#so praise here as economical value
theroundbartable · 3 months
Me: positive responses to my school work? The hell?
Teacher: well, yeah, you did good-
Me: but this- I! Did this!
Teacher: yes. Well done
Me: holy shite! I did good? What if I do another task?
Teacher: awesome!!!!
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I present to you: the mind boggling concept of getting praised for your accomplishments rather than punished for your mistakes.
I've been living off this experience for over 6 months.
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benk625-blog · 2 years
The New Gods
“I vote against Contact.” Nordrix said with a heavy sigh.
“This is unprecedented.” Andrynn sputtered. “In all my years of surveying unaligned civilizations. I’ve never heard a concern from Cultural Studies. Economics and Warfare tend to quash admittance to the Interstellar Union.”
“I am aware.” Nordrix replied. “I did not come to this conclusion easily or lightly. My full and thorough report will be available soon.”
“Can you summarize for the committee?” Asked Gr’chykk of Warfare. “These deathworlders would formidable foes to the IU. If First Contact is handled properly, they could instead become our allies.”
“First Contact is inevitable.” Hypool of Science added. “They are on the verge of developing FTL transport and communication.”
“In my full report I strongly argue for Interdiction.” Nordrix answered. He wished they would just read the report. Confrontation made him uncomfortable.
“Unacceptable!” Screeched Smathley of Economics “I have never seen such a potential for mutually beneficial trade. I demand a preliminary summary this instant.”
It was unavoidable now. Nordrix was prepared for this demand. He stood up and prepared his files and notes to be displayed to the Contact committee. It would have to be a convincing argument and be made succinctly.
“My area of expertise is comparative religion. Specifically, I analyze cultures through the lens of what abstract concepts they deify. Certain motifs are repeated in each and every member culture in the IU. Gods of warfare, natural cycles and bountiful harvest are universal. This is apparent to most people without the academic knowledge I hold. May I assume that as given?” His colleagues agreed.
“Humans have an archetype previously unknown in the IU. They call this god-type ‘The Trickster.’ It occurs through out the cultures of this planet. The Trickster is hall marked by cleverness, deception and transgression of the taboo. So far, I have not discovered a major religion that centralizes this figure. Despite that, I have found that Trickster behavior is endemic to human society.
“If humans were to enter the Interstellar Union, they would unleash chaos and anarchy on our society. The number of words and phrases they have dedicated to untruths are staggering. It is routinely accepted that contracts will be voided, treaties broken and objective facts can be ignored.
“Culturally normative behavior is a paradox to them. It is expected that during their maturity that youths will violate customs, taboos and laws. As human adults attain maturity, they will begin to enforce the social values they ignored only a few years previous. When they become elders, they will mourn a false past that exists only in their imagination.
“Worst of all, they constantly improve on these techniques. If a human practices deception with innovation and novelty, they will usually do not face consequences. Legal systems seem designed to malfunction in this exact way. Social approval is similarly fickle. There is absolutely no standard for when a behavior is praised, normalized, politely ignored, forbidden or condemned.
“Here are some specific exam-“ Nordrix stopped talking as the audio-visual broadcast system seemed to go haywire. A rapid series of painted images flickered, creating the illusion of movement. He knew these were called cartoons. Loud, instrumental, march music assailed the sound wave receptors of the committee. A man in a green out fit wearing a horned crown laughed. A robed woman threw a golden apple. A monkey rampaged across a banquet table eating everything in sight. Spiders, crows, raccoons and coyotes in a parade.
The last image was a grey rabbit, standing on its hind legs holding carrot in a gloved hand.
“Nyaaaaaaa, What’s up doc?”
Humans had made First Contact.
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workersolidarity · 1 year
Three, four years ago I could have told you, and did tell people, that inflation would start steadily going up, and I said even then that it would likely be stubborn, meaning it wasn't going to be an easy fix.
I knew this back then because it was obvious, even years ago, that the BRICS countries, along with many African and South Asian countries and elsewhere were looking for ways to get around using the US Dollar for trade.
They were making moves to expand trade relations outside US dollar transactions and were for many years planning and building the infrastructure for a future Multipolar world.
And that process began rapidly picking up pace three or four years ago.
I began to say then, what I'm still saying now, as that process goes on and trade outside the US Dollar system grows exponentially year-on-year, that's going to begin to have an effect on inflation.
Why? Well, Imperialism really. Because the US for decades has depended on the steady demand for US Dollars to hold down inflation, allowing the US to use debt spending to finance wars, military bases and imperialistic ventures like Syria.
Remember, it was the US in its massively dominant position after WWII that built the Bretton Woods System that made the US Dollar the world reserve currency pegged to gold, and it was the US that unilaterally abandoned Bretton Woods 1 and took the dollar off Gold, allowing for the US to finance wars through debt spending, and created the Petro-Dollar with Saudi Arabia in the 1970's.
This debt spending is essentially the surplus value from the Global South and other poorer countries that must buy US Dollars to fund infrastructure projects, energy consumption, food and medicine imports, etc since it's the world reserve currency and if you wish to use the US Financial System at all, such as the World Bank, or SWIFT messaging system, well you have to use US Dollars.
Basically, it's the sucking of the wealth out of poorer countries to finance their own economic oppression.
But as these countries catch on and with new rising global powers like Russia, China and Iran building the infrastructure for an alternative system, the US Dollar is being abandoned faster than ever.
In 2000, more than 70% of Foreign Exchange Reserves were held in US Dollars. By 2020, that figure had dropped considerably to 59%. And the rate at which it's dropping is only increasing.
Knowing this, I said back in 2019 and 2020 that inflation was likely to become a problem. And if it did become a problem, then we knew exactly what the Fed would do as a result: dramatically increase benchmark Interest rates.
This didn't take any particularly specialized or secretive sources to figure out. It's been obvious for years to anyone seriously interested in economics and geopolitics.
And what happens when interest rates go up? The value of the bonds bought under lower interest rates suddenly go way down, while debts become more expensive. It's like gravity in economics.
