agent-gladhand · 1 year
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Valentine's Day at an All-boys Dojo! Zisu is certified one of the boys because I say so.
Based off this classic:
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randomwriteronline · 11 months
It was hard not to fight, sometimes.
It was much harder when Ingo was busy with something else, like apparently training a bunch of Snorunts to walk in a single line and complimenting the perfomance of each one of them with a treat.
It was nearly downright impossible when Melli decided to throw snow at Gaeric for no reason.
The first time, he'd glared at the leaner man and the bastard had turned away immediately as if he hadn't done anything, arms folded and foot dangling idly; still, it had been just a little bit of snow, so an attempt was made at keeping the peace and pretending nothing had happened.
The second time he had been hit by a somewhat proper ball, or at least by a not indifferent amount of frozen water in a vaguely spherical shape.
The third one had smacked him straight in the face, but he'd remained still as stone.
There had been no fourth one, because Gaeric snapped his head to the side so suddenly that Melli nearly yipped and in the jolt that almost had him jumping into the air the snowball he was holding ended up falling back into the white coat made from its brethren.
"Stop that," Avalugg's warden hissed through his own teeth.
His Diamond counterpart replied by angrily showing him his tongue: "Why? Getting cold?"
"More like you're getting on my nerves."
"Oh, please," the other rolled his eyes: "It'll just evaporate off of you."
"Excuse me?"
"What, isn't you blood always boiling? Or are you so insecure of your charm that you need to be shirtless all the time?"
Gaeric did not dignify him with a response.
He wordlessly turned away and began gathering a few large armfuls of snow, bunching it all into some kind of shapeless mound a little further away from himself. Melli grew terribly bored of looking at him do something completely and utterly senseless for no reason at all after approximately two minutes at best, shifting his attention back onto their partner - who was now busy teaching the Snorunts some other trick.
He was as such extremely spooked when he felt something clamp both sides of his waist.
His body gave a violent cringe, both legs leaving the ground to kick as far into the air in front of him as possible as a strangled shrieked barely managed to leave his mouth. He did not fall down to the cold wet ground due to the iron grip holding him aloft effortlessly - which became much less reassuring when he was then lifted horizontally into the air, swung him across it, and finally landed him straight in the previously placed heap of snow with a muted 'plomf', lodging him into the white mound so thoroughly that he wasn't even sure he could have moved.
He looked up with an affronted gaze; Gaeric replied with a wide, plain smirk, eyes narrowed in a satisfied expression as he took in the sight of his humiliated rival.
"Did something happen?" a voice that was very obviously neither of theirs reached them.
Evidently the Diamond's half baked yelp had frightened away the Snorunts, as they were scampering off down the side of the mountain, while also attracting Ingo's somewhat concerned attention. His white head, distinguishable from the rest of the environment mostly thanks to his black hat, was tilted towards them in a state of mild alert.
Melli opened his mouth to tell on the other warden, but was beaten to the punch: "Nothing to be worried about!" that stupidly strong fiend reassured their boyfriend, "Melli and I were just playing around."
"I heard him yell!" Ingo replied.
"Oh, I just threw him in some snow. He asked me to! He wanted a demonstration!"
"Ah!" why did he sound so relieved? Melli was too baffled by the fact that Gaeric had told the truth only to cover it up in one fell swoop to properly rebuke or realize that Ingo was running up to meet them. "I'd like to give one as well, if he'd allow me!"
Still half stuck in the snow and only vaguely aware of what was being told to him, Electrode's warden gave a sort of absent-minded affirmative noise.
He was then very surprised when his beloved ducked his head, rushed to his second boyfriend, and slammed his shoulder into his stomach to hoist him up in the air with an ease that genuinely terrified his fellow clansman for a second.
There was a moment of pause, in which the apparently frail man looked around as though searching for something specific.
Finally locating a safe amount to snow, he then launched Gaeric into it.
Face first.
Melli laughed so hard he thought half the mountain would come down.
Ingo, immensely proud of himself, gifted him one of his singularly shaped smiles that looked like incredibly misshapen frowns.
Still laying face down in the snow, Gaeric was struggling to be absolutely furious about the Diamond making fun of him amidst the intense, weirdly enamored fluster of having been picked up and thrown like a bag of potatoes.
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I just realized that out of all the ships that exist out there for Ingo, the two that I've actually talked about liking on this blog just so happen to be with buff people. Apparently I just really want Ingo to be a malewife and to be lovingly crushed between muscles!
To be fair, I ship most things purely because I think they're funny/can lead to funny situations. And I guess that Nerd/Thembo holds a lot of appeal to me!
The appeal of Ingo/Zisu I think is obvious. But Ingo/Gaeric... I just like Gaeric's enthusiasm and while it might be a bit much for Ingo at times, Gaeric is nothing if not persistent! I just like the idea of Gaeric constantly doing things to romance Ingo and Ingo not getting it AT ALL! Like, Gaeric tried being subtle with flirting with Ingo, and when that didn't work, things just. Escalated. (Ingo's interested. He's just dense and can't imagine that Gaeric could POSSIBLY be serious about it!)
But thinking about these two ships together just has me thinking... I think that I ship Gaeric/Emmet now lol
Basically I just imagine that after so much effort and flirting on Gaeric's part, Ingo just never got it and ended up dating Zisu instead. Gaeric is understandably a bit heartbroken about this, but he respects Ingo and his choices and so resolves to move on. In comes Emmet. Gaeric is immediately smitten by Emmet (that crush on Ingo isn't as dead as he was hoping that it'd be) and Gaeric starts the whole song and dance again, expecting things to be just as arduous as before when he was trying to court Ingo. Except Emmet is not Ingo. Emmet is smarter than Ingo and immediately picks up on what Gaeric is throwing down, flirting back. Gaeric is surprised, but is into it. Emmet gets Gaeric into his bed within the hour.
I guess that's just one more weird ship for Emmet that I have that I need to add onto the pile! I think that I want to call this one... WhiteSnowShipping.
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ur-favoriterecord · 2 years
It's only The first meeting... For Now
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tastyfren · 2 years
I think Ingo and Gaeric should kiss
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randomwriteronline · 8 months
Sootfoot Root spirits, it turned out, were excessively bitter and left a nebulous feeling on the tongue, almost numbing it.
Aspear Berry liquor, on the other hand, burned remarkably painfully all the way down in the stomach despite its smoothness.
When they'd started their competition, the two men had thought that by the end of it (so more or less now) their disgust and distaste for each other's choice of handmade alcohol would have increased exponentially.
They had not counted on the fact that they would be too wasted to taste anything at all.
Melli could swear he had grown another two pairs of hands, and between downing shots and groaning from both the headache and the burning of his esophagus he was trying to practice moving all six of his limbs independently from one another instead of in unison; Gaeric, for his part, was so staggeringly aware of and in his inebriated state that he could almost feel his own liver processing the alcohol and his neurons slowly but surely going to shit.
"I'm still not going to puke," he said numbly, repeating himself for the third time.
His companion whimpered something unintelligible and narrowed his pretty eyes as he once again attempted to move the mirages from the liquors instead of his own hand.
" 'nother one?" Gaeric asked.
A wet gurgle nodded back at him.
He steeled his hand and poured himself a glass of that disgusting spirit before sadly doing the same for Melli with his delicious Aspear liquor. How badly he wanted to be in his place and sip that smooth fermented juice... Certainly the Diamond would have lamented the same thing, if he'd been capable of thinking coherently.
