#so Vergil would be gettin the “lights are on but no one's home” look from me 24/7 in this situation lmfao
chocosweets · 3 years
Request filled for @subarublue 💞🧁
Can I request a short and sweet little fluffy one shot (or just headcanons if a one shot is too much) where maybe Dante (Devil May Cry 5) first begins to realize he’s putting on some weight and feels a little self conscious about it? But he tries to hide it and blow it off like it’s nothing? But Reader notices the weight and his insecurities and lets him know they find him attractive no matter what?
Word Count: 1,416
Dante/Reader, SFW
Tags: Established Relationship, Post-DMC5, DMC5 Spoilers, Weight Gain, Weight Issues, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Insecurity, Affection, Cuddling & Snuggling
Enjoy, Eclair 🍩
Squish, squish.
Dante inspected his reflection carefully in the yellowed bathroom mirror as he changed out of his bloodied shirt, fresh after a long job. He prodded his bare flesh and watched as it squished incessantly.
His brows knitted as he continued to test the buoyancy—to see if it actually jiggled. The part of his body in question laid at the bottom of his stomach, underneath his six pack. The smallest bit of flab rounded into a little pouch that was soft to the touch, not hard and well-built like the rest of his muscles.
It was barely noticeable (unless someone pointed it out or felt it carefully), and truthfully he himself hadn’t noticed for all these months—until he’d done a particularly elaborate jump while fighting today and his shirt had scrunched up oddly as he soared and landed. And, well, as Nero has so eloquently put it: Ha! Look at that, the old man’s finally gettin’ fucking chubby!
There had been the usual light-hearted quips thrown back at his nephew, but when he got home he thought he ought to check it out for himself. The last row of his abs was beginning to fade into soft fat, and when he exhaled, the fat at his lower stomach hung over in a small curve below his belly button, brushing against the cool metal of his belt buckle lightly. There was a good portion of it that he could grab with his palm laying against the skin. He groaned a little to himself. Didn't his demonic metabolism usually prevent this sort of thing, as it had for the better part of thirty years?
What a pain. Dante pooled the weak faucet water in his hands and splashed the cool water onto his face. Maybe the kid had been right—and maybe he should lay off the pizza until that bump in his clothes stopped being visible.
For the seventh day in a row, you had stopped by the office without seeing any new pizza boxes strewn around the floor.
In fact, it wasn't only that, because you could've easily chalked it up to Lady or Trish—or quite possibly even Vergil, since he almost technically lived at Devil may Cry nowadays—forcing Dante to clean up his filth after the piles and odor had gotten unbearable. Except, it had also been seven days without interrupting him during a meal, or seeing him order any, or of you even smelling the aftermath of the steamy delicacy that still lingered in the air. You had only seen him eat sandwiches for lunch or snack on potato chips during the day, and occasionally pour himself bowls of cereal when you two watched TV late into the night.
Something was definitely up, but what it was, you didn't know. His behavior was mostly the same otherwise and he hadn't been drinking lately either, so you knew he hadn't slipped into another depressive episode or anything similar to that. You were thankful for that, at least, but the fact that he'd been abstaining from his precious pizza and declining all your offers of going out for an ice cream date for a whole week was certainly suspicious.
"Hey, baby." Dante sat up further in his chair when he saw you enter. That same cute smile of his was on his face, but he didn't look as peppy and carefree as usual. "What's cookin', good lookin'?"
Still, you grinned back and waved as you walked toward him. "Nothing much—except for visiting this sexy demon hunter I know."
"Oh yeah?" he goaded back playfully, shifting to face you in his seat as you made your way onto his side of the desk. "Have I met him before?"
"Don't think so," you huffed out between a laugh, and as you said it Dante brought himself up and closer to you—pulling you down into a quick kiss before sitting back down.
You looked around the place nonchalantly as you pulled a chair up for yourself in front of the desk, noting the lack of boxes again. A typical cola and magazine laid on his desktop, but there were still no stray slices of pizza or empty sundae glasses.
When you settled down in your seat, you cleared your throat, and he looked at you expectantly. "So, I guess you haven't had dinner yet? We should order some pizza and eat it over a movie."
Straight to the point, not wasting any time.
You swore he bit his bottom lip guiltily at the mention of his favorite food, and that his eyes lit up brighter than stars. He opened his mouth, though, about to respond, when—his stomach grumbled accordingly, as if pleading for some delicious, gooey pizza, making his eyes widen a fraction in embarrassment.