So with all that being said, why then did all these banks (Signature Bank, First Republic Bank, and Silicon Valley Bank) continue buying troubled assets and Treasury bonds if they're so smart and educated and knew all this?
I mean, these guys are supposed to be the best of the best corporate bankers, right? On the cutting edge of investment banking, right? That's what everyone said even just months before Silicon Valley Bank failed. (CNBC host and moron of the year Jim Cramer literally praised Silicon Valley Bank less than a month before its failure)
So one of two things must be true here and neither one is good for YOU the average worker.
Either these bankers are idiots; complete morons who have little to no understanding of basic economics, geopolitics, and monetary policy, something that should be of concern to all of us.
I mean, I'm just a dude working for a small retailer in New Orleans and even I knew this inflation and higher interest rates were coming.
So why exactly are these people paid such exorbitant salaries? If I can understand the basics of their job better than they can, why am I a retailer, and he, a millionaire banker???
So that's one possibility, one I'm virtually certain is actually true, that our ruling Elite isn't particularly smart or well educated in reality, anymore than ordinary people I meet everyday, and any one of us could easily do their jobs just as well or better than they do given the opportunities afforded to them.
But even if in this case, that's not what happened. That these weren't idiots. Well then the alternative is something that should also be deeply disturbing to you: that these bankers knew they would be facing this situation, that they were well aware of the coming inflationary pressures and equally aware what the Feds response would be, interest rate hikes.
And instead of using the last couple of years to shed possibly dangerous assets and shore up the money the banks kept on hand, they continued to do what was personally making them so much profit, at the expense of tax payers, because they were absolutely certain that the government these bankers spend so much money on campaigns for, would swoop in regardless of the recklessness of their behavior, and bail them out no matter what.
These are not the signs of a healthy political, economic or banking system.
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transmutationisms · 1 year
Actually turns out I do have a more extensive response to ur thoughts on the addict, notably the point you made abt downers which is so well put. One of the things abt capitalism that lead to cycles of escapist addiction is that those addicts benefit the system because they become optimal consumers. They invigorate economically by consuming drugs as well as excess fueled by intoxication and then as consumers of rehab and detox drugs and programs and medications etc. I think there's something to be said about how Kendall, who due to his wealth has the option of the fantasies of luxury escapism available literally at all times doesn't then go down the pathway of constant numbing thru drugs, especially juxtaposed with rhe pals he makes in austerlitz whose poverty is linked to their types of drugs. Their communal drug use and comfortable social zone under the influence feels like something kendall envies in that moment but like, ultimately takes the wrong lessons from and rapidly distances himself from when it stops making him feel like the coolest guy in the room when roman shows up. That's something I think about a lot while watching the show, like how absurd all their striving feels to me when they have access to so many things capitalism had me "working" for ie luxury time and physical space/land/homes and property but how clear the show is about how many of those things have stopped mattering bc they're always accessible (like how gifts and presents are meaningless to logan). Connor might be the exception in some ways to actually valuing those benefits but he is often ready to let go of the "peace of mind" his ranch gives him in order to receive praise or proximity to power (like his behavior at the gala in s1)
yeah ABSOLUTELY. kendall's constant striving is ultimately so hollow because he already has access to material luxury and comfort. what he's striving for, then, is not so much pleasure as the unlimited ability to produce more pleasure, ie surplus value. he's insatiable in the way capital is insatiable, because capitalism is inherently and always expansionist. there's no finish line for kendall, which is why at the end of the day he can't just sit and enjoy getting high with the austerlitz guys. he always ends up moving back into that neoliberal corporation mode of operation, wherein the point is just to expand and optimise and exceed himself, ad infinitum. there's no way to satisfy that type of desire, hence the function of cocaine on the show as the business world's performance-enhancing drug and kendall's inability to control his usage of it.
i agree connor is an exception here, and stewy is too. both of them have a fundamental ability to enjoy the material fruits of wealth in a way that the other roys don't. this is why stewy is able to use coke, and quite a lot of it, without being pathologised or falling into the self-destructive spirals kendall does. connor's particular delusion here is, i think, related to running for president. he sees the attainment of political power as an end-goal; he wants to achieve sovereignty over others, but this type of project has a finish line built in that the financial expansion of capitalism does not. even a totalising grab for political power will theoretically, eventually, reach a state of complete control; on the other hand, the logic of capital has never produced 'all' possible value; the surplus can always be made bigger.
as a side note, this is why it's so irritating when people assume the austerlitz guys are, like, dangerous or preying on kendall lol. like first of all, insane transparent very telling assumptions to make about drug users who are poor. but second, they actually do have a function in the story and in the show's commentary on addiction, and it's not some kind of paranoid stranger danger reaganite psa fantasy. whatever lol
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terrence-silver · 1 year
ok this isnt super serious so feel free to ignore but what do you think of Terry with a beloved who strongly prefers gold jewelry? i feel like he'd be a bit put off if they weren't a fan of silver
They will be.
Terry’s here very subtly convincing beloved silver is the nobler material. Certainly the more poetic one. The dark horse. Gold? Gold equals tackiness and kitsch in most cases. A marker of the Noveau Riche, gangsters and unrefined wealth. And then when the prices of silver mysteriously skyrocket around The Valley to the point it makes headlines and news he can point out it is the more coveted precious metal too. Not because he innately hates gold as much as he wants to be right and he wants to win this silent war beloved doesn't even realize means so much to Terry for his name's sake. Does Dynatox own and manage shady deals with Third World (illegal?) mining of silver among other things and does he literally have the ability to induce artificial domestic import scarcity for the petty and incredibly selfish reason of showcasing the sheer value of silver purely because such is the nature of commerce and capitalism and such is the nature of his need for control? Yes. Yes, he would. I think he's capable of literally anything, no matter how extreme, unnecessary and ludicrous and one forgets Terry Silver is first and foremost a crooked businessman who made his bones off of environmental hazards and the illicit disposal of dirty chemicals and contaminants as a trade. On the other side of the world, back home, all things connected, his beloved has a silver necklace fastened around their neck. A special gift from him. It now costs ten times more than what it usually does. Everyone wonders why those couple of years had such amped up prices around California and not even the most seasoned Economical Analysts could come up with a sound reason even after much debate and a barrage of articles of the issue. Beloved on the other hand? Oh, they get all the complements at that one gala party they attended with Terry. A silver necklace? Well, how downright...posh. How in-style. A la mode! Those are very expensive nowadays, you know, and harder and harder to come by. The silver mines in Argentina are all but running out they say, with a real upcoming scarcity in the making so to have a silver necklace...very exclusive. Much like Terry Silver himself is. Beloved is extremely lucky.
