#societyboy get fucked
differenteagletragedy · 3 months
Sometimes when I feel sad I think about how in the Our Life x Blooming Panic universe, Derek would absolutely wreck societyboy, then I don't feel sad anymore.
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robobarbie · 5 months
angst AND romance??? both? both. both is good.
inspired by me messing around with quests options and finding one where quest gets pissed when he finds out societyboy used to yell at mc: how about when he finds out the rest of it? him trying to balance feeling absolutely pissed while comforting mc
of course tw for abuse mention
You hadn't wanted to talk about it -- not that night, at least. You promised yourself you would when you were ready, and ready you certainly were not. But life isn't kind to expectations, is it?
Here you are, arms covering your face, Quest looking at you quizzically, and all you want to do was melt into the couch and disappear.
"Angel?" He speaks softly.
You clench your fists and close your eyes as tears begin to well. You look so fucking stupid right now. Attention seeking, overreactive behavior. Why did you have to give the game away, huh? Why do you always do this at the smallest reminder?
Quest's hand gently touches your arm but retreats when you jump at the sensation.
"Ah, okay. I'll sit. Not touching you, baby."
Your arms fold against your body and you lean back into the couch with a sob. It's so stupid. It's all just so stupid. You try to wipe away the tears quickly, but more keep coming. You're a mess to look at.
Quest sits quietly nearby, oddly stiff. You still can't meet his gaze. But you can feel it burning into you.
After a few moments, you calm down -- you aren't good, but you're good enough. You lower your arms from your face and gingerly fold your hands on your lap.
Quest then turns to look away from you, probably finally sensing that you don't want to be looked at right now. You're calming down, so, he can look away anyway. He's still worried, though.
But you want him there... you want to feel him next to you. With a shaky breath, you lean over and rest against his arm. When you reach forward and take his hand in yours, he squeezes back firmly. A quiet "It's okay, I'm here."
He traces your skin with his thumb. "Want to talk about it?"
"Not really."
"Okay, we don't have to-"
"But I'm going to." Might as well. You're here in the mud already. Might as well not risk the chance of dirtying yourself again.
You grit your teeth, take a deep breath, and tell him. Tell him everything. The way SB used to take advantage of you, the danger you felt at times, and the fear that has ever since been carved into your chest. As you speak, Quest doesn't say anything. He nods, careful not to interrupt, and lets you say your piece. Your emotional, sloppy, but important piece.
When you reach the end, you finally glance up at him. He's staring straight ahead, jaw clenched tight and brows knitted together.
You say his name. "What are you thinking?"
He doesn't respond for a moment, instead vying to lift your hand to his lips for a small kiss. He holds it there, reverently, before slowly letting your hand fall to his lap, still held tightly by him.
"I'm thinking a lot, Angel," he says, carefully. "But I don't think they're very helpful thoughts."
"I want to hear it, anyway. Please?"
He sighs and finally turns to look at you again. His eyes search yours, -- are they a little red? Had he been crying, too?
"I'm disgusted that that happened to you. I'm sorry I wasn't there."
"You don't have to-"
"Because if I was there, he would be six feet under by now."
The venom stuns you a bit. You're not used to hearing Quest speak like that. It tweaks your heart, but it's not painful.
You cry a little and Quest places a hand on your cheek, expression fierce. "He would be. I would have made it hurt, too. I want to make it hurt."
"I'm not stupid. I'm not going to do anything." His thumb strokes a tear away. "But I can't deny that I really, really want to."
He holds you there for a moment before pulling you onto his lap for an enveloping hug. Your arms wrap tightly around him and you bury your face in his neck.
His arm is wrapped around your back, another cradling your head against him -- shaking a bit, too. He's crying with you.
"I'm so, so sorry Angel." He hugs you tighter against him. "I've got you. Nobody can do that to you again, okay?"
You nod into him and he nods back. Both of you sit there in silence for a couple minutes, holding onto each other.
Quest is the one to finally speak first. He asks you if you're hungry, he'll make anything you want. You ask for pasta. He says of course. He holds your hand as you stand up from the couch, and doesn't let go of it for the rest of the night.
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fearyandear · 10 months
My Headcanons for Societyboy!
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I tried giving him features the other boys didn't have, like eyes that are downcast and a hooked nose. I also gave him adult braces because I thought it was a cute mental image to have this angry douchebag arguing over people and getting self-conscious when you stare at his teeth and laugh. He had pretty black hair that he thought was too boring to get your attention again, so he tried bleaching and coloring it himself, ending up with this. He doesn't take care of it, his hair is a mess aah. Also, he's self conscious of Quest because he has a skinny little body and that man is 😳
I have a bit of writing on him that I'm not sure I'll actually get to finish, but my take on our ex is:
He's an egocentric loser we confessed to first at the end of junior year of high school. He accepted because it meant he had bragging rights over his other friends. You stay together through senior year, the excuse of you both being busy trying to get into college truimphed over any actual intimacy taking place (most of your dates were just you watching him play a game in his room or studying).
