cole, varric, and cassandra, for various reasons between the three of them. the latter two have been there from the beginning and they're good anchors for him when his anxiety might get the better of him. he trusts them and respects their opinions. cole is just that particular brand of Weird that matthias relates to a lot with how he was ostracised in his childhood, so they vibe on an unspoken level most of the time. he's quite close with josephine too; he sees her as a very warm and kind person. if there's anything he needs, she will most likely be the first person he goes to.
this is a bit complicated of an answer. in what is meant to be his canon playthrough he romances dorian, however i don't consider this a long term thing as it's his first proper romantic relationship. while it's a good learning experience, they mutually decide to break it off and stay very close. he's also pining after his best friend 99% of the time which gets messy because in the lore we have developed, cinder also keeps solas as her canon romance while pining after matthias too.
oh he has Many. the most notable are his facial ones which are from various cuts and tumbles over the years. the one on his upper lip was gained at the conclave explosion. outside of that, there are a few along his legs with one across his left shin from escaping haven and tearing the skin along some rubble.
during halamshiral, matthias briefly met the warden-queen of ferelden, emilia cousland. they had a conversation about the weight of saving the world and emilia soothed some of his nerves by discussing her experiences in the fifth blight. she was very welcoming and open to him and he wishes he could have spent more time talking with her. aryn hawke was a different story, being as bold and somewhat irreverant as varric has described them. their personalities didn't mesh the best but aryn toned it down just enough for the job to get done and giving him a grin from ear to ear whenever he threw a sarcastic remark back at them.
prior to the inquisition, he had only interacted with fellow elves and humans. the very different customs of qunari took some adjusting to in the beginning, and dwarven life was almost inverse to his own which was also unusual to him initially. if anything, the only time he gets concerned is around humans he doesn't know because he never knows how they will react to him being dalish.
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Please send a private message to this Tumblr account or send an email to [email protected] to claim. This pinch hit will be due at the same time as the regular assignments, August 29th at 8 PM EST.
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Requests below the cut:
Request 1
Characters & Relationships: Female Hawke/Cullen Rutherford, The Iron Bull/Cassandra Pentaghast
Type: Fanfiction
Ratings: Any
For Female Hawke/Cullen
I love a roguish purple mage Hawke just kind of flirting with/poking at/joking with Cullen, and he enjoys it but absolutely doesn't know what to do with it (at first? Cullen can be surprisingly smooth given enough time to gather his courage). If set during DA2, how much Cullen likes/loathes mages can vary, but he should like/respect Hawke regardless. If set during Inquisition, I think leaning into the awkwardness of a reunion is great.
Likes: Purple Hawke, cullen being flustered, get-together fic, there was only one mount (dragon, horse, nugalope, etc., your choice), cullen's mild exhibitionism kink (let's go to the battlements for make-outs every time), shameless flirting, kissing, Hawke's side quest hobbies, Fereldans and their dogs, identity porn, relationship shenanegans like everyone thought they were dating, dating but they didn't know it, secret relationships, fake dating, or just regular fluff. I love getting together fic. I like Mage Hawke, Hawke & Varric bffs, helping each other out, helping each other out ;) Dubcon is ok as long as everyone is having a good time (I really enjoy sex pollen fic where only one character is sex-pollened, and the other character volunteers to have sex with them because they want to/like them/want them to suffer less, whatever). I love mutual pining, pining, resolved or unresolved sexual or romantic tension. For mature or explicit fic, I like: pegging (esp. Cullen wanting to be pegged), frottage, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, fingering (either direction),
DNW: No bloodplay. No AU settings (canon divergence AU ok). No modern/college/high school/coffee shop/flower shop AUs. No A/B/O. No Noncon. No underage. No Bestiality. No Necrophilia. No Incest. No pregnancy (any gender). No toilet-related sex stuff. No 1st/2nd Person. No Reader Fic. No character bashing. No Solas. No people angsting about being queer or having sexuality crises. No crossovers. No major character death (background canonical character death mentions or using a potentially canon character death as a plot point or in passing are ok. e.g., mentioning the death of Hawke's parents is fine as long as it's not a major focus of the fic. A worldstate where the Hero of Ferelden is dead is fine). No grief fic. No misogyny, especially casual misogyny. No real world racism. No major focus on canon-typical fantasy racism (background canon-typical racism is ok). No spelling it "cum". No humiliation kink (characters feeling embarrassed is ok, but I don't want porn kinking on the embarrassment specifically). No major focus on torture/pain. No sickfic. No Anders/Hawke. No custom Hawke (use default character appearance and default Hawke name). No strong focus on addiction or addiction recovery (canon typical addiction ok if mentioned in passing or as background). No play piercing/piercing kink. No petplay. No bloodplay. . Please don't leave Hawke in the Fade. No love triangles. No (relationship) jealousy. No non-canonical nicknames.
dislikes: excessive gore (canon typical gore ok), euphemisms for genitalia, Inquisition-era Cullen who still hates/fears mages, blowjobs, hurt/comfort, cheating (open relationships ok), kidfic, dragging irl baggage into Thedas, D/s dynamics. dubcon where characters aren't enjoying what's going on, spit as lube.