Terry can't help but grin into his chin at the praise.
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You have no reading comprehension and no understanding of tax brackets. The article does NOT say that when you hit 1 billion buckaroos in net worth you get fined 99%. It says that once you're at 1 billion net worth you're going to be taxed for anything more than that, and that only, so if you have a company at 999 million net worth you better start splitting it up and money laundering if you want to keep profiting. A wealth cap of 999 million is not a big imposition by any standards.
You don't seem to understand the context of the article and what Sanders is saying. So it seems the person lacking reading comprehension is you.
Fact of the matter is I fully explained why almost no "Billionaire" on the planet has access to a billion dollars. At all. And the fact is that even looking at modern taxes, the Top 5% pay almost 80% + of the taxes in this country. Likely the percentage is higher. And they end up paying it, "Depending on where they live" on money they don't have.
THAT "MONEY" doesn't exist. It's called unrealized gains. Meaning you are actually "fined" on my that potentially exists at any point in time.
And to your last point, it's not a wealth cap. It's a "You are not allowed to grow past this point" imposed by the government. Which last time I checked isn't a good thing. Maybe you need to do a little more reading yourself. Bernie is a moron who's complimented regimes that have committed mass murder of their populaces. Including the USSR. He's even praised bread lines. It would not shock me at all if he said what he said as stupid as it was.
And the reason why it was stupid is because the people making that money are not "living off 999,000,000 dollars". 80% of that money is speculative at best. Which if you had read what I wrote rather than skipping 80% of it after I criticized your lord and savior Millionaire Sanders, You'd have retorted with something other than what you did. My entire point to the post was that what he said was not only stupid but made no sense at all. More so given the difference between liquid assets and solid assets. And given inflation, those things don't have absolute values. A Dollar is always worth a dollar but the buying power behind it isn't always the same. Unrealized gains is actually worse because your company could be worth $500B one day and then $2B a month from now. And you get charged PERSONAL taxes based on the 500? That's F*cked.
And again. Where does that money go? The government. The people who continue to enrich themselves off of our division, and people like you's stupidity.
And here's the thing. ASSUME for a second that I agreed with the idea of eat the rich, (A talking point made by morons that don't understand economics at all), Who get's that money exactly?
Ukraine? Pakistan? Brazil? China? Joe and Hunter Biden? Mitch McConnel? Faucci? Organizations giving monkeys hard drugs? Banks that keep screwing up their own finances? The CIA so they can lose Billions more through "Accounting errors"? Charities that don't do anything other than enrich themselves?
If I had to pick, I'd say let the rich guy keep his money because he's likely to either spend it, or reinvest it in other places, or start new businesses that will give people jobs that NEED jobs. I'd love that over Nancy Pelosi's husband and her profiting more off insider trading frankly.
You need to do that math and look into all of this logically. Because fact is one of the last things I mentioned is that Tax laws here could well make it so those people want to leave the US. Meaning that a lot of the money they spend here goes with them. And other countries that have lax tax laws WILL not change those laws because they want the rich living there. Because it brings more money into their countries. Why do you think states give some businesses tax breaks to set up shop? That exact reason. It bring money into the state.
Besides. It's always super well off people that scream eat the rich and a lot of the time they are the rich. The only difference? They only say it. And ONLY mean people more well off than them. 30K a year is rich to a person who lives in some places in Africa and South America. Should we eat those "rich". What about movie stars? Athletes? Doctors? Lawyers? Politicians? Business owners? And why do we cut off where we do? Or are most of these ok because they are attainable and like Hasan Piker it's not about eating the rich. It's about becoming rich, and then pretending anyone that makes more than you are able to should be eaten?
What you suffer from is jealousy. And lack of understanding. And it is plain as day.
@capitalism-and-analytics can you please weigh in on this.
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voskhozhdeniye · 2 years
Future generations, if there are future generations, will scarce believe that our species once stockpiled armageddon weapons on purpose, once built our entire civilization around economic models that could only result in the destruction of our biosphere, once permitted corporations who profit from war to successfully lobby policymakers to start more wars, once warehoused living beings in factory farms where they were tortured and brutalized, once starved children to death with sanctions because their rulers disobeyed our rulers, once made policies which kept people poor so they’d be financially coerced into facilitating military mass murder, once let people go hungry and homeless if they didn’t have enough imaginary numbers in their bank accounts, once stripped this planet of biodiversity and old growth forests to turn the gears of an imaginary economy instead of collaborating with our ecosystem.
Future generations, if there are future generations, will look back in perplexity at our omnicidal madness, at our blind subservience to the very worst among us, at our remarkable ingenuity in always finding groundbreaking new ways to hate each other, at our fanatical devotion to competition and control when we knew that all we really wanted was to be loved, at the way we’d marginalize and outcast those who thought differently from the rest of us even though we knew full well that our way of thinking wasn’t working, at the way we’d spend our lives feeding insatiable hungry ghosts only to wind up on our deathbeds wondering why we feel dissatisfied, at the amount of energy we’d pour into not experiencing the beauty which surrounds us in every moment and rejecting the gifts we were being showered with from every direction, at the herculean effort we poured into keeping enlightenment from crashing in, at our nonstop desperate flailing attempts to be anywhere but here and now, at the amount of work we put into avoiding being at ease.