Finally it was over, you both got accepted into the same college, graduated, and over the summer, you both prepped to move into your dorms (seperate). As the first year went on, you both made separate friend groups. Slowly, he started feeling uneasy. He realized there was a good chance you might leave him with so many new people in your life, and so much time spent apart; to combat this, he kept insisting on you following him to his hang outs, or staying over at his dorm instead.
You didn’t mind him becoming clingy at first; he had always felt very independent from youbin highschool, and he wouldn't care about stuff like cuddling and holding hands together before. This was nice.
But it only got worse as the years trickled by, and he became very demanding. You were slowly becoming an island, unable to hold friendships without upsetting him, relying on him, and being left behind anywahs when he spent his time with his own group. You graduated, and lasted a few months living together before you finally snapped and broke things off.
He was furious. He didn't think he did anything wrong and thought the progression of things was just how relationships were meant to be. He convinced himself that you were only throwing a hissy fit, and you'd come back. When it wasn't happening as immediately as he wanted, he started stalking you online, unable to comprehend how you could live without him.
When you'd post good things about your new life, vitriol overtook him and he started commenting shitty things, making his own posts, insulting you and hating you and still, expecting you to one day wake up and come knocking back.
But you wouldn't.
And it's been over a year already. He's still alone, blocked on all your accounts (though he got new socials to keep looking at you), in the same apartment (despite being offered to move somewhere cheaper because you might come looking for him), and still thinking of you daily. He didn't want to allow himself to feel it, but he's sad.
He misses you so much. He misses sleeping by you, misses hearing you talk about your hobbies, misses your cooking, your voice, your hugs and kisses, all the ways you made him feel special and not like the sad sack of shit he really was. It's time he finally owned up to his mistakes, internalize how he fucked up your life, and actually try to get better at being more thoughtful of you. He still thinks it's you he has to end up with, somehow, in some way.
As he browsed through your social media again, that's how he found the link you surely clicked on. It's somewhere neither you nor him have ever made an account on. That means he's not blocked there! His heart beat fast as he copied it but didn't click it yet; he had to calm down. This had to be like, the universe affirming him, right? Throwing him another chance to see you again. He wanted to make it count. But he was... anxious, too, after so long. He had to wait to buy and take a few edibles before he finally resigned himself to what would come next. He'd win you back. He joined the server.
(Then, enters Societyboy's Route. Not Quest's, this one would be similar but different.)
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mekorausada · 2 years
Blooming Panic: Full Bloom Edition Game Review
Spoilers Ahead
May I present to you Mystic Messenger's less overwhelming counterpart.
Blooming panic was something I played a few months ago while searching for something new and refreshing to play and it really did the trick Blooming panic has
Amazing art
Beautiful Voice Acting
Great Story
Interesting and Lovable characters (Both the romancable and the non-romancable ones)
Realistic Dialogue that I would see in an actual server (And fandom) from actual people.
Blooming Panic (Or Bloomic) has sort of the same hook as MM, you are a fan of a webcomic called Blooming Panic and one day you mysteriously recieve an invite to a server for fans of the webcomic.
Bloomic doesn't really focus on how you got the invite, why links to the server keep getting deleted and such until NakedToaser's route and its really a breath of fresh air from lore-heavy, confusing stories. Bloomic doesn't shine in its great stories in my opinion, it shines in its characters and their interactions with one another. When you play, it truly feels like you're in a fan server. The way they fangirl/fanboy over fanarts, Ship wars, some of the members being more devoted to Bloomic and others. Plus the way they respond is realistic.
So I've talked too long about the dialogue and not the characters, it is an otome game after all. There are a total of 11 characters who appear and 9 are active characters who appear and interact with you in every route and 4 are romancable. Each of the characters have very diverse personalities and play different roles in each route, I'm not gonna go over them all but I am going to be going over the lis and their routes.
The first is a menace to society, a lurker in the shadows ready to pounce you with a funny quip.. this is no other than our resident troll.. xyx. Holy shit did xyx remind me of so many people I know, hes got the same attitude, everyone treats him and his jokes the same way and he has the same dilemma. xyx was the first route I did and honestly, it was a bit over the place, I think his main conflict is his cat and his injury? but he had alot of stuff. Buut, very enjoyable. The voice actor(Mike Young) is absolutely wow (kudos to him for doing the tongue twisters lol). Overall 8/10 maybe?
Our next guy is a little jealous, a college student, has a bit of a habit of staying up, blonde, 5'7 and a cutie <3
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Ah.. wait a minute.