He laughed awkwardly. "Jeez, is it that obvious?"
"Dante." You gave him a knowing, but gentle look, and he groaned, as if realizing then that there was no point in denying it.
"Fine, I'll fess up." A sigh came out, and then he leaned forward on his desk. "I've just been dieting a little. It's no big deal."
"Dieting?" Your eyebrows creased more in concern than confusion.
"Yeah, aren't you proud of little ol' me? You're always saying I eat too much junk food." But then your brow raised at the obviously poor excuse, knowing that just your nagging alone wouldn't be enough to stop him from indulging. You stared further—and he relented with a sigh. "And, well— Figured it wouldn't look very good to clients if I was too...chubby."
That was putting it lightly, considering that even though he'd quit the pizza and ice cream, he was still devouring just as much food in a day. You could spot the beginning of a squishy-firm beer belly under his clothes when he leaned over and pressed into it like this. Dante picked up his can of soda to sip so he could avoid your gaze.
"That's all?" you asked, careful not to be too accusatory. There was an even more underlying reason here. He would tell you in time when he was ready, and you didn't want to push him too far at once. You reached over, still, and put your hand on his free one. (It made him tense up a little.)
"Yes," he insisted with his voice in a quick hiss. "What's wrong with me trying to slim down a little? I'm gettin' old, you know."
"Th-There's nothing wrong with it!" Damn, this seemed like a touchy subject to approach. So, you pulled out your most convincing voice. "And, well—to be honest, I didn't think you had put on all that much weight."
"Really? You don't think so?" He said it in a sarcastic deadpan, patting his soft lower belly for emphasis and leaning back into his chair. There, you were at least finally getting closer to his real feelings. You stood up and went back to his side of the desk, crouching to eye-level. You looked at him sweetly with a smile, and he seemed to melt. Dante crossed his arms over his chest and looked away almost bashfully when he said, "...Didn't think you'd like me letting myself go and all."
"Awww, don't be all pouty~" You leaned forward to pull him into a hug, holding him close. Your chest pressed to his, and you nuzzled his face with your cheek. "I don't mind if you're nice and soft, really. You're still handsome." He mumbled something under his breath, and you giggled again. "...And you're just too cute when you're pouty like this."
That got a little chuckle out of him, and he pressed a kiss to your neck. "I get it, I get it. No more grumpy Dante tonight, I promise." He relaxed with a sigh and ran his fingers through your hair. It was quiet for a moment. "But you meant all that?"
"Of course! Whether you're a little chubby, or in your devil form, or anything—you're still my Dante no matter what."
The man in question seemed to consider that, and then he shifted to embrace you back fully, nearly crushing you with his heavy grip. "Huh… That's pretty wholesome, babe."
You couldn't help but lift your head up and kiss his cheek as you giggled. "So, pizza?"
"Only if you let me take you on that ice cream date you've been wanting."
You held your hand out, and Dante shook it with gusto.
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imagethat · 5 years
Final Goodbye | Vergil x Kitsune!Reader
Alright! So this one reads like an absolute novel lmao I like writing while laying in bed. It helps me relax and fall asleep. I don’t post everything, but I wanted to post this. It’s a part two to my Kitsune!Reader drabble.
Something was festering inside you, as the nights grew longer during the winter, so too did your slumber. Each dream becoming more infatuating than the last, lulling you deeper and deeper into your once home. You knew this realm was not of your own creation, it had echoes of familiarity mixed in with the confusion. You already discerned its owner. Why they felt the need to drag this on was an ever evasive answer. You continued still, trying to reach the heart of this world. Before you could reach your destination, an alarm woke you up and you were pulled aggressively back into reality. An annoyed growl escaped you as you sat up in your bed. You’d have to be more cunning if you wished to speak with your nightly captor. The fact you hadn’t yet only adding more to your irritation. You peeled yourself from under the sheets and went downstairs. Dante puffed some air out of his chest before leaning forwards. “Whoah, someones on the warpath.” He commented. Was your irritability really that visible? “Not today Dante.” You warned while placing a hand on your forehead. Vergil quirked a brow. “You’ve been sleeping in rather late, are you alright?” He asked. The only reply he got was a half baked ‘Fine’ from your back as you went into the kitchen to get some food. Dante's eyes scanned over his brother curiously as he leaned back in his chair with crossed arms. Vergil knew something he didn’t, and wasn’t making any moves to tell him either. You returned from the kitchen, only to march past the twins without a word and return to your room. Once inside, you ate the cereal you had poured for yourself while packing for the day. Once ready you went downstairs. “Where are you going?” To your surprise, Vergil asked rather than Dante. “To attend to some business.” You replied, not giving any more of an explanation before heading out the front door.
