#so yeah I wrote a DRG fan fic what about it
misterbrick42 · 1 year
Management didn't want you to see this, but luckily hacking devices are standard-issue equipment.
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babysgarage · 4 years
yknow what man all the jokes and memes today were really funny and fun but, and this is just a personal thing, i can’t make fun of/shit on something completely when i know effort was put into it (and acting and writing objectively requires effort) because i’d feel guilty and shitty about it, so i’m gonna say a few nice things, just for my own sake. ok so i wasn’t a fan of this whole thing. if you told me yesterday i’d be turning to bfish content to cheer myself up from destiel becoming canon i’d think you were on some hard drgs but here we are- despite that, i do want to give people benefit of the doubt, because i believe people generally have good intention. i really doubt an openly gay writer set out to hurt the show’s gay fans with what he wrote and i also think half of us have probably read a fic with the premise similar to that cursed scene and liked it except it probably looked more mutual than this episode. while we’re on that topic, y’all probably already know i really love castiel and misha, so i am biased, but i do think misha put his whole heart and soul into that performance. i don’t think there’s a single scene in his 11 years in this show that had more emotions from cas than this one. like i know he doesn’t have the prettiest crying face (was never a fan of this site’s obsession with insulting people over their appearance) but i do believe he gave it his all and i’m grateful to him for that. and not to really go back to 2k13 tumblr and overanalyze eye contact in a spn gifsets but i will- i saw a certain gif of that scene and read that script page and i really had to pause because for a second there was such a specific look on his face and in his eyes that truly embodied what that script was saying. it felt so idk pure and sincere and it did have me believe for a second that your happiest moment in life might as very well be confessing to the love of your life even if it’s unrequited -until i snapped back into sanity but yeah. i wanna thank misha for it and i already miss him and cas more than i imagined i would. the show has a few eps left so i hope they do the character justice by not just brushing over this moment but lord knows i’m not optimistic about them. and if dean reciprocated even somewhat in those future episodes i’ll be pleasantly shocked but we’ll see
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misterbrick42 · 11 months
i wrote another one of these
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