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There he is.. may I present to you, Night Owl. Nightowl is a bit overwhelming ngl. Honestly he scared me quite a bit, he is very loveable but he can get really expressive and it can become suffocating to stay, especially in the videocall where he gets drunk before his exam. Still, his story was very interesting and had me glued more than xyx's did. btw still waiting for that onion videocall, please onion route robobarbie
The next guy is buff and tired dad of the server, no other than Quest. Ngl Quest isn't really my type so I wasn't really excited to play his route but it was very sweet. One thing I have to say though, fuck societyboy, all my homies hate societyboy. Fr saw the joker movie and decided the joker was his idol smh. I ended up swooning over Quest though, hes the perfect mix of promising he'll bring you home by 9 and your daughter calls me daddy. very nice...
Last boy is Nakedtoaster, don't let his name fool you.. he is.. very serious. This is the last route you'll play and it will finally address the suspicious part about all of this. This is way more serious than the others routes than a we can get over this together! type of thing.. well it sort of still is like that. The reveal of who the author of Bloomic is also here lol, much more lore focused than the other ones, I was sort of tired doing his route and I just used the max speed option alot. Nakedtoaster's good ending is VERY satisfying though, seeing everyone come back and all. It felt so relieving.
So conclusion, definitely recommend Blooming Panic, its on itch.io so go download it and swoon.
10/10 voice acting, 8/10 story, 10/10 art, 9/10 characters and 9/10 script.
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oyasuminto · 2 years
Headcanons for how the BP boys react to a needy and horny MC who wants attention after a stressful day at work?
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You are going to give him a heart attack. Toasty's easily flustered at the best of times, but when you wander into his room, pouting and begging for attention, he feels like he's short-circuiting. C'mon, that's so unfair!
You'll have to make the first move, but Toasty is happy to let you ride him until you're satisfied, he has the stamina and libido for it. He doesn't care if he'll be unable to move tomorrow, it's worth it.
The moment you start whining about how horny and stressed you are, nightowl's pinning you beneath him and hooking your legs around his waist. Just tell him what you want, cutie, and he'll make all your dreams come true.
nightowl can and will fuck you stupid, he'll fuck you until you can't even remember what was stressing you out, and then he'll fuck you a couple more times for good measure.
His first response is to mock you for being so desperate, but he's already unbuckling his belt and pulling down his pants. Honestly, he needs the stress relief just as much as you do, he's just too prideful to admit it, plus it really inflates his ego.
onion's sure to let you know just how much of a cock addict you are, how you'll never progress in your field if all you do is think about getting fucked silly by your boyfriend, as if he's any better.
He's quick to sit you in his lap, hands already dipping under your clothes as he kisses you breathless. Quest thinks it's cute when you're needy, clumsily tugging at his shirt buttons and grinding against his clothed cock.
He makes sure to tell you that, too, whispering just how adorable you look begging for him to fuck you, did you really miss his cock that badly? Did you spend all day thinking about fucking him?
You're getting bullied for acting like a whore, doesn't matter how hard societyboy is, or that he does the exact same thing, he's still gonna degrade you while telling you to prove why he shouldn't just ignore you and leave you to deal with it yourself.
That's how you end up on your knees, societyboy's hands keeping his cock buried in your mouth even as you gag and drool around his shaft. It's only fair that he demand payment, isn't it?
Eager to please as always, two2 hurries you to his room and wastes no time getting down to business, even as his face is burning and he feels almost dizzy with desire, shaking hands holding your face and peppering it with kisses.
He'll do anything you tell him; give you oral until your vision blurs, fuck you through as many rounds as you want, spread you open with his fingers, all he cares about is hearing you moan.
He can't resist the urge to tease you, large hands gripping your hips, thumbs rubbing circles dangerously close to your crotch, lips seizing yours in kisses, only to pull away when you try to deepen it. Just let him have his fun, and you'll have yours.
Once you're nice and riled up, xyx puts that mouth of his to work, tongue exploring your sex, and at least one of your legs thrown over his strong shoulders.
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Scum of Society
Summary: After getting banned from the server, societyboy seeks revenge.
Heath Sousa thrashed his laptop to the wall. That nerd banned him. That fucking nerd banned him.
Heath planned on destroying Quest, but he didn't expect the coward to take him down with him.
Head throbbing, Heath stared at the hole in the wall of his apartment.
"Your laptop, shit." He seethed, picking up the machine.
The casing cracked, but the monitor seemed to be fine. It took a while for it to boot. He pressed enter several times.
Heath paced the room and clutched at his hair.
He turns around to the sound of his phone. Walks to his bed and reads a text from his aunt.
"I paid for your rent this month. Don't forget to look for work."
