#so dogwarts kills pizza
If The Gods Were Kind — pizza 2
5th part here we go!!! And yes, you should be worried :). I just love torturing my blorbos. If it weren’t for a reply I got from @stiffyck askbox, this part wouldn’t exist, actually. But I quite like it, so you guys are suffering with me.
Master Post
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Content warnings: Animal death, blood, gore, violent intrusive thoughts, violence, grief
Scar only stared in disbelief at the Red Army. Grian was yelling at him about doing something, but Scar only heard static noise. They weren’t aiming at him. They were aiming at Pizza . Her beady eyes gawked at him, and it was only then he could unfreeze and march towards her. 
Grian petted Pizza’s fur on her neck, the only place deprived of red. She brayed painfully, barely standing, as one more arrow nested itself in her. Scar placed his hand in front of her face and untied the leash around the pole, feeling her slimy tongue licking his palm.
“She’s gonna die,” Grian’s voice barely reached his ears with the flying arrows going past him, one lodging in his leg. 
Scar grunted, and looked back at the Red Army. “One more arrow and you’re all dead!”
An arrow hissed too close to his ear. He dodged and immediately regretted it.
“NO!” Grian yelled as a bray echoed in his ears. 
Scar dared to look back and didn’t see any white fur at his eye level. No, Pizza’s body laid on the sand, beady eyes wide open, arrow in her throat, tainting her white fur red, just like their stupid banner. Scar choked back a sob, legs trembling, tension in his neck screaming just as hard as Pizza did in her last moments, hips dragging him to the world’s core. 
A ping pierced his ears, some shuffling accompanying it. 
“Red winter is here,” Grian read. 
Scar looked back at the fleeing army, fists clenched. “Grian,” he croaked, mouth dry. 
His partner hummed, already by his side for Scar to lean on him. Scar shook his head. 
“I think I need to kill one of them,” he practically growled. 
It would’ve come eventually. The urge to see blood on his hands, caused by him . Having Ren’s head looking back at him in horror, Scar spitting in his face, knowing a head detached from its body couldn’t do anything about it. Slay Martyn with his new shiny netherite sword, fed by his screams of terror as he died the same way Pizza did, without any hesitation or cause. Burning their enchanter, burning their “palace”, whatever they called it, drowning them in lava and hearing their cries of pain and mercy. It was inevitable. No, they did not deserve mercy. 
Scar took his netherite sword from his inventory and was ready to sprint after them, to make them feel the same pain Pizza felt. But someone grasped his bicep harshly. He swiveled and opened his mouth to vociferate, only to be met with Grian’s death glare.
“It’s gonna be four against one, you are not good at combat and you can kiss your last life goodbye before you can even land a hit on them.”
Grian was right, but Scar’s hands twitched, lips pursed. Grian bore his stare in his piercing red eyes, green eyes glimmering under the sun at its zenith. 
“You’re injured, you will not go far with an arrow in your leg, and they will take advantage of your weakness.”
Scar huffed and tried crossing his arms only to be reminded of the tension in his neck, the ache in his shoulders that made movement difficult, and the piercing soreness in his hips and calves. Scar held in his grimace, but Grian saw right through it. He shook his head and dragged him inside as gently as he could with his hold on Scar’s bicep. 
He made him sit down in the kitchen and rummaged in their barrels for first aid supplies. Scar didn’t understand why Grian wanted to tend his wound. He barely felt it, being a red life helped him ignore the excruciating pain it would probably normally cause him. 
Ren needed to pay. 
But Grian looked so concern and he made excellent points. How many injuries could Scar sustain before it was too much for him? Before it became troublesome? Before he lost his last life? 
What happened after you lose all of your lives? It was probably the next question people were asking each other, after they realized you could die, after they realized you could die twice before getting that red haze. 
Grian raised his leg, making Scar hiss through his teeth. Grian mumbled a “sorry ” and took out the arrow in a swift motion, placing a clean piece of wool on the open wound. 
“Ah!” Scar yelped, closing his eyes and trying to think of other things than the sting. Grian winced and inhaled sharply in response.
He soaked most of the blood with the ball of wool, dabbing around it to clean it. He took a piece of cloth, placed it on the wound and wrapped some string around it to hold it in. Once he was sure Scar’s clumsiness wouldn’t ruin the bandage, he stood up, exchange the first aid supplies with golden carrots, and shoved it in Scar’s hand. 
“Eat,” was all he said as he left the room to do gods know what. 
Scar stared at the carrot, out of focus. He could almost see Mr. Bubbles, if he was smaller. He lost his giant bee too, he realized. Dogwarts not only killed Pizza, but they kill the innocent Mr. Bubbles. His hands trembled. This was all his fault.
He was the one who got attached to those animals. He made himself vulnerable, he knew that. And yet, it still hurt. And yet, the urge to kill them didn’t fade away, no matter how slow he breathed. They were gone, forever erased from this world, leaving him alone.
Scar gasped a breath, noting how heavy his body felt, noting how he couldn’t bring his arm higher to eat the golden carrot, noting his vision was blurry, not out of focus. 
He heard the flutter of wings and the footsteps before hearing and feeling Grian’s panic. Grian fell onto his knees, putting his hand on Scar’s cheek to raise his head. For red eyes to meet green ones. Scar turned to look away, tears landing on his forearm, cold against his warm skin. Grian tried to hold his wings still, but they flapped and fluttered, making him slightly groan. He focused back on Scar, hand on his thigh and, woah, since when was Grian’s hand so warm?
“Scar, buddy, what’s wrong?”
Scar sniffled and tried to swallow the ball in his throat, to no success. Cheeks became wet quicker than his fall in the ravine. 
“Is—” his throat constricted, and he swallowed again, “—is she truly gone?”
He didn’t know how Grian understood what he said, his voice was merely a whisper, jumbling over words, it even sounded wrong to his ears. But when he looked back to his partner, his concerned look was back. 
“Oh, Scar,” he murmured.
Scar let out a sob and curled on himself, ignoring every tear in his body, ignoring the stretch on his wound and the piercing pain it gave, ignoring his surroundings. He just couldn’t understand, even if it made perfect sense. 
Pizza was gone. 
Pizza was dead .
And that’s when it hit him. They were all gonna die eventually. All disappear from this world. No survivors, no more alliances, no more wars, no more stealing cookies. Just like Pizza, everyone’s life held on a string, just waiting for the punchline to cut it. 
But Pizza was dead .
And it hurt.