Future generations, if there are future generations, I am so glad that you made it past all the many obstacles we put up between our present age and your birth. Praise be to you and your parents for cleaning up our mess, for setting things right, for becoming conscious, for valuing a healthy world, for getting humanity to where you’re at now so that the real adventure of our species could begin.
Future generations, if there are future generations, thank you for your kindness and compassion as you gaze back on us through the records we have left you. It might not be immediately obvious, but some of us here saw what you’re seeing from there.
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quoteoftheweekblog · 13 days
‘Let’s praise the ringers in the tower Who come to ring in cold and shower. But most of all let’s praise the few Who are seen in their accustomed pew Throughout the year, whate’er the weather, That they may worship God together.’ (Betjeman in 'Poetry: Septuagesima, 2024).
'Poetry: Septuagesima' (2024 [1954] ), The value of sparrows - writings of a Christian mystic 20 February 2019. Available at: https://thevalueofsparrows.wordpress.com/2019/02/20/poetry-septuagesima-by-john-betjeman/ (Accessed 19 May 2024).
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‘There may be those who much resent Priest, Liturgy, and Sacrament, Whose worship is what they call “free,” Well, let them be so, but for me There’s refuge in the C. of E.’ (Betjeman in 'Poetry: Sepuagesima', 2024).
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We are doing these changes to make it possible for those who may not normally come to church to find it easier to engage with the amazing tradition of worship that we get to enjoy every week. (All Saints service pastors, 2024).
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We believe in inclusive church – a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate.
We will continue to challenge the church where it continues to discriminate against people on grounds of disability, economic power, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, neurodiversity, or sexuality.
We believe in a Church which welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ; which is scripturally faithful; which seeks to proclaim the Gospel afresh for each generation; and which, in the power of the Holy Spirit, allows all people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Jesus Christ. (Inclusive Church, 2024).
All Saints service pastors (2024) Email to All Saints congregation, 17 May.
Inclusive Church (2024) 'The IC statement'. Available at: https://www.inclusive-church.org/the-ic-statement/ (Accessed 19 May 2024).
RIP 2024
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QUOTE OF THE WEEK 2011 - 2024
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ersaputriii · 7 months
The in -depth analysis of the selected work of Denny JA to the 42 giant collapsed
Of course, here is an article with the title Analysis of Denny Ja Selected Work to 42: "The giant collapsed also": In the world of Indonesian literature, Denny JA is known as a writer whose work is full of strength and deep meaning. One of his chosen works that attracted attention was the essay poem entitled "The Giant collapsed also". In this work, Denny JA succeeded in describing human life smartly and full of emotion. "The giant collapsed also" is an essay poem that tells the story of the struggle of a young man named Raka in dealing with various obstacles in his life. In his life journey, Raka had to deal with the social, economic, and political challenges that surrounded him. One of the interesting things about this work is Denny JA's writing style that is very strong and different. He is able to describe his characteristics with impressive details. Every character in this essay poem has a strong background and personality, making the reader emotionally connected with them. In "the giant collapsed also", Denny JA also succeeded in raising relevant social issues in today's society. He describes the injustice, corruption, and social inequality that is around us in an interesting way. Through the story, Denny JA wants to invite readers to think more deeply about this problem and find solutions. Not only that, Denny JA also uses beautiful and poetic language in this work. Each sentence has power and strength to describe the situation and atmosphere perfectly. This essay poem not only presents interesting stories, but also presents beauty in every word written. In addition to a strong writing style, "the giant collapsed also" also has an interesting storyline and full of surprises. The reader will continue to be curious about what will happen next, making it difficult for them to break away from this essay poem. Denny JA is able to maintain the tension of the story well, so that the reader will continue to be involved in the story he tells. In this essay poem, Denny JA also presents a lot of wisdom and moral messages that can be taken. He teaches the values of life such as patience, courage, and sincerity through the experience of character. The reader will feel inspired and gain new insight after reading this work. "The giant collapsed also" also succeeded in describing the daily life of the Indonesian people well. Denny JA succeeded in showing life in urban areas and in rural areas with accurate details. Through this work, he invites the reader to see and understand the social reality that is around us. Overall, "The giant collapsed also" is an amazing work from Denny JA. The style of writing is strong, a deep character, and interesting story making this essay poem become one of the works that should be praised in the world of Indonesian literature. Denny Ja succeeded in presenting a story that can make the reader swept away in the world he created. Not just just entertainment, "the giant collapsed also" also gives a picture to the reader about the life and social problems that are around us. Through his story, Denny JA invites readers to reflect and think about relevant issues in today's society. In this case, "The giant collapsed also" is a work that is worth exploring by fans of Indonesian literature.
Check more: In -depth Analysis of Denny JA Selected Work 42: "The giant collapsed also"
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aiukrainesummaries · 11 months
Overview of Frontline Ukraine: Crisis in the Borderlands by Richard Sakwa (2014)
Frontline Ukraine by Richard Sakwa has received some criticism, including the following points:
• Some critics argue that Sakwa is too sympathetic to Russia and gives Moscow too much benefit of the doubt. They say he downplays or excuses Russia's aggression and illegal annexation of Crimea.
• There are accusations that Sakwa adopts a false balance by treating Ukrainian and Russian perspectives as equally valid, when Russia's actions have been disproportionate and unjustified. Critics say Sakwa overlooks Ukraine's own legitimate grievances.
• Some reviewers fault Sakwa for not sufficiently condemning Russia's support for separatist proxies in Eastern Ukraine, which he portrays more as a reaction to the Maidan revolution. Critics argue Russia has been the primary instigator of the conflict.
• Sakwa has been criticized for an alleged pro-Russian bias in his narrative and analysis. Critics argue he fails to recognize the internal factors that drove the Maidan revolution in Ukraine, seeing it more as externally orchestrated.