He grips his phone before deciding to put it down. He will not ruin two gadgets today, oh no.
Not when someone has to pay for it.
He sits on his office chair and goes to a recently visited website. The sales department was hiring, and that was the perfect place for trash like him.
On the day of the interview, a man with green hair and multiple ear piercings enters a dark narrow entrance of a tall building. The steps were steep and gray, and the security guard functioned as a receptionist.
The guard looked doubtfully at him, but the pierced man knew how to deal with the likes of them. Both stared down until the guard decided it wasn't worth their pay. The pierced man smirked, and flashed his clear book. "I really am an interviewee, believe it or not."
"So, Mr. Sousa. It seems that you were a stellar performer at your previous place of work," a man with unremarkable features droned on.
His eyes aren't blue, Heath thought.
The interview had gone on for a while, and he didn't have the patience for pleasantries like he used to, Heath realized.
"Despite your current attire, you seem fully qualified for a position in sales. What made you decide to leave your previous job?"
"Oh, I was engaged in important communal work," Heath forced a smile. He had to be professional until he gets what he needs.
The idiot had a follow-up question. "Communal work? Of what nature?"
"Wiping my grandma's ass."
The unremarkable man remained unremarkable, though the look on his face burned into Heath's memory. Heath stared him down.
The unremarkable man bursts out laughing. "Hahaha! Ohh, I see you have an odd sense of humor. Well, since you're already dressed that way, it seems in character for you. It must be useful when selling to clients, eh?"
God, Heath hated that man. He had started to gain some features. A round face, double chin, rosy cheeks. Bald. Old enough to be his father.
"Well, as long as you get the job done."
That left a bitter taste on Heath's mouth. He used to be passionate about this field. It was where his talents got him. His knack for understanding people and what makes them tick. And it was that talent that told him his interviewer was a selfish man who hid behind jovial smiles.
"I've already specified what the job entails in the job description, including the hours. Benefits are stated as well as the salary. I'll admit I'm hesitant to hire you given your entire year break and your current attire, but you should be content with the bottom salary, right?"
Heath internally cursed himself. Had he remembered to buy a new suit that fit him, he'd have gotten the upper salary.
"We do have a performance bonus, of course. After six months, your salary will increase. You will have to prove yourself, of course."
"Of course."
The repetition irks Heath more than the knowledge that he has nothing to prove.
He had a great record on his previous company. He won an award for 3 years. He got promoted. He remembered that fact clearly, and that is why he forgot something as important as buying new clothes.
He had torn them in frustration when he made the decision to resign a year ago.
He didn't even want to leave his job. He had the perfect life.
A career that worked for him.
A partner.
A new apartment.
He needed his family to be perfect, too.
He juggled caregiving with work when no one else wanted to do it.
He was the perfect boyfriend. A family man. A career man. A lady's man who can woo any woman he wanted, yet stayed loyal to one. A nice guy.
He wasn't like this bumbling man poring over papers he should've prepared beforehand, who probably only got to keep his job because nobody qualified would apply to this obscure company.
But that shattered one day when his partner didn't show up for him. They knew he was busy, yet still prioritized their selfish desires.
He followed them only to find them spending time with another man. He's been gathering evidence ever since. He confronted them, and they called him a stalker. Ceased contact.
It was by chance he came across them again, but to think the whore is still out seeking random men. He just had to interfere. Especially when one was this lowly. Pathetic. Trash.
Heath's thoughts are interrupted by a flash of white.
At last, the unremarkable bumbling man found the contract papers. It was being waves in front of his face.
"Just sign here and your rent is secure for a month!"
Heath signed the contract and glared at the man.
"See, I can make jokes, too," the idiot explained. "Ah, yes. One copy for me, and one copy for you."
Heath nodded quietly, determined to get out of this place before he loses it.
He needed to put Quest to shame. To expose him. First, Heath will make a reputation for himself. Then he'll show that bastard Quest what's it like to lose something he worked for. Not that someone like him will understand. Trash that thinks he can reintegrate into society scot-free while citizens like Heath suffer.
They descended the stairs as the annoying man made what seemed to be more quips. Heath ignored them until he reached the bottom of the stairs.
Finally, he turns to this man, whom he had to acknowledge was his new supervisor.
"Well, I'm glad to have you on the team!" They shake hands, and all Heath could think of was to get past the guard, and get out of this place. But then he hears something.
"They didn't hire a nurse?"
"Ha ha ha ha!" The supervisor laughed. "He said he wiped his grandma's ass! Of all the bullshit I've heard interviewees say, that was the only one entertaining."
Heath strides back up the stairs and opens the door.
"Oh, Mr. Sousa, did you forget something?"