For Cassandra/Iron Bull: Cassandra/Iron Bull
-The Iron Bull respectfully flirting and Cassandra flirting back. -Cassandra and the Iron Bull slay a dragon together (and whatever might follow).Likes: gift-giving, creative use of food, service as an act of love (cooking, armor polishing, etc). get-together fic, there was only one mount (dragon, horse, nugalope, etc., your choice), identity porn relationship shenanegans like everyone thought they were dating, dating but they didn't know it, secret relationships, fake dating, or just regular fluff. I love getting together fic.  I love mutual pining, pining, resolved or unresolved sexual or romantic tension. For mature or explicit fic, I like: pegging (esp. Iron Bull wanting to be pegged), frottage, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, fingering (either direction), hand jobs
DNWs and dislikes are the same.
Request 2
Characters & Relationships: Charade Amell & Female Amell & Female Hawke
Type: Fanfiction
Ratings: General, Teen, Mature
I just want a mage Amell (warden), female Hawke (mage or rogue), and Charade Amell hanging out together as cousins. It could be in Kirkwall during DA2 or anytime later. Just some dumb family hijinks.
Likes: Sleepovers, eating desserts, girl-talk, flustering Cullen, annoying Carver, comparing weapons & techniques (& techniques ;) ), making loving fun of other family members, giving the dog treats & pets/the dog doing tricks.
DNW: No bloodplay. No AU settings (canon divergence AU ok). No modern/college/high school/coffee shop/flower shop AUs. No A/B/O. No Noncon. No underage. No Bestiality. No Necrophilia. No Incest. No pregnancy (any gender). No toilet-related sex stuff. No 1st/2nd Person. No Reader Fic. No character bashing. No Solas. No people angsting about being queer or having sexuality crises. No crossovers. No major character death (background canonical character death mentions or using a potentially canon character death as a plot point or in passing are ok. e.g., mentioning the death of Hawke's parents is fine as long as it's not a major focus of the fic. A worldstate where the Hero of Ferelden is dead is fine). No grief fic. No misogyny, especially casual misogyny. No real world racism. No major focus on canon-typical fantasy racism (background canon-typical racism is ok). No spelling it "cum". No humiliation kink (characters feeling embarrassed is ok, but I don't want porn kinking on the embarrassment specifically). No major focus on torture/pain. No sickfic. No Anders/Hawke. No custom Hawke (use default character appearance and default Hawke name). No strong focus on addiction or addiction recovery (canon typical addiction ok if mentioned in passing or as background). No play piercing/piercing kink. No petplay. No bloodplay. . Please don't leave Hawke in the Fade. No love triangles. No (relationship) jealousy. No non-canonical nicknames. No incest.
dislikes: excessive gore (canon typical gore ok), euphemisms for genitalia, Inquisition-era Cullen who still hates/fears mages, blowjobs, hurt/comfort, cheating (open relationships ok), kidfic, dragging irl baggage into Thedas, D/s dynamics. dubcon where characters aren't enjoying what's going on, spit as lube, Cullen is a virgin.
Request 3
Characters & Relationships: Leliana/Josephine Montilyet/Cullen Rutherford, Male Hawke/Cullen Rutherford
Type: Fanfiction
Ratings: Any
For Leliana/Josephine/Cullen: I just love the dynamic these three have around the war-table and in some of the passing overheard dialogue you get in Inquisition. I'd love to see these three relying on each others strengths, in fluffy and/or serious situations
Likes: Leliana and Josephine affectionately teasing Cullen, established relationship, kissing, mutual pining, fluff, identity porn, complex OT3 relationships that don't sideline any of the characters, gift-giving, finding common ground. Relationship shenanegans like everyone thought they were dating, dating but they didn't know it, secret relationships, fake dating, or just regular fluff. I love getting together fic. For porn: I cannot think of a single thing I won't like for an OT3.
For Male Hawke/Cullen I love a roguish purple mage Hawke just kind of flirting with/poking at/joking with Cullen, and he enjoys it but absolutely doesn't know what to do with it (at first? Cullen can be surprisingly smooth given enough time to gather his courage). If set during DA2, how much Cullen likes/loathes mages can vary, but he should like/respect Hawke regardless. If set during Inquisition, I think leaning into the awkwardness of a reunion is great.
