#so far the winning comment is ‘no guillotine could take away the head i would give him’ abt one stoffel waffle
alexalbongf · 1 year
i love it when things i say abt men r forever imprinted into my mutuals heads
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ansxit · 3 years
Vive La Revolution
"ɪɴᴅᴇᴘᴇɴᴅᴇɴᴄᴇ, ᴏʀ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ. ɪf ᴡᴇ ɢᴇᴛ ɴᴏ ʀᴇᴠᴏʟᴜᴛɪᴏɴ, ᴛʜᴇɴ ᴡᴇ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ. ᴡᴇ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴅɪᴇ ᴛʜᴀɴ ɢɪᴠᴇ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴊᴏɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴋɪɴɢᴅᴏᴍ."
(Y/n) was always loyal to Essemp. For clarification, She is the cousin to the young ruler of their nation, Clay. He wasn't the fairest ruler, but he still cherished his land and his friends. (Y/n) would always stand by her cousin's side whenever skirmishes and war broke throughout the kingdom.
Until she happened to fall for the leader of a revolution.
01 - Skirmish
"Flank left!" The smoke from TNT drifted through the air. Explosions rang through the valleys and you felt confident that you were winning. You and your battalion were sent out on the terms of a small uprising in the south. You've noticed for the past few months, more and more uprisings had been spotted in random villages of Essemp.
"Not right!" You screamed into the grey void, seeing the shadows of your troops running about. "Left! Flank left!" A cry to your right caught your attention but you had to keep going. The injured would care for themselves, and you hoped the rebellion knew it was cruel to harm an unarmed man.
Through the dust you could see the outline of a waving flag. The familiar green seemed welcoming in the colorless abyss. You dismounted your trusted steed and dove into the trenches below.
A body was pressed right up against yours and had it not been for the breathing in your ear you would've thought they were dead. You still rolled to your left off of the person and they let out a heaving sigh. Familiar brown hair and eyes was enough to have you recognize who you crash-landed on.
"How are we looking out there," Wilbur groaned, rubbing his rib cage where you possibly elbowed him.
"Not good no thanks to you," You glared and smacked his chest. The young man gave a look of pure shock and sat up.
"What do you mean 'no thanks to me'!" He whined, "I recall being absolutely amazing out there and saving your ass from being shot!"
"You're the reason we are here in this situation!" You reached for a chest sunken into the dirt and pulled out a new crossbow. "Had it not been for your quick draw of a sword and temper, we could be riding back to the palace before dinner."
An explosion in the distance caused you to cease your movements and drop the arrows out of your grasp. You fumbled around for them as a blond soldier next to the two of you laughed.
"She have a point there, Wilbur!"
"Oh shut it, Grayson!" Wilbur snapped at the man before grabbing his own bow and arrow. "Don't pretend you didn't reach for your crossbow when their scum of a leader refused to meet with us."
"And You need to watch your temper," You scolded while loading your quiver with more arrows. "A good General keeps their head cool and doesn't let small comments get the better of them."
"Oh, like how your pride doesn't take a swan dive off a cliff every time someone insults your family?"
"There's a difference between plain insulting and insulting my heritage." You stood up quickly, checking to see if you could spot any enemy advancement through the smoke, before ducking back down as an arrow flew over your head. "When someone runs their mouth, not even directed at you, might I add, you light up faster than a bundle of TNT."
Wilbur snorted at Your comment but made no further argument. He jumped up as well to check and quickly flattened back to the ground.
"Once I retire and you take my place," You continued on, knocking an arrow and firing blindly out into the field. "You need to be the best leader there is in Essemp." You looked over at Wilbur with a slight smile. "That is of course, if you don't lose your head before then."
"Wow, you really think the way I'd go out would be decapitation?" Wilbur questioned in mock-pain. "You wound me, Y/n, at least hold me to a higher standard." He started firing arrows as well. following suit of blind aim. There was only a short pause before He mumbled, "Actually decapitation would be better than getting blown up."
You gave a hearty chuckle and looked over at the soldiers around the two of you. They were still firing away from their positions. Some were recovering from injuries they had sustained with medical supplies scattered in the dirt.