Without a word, a cutter emerges from Heath's pocket. Someone screams.
"Mr. Sousa, I think you're taking the acting a little too far--"
Speak for yourself, you fake. Heath slashes at the man, only to feel something grab his wrist and hit his chin.
The last thing he sees are a pair of blue eyes.
Heath's contract was cancelled. He was brought to a local precinct where a blotter was made against his assault.
His would-have-been supervisor wanted to lock him behind bars, afraid that Heath will do good on cutting off his tongue. But a secretary reminded him that they did not have the money for that, and the police reassured him that they would arrive on scene as needed. And if they didn't, there was still the tall jacked man with blue eyes.
While Heath remained in handcuffs, he watched the atmosphere around the others quickly shift. They left the precinct without giving him so much as a glance. They were treating him as scum. The scum of society.
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syeph0fuck · 2 years
I hate societyboy but I hate quest even more that I want him to show up in other routes just so I can expirence true chaos and pain by seeing how each li reacts. Like, would xyx have to stop using his funny guy persona and actually tell societyboy to shut it? And what would societyboy do to make mc hate xyx? Or toasty? Or nightowl? Its keeping me up and I need to KNOW. Since we know Quest got unsecure wifi but would societyboy dig up Nightowl's old social medias and find the worst possible post? Such as what if when Nightowl was in highschool he was a total jerk or posted nasty things about people he knew, or posted really embarrassing things that would make mc just,,, embarrassed to be around him(like being horny on main or some shit or drinking while underage HEAVILY)
And what would he have to find for xyx? He doesn't seem like he'd have any possible dirt on him outside of his mental health, so would societyboy have to find something online of xyx being open about it and show the server that, leading to xyx getting into a fight? While he doesn't get into as many fights as the other characters I feel like if he perceived other people as being upset by his emotions he'd throw hands for lack of a better term.
I haven't finished toasty yet so my best bet would be finding something really embarrassing toasty said or did. Maybe even just somehow get Toasty to talk "bad" about someone in the server after a fight which makes MC and other characters be like "what the fuck?" (Since even if it's ooc for toasty as I said I haven't finished his route yet that shit hard it'd still make everyone else not trust him and think he talks behind their backs too even though he was just venting about someone who started a fight) or some kind of really bad choice he made as a kid (who knows maybe he like, fought someone and got in serious trouble)
Think about it 🤔
Also my Quest hate is undeserved I just found him weird he made me uncomfortable 🫦 it was the angel thing he's got good intentions but his route felt a bit restrictive since you could only flirt back hence my desire for a few segments where you can type what you want and the AI will read the tone and for key words and then select pre-written responses from each character
- Mod Nico 🪫
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heavensickness · 2 years
heyyyy i am here to ask abt your oc, i think she's so interesting! i read your posts about her and she seems very understanding and kind, but what would get her angry in a relationship?? i wanna learn angsty details lol! only if you are comfortable with it ofc
YEEEEEEESSSS i LOVE asks abt her lmao! before making her, when asked abt my previous OCs, i would get really awkward and wouldn't be able to explain them but it's different with her. i think that's because i put a lot of details into her personality and backstory.
Her biggest issue is that she is terrified of being seen as "useless" to her most loved person and being abandoned by them. She is normally a feisty person (though she is much more calm now) but when it comes to her favorite person, she can't just protect herself or get angry when she is supposed to get angry, because the fear of not being loved anymore is greater than anything else. her self-confidence in that sense is very low and self-detrimental, which kind of reminds me of Quest in some aspects but not entirely. anyway, this is why she put up with societyboy for years, and finally being able to dump his ass for once and all was one of the hardest and most brave decisions she's made. and this is why i think that a relationship with nightowl or xyx could either be the dream relationship or a NIGHTMARE depending on their character development with no in-between possibilities, because her protection mechanism is to fawn.
To get her ANGRY to the point that she completely forgets about her understanding nature and all the years she's spent on self-control though; reminding her of the times where she used random hook-ups and other things she's done to cope in the past to humiliate/hurt her will enrage her. Or just imply the 0.0000000001% possibility that she might be cheating on you or even that she might be interested in someone else other than you, and you can say goodbye to her forever because she will take it so personally. So you think that she is a slut? That she is incapable of being loyal, and goes around fucking anyone and everyone? Even though you didn't mean that AT ALL she will take it that way because of her own complex about her younger self.
This might be surprising considering her personality, but she reacts rather quiet to being cheated on since she is used to it and like i said before, it only makes her sad rather than angry because of her low self-worth. In other words, the implication that SHE is the cheating one instead of being cheated on makes her more furious.
