#so fine have a fucking 4-person family mooching off of them
midwesternorcprincess · 8 months
fun side effect of being raised protestant but not seriously is that as a Germanicist i get to experience a lot of new testament stuff for the first time in Middle High German or in Gothic or some shit lol. weird how little protestants (in my experience) bother with that even though it seems like it should be like, spiritually or ideologically important to them. instead all they talked about was the same old testament greatest hits over and over and over. garden of eden, exodus, noah's ark. yeah yeah yeah, i've heard it all, got any new stories, thought 5 yr old me
so there are a lot of new testament stories i've heard ABOUT but didn't really know what was in them until i had to read and translate them from Gothic. i gotta say the parable of the prodigal son really got to me and in completely the opposite way than it was supposed to l o l. i got way too worked up about this and i think it may have made me grumpy this week. as the responsible elder sibling of a reckless wastrel younger sibling, i have to say the prodigal son's elder brother is RIGHT and he should say it. why SHOULD his idiot sibling get a prize for his dumbass decisions, while the good sibling gets nothing
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toruland · 2 years
Nevermind my day is ruined
My older sister drove over here and yelled at me because I ordered food for myself and not the house she called me inconsiderate and she said that if I wanted to act like I lived by myself then I should move out.
Like I get it I was thinking for myself it's because I did not eat all day and I was hungry and so I ordered food for myself literally nobody asked me anything. now here I am crying in my fucking room because I got yelled at for ordering food for myself like literally I slept all day she's acting like the power went off at 8:00 in the morning and nobody had eaten anything. The power went off at 4:00 in the afternoon it went off at 4:50 like if my grandma was hungry or if my other sister was hungry they could have asked me they could have asked and I would have ordered them food the only reason that this is a fucking problem is because the power is out. what has my older sister done for this house literally what has she done in the past month for this house literally fucking nothing literally nothing she's going to talk about me being inconsiderate but like when she doesn't have food at her house she comes over here and steals what we have like how the fuck is that inconsiderate when you're taking from us literally my grandma still has the sandwich from when my mom ordered her food she still has that sandwich in the fridge she's acting like I told them no she's acting like I told my family no to ordering food like literally if they just asked I would have said yes. no one else said anything I thought everything was fine and now I'm the one getting yelled at for being inconsiderate.
Like I'm tired of being the bigger person literally all I wanted was food
If she knew I was so inconsiderate then why is she surprised that I didn't order anything for the house literally what does she want from me
If the power was on she wouldn't even come over, she'd be at her house thinking about her damn self too
I hope my family never asks for shit ever again
I was so happy for those cookies and now I don't even want them
oh my goodness wtf is her problem.
i absolutely despise people who act like that, ugh
like, what the fuck gives you the right to say shit like that??? i don’t see her offering to get everyone food
and then the fact that she says/does shit like that and proceeds to mooch off of yall too??
also, she’s yelling at you like your mom didn’t order food and your grandma quite literally has food in the fridge.
im so sorry your family is being so shitty, you have absolutely every right to be upset right now.
mwah mwah mwah mwah :(((
wanna tell her off then give you hugs and squeeze all the sad feelings out of you :(
if you ever need to (or still need to) vent/rant, im always here to listen :(
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lockdownuk · 4 years
Lockdown Diary Part 1
A personal account during the lockdown in the UK due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
23/03/2020 8:30pm Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister, gives a live address to the nation to, effectively, put the country on lockdown to stem the spread of the deadly coronavirus strain, Covid-19.
Many of us have been self-isolating for days but this latest development within the UK in reaction to the pandemic feels very serious and very scary. I decided to keep a simple diary and where better but online.
Day 1: Last night Boris called it, today we’re doing it. I had started working from home (wfh) yesterday as had most people at my work (RCI)..last week I had been preparing laptops as fast as poss for everyone. Even just today, the idea of going into work seems alien and dangerous. Now lockdown (ld) means that it would soon be illegal to do so unless utterly necessary.