• Despite these critiques, many reviewers still praise Sakwa for providing a nuanced account that incorporates both Ukrainian and Russian perspectives on the conflict. They value his historical contextualization and diplomatic solutions.
• Overall, critics argue Sakwa's attempts at a middle-ground analysis come at the expense of acknowledging Russia's disproportionate responsibility for worsening the crisis. However, supporters argue his approach sheds needed light on complexities that one-sided narratives overlook.
So in summary, while some praise Sakwa's nuanced perspective, critics argue he downplays Russia's aggressive actions and fails to recognize Ukraine's legitimate perspectives and security concerns. There are accusations of a pro-Russian bias, though Sakwa denies this. Overall reviews are mixed, with debate over the value of Sakwa's middle-ground approach.
• The book provides an in-depth analysis of the conflict in Ukraine that began in 2014 between the Ukrainian government and Russian-backed separatists in Eastern Ukraine.
• Sakwa argues that the conflict is the result of a complex interplay of historical, geopolitical, economic and cultural factors involving both Ukraine and Russia. He rejects simplistic narratives that blame only one side.
• Sakwa analyzes the roots of the crisis in the historical relationships between Russia and Ukraine dating back centuries. These include economic, social, cultural and linguistic ties but also tensions over politics and national identity.
• The book examines the role of the Maidan revolution in ousting the Yanukovych government in 2014 and the subsequent Russian annexation of Crimea. Sakwa is critical of both Ukrainian and Russian actions during this period.
• Sakwa gives significant attention to the conflict in Eastern Ukraine between the Ukrainian army and separatist forces. He details the military aspects of the conflict as well as its human dimensions in terms of civilians affected.
• The book also considers the geopolitical context, exploring issues like NATO enlargement, the EU's policies on Ukraine and the breakdown in relations between Russia and the West over Ukraine.
• Sakwa concludes that there cannot be a military resolution to the conflict and calls for a renewed diplomatic process based on principles of dialogue, compromise and respect for differences. He argues Western powers must recognize Russia's legitimate interests in the region.
In summary, Frontline Ukraine by Richard Sakwa provides a nuanced and balanced analysis of the multifaceted historical, political and geopolitical dimensions of the conflict in Ukraine. Sakwa argues that finding a resolution will require compromise from all sides and a recognition of both Ukrainian and Russian perspectives.
Here are some additional details about Frontline Ukraine by Richard Sakwa:
• Sakwa criticizes what he sees as a one-sided Western narrative that portrays Russia as the sole aggressor and Ukraine as a victim. He argues both sides have legitimate grievances and interests.
• The book examines various peace proposals and ceasefire attempts like the Minsk agreements. Sakwa argues these have thus far failed due to lack of trust, incompatible positions and zero-sum thinking on both sides.
• Sakwa accuses both Ukrainian and Russian leaders of exploiting nationalist sentiments for political gain. But he is ultimately more critical of Russia's disproportionate use of force and policies toward Ukraine.
• The book highlights the human costs of the conflict, from casualties and displacement to economic hardship. Sakwa emphasizes the plight of civilians caught in the middle.
• Sakwa is critical of NATO's expansion into Eastern Europe and its lack of constructive engagement with Russia on European security issues. However, he does not excuse Russia's aggressive actions in Ukraine.
• Sakwa proposes a renewed security framework for Europe that incorporates Russia and provides legally binding security guarantees for all sides. He believes this is necessary to resolve the Ukraine crisis and mitigate future tensions.
• Overall, Frontline Ukraine presents a nuanced analysis that incorporates historical context, narratives from both sides and a documentation of key events. Sakwa's middle-ground perspective has been both praised and criticized by different reviewers.
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thegenealogy · 11 months
1 Chronicles 26: 14-19. "The Gates."
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Let's revisit the meaning of the Gates to the Four Directions.
North- What is hidden by God. Characterized by nightfall. Without Midrash and then Kabbalah, "investigation and practice" even the Torah itself remains trapped beneath the cover of night. Not to worry this document will solve all troubles regarding what has been previously hidden.
East- What is revealed by God.
South- What is realized by man.
West- What enlightens man.
In between each Day of the Week lay these Four Directions that explain the assimilation of wisdom found in Jewish sacred documents. A great loss to the Jewish people has been the incorporation of the Torah without turning towards the East and then turning back again.
The stern warning from the Most High is not to act Jewish without proper understanding: God expects us to be happy through the shared understanding of one's freedom from the barbarism and savagery of the past. Jews are not to be affixed to the lifestyle of a Philistine, a Low Born. To be free of the way of life of a Philistine is to owe the God of Israel a debt of one's happiness.
Exodus 8:1:
Then the LORD said to Moses, “Go to Pharaoh and say to him, ‘This is what the LORD says: Let my people go, so that they may worship me.
To start worshipping God, as the tax on one's freedom, turn East:
14 The lot for the East Gate fell to Shelemiah.[a] Then lots were cast for his son Zechariah, a wise counselor, and the lot for the North Gate fell to him. 
Shelemiah= Repaid Of Yah, Yah Is Completeness.
Zechariah=Remember God as Proof of Citizenship.
As we sojourn East to North, Right to Left we find what is Hidden by God becomes what is remembered by man. This is the remarkable translation of the mysteries of God all Juice are expected to undergo.
15 The lot for the South Gate fell to Obed-Edom, and the lot for the storehouse fell to his sons. 16 The lots for the West Gate and the Shalleketh Gate on the upper road fell to Shuppim and Hosah.
Obed Edom= the Red Servants, the committed servantas of Adam. What is remembered by man, i.e. kept in the storehouse must be transmitted, very carefully, one Kohen to the next.
Shalleketh Gate="the gate of casting forth" also "the overthrow gate".
Shuppim=the name Shuppim emphasizes the marking of a national or social border of some sort. 
Hosah= place of refuge.
Guard was alongside of guard: 17 There were six Levites a day on the east, four a day on the north, four a day on the south and two at a time at the storehouse. 18 As for the court[b] to the west, there were four at the road and two at the court[c] itself.