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luvring · 2 years
NIA. ur thoughts about the bloomic LI's 🤲🤲
yeaass got the good endings 4 for 4 first try like god i am so good at gaming😍😘‼️
spoiler warning ofc!! stated fave to least fave but they Barely switch around. (btw i did owl > xyx > quest > toasty)
voice: toasty, owl, xyx, quest (love all the va's i think they did quite a good job the calls were vry cute <3)
toasty had like, the most natural laughs and that was one of the things i Rlly rlly zoned in on. the first time he laughed i actually said oh my god
quest has a nice voice. smooth... smth abt the ?intonation? threw me off a little?? him and owl were a little Anime Protag to me... nothing's Wrong w it !! just not my favourite cup of coffee (srry i don't like tea)
xyx picking love as the pet name was gonna make me throw my mouse at the wall. that's all i can say. idk australian accents throw me off SORRYEBDH all i think of are felix/bang chan and 5sos which is problematic for my health /hj (i was 11 as a 5sos fan ok. not again...)
story: toasty/owl, quest, xyx
got to love that true ending flavour. sorry this might also be toasty favoritism but i rlly do think it was interesting. blooming panini was a highlight
Genuinely fucking Gasped when owl's whole thing happened. my hand was over my mouth and everything. but i Empathize and his call after was sooo.. nguh. he had some of my fave calls tbh!! i think they could have added some warnings for others tho...?
was a little shocked to see the ex for quest too like wow. that icon too. can't believe i turned into a discord kitten HELPRHEJ and like :(( being called a monster??? that hurt Me :/
Also empathize w xyx...i get the funny friend thing and not wanting to do something :/ i'm vry lucky to have such good friends and they're unlucky w me always talking /hj but man . that could've been me in another life. also i Do love him and cat 😚
who i'd text irl (one on one): owl/toasty, xyx, quest
owl's got the balance of texting how me and my friends do and also me not having to be worried of sounding awkward. sorry that is not the other characters' fault but i'm comparing them to ppl i have actually texted. whew
BUT toasty + xyx gc is the best thing ever. i know i'd make a fool of myself easily but witnessing it is fun
i'd rather text toasty one on one tho . love xyx i am just not charismatic/funny . i'm sure he'd like how easily flustered/awkward i get but it'd also probably get old fast and i feel bad lolol
quest. i think if i went "omhogfi litelrauj cnats ee myscfrne im ggoncry hydo allmyfaov irt cjarates due" i'd feel the worst for him. very lovely but he doesn't need to see me incoherently sobbing over manga 😔 let me be the best for u
overall + random thoughts: toasty, owl, quest/xyx
i love !!! all their development !!! i think it was done super well and everything in each of their routes tied together...and like they were all so different u know?
the texting felt rlly natural too. i think one thing that'd get to me for like, mysmes was my text choices and stuff . ofc there were personally unnatural moments but that's a given LOL
OWL'S EPILOGUE PHOTO. there's a video on my ig spam bc i wanted to record it unblurring as my first ending photo,, the noise and shocked laugh i let out. hooo my god
when xyx was like let's do tongue twisters / no wrong answer just dumb ones or smth . as someone with anxiety and rejection sensitivity i would have an anxiety attack and die. BUT as a GC Friend he'd be very fun his sense of humor is pretty similar to mine i think...
when societyboy showed up and quest brought me to the other channel and he said "i'd love to angel" i was done. i was gone. /pos quest had such cute lines i'm devastated. like yeah spoil me hahahhahah please. [gets discord kitten'd] HELDPFJ
not kidding about toasty and xyx being the best thing ever. when they said "onion aren't you comp sci / yeah drop out" i giggled. that's so me
is it bad i was saying x-y-x in my head until i heard toasty say xyx. HELP
my godddd toasty. when he gets back in the server and says ur name 3 times i was kicking my feet. when he said i was so fucking worried fuck this. call? i was crying. WHEN GE SAID I love you. a lot. text me in the morning? I WAS PUNCHIGN THEA IR I EAS SILENTLY SCREAMING INTO MY PILLOW
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the first thing i said when i first saw him btw. i could probably make a whole post just for how i relate to him and owl . anyway
who would i date fr?! evidently toasty or owl . not sure which one ,, probably toasty but i think they both fit the general criteria for who i like :0
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galpalaven · 2 years
penny posting selfies of her and rose to prove they know each other to the group just having a good time and society boy piping up with a "oh. its you"
and she just "hey fucker. wonder how you found this extremely obscure server where your ex just happens to be."