Online, FaceBook (fb) especially, is awash with reaction…a lot of calling out people who are out and about in greater numbers than 2, which is against ld rules.
Day 2: Just trying to let work occupy my thoughts and time which is easy enough ‘cos everyone I support (IT engineer) is new to wfh and is having teething problems with all the new laptops. Meanwhile, I keep abreast of comings and goings online…actually socially interacting more than I might otherwise, weirdly
Day 3: Highlight of the day is an online quiz organised by a chap called Jay Flynn on fb…a bunch of us took it as individuals while chatting on Messenger while Jay streamed quiz over fb live and YouTube. It was a good crack and I had two cans of Coors Light which got me pissed!
Day 4: Work is still mad - so many people with IT issues wfh…it’s challenging trying resolve all these probelms remotely but I am rising to it. I actually enjoy it. It satisfies my want for problem-solving.
The ld is in full swing but it’s very early days. The news is dominated, obviously, by Covid-19 and the ever changing stats of infections and deaths. Today, for example, the USA took over, from China, as the country with the most infections. I know there will be an end to all this and I am determined to be there, going out, getting pissed down the pub, gigging, shaking hands with my mates, hugging anyone and everyone who’ll let me - it’ll be a proper party. But I am filled with a dread that it’s going to be a fucking long time coming.
This evening was spent virtually with Foggy, Ham and Andy P…doing a quiz - a rehearsal for Foggy in the hope of doing one to a wider audience next week. It was good fun and great to have a few beers chatting with everyone, Later I video called Fog and we drank ‘til gone midnight, putting the world to rights. I was well pissed.
Day 5: First non-work day of the ld. Housework, daily walk, out for supplies (drop a script order off…queuing outside boots for 15 minues!, bread, baccy and booze). This evening, I’m listening to the next album in NME list of 1985 albums I’m working through - Grace Jones Slave to the Rhythm…fucking pain in the arse ‘cos it’s not on Spotify so I am searching for each song, in order, on YouTube. Plus eating and drinking, of course. Quick video chat with karen and Grace, Dan in the background. I wanted a tin of kidney beans for chilli but Karen hasn’t got one ffs. Burger it is. They are all playing scrabble - I’d love to join in…
Day 6: A quiet day…housework, cooking, daily walk. Highlight was a half hour chinwag with dad who, as I would expect, despite his 84 years, is coping and doing just fine. Most other people with a dad that age would have, on top of their own concerns, something more to worry about during this crisis….for me, it feels like I’ve got someone to turn to, should I need to.
Day 7: Work is starting to feel more routine but it’s a long way off being in the office, which is never routine anyway. That may seem surprising since I do IT support but it’s a varied role, especially at the modern dinosaur of an organisation that is RCI. I try to be as disciplined as possible but I miss not dressing for work, not driving to work, not needing to actually prepare lunch (until lunchtime). I don’t actually need to shower every morning. I don’t think I have to ordinarily but do because I’m mixing with others in the office. I certainly don;t need to now. I only mix with me, so showering becomes a chore but I’m doing it every other morning in the name of the aforementioned discipline. I am worried how long RCI can keep going before laying staff off. I dread being out of work full stop, let alone during this ld, or even thereafter. I think the economies of the world will need time to recover so finding work will be tough à la 2008. I think, if lay-offs were to occur, I’d be in real danger. Last in first out and all that. But, I’ll cross that bridge if and when I come to it.
Day 8: At work there was a large online meeting whereby the MD told us that RCI are going to furlough some staff. The UK, and Ireland staff will be consulted this coming Thursday and Friday (it’s Tuesday today). I shall be reading up on what the furlough arrangements are in the UK due to Covid-19. I know the government have set aside some money, I need to know what I might get paid and how to claim it. In the past, when I’ve been out of work, I’ve been entitled to jack shit other than JSA, This time around, should I be laid off as I expect, I might not have to eat into my savings, fingers crossed. Meanwhile, I have decided to knock up another blog with a photo of myself each day of the ld (from now on) - it’s a sister to this diary.