"You would prefer decapitation than to be blown up?" Y/n inquired as you fumbled for some flint and steel. "Decapitation just seems like too much work, you have to pull out the guillotine and there is even a chance the blade doesn't cut all the way through" You finally struck a flame and grabbed for your arrows. Wilbur seemed to understand the idea you were getting at, and lit his own arrows aflame as well.
"Oh of course you don't want the harder option," he grumbled and fired the flame arrows out of the ditch. "You are the type to talk about an explosion-filled death during a battle involving explosives."
"I don't joke about death, I merely discuss the topic with added laughter." You were both firing in unison now, and the soldiers around you copied the strategy.
"You might be on a higher status than me, but Clay would have my head on a nice pedestal if he figured out you died on my watch."
"What if you died as well?"
"He'd kill me once over again."
You went silent for a second. "Well, at least you'd have a nice pedestal." You joked. "And that's King Clay to a soldier like yourself, Wilbur."
"You don't ever see me calling you 'Princess Y/n' now do you?" He responded with his famous cheeky grin.
"No, but now that you bring it up..." You smiled back as Wilbur rolled his eyes. Through the fire arrows lighting the smoke-ridden sky full of color, someone from behind the two of you, out of the ditch, yelled for your name. Alastair, a well known Lieutenant around the palace, was laying down on the ground above you guys.
"Princess Y/n and General Wilbur." Alastair greeted you two. "The opposing forces have reached the main circlet, the cavalry has arrived and are ready to surround them on your command."
"Alright, thank you Eret. Go back and join the others until everyone here is ready to move out. Once I give the signal, only then will you charge out." He nodded his head and started running back where the tree line was. You smirked over at Wilbur, "See, I think 'Princess Y/n' has a nice ring to it." He replied with a middle finger pointed at your face.
You barked a laugh and got into a kneeling position. You called attention to the surrounding soldiers and informed them of the plan that was about to go down. Once you were certain that the uninjured men were ready to go, you looked to Wilbur for confirmation. He stared at you for just a second longer before nodding.
The second you started raising your hand the soldiers around you rushed out of the ditch. Once the majority were out, You and Wilbur hopped out as well; swords drawn and all.
You could spot bright red coats through the haze, and as the smoke lifted from the battle ground you could see the green uniforms of Essemp's soldiers rounding up members of the rebellion. You and Wilbur both ran towards anyone that was trying to escape from the ambush and herded them back towards the main group.
"I've got to say, using the old sheepdog tactic is... beneficial." Wilbur laughed from a few feet away. You looked over at him with a smile. Even though dust and gunpowder dirtied his hair, and save for some tears in his uniform, he still held his glowing aura in the midst of a battle. Seeing his grin gave you the sense of comfort that everything would be okay.
No matter how many times you bickered and teased, as long as you two had each other you were happy.
The soldiers on their horses and the ones in the trees all aimed crossbows and bows towards the rebels, waiting for your next command. You and Wilbur walked over; you had both sheathed your weapons and examined the kneeling soldiers. To the far left, Alastair motioned for You with a tilt of his head.
"What's up?" Wilbur asked once Eret was within earshot.
"We singled out the lieutenants you guys spoke to earlier." He gestured to two kneeling soldiers that were glaring at You and Wilbur. "They still refuse to leak their leader's identity."
"Well alright then," Wilbur glared right back at the two rebels. "I'd say it's about time the bastard showed his face."
"Will you need any uh," Eret glanced from the unarmed soldiers to Wilbur's bow then back to you, "assistance?"
"We'll handle it from here Alastair, thank you." You sighed and nodded at Grayson and Luke. Both of them hoisted up the rebels and you all made your way to the front of the rebellion.
Once infront of everyone, you squared your shoulders. After looking back at the two lieutenants, your eyes darted over to Wilbur who nodded at you. In a blink of an eye, you both had drawn your swords to the soldier's necks.
"Direct us to the leader of this regiment." You commanded. Wilbur pressed the blade closer to their neck and fear shown through their eyes. When neither of them responded, You grabbed one of them by their arm and kept the blade close enough so that a small drop of blood trickled down their neck. Wilbur followed suit and you swept your cold gaze across the field.