Something hit his lips, and when he opened his eyes, his appreciation for Grian only grew. The avian had the golden carrot in his hand and helped Scar eat to close up the wound. Scar obliged, and they sat in the silence.
A wave of energy spread throughout his body, easing the tension but not the ache in his hips. It seemed the rest of the day was crutches day.
“Can we have a funeral?” he asked, voice quivering and quiet. 
Grian gave him a warm smile.
“Of course.”
Grian was the one who did most of the work. Digging a hole large enough to bury Pizza, dragging her corpse in it, and helping Scar build a coffin to cover the uneven ground. He placed the headstone while Scar wrote the epitaph on a wooden plank. Grian hammered it above the coffin and joined Scar, both staring at it as the sun turned to dusk. 
Rest In Peece Pizza. Freind, Sister, Mother
Scar could only stare at the wooden structure. He couldn’t shed any tears anymore. The ball around his throat became bigger, and Scar was ever so grateful when Grian placed his hand on top of his, running his thumb across his knuckles. The cries of mobs surrounded them when the sun disappeared in the horizon. Grian nudged him to come inside, but Scar remained impassive, gaze never leaving the coffin.
Grian grew a bit more restless, wings fluttering behind him. 
Scar shook his head, grip tightening around the handles of his crutches. Grian sighed, let go of his hand and went back inside. Scar tried to make his mind stop wandering, stop thinking of taking his netherite sword and plunged it on Grian’s back, stop contemplating blowing their base to the ground. 
He rested one of his crutches on the coffin and placed his hand on top of it.
“They’ll get what they deserve,” he murmured in the cold wind, not that he could feel it. “They’ll regret the day they took you out of this world.”
He took back the crutch and joined Grian inside. His partner was sharpening his sword but jumped when he heard the door opening. He poked his head out of the door that lead to the kitchen, eyebrows frowned. Scar sent him a wavering smile and passed him to sit on their bed. 
His mobility aids were both leaning against the wall close to him, in case he woke up one morning not being able to do much. Even with this enhance senses and strength being a red life gave him, it wouldn’t dim the consequences of whatever affected his body. 
The shuffling of feet approaching dragged him out of his head. Grian had a hand on the door frame, wings held tight together. Scar simply sighed and patted the bed. Grian cautiously joined him, wings itching to wrap around them. 
Scar let out a chuckle, leaning against him despite their height difference. Grian opened his mouth, only to close it promptly, red on the face, and let his wing wrapped the both of them against the chill of the night—or Scar assumed, since Grian’s chin wasn’t trembling anymore. 
Grian placed his hand on Scar’s thigh, and despite Scar absolutely beaming at the touch, it felt like this little weight made the ache even frailer than it already was. He took his partner hand and settled it on Grian’s thigh instead. 
Grian squeezed his hand and they stayed like this for a while, in the silence of the desert. No more buzzing of wings, no more small braying, just their breathing and the far away awakening of mobs at the foot of their mountain. Scar had never wished for the world to be louder.
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handdrawnverathin · 1 month
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Hi. So, uh... it's been a while. And after all this time, I think it's time to be honest with myself and admit that this animatic is probably never going to be finished. I started it when I'd only watched a couple POVs of Third Life and it really shows in the designs. Some of them aren't bad - I still like how I drew Tango - but enough of them have details wrong or just weird vibes that continuing to draw them is kinda dissatisfying. That being said, I put a lot of work into it and didn't want to let it just die without saying anything, so here's a collection of GIFs from the few scenes I managed to get edited.
For the record, I am still on the Hermitcraft/Life Series brainrot train and I have some drawings that I've been working on that I genuinely like. So hopefully those will be done soon! Just as soon as I finish that one project that I started eight years ago. But it's getting there! I swear!
Also: for anyone interested, I've included the original frame-by-frame plan below the cut
SONG: Willow Tree March, The Paper Kites
Feet swinging over sandstone cliff face (0:00 - 0:05)
Lower half of Grian’s face visible, whistling (0:05 - 0:12)
The cool bit
Fade to front face view of Grian, looking up slightly (0:12 - 0:16)
Real quick zoom out to all players standing in a row looking dramatic (0:16 - 0:28)
Title card fades in as overlay (0:20 - 0:28)
Player introductions
(0:28 - 0:30)
(0:30 - 0:32)
(0:32 - 0:34)
(0:34 - 0:36)
Peaceful times
Grian walking through a forest, early morning. First frame is a footstep, then a side view of him looking around (0:36 - 0:44)
Flower Husbands meeting, afternoon. First frame is Scott peaking into the hole from outside, then Jimmy looking up at him sheepishly (0:44 - 0:52)
Renchanting looking up at the sky, sunset. First frame is a hand raised to block the sun, then a rear-view shot of them from the waist up (0:52 - 1:00)
Phantom shelter, night. First frame is a wide view of the group either hiding or fending off phantoms, then a close up of a few of them laughing with each other(1:00 - 1:08)
Wide shot of Scar burning the tree (1:08 - 1:12)
Close-up of Grian’s face as he looks to the side. Creeper visible in the reflection of his eyes. (1:12 - 1:16)
Scar doing some smooth talking. A wisp of smoke fades in behind him.(1:16 - 1:20)
Close up of Scar’s face turning around, eyes widening (1:20 - 1:22)
Yellow heart (1:22 - 1:26)
The promise
Wide shot of Monopoly Mountain, cut to close-up of Grian swearing loyalty with a hand over his heart (1:26 - 1:34)
Close-up of Grian’s face, mostly the eyes, looking a little unhappy with the whole situation (1:34 - 1:42)
Tensions rising
Skizz looks at an enderman: over-the-shoulder shot of him looking back, then a close up on his eyes widening (1:42 - 1:50)
Cleo threatening Pizza - animated? Initial/final poses plus two in-betweens (1:50 - 1:58)
Tango’s lava game: first a close up of his smiling face, then a wide shot with his arms outstretched in front of the challenge (1:58 - 2:06)
Scar threatening Ren for the enchanter: first an over-the-shoulder shot of Scar, then one of Ren (2:06 - 2:14)
Wide shot of ceremony (2:14 - 2:18)
Ren, kneeling, waist down and cloak on (2:18 - 2:22)
Low-angle shot of Martyn looking very uncomfortable. Winces a bit, axe raised and…  (2:22 - 2:28)
Swings down. We get a flash of Ren's face, grinning, before fading out. The red eyes linger just a bit longer. (2:28 - 2:32)
Flower wall burns down (2:32 - 2:40)
Rear view wide shot in silhouette