They grasped the glasses, but their arms did not manage to lift them as though they were heavier than Lord Avalugg.
This was too much.
He was definitely going to pass out and let the other win.
Though to be fair, by the looks of his opponent, this would probably end up being a draw.
Suddenly, Melli blurted out a proper sentence, which must have taken a toll on his strength since he then deflated forward and slammed his chest on the table: "Sinnoh Almighty I lo'e him."
Gaeric felt the information travel up to his brain: "Ingo?" he asked, just to be sure.
"Ah." He extended his hand over, offering a brotherly handshake: "Same."
The Diamond gripped him back with all the non-existent strength that was very much no longer in his already wiry muscles: "He's jus' so good. Too good."
"I agree."
"So strong."
"Incredibly so. With Pokémon, too."
"He's... He's..."
"Perfect to hold."
"Yes! Just..."
"Easy to grab."
"And tease."
"And very gentle with hugs."
"And... Big, voice. Loud. But! But nice."
"So good."
"He really is."
Melli moaned pitifully, sounding heartbroken: "I miss 'im."
"He'd probably be mad that we're doing this," Gaeric mused.
"I wanna hold 'im... I wanna hold 'im now so bad..."
"He'd be real comfy, wouldn't he..."
"So good to kiss..."
"He really is."
They both huffed.
They needed to get along more.
This might be a way. If they didn't mind ruining their livers.
The Pearl finally found the power to lift his glass into the air: "To Ingo," he solemnly cheered.
Somehow, Electrode's warden managed to do the same: "To kissin' the life outta 'im," he agreed.
Their beverages clinked together.
In a gulp, the last swigs of burning spirits flushed down into their stomachs with a symphony of pained groans.
Licking his dry lips, Gaeric decided he'd had enough for tonight.
"I'm passing out," he declared.
Melli looked at him while fighting his soul back into his own body: "Wuh?"
"I said I'm passing out."
"Uh. Uh-uh."
Glad they'd reached an understanding, the older man nodded, allowed his head to crash onto the table, slipped off of it, and started snoring the second he hit the floor like a bag of wheat.
The other stared for a little at where his drinking opponent had been just a second before; then he laid his throbbing forehead inside his own glass, falling asleep like that, uncaring of the deep red mark that position would have left on his pale skin once he'd wake up.
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randomwriteronline · 2 years
So on one hand, Adaman needed to get back in the habit of knocking.
On the other, he could have walked into something much worse than Melli still sleeping with a naked arm that certainly wasn't his reaching out to lay on his side.
He stood for a moment or two in stunned bafflement, trying to decode to whom that alien limb could have belonged while his brother kept sleeping with not a care nor a worry to be found under Almighty Sinnoh's ever-changing skies.
The chilly mountain air must have crept in through the open door, because suddenly there was a disgruntled groan (definitely not in Melli's voice) and a body shifted to sit up, thunking his head against the top bunk with a soft 'ow' before turning to face the Diamond leader.
White eyelids waited a moment before rising to reveal very tired white eyes which squinted at the intruding young man.
"Good morning," said warden Ingo uncharacteristically flatly.
Unless he had grown a third arm and slipped it out of the tunic he was still very clearly wearing, the rogue limb now wrapping around his middle was not his either.
"Hello," Adaman only managed to reply.
"We are sorry to inform passengers that the Multi Line is momentarily unavailable due to scheduled maintenance," Ingo continued, the near incomprehensible words coming out of his mouth clearly part of a script rehearsed and repeated many times before: "Please return at a later time."
The younger man guessed it did make sense that he was asking him to get the hell out.
And extremely politely, too.
"Alright," he croaked.
"Thank you for your patience," the warden nodded while a sound that was very close to warden Gaeric's voice mumbled something and the mystery arm around his waist was joined by Melli's to weakly try and coax him into laying down again. "Please have a good day and a safe ride."
And just like that he thunked his head back down on the pillow, where the other two bodies wasted no time coiling around him.
So Adaman closed the door behind himself and decided he was going to take a walk down the mountain for a while.
When he returned, roughly an hour later, he remembered to knock.
"Who's that?" Melli asked from inside.
"Just me," he replied.
There was some rustling, something similar to a thump; then the door was opened to let him in, revealing that his brother was alone in his hut.
This made the atmosphere exponentially much less awkward.
Melli of course remedied that by starting off with: "I know that you know."
The discreet sigh of relief about to surface from Adaman's throat froze so quickly he nearly choked on it, causing him to struggle a moment or two before turning around to face his warden with a nervous smile he couldn't help himself from plastering on his own face.
"... That I know what?" he tried.
Melli didn't have any of that: "I've been told you've seen something I would have rather you didn't," he replied vaguely enough so that he wouldn't betray himself in the case he actually had not seen it, arms crossed on his chest in a way that was less angry and more desperate not to blow up.
His leader, who was not built to endure silent staring contests on account of his lack of patience, caved in immediately to reassure him: "Well I mean, I saw the after--"
"There was no after."
"... So that was all?"
"That was all."
The certainty that he had intruded on totally wholesome actual sleeping in the same bed was actually pretty fucking relieving.
That didn't stop the silence from creeping back in and making him feel like his shoulders were being crushed by the weight of an Alpha Graveler, which he absolutely needed to remedy.
"So!" he started as he put his hands on hips, as if to start a conversation, and immediately regretted it since his train of thought stopped the second after what couldn't even be considered a sentence: "Wardens Ingo and Gaeric."
"Gaeric was here for unrelated reasons," Melli corrected very quickly. After a minuscule pause he saw it fit to add: "Unrelated to me."
The specification and implications carried with it might have killed Adaman on the spot if he had been weak enough. This horrible excuse for a dialogue with too long pauses between bombs of moderately cursed information felt like it was chipping away at his sanity.
Time be damned.
Warden Ingo got around, it seems.
"Did you come here to tell me something or did you just want to pry on my life?" Melli pressed, rather piqued.
His leader blinked and raised one of his index fingers in the air, blanking out for a couple seconds with a forlorn vacant stare. He shifted it a little lower, snapped his middle and thumb, and nodded as if he had managed to once again catch the thought which had slipped from his memory.
"There's been a birth," he announced. "Come down to the settlement."
"Or later. Today. Possibly."
"Will do."
Adaman gave him a wordless thumbs up.
"... So is that all?"
"Yes! I will. Go. Remember. Come down to the settlement."
"Will do."
"Ok. Good. Nice. Alright."
And while he kept stammering on a few more monosyllables the leader bid his goodbyes and left.
Melli inhaled deeply; he put his reddened face in his hands and exhaled with a groan.
"Glory be to Almighty Sinnoh for not sending Irida our way," Gaeric finally announced gratefully as he crawled out from under the bed where he had hastily hidden once the Diamond leader had first knocked, "None of us would have survived."
"Are you saying Adaman is weaker than her?" Electrode's warden hissed.
"I am saying he took it graciously," the wider man replied: "I doubt my leader would have been only too stunned for words if she saw her master, the man she welcomed in her clan and you snuggling together in your hut."
"And just what would that 'you' mean?"
That you're the last member of the Diamond Clan she would give her blessing to, Gaeric did not reply because while they both were getting along surprisingly well for the sake of their mutual beloved they were not quite comfortable enough being that blunt to each other's face without spending a whole day ruminating killer glares after: "That you're a Diamond," he said instead.