=Guard on guard, count to 22= the Hebrew Alphabet, the source of all that is valued by man from the dawn of time when God taught them to our Jewish ancestors deep in the land of Egypt*.
19 These were the divisions of the gatekeepers who were descendants of Korah and Merari.
The reason God wants the People of the Kingdom of Israel to perform Korah, "to come gather" and "distill", Merari, and become powerful economically, scientifically, politically, and personally is to ensure that what is not ethical about human nature is pressed out and the world becomes as God intended, a refuge for everyone whose feet he has planted here, including the plants, animals, fishes, trees, birds, every living thing.
*The earliest examples of Hebrew, of any writing at all in fact, were found in Egypt, circa 3,500 BCE, quite possibly as early as 5,500 BCE, alongside heiroglyphs praising the goddess Isis.
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studymbbsaborad · 1 year
Is a Medication Effective?
Study MBBS abroad at MCI and WHO-approved programmes. Indian students can enrol in top Philippine MBBS programmes with help. wanting to work abroad. Our solution includes thorough counselling for Indian medical students applying to MBBS schools overseas. Indian medical students like the Philippines. Travel and housing are provided there. Join a top Philippine MBBS programme.
Effectiveness is undefined, which might be problematic.
Is a Medication Effective?
100 diseased persons receive a new medicine. One individual recovers while 99 don't. Is treatment effective? What if 10% of patients benefit 20%? Because patient experience is hard to define in binary terms, hypothetical problems like these challenge researchers daily. The experimenters and the cured patient will answer differently.
 In Charlie Gard's terrible case, subjectivity has real-world consequences. Charlie, a 10-month-old with mitochondrial depletion syndrome, cannot see, hear, or breathe without a respirator. His parents petitioned the European Court of Human Rights to transport Charlie to the U.S. for experimental therapy. But, his U.K. doctors advised turning off his life support because this was unlikely to help. Human emotion—rightly or wrongly—defined effectiveness here.
 To maintain neutrality, researchers utilise suitable experimental design and statistics. Double-blind, placebo-controlled studies allow us to compare the effects of a treatment with a pharmacologically inactive substance. p-values indicate how likely our results are to have occurred by chance and whether they are "significant." Well-designed studies have enough individuals, instances, or experiments to make these claims. These systems ensure reliable, strong, and downstream public protection.
 These data are then used to guide clinical practise by regulatory organisations. NICE in the UK and the FDA in the US do this. Yet, subjectivity sometimes affects them. Under political pressure and a successful legal challenge by British woman Ann-Marie Rogers, NICE approved Herceptin for early-stage breast cancer in 2006. Herceptin was previously exclusively approved for advanced breast tumours, with little evidence supporting its early usage. Economic aspects are obvious—regulatory bodies may conclude treatments are worth while when prices drop.
 "Patient power" was praised in the aforesaid scenario. Feelings trumped evidence. Terminal patients in the U.S. have the right to try phase I clinical trial therapy. Clinical testing is so rigorous to safeguard the public from the many medications that fail to reach phase II.
 Despite protective and regulatory procedures, some therapies have disastrous effects when they reach the market. The tragic fallout from pharmaceuticals like thalidomide contributes to public suspicion of huge pharmaceutical corporations, which unscrupulous entities use to develop a "us vs them" narrative to push their own less rigorously researched remedy.
 These questionable entities and their "treatments" thrive in the grey area between effective, useful, and harmless. Despite the overwhelming evidence that homoeopathy is no more effective than a placebo, homoeopathic advocates and the $34 billion alternative medicine sector continue to promote it. Ironically, "Big Pharma" gave birth to "Big Alterna"—two sides of the same, worthless coin.
 Of course, stricter therapies don't work either. For years, doctors have advised patients not to buy over-the-counter cough treatments that have no active component. Yet, many users say they helped. We must distinguish between "effective" and "beneficial" treatments again.
 My research is on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. ALS treatments are limited biologically. Many patients seek hope in unproven treatments, and a Google search finds hundreds of companies making varied promises. Such treatments provide relief or comfort to patients, which may be their objective. They prey on desperate people for enormous sums of money. Unfortunately, doctors have many examples of patients being deceived by unattainable results.
 Most of us believe science and our emotions when choosing a treatment. Just set realistic expectations.
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goingglobal1 · 1 year
Is a Medication Effective?
Study MBBS abroad at MCI and WHO-approved programmes. Indian students can enrol in top Philippine MBBS programmes with help. wanting to work abroad. Our solution includes thorough counselling for Indian medical students applying to MBBS schools overseas. Indian medical students like the Philippines. Travel and housing are provided there. Join a top Philippine MBBS programme.
Effectiveness is undefined, which might be problematic.
Is a Medication Effective?
100 diseased persons receive a new medicine. One individual recovers while 99 don't. Is treatment effective? What if 10% of patients benefit 20%? Because patient experience is hard to define in binary terms, hypothetical problems like these challenge researchers daily. The experimenters and the cured patient will answer differently.
In Charlie Gard's terrible case, subjectivity has real-world consequences. Charlie, a 10-month-old with mitochondrial depletion syndrome, cannot see, hear, or breathe without a respirator. His parents petitioned the European Court of Human Rights to transport Charlie to the U.S. for experimental therapy. But, his U.K. doctors advised turning off his life support because this was unlikely to help. Human emotion—rightly or wrongly—defined effectiveness here.
To maintain neutrality, researchers utilise suitable experimental design and statistics. Double-blind, placebo-controlled studies allow us to compare the effects of a treatment with a pharmacologically inactive substance. p-values indicate how likely our results are to have occurred by chance and whether they are "significant." Well-designed studies have enough individuals, instances, or experiments to make these claims. These systems ensure reliable, strong, and downstream public protection.