"fuck you"
"you couldnt handle me tiny boy ;)"
"youre such a bitch"
"thank you :)"
"why do you have to be here too. god. @shoshanna come on babe just answer my texts"
"stop trying to text her or im gonna have to kick your ass. again. or have you forgotten"
"fuck you. you hit like a girl"
"is that why you had two black eyes and a broken nose for three weeks afterwards? dang. i'll do better next time ;)"
"i didn't do shit to you"
"stalker pos"
"fuck you fuck you fuck you"
@societyboy @vampqueen have been restricted for 5 hours
when quest has to dip for that phone call she's the one starting even more shit than xyx and when quest gets doxxed she's just like @quest look i also have mugshots its fine we've all got pasts and posts her own from after she got arrested for kicking societyfuckface's ass when he showed up drunk at rose's apartment and rose called her crying from where she'd locked herself in the bathroom fjdslkj
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qu1nby · 2 years
If no one has beat me to this one, Bloomic? Or BSD?
FRIEND! I’m doing both of them now :D
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Am I going to get stoned to death if I say Dazai? He's fun! I like bullying him. It's hard to pick a favorite character for bsd, to be honest. I like (almost) all of them.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Q Q Q Q Q Q Q, I love them, I would die for them, they deserve so much better.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
It's been a minute since I read or watched the parts with Ace in them, but I have to respect how he fucked around and found out. Except for the murder, that was not cool
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Albatross. I mean, he can't really appear anymore, but I would love to know more about him and the other Flags.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Dazai again! He can go in the plinko and superhell too.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
surprise surprise, Mori is going in the plinko.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Fukuchi. Without hesitation. I will throw him into the depths of superhell myself if I have to
ANYWAY! Bloomic time!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Toasty, next question
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Nightowl, but I'm not sure if I want his gender or if I want him
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
It's hard to pick a underrated character with such a small cast buuuuttttt June. I liked her in game but even more so after that angst hour post about her feeling like she has to always be perfect and friendly
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
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poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Xyx, a popular character but I feel like he fits the poor little meow meow vibes
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Onion. Put him in the plinko. I wasn't even that attached to him at first but now I am and he doesn't even have his own route
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
societyboy is going to superhell for being a Joker wannabe
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oyasuminto · 2 years
No thoughts only imagining breaking societyboy's nose. I don't play with that whole "feels entitled to you & your time" nonsense. How do ya think the guys would individually react to you casually mentioning it as something you'd done recently?
He needs a moment to process what you've just said. He won't admit to being a little turned on, instead asking just how badly that clown fucked up to deserve a broken nose. Toasty will suggest that you maybe shouldn't do it again, but he isn't hiding his smile.
nightowl's been in one or two bar fights, and he knows just how quickly things can escalate. One guy on his campus still has a slightly crooked nose from an improperly-healed nose. He's very impressed with you for standing up to societyboy.
You're getting a full-on lecture. Onion doesn't care how justified you feel. Getting into pointless fist-fights is childish, it's something nightowl would do. Couldn't you think of a better way to deal with that idiot? Like calling the cops?
He's in full 'concerned father' mode. What do you mean you broke your ex's nose!? Quest can't blame you, not with his own personal societyboy experience, but you committed a crime, and he's terrified of something happening to you.
Oh my God that's amazing!! Does he fully endorse it? No. Is he extremely impressed? Yes. Will this spark a minor infatuation with you? Probably! What can two2 say? He admires strength, and being willing to break your abuse ex's nose is very hot.
He's spamming POGCHAMP in #general until BloomBot or Quest restricts him for a few hours. That clown-ass bitch had it coming, and xyx hopes societyboy's nose never heals right. Fucking hell that's the hottest thing he's ever heard!
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oyasuminto · 2 years
it's SUCH a bad idea but can you imagine ''''accidentally'''' sending societyboy a video of you getting your back blown out by whoever you end up with... you're a noisy, whiny mess riding xyx, and he can't see your face but he KNOWS your voice. or fuck ESPECIALLY if you're pinned under quest with your legs wrapped tight around his hips, holding him close with the most loving look in your eyes. i want to see him FUMING.
Caged beneath Quest as he makes love to you, peppering your face with soft kisses and whispering words of praise and sheer adoration into your ears.
Whining and moaning and rambling incoherently every time xyx thrusts into you, a hand in your hair keeping your face off the mattress so you're fully audible.
nightowl covering your thighs in bites and hickeys, pierced tongue running over your sex tauntingly, drawing desperate little moans and whines out of you.
Riding Toaster as he squeezes your hips, moaning about how big his cock is, while he whines out a little I love you so fucking much in-between rolls of his hips.
Regardless of who it is or what they're doing, societyboy is pissed. He should be the one making you moan, what are you, some kinda whore?
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oyasuminto · 2 years
okay minty, I need your thoughts
out of the bp fam, who's most proud of having hickeys and bite/scratch marks left from their s/o (you can put societyboy there but he's on thin ice) -🔇
(also I felt like this was low effort but if it counts as a rq then just delete this!!)
