#so i might adjust my muselist later
lunaetis · 20 days
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i've been feeling disassociated from genshin lately. i still love the muses i write and the relationships / dynamics i've formed but my own interest in the game / lore as a whole had been dwindling a lot in the past few months. i'm sure that my interest would pick up once the new patch / story is released but as of now, i don't think i have much of a muse for genshin muses aside from a selected few here and there. with w.uthering w.aves scheduled to be released next month, i know i'm going to invest a lot of my attention and time there bc i have been waiting for the game for years & i'm really excited for it. i might remove some of my genshin muses or move them to request only but i'll sit on it a little bit more before making any changes.
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duelcafe · 4 years
We finally have an answer after so long.  Two weeks ago I was diagnosed with pots, a chronic illness.  While it’s not life-threatening, it is challenging — I guess would be the word — to live with.  Also awful, not gonna sugar coat that.
This is obviously going to continue to impact this blog moving forward.  I don’t think I could reasonably write all the muses in the current list as much as I’d like to.  I was already low energy, and with pots and its plethora of symptoms, I’m worse off in that department.  I literally can’t sit up without pain.  So, I’ll be closely examining characters and will only write those with high priority / muse.  I’m sorry if you were waiting for me to finish up a muse’s blog you were interested in.  I won’t hold it against anyone for unfollowing because I am no longer planning to write a character they wanted to interact with.
It’s now a question of when will I be coming back, and honestly, I’m not exactly sure.  Or at least, I don’t have an exact date, just an idea of where I’d like to be before I do return.  I want to feel okay enough to pick things back up again and be able to manage my symptoms as best as I can ( plus I want my blogs completely set up. )  My attempt at activity is going to be experimental for a while at first — I don’t know how active I’ll be able to be once I’m even up for and in the position to write again.  It’s been hard to do most things and I’m still only managing the bare minimum a lot of the time.  I’m hoping once I learn how to live with it and find the right treatment plan for me, I’ll be able to do more.  I have good days ( more like tolerable ) and I have bad days, but neither is something I can predict, so I can’t and won’t make set in stone promises, though I can say I absolutely do plan to return.  There’s just a lot of obstacles still, among my health and financial situation, etc., and honestly, I need some time to process things, because I don’t think my brain is entirely accepting of reality at the moment.
Right now I’m really only managing to sit up in sessions to do things, and I’ll admit that recently, it’s been for a lot of self-indulgent things versus the things I should be doing on duelcafe.  I think it’s because I set unrealistic expectations for myself here ( not because of any of you have made me feel like I haven’t being doing enough — there hasn’t been a single person here who’s been cruel or not understanding, it’s entirely a me thing ) and that made me push myself past limits, so I stepped back after too much.  I won’t be treating RP like a job like I have been and start making some sort of progress here again so I can return with everything fleshed out and ready to go ( or whenever I get frustrated to the point that I don’t care anymore about profiles and decide I just want to write, whichever comes first. )
An announcement as well.  Some of you might have noticed that there’s been a slight adjustment in the wording of my overview and descriptions ( I really was trying to get things done across my blogs, I promise. )  Instead of being a Yu-Gi-Oh! exclusive muse hub, I now am a Yu-Gi-Oh! centric one.  This is because the character I want to add to my now smaller muse selection is one I have high muse for and I deeply care about them despite being from another fandom.  However, it is still a card game-based series and therefore still fits well enough to get away with.  Pots can bite me because I still want to write characters I love and create stories with people.  It just is going to be different; I have more variables to judge and look at.
Anyways, here’s how my muselist is looking right now.
Safe Muses:
III • Michael Arclight
Rio Kamishiro • Merag ( wip )
Sora Shiun’in ( moving / revamp )
Kiri Hyoryu • Miserea ( new muse )
Romin Kirishima      * behind on the anime at the moment
The rest will likely be dropped, though this list isn’t finalized.  Maybe later down the line, once I’m managing better, I’ll be able to have and keep more muses active.  For now, I don’t think I could manage so many; I’d just be disappointing people by trying, but I am going to do my best with a smaller muse pool once I’m writing again.  I think it’ll be good to take the stress of trying to get so much done for different blogs off my shoulders, too, and hopefully I can come back sooner as a result!
Any of my mutuals are more than welcome to add me on Discord if you need or want to talk to me, but I do want to state that I am incredibly fickle and tend to poof and pop back into conversations randomly.  It’s nothing anyone has said or done, I just might be overwhelmed or start not feeling good / worse.
・゚ ♡ — - fusion slut#0889
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