It would start snowing soon, the sky was dark enough and a horrible chill dampened your bones. You checked Red Grave, making sure all the hexes you had placed remained in tact. Not only because they marked your territory, but because they acted as a ward. To your disappointment, some were broken. That was to be expected though, since another had come into your space. All at once the world gave way beneath your feet as you tumbled into darkness. The sound of your heart beat heavy in your ears with the depth and percussion of a full orchestra. You hit something on your fall and then once more. Your eyes shot open as you jolted forwards, those hits having been something shaking you. The dreams grasp was becoming so tight that you could not discern reality from it. Your eyes darted all around the park, not remembering the sheet of white that veiled it. Vergil was standing beside you, examining you quietly. “You’ve been gone for a whole day.” He commented. You paused… A whole day? Had the dream taken you for that long? It certainly didn’t feel like it had been that long. You didn’t remember moving to this bench either. Before you could question the man beside you, a sharp stinging burned your head. A loud noise rang and you had to cover your ears. You felt weak as you collapsed to the ground while your vision went blurry. Vergil was saying something, but you couldn’t tell what. “Dream…. Snare….. Run…” You tried to warn, your words almost failing you. When you awoke you realized you had finished your fall. But the world hadn’t gotten any lighter. You couldn’t make anything out in the dark despite your demon blood. There was whispering from all directions. You stood up and cautiously searched through the dark with your hands until you found a wall. Then you followed that until you saw the soft glow of light. You could feel it’s presence more clearly now. As you dashed towards it, you broke from the darkness into a cleaning underneath a beautiful never ending sky. Sitting across the clearing from you was your brother who would be the eldest had you not been born. The clearing was reminiscent of where you fought both Vergil and Nero originally. It was to taunt you. “It has been too long, sister.” He mused quietly. You nodded softly. “That is has been, how disrespectful of you to play such pranks on your sister.” You replied. He seemed displeased with your response and flicked his tail. “I would argue that if anyones been disrespectful, it’s you. Have you forgotten your teachings?” He questioned. “I have not, but father lied to us. Humans aren’t the only source of consumption for us.” You answered with a determined look. “That may be true, but why stay with them? They are beneath us, and to even share the same space with them…” He pierced his lips before glaring at you. “You aren’t suited to be the head of the family, return the key to me.” He demanded. When you came of age and proved your worth to your parents they gave you a key. Every dream realm was attached to an item, and the one handed down in your particular lineage was a gold embellished key. “It is mine, I owe you nothing.” You replied, already feeling the tension surrounding you both. This wasn’t going to end well for one of you.
Vergil had carried you back in the snow to Devil May Cry. Dante didn’t think much of it at first, but when he saw the way your veins seemed to be darkened he knew something was wrong. “There is another.” Vergil said before his brother could ask what happened. “So how do we wake y/n up then?” Dante asked. Vergil and you had grown pretty close during the time you agreed to stay at Devil May Cry. That included sharing your knowledge with him. “Only the one who created the snare can release her. By their will or by death.” He replied. Dante seemed to think for a moment before nodding. “Well, it’s nothing we can’t handle.” He said with a teasing smirk. “As long as I’m gettin paid at the end that is.” He added and Vergil scoffed at his brother quietly. They called Lady and Trish to stay with your resting body then headed off.
