#so the queue will be taking my place
swaps55 · 6 months
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Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone National Park, September 2023
The striking colors of Grand Prismatic spring come from thermophile bacteria that thrive on the heat around the edges of the pool. The colors are so vivid, they are often reflected in the steam.
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front-facing-pokemon · 11 months
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#manectric#i woke up at like noon today y'all i'm queuing this after work. i forgot about it all day and i was about to hop on totk#but i got the reminder to do it. so here i am. with manectric#el woowoo‚ if you will#a lot happened. yesterday. it was not a very good day. which is why i woke up so late. it was a little bit rough. but i guess it's a new day#so. it'll get better. planning on Not Doing Shit today or tomorrow to compensate for all the Bullshit that happened yesterday#hoping you all are doing well. one week from today (friday june sixteenth) i'll be hopping on a flight for the first time in 10 years#looks like according to the queue this will actually go up the day before we leave. so‚ to you guys‚ i'll be heading out tomorrow#which is scary a little bit. last time i flew i had no idea i was autistic‚ but now that i've come up with a lot of better accommodations#for myself and i understand myself a lot better and my needs‚ i'm realizing a lot of my accommodations just aren't gonna make it through TSA#plus it's a lot of unfamilarity with unfamiliar people and an unfamiliar environment which i feel like is gonna lend itself to sensory#overload like Immediately and i'm probably gonna get a headache bc that's how it manifests for me#so when we get there i'm probably gonna have to run to the nearest pharmacy. and grab some shit. which is annoying! so. i'm a little#worried. about the trip. NONE OF HTIS IS ABOUT MANECTRIC SORRY#this is a pokémon i have a hard time caring about outside of its involvement as the leader of the electrike in amp plains#that's about it#any tips from frequent flyers who are autistic would be greatly appreciated. not even just about flying but about like. going to unfamiliar#places on the other end of the country and stuff. i feel like that's what i'm most worried about even though i'm worried abt all of it#also hi i'm writing these tags from day-of. like the actual day this is going to post. me from a week ago sure did know what she was talking#about! anyway. i'm. gonna like. take my meds now goodBye see you all when this Posts in a few hours
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daily-hanamura · 10 months
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#persona 4 golden#p4g#hanamura yosuke#yosuke hanamura#i think a lot about the depth of yosuke's loneliness - away from th distractions of the city and losing even the superficial r/s that he ha#of course he would hate inaba#the moment he arrived in the town he was treated as an enemy for reasons he couldn't control#junes did destroy local businesses and the townspeople's fear of big chain capitalism is justified#BUT their treatment of him was not. i wanna say that the people in inaba were awful but actually theyre just... people.#they couldnt fight Junes or engender systemic change so they take it out on him instead and ostracize him with names and tacks in his shoes#and to add to that all of his already existing self doubt and identity issues#and the problems of growing up as a teenage boy in the early 2010s figuring out his place in society#i think yosuke is very similar to kanji in that both of them have that same struggle of their self being misaligned with social expectation#so they play up this exaggerated caricature or image based on who they think they are supposed to be#in kanji's case it's an image that lets him control his rejection - he looks like a scary gang member so ofc no one wants to be near him#in yosuke's case he goes in the opposite direction of desperately wanting to fit the mould or image of a typical teenage boy#except there isnt such a thing as an “average” teenage boy so hes just such a mess sometimes#but masking so that hes accepted by others as just a teenage boy and not the prince of junes or anything? yeah.#haha my heart#he's good with his queue
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justgallifreyanthings · 11 months
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just a quick lil doodle of a word with some fun symmetry!
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heybaetae · 3 months
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not-poignant · 9 months
I've been too anxious to publicly post my work anywhere since some mean kids in high school found my DA like a million years ago (literally fifteen years ago, I cannot believe this is still impacting my life), but reading your fic and falling in love with it inspired me enough to make an account and post something. I don't know if it's good and I might panic and take it down, but I wanted to say thank you anyway :)
Honestly anon, that's huge.
Also maybe you will freak out and take it down, but you can always practice putting it up again as many times as you want
Also fuck those assholes from 15 years ago, they don't deserve your energy, and I know it's easier said than done, but you definitely deserve the kind of self-care and self-love to keep gently unpacking them having so much power over your life, and to keep practicing the belief that the shape of you and the shape of the things that you create are allowed to exist in the world.