Melli pouted and narrowed his eyes in a look that said 'it fucking better mean only that'.
In the small bout of tension in which thet forced themselves to calm down and de-escalate the hostility, they both noticed a distinct lack of a third body either between them or anywhere visible.
Gaeric crouched back to the floor to look under the bed as the other warden leaned closer: "You can come out now, he's gone."
"After much thought and consideration," replied Ingo's voice, clearly muffled by the floor, "I have elected to remain here and embrace decay, submitting myself to the dust and rot."
"You have not offended Adaman," Melli assured him as he approached, sitting on his heels beside the other Pearl Clansman.
"My behavior was absolutely unforgivable," their lover insisted. "Telling a clan leader to get out like a brute. I'm never going to be able to merely even look at him without being consumed by the shame ever again. I'm hereby resigning from my undeserved position as station master and forever leaving society, cursed to wander the wilds as a vagabond for my acts."
"That so? And you'd leave us both here like widows, heartbroken and forever lamenting their poor darling husband's untimely disappearance?" Melli mocked his dramatic speech, making even Gaeric laugh as he laid on his stomach to fetch him beneath the bed: "That seems hardly noble."
"Oh, he's right, beloved," echoed Avalugg's warden as he dragged Ingo out of his hiding spot. The foreigner felt a rough nose and patches of beard coax his neck to recline, and a smirk press against his throat: "At least let us hide you away in our homes while you're on the run from your mistakes!"
Ingo gave a low rumbling whine at their teasing and joking, shielding his reddening face behind his arms as both devilish men sandwiched him between them to keep him from ducking back in the brooding darkness they had forced him to emerge from and began mercilessly kissing him all the way from his bony clavicles up to his cheeks, making him feel as warm as a raging fire in Eterna Forest.
He wriggled against their chests to somehow make his escape: "You must start journeying to the Mirelands," he managed to stagger out, "Or you'll get there too late."
"I'll go in just a moment!" Melli complained; his foot rested on his rival's stomach in an attempt to push him away: "But first I'll have you for myself a while since Gaeric will get to keep you all day!"
"I believe we'd agreed to share," Gaeric grumbled, scooting closer: "Especially since I'll be back in the Icelands soon enough..."
"Oh, now it's about sharing? Not when I have to sit and bear it when he visits you in your hellish tundra of a home?"
"That's rich - I recall you two have the entire mountain to yourselves every day!"
"Please release me," Ingo demanded.
He then immediately yelped as both his lovers magically got over their differences in an instant to better squeeze him between them, the feeling flustering him endlessly.
"This is the opposite of - at least let us get off the floor--!"
"We will, we will!"
"All in due time."
And they were back to drowning him in kisses, curling his hair between their fingers, nuzzling into his neck, snickering as they felt him burn up in their hold.
"Tremendous, you are tremendous," they heard him babble with a smile in his voice between the minuscule pauses of their loving torture as he melted like butter in their arms, "Awful little devils, the both of you - like bickering Gligars..."
"Uuuh, how mean, beloved," Gaeric laughed against his throat, "How very mean..."
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randomwriteronline · 10 months
He’d started visiting the Highlands much more often since... Well, since he had decided to change up his morning training regime from five laps across the Icelands while dragging Avaluggs on his shoulders to a more leisurely run up the mountain’s nearly vertical cliff walls ever other day at a nice 50 kilometers per hour pace.
It just so happened that he would stop right at his fellow warden’s hut and have a kindly offered bite before making his way back.
Pure coincidence!
He definitely wasn’t doing this specifically to see the man he’d just gotten engaged to in secret (mostly out of boyish embarassment) and get a chance to kiss him awake since he so disliked getting up early.
What a silly assumption.
So silly.
Ahahah, ahah, ahahahahah, ahahahahah, ahahah ahah, ahah, ah-ha.
He was so lucky his absolute insanity in regards to exercise had nobody questioning his motives for choosing a different method of physical flagellation, because he would have betrayed himself instantly otherwise.
Of course, Gaeric didn’t think about any of this as he was running up Mount Coronet; he thought of his partner still sleeping as still as a stone, face up, snoring his nose away, and the image distracted him long enough not to realize he was trying to walk his way up a rock wall that was literally perpendicular to the ground.
Not that it would have stopped him from running up it. He only wasn’t able to at the moment because he wasn’t concentrating.
He still arrived at Ingo’s hut a little later than he usually would. Not that it mattered much - the Pearl clan was much more lenient with hours and schedules than those impatient folk of the Diamond clan - but maybe his fellow warden would have protested a little at not “having gotten his engine revved up” at just a few minutes after dawn, whatever those words meant in the grand scheme of his cloudy mind.
A familiar cry put him on high alert just a few meters before the small stretch of flat land his partner had made his semi-permanent residence: he knew there were Machokes by the river, but a Machamp? So high up on the mountain? Even the Alpha specimen in the Icelands wouldn’t have dared.
His worry spiked at the sound of a human grunt.
Powerful legs speeding across the rocky terrain, Gaeric rushed over to help just in time to see... Hm!
Well! He was definitely seeing.
And describing what he was seeing as surreal might have been... Perhaps on the diminutive side.
First of all, the sentient mass of muscle that was the Machamp was flailing its four arms to catch its opponent in them to little avail, powerful legs locked in a strong grip and sturdy body held up in the air.
Secondly, Ingo was the one hoisting the beast up on his back and shoulders, struggling under the weight a little but showing otherwise no discomfort of fear.
Finally, with a loud groan-like yell, the fairly average bodied warden adjusted his hold onto the much more powerful creature and hurled it at the ground with the great precision that comes from carefully practiced technique, yet still maintaining an admirable control over his own strength so that the Pokémon would not get too hurt when impacting the dirt.
Ingo fanned himself with his cap for a moment as he bent down on his knees. Maybe he’d gone a little overboard with that, which was why he felt like the breath got knocked out of himself...
He turned to find Gaeric staring at him with eyes wider than Almighty Sinnoh.
“Oh!” the foreigner noted, face lighting up: “Beloved! Hello!”
“Hello, love,” his fellow warden greeted faintly before getting to the point: “Did you just throw that Machamp?”
“Ah, yes! You did mention I should have exercised more to help me overcome my morning drowsiness, so I thought perhaps some friendly sparring might have done the trick!”
“With a wild Machamp?”
“Oh, goodness, no, she’s been part of my team for ages! You must have seen her last before she evolved.”
Machamp did grin at him and wave with great familiarity, and it had been a while since he’d gotten a good look at Ingo’s team on account of them being always cooped up in those apricorn spheres of his.
Still, Gaeric insisted: “Are you sure it’s safe for you?”
“I can assure you I’ve run all necessary safety checks beforehand, as I always do, so I have solid proof that this activity is perfectly within my limits,” Ingo reassured him, only to casually hit him with a complete curveball out of absolutely nowhere: “Additionally, Fighting types tend to still be notably less hazardous that Dragons, so the dangers to my person are heavily limited.”
“Wh- Dragons?”
“Yes, I have mentioned Dragon types. Would you like some tea?”
“You wanted to wrestle Dragons?”
“Truthfully I believe I was trained to wrestle Dragons specifically - I’m finding it strangely harder--”
“--To do the same with Machamp despite her being very much built for it.”
“You were trained? To wrestle Dragons?”
