natalie-the-chimera · 12 days
It's so sad that such a wonderful event comes to end, so let me just wrap it up quickly with my small art
Thank you @cedricsnotdead and @atane-is-here for organising all of this and everyone who had been participating, reposting, liking and commenting, including @voller-ehrgeiz @i-plague-eater @phoboobs and many others!
The Snake Month may be over but our love to two pathetic snake boys will never end!
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(and a small bonus, this one used to be just a colouring book with two nagas so I "edited" it a bit)
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natalie-the-chimera · 18 days
Snake appreciation month: With original or other canon character
Meet Natalie Brooks, my W.I.T.C.H. OC. She is a chimera, a skilled alchemist...and an artificial 6 feet shifter as well.
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natalie-the-chimera · 24 days
Snake appreciation month: AU (Part one)
I got hooked pretty badly by Baldur's Gate 3 recently, so here is my BG3 AU (it turned out pretty big so there will be two parts)
Selik Aleantilthar was born in Evereska - a secreted elven city, hidden from the rest of the world. A sudden eclipse happened during that, and for someone it could be a bad omen but for elves it was a sign of Erevan Ilesere — a trickster god of Seldarine (elven pantheon), also known as "The Chameleon" or "The Evershifting Shapechanger". So, Selik's parents didn't pay much attention to that, thinking that their child will be cunning and good at deception or maybe become a future priest of Erevan. Well...they weren't wrong about the first part.
Strange things began to happen since his childhood. High elves carry some fae magic in them, being able to cast small spells like fire bolts or dancing lights even if they aren't mages. Selik... could do none. Nothing, no matter how loud he chanted spells or moved his hands or drew sigils. Like there wasn't any magic in him at all. His parents and everyone else were shocked, hoping that his magic is just sleeping and maybe will show up later. "Tomorrow" turned into "Next week, month, year, decade"... Until they finally gave up when Selik turned 50 which was still a very young age for an elf. He was left to train with weapons and getting into the army when all he wanted was to see the world he heard so much about from outsiders who had the permition to enter Evereska or from books he liked to read.
Then...the troubles came. First were nightmares: dreams of a giant beast, roaring and causing carnage. Then came the aggression, Selik's fighting style became more violent, savage even, leaping on his opponents like a feral beast, trying to bite them and draw blood. And finally, his eyes started turning yellow, his nails turning into claws and green scales were showing on his face and body. Of course everyone, especially Selik and his parents were scared shitless. They knew that there were no dragons or serpent folk in their family so that surely was some kind of curse. Or demons. Or, the worst of all, their child could turn out a Bhaalspawn - a living creature with blood of Bhaal, the vicious god of Murder, in their veins. So, another 50 years Selik is taken to the shrines, temples, priests, coming to Evereska, but they can't see anything related to demonic possession or Bhaal's influence.
As decades passed, Selik couldn't take it anymore. Even if everyone pretended that they won't turn away from him, he still felt like an outsider. A High elf who can't do any magic, has severe anger issues, snake eyes and a forked tongue... Maybe he really was cursed. Maybe even by Erevan himself. Why? Who knows, maybe that day the Trickster was just not in the mood. So, as soon as he turns 100, when an elf is considered an adult among their kin, Selik decides to leave the Evereska to find answers to his questions and maybe a cure to his condition. He takes a new name — "Cedric Highmight", more comfortable and easy to pronounce for non-elves, joins groups of adventurers, caravans, traiders, trying to earn gold as a mercenary, but doesn't stay long with anyone, afraid that they will turn away after finding out about his ugly secret. When he hears about Baldur's Gate — a large city on the Sword Coast, full of possibilities, he decides to move there, hoping to find a more stable job where he will use his silver tongue than sword, than risking his life killing monsters and protecting caravans, and find out more about his scaley problem. But when he was on his way to the Gate, he was abducted by mindflayers whose ship then crashed on an unknown shore. Luckly (or not), not alone.
And so his adventure in the "band of infected freaks" begins.
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natalie-the-chimera · 1 month
Snake appreciation month: Headcanons
Many imagine Cedric coming or being taken from some shapeshifter tribe/village or from the streets, going from rags to riches. But what if he was rich from the start?
Shapeshifters, especially big and strong like Cedric, are a very powerful force in battle. One of these could deal with a whole squad of soldiers. So it's better to keep such creatures close, giving them wealth and power so they won't turn on you in the future.
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I wonder if the green dude is Cedric's distant relative
Coming back to Cedric's family, I see them as nobles with a ancient lineage, possibly going back to the times of the first Escanor. And of course members of the Hoffman family are proud of their background and shapeshifting abilities, making arranged marriages with other noble families to improve their bloodline. And so we came to Richard and Rovena Hoffman aka Cedric's Mom and Dad.