You hated violence, but sometimes it was the only answer.
The rebel in your grasp whimpered as you held him in a death-grip. All the soldiers in the field, rebel and your own, looked over to you. The soldiers closest to you all held apprehension in their eyes. You didn't get the title you had now from just being the King's cousin, but from being intimidating, strategic, and all-around terrifying.
"I wish to know the person in charge of these men." You moved your sword across your line of sight before bringing it back to the man's neck. "If they do not step forward you will be comforted to know the King has special spikes for all of your heads." You tilted your blade to catch the falling sun to enunciate your point. "Your leader is a coward," You called out to the men after no response. "He kneels with you, taking no blame and responsibility for any deaths on this battlefield tonight."
"Hypocrisy!" A voice cried far out in the circle. You looked over at where the voice came from. Wilbur quietly gasped behind you as a man rose from the kneeling soldiers. "You admit yourself that a leader takes blame and remorse for casualties amongst men."
You took a step forward and released the man you previously held. He sputtered and coughed, but you ignored him and walked closer towards the standing individual.
"I speak for the men kneeling here before you." His voice rang through the quiet, only disrupted by your footsteps. "We and many more have seen the tyrant's ways. We know who's on the wrong side of history."
He wore no different clothing than the rest of the men. There where no patches nor pins to differentiate his leadership. Instead, he had a single necklace with ram horns on it. You instantly knew this was the man in charge of the uprisings around Essemp.
"What's your name," You asked. Only seven feet separated the two of you, the kneeling men had cleared a path as you walked closer.
"His name is Jay Schlatt." Wilbur spoke behind you. You turned your head to the side in acknowledgement. Only three feet now. "He used to dream of working as a knight in the kingdom." Everyone was staring at Wilbur as he talked. "He trained everyday until one day he just, disappeared."
"I learned the truth." Jay spat; you turned back to him with narrowed eyes. "I learned," he spread his arms out wide, "That the King and his incompetent friends never cared about us!
"Not a single one of these men around us were shown compassion and fairness like he claims. He left us to rot in poverty while he lays in a kingdom of gold!"
Wilbur walked forward, and you saw that his expression was full of hurt. You moved out of the way as he got closer.
"Schlatt you know this isn't true-" Jay grabbed him by the shoulders and instantaneously you whipped out your sword, poised at the man's collarbone. The field once again went silent, not even the birds interrupted with their calls. The two men seemed to hold a conversation with just their eyes, Schlatt's changing from pleading to subtle despair.
After a long, silent minute Jay released Wilbur and slowly knelt back down to the ground. You sheathed your sword once again, only for Wilbur to bring out his own.
"He is an unfair ruler, and is nothing short of cruel." Jay said. The soldiers around him solemnly nodded in agreement. "Surely you've seen the King's ways." Wilbur looked down at the Leader in front of him, and couldn't dare look away. Jay pleaded once again as he stared at Wilbur. "He doesn't care about his subjects, he just wants power."
You looked at all the kneeling rebellions in the field. Wilbur was still holding his sword at Jay's neck, his hands trembling a bit. The convicted leader finally bowed his head and stared at the soot ridden ground beneath them.
"Jay Schlatt, you will be locked up for treason against the King," you stated and motioned for your troops to grab the prisoners. Jay refused to look up as Grayson walked over and hoisted him; tying his hands behind his back. As they both passed you, Jay finally looked up to meet your hardened gaze.
"Down with the tyrant king." He spat as Grayson shoved him forward. The rest of your battalion started escorting the rebels off the field. You let out a long-awaited sigh and looked over to your right-hand man.
"Wilbur?" He still held his sword in his hand, although it was lowered now. "Wilbur?" You asked again. He seemed to snap out of it and moved to sheathe his weapon.
"I'm alright, I just.. wasn't expecting to see an old face today." He quickly turned around and started to walk with the rest of the soldiers. You chased after him, trying to stay in step with his longer strides. When you called for his name again, he just walked faster. In the end, you gave up on trying to follow him.
You and your battalion had won the skirmish. But as you watched Wilbur walk away; you couldn't help but have a feeling that you'd lost something else...
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