“It’s only a supposition, but it would explain why I thought of Dragon types first.”
“To wrestle them?”
“Yes - are you feeling alright? You seem a little breathless. Come in and rest a little before you go back, will you? I’d rather you don’t faint on your way back.”
He managed to drag the strangely bewildered man into his hut and get him to drink a cup of tea before he fell over due to what appeared to be a dangerously low glucose level in his blood stream. He briefly wondered, handing him a Razz Berry, if he had perhaps forgotten to have a little breakfast before setting out today. It was unlikely, though - he was absolutely unhinged, but not enough to forget basic safety measures.
“So you could throw me,” Gaeric suddenly said.
“Oh,” Ingo replied in an instant, no hesitation whatsoever: “Easily.”
His partner looked at him with huge eyes again.
Then he took another sip of tea, swallowed it down as his face reddened with blush, and smacked his lips as though to collect his thoughts better.
“That’s hot,” he commented.
Ingo blinked; then he smirked, very pleased, making the sturdier man fumble and hide his face behind his hands in embarrassment.
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randomwriteronline · 1 year
"Still snowing?"
"Still snowing."
Ingo watched from where he laid on the floor, cheeks warm from a glass of liquor, as Melli stoked the fire a bit more.
"You know," he said suddenly, "On evenings like this Gaeric goes out and grabs a handful of snow, and puts it in the water."
"Well, I'm not Gaeric." Melli replied bitterly.
"Neither am I," Ingo just responded, missing the animosity completely in his tipsy state: "I haven't got the faintest idea as to why he would do such a thing. Making the water cold when it's already cold outside. I should ask him, but it keeps evading my mind."
"You should go to sleep."
"I'd like to talk to you, though."
"About what?"
"In general. I like talking. I like talking to you. We can talk about Gliscors if you want. I know you think they're nice. Did you know that they rip the fur off of where they're biting with their tongue and spit it out so it doesn't get in their mouth? I saw it on a Swinub. It was a lot of fur."
A hum that was more like a grunt came to his ear.
The younger warden tapped his foot impatiently while looking into the flames. He stood, walking barefoot up to his lover, and laid face down next to him with his mouth buried between his arms.
Ah, the foreigner thought lazily.
He's angry.
He waited in silence, without complaining, because the hut was warm and his mind pleasantly fuzzy, and he could smell the faintest flowery scent come from his beloved's tangled hair. Oh, he must have been seriously angry, if he wasn't even quietly asking to be preened.
Lilac blue eyes refused to meet his gaze and pointedly stared right ahead. Then he huffed, hid his face completely, pulled it back out in the open.
"I don't like this."
"This being?"
"This. You and me and him."
"Ah. The... Arrangement, that we have?"
He nodded.
With a whine, he shoved his eyes back down against his arms: "I can't stand hearing about him," he whimpered. "Even when it's only you and me and he's miles away he still manages to snivel into any conversation we have like a damn Ghastly slipping through the cracks of a wall. It makes me want to scream. I detest him. It feels like even when it's my turn I'm just the lamer option. Second best as usual. I can't get a damn victory for myself even when my opponent agreed on a tie by proxy."
A stout white arm reached beneath his stomach and pulled him as if to invite him a little closer. He didn't resist it, down in the dumps and filled with an uneasy anger as he was feeling; he allowed himself to be pulled onto Ingo's chest and rested his head between his lover's clavicles. Somewhat humid lips pressed gently kiss after kiss on his head, accompanied by a slow hand carefully smoothing the long hair falling all over his back, and allowed a sniffle to escape him.
"I like talking about you two, you know," Ingo murmured. "You're great and I adore you. I have to share that with someone. But the only people I can talk about you two with... It's always just you two again. And it seems like... It's really that neither of you enjoy that."
"So he told you first?"
"Hm, no, no. He's an open book, but he doesn't say those things plainly..."
He combed through a lilac blue knot and felt his darling curl up a little more on him, wrapping slender arms around his shoulders.
"You should meet up more often."
"I'd rather die," Melli immediately hissed.
"That might be a bit drastic."
"I don't want anything to do with him."
A scarred finger curled one of his locks around itself and gently pulled until it all fell off once more: "You're both lovely men," the older warden argued softly, "Lovely men to be around, lovely to get to know. You would see that, if you met more often. You wouldn't even have to talk if you don't want to."
"And what do you think we should do, then? Just stand around each other like laundry poles?"
"You're drunk."
"Not at all. It's called... I don't know how it's called. Socializing, I think. It's when you - hold on, it's when you take... Two, uh... Hm..."
"Take your time."
"Yes, with time -"
"No, I meant you take your time."
"Ah! No, no, I've got it. It's... Not a Glameow, but close."
"Not a Purugly either."
"No, not - Umbreon? I think it might be Umbreons. Are Umbreons canine or feline? Anyways. Socializing. It's when you get, you get two Umbreons, and you teach them to get along. And you put them somewhere together and don't do anything."
"And how would that help?"
"Because they get used to each other. If they try to attack each other you stop them of course, but the trick is to leave them be, so they each go around minding their business around the house, or around wherever it is you put them to be, and that's how they get used to each other and learn to get along."
Melli huffed, thoroughly unconvinced: "He'd start growling at me after five minutes. No way a guy like him could get socialized."
"Yes, I figure you'd know. Your clan didn't do that well with you either."
Ingo allowed himself a couple somewhat raucous laughs when a slender hand hit his cheeks with little force and his darling shoved his angry face deeper into his sternum, obviously wanting to sulk alone in a corner all piqued as he was, yet at the same time unwilling to leave the comfortable warm human mattress in favor of sitting on the cold pavement all by himself.
He interrupted his chuckling to sink his nose into the smooth silky hair, giving a gentle sigh. His arms tightened a little more around the lean body in his hold as he hummed, his tone a mixture of feelings being stirred slowly in a pan.
"I love you so very terribly," he murmured.
"Well, I don't see that," the younger man replied maybe a tad too harsh.
His annoyance melted when a hand cupped his nape with all the fondness in the world, and he regretted lashing out.
The foreigner leaned his jaw against the other's head: "I love you so, so much and I don't want you to be miserable because of me," he continued ever so softly: "You've already done so much - both of you, you've done so much to adapt for me and it still feels bad and it breaks my heart. I was so happy when you said you'd- when you told me you talked and figured it out. It surprised me a lot. I was really, really happy. It means a lot that you did, it really does. But if you aren't happy with this, I can't be happy if you two aren't, I can't... I don't want you to be miserable because of - because I can't choose."
Him not managing to choose was the only reason Melli even got the chance to be like this, warmed up on a cold night held by and holding the man he had fallen for despite his stupid superiority charade, or at least that was how he saw it; so he tightened his embrace a little and thought twice before complaining about that.
For a short while the hut was only filled by the soft crackling of fire and silent kisses on lilac hair.
"I can stop talking about him if you want me to," Ingo spoke up again very softly. "I can catch myself doing that and stop it."
"... You'd do that?"
Maybe it wasn't the right thing to say in such a hopeful tone at that moment.
"Sure," the other still replied earnestly.
Melli deflated with a sigh: "Thank you."
The chest he was laying on reverberated with a low sleepy hum, buzzing against his cheek without a real melody but soothing him all the same.
With his eyes closed he felt his beloved first gently tug at his long locks as he wrapped tham around his fingers, then play the back of his ribs like a drum with gentle pats, evidently unable to keep his hands idle now that conversation topics were languishing.
The younger warden's mind wandered for a short while instead; it rotated the words within his skull with a mixture of guilt and some kind of pouting emotion he didn't manage to put a name to it, something that whined and lamented a lot on several things like a spoiled Eevee. He shoved it away with his foot half-heartedly, only for it to start whimpering louder into his ear and stomping its paws on his face with an insistence that grated his nerves into fine dust in no time at all.
Sinnoh bless him! Was this how it felt to be nagged so much by something so bothersome? It almost convinced him to give up on his haughty mask out of pity for humanity as a whole.
It shrieked and threw another tantrum, and he swatted at it so angrily that it was launched right out the window.
"The other side of the mountain would be closer to him," he finally settled on mumbling, still half hoping he wouldn't be heard out of scornful pride.
"Him who?"
"Him. For meeting."
His human mattress had a jolt, white eyes opening wide in a flash to look at him in utter surprise: "You'd do that?" he asked with a voice that despite the alcohol's dizziness was terribly excited.
"Only to try," Melli replied as fast as he could. "And if nothing changes after three times I'll give up on it completely."
Fine by Ingo, if the way his frowning face lit up was any indication.
His darling managed to reply to his brilliant gaze for a handful of quiet minutes; then, overwhelmed by the blinding enthusiastic joy it was emitting, he pushed slender pale hands over the cheeks and eyes and nose and lips to cover up the entirety of that so loved visage, complaining with a groaning hiss of it being 'too bright!'.
He was squeezed just tightly enough in stouter arms with a guttural, overjoyed laugh.
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randomwriteronline · 1 year
It’s no secret that Warden Gaeric is not keen on outsiders.
Communities as sheltered as the Hisuian clans tend to produce two types of people, after all - those who long for openings on the world, suffocated by monotony, and those who want nothing but to preserve the frail jewel of their heritage by hiding it from outside threats. Gaeric belongs to the latter, or at the very least has been taught to think as such: he can see the improvements contact between people can bring, but he fears the sound of the vastness he doesn’t know might drown out the voice of his native dialect.
Nobody batted an eye when he did not trust the Freak Of The Mountain when he was first brought to the settlement.
It’s also no secret that Warden Gaeric broadened his shoulders and chest so that it could better hold his heart, and no surprise at all that he did not hesitate to jump into the ice cave where the Alpha Froslass had near frozen the poor thing to death for her Snorunts to feed upon, his Glalie almost snapping her in half with his jaws as he rushed the delirious man to his home.
By the time the Freak was all warmed up, full of Aspear berries, and no longer at risk of losing his life, the warden had given himself no choice but to grow fond of him. Maybe in part helped by how the foreigner had curled around him in his fever, calling out for his uncle almost in tears.
Gaeric had even insisted he be allowed to keep his old clothes once he was welcomed as part of the Clan; although he too had been piqued by the man’s stubborn opposition at the request of getting rid of them, he understood the comfort they could bring him as mementos - reminders of a place, a home, somewhere and someone to belong in even when the memory of it all failed to reach him, like the unsteady whistling of a melody from childhood.
It’s no secret that Ingo - Warden Ingo, now - thinks very positively of Gaeric, too.
For saving his life, certainly, for understanding his melancholy - but for simpler reasons too, like being polite, and being quite the wrestling partner, and returning his greetings every time they meet. It sounds a bit silly that he would count something like that on almost the same grounds of nursing him back to health, but he is instistent that even such seemingly unimportant things are part of what he appreciates about the other warden.
Then again, he’s a loud, peculiar man; so it’s quite normal that he thinks in strange ways.
It’s not that well-known, however, that yesterday Gaeric pulled Ingo to the back of his hut by the hand, and pressed his lips to his cheek with a smile, muttering something sweet while holding his fingers. And it’s not that well-known that Ingo held his gaze down and buried his stoic face between his hat and the collar of his coat, as if he were as red as a Magby, and murmured something back.
And if somebody did see that (and if the two were to find out that they were seen they would be so very awfully embarassed) - well, they know whoever the wardens kiss is not their business, and they shouldn’t tell.
At least, not to Irida.
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randomwriteronline · 2 years
What woke Melli was the heavy breathing. What got him to open his eyes was the body clumsily climbing over his and stumbling in a kind of antsy stupor onto the floor, feet thumping heavily against it.
He turned his head still caught in the torpor of sleep, without managing even just an annoyed mumble.
Ingo raved with an urgency in his voice, like his heart was beating too hard in his ears for the fright for him to sit still. He wobbled to the door with unbalanced steps, reached for his coat, struggled to put it on -- and it was then that Gaeric bolted off the bed to grab his arms and pull him back towards the hut’s center just before he could wander off, barefoot, into the freezing night.
Now that the strong hands were clasped around dark clad arms, Melli could see just how hard his beloved was shaking.
“--Freezing, he’s--” his voice creaked, struggling to get out of him: “--He’s, it’s - cold, he’s, he’s - all frozen, the buildings, the, the - he’s-! I need to, I must-!”
“It was a nightmare, it was only a nightmare,” Gaeric tried to soothe him. One of his palms envelopped the pale nape to push it closer, to let his darling lean on him for comfort. “It was only a nightmare, only a bad dream - you’re safe, you’re safe, you’re safe and warm...”
“No, no, he - my, my fa-! He’s going, he’s freezing, he will, he will--! I need to--!”
Bright eyes were blown wide, on the verge of tears.
The only open window was hurriedly closed; Gaeric could not see from where he had buried his face in the cropped white hair, but he was thankful to feel thinner arms snake between himself and the other man’s stomach to offer further support, further heat and pressure.
Ingo’s nails scratched his back lightly as he tried and failed to ball them into fists. His babblings were devolving into confused sobs, his knees were buckling and bending under the trembling of his entire frame.
It took barely any effort to lay him back to bed.
Without Melli singing a quiet old litany into his ear as they both held him close, it might have been much harder to quell the shaking enough for his breath to turn even once more and allow him to fall back into what they could only hope was a more peaceful slumber.
They waited in silence for a long while - perhaps hoping to fall asleep as well, or waiting for another abrupt awakening to hush it in time.
“So he’s had it before?”
Gaeric nodded.
They listened to the air whistling as their lover inhaled and exhaled.
“... It’s a memory, isn’t it?”
No answer this time.
So it was.
Avalugg’s warden emerged  awfully quietly, without looking at him: “Do not question him about it.”
Melli searched for his eyes: “What do you mean?” he hissed just as softly. “The only things he craves are safety, a good battle, and his memories! Why shouldn’t we tell him about this? About something this important for him?”
“It’s not a pleasant one,” Gaeric bit back. “I thought you could tell.”
“It’s still a memory! He has the right to know it!”
“I am shielding him.”
“From what? What is so--!”
“You want him to grieve his father all over again?”
Ingo shivered harhsly between them.
Their hold on him tightened a little, their faces nuzzled closer to his. His parted lips gave a mumble, then turned silent once more without stirring him; his hands grasped weakly at what fabric they could find.
His breaths remained somehow even. Gaeric leaned closer and placed a small kiss on one of his shoulder blades.
“How are you sure?” he heard a small voice ask.
His hand played a moment with his beloved’s dark undershirt.