Likes: Purple Hawke, Cullen being flustered, get-together fic, there was only one mount (dragon, horse, nugalope, etc., your choice), Cullen's mild exhibitionism kink (let's go to the battlements for make-outs every time), shameless flirting, kissing, Hawke's side quest hobbies, Fereldans and their dogs, identity porn, relationship shenanegans like everyone thought they were dating, dating but they didn't know it, secret relationships, fake dating, or just regular fluff. I love getting together fic. I like Mage Hawke, Hawke & Varric bffs, helping each other out, helping each other out ;) Dubcon is ok as long as everyone is having a good time (I really enjoy sex pollen fic where only one character is sex-pollened, and the other character volunteers to have sex with them because they want to/like them/want them to suffer less, whatever). I love mutual pining, pining, resolved or unresolved sexual or romantic tension. For porn, I like: anal sex, frottage, intercrural sex, hand jobs, fingering
DNW: No bloodplay. No AU settings (canon divergence AU ok). No modern/college/high school/coffee shop/flower shop AUs. No A/B/O. No Noncon. No underage. No Bestiality. No Necrophilia. No Incest. No pregnancy (any gender). No toilet-related sex stuff. No 1st/2nd Person. No Reader Fic. No character bashing. No Solas. No people angsting about being queer or having sexuality crises. No crossovers. No major character death (background canonical character death mentions or using a potentially canon character death as a plot point or in passing are ok. e.g., mentioning the death of Hawke's parents is fine as long as it's not a major focus of the fic. A worldstate where the Hero of Ferelden is dead is fine). No grief fic. No misogyny, especially casual misogyny. No real world racism. No major focus on canon-typical fantasy racism (background canon-typical racism is ok). No spelling it "cum". No humiliation kink (characters feeling embarrassed is ok, but I don't want porn kinking on the embarrassment specifically). No major focus on torture/pain. No sickfic. No Anders/Hawke. No custom Hawke (use default character appearance and default Hawke name). No strong focus on addiction or addiction recovery (canon typical addiction ok if mentioned in passing or as background). No play piercing/piercing kink. No petplay. No bloodplay. . Please don't leave Hawke in the Fade. No love triangles. No (relationship) jealousy. No non-canonical nicknames.
Dislikes: excessive gore (canon typical gore ok), euphemisms for genitalia, Inquisition-era Cullen who still hates/fears mages, blowjobs, hurt/comfort, cheating (open relationships ok), kidfic, dragging irl baggage into Thedas, D/s dynamics. dubcon where characters aren't enjoying what's going on, spit as lube, Cullen is a virgin.
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broodwolf221 · 4 months
dadwc prompts and info
general info:
no character death
i prefer romantic or platonic
pls specify prompt list ur using
ot3/poly prompts welcome
general prompts:
rare/unusual words (mine, but feel rb/use it yourself!)
micro story (please send the word/phrase)
medieval/fantasy sentences
deep conversations
people who aren't used to kindness
quote prompts:
as said by cassandra pentaghast
as said by dorian pavus
as said by solas
as said by merrill
fluff/romance/smut prompts:
50 types of kisses
cuddles and snuggles
smutfic (please send word/phrase)
angst/whump prompts:
what are you hiding from me?
eerie loneliness
heavy content (mine, but feel free to rb/use it yourself!)
patching up wounds
other prompts:
oc codex
fantasy setting
dai - solas | varric | cassandra | sera | dorian | the iron bull | cole | leliana | morrigan | cullen | josephine | calpernia | flemythal
da2 - anders(justice) | fenris | merrill
dao - leliana | morrigan
arlathan - mythal | andruil | ghilan'nain
solas x (nessa | velari | atros | valyris | varric | cassandra | cullen | bull | dorian | calpernia | mythal* | andruil* | ghilan'nain*)
anders x fenris
morrigan x (halcor | leliana)
sera x (delwyn | dagna)
ghilan'nain x andruil*
*messy/complicated ships, might end up in dead dove territory
major ocs:
nessa lavellan (f!rogue, solas)
velari lavellan (f!mage, solas)
atros shiral (m!rogue; city elf!inquisitor, solas)
delwyn lavellan (f!rogue, sera)
valyris lavellan (f!mage, solas)
developing ocs:
feydis lavellan (m!mage, ? maybe dorian)
yene adaar (f!mage, solas)
dimitra (non-inky, f!mage(/templar), cullen)
halcor brosca (m!rogue warden, morrigan then nathaniel)
less developed ocs:
yene adaar (female; mage; solas) yene is a driven vashoth who doesn't want anything to do with any of this, thank you very much. spends the early game looking for a way out but eventually realizes that because of the anchor, she's stuck here, at which point she starts making friends. planned solasmance bc i'm... immensely predictable. also he grows on her. this weird little elf guy who's obsessed with the fade and she's like. hm. i am charmed by the way u wax poetic about ur special interests.
