#snake appreciation month
atane-is-here · 1 month
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snake appreciation month
Magnificent Beast
hc that his species is native to the ancient forests of the planet and he feels most comfortable sleeping in elevated spots.
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i-plague-eater · 24 days
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I like them being an evil duo, just doing their evil things. Phobos comes up with stupid plans in a drama queen manner. Cedric realizes that none of them will work, but he takes them seriously and carries them out with all his bad luck.
I headcannon that cartoon Cedric stays loyal to his prince because he's been given an impressive piece of land with mines and/or factories. It's not that Cedric hates Elyon or has a strong personal attachment to Phobos. But the Prince offers everything he needs, he's mature, wise and politically experienced plus he's attached to Meridian "oddities" like Cedric himself and Miranda. It may be his own thought, or something Phobos has put in his head, but I guess Cedric doubts that a naive outlander girl has a better purpose rather than being a source of energy (the Prince NEEDS A LOT). Who knows what Elyon will do to non-humans and non-galhots (send them to prison because they're ugly), especially when she's older? Phobos, on the other hand, is a strong monarch, it is well known what to expect from him. He's led Meridian through troubled times with his head held high. He's known to be protective and fair to his champions, punishing only the weak and unworthy. So Elyon is nothing more than an egg that needs to be broken to make an omelette.
I suppose Cedric believes that Phobos is no worse and perhaps a little bit better than any other Escanor, but unlucky to lack magical power. Perhaps he's as unlucky as Cedric himself?
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phoboobs · 1 month
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the wretched worm
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arkeizt · 1 month
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The first prompt for the Snek Appreciation month and the Cedric on the right is heavily inspired by Phobs' art on DA right here
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vlr0 · 29 days
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my entry for todays prompt, cedric and orube! even if theyve been both on Earth for a while, some things remain a mystery to them....
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voller-ehrgeiz · 23 days
Snake appreciation month [XIII]:
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What if we became Metamoor's most hated overlords together 👉👈 ???
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cedricsnotdead · 6 days
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submissions on how phobos, orube and vathek would react to the swap are open
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natalie-the-chimera · 27 days
Snake appreciation month: Headcanons
Many imagine Cedric coming or being taken from some shapeshifter tribe/village or from the streets, going from rags to riches. But what if he was rich from the start?
Shapeshifters, especially big and strong like Cedric, are a very powerful force in battle. One of these could deal with a whole squad of soldiers. So it's better to keep such creatures close, giving them wealth and power so they won't turn on you in the future.
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I wonder if the green dude is Cedric's distant relative
Coming back to Cedric's family, I see them as nobles with a ancient lineage, possibly going back to the times of the first Escanor. And of course members of the Hoffman family are proud of their background and shapeshifting abilities, making arranged marriages with other noble families to improve their bloodline. And so we came to Richard and Rovena Hoffman aka Cedric's Mom and Dad.
It was another arranged marriage. Richard's family were humans, much less wealthy than Hoffmans, so it was a win-win situation for both (it's actually my friend's headcanon): shapeshifters prefer to have kids from another shapeshifter or human, so their child will keep the ability to transform. Having children from galahots or changelings (like Elyon's foster parents) is objectionable because of the risk of losing that ability. Cedric's parents weren't in love but they didn't hate each other, acting like respectful partners.
And so, our little snake boy was born.
Cedric's childhood was a normal childhood of a kid from a wealthy family: studying with mentors, starting from etiquette and music to the arts of war. His favourite were history and strategy and the most of all — politics. This was causing disagreements with his mother. Rovena, who had already planned her son's future, as well as his possible children and grandchildren's, served Veira's parents and saw enough dirt, corruption and the kingdom being on the edge of civil war. Of course she didn't want such fate to their only son. Richard, on the other hand, supported his son's ambitions, being some kind of a bridge between teen Cedric and distant Rovena.
Everything changed when Cedric turned 16. Snake shapeshifters have a great immunity to poisons and diseases unlike humans. His father perished from an illness, making his mother even more distant and cold and leaving him with a ton of responsibilities, expectations and pressure. The family estate was becoming more cold, dark and uncomfortable for him so he wanted to grow further, to bring honor to his family. Eventually, Rovena gave up, meeting Queen Veira and young Phobos at the royal meeting, and agreed to send Cedric to the castle as prince's new mentor. If only she knew what will happen years after...
Cedric's character:
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*pats his head* "This tired angy boy can fit so much bottled emotions in him"
Oh man, where can I even start...
Well, it all starts in the family. If you think that being a kid from a noble family means doing nothing, think again. Especially if you have a cold, strict and demanding mother, preparing you to be a head of the family since the moment you learned how to walk. I headcanon that Cedric was raised with a thought that showing true emotions was considered a weakness. "She worries. Worry keeps her weak" (c) Cedric about Elyon, s1 ep21
The problem is, that we aren't golems made of stone. And Cedric already had quite an emotional baggage before arriving to the castle: the death of his father and the pressure of now being responsible for the wellbeing of the family. Soon, death of Queen and Prince-consort and following struggle for power among nobles and start of the rebellion added more pressure on his nerves. And all he could do was bottling up his emotions until the breaking point. He could blow off steam on the battlefield but after becoming Phobos' advisor he needed to stay near the prince.
