#so im sad ppl havent been blowing up the tags with this all day!
carrioncreature · 2 years
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cucumbersncheese · 5 years
soft q&a
tagged by SOPHT HEART HRSELF @kirishwima
Rules: answer the q&a and tag 5 of your most recent followers and 3 of your biggest fans, fave users/blogs
What’s the smell of ur shampoo? Ehhhhh smell of the shampoo?? I NEVER NOTICED :DDDDD its always changin around but i rlly like almond honey and herbal shampoo smellssss
What’s ur aesthetic? My aesthetic... Being able to lie down on the grass on a nice windy day that isnt too sunny or too cloudy, next to the ppl i love and be able to relax while maybe sharing earbuds? or just in each other’s presence. when the wind blows and its slightly chilly, we laugh from the cold. my dress goes this way n that in the wind and our hair is flying too and we’re both sunny. lying to see the stars too, or going on night walks, or playing video games on dif consoles but in the same room... ehehe.
What’s ur favorite hour of the day? Early mornings and evenings :>
What do u like most about the beach? I havent been to the sea much to be able to say~ :DDD
What do u worry about constantly? Whetehr im loved, whether ill be abandoned, whether im manipulative, whether im talking to much, whetehr im showing love adequately, whetehr im being too much or too little and whetehr the ppl i love are safe and happy :DDDD
What is a song u cried before? Oh my, recently? Then its “Goodbye, Everyone” by powapowa-p/siinamota. I miss him ;;
what r some relaxing tips to ur followers? Take a walk if you can!! It is quite nice to be able to be with nature and to observe tiny things and to see if you can find beauty in it :DDD besides that hmmm, try and surround urself with stuff that brings u peace or happiness? It really depends on everyone doesnt it :DDD
What r some things that make u tear up? Missing people, myself, people getting hurt unjustly, ermmmm anger too?? Lots of things, im very teary!!!!
what is ur favorite form of each of the five senses? touch: hugs, hand holding, skin to skin contact always fascinates me too ^^ being able to feel someone in general. sound: the sound of people being happy so happiness, soft music, rain, nice lyrics taste: HRMMMM spicy food?? chocolate? SOUP!!! TOMATO SOUP!!! smell: the smell of loved ones is very comforting, along with the smell of the earth after rain and when my mother is baking something good :DDD sight: seeing the people i love and their smiles esp when they laugh at something, seeing cuteeee pixel art and art in geenralll, oh and reading!!!! lotsa reading!!!
what is one alternate reality ud want to be in? Ohhhh? Hmmm idrkkkk i suppose id like to be in one where humans have wings!? *sparkles* And no one gets shit for lgbt stuff or for bein a woman ever in history or anything rlly heehee
what r some troubles u face daily? Nowadays i realized that i seem to sorta “reset” every few days, which is when it seems ive woken up after a long nap? but then it gradual gets the same as before :DD so thats a worry i guess... Besides that i worry abt my grades, the lives of others, loneliness, struggling to get motivated and to do stuff and not feel... bad? How odd :O in general tho im pretty alright!!!! dwelling hurts my braaainnnn
what is one scene of a book that made u rlly sad? Ahhh i havent read recently but theres quite a lot of moments really? Like in the ministry of utmost happiness, there was a bunch and in ingo chronicles it was the whole father thing, so really books just really connect :DD
say sth to ur followers Hi!!!! Thank you for following me, i always see you in my notes and i hope youre having a nice day cause if its not nice ill punch it!!!! BWAHHHH it GOOOESSSSS and EXPLOOODESS and now theres confetti and rlly im typing this while half asleep but i rlly hope youre alright, take care okay? <333
So to tag:
5 recent followers: not counting the limitless porn bots... @a-toasted-marshmallow @yenatic @iolitte @softoceanbreeze @heathermason (im so sorry!!! i had to!!! but u dont have to answer this so dw!!!!! oka!!!!)
3 biggest fans: ehhhh idrk??? Yammy is a fan i suppose :DDDD and lala!!! they like my stuff all the time!!!! and my friends in general!!! rhys!!!! val!!!
and fav users aka Friendos: oh gosh ummmm @error-404-gender-not-found @valdezspeaking @gabbigoblin @theyamfairy and u sophi u DOOORKKKK (theres also another one but im... too shy >_<)
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