These data are then used to guide clinical practise by regulatory organisations. NICE in the UK and the FDA in the US do this. Yet, subjectivity sometimes affects them. Under political pressure and a successful legal challenge by British woman Ann-Marie Rogers, NICE approved Herceptin for early-stage breast cancer in 2006. Herceptin was previously exclusively approved for advanced breast tumours, with little evidence supporting its early usage. Economic aspects are obvious—regulatory bodies may conclude treatments are worth while when prices drop.
"Patient power" was praised in the aforesaid scenario. Feelings trumped evidence. Terminal patients in the U.S. have the right to try phase I clinical trial therapy. Clinical testing is so rigorous to safeguard the public from the many medications that fail to reach phase II.
Despite protective and regulatory procedures, some therapies have disastrous effects when they reach the market. The tragic fallout from pharmaceuticals like thalidomide contributes to public suspicion of huge pharmaceutical corporations, which unscrupulous entities use to develop a "us vs them" narrative to push their own less rigorously researched remedy.
These questionable entities and their "treatments" thrive in the grey area between effective, useful, and harmless. Despite the overwhelming evidence that homoeopathy is no more effective than a placebo, homoeopathic advocates and the $34 billion alternative medicine sector continue to promote it. Ironically, "Big Pharma" gave birth to "Big Alterna"—two sides of the same, worthless coin.
Of course, stricter therapies don't work either. For years, doctors have advised patients not to buy over-the-counter cough treatments that have no active component. Yet, many users say they helped. We must distinguish between "effective" and "beneficial" treatments again.
My research is on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. ALS treatments are limited biologically. Many patients seek hope in unproven treatments, and a Google search finds hundreds of companies making varied promises. Such treatments provide relief or comfort to patients, which may be their objective. They prey on desperate people for enormous sums of money. Unfortunately, doctors have many examples of patients being deceived by unattainable results.
Most of us believe science and our emotions when choosing a treatment. Just set realistic expectations.
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standardprinters12 · 2 years
Why Computers On Rent? Here Is The Best Provider Of Computer & Printer On Hire
Computers and desktops hold a lot of importance in the life of an individual because it helps in completing professional as well as personal work. All of us are highly dependent on them for our day-to-day tasks. However, not all people are capable of purchasing computers, which is the reason why Standard Print Infotech has come up with Desktop Computers For Rent In Mumbai. They have a wide range of computers and always assure that the client is getting the best one according to their overall requirement. 
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Why Get Computers On Rent?
The sole reason for opting for computers on rent is that it helps in saving a lot of money, and also the individual can have the latest model according to their requirement. 
They value the trust of the clients, which is the reason why they have become the top choice of people all around. If you or anyone you know wants to get the computer on rent in bulk, then you don’t have to search for it any further, as the best providers are here at your service. 
They are also known for their Hp Printer Service And Sales in Andheri as they have the best quality Hp printer from which a person can choose one according to their requirement. The printers offered by them are highly praised because all of them are designed precisely and come along with the latest technology. 
Since the time of inception, they have served a wide number of clients, and all of them are satisfied with us. It is an assurance that you won’t be disappointed with them at all because they always do everything according to the pre-defined standards. If you want to get computers or printers, then you don’t have to worry about it anymore, because the best firm is here at your service. 
About Standard Print Infotech 
Standard Print Infotech is one of the leading names in Mumbai because it is providing individuals with excellent-quality computer sets at economical prices. They also deal in different types of computer accessories, and always assure that the client is satisfied with the products and services. The team of professionals who are working with them never compromises with the standards, so what are you waiting for? Get the desired computer sets and printers right under your budget from the experts, it is a promise that you will not regret getting the products from them. 
Source: https://penzu.com/p/00438aa6
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huntergreys · 2 years
Best strategic war games for pc
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#Best strategic war games for pc series#
Damage to regiments carries over from one part of the scenario to the next, and the story of the battle adapts like a branching choose-your-own-adventure based on how well you capture and hold objectives. It’s a lot of fun in multiplayer, but the campaign is particularly impressive. Ultimate General: GettysburgĪ readable, easy-to-control, tactically nuanced Civil War RTS, Ultimate General takes into account terrain, line of sight, and unit condition in ways that deepen the gameplay without ever becoming cumbersome to understand and work with. The freeform paving, zoning, and districting brushes grant fine control over the look and function of each block of your city, and like any truly great city-builder, it’s enjoyable both as a hands-off ant farm type experience and as a nitty-gritty urban planning puzzle. Colossal Order saw the void left by Maxis’ latest shot at the title and created a more open-ended, full-featured city builder that looks gorgeous with its tilt-shifted camera and offers lots of tools to optimize a traffic grid, underground rail line, or sewage disposal system. SimCity is one of the original titans of strategy, and Skylines is hands down the best rendition of the core idea it set out with today. The multiplayer de-emphasized some of the insane micro that made old school StarCraft special, instead focusing on strong economic “macro” play, scouting, and unit compositions, but it’s still a blast to play - and watch! It’s not the top dog on Twitch these days, but esports gaining traction outside South Korea owes a lot to Wings of Liberty, Heart of the Swarm, and Legacy of the Void. While ultimately divisive among fans of the original, Blizzard’s space RTS sequel and its two expansions feature some of the most high production value storytelling and entertaining, creatively-designed campaign missions in any RTS. Get your hotkeys and your End Turn button ready.
#Best strategic war games for pc series#
An effort was also made not to include too many games from the same series or developer, so you can consider, for example, the Total War entries selected to speak to the position the series has as a whole in strategy gaming, even though it wasn’t possible to include all of the greatest hits. While some consideration was given to historical importance, the main factor was how enticing each game would be to pick up and play irresponsibly into the wee hours of the morning, right here and now. This list also favors games that still hold up and are fun to play today over those that are considered definitive, innovative, or trend-setting. Effort was taken to include a variety of subgenres of strategy as well, even though those can sometimes be difficult to compare to one another. As Sid Meier would say, these games present a series of interesting choices that can lead you to defeat or triumph. In terms of classification, this list contains games in which strategy is the primary concern - or at least one of a handful of primary concerns. After much consideration, they’ve been narrowed down to the best of the best. Even if we’re just limiting ourselves to the digital variety, there are dozens and dozens of RTSes, 4Xes, wargames, and grand strategy paragons worthy of high praise. What are the best strategy games? It’s a daunting question to answer, with the genre spanning back almost as long as humans have been playing games.