I hope you journey down this road further and further, anon! You can always turn back when it gets too threatening <3
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fruggin-bitch · 4 months
Cassiopeia by Sara Bareilles is such a good representation of calypso in my brain
Anchored home in her interstellar sea
calypso, stuck on ogygia with no contact with the outside world, no real way to know about anything happening, nobody to talk to other than the occasional god visiting her and a random hero that gets thrown at her by the fates.
Then: a spark from a star shooting too close They both smiled; what a day to explode!
leo, arriving and spending nearly a month (ogygia time) together getting t know each other and falling for each other because they actually know each other, not becuase of a curse (that had already been broken by this time lol)
Come on, come on, collide Let's see what a fire feels like I bet it's just like heaven"
calypso, finally getting to feel for someone who loves her back. someone who died to keep a promise to her and break her free from her island.
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It’s funny - not haha funny but like makes you think funny - that if we take the holy trinity of my childhood heroes, those being Professor Hershel Layton, Attorney Phoenix Wright, and … door to door salesman (?) Kyle Hyde, and if something happened, how I would react to their reacting. If I was with Kyle, I would feel like he has no time for nonsense but will keep me safe as long as I do what he says. If I was with Phoenix, I would feel like oh my god, I have to be the adult in this situation, I have to keep him safe instead, and if I was with Layton… I would just break down crying because I would feel so safe and so comforted and I would know that I am in such good hands.
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nomaishuttle · 9 months
sometimes u put yr playlist on shuffle a song comes up and you have to put another song in the queue immediately as soon as it comes on bc it makes you think of that song
#this is abt aura by ghost and pals Sry everytime i hear it im like a fiddle This is just like devil went down to georgia and then i have to#put devil went down to georgia in the queue#i think its a fiddle innit.. it sounds like a fiddle but im also NOTORIOUSLY bad at telling instruments apart. <- guy who once couldnt tell#if something was a guitar or a piano i actually rly rly rly rly dont wanna get into it okay.#i guess you didnt know it but i am a fiddle player too 😏😏#sry. the other thing this post is abt is kiss me and ladies in their sensibilities sweeney. obviously those r connected#but if ladies in their sensibilities comes on by itself i quite literally couldnt be assed so everytime i have to put kiss me on instead an#add lits to the queue. bc them together is like the best song i ever heard its just that the beginning of lits is just kind of boring It#does get stuck i my head sometimes but the supreme part is the end thats Basically just a reprise of kiss me#but also theyre kind of the same song anyways at least o wowww i was just typing in tempo with the fiddle that was awesome. at least on the#2012 soundtrack aka the best one talk to the hand or dont i dont wanna hear it. well i do want to hear it it being the 2012 london cast#recording of sweeney todd starring michael ball and imelda staunton. ANYWAYS!! in that one the songs lead in to eachother#ive listened to all the other soundtracks but idr if they do that.. well ill tell u the movie doesnt bc it doesnt have kiss me. which is#just so. the johanna anthony romance doesnt rly have much substance in the first place and yr taking away like. their duet together. ok....#AND yr taking away the end part of lits? the best part of that song? whatever its fine its fine.#if anybody is curious my ranking of casts is 2012 > obc > movie > 2006 i fucking hate 2006 or 2005 or whatever i hate it sm it makes my#blood literally boil im sry. i fucking LOATHE it idk what it is well i do but this post is already 5000000 years long. idt the new one is#out fully yet... i was ok with the songs i have heard but idk where id rank it yet. i should prolly check if the full things out yet omg so#me and my lampstie (way of saying my siblings name if theres something deeply wrong with you) can listen :]
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You are good enough!! You're not invading anyone's space, queer or not, you BELONG in that space because the thing that ties us käärylee together is that we like Käärijä, THAT'S the main point.
Remember that all art and gifts and etc is extra, no one is saying you need to do that, the fact that you showed up is far more important than any gift or sign you could drag to the gig. You are supporting him by showing up, that's what matters!
No fan is better than the other because they "put more effort" into it, there's millions if ways to be a fan and they are all valid.