Day 9: Actually typing this on day 10. Yesterday was a strange day as I contemplate being furloughed (hope for the best, expect the worst)…I’d be paid 80% of my wage according to what the government have said to assist in the Covid-19 crisis…so, were that to be true, I’d be OK money-wise, although still earning way less than I want to prepared for retirement (I am currently still waiting for feedback on a pay increase request I put in at work last year!) I’m more worried about how I would fill my day if I wasn’t working. So, that being said, I flopped and moped about all yesterday evening after my daily walk and, without achieving much at all, didn’t find time to write this entry on the right day…so maybe I can fill my days without much effort!
Day 10: I was furloughed today, starting 5pm tomorrow (Friday 3rd April) and it’s fucked me off. I know it’s not personal but, actually, do I? They’re cutting back the Kettering Desktop team by one, redacted It seems obvious to do this by the ‘last in, first out’ maxim but what about money? others are on more than me (redacted). What about offering it voluntarily - others might go for 80% pay for fuck all - others have family at home to occupy the day  (redacted) . A little bit of me thinks it might be preferable furlough me  (redacted) …others seems to be a favourite and that annoys me. It annoys me because I think I shoot myself in the foot too often. I’m too vocal about some of the (redacted) decisions and practices at work, plus other reasons that I know but can’t be bothered to type. But, my point, is I don’t play the politically correct, corporate game and therefore forget to look out for my own best interests. FUCK.
So, as of tomorrrow evening, I’ve no work to do. The challenge will be to find a way to occupy my day. I’ve already registered to volunteer for the NHS during the ld…let’s see what becomes of that. And I’ve signed up for web development course. I’m going to get fucking pissed this w/e, starting early tomorrow evening.
Day 11: It’s day 12 as I am writing this entry…that might tell any reader, and remind me, that I did as I promised and got pretty drunk. I spent the day geting my work affairs in order i.e. clearing down support tickets assigned to me. I did a good job, nothing left to handover to the remaining team (Jim, Cristina and Mark) and onky one ticket put into the assigned pool. Some nice converstaions were had with associates, many of whom are, too, being furloughed. Nice words were said and Jim and Mark both were supportive in conversations and messages - they both know I don’t wnat this and, I think, they are both relieved it’s not happening to them. 5 pm arrives and I shutdown my work laptop for the last time for at least 12 weeks. After my daily walk, I video chat with Karen, crack open a beer, make Chinese chicken curry (fucking loads, fucking tasty), finish watching The National Theatre stream of One Man, Two Guvnors (really good, see twoinchreview) and the caught up with, and talked bollocks with Andy, Marc and Ham - we tried getting Rog in on it, no dice. I then watched The Heat (I fucking love that film), ate some more, smoked several single-skinners, drank, in total, three cans, seven bottles. I went to bed shortly after 4am. I felt resigned to my furlough and pleasantly wasted.
Day 12: A subdued day…didn’t wake until gone 1:30pm. Jaded but not really suffering. Mooched about, social media, listening to music, watching telly, farting about on the iPad. My daily walk, over the last fews days, has taken a twist…I am trying to run parts of it. Mainly short distances, 80-100m (I estimate) three, maybe four times. It’s fucking knackering me out. I used to run everywhere when I was a teen. Attempting to run now just makes me feel fucking old. Well, I am, so that’s about right.