Front view, sad and also a little horrified
Desert battle (2:40 - 2:48)
Profile view of Grian with a slightly manic smile on his face as explosions go off. The camera is pretty close to him, so we can’t actually see the explosions, but add in some effects and it’ll get the point across
Siege of Dogwarts (2:48 - 2:56)
Aerial attack using slowfall arrows
Ground combat feat. Joel and dogs
 Bdubs kills Impulse, Scar kills Bdubs (2:56 - 3:04)
Scar (right) kneeling in the water before Grian (left). We can see Scar from about chest down and only the lower half of Grian’s legs (3:04 - 3:12)
Low-angle shot of Grian looking down at Scar holding a sword. We can see Scar’s head and maybe a bit of his back depending on camera angles. (3:12 - 3:20)
Fade to the Tree in a dark void, glowing as if by firelight. Very slow pan out. Fade to a wider view before the light is extinguished, leaving us in darkness.  (3:20 - 3:28)
Ghosties (dark gray background, white outlines)
Jimmy/Cleo/Skizz (3:28 - 3:32)
Joel/Scott/Etho (3:32 - 3:36)
Tango/Ren/Martyn (3:36 - 3:40)
Impulse/BigB/Bdubs (3:40 - 3:44)
They want blood (survivors haunted by ghosts)
Grian, with chestplate and sword, looking very much like he’d rather be anywhere else(3:44 - 3:48)
Scar, also not having a good time, sword and shield but no chestplate (3:48 - 3:52)
Facing each other, no weapons or armor. Scar of left, Grian on right (3:52 - 3:56)
Close up side view of Grian’s face: scared, then steeling himself (eyes closed) then shouting as he runs in (3:58 - 4:02)
The girls are fighting! ;A;
(4:02 - 4:10)
(4:10 - 4:18)
(4:18 - 4:26)
We have a winner
Full body behind shot of Grian standing at the edge of the cliff before falling (4:26 - 4:36)
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cocoabats · 2 years
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scar gets killed by dogwarts shortly after pizzas death, grian gets an invitation to join dogwarts from martyn and decides to accept it so he can avange scar aka pale white horse au! made by me and a bunch of hermbi people (love you <3)
is it just 3l but sadder? yes
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ssnowflowers · 1 year
Not enough people talk about Pre-LimLife Mean Gills. And I think that’s a crime because it’s integral to their relationship growth and narrative arc (in the Life Series). Spoilers for the Entire Life Series below the cut.
Basically, their first meeting is Scott just trying to enchant his things, which is positive. And from here it’s just small, little interactions of mischief and kindness, nothing substantial. That is until Martyn and Ren demand that the Flower Husbands fall in line with their kingdom, and Jimmy burns the banner.
From here on it’s a (one-sided) relationship of animosity, with them consistently fighting and Scott even implying that someone needs to take out Martyn. This only escalates in the war between the two main factions.
And then Dogwarts kills Jimmy and Cleo.
This marks a major change. Scott is immediately joined with the Pizza Alliance solidly, switching goals. In his conversation with Cleo, Scott implies that everything will die down and he’ll just settle down in the Flower Forest. Now, Scott seeks the destruction of Dogwarts at all costs. This leads to the only low performance Scott ever gets in the life series.
He even runs off with Joel to do so, who is probably his #1 enemy in the entire Life Series. That just goes to show how much Scott wants Martyn and Ren dead. Their final fight is chaos, with Martyn and Ren killing Scott twice. During their last conversation, we see something interesting. Martyn is trying to extend a hand.
“Hey, I never wanted Jimmy to die!” “I’m sorry my Hand, but we must kill him.”
Ren is the one to deliver the final blows to Scott. Martyn is only indirectly responsible. And it shows that despite all the fighting, Martyn still holds his early time with the Flower Husbands in high regard. Martyn is still trying with Scott. Scott wants nothing to do with Martyn, which is understandable. His faction killed Jimmy and Martyn is the direct killer of Cleo.
Last Life picks up and immediately the Southerners and Scottage have a rivalry, placing Martyn and Scott as opposites again. Now, it seems like this will be a very nothing season for them. That is, until episode 8.
In this episode, Scott heads off with Martyn as Boogeyman. Many will presume this is heading in the direction of a cold and calculated kill. What happens instead, is that Scott tells Martyn that he is Boogeyman. Here, circumstances are different and Scott feels he can finally let go of everything that happened.
Martyn, who never held any hate for Scott, tries to actively aid him in getting a kill. This makes no sense from any perspective. He has no loyalty to Scott and an End Crystal could even kill him. And yet, he does it anyway. He wants to believe that Scott has finally come to trust him.
And then the finale happens and Scott kills Martyn. Twice.
In a way that mirrors what happens to Scott in Third Life, despite Scotts reservations he is forced to fight Martyn. Killing him on top of Magical Mountain and severing their tenuous bond. This time, Martyn is the one who feels the hurt. He ends up going reclusive until the battle royal, where he avoids fighting Scott until the man has him cornered in a forest and kills him.
At this point, Martyn and Scott have established themselves as fated rivals, despite how much neither wants this. And now the distrust is mutual.
Double Life brings about Divorce Quartet and it’s not pretty. Cleo is quick to forgive Martyn. Scott is not and holds resentment for the bleeding heart until the latter half of the season. Meanwhile, Martyn is resentful of the relationship Scott has with his soulmate. Once again, fate has placed them as rivals.
However, the gap is very quickly bridged in the finale episodes when Divorce Quartet end up as the final yellows. And Scott is finally able to acknowledge that Martyn isn’t so bad. Finally, Scott shares the same mind Martyn always held for him.
And then Martyn betrays him.
Martyn tries to kill him for the sake of his and Cleo winning. That has always been Martyn’s goal and Scott now stands as an obstacle. Scott is quick to message Pearl of how “they betrayed me”. As if Cleo had done anything. Rather, Martyn had betrayed Scott and now he’s hurting because of it. Because he thought he could finally trust Martyn.
And then Pearl kills Cleo. And like a Soulmate domino, Scott gives Martyn an indirect death.
I personally love this narrative. Two flawed people, trying over and over to care about each other, but they can never turn the other cheek long enough for one of them not to stab the other in the back.
In this way, anything less than Limited Life would be terrible.
Scott is so quick to bind them together as a duo. He doesn’t want to be alone again, hurt by someone who doesn’t give him the time of day. It makes him picking Martyn strange, but also makes perfect sense. Martyn always tried friendship with him and had undying loyalty.