The fight was long, your brother enjoying every moment of proving his superiority. The world would glitch, and apparitions of your friends would appear in his place. It took everything in you to keep swinging when it happened. He had only dug so deep into your memory thus far. “They have made you weak! Yield sister! Join us once more!” He yelled at you. For a moment you internally stopped and pondered why you were fighting so hard to stay with your new found company when you had been so eager to never see their faces again just a few months ago. In that moment of weakness, not only did he strike you but he delved deeper into your mind. Summing forth your true feelings and more twisted visions of the people who truly matter to you. Your brother sneered loudly, striking you with force you didn’t know was possible. He looked down at you with hateful eyes. “I thought you’d have more respect for father, if you should walk amongst humans you should at least keep his most basic of rules in mind. But it’s true isn’t it!?” He demanded as you pounced back to avoid an attack. You bared your teeth. “What do you speak of!? Have you gone mad! I know my place! I am the head of this family!” You shot back. “We shall see.” He replied while lunging forwards. The action was so unpredictably sudden that it caught you off guard. He lifted you from the ground by your throat. You tried to claw at his arm and halfway to his face you saw him shift to an aplirition. In that moment, you couldn’t strike. Even if you knew it was your brother inside your head tricking you. You gave into your fate as he plunged a blade through your stomach. You were dropped to the floor unceremoniously afterwords. Vergil, or rather your brother standing above you. His eyes boring into your weekend ones. “So it is true… Such a pitiful heir to the family.” He commented. The next few moments were rushed. You heard yelling and gunfire. You opened your eyes as you felt someone lift you. You were being cradled. Through your blurry vision you could see his white hair. But you couldn’t tell if it was a fake figure meant to torment you or actually him. You let your weight fall dead against him.
When you came to this time around, you were in Devil May Cry. Thick familiar gauze was wrapped around your waist. Lady rushed over when she saw you rise to check your status. “Where…. Vergil…” you forced out in a dazed tone. “Where is Vergil?” You asked. Lady looked up at Trish. “Still in the dream.” The blonde haired woman said. “No…” you whispered, fear overtaking you. “They’re still alive… but…” Trish added. She was unsure of their status. You shifted onto your elbows, finally realizing what heavy fabric rested on you. It was Vergil’s coat. He had wrapped it around you when he carried you back from the park. Even such a simple act of courtesy was odd from him and should be taken to heart. You bit your lip as you pulled it against your chest. “I have to go back!” You urged and the two looked at each other. “L-listen… I care for them just as much as you do, but you’re not in any state to fight… Plus, it’s Dante. I’m sure they’ll be fine.” Lady tried to reassure you, but her efforts were in vain. You pleaded to her with your eyes. She finally gave in with a sigh. “Trish and I will go if it will make you feel better.” She offered and you nodded your head no. “I have to go with.” You demanded. Trish crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. “Why?” She asked. You were taken aback. Assuming the answer would be obvious. But it wasn’t as clear as you initially thought. You took a moment to assess why you so desperately needed to go, seeming somewhat baffled by the answer. So… Your brother was right… You quietly hugged Vergil’s coat to your chest as if doing so would somehow reassure you or make things better. You had grown soft in your time within this realm. Most of all though, you broke the most enforced rule your parents taught you. Warm tears spilled down your cheeks. You didn’t know if he’d ever return your feelings or if it was possible to go on being friends after coming to this realization. Worry overtook you, wondering if you would even get the chance to see him again. You had always known he was more comfortable in your presence, never seeming bothered by your antics. He enjoyed when you two would visit your realm so he could borrow books or discuss your kinds traditions. You squeezed his coat in your hands, never having realized all these things until now. You had been willfully ignorant of them. Lady did her best to comfort you, but her condolences fell on deaf ears. They did nothing to help you from your thoughts. All at once, you could feel the heavyweight in your pocket. The one thing in this situation you had. The source of all your pride, the prize of all those hard years spent in training. You couldn’t bare the thought of letting it go. It meant more than anything else in this world. But so too did your friends. Perhaps you were a glutton, one of the cardinal sins. And this would be your punishment. You rose up so quickly that it startled Lady. You knew what had to be done, even if it felt as though someone was crushing your heart.