You are enough and welcome just the way you are 💚
I know we've been over this a couple of times already and you're probably already tired of my whining, so thank you for these kind words 💚
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celticwoman · 7 months
sorry i havent been so active lately (aside from a few personal posts here and there) after my queue ran out. im kinda feeling weird about tumblr and just in general but i think ill get back to it soon
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somewherebetweenrage · 7 months
slightly mad about my tag situation let's see if this at least makes them easy to find
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lieutenant-amuel · 1 year
Hey, guys!
Some info regarding the Best EoA song poll. I pick up two winners from each poll (because the contest lasts longer in this case and I think it makes it more fun) and since some polls have several “silver medalists”, I’ve decided to arrange extra rounds to determine the ones that go further.
I’ll post the first part of the extra round today, as usually at 9PM (UTC +3), so keep your eye on it, since I make them last only for 24 hours!
Let the fun continue!
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
my day in two pictures:
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#very very long and incoherent and whiny rant incoming sorryyyyyy#i hate this. so. sooooo. sooooooooooo much#i could tell that this day was gonna go badly bc of just how well yesterday went (my lxl fan novels and curry meshi deliveries came in)#so anyway. i woke up late bc i slept late (thanks lxl event story lmaoo) and stuff happened so i left my place later than usual#but surpriseeeee it rained the moment i stepped out of the elevator. and the bus was coming in 3 minutes!!!!#so i ran across the carpark in the rain to take a shortcut. that was fine. whatever. but then i saw the bus turn in and—#for some reason my legs just. stopped moving. i couldn’t run anymore :( battery? depleted. bus? left right in front of my very eyes :(#and the next bus was set to come in 10 minutes ಥ‿ಥ so that was freakin’ fantastic.#anyways the bus came and took me to the interchange where the dumb train station was. and when i got to the platform… the train just left.#and the next train was set to come in 5 minutes. which was great news for me who had an hour to get to work#so the train came. the hour-long journey went. and when i reached the bus stop to transfer to the bus to get to work… the bus had just left#so with some time (read: 10 minutes) to spare i decided to get some bread for dinner…#unfortunately the bakery place thing i went to did not accept card payments ಥ‿ಥ so i decided to rely on qr code payments instead#big. mistake. (ʘ‿ʘ) my payment was rejected 4 times before i gave up and decided to use cash#unfortunatelyyyyyyy i had no $10 notes left for a quick and easy payment (i only had 2 $2 notes and a $50 note along with some coins) so i.#cue a panicked small change counting as i desperately tried to count as quickly as possible while the customer after me pressured me :(#and did i mention that a lady cut my queue while i was waiting to pay???? (ʘ‿ʘ) pain and suffering#thankfully i barely managed to catch the bus after that tizzy but i was already late for work by then :(#anyways i arrived at work late and decided to check my email app for the lolz. biiiiiig mistake!!!!!!!#i noticed that i had a new email from my father (derogatory) whom i had ghosted years ago. like??? why did he have to email today???#my day was bad enough without him pls gimme a break. i just. suffering???????????#so i get to my workstation (the worst workstation ever istg) and note that there actually aren’t many samples today! yay!#…then they freakin’ brought in like 200+ more samples and i realised that the morning shift had yet to finish weighing the morning samples—#pain. and. suffering. (ʘ‿ʘ) looks like i’ll have to work till 3am again.#ughhhhh why did today’s happenings have to happen this week??????? this isn’t a biologically good week for me i’m gonna. throw someone istg#i’m exhausted and annoyed and hating everything and anything sooooo hard rn and i think i need anger management classes bc aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa—#ok rant over time to cry ig. idk. i s w e a r i’m gonna smacc the morning shift people tomorrow if i don’t call out sick first—#it is suiyoubi my dudes
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opalsiren · 2 years
rikki is really that ride or die friend who will hype you up when you are objectively wrong you'll be like 'i just murdered someone' and rikki will be like 'well they probably deserved it they breathed in your direction earlier in a way i didn't like can i help you bury the body bestie'
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elibeeline · 1 year
Sometimes i doubt if im autistic, but then there are days where I'm going to cry and have a panic attack (or meltdown) because something in the routine changes
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