It’s what re-contextualizes the crawling back scene. Scott doesn’t actually hate Martyn, he just wants that show of loyalty. He wants Martyn to make the effort to bridge that gap like he did for Cleo. He wants Martyn to stay by his side, like the man stuck to Ren’s. He wants the loyalty he can only get from a display of Martyn’s devotion.
And for the rest of the season, Martyn is loyal and protective. And that is enough for Scott to try. Their downfall, their hatred for each other has always stemmed from a lack of trust and betrayal. But Scott and Martyn have unconditional faith in each other now and it leads to them being the duo that absolutely dominates the season.
Scott even places Martyn above Jimmy. He completely believes Martyn will keep him safe, tells him everything, shares every faucet of his season with the man. And Martyn does the same, to a point.
Martyn hides everything bad he does for Scott. Every death in an attempt to kill someone who hurt his friend. Every betrayal he makes against other factions to ensure it’s him and Scott at the end. All the guilt he feels for every time he does something that brings Scott harm. Especially killing him for the time.
And in the end, Martyn and Scott are in final three. And Martyn betrays Scott, because the two can never get too comfortable. The two are fated rivals and someone has to kill the other.
But Scott isn’t mad. Because Martyn has proven his loyalty. He is his mean gill, and Scott couldn’t have it any other way.
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dayables · 2 years
It was never about the prank
Or the 3rd life Grian and Scar are in love essay.
Grian and Scar’s alliance, friendship, love affair, early in the game is based upon Grian owing Scar his first life as an apology for the prank that killed Scar. Grian sets the deal as, “I am in your service until I lose my first life. I’m your teammate. I’ll do whatever you want to do.” Grian is also, a terrible teammate in many respects. He tries to ruin all of Scar’s deals, he kills three people when Scar just wants to steal BigB’s cookie. Grian is, a truly terrible at “being in Scar’s service.” and “doing whatever he wants to do.” Grian is staying around Scar because he likes Scar. If Grian did not enjoy the deal, Grian would find ways around the deal.
Before the prank, Scar only proposed taking over the sand biome to Grian. Grian doesn’t say no either. He only proposes they monopolise dark oak saplings instead. Desert Duo’s alliance was never about the prank. It’s about loyalty and passion and just like all romances, it ends in either marriage or death.
If there’s one thing about desert duo, it’s that their loyal to a fault. There are so many quotes I could pull to prove this point. One example, in episode three following Scar’s death. He offers poppies and lilacs and asks: “Can we still be friends?” There’s uncertainty in the question. This would make sense considering the fact Scar’s the first red life on the server. By the rules of the game, the answer is no. The one time Grian cannot justify breaking the rules of his own game, is accepting his place by Scar’s side as a friend not as a debtee. Also to mention the flowers again, lilacs mean: Do you still love me?, grief and optimism. Poppies mean: eternal love, sacrifice and remembrance. The flowers say many things Scar does not say: I still love you, I hope you love me still but I think you don’t.
In the finale, Grian asks Scar at the battle of Dogwarts, “Is this it? Is there where we show our true allegiance too each other and that’s it? We turn on everyone?” Every alliance before this fight was temporary. Scar and Grian only ever cared for each other and pizza. While they knew Scott, Jimmy and Joel were on their side there was never a care in their alliance. Just the knowledge they had a common enemy before they turned on one another. All of their allies were brought together by war. Scar is Grian’s “True allegiance.” Scar is the only one Grian cares about and vice versa. They were recluses who others had to seek out. Desert Duo never had the opportunities for friends because they had each other they never left that desert.
So let’s talk about the desert. The sand land, the fallen kingdom was a desolate and expansive. There was no desert village, there was no pyramid. The sand land was nothing more than Monopoly Mountain, Pizza, Scar, Grian and cacti. There wasn’t a single sign of life besides the prickly cacti, not even a singular dead bush. It slots right in with their isolation. There was no reason for anyone to come to the sand land unless to see Grian and Scar and as I said before, Grian and Scar only left it to gather resources. Everything was always about the sand lands and Grian and Scar and Pizza were the sand lands.
Finally, you have the betrayal. When Scar threw everything he and Grian had over the pieces of paper Grian has been calling useless the entire series.  In this moment both Grian and Scar’s worlds tilt on their axis. Grian has been betrayed by the man he pledged himself even when he no longer had too. Scar stops basing his actions over the pieces of paper. Bdubs had the ‘no kill pass.’ But Scar “didn’t know what to do” after Grian. Scar had a plan to kill Bdubs when Grian returned. Scar didn’t want to take Grian’s final life and when Scar didn’t fight? Neither could Grian. Scar asks if they can, “fix our sand castle.” And Grian asks, “Can we win together?” It’s in the very fabric of their characters: Grian doesn’t want to kill Scar and Scar doesn’t want to kill Grian. They just… have to kill each other… to figure that one out…
Then it ends. It ends exactly how it began. Grian killing Scar. It ends with just the two of the. It ends in the desert because they could never wash off the sand. It ends beside Pizza’s grave. It ends in a fight with fists and a fight on their own terms because they never cared about the rules which dictate they should be fuelled by bloodlust.
It doesn’t end with a prank because the prank was nothing more than a prank. The tragedy, the end and the beginning lie in the fact its Scar’s blood on Grian’s hands and he never wanted it there. Except the second time round, there’s a weight heavier than guilt on Grian’s hands. There’s loss as well.
In conclusion, they loved each other. By my fucking god, Grian and Scar loved each other. It’s weaved into their story so deep it’s impossible to uproot it all. They were fated to die by each other’s sides, that there would only ever be one victor and they chose to love anyways. They chose each other, were loyal to each other, never doubted each other in the face of a death game and yeah.
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bluiex · 1 year
Hullo! First off, loved your double life cheating one-shot. It hurt in all the good ways. Second, I'm glad to announce that I am almost done with this hurt/comfort third life desert duo fic I've been writing for the past, like almost 4 months at this point lol. So, in terms of celebration for all of my suffering, here's a little extract from a scene I wasn't gonna add, but decided to anyways. Warning, mention of animal death, hehe
Scar stared at the carrot, out of focus. He could almost see Mr. Bubbles, if he was smaller. He lost his giant bee too, he realized. Dogwarts not only killed Pizza, but they kill the innocent Mr. Bubbles. His hands trembled. This was all his fault.
He was the one who got attached to those animals. He made himself vulnerable, he knew that. And yet, it still hurt. And yet, the urge to kill them didn’t fade away, no matter how slow he breathed. They were gone, forever erased from this world, leaving him alone.