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fordllc · 2 years
Hegemony and its ethical purpose
In this entry, I will examine the critical question: “How is this artifact constituting a group around a certain ideology and using rhetoric to do so? What is (ethically) productive and/or limiting about this type of constitution, and is it more productive or limiting? To investigate these questions, I examined Donald Trump’s January 2022 ‘Save America’ rally speech that took place in Conroe, Texas. At this particular rally, former President Trump forces the ideology that the Biden administration is responsible for all of the political and economic trends in this country by using hegemony and other rhetoric to encourage his supporters on his ideas and myths.
At the time of this speech, former President Trump was coming off a year of getting voted out of office. Trump supporters were still angry about the 2020 election, claiming that it was “rigged.” The economy was starting to crumble, and rumors of Russia's military buildup to invade Ukraine was hitting the headlines. The world was getting fed up with vaccine mandates and mask policies. 
In examining this artifact, I will be using the theory of ideology and hegemony. Author Sonja Foss explains in her book, Rhetorical Criticism, that ideology is “a system of beliefs that reflects a group's fundamental social, economic, political or cultural interests. It represents who we are, what we stand for, what our values are, and what our relationships are with other groups” (Foss 239). The audience of Trump’s rally are most likely there because of their shared political interest. They are all there to praise what they believe in, and share it with more and more people. Trump's ideology is the root of the audience's beliefs, roots that grow and grow as different ideologies and beliefs are developed. In this case, Trump uses hegemony to “rally his troops” into the constant criticism of what is going on in Washington D.C. 
A way that Trump uses rhetoric to constitute the audience around this ideology is with his use of analogies. A specific analogy that Trump uses in this speech is a poem called “The snake.” I won't type out the whole poem, but to summarize it, a woman finds a half-frozen snake on her way to work. The snake begs her to take him in, and she does. The woman gives the snake food, water, and nurses it back to health. Then, as the woman is holding the snake, the snake bites the woman. The woman asks the snake why it bit her because now she is going to die. The snake then replied, “Oh shut up women, you knew I was a snake before you took me in.” At the conclusion of telling the story, Trump then says “And that's what is happening to the United States of America with immigration. I think it’s pretty accurate, do you agree?”(Trump 13:00). Trump uses this story to compare the snake to illegal immigrants. Trump is implying that the illegal immigrants are “biting” the American people, by increasing crime rates and drug smuggling. In this case, the unethical component of using analogies or metaphors as rhetoric, such as “The Snake,” is that it is severely discriminatory and unfair to other immigrants or former illegal immigrants. Those crossing the border to get out of a nasty situation, or those that become citizens and do their part go unseen. Here, Trump is enforcing hegemonic ideology by using analogies which encourages people to stereotype, whether it be negative or positive. People tend to stereotype others into groups to make themselves feel dominant over others, which is what a hegemonic ideology is. This is not productive because it is very constricting of differing viewpoints. It doesn't allow for any exceptions to the viewpoints, making it extremely black and white. 
Trump uses hegemonic ideology that results in mischaracterisation. For example, former President Trump says in his speech, “If you care about your family, your future, and your country, then you have no choice, this november, you have to throw these raving lunatics the hell out of power and elect strong, smart, tough republicans”(Trump 4:45). By saying this, Trump is implying that democrats are the opposite of strong, smart and tough. This is just simply not realistic because they are characteristics that all political parties have. Trump is working this idea of hegemony by tearing other parties down, extending the truth and creating false realities. All governments have up and downs, and it isn't productive to create these false realities to give the people what they want to hear. Instead of giving credit to these groups for enduring tough times, times that are tough for no fault of their own, hegemony suggests that we make it a competition, where the opponent has no ability whatsoever.  
Trump uses hegemony to brainwash his supporters that the 2020 election was stolen. In his speech, Trump says,  “So this is what we have, we have an incompetant government who was elected in a rigged election, and they don’t know what the hell they are doing… we got 75 million votes and they stole it, they rigged it and it's a disgrace to our country”(Trump 1:04:00). As a political leader that has a large following, it is extremely unethical to abuse his power by spreading misinformation. By stating so blatantly that “they stole” the election, it immediately labels “them” as the “bad guys.” A result of hegemony, saying this creates an excuse for the other party defying them. Trump unethically gives them that excuse to run with, filling our country with lies and anger. 
In their journal, Beyond Hegemony: Classical Propaganda Theory and Presidential Communication Strategy After the Invasion of Iraq, Patrick and Thrall discuss the effects of hegemony and specifically its relation to political communication. One point that they make is that hegemony creates issues within society by enforcing uniformity and a lack of other viewpoints. Patrick and Thrall say, “Hegemony scholarship, as a result, may too quickly cast elites in a uniform (and uniformly negative) mold and thus become unable to account for the actual variation in worldview and preferences among political elites as well as the general public”(Patrick & Thrall 116). The effect hegemony has on the public is far beyond just words. These words that are spoken to people over and over create this idea of hegemony. Hegemony in a political sense is generally unethical because values and characteristics of other groups are often skewed. This creates confusion and misinterpretation among citizens, which causes unrest and hard feelings.
Works Cited
Foss, S. K. (2017). Rhetorical criticism: Exploration and practice. Waveland Press.
Patrick, B. A., & Thrall, T. A. (2007). Beyond hegemony: Classical propaganda theory and presidential communication strategy after the invasion of Iraq. Mass Communication and Society, 10(1), 95-118. https://doi.org/10.1080/15205430709337006
Trump, D. J. (2022, January 31). FULL SPEECH: Former President Donald Trump speaks at 'Save America' rally in Conroe, Texas [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvlcJDCYJh0
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