Oh, the prince...
I think, Cedric was in charge for literally everything or at least controlling the ones who were responsible for everything. Army, searching for spies, exploring portals, maintaining the castle and the most important — searching for the princess. For 13 years. Plus the guardians, old and new. Oh, forgot to add that Meridian is slowly decaying without its Heart. And Phobos being disappointed and impatient after every fail. And he also got almost no sleep because of the timezones on Meridian and Earth. All I want to say that our big boy have severe anger issues, probably trashing his chambers after an especially hard day of losing to the guardians the 5th time this week and getting yelled at. He even can't just get drunk and pass out, because his body is immune to alcohol.
Just give him a long-long vacation.
Some minor headcanons I carry in my head:
Cedric can purr in his snake form. Not like a cat but more like a crocodile. He does that when he is happy and comfortable and the last time it happened when he was 15.
He betrayed Phobos in s2 mostly because the prince turned him in the worm and he wanted revenge: to humilate him, make him small and defenceless. And after that he started his crusade with Heatherfield, to destroy the home of the guardians. " Phobos wanted more power and I took it all away. You were messing with me and my world, now I'll destroy yours." If Cedric managed to win, I think he would just go on a murder spree, destroying everything and everyone who could go against him.
(comic) Cedric wasn't free of Phobos even after the prince took a leap of fate from Condrakar's tower. Years of abuse don't go away that easily, so his mind could occasionally went back thinking about Phobos or having nightmares with him. He didn't tell anyone about it, even Orube.
He sleeps hugging something, mostly a pillow. If you got into these snake hugs and try to get out he will constrict his arms or tail harder without waking up.
Even if Cedric can swallow a human or a large animal whole, he rarely does that, preferring to tear his prey up. If he eats too much at once, he becomes sleepy. Also, living prey can start struggling and kicking which can damage his teeth, throat or esophagus.
In series we see him in his snake form when he arrives to the bookshop. So, maybe he got rid of its previous owner...
He rarely opens up to anyone but if he does...Get ready for a several hours of pure bitching and complaining about his life. (He absolutely deserves it)
He looks serious and gloomy but he can be quite sarcastic, mostly making dark jokes.
The series were for kids but I think he actually swears a lot when he doesn't have to act as a noble man. He is also quite violent and, while in human form, can transform his mouth and jaw to bite his opponent's face off when he is tired to play nice.
His eyes can glow in the dark, he also can look at someone for a long time without blinking when he is threatening them to scare the shit out of them.
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littlelord · 4 months
the ASOIAF / HotD / GoT fandom does not talk about the Velaryons enough, (and i know y’all know why. work on that.) so let’s talk about them. I present:
Velaryon Appreciation Day 1:
Corlys Velaryon
The lack of recognition for Corlys is DISGRACEFUL in this fandom.. I genuinely didn’t know he was a main character until I watched the show this week.
So here are some reasons you should appreciate or at least recognize Corlys:
1. He loves his wife more than anyone on that show. Easily the best husband out of the lot.
2. Literally Rhaenys’ #1 fan
3. Puts aside his long-held ambition to have his blood on the throne when Rhaenys asks
4. Is one of the biggest supporters of Team Black
5. ..I’m not kidding, do y’all remember how he kept vying for Rhaenyra’s claim long after her death? Yeah
6. Dude got arrested and sentenced to death for plotting to unseat Aegon AFTER RHAENYRA WAS DEAD
7. Like instrumental to Team Black and Rhaenyra’s line succeeding the throne, especially post-dance
8. Some of the best hair in the series i mean COME. ON. :
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the gold bands? that length??? outdid.
9. Some of the best outfits, especially among the men of HotD
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10. He is THE Sea Snake, ruler of the seas!!!!!! Lord of the Tides, Master of Driftmark, Head of House Velaryon, and Princess Rhaenys’ husband (the final is obviously his best and most important title).
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11. My dude is HARDY. Recovered from a near-fatal stab wound and intense fever at 70(ish) years old.
12. He is so sweet to Luke. Fights for him as heir to Driftmark despite knowing they are not blood related (“it was just so the Velaryon name stays on the throne!” so? he could’ve supported Vaemond’s claim but he chose to support Rhaenyra’s child, his grandchild)
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(look at little Luke and his grandsire😞)
13. Driftmark is cool as fuck and he’s the Master of it so that’s another point to Corlys.
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14. I said it once I’ll say it again: GILF.
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15. (extra credit): Steve Toussaint (Corlys’ actor) seems to be a great guy. He’s funny, v entertaining in interviews, comes across so genuine, bffs with Eve Best (Rhaenys’ actress), and is a huge GoT nerd (seriously. he is the only one who can answer any questions about GoT in the interviews i’ve seen him in). And fun fact- as I was looking to see if he’s overtly problematic, I discovered that all of his twitter likes are just “human kindness” and funny animal videos.
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And the worst thing is that if he looked like his pre-HotD fancast/fanon version, people would not shut up about him.