Scar gasped a breath, noting how heavy his body felt, noting how he couldn’t bring his arm higher to eat the golden carrot, noting his vision was blurry, not out of focus. 
He heard the flutter of wings and the footsteps before hearing and feeling Grian’s panic. Grian fell onto his knees, putting his hand on Scar’s cheek to raise his head. For red eyes to meet green ones. Scar turned to look away, drip landing on his forearm, cold against his warm skin. Grian tried to hold his wings still, but they flapped and ruffled, making him slightly groan. He focused back on Scar, hand on his thigh and, woah, since when was Grian’s hand so warm?
“Scar, buddy, what’s wrong?”
Scar sniffled and tried to swallow the ball in his throat, to no success. Cheeks became wet quicker than his fall in the ravine. 
“Is—” his throat constricted, and he swallowed again, “—is she truly gone?”
He didn’t know how Grian understood what he said, his voice was merely a whisper, jumbling over words, it even sounded wrong to his ears. But when he looked back to his partner, his concerned look was back. 
“Oh, Scar,” he murmured.
Scar let out a sob and curled on himself, ignoring every tear in his body, ignoring the stretch on his wound and the piercing pain it gave, ignoring his surroundings. He just couldn’t understand, even if it made perfect sense. 
Pizza was gone. 
Pizza was dead.
And that’s when it hit him. They were all gonna die eventually. All disappear from this world. No survivors, no more alliances, no more wars, no more stealing cookies. Just like Pizza, everyone’s life held on a string, just waiting for the punchline to cut it. 
But Pizza was dead.
And it hurt.
Something hit his lips, and when he opened his eyes, his appreciation for Grian only grew. The avian had the golden carrot in his hand and helping Scar eat to close up the wound. Scar obliged, and they sat in the silence of the crunch and the slight moos from the cow deep underground. 
A wave of energy spread throughout his body, easing the tension but not the ache in his hips. It seemed the rest of the day was crutches day.
“Can we have a funeral?” he asked, voice quivering and quiet. 
Grian gave him a warm smile.
“Of course.”
Grian was the one who did most of the work. Digging a hole large enough to bury Pizza, dragging her corpse in it, and helping Scar build a coffin to cover the uneven ground. He placed the headstone while Scar wrote the epitaph on a wooden plank. Grian hammered it above the coffin and join Scar, both staring at it as the sun turned to dusk. 
Rest In Peece Pizza. Friend, Sister, Moter
Scar could only stare at the wooden structure. He couldn’t shed any tears anymore. The ball around his throat became bigger, and Scar was ever so grateful when Grian placed his hand on top of his, running his thumb across his knuckles. The cries of mobs surrounded them when the sun disappeared in the horizon. Grian nudged him to come inside, but Scar remained impassive, gaze never leaving the coffin.
Grian grew a bit more restless, wings fluttering behind him. 
Scar shook his head, grip tightening around the handles of his crutches. Grian sighed, let go of his hand and went back inside. Scar tried to make his mind stop wandering, stop thinking of taking his netherite sword and plunged it on Grian’s back, stop contemplating blowing their base to the ground. 
He rested one of his crutches on the coffin and placed his hand on top of it.
“They’ll get what they deserve,” he murmured in the cold wind, not that he could feel it. “They’ll regret the day they took you out of this world.”
He took back the crutch and joined Grian inside. His partner was sharpening his sword but jumped when he heard the door opening. He poked his head out of the door that lead to the kitchen, eyebrows frowned. Scar sent him a wavering smile and passed him to sit on their bed. 
His mobility aids were both leaning against the wall close to him, in case he woke up one morning not being able to do much. Even with this enhance senses and strength being red gave him, it wouldn’t dim the consequences of whatever affected his body. 
The shuffling of feet approaching dragged him out of his head. Grian had a hand on the door frame, wings held tight together. Scar simply sighed and patted the bed. Grian cautiously joined him, wings itching to wrap around them. 
Scar let out a chuckle, leaning against him despite their height difference. Grian opened his mouth, only to close it promptly, red on the face, and let his wing wrapped the both of them against the chill of the night—or Scar assumed, since Grian’s chin wasn’t trembling anymore. 
Grian placed his hand on Scar’s thigh, and despite Scar absolutely beaming at the touch, it felt like this little weight made the ache even frailer than it already was. He took his partner hand and settled it on Grian’s thigh instead. 
Grian squeezed his hand and they stayed like this for a while, in the silence of the desert. No more buzzing of wings, no more small braying, just their breathing and the far away awakening of mobs at the foot of their mountain. Scar had never wished for the world to be louder.
-- tired Bloop anon bc it is 1 am in the morning when I sent this
Hehe thank you I'm glad you liked it an it hurt <3
AYO THIS IS JUST *yells and sobs into a pillow* I CANT-- SCAR POOR SCAR hnnhgfbhd dude I'm really excited for the full fic
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moonicdaze · 2 years
I wrote a little thing last night when I was thinking about 3rd life desertduo, the cactus ring, and kisses lol. also i did not proofread so it is what it is lmao One thing Grian thought he understood well was the uncaring nature of literally everything. The sun looks upon the plights of mankind with searing apathy and that’s that, right? Death bells toll without any sympathy for those who mourn. That’s what he knew from the beginning and what he’s known all along, yet it still tears him apart. He’s always been well aware that he and Scar cannot both be the victors. That’s the rule of this game, and this game is not kind. The sun that beats down on the unfortunate duo is not kind. The sand that they tread on is not kind. The cactus awaiting prey are not kind. The ghosts of the damned who are no different than they are not kind. And Grian knows all of this. Damn him for getting so attached anyway. Of course he’s already imagined how this is going to go while Scar rambles on about clocks and Bdubs and whatever else that Grian does not understand a bit of. The only options he has is either kill Scar with his own bare hands or die by Scar’s bare hands and he wonders which would hurt less. He knows it hurts either way.                      —— Scar had already made his decision. It’s not like the universe gave him any options he wanted to take but he wasn’t exactly in a position to make his own choice. That was clear. But he was never one for playing by the rules; not exactly. So as he and Grian neared Pizza’s grave (and a silent prayer of respect for the dead llama) he grabbed Grian’s hand and gently pressed his lips to the soft back of it. It must take some sort of doomed man to see beauty in morbidity. Scar watched Grian kill and cause so much destruction. The thing that stood out most to him was how breathtakingly beautiful Grian looked. Even now he looked stunning. Grian let out a startled noise when Scar kissed his hand. “What? I have to be chivalrous at least,” he said with a wink and a smile. Grian said nothing but grabbed both of Scar’s hands and pulled him in for a proper kiss that held all the soft passion that kisses often share but with an underlying agony and fear that was far more suited to the situation. And yet, despite himself, Grian couldn’t contain the giggle that bubbled from his throat and Scar joined in too. “Grian.” “Hmm?” “I still have the Dogwarts banner.”