Day 13: Another day like yesterday except I got up at 10:30 and didn’t feel jaded. The subdued feeling comes from the realsiation that the ld isn’t being treated as seriously as it should be across the board. The news and even posts by locals on FB (Oundle chatter group) suggest groups still meeting up. The weather this w/e has been a factor - 17°c today. I think a total ld will be enforced soon and that would fuck me off. My daily walk is pretty essential for me nowadays not least for the ‘good for your soul’ benefits that dad has always mentioned. Even today’s walk saw a car parked at the gates to the field on the way to Ashton and people on a blanket soaking up the sun, dogs off their leads and people (looked like a family) playing footy on South Road field. Individually they are not presenting any danger, what with the fact they are either living together or far away from others. But they are flaunting the rules and the more that happens the less likely they’ll carry on getting away with it, which will mean total ld for all! I finished the 50 1985 albums today. It mostly confirms to me that I only listened to two albums released that year (Kate Bush, The Waterboys) any other vinyl I spun would have already been in my collection pre-85.
The sausage casserole I made for tea was fucking lush - 4 birdeye chillies. I saw and spoke with Dan and Grace this morning, they were just coming back from a walk. I am pleased to fuck they are together and sorted out the issues they had earlier this year.
Day 14: My first day proper of furlough. Finished my two inch review of the NME 50 albums. Long chat with Rita, quick one with dad. Messaged Sam about Romiley’s present - she’s 10 on the 9th April (Thursday) - ordered some Lego thing from Amazon. Turned the car engine over (reminded myself the driver-side wing mirror is fucked) and moved it to another spot in the Co-op car park - bumped into Matt T. He’s struggling - no work coming in and he can’t claim any of the money on offer ‘cos he’s not being totally honest about his circumstances - made me realise I’m not that bad off…..but I feel depressed about it all, especially with the news that Boris has gone into intensive care.
Day 15: I began a diploma (?) course on web design with Shaw Academy (it was free). They have actual classes (which are recorded) which you schedule yourself. The first one was, I have to say, really interesting - I look forward to continuing. On my walk today, I saw a car parked at the gate to the field at the bottom of Riverside Close; it was branded with Cunninghams Estate Agent with a 01536 number. I am pretty sure I saw the driver walking her dog (unleashed) on the field. I took a photo and rang the number. Yes, I ratted the culprit out…fucking annoys me that I had to. Better than reporting to the police, all round. Hopefully her work will put a stop to her doing it and, the more people that adhere to the rules without the police getting wind of infractions, the more likely we’ll be able to continue to exercise away from home.
Day16: More online learning including checking out other sites (pluralsight) for more learning opportunities. Coded my first web page, basic but mine, in HTML and CSS. A few beers & smokes and watching White Boy Rick in the evening, interspersed with the usual social media / messaging shit, incuding this entry, of course!
Day 17: Typing this on Day 18. After a few beers last night while chatting with Fog (twice - the first chat ended with him ‘having’ to go to bed. Later, I noticed he was commenting on FB, so I video called him…round two of chatting!). I got quite fucking pissed. Bed around 4am.
Day18: Up at 1pm. Long walk today, 7 km. Anything over 40 minutes, I’ve realised, results in a hypo.
Day19: Well, having gone to bed at gone 5am I got up at nearly 1pm feeling far better than I should have. Breakfast followed by a walk, spoke with Karen (mowing her front lawn) and Dan. He and Grace have split up which is sad news but he seems OK. Went shopping (milk and sweets) and ended up with a shit load of booze, the post of which on FB was quite amusing. Homemade burgers for tea (they’re in the fridge as I type) - gonna try and make Five Guys…
Day20: The Five Guys burger attempt didn’t go as well as I wanted. I think less than 5% fat mince just doesn’t bind that well. However, I managed to get something resembling a burger into the bun and, with cheese, hot sauce and jalapeños, it was tasty enough. More of the same when I finish typing this entry. Strange Easter Day today, as I knew it would be. The best thing I saw today was a video Tom posted on FB of him and Molly doing a mashup of Starsailor and George Michael - Tom on guitar singing the former, Molly singing the latter. It was fucking fantatstic.
Day 21: Easter Monday. Surreal…it’s feeling very surreal now, this lockdown.