BIGLADY won't flaunt the marks you left on her, but she does get a smug little grin on her face if someone points it out. She may even wink and make a comment like "Think that's bad? You should see my girlfriend!"
nightowl will purposely wear low-cut/unbuttoned shirts for the sole purpose of showing off all the bites and hickeys marking up his neck. You'll find him checking himself out in the mirror, smirking at the bevy of red scratches running up his back.
onionthief sees it as a sign that he did a good job, you were so overwhelmed with pleasure that you couldn't help but bite and scratch. He can get real smug about it, too, unable to hide a little smirk anytime his classmates notice hickeys poking from his shirt collar.
societyboy is incredibly insufferable when he realizes you've left a few marks. He'll bitch and moan about the scratches, but he's still showing off the bites and hickeys to all his friends, and, really, anyone who'll listen to him.
xyx teases the fuck out of you the morning after. Are you trying to make him more of a masochist, doll? Cause it's working~ He can't have any of the marks showing at work, but he takes his time getting dressed, allowing you to see everything.
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oyasuminto · 2 years
Ok but for BP imagine the guys all being in a video chat & whichever one MC is with shoots them a very suggestive text on their cell, picture(s) included. Imagining which ones would be able to keep their cool & which wouldn't is awesome. Also if xyx didn't get the text he knows EXACTLY what kinda text showed up on the other guy's phone.
societyboy won't even try to hide what's going on, smirking and practically bragging about the fact that he's in a relationship and can get nudes whenever he wants them.
NakedToaster reacts the worst; choking, blushing, and almost dropping his phone. Any probing is met with a "Don't ask" or "Please shut the fuck up."
two2 has the second most obvious reaction; squeaking loud enough to interrupt the conversation. If anyone comments on it, he might just leave the call.
nightowl makes it obvious by grinning, leg bouncing as he rapidly texts back. He's good at covering though, saying that you texted him, and just leaving it vague.
onionthief goes silent, right in the middle of an argument with nightowl. He claims that it was an important message related to school, but his voice wavers as he speaks.
Quest's eyebrows raise, face pinkening, and he might need to cough into his hand to cover up a small noise of surprise. Aside from that, no-one notices that anything's up.
xyx has a complete poker face, the other guys assume he's just handling a work message, continuing the conversation even as he sends you a filthy response.
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oyasuminto · 2 years
What do you think the bp group's ideal date night would be?
A nice, simple night in at hers or your house. Just cuddling on the couch and watching cheesy rom-coms while sharing various snacks—bowls of chips, assorted lollies, and overly-sweet wine. You're laying against her chest, allowing you to hear her heart beat quicken every time you press a kiss against her heated skin.
A reading date! She wants to take you to her local library and learn all about your taste in literature, you can sit together, nestled in a little corner near the back of the library, and discuss your favorite books! Maybe she'll even sneak a few kisses when no-one's looking, face red and giggling when a librarian turns the corner.
A trip to his favorite arcade to see if you can beat his Dance Rush high score, followed by celebratory milkshakes and overly greasy fast food from the closest place he can find. Then, you'll go home and wind down with some beers (or your preferred alcohol of choice) and a good ol' intense gaming session.
YOU'RE GOING CLUBBING, BABY! If you're not super familiar with the local nightlife, he'll give you a list of his favorite clubs, complete with a list of pros and cons for each and every one. He wants to get white girl wasted, he wants to get fucking lit, he wants to make-out with you in the middle of the dancefloor.
Something high-class, fancy, perhaps a nice dinner at a high-end restaurant? onion doesn't treat himself all that often, splurging is rare for him, but he can justify it for you. Don't worry about the bill, he planned this date months in advance, he'll cover it. Afterwards, you'll go on a nice walk through the park.
He'd love to go on a picnic, somewhere quiet, peaceful, perhaps somewhere with an amazing view of the night sky. Somewhere you can share a simple meal and he can point out some of the constellations he knows. If you get cold, he’ll offer you his jacket or sit you in his lap for cuddling.
The best he can do is take you to the dive bar his friend manages. You'll get free drinks and bar snacks, but at the cost of being surrounded by rowdy drunks and not knowing if you'll get a disease from touching the front bar. societyboy eventually pulls you into the bathroom, asking if you'll thank him for taking you out.
He takes you to see a movie that you've both wanted to see and buys you whatever snacks and drinks you want, even if he pouts a little about the exorbitant prices. A horror movie will have him burying his face in the crook of your neck, romance has him interlacing his fingers with yours and wondering if he should kiss you.
A total wildcard, xyx is always springing surprises on you. One night he might take you dancing, the next he wants to go cliff diving, or maybe he'll want a nice motorbike ride. His main priority is having a good time, whether that be through an intense adrenaline rush or a quiet moment with his partner.
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