It wasn’t hard to imagine how; a slip of the tongue, one ramble too many, a phrase clearer than others. He remembered it still - the terrified panic, the almost rabid tension, the tears in white eyes, the begging between wails and invincible shivers to let him call for him, to let him go find him, let him go help, go thaw him out of unmelting ice...
“He must have been caught in an avalanche,” he answered instead the more frightening question: “Either suffocated beneath the snow or done in by the cold.”
“Do you think he was the one to... To find him?”
The way Melli had curled himself tighter around their lover was not lost on him.
So he followed his example: “He might have been,” he replied softly.
They listened to their own breaths; felt how they seeped the skin between them with lukewarm heat at longer and shorter intervals.
The hut was warm.
Ingo slept, safe, cuddled, until morning.
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randomwriteronline · 2 years
"You should put on weight, beloved," Gaeric said suddenly. "There's signs this winter will be a rather rough one."
The other warden hummed and mumbled, half asleep and snuggled with his cheek thoroughly smooshed against his lover's vast chest: "I am not fat."
"I know, and that's what worries me," Gaeric replied gently. His fingers went to comb through white hair and gently massage at the nape of the man in his hold: "Bibarel fur linings can only do so much - you need some natural layers against the chill or you'll freeze yourself to death."
At that Ingo furrowed his brows and cracked open an eye to better process what he was hearing, because something didn't seem quite right.
"Oh," he exclaimed lazily after a moment of buffering: "You said I should gain weight. Not lose it."
Gaeric pulled himself a little away and looked at him like he was out of his mind.
"In this weather?" he asked, horrified.
Ingo made a quiet noise and pressed a chaste kiss to his neck.
"I wouldn't tell you to lose weight if I was sentencing you to death! Not even the Diamond Clan would - is it a thing in your homeland? Do people not value a good layer of fat against the cold?"
Now that Ingo thought about it, as muscular as they were, Gaeric and Irida did have a discreet amount of fluff on their limbs and stomach to hide them - carefully built through the years with what supplies the Icelands provided, while Palina was losing a bit of it now that she had mostly moved to the Coastlands, Lian was still balancing the distribution, and he himself had remained 'unreasonably lean' according to Calaba.
"I believe they do not," he agreed absentmindedly, leaning back into his beloved's embrace: "The only person to ever tell me to gain weight has been my..."
He interrupted himself, brows furrowing slightly as the fuzziest hint of a memory struggled to resurface: "My... Father... I believe. I think I had not... Been fed enough. Before he came around."
Ah, Gaeric reflected, a chosen father probably, like with him and Irida.
Either way he nodded approvingly and nuzzled a kiss on white hair: "He gets it. A good father-in-law with a good set of priorities. I would have loved to meet him."
Me too, Ingo thought to himself. "I have a feeling he would have liked you."
"Gaeric has said I should gain weight," Ingo started as he carefully folded his coat.
"Then you should," Melli simply replied.
He felt the other warden turn to look at him with that stinging surprised gaze of his and faced him, head sinking into his shoulders.
"What?" he asked, stoking the hearth a bit as the night promised to be anything but warm. "I don't like to admit it, but he knows his stuff when it comes to these things. The first time Sabi went to the Icelands he sent her back to us chubbier than a Croagunk's cheeks - and with Calaba in tow to lecture us with his exact words, she said, that we were fools for sending a scrawny child like that over with just some furs on her!"
He watched as Ingo debated wether or not to keep his tunic on, and shed his own.
"You aren't quite fat, though," he heard him say while he busied himself with pulling the garment over his head.
"I come from the South of Hisui too," he argued back, "And even then I've got plenty of things to keep me warm when I'm here in the mountains - you, for one."
"I an not sure my body heat alone would be sufficient to stave off a harsh season."
"Oh, you're no Skuntank, that's for sure, but you do try."
"Alas, I do not have fur."
Hair fully shaken out of the fabric, Melli turned back to the bed, where a lump was already under the covers; with incredible swiftness he snuck over and pressed his mouth to his darling's cheek.
"Maybe if you did have a bit more meat on you, you'd be a little warmer," he posited, slipping under the blankets and wrapping his long arms around the slightly stouter frame as he spooned him.
Soon enough he let out a soft groan into Ingo's nape: "Or at least your awfully sharp bones wouldn't stab my stomach as often..."
A laugh shook the back of the Pearl warden: "This is my hut, you know," he reminded him, shifting to get an arm around him, "I could leave you outside if I so decided."
"You won't," Melli replied flatly.
He was right, of course. But admitting his victory would have made him gloat incessantly about being right, so all he got was a kiss on his lips - which was in fact the same thing, but in this case he very gladly remained quiet if it meant he would get a couple more.
And because his lover was terribly soft about these things, he would get quite a lot.
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randomwriteronline · 1 year
There are things in Melli's teeth that better never come out.
That foolish wall of a warden doesn't understand that at a glance when he sees him sitting like that, curved on himself and sunken miserably inside his shoulders, arms on his knees like a moody teenager, staring into a pool of melting snow as it were the source of everything damned and rotten across all of time.
He waits before speaking; and it makes the younger dread it worse.
"He was very fond of you."
"Oh spare me your mockery!" he shouts as he jumps to his feet, hand cutting through the air in a motion that demands silence. His voice sounds like a snarl: "I don't need you to twist the Quick Fang deeper in the wound by telling me how much of a friend your spouse thought me to be!"
Gaeric laughs. It's a laugh of incredulity, which is why the other warden doesn't turn around and try to claw his eyes out with his bare nails.
"You think too highly of me," he says with a sad bitterness in his tone that has nothing to do with his interlocutor.
Melli turns to him: "How so?" he barks.
He can see it now that he faces him: a deep melancholy in lighter blue eyes, a dejected drop in the wide shoulders' stance.
"He was very fond of me, too," Gaeric replied. "He could be nothing more."
And then there was silence between them.
How long had this gone on? This tug-of-war, this competition for something that ended up being unattainable? A couple years for certain: growling like Umbreons they had circled one another showing teeth, biting deep if only with jabs and vitriolic words because neither could afford a direct physical approach, fueled by a centuries-old feud between their bloods and a more recent one between their hearts, striking and retreating all under the cover of darkness, so that it would remain a secret to both the Clans and the object of their affection.
And now he is gone, with no way of finding him again; and even if he had remained, they could have never had him.
"Wherever he may be," Gaeric says, solemn and saddened, "I hope happiness finds him."
Melli glares angrily, with his eyes heavy and lucid from tears.
"I hope he doesn't remember me at all," he croaks back with a hiss, "So I can pretend that none of this ever happened, and that I didn't play myself like a fool."
That spite has always been there, intermingled with furious embarrassment. He's too proud for romance, he decided once - he can't suffer, can't stand all the waiting and courting and heartbreak when it comes. He should have done well remembering that haughty thought and sticking to it.
He hates how honest Gaeric is about it. He hates how he is not grieving, but almost; he hates how he doesn't think it's an injustice that he couldn't be loved back, that the man he felt so much towards is lost forever to a time he will never even live to see. He hates how he isn't angry, just sad.
Melli is too, of course. They're in the same situation, after all. But he is angry as well: angry at fate and angry at himself and angry at him, at the fact that even if he had made any sort of avance he would have been rejected like anybody else who could have tried, all because of something that nobody had any power over nor fault in. He is angry at the unpredictability of it all, at how he knows this is the right ending, the one he truly deserved, the one where he gets to be truly happy and whole again in a way that he could not be here.
"He didn't mean that. You know it," Gaeric says. Of course, he is right. "He was never one to hurt on purpose."
"But it hurts all the same, doesn't it?" Melli replies with a voice that breaks halfway through: "And I'll never forgive him for that."
I'll never forgive him for being allowed to return safe and sound and finally free to the barely remembered home he missed to the point of tears.
What a selfish thought.
Gaeric doesn't mock him when the lie makes him start crying warm furious tears. They sit together, six feet apart, looking in silence at the snow as it melts, and know within themselves that this is the closest they will ever come to feel to one another. All of this will pass: they will move on from these emotions and lose them between other memories, as impossible as it may sound to them in this moment and place.
It might be spring too, somewhere else, sometime else; it might be autumn.
They wish him to be safe, and warm, and loved, until all that exists stops being.
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randomwriteronline · 2 years
if you are looking for writing requests, maybe more ingo/gaeric/melli stuff or adaman stuff?
I will. Do both and one of them will be fucking incomprehensible and have blood in it (its the adaman one) bc i havent talked to Anybody abt the context of it
"Just so we are clear," Melli hissed out of absolutely nowhere while washing his tunic, "I will never fall for you."
Gaeric arched a brow and only gave him a puzzled glare.
The Diamond warden held it for a while before pouting excessively loudly, roll his eyes, and explain as he harshly rubbed soap against blue fabric: "We may share Ingo’s love and get along for his sake, but don't expect me to one day just turn around and court you as well."
"Ah," the bulkier man only said, nodding lightly and agreeing with the statement as he had no plans of becoming interested in Melli enough to court him either.
He wasnt able to vocalize that sentiment, interrupted by a late addition: "You've got nothing to like in a man, anyways."
Gaeric could not, in good conscience, pride himself on being level-headed.
There were... A frankly excessive amount of examples from both his youth and more recent years that flooded his mind within a second of himself very blatantly jumping to conclusions (and very often, consequentially, into trouble) at the first suspicion, percieved sign of aggression, or insult - though despite the habit being hard to break he had learned to calm himself, as he needed to do so, to become a proper worthy warden to mighty and unmovable Avalugg.
So instead of instantly knocking Melli right out of his body for implying he was the ugliest man alive, he focused on how his deep breaths caused his chest to expand and strayed the path of his thoughts to the man for whom he was not going to punch the Diamond a brand new set of teeth.
Come to think of it, he could not remember an occasion in which Ingo had been so absolutely fuming with rage to lose control of himself. Even in that one unprecedented, vaguely exhilarating case in which he purposefully and uncerimoniously tripped a particularly rude young woman straight into the freezing waters around the settlement with a fulmineous swipe of his leg directly across her ankles, he had first stewed for nearly two hours in her unwanted and unappreciated attentions, carefully calculating his odds before deciding mild petty violence was both a viable option and the one he wanted to choose.
How he could manage that was beyond him.
In that aspect they were really nothing alike.
Melli jumped when the Pearl warden suddenly interrupted his six whole minutes of perfect silence to burst into a booming laugh.
With opaque blue eyes turning to him wider than the hole in the sky as if he were absolutely insane, Gaeric waved a hand dismissively: “Worry not your pretty head,” he cackled some more, “I simply agree with you.”
“On what?” the younger man asked, confused.
“Oh, on your tastes and your stern romantic dislike of me,” the other replied with a mischievous grin. “I understand, really! Certainly you wouldn’t like a Pearl Clan warden, let alone a man older than youself - and I do suppose your ego wouldn’t really just let you keel over and accept him being able to defeat you in battle, would it?”
The Diamond narrowed his eyes with an unamused ‘hmph!’, unimpressed by what he believed to be boasting.
“And I do agree that I am a bit too loud for my own good-” now that fool understood, and Gaeric could have laughed in his steadily reddening face right then if he wasn’t as committed to the bit as he was “-But if it’s something to do with the beard I would urge you then to give it a chance, at the very least - you know, it can make a man look --”
Something wet and made of cloth hit the entirety of his face.
“SHUT!” Melli shrieked as the other broke out into laughter against the drenched tunic he had hurled at his face. The light blue eyes faced him again with a smirk that had his cheeks and ears burn strong enough to burst into flames, and he pointed a finger at him as viciously as he could, babbling wildly for a moment or two in absence of a proper argument.
“We even both have hair lighter than yours!”
“YOU--!!” kicking his feet around like a little kid, Electrode’s warden jumped upright and uncatiously landed a pair of slaps the brick wall of a man, who lucky for him was too busy making fun of him to get mad: “You’re- those are just - superficial details! He’s- you- you two are, you’re completely different!”
He was right, of course. But now that the similarities had been brought to his attention he felt like an idiot for trying to rile the other man like that only to become the one humiliated instead.
To add insult to injury his head was suddenly, viciously scratched and rocked from side to side by a large hand, in a way that reminded him far too much of the loving noogies Mai would administer when he was younger and that made him purple with embarassment.
“You’re one to talk!” Gaeric laughed. “You’re really nothing like him!”
Melli wiggled his entire lanky body out of the mighty hold with outstanding wrath: “And he likes me for that!” he shrieked back.
“So it is, so it is,” the other warden admitted placidly. Better to stop this here, before the somewhat light bickering went out of their control and they started getting seriously angry.
The sopping tunic was yanked away from his gracious offering hand and squeezed dry with a quiet string of frustrated mutterings. He wasn’t fluent in the dialect of the Diamond Clan, far from it - but he had heard Sabi slip into it at length enough to understand that the warden was saying something about children and treatments of sorts as he crouched back down to tend to his laundry. So this time at the very least he was certainly not being insulted.
He stretched his shoulders back as the sound of soap scrubbing on cloth got a lot more frantic than it had been previously and rolled his neck backwards, stopping halfway through to look at the sky.
It was a clear day, today.
Ingo was probably taking his sweet time coming back from Jubilife just to soak in the warmth like a Swinub in a hot spring.
Maybe he had even decided to have himself a nap in the grass. He had a habit of doing just that, he’d been told - with Gliscor on his face to both protect his eyes and discourage uncatious Pokémon thinking he could be an easy prey.
In that case, if they listened closely they could have probably heard him snore from across the region.
“Kind of strange for it to be us,” he commented to nobody.
After a moment of brooding silence, Melli caved in: “His partners, you mean?”
Grabbing one of his arms and stretching it behind his head, Gaeric hummed: “One somewhat similar to him and one not at all. Just looking at the two of us I don’t think anybody could find a pattern to make a perfect suitor for him.”
He felt a shoulder pop satisfyingly softly and repeated the exercise on its twin. Slowly, as he proceeded to work on his leg muscles in order not to remain idle, he heard the splashing sounds of washing cloth at his side quiet to a halt: when he turned to check if the other man was done he found him looking up to his face intently with no sign of aggression on his fair features, pinkish hands resting on his knees as he sat on his own heels.
They took each other in for a while, calmly, almost without thinking.
They really was nothing alike about them.
Except, maybe...
“He likes long blue hair,” Melli noted.
Gaeric nodded sagely: “He certainly does.”
“And blue eyes too.”
“Oh, definitely.”
Lady Lilligant had been incapacitated.
If even she could not fight back against whatever had been prowling through the Scarlet Bog, by all means, a meager human wasn’t going to emerge from a confrontation with it victorious - maybe not even in one piece.