Two things that bother me right now:
i) The political point scoring on FB. I get it, I really do…people like to bring up ‘obvious’ failings in the party’s mistakes. For example, Marc posting comparisons between UK and Germany’s figures of cases and deaths due to Covid-19. I doesn’t make impressive reading for the government and it should be held accountable. But not fucking now!
ii) Will they introduce rotational furloughing at RCI? It’s only been a week, 11 to go. And, it bothers me that I was furloughed rather than Mark. Pathetic of me, I know! But, should it last the 12 week stretch, I want to go back to work and let someone else have the chance to have fuck all to do all day! That being said, I’m still learning web design through Shaw Academy. Even today, bank holiday, I revised Lesson 2.
Day22: Nice catchup with Dad today - he and Rita seem to be more than OK with lockdown. I actually cannot wait until we can meet up at The Farmers again!
Day 23: While I had a Corvee engineer come to the house today to do a gas safety check (I waited upstairs while he was here, self-isolation and all that), and had the fourth online web design lesson, had a trip to Boots to pick up insulin, got milk from Tesco’s, saw American Rachel and had a chat (while we both queued to get into Tesco’s) and had a very nice walk along a different route from the norm, in the pleasant sunshine and watched Contagion on Netflix - all today - I AM STILL BORED AS FUCK!
Day 24: I had plans for today - revise the last two lessons of Shaw Academy’s web design course, investigate a ethical hacking course, do some washing, clean upstairs (or at least the bathroom) plus all the usual stuff. Then, as a reward, have some beers. Well, guess what. I am not having beers this evening. I managed the laundry. Plus I manged to subtitle my YouTube perfect snabby video (something I have been meaning to do for a while, but, come on!) It took me fucking ages. But it is funny! So, a fucking far from fruitful day. Plus the government announced at least 3 more weeks of lockdown. There’ll be loads more, I reckon. Tomorrow…I promise I’ll be better tomorrow…
Day 25: I did do better! Firstly the Corveee man fucked the boiler which I only noticed late yesterday but still managed to get sorted today. I did some excellent revision and learning of HTML (tags) and CSS. I cleaned the bathroom and hall. And I discovered TikTok (fucking excellent dancing and funny vids) plus discovered a new FaceBook word game (Sam sent me an invite) called WordBlitz and I am pretty good. Having beers now (nearly 11pm).
Day 26: Today I found myself calling 111. I had a pain in my side last night, I thought it might be constipation! That not being the case (!), today I went to 111.nhs.uk and, following their questions, it recommended I seek out a GP straightaway. Once I let the website know that is not possible, it directed me to visit walk in centres. I spoke with Karen thereafter - for advice about whether it’s a good idea to enter such an establishment - I really don’t want to increase me chances of catching the Covid-19 virus. Karen recommended ringing 111 since the website does not take into account my diabetes (so bloody sensible a suggestion!)
After ringing and answering many questions, the lady said she’d get an OOHS GP to call. The doctor called soon after and it seems most likely I have a grumbling appendix (chronic appendicitis) and to ring again (well, 999) if the pain becomes unbearable.
I now have a bag at the ready for hospital which I really hope I don’t have to use. Today, I  have, therefore, done fuck all - not even a walk - but I am having a beer now (midnight) and shall attempt to sleep as well as possible and hope this pain subsides naturally…
It occurs to me that I turn to Karen when things become flumoxing - my excuse, this time, is she works at the surgery but that was mere convenience.
Day 27: My ‘appendicitis pain was the same when I woke up (10:20) but no worse. I managed to change bed clothes and clean my bedroom but didn’t risk a walk (in case something drastic happens when I’m in a fucking field).
People’s responses and questions online have been heartening (Rachel Harris, Susie Grange, Bethan, Jo, Tracey Weber, Debbie De Prisco and, not least Dan). As the day progresses, I feel better but not right. I spoke with Dad about it and, as I told him, I shall ring Oundle GP tomorrow. Meanwhile, I did Sam Clew’s FB Live quiz, which was good, and am now having a beer or two.