halcor brosca (male; rogue; morrigan, then nathaniel) my canon warden, and someone i haven't written in many years but have been thinking about again recently. very rough around the edges, blunt, practical. has a terrible habit of diving headfirst into danger. he's enamored of magic and trust(ed?) morrigan 100% on everything magical - he also performed the ritual with her, so kieran is his son, although he never met him. afterwards during awakening canon he ended up with nathaniel - a surprise, especially since he didn't even know he was into men as well, but late nights talking around the fire slowly became more.
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bhaalble · 3 years
Thank you for your Colemance post. As someone whose been around from very early days of it, I'm glad that someone finally said he is NOT a child. Because according to canon? Dude's been in physical since he was 12 physically. Also, as someone whose Colemance fics focus on there being equality, thank you for pushing for that. Neurodivergent does not mean stupid or ignorant. Its more fun to write him on equal footing with his SO.
Thank you for reminding me I need to actually get Asunder when my next paycheck rolls in...
But yeah in general I think we just. Collectively forget that Cole has lived a relatively full existence prior to showing up at the Inquisition's doorstep, and more than that he's an immortal spirit from a realm outside of time. He's been around. He's intelligent, insightful, and even capable of playing tricks and pulling pranks when he thinks it'll help.
I think the source of this misconception is twofold. One is obviously underlying ableism. The one thing Cole's not particularly good at is subtext, at least conversationally. Some idioms miss him, and more than that he has a hard time when people are being evasive on purpose but his powers aren't lending him insight. Its something I relate to a lot, because I ALSO have a hard time parsing when things aren't stated outright (at least face to face. text is easier). Its like being asked to find something in a room and then having the lights turned off, like someone just kneecapped one of my senses. To be frank the only thing that sets Cole apart is that he's a lot more willing to not get frustrated when those communication issues come up, which I think helps people rationalize it as "ohhh poor baby just doesn't understand. its ok honey the grown ups will explain".
The other contributing factor is I think people have a tendency to infantilize intentionally kind characters. Like the only reason that someone could have to work so hard at helping other people is because they're either really young or hopelessly naive. Which is hardly ever the case (maturity can't be equated with cynicism), but especially isn't the case with Cole. One of the first conversations you can have with him is about his willingness to go out killing hundreds of bandits and Venatori with you. He acknowledges that he doesn't enjoy it, that he wishes there was something he could do to stop it, but in the end they make their choices and he's going to try and save the lives of the people he trusts to help others no matter what. He's perfectly capable of weighing costs.
All this to say, if I see another post calling Solas and Varric his dads I'm gonna eat my own teeth. Solas I can see where they get that impression from, as he's basically the only person here who could reasonably claim to be older than Cole and does seem a little more paternal with him. Varric though? Varric's his friend, not his dad. And to be frank, Varric's a little guilty of perpetuating that kind of handholdy coddling approach I see so many people take with Cole and its one of the things I'll eventually get into (simply put: I don't like his arguments for making Cole human). That's not to say Varric isn't his friend. He and Cole are important to each other and more than that, Cole genuinely likes him. But no relationship in Dragon Age is without its jagged edges, and I wish those two had more meta dedicated to unpacking the tangles of that dynamic instead of 15000 "and then Varric covered Cole's ears lest his precious sweet son hear one of Sera's filthy swears".
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herearedragons · 9 months
So I was pondering the “the plot of the games is actually a D&D campaign played by the characters” AU for Dragon Age, specifically the DM’s identity (if we assume it’s one of the canon characters).
Varric was obviously the DM for DA2 and got so overwhelmed by having to keep track of multiple plot threads and combat and puzzles that he decided to never DM again and joined the next campaign as a player.
Solas is a fun choice for the DA:I DM, since that would make Inquisition Solas a DM-PC, which really does fit the sheer amount of lore he provides and also the dramatic reveal in the end. Honestly, that’s probably the most logical choice, but I do like this other idea that I somehow thought of before remembering Solas exists, and it’s that the Inquisition DM is Leliana and the spymaster is her self-insert NPC based on her bard from a game she played with other friends a few years ago. It would explain why there’s so much of Orlais, politics and the Chantry in the game - she grew fond of those aspects of the setting while playing her bard PC and wanted to expand upon them in her own campaign.
Speaking of which, DA:O is the only one where I can’t pick a canon character for the DM role, maybe because the actual game feels kind of like a D&D campaign and each character from the main party feels more like a PC than a DM character.
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