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“He’s soo fine”
“I need a husband like him”
“We need to talk about him more.”
..and you know i’m right!
I am not saying you have to like Corlys (especially if you do not fw any asoiaf men, which i deeply respect), but free him and House Velaryon from this double standard you hold them to.
Like I better not see anyone who appreciates, recognizes, or likes Daemon or Aemond or Criston or even Alicent talking about how Corlys is “too prideful,” “too ambitious,” because look the fuck around!!!!!!! who isn’t in this goddamn verse!!?!??!!! and also you know what?? if my beautiful amazing badass wife was denied her rightful throne, i’d be mad about it too!!!!! even after she said she was over it!!!
if you made it this far, i’m thoroughly impressed and even more grateful that you have heard me out in this Corlys Velaryon rant!
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bucephaly · 10 months
BTW if you haven't already please take a minute to look up what venomous snakes are local to you and familiarize yourself with them
#i joined a local snake ID group recently#before that i knew roughly how to spot a pit viper and hownto tell a coral from a scarlet snake#but i didnt really know how to identify specific species other than copperheads#and now im very confident in my ability to tell water snakes from cottonmouths etc#and it gives really nice peace of mind#like. ive seen so many people here in the us south that will freak out of Any snake#my mom once was yelling and crying trying to get help over a kingsnake on the sidewalk cuz she didnt know if it could kill the dogs#and people will kill snakes if they dont know [and often will anyway but knowing helps foster appreciation]#and now i can see a snake and say thats a coachwhip. isnt it pretty. and will gently grab the back end to look at it for just a second more#before letting it go hide#idk. i saw a rattlesnake in the woods today#and its the first time seeing one in the wild like that. and yea it was scary tbh#and i got a pic but booked it out once it noticed me and reacted#but i wish i had stopped and watched it longer cuz it was super pretty#and i know it wouldnt have bothered me at all#im just glad that we've seen two big full sized diamondbacks here in the past few months. and i know theyre two individuals#because eastern diamondbacks are declining and its good to know theres a population here#idk. im getting sentimental over snakes i just love them#but my main point is its so easy to indentify snakes at least where im at#and learning to id them comes with learning to respect them
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henry-or-something · 11 months
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Wanted to shine a light on our scaled friends! (I do not have the capabilities to draw any other animal.)
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atane-is-here · 5 days
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snake appreciation month is over but I´ll show some love to my prince as well
Comic vs Cartoon
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i-plague-eater · 18 days
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This was the art I originally wanted to draw for the AU promt, but then I thought: when else will I get a chance to draw the Whisperer dissection?
Same AU, two years later, but in a different timeline. Yes, it's the same Phobos and the same Cedric, but now they're acting as Mrs. Rudolph's stepchildren. This perfect family image is the result of damn hard work by each member, and believe, me they have come a long way! Still, Cedric appreciates the harmony and happiness of his new family. Especially a mother he never had. Today, a rebellion and a crossbow bolt protruding from his side seem like a distant past. But it's only a brief respite before this unusual family faces another challenge.
Your guesses on what they're watching go into comments/tags!
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heisttheblackflag · 11 months
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for @pr1-appreciation-month-2023 pet week!! some of the cats of pr1 😻
(top left belong to Jeremy and Kat, top right are Platy’s, bottom left is Elaina’s, bottom right is Courtilly’s)
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henryhas2moms · 2 years
unfortunately i don’t think i have ever felt so passionately defensive about a character as i am about regina. sometimes i’ll read something that is so wrong and incorrect, sometimes even from someone who likes regina, and i will turn into this thing
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#usually they’re from like 2013 even so i have NO REASON so get so worked up#the WORST one i read from someone who LIKED regina said she could’ve appreciated henry and emma as her GRANDKIDS instead of the s2#custody battles with emma and the charmings. which. excuse me… WHAT????? that’s her SON and i’m stealing something from your house#the worst take i saw from someone who did NOT like regina………. y’all don’t even want to hear it.#……… but im still mad so im gonna tell you granted i saw it like several months ago and it was made in like 2014 probably but#it was a gifset with regina’s ‘i don’t know how to love very well’ quote matched with (from what i recall) harmful actions against#henry (what the quote is referencing in context and also they have repaired a lot even before the gif was posted so fine ig)#snow (it’s complicated) cora (regina actually loves her mother far more than she deserves imo) and hold onto your fucking hats everyone#KING ​LEOPOLD!!!!!! (if you need me to explain to you why this is the worst thing i’ve ever heard. no you don’t)#<- needless to say!!! if you don’t watch your mouth i’m putting snakes in YOUR bed!!!#actually i’m not even sure if the first three examples are what was used bc the last one sent me into a rage blackout#and i’m not gonna go looking for that post anyway the others i can roll my eyes and move on the last one turns me into a fire demon#not making this rebloggable but feel free to be outraged in the comments with me xoxo#yes that is specific the flame atronach from skyrim no i didn’t know how to spell that i googled like ‘flame….. anteater skyrim’
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vlr0 · 1 month
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heyyy its the first day of the snake appreciation prompt made by @cedricsnotdead !!!! i hope i'll manage to participate consistently :)
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