Day 28: The pain in my side has definitley diminished. I called the Oundle surgery today to talk about what treatment I should have for ‘grumbling appendicitis’. The reseptionist organised a call back from a GP - Dr. Cash. Basically, he said he didn’t believe the condition existed, that acute appendicitis doesn’t happen after the age of 35, and ‘his gut felling’ is it will all just clear up.
I shall seek a more sensible diagnosis after lockdown and hope it doesn’t flare up again before then.
Day 29: I sent an email to the team at work today (Jim, Mark, Cristina and Sueanne). I hadn’t heard from them and I wanted to check in and, also, make a point that I will be posing the ‘rotational furlough’ question to HR at some point. It was as I wrote the email that I realised it’s only been two weeks and two days of furlough, and that includes Easter! Seems so much fucking longer. Anyway, everyone replied and it was good to hear from them….Mark came off his bike and broke ribs and collarbone! Lesson 5 of the Web Design course with Shaw Academy. It’s becoming apparent that, if you don’t pay for the course ‘toolkit’ it’s all rather patchy! The instructor dives into lines of code (HTML, CSS and Java) with no explanation….I feel like I did on the ifrst lesson of further maths ate Stamford School! I shall soldier on and beef up the missing parts with W3Schools (a great website and learning aid for coding). Two quick points. I am no longer running any part of my daily walk; hurts too much. I am addicted to Wordblitz and TikTok. Day30: I am writing this on day 31, I just forgot yesterday! It was a non eventful day. I did watch Midnight Run (again!) and had a couple of midweek beers though.
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flatsuke · 7 years
KBTBB College AU
yet another AU I’m a sucker for lmao
@maidofstars @bolt8826 @tsundere-eevee​ @themysticaldaydreamer @alolan-lillie lmaooo
Currently majoring in Finance and Economics. He hopes to one day take over the Ichinomiya Group. 
Though he comes from an upper-class family, he got into the university without using connections — he got in through his own merit.
Every time he and Shuichi share a class, they both get into such heated debates that the professor has to kick them out. 
If he doesn’t get a grade he likes, he’s the type to march into office hours to harshly negotiate for an A lmao
He drives to school, but he never lets people in his car ever. 
The best at group presentations and oral reports.
He has a not-so-secret crush on the cute part-time barista that works at the campus coffee shop. He always tries to flirt with her, so the customers behind him end up getting pissed.
His major is Criminal Justice. He wants to fulfill his dream of becoming a detective, or maybe even a lawyer.
He can usually be found studying at the top floor of the library, where it’s very quiet. More than once, he’s caught Mamoru sleeping in the study rooms. It ticks him off.
Eisuke once dragged him to a party. Soryu was so hammered that Eisuke had blackmail material for months. After that, he vowed never to go to parties with him ever again.
Poor bean, he usually does all the work during group projects. But he’d gladly drop his groupmates’ names  — it’s only fair, after all.
Currently roommates with Inui and Samejima. The former always manages to piss him off because Inui keeps breaking their only goddamn printer.
He set the fire alarm in their apartment because he once tried to make an omelette. It failed.
He volunteers to walk people back to their dorms/cars late at night because he’s a gentleman.
He’s a Psychology major! No one could tell at first glance, though.
Though he can usually be found at parties, he’s a pretty smart student. He’s usually on the Dean’s List every semester. How???
You can bet this guy has flirted with the TAs more than once.
The all-around best bro. He’s everybody’s designated driver, fake date, cover-up story, and wingman.
He works for the campus radio station, and he usually plays a corny love song of some sort.
He rides a bicycle to school. It’s way more environment-friendly than using a car. Plus, he can people-watch.
He has a secret internet double-life. Online, he’s a famous internet personality that gives love advice to lonely singles and brokenhearted people.
To nobody’s surprise, he’s a Fine Arts major.
He always sits at the back of the lecture halls/classrooms so professors won’t call him out to recite.
One time, he was so focused on his painting that he drank out of his dirty water cup. Needless to say, he spat all over his soon-to-be masterpiece.
He sings in the shower. It annoys his roommates not only because he’s loud, but because he’s terrible at singing.
Poor Ota always has to carry all his bulky-ass materials to class for his installations. MC, the kind soul, always offers to help him whenever she sees him.
He once tried to sneak his dog in the dorms. It didn’t end well.
One of his projects requires some form of nude sketches, and he’s currently debating with himself if he should ask MC to volunteer…
He’s a Law Enforcement major.
He’s the guy that only shows up during midterms and finals, but somehow miraculously passes the class??? No one has ever seen him study.
He usually rents a single study room so he can sleep in peace, but he usually gets caught by Soryu.
Once went to school in his pajamas. It was quite comfortable, actually.
He never rents his textbooks on time, so he mooches off his classmate’s textbooks.
In group projects, his groupmates all think he’ll bail out on them, but he surprisingly manages to produce quality work (despite being really lowkey about it).
Usually remembers his deadlines at 3am, so he rushes to the printer at the dead of night and prays to all the gods that he remembered to buy ink.
Currently studying International Relations.
Eisuke’s his rival when it comes to everything. Class debates, Associated Students positions, the last textbook, the line at the campus cafe, etc.
Lives alone in an apartment near campus. He enjoys his privacy, but he occasionally enjoys a visit or two from Hikaru.
He will not hesitate to correct a professor if he thinks they’re wrong. 
Always goes above and beyond with page/word limits. Minimum 4 pages? He’ll submit a 15-page paper, complete with proper citation and a fancy clear file.
He goes to parties dressed as his alter-ego, Shu. No one can tell they’re one and the same because unlike his usual self, Shu is a fucking party animal.
He chugs way too much black coffee during finals week.
He’s a Biology major.
He sometimes forgets to eat, so MC saves a muffin for him from the campus cafe.
He’s usually late because he likes to feed the stray cats that stay near the campus.
He never attends floor meetings or parties unless he’s forced to by Eisuke or MC.
When he studies, he doesn’t sleep at all. He’s pulled a week-long all-nighter several times.
He works part-time at the campus clinic, but people are afraid of him because he seems so intimidating. He’s not. He’s just reeeally tired.
He usually spends his lunches at the campus cafe so he can hang out with MC and have her brewed tea.
He’s a Computer Science major.
He somehow has access to notes from every semester. He’s willing to share them…for a price, of course. 
He was in the same orientation group as MC, and ever since then, he’s been purposely trying to annoy woo her every chance he gets.
He works part-time at the campus computer lab, and he once changed the all the wallpapers to this for a month.
Rides a motorcycle to campus. He thinks it makes him look cool, but he made sure no one saw him fall off the first time he used it.
He always brings take-out whenever he visits Shuichi. Sometimes, he even stays over.
MC was so pissed with him one time that she served him a cup of milk instead of the ginger ale he asked for.
Bonus - MC:
Currently taking up Hospitality Management. She managed to get in the university through an academic scholarship.
She works part-time as a barista at the campus cafe. For some reason, there’s this one customer that keeps trying to flirt with her…
If there’s a place giving out free food, chances are she’ll be there.
One time, she was at the library studying for her final at 2am, and she could’ve sworn she saw a ghost (nah, it was just Mamoru going to the bathroom).
She always fights Hikaru because he has the notes she needs, but he won’t give them to her smh
She usually prefers to walk or commute to campus.
She signed up for the Tres Spades Club because it seemed like a really chill club with a few members, but when she saw eight familiar assholes, she regretted it immediately lmao
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raw-ugh · 5 years
2:55AM Rant
i really can’t stand my dads girlfriend. i’ve never liked her. i didn’t like her before they started dating and it only became worse once they started dating and once her and her kids moved in with us. they’ve been dating for 4 years now. just a few months after they started dating they moved in with us. i hated it. i still do. back in february her and i got into a huge fight. we haven’t talked since. its now june. its been 4 months. she’s very rude and mean. she’s fake. she’s full of drama. she’s a mooch. she’s too dependent on men to take care of her and her family which i absolutely hate because she is showing such a poor example to her daughter. i wish more than anything that my dad would break up with her. she is just so rude and disrespectful to me. she always has been. the day she moved in she also quit her job because she said it was “too far”. it was 30 minutes away. she then remained unemployed for a year. during that time i was a senior in high school with cheer practice every day after school for 2 hours, friday night football games, cheer competitions, and i still worked. i would go to school, go to practice and then go straight to work and get off at 10 or 11 and still have to go home and shower eat and do homework. i still managed to have a job and make my own money and watching her sit at home on her ass just pissed me off. she finally got a job and she had it for less than a year before she decided to take a month long trip to mexico to visit her family and when she came back home she quit her job because she “just didn’t feel like working anymore” my dad was upset, i was furious. she eventually started applying for jobs but then would miss the interview which started to make my dad upset. she had a job and then quit it again, was unemployed again, and now she has had a stable job for going on 2 years. she lived in this house for free. my dad didn’t make her pay bills or anything. she lived her for free and when she was employed she wouldn’t even use her money to buy groceries or anything. she would take my dads card and go grocery shopping or wait for my dad to get home and go with him. she really really just irritated me. the whole situation made me mad. i have talked to my dad about it multiple times in the past and he always just stayed quiet but ever since the fight her and i got into, i brought that up again when i was talking to my dad about it. now she has a second job and pays bills. fucking. finally. she also used to have a really good relationship with my family. her and two of my aunts were like best friends but within the past year she got weird with them and started drama with them so now they don’t talk. those are family members that my dad and i are really close with and now that they don’t get along we don’t see them that much because of her. they no longer come over for bbqs as much as they used to and it makes me sad. i’ve talked to my cousins and those aunts about the relationship or lack thereof that i have with his girlfriend and they think that she’s just jealous of the relationship my dad and i have. i am the center of my dad’s whole entire universe. i love my dad he is such a good man and he deserves all the happiness in the world. he truly is the best person i know. but back to the conversations that i’ve had with my family members...they see the disrespect she treats me with. she once tried talking shit about me to my aunt... MY OWN AUNT!!! actually, she’s tried that a few times but my aunt won’t have it. last year i was moving into a house with my friends and erika loved that. in fact she was so excited that i was moving out that she said in front of my whole family that once i moved out i moved out for good and my room would no longer be my room after i said that i would still come stay at home sometimes and my family said they thought that was super disrespectful and messed up of her to say. my dad shut her down real quick with that one. she also never talked to me. she wouldn’t say hi or bye whenever i came home from school for a weekend. she just literally never said anything to me unless it was to tell me to do something. she wouldn’t ask she would just “command” and it was always with an attitude and she never said please or thank you. it was almost as if those words didn’t exist in her vocabulary. just rude and disrespectful. another thing that bothers me about her is how she parents her kids. her son is 22 and doesn’t have a job. all he does all day every day is play games on his computer. he goes to school so he’s “fine”. i go to school and i still have a job. i don’t work 20 hours a week but at least i still have a job and get off my ass. he should’ve graduated this year but he didn’t because he didn’t have enough credits. he has no plans for after he graduates. he doesn’t know how to adult. i’m not the best at adulting but i’m trying. hell, i even moved out of my house and lived on my own for a few months before a roommate moved out causing all of us to have to move out. she also made a in my aunts words “judgemental comment” about me “not doing well in school” but i’m still on route to graduate on time and i changed my major halfway thru college. both of her kids suck at school so i don’t know why she felt like she could comment on my academic stuff. i just can’t wait for the day my dad leaves her. i don’t even like coming home i hate being in my house knowing that she’s here. she makes me uncomfortable in my own home and it should not be that way. 
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