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riacte · 2 years
bigb and ren play viddy games in the basement of the box base. they eat chips and soda while everyone else is screaming and killing each other outside. they cheer each other on and congratulate each other on good gamer plays. they order pizza (it is delivered). ren encourages bigb to express himself on the outside of the base. they make friendship bracelets for each other.
YES so true they’re besties and roommates <3 just bros hanging out without a care in the word after the angst of Dogwarts and Fairy Fort <3
I just… I just love how genuinely happy they are to find each other. It’s like an intrinsic sort of happiness 🥺🥺 hope nothing bad EVER happens to them. Please keep on being happy forever Big B and Ren <3
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clambucket · 2 years
Watching Third Life from Grian’s perspective,,, I’ve had thoughts
Yeah Grian led the creeper over, but literally everyone was like “well yeah I saw him do it and I saw the intent but I didn’t think he’d do it”
And no one accepted any fault for it? And then Grian wouldn’t accept full fault. K.
Scar not quite getting the servant thing until ep. 2, and then forcing Grian to not interrupt
but then manipulating the shit out of everyone to get full enchanted iron armor and a diamond sword
“I will murder them”
“I didn’t mind the gap”
Scar and Grian really did start the unhinged thing with the greyed out skin huh
Grian still plays the “helpless servant” even in ep. 3 despite coming up with the most of the bloodshed
Grian claims that Scar is the ruthless one that will do anything and even gaslights Scar into thinking it too
He’s even playing into it and perpetuating it by “warning” others that Scar will kill everyone and not to listen to him
Grian pushes Scar into the murder idea in ep. 4, Scar just wanted to steal the giant cookie and Grian goes “scar, you’re name is red. You’re meant to kill people”
((I’m talking about character Grian pls not irl Grian))
Has to remind him to put clothes on but come on, let him show off the muscles
The bomb enchanter jump scared me even tho I knew exactly what happened and who set it off
The fact that he set it up in minutes and it didn’t work, but then it did
The nudge on the mountainside wow
“You didn’t bring the loaded gun”
Damn Scott drop that analogy
Apply to creeper in ep. 1? Maybe?
Absolutely hilarious the first three reds are the least fearsome. JIMMY WAS SULKING IN HIS BASE
Grian still claiming he’s “only doing what Scar says” but builds the creeper farm and gets the pufferfish without anyone there? K.
Manipulates him into going into the nether. K.
Damn the lava feels very metaphorical for something, I’ll find out in the next perspective watch
Grian did a very “leading the witness” with the change of plans with the bubble elevator
Traps only work the second time, wonderful innit
The flower husband desert duo alliance (fhdda) is really wonderful
Also knowing that while the alliance is being made, there’s a villager hidden in the hill just to the right
“The second I lose this life, I’m out. You know that right?”
The pufferish of peace :^)
Also knowing that Scott wasn’t like. Super happy about the alliance but was ok bc Jimmy took charge is nice
Grian casually sets fire just in case, on no one’s orders Simple’s because he can
“We have banner at home”
Scar and Grian just watched and noted that Dogwarts were aiming for Pizza but did nothing about it. And then when Pizza was at 2 hearts did they suddenly care. K.
“I don’t want to be responsible for ending Scar’s series”
Scar makes friends while Grian is gone? K.
They’re giggling while shooting Etho lmao
“Did you forget the name for friends?” K.
Literally caused a war with Dogwarts, had Scott, Jimmy, and Cleo to follow to take Dogwarts base, the bailed on them lmao
Very much appreciate Grian explaining the tnt trap and why it didn’t go off. I would not have understood otherwise
Grian “I’m out when I’m yellow” Minecraft doing a suicide mission to keep Scar alive? It feels very Rick and Morty dynamic ya know?
I’m told I’m supposed to love you?” “I love you”
“Leftover Pizza :^D”
The entire desert is rigged to explode, and only Grian, Jimmy, and Scott died
Somehow Scar lived
Scott wants to avenge his husband, love that
Still appreciating the lesson on tnt bc I still wouldn’t get it
“Moral obligation” K.
There’s been a talk tower fortress each season, as well as a dog army so idk. We got some continuity
I’m still unsure of who Impulse was sided with. But to be fair, I don’t think I would side with anyone permanently so he had a good strategy until he didn’t
I appreciate Scar putting music on at all times
The moment Grian went to his red life, he suddenly let go of his attachment to Scar. Interesting
Or, until Scar lets him
Then he can’t.
“No matter what happens, we can count this as a double victory. Right?”
“I don’t feel good”
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garlic-sauc3 · 2 years
Hi, could you give me a rundown on 3rd life lore? I'm interested 👀👀👀 /nf
Uh well okay I'm just gonna do scars pov bc that's the one I mainly watched, but basically theirs like 12 people in the world and they all have three lives and stuff yknow and red life blahs blahs blahs all that shit. They start in the middle and all run off and they go mining or whatever. Eventually scar finds a village where Martyn, Grian, Etho, Bdubs, Cleo I think and maybe a few others are. Etho plants a dark oak tree which Scar tries to burn down, but Etho puts a sign saying that it's a Historical Landmark, therefore he cant burn it. Scar burns it. I think scar pulls grian aside for a bit and tells him they should monopolize on the sand and take over the desert. Grian says it's too big and that it's a ridiculous idea, scar suggests they mine all the sand. Grian suggests that they steal all the dark oak saplings(I'm pretty sure this is when). Later all the people at the village are in a circle and grian brings a creeper over as a prank and ends up blowing scar up. They made a grave for scar that said "it was just a prank" and bc he felt guilty for losing scars first life, grian became scar's lacky. They take over the desert and monopolize on sand and try to monopolize on dark oak. It fails. Also there is a llama named pizza.
Scar starts scamming everyone for "reputation points" where they get nothing but scar is able to get a full set of armor from it. Sometimes they get his unenchanted armor for their armor. Scott and a few others grow a dark oak tree and proves their monopoly useless. They are no longer Monopoly Mountain. Scar tries to get the enchanting table from Renchanting and Ren and Martyn refuse. They're on his list.
Scar falls down a giant ravine, hes on red. Starts making Grian trap everyone. Ren goes yellow, Jimmy goes free and somebody else also goes kaboom.