You returned to the moonlit grove. The battle had taken its toll on the surrounding flora. All three seemed roughed up to a certain extent, but Dante and Vergil were worse for wear. When you entered the clearing, all fighting stopped. A force pushing the twins to the ground as you brother seathed his blade. “It is good to see you’ve returned sister. While I doubt you’ve come to your senses. It is not too late for you to return to us, though your former status can never be repaired.” He offered his hand out to you but could see the hesitation in your eyes. You pulled the key out of your pocket with a somber look on your face. Flipping it in your hands a few times. You had to breath in deeply just to speak. “I see… if you will not honor your ancestors then give me the key.” He said. Dante didn’t know what the key was or the significance of it, but he could tell you were attached to it. “Don’t listen to him.” Vergil spoke out, leaning against his blade. “Yeah, we got this.” Dante added. The one thing the twins shared was their stubbornness. Another wave forced them down and Dante groaned in pain. You sniffled softly, squeezing the key in your hand softly. Knowing it would be the last time you ever held it. You internally said your farewells to your family before chucking the key across the clearing to your brother. He caught it without the slightest bit of hesitation and looked it over before turning his attention to you. He nodded softly. “Thank you… I’m glad you came to your senses, but after the decision you have made… You cannot return here.” He said his voice got softer at the end. It was possible he felt bad for you, but he held his pride higher than you did yours. “Should you foolishly return here, you will be killed on sight. A heavy bounty is now placed on your head.” He added. Your eyes dropped to the ground, understanding the ramifications of the events that just occurred. You didn’t need his reperminds to know of your exile. Once he could tell you knew the extent of your punishment, he left. You fell to your knees, forgetting of Dante and Vergil as all the plants in the clearing started to wither. The tree leaves ashened and fell from their branches. The moon slowly faded from sight and you were left in the dark. Even the world was rejecting you.
Devil May Cry slowly came into view as you were returned to reality. Trish and Lady instantly rushed over to Dante and Vergil. Vergil shrugged them off, asking for your assistance upstairs. You agreed with a soft nod of your head. Lady could tell that you two both needed to be alone. Vergil knew best how to comfort you. Once upstairs, Vergil removed his vest and took a seat while you grabbed a first aid kit from the bathroom. You carefully started applying disinfectant to his cuts, a particularly bad slice cutting across his shoulders and back. You knew he wasn’t careless, he must have been taken by surprise when he rushed in to check on you. It made you feel guilty. “How does that feel?” You asked as you started to wrap soms gauze around his shoulder. “Fine.” He replied, seeming preoccupied with thoughts of his own. “You should have told us originally what was going on. We could have helped.” He said in an authoritative tone. You muttered I know quitely, not in the mood to be even further punished. He quietly acknowledged that with a nod. “…I'm… I’m sorry.” He said softly once you were finished patching him up. “I know… that key meant a lot to you.” He admitted. If he was honest, he felt somewhat at fault since he rushed in. When he saw you on the ground he disregarded his care for the enemy. He had to question why he did that. Vergil was usually so calm and composed. “It’s fine, I’m just glad you and Dante are both okay.” You mused in a somber tone while taking a seat across from him. “Would it be possible to retrieve the key? Or possible to make a world of your own?” He asked, trying to find a solution. His brain always functioned on the basis of logic. You shifted so your back faced him and pulled up your shirt so it showed your back. A mark had started appearing in the center, and was growing darker. It was such a hideous thing. “It marks my fate… I am forsworn…” You replied. Vergil reached out his hand and placed it on top of your new mark. You didn’t flinch or make a move to pull away as he traced its delicate lines. “Now that I’m branded with it everyone in that realm, realms like it, and the realm itself will know of my exile.” You added, breathing out slowly. As if even the thought if it was painful. When he pulled away you let your shirt drop. You turned to face him again, noticing Vergil had picked up the Yamato and was carefully untying the decorative string that garnered the seath. He took one of your hands and began wrapping the ornamental leather around it. After a few more moments he was finished. It started on your upper arm, crossed down in a x formation, wrapped around your wrist, then connected to a design he had made around your fingers. He let his hands rest against yours. “Perhaps if you cannot return, consider this as a key to this realm then.” He said. He wasn’t the best at being emotionally sensitive, but you could tell he was trying his best. “I will.” You nodded softly before scotting in closer so you could wrap your arms gently around his shoulders. There was a brief moment between Vergil hugging you back where he hesitated. Things like this were new to him, even if he had been in the human world for awhile. More so than the physical contact, he was coming to terms with something inside himself. You felt his arms get a little bit tighter around you, but you didn’t mind. This moment was nice, and was what you needed after all that had happened. You couldn’t return home, but you would never forget where you came from. Now this was your home. “If you would join me tomorrow, that would be greatly appreciated. I have something I’d like to show you.” His voice was barely above a whisper, but you could hear him loud as day because of how close you two were. You nodded before hiding your face in his shoulder. You didn’t know it, but he was smiling.
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