But Adaman was still a young enough man for many older clansmen to think of him as a still grievously inexperienced child, and somewhere in his chest he ached to prove himself deserving of his title to those who doubted him more than he wanted to protect the settlement.
Leafeon followed, equally as stubborn despite the poisonous Pokémon of the swamps being more than well equipped to knock him out in one swift move, as his partner trudged carefully between a strangely meager number of Stunkies and Croagunks. Eyes and ears sharpened to the point of near straining them, both found themselves puzzled by a seeming lack of movement: even the Hippopotas and Hippodowns, usually busy with ridding themselves of pests coming too close for comfort, remained still in the muddled waters, at the edges of the bog, and even the Alpha Skuntank had left her post to retreat on more solid ground from which her flaming eyes trailed after the anomalous pair.
Just watching.
Almost... Strangely afraid.
A wet shift had Adaman turn his head in an instant.
His mind wandered, in a moment of strange detachment, to the memory of something he had heard - the description of a Pokémon, a Grotle: standing on four wide steady legs, with a shell thin in appearance yet hardy upon its back, green bushes sprouting lush from it, a mouth like a hook capable of biting a hand off if it so wanted, and big black eyes.
This did not look like that.
This, half hidden in the mud from which it arose and under the grime slowly dripping off of it as if its skin were smooth polished metal, sustained itself on a thin arm (the other seemed covered by some kind of cloth, a sleeve of sorts) and looked at him through small inescapable eyes the color of dark rotten Apricorns.
When the light shifted upon the murky waters its face laid half submerged in he saw its sclera was a horrible hue - like charcoal made liquid; the same hue coating long, sharp nails as it lifted its hand out the water to crawl forward.
Towards him.
He stepped back, Leafeon growling in some attempt at intimidation.
Between the skeletal fingers, now he could see it - between them the mud seemed to create a web that cut through the thick waters with ease, like boned fins; the hair, if hair it was, two lone long strands curling at the sides of its face, framing its peculiar simmetry centered by its broken nose, joining at the back of the buzzed head, was a dusty kind of brown that wouldn’t have been out of place on the crests of Lady Lilligant.
Its lips were pitch black, when they appeared out of the grime.
“Come a little closer, boy.”
That voice was sweet, sickeningly so. Pitched high and with a certain inflection to it that felt like honey pooling at his feet and turning hard as salt, trapping him in place. It didn’t fall out of the human-like mouth: it slithered and danced.
Its shoulders arose as its arms stretched to get itself into a crouching position. Its body was anthropomorphic in a strange way - covered in a long attush robe with patterns embroidered upon it, half of its chest escaping the elm bark fabric (ribs stretched the skin as if it had been that of a drum), one nearly atrophied leg sticking out of it as its twin laid shrouded within the cloth.
“Don’t worry,” it sang with its black and rotten green eyes pinning Adaman in place, with a tone playful in the same manner with which a Luxray’s paws push around its agonizing prey, with a curl of its nose that made the four spikes at its side move up and down.
The charcoal lips pulled back into a rectangular grin more reminiscent of a snarl: four canines - the longest he had ever seen - welcomed his sight hungrily.
“I don’t bite.”
If it had been as human as its appearance suggested the Leaf Blades would have cut through its limbs to color the puddle it still had not managed to leave a crimson even deeper that the sunset’s reflection on the mercurean waters.
With a potent gust of wind Leafeon flew across the marsh, little body landing on soft mud instead of on the rocks jutting from it by pure miracle. Adaman called out another attack uselessly, mind still stuck to a mere second before, sight and voice and hearing and the very consciousness of his own body catching up too late - only when his mouth still open in an interrupted scream was filled with dirt and acidic goo that made him want to gag and gasp for air, and his shoulder slammed harshly on the shallow bottom of the bog, and against his eyelids closed just in time he saw the burned afterimage of the ghastly face that had been so close to his.
Something sunk in his arm, through the bandages and the skin and nearly through the muscle, and with a yank his dirtied head was pulled out of the mud enough for him to vomit out the foulness on his tongue.
First he felt the wet on his neck, and then the impression of something weirdly flat grazing against it.
Then, finally, the piercing.
He spat out a scream muffled by what felt a liter of bog water as the teeth clasped around his throat, both sides of it punctured in two spots each.
It should have hurt, it should have made the adrenaline course through his body for him to writhe and struggle against the bite; and while the pain was so intense that it did make his eyes go blind for a moment, and a terrified chemical frenesy did overtake his limbs, he remained unmoving if trembling, mouth hung open even in silence, as the hold on his neck tightened so much that he could feel his bones strain under the pressure. He breathed still: it felt as if the air was warmer, saturated with a heaviness that reminded him of pollen.
A hand grasped his hair tight. Nails held his forearm in an iron grip.
He felt as if his lungs were being filled to burst.
Adaman fell to the wet ground barely registering the teeth leaving his throat or his own deep shuddering gasp. His body remained immobilized, and so all he could do was look up from where he had been uncerimoniously dropped, forced to spy through the corner of his eye.
There was a dangling ornate necklace running three circles across its clavicles - made of pinkish beads weaved inbetween tightly twisted braids of a kind of rope he could not remember seeing ever before. It was the same color of its hair.
Its wide snarling grin shined mockingly down on him, lip and fangs stained red. Its rotten green eyes were small and vicious as they glinted in the falling sun.
Its laugh was a cruel, slow sound, like the gekkering of a wounded Jolteon.
The air felt warm.
So warm.
His clansmen ran to meet him as he stumbled back up the slope to the settlement nearly on all fours, weak and near delirious, after Leafeon had returned alone yipping and barking in distress. Arezu cried and begged forgiveness when she saw the blood running down his neck, staining his clothes through the grime, pouring still in thin rivers, begged forgiveness for not assisting Lady Lilligant when she should have, for not accompanying him, for not disobbeying and following him when he insisted on taking this upon himself.
Her leader did not hear her, eyes glazed with remembrances of bright yellow eyelids behind black and green, and a voice like honeysuckle poison laughing at him, laughing.
“I’m in love,” Adaman spoke with a haunted, hoarse voice.
He collapsed prey to a spring fever as he was carried to his tent, and the wounds on his neck never healed.
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I think Gaeric x Ingo is either Blizzardshipping or Snowmobile
Well, according to Neverending Romance (sure, it hasn't been updated in quite a while, but I still consider it to be THE resource for Pokemon shipping names (edit: The list lives once more!)) BlizzardShipping is Falkner x Lorelei and SnowmobileShipping is Candice x Claudina.
If we're going to go with either of these names, I say that Gaeric x Ingo should replace SnowmobileShipping because who the fuck is Claudina anyway? Also for the two of them, I think it's a more distinct and suiting name than BlizzardShipping. (BlizzardShipping is a little generic and could be for a lot of shippings. Also where does Ingo factor into this shipping name?)
Or alternatively... We could always come up with something else. >.> My vote would be for WinterTrainRideShipping. Because doesn't that just sound cozy? Just imagine the two riding in an 1800's train together, sitting side by side, looking out the window to watch the snow peacefully falling outside. They lean against one another in the warm yellow light of the train's interior in comfortable silence, the two slowly drifting off to sleep. I just think that it would be a good ship name, alright!?
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randomwriteronline · 1 year
Palina: (slaps top of Gaeric) this bad boy can fit so much amnesia in him
Ingo: please refrain from hitting me
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