Ren makes Martyn kill him so he can go red and theres a war. At one point they prank Bdubs and Cleo. Scar and Grian make a bunker and blow up there base and end up killing no one. They make "the danger zone"(top gun reference) and lore everyone to war, again killing no one on the other team but grian dies and I think Jimmy does as well. Grian is on yellow so he can leave Scar, but he doesn't want to and he stays. Theres another battle and a lot of death happens. Then theres the final battle at Dogwarts(where Ren and co. live) and they kill Ren and Martyn and Etho and the whole lot. More and more numbers dwindle, BigB has a no kill pass that Scar gave so he cant technically kill him, but Bdubs kills him. Then Bdubs kills grian so hes on red. Grian feels betrayed and angry and then Scar kills Bdubs, he let's Grian kill him, but Grian refuses to. They say they win together but the ghosts want a battle. They go back to monopoly mountain and make a cactus circle and fistfight each other.
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habeascorpseus · 2 years
3Lscar is saying so many words that the most powerful statements come from saying the most simple things. for all his smiles and boastfulness he is, for the most part, closed off. when he loves something he does with his full chest, he talked about his llama for weeks on end ceaselessly, but the shock of watching pizza die at the hands of dogwarts left him wordless. the only words he managed to say were, "grian. i think i need to go kill one of them." in turn, grian only managed to restrain him by telling him he'd lose the 4v1. before that, when scar turned red, instead of convincing grian to stay with him, he gave grian flowers and asked "are we still friends?" only calming when grian reassured him that according to the wording of the deal, he was still in scar's service. for all of his boisterous talk and chicanery, scar is rendered speechless by the things he truly cares about. it is a vulnerability that he almost never lets show. scar loves with his entire chest and dies with the words "im sorry" on his lips as he runs away from grian towards the edge of the cliff. there are no words
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memryse · 3 years
on sentimentality in 3rd life
Ren’s weakness was always that he was too kind. Martyn would worry about him, whether he was too naïve and trusting, but ultimately no matter how ruthless the Red King became towards his enemies, that kindness always remained. It affected Martyn, whose devotion to his king became his undoing. And it affected the rest of the Red Army too; contrary to this image of blood and violence they tried to portray, they were steeped in sentimentality.
Scar and Grian, however… decidedly were not.
[once again, another long analysis/duo comparisons post about 3rd life]
Martyn spent a ridiculous amount of time chasing a banner. He wasn’t even sure why, really. He died for that banner, even. The banner is a symbol of his army, of his loyalty, and he’s not about to let them disrespect it like that. He’ll get it back even if it kills him. During that confrontation in the woods, Martyn calls out to Grian, “You gave me this sword, and I’m gonna use it!” – it’s not the first time he’s brought up the Blue Sword Boys, either. He misses that first day; him and BigB and Grian forming tentative alliances over swords and apples and nothing more.
Grian ignores him. One would even question whether he remembers that moment.
Skizz gives Ren a netherite sword. Ren treasures it, ever more so after Skizz dies. He names it The Skizz Blade in the final session, in memory. To avenge his fallen knight. He misses him. Eventually, he uses it to take the final life of one of Skizz’s killers.
Up in their sky base, Grian debates over what to name his sword. He can’t think of anything important enough. He leaves the anvil without bothering.
Later in the session we see he’s named it THE AVENGER, but why? Avenging what? Pizza? We don’t know. It’s a generic name, to be frank, and he never elaborates on it on camera. It wasn’t important enough. He never kills anyone with it, he never actually avenges anything.
The Red Army goes to their deaths to reclaim Dogwarts. It’s a losing fight, and they know it before the battle even begins. But they go willingly, because they care so much about their home that nothing else matters. The desert people blew their home sky-high twice just to make killing their enemies easier. They’ll destroy anything, betray anyone, to get their own way, and the more they do it the less everything else matters, the more codependent they become, because they’ve thrown everything else away. The only other thing that mattered to them was their llama.
(This post is explicitly about the contrast between desert duo and Dogwarts so I'm not really going to touch on the other members very much right now, but there are a lot of interesting comments to be made about their sentimentality too; the hobbits were probably the kings of it, just look at "home? home.". And with the Crastle, I think you can say a lot about how sentimental Bdubs was. That castle meant so much to him.)
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cocoabats · 2 years
omg omg i love that art SO much!! Can you tell us more about the pale white horse au??
Gladly! I'm planning to draw way more stuff for it so nice to see someone interested <3 Just keep in mind I'm not a writer so this may be a little bit chaotic and hard to read
tw for 3l typical major character death
Scar attacks Dogwarts after they kill Pizza, they get into a fight and Grian gets a cut on his face. His yell of pain actually throws Scar off and he dies calling Grians name.
Martyn wholeheartedly believes getting rid of Scar was all Grian wanted and that he's saving his friend so he talks to Ren and they agree to invite Grian to join them. Grian is... not doing good at this point, he's very much shell shocked, he managed to bury Scar but all he has left of him are his cracked sword and the Dogwarts flag Scar stole from them. He later wears that very same flag.
So Grian absolutely not dealing with his grief and all the contradicting feelings he still has about Scar decides he still owes him his green life and decides to use this opportunity to gain Dogwarts trust and strike them when they don't suspect it.
So he joins them, fights for them and rekindles friendship with Bigb who is the only person he genuinely cares about in Dogwarts till the end. They fight Crastle and Flower Husbands and they win but Grian loses his green life. He cracks just a little bit, finally coming to terms that he really cared about Scar and it's way too late to do anything about it other than finally put his plan into motion.
So after the war is over Grian goes through every single person in Dogwarts and kills them. Bigb is the only person out of all of them that he cares about and he talks to him, tries to have him on his side in some way but Bigb is too loyal to Ren so he joins the rest of his companions. Finally Grian slays Ren on the very same altar he lost his yellow life, using the very same axe Martyn has used and he's just... done.
Martyn wakes up knowing something is off, he finds all the bodies and he starts understanding what happened and he hopes he can still save Ren but when he gets there it's already too late. He immediately takes Grians yellow life in anger but he's unable to kill him completely and he lets him go. Grian decides to end it the same way he did in 3l and Martyn who only wanted to have all his friends around him is completely alone.
There's a lot more small details we talked about and a bunch of things I'm probably forgetting rn but this is the main plot of the au. Really really sad but I really enjoy the tragedy, no one here is evil, everyone is just trying their best but in the true 3l fashion their best is never enough.
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introboy · 2 years
a list of burials that took place on the 3rd life server.
[ao3 link] 
Scar’s first grave was empty. These words were carved into it: “It was just a prank.” At the time, it was.
Jimmy was the first to die. Really die. Scar removed the arrow from Jimmy’s forehead and waited for his widower to return from wherever he’d reformed. Yellow particles swirled within Scott’s hair, and when Grian tried to touch them, he could only feel sorrow. Scott brought Jimmy back to their home and buried him with the things that he loved. He fell asleep outside that night. By the time he awoke, the bud of a red poppy was curling towards the sky, sprouting from the newly upturned earth.
Cleo died the same day. Bdubs buried her, after he recovered her body. He carved the gravestone with the meticulous care that only a talented builder could have. He did not cry that day. Wasn’t this supposed to be the other way around?
Skizz died as well, within the Crastle, cut down by Grian’s blade. They didn’t know what to do with the body, choosing to wait until morning to decide. By the time the sun rose, he was gone. Etho had buried him on Skizzle Point. He didn’t think anyone else would.
Joel died in the desert. He burned from the fire enchantments on the arrows, the sword, the ax that Ren and Martyn killed him with. By the time others reached the site, there was not a body left to be found. Instead his dogs remained, sitting in the sand, unsure of where to go next. There was no one to command them, no one to feed them, no one to love them. They sat and they howled.
Many were lost in the final battle of Dogwarts. Tango had burned to death, and he looked angry, as if he was trying to fight his way back to the world of the living. Etho collapsed in the carrot field, eyes empty, yet his mask hid his face as it always had. The King and the Hand died near each other. Martyn had been protecting Ren’s body before he was shot down by Scar. They were so close that their fingertips almost touched.
After the chaos, Bdubs buried Bigb and Impulse. The graves remained unmarked. Unassuming. There was no one left to mourn them.
Grian and Scar buried Bdubs, after Scar landed the killing blow. Even in death, he did not let go of his clock, as if he was only sleeping the night away. His gravestone was not carved with the care of Cleo’s, for he did not have a stone at all. A quiet apology was murmured before the final two turned and left.
There were too many bodies left at Dogwarts to bury. The desert dwellers burned the area to the ground. The fields caught fire and spread quickly, ruthlessly. Tango, Etho, the King, and the Hand went up in flames.
On their way back to Monopoly Mountain (the voices of the damned wanted a fight, and a fight they would get), Scar and Grian found Scott. He had died alone, cut down by Ren and Martyn while running away, trying to reach safety. Poppies grew out of the ground where his blood had mingled with the dirt. Two sets of red eyes met, the last remaining, and they knew that it would not be right to leave him there. The flower forest had been the desert’s only true ally, after all. Scar and Grian buried Scott next to his husband. His grave was simple but cared for. Maybe in death, he would find the peace he had longed for in life.
Scar died with a smile on his face. Grian sat by him for a while. The desert was silent except for the whispers of the long-dead. One life to go, murmured a voice that sounded like the King’s. Eventually Grian stood, weary bones creaking and grinding. He buried Scar by Pizza. The grave was marked with a simple stone, these words carved into it: “With love, Grian.”
He was the only one remaining. He’d suffered enough wounds that he would not live through the night, and even if he could, he would not want to. Grian gave one final look to Scar’s grave before stumbling to the edge of the mountain. He was dead before he hit the ground.
As weeks passed, the earth began to reclaim what had been lost. Villagers that had survived began to rebuild their town. Joel’s dogs left the desert behind. Fields of poppies spread across the ground. Cows repopulated the land and sheep grazed freely. Diamond armor was buried beneath layers of dirt. Graves became overgrown and buildings turned to ruins.
The world lived on.
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skitter-kitter · 3 years
Please talk to me about monopoly mountain and any ideas you have about them I want to hear about it
MABSKSHSKWHAJ thank you for the ask!!! You’ve unleashed a demon that’s been marinating for like four months
Third Life
Scar didn’t have any scars before getting blown up. Grian feels bad when he sees the burns coating the left side of Scar’s face.
Because of the scars his smile isn’t perfectly symmetrical, which makes it look like he’s smirking when he’s smiling. But he is usually smirking anyway so no one really notices
Scar’s legs are already a bit weak and prone to collapsing under the heat, so when he breaks his legs in the fall from the ravine it makes every step painful.
Despite the pain, scar takes his time walking to the ravine. After all, Grian’s friendship means everything to him. He won’t let some pain stop him from keeping his best friend.
Scar was perfectly happy not being murderous as a red life. The world was perfectly happy to let him not be murderous. It was Grian that pushed him to set traps and kill people. It was Grian who did the first kill— not Scar.
Scar sheared off some of Pizza’s fur before her death, and kept it to make something cool later with it. In the end, he dyed it for his and Grian’s shields.
Scar doesn’t remember much of the Dogwarts fight. He remembers sitting up in the sky with Grian. Watching him smile and laugh as chaos reigned below them.
Scar washed Grian’s blood off his hands as quickly as he could. He couldn’t bear to look at it any longer than needed.
After he went red, Scar gave up on winning.
Last Life
When Grian haggled a life out of Scar at the start, Scar was genuinely expecting them to team up again. He kept waiting for Grian to ask to join him again. It never happened
Scar’s magic is real and he is unwarrantedly lucky because the world likes him <3
After he drowned, scar kept the crystals chained to his body so it would never happen again
After his lava death, scar constantly smelled like smoke.
Scar made a grave for Yellow Snow under his base (can’t let enemies see he cared)
He also made a grave for Monopoly Mountain beside it after he turned red
Scar and Joel would never hurt each other
Grian had had the bloodlust of a red the whole season because he won third life
Scar has wings. I will not elaborate
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Scott and Grian are like babysitters who meet up to talk murder while Scar and Jimmy try to steal cookies
they so are asdfghjkl
Scott, sipping tea: so how's things in the desert? killed anyone recently?
Grian, also sipping tea: not lately, unfortunately. Dogwarts lay siege to us and ended up killing Pizza and Mr Bubbles, so we'd really like to get vengeance for that
Scott: oh, i'm so sorry to hear that. you wanna meet up next week to murder them? maybe Tuesday?
Grian: yeah that'd be great! i'm busy Tuesday but Wednesday would be good. should we do swords or tnt?
Scott: swords would be great, maybe a bow and arrow or two. do you think Scar would be up for doing a distraction, maybe like stealing something and running away?
Grian: well-
Scar, sprinting away in the distance holding a giant cookie over his head: GO GO GO GO GO GO RUN JIMMY RUUUUUUN
Grian: yeahhhh something tells me he'd love that
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