It was another arranged marriage. Richard's family were humans, much less wealthy than Hoffmans, so it was a win-win situation for both (it's actually my friend's headcanon): shapeshifters prefer to have kids from another shapeshifter or human, so their child will keep the ability to transform. Having children from galahots or changelings (like Elyon's foster parents) is objectionable because of the risk of losing that ability. Cedric's parents weren't in love but they didn't hate each other, acting like respectful partners.
And so, our little snake boy was born.
Cedric's childhood was a normal childhood of a kid from a wealthy family: studying with mentors, starting from etiquette and music to the arts of war. His favourite were history and strategy and the most of all — politics. This was causing disagreements with his mother. Rovena, who had already planned her son's future, as well as his possible children and grandchildren's, served Veira's parents and saw enough dirt, corruption and the kingdom being on the edge of civil war. Of course she didn't want such fate to their only son. Richard, on the other hand, supported his son's ambitions, being some kind of a bridge between teen Cedric and distant Rovena.
Everything changed when Cedric turned 16. Snake shapeshifters have a great immunity to poisons and diseases unlike humans. His father perished from an illness, making his mother even more distant and cold and leaving him with a ton of responsibilities, expectations and pressure. The family estate was becoming more cold, dark and uncomfortable for him so he wanted to grow further, to bring honor to his family. Eventually, Rovena gave up, meeting Queen Veira and young Phobos at the royal meeting, and agreed to send Cedric to the castle as prince's new mentor. If only she knew what will happen years after...
Cedric's character:
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*pats his head* "This tired angy boy can fit so much bottled emotions in him"
Oh man, where can I even start...
Well, it all starts in the family. If you think that being a kid from a noble family means doing nothing, think again. Especially if you have a cold, strict and demanding mother, preparing you to be a head of the family since the moment you learned how to walk. I headcanon that Cedric was raised with a thought that showing true emotions was considered a weakness. "She worries. Worry keeps her weak" (c) Cedric about Elyon, s1 ep21
The problem is, that we aren't golems made of stone. And Cedric already had quite an emotional baggage before arriving to the castle: the death of his father and the pressure of now being responsible for the wellbeing of the family. Soon, death of Queen and Prince-consort and following struggle for power among nobles and start of the rebellion added more pressure on his nerves. And all he could do was bottling up his emotions until the breaking point. He could blow off steam on the battlefield but after becoming Phobos' advisor he needed to stay near the prince.
Oh, the prince...
I think, Cedric was in charge for literally everything or at least controlling the ones who were responsible for everything. Army, searching for spies, exploring portals, maintaining the castle and the most important — searching for the princess. For 13 years. Plus the guardians, old and new. Oh, forgot to add that Meridian is slowly decaying without its Heart. And Phobos being disappointed and impatient after every fail. And he also got almost no sleep because of the timezones on Meridian and Earth. All I want to say that our big boy have severe anger issues, probably trashing his chambers after an especially hard day of losing to the guardians the 5th time this week and getting yelled at. He even can't just get drunk and pass out, because his body is immune to alcohol.
Just give him a long-long vacation.
Some minor headcanons I carry in my head:
Cedric can purr in his snake form. Not like a cat but more like a crocodile. He does that when he is happy and comfortable and the last time it happened when he was 15.
He betrayed Phobos in s2 mostly because the prince turned him in the worm and he wanted revenge: to humilate him, make him small and defenceless. And after that he started his crusade with Heatherfield, to destroy the home of the guardians. " Phobos wanted more power and I took it all away. You were messing with me and my world, now I'll destroy yours." If Cedric managed to win, I think he would just go on a murder spree, destroying everything and everyone who could go against him.
(comic) Cedric wasn't free of Phobos even after the prince took a leap of fate from Condrakar's tower. Years of abuse don't go away that easily, so his mind could occasionally went back thinking about Phobos or having nightmares with him. He didn't tell anyone about it, even Orube.
He sleeps hugging something, mostly a pillow. If you got into these snake hugs and try to get out he will constrict his arms or tail harder without waking up.
Even if Cedric can swallow a human or a large animal whole, he rarely does that, preferring to tear his prey up. If he eats too much at once, he becomes sleepy. Also, living prey can start struggling and kicking which can damage his teeth, throat or esophagus.
In series we see him in his snake form when he arrives to the bookshop. So, maybe he got rid of its previous owner...
He rarely opens up to anyone but if he does...Get ready for a several hours of pure bitching and complaining about his life. (He absolutely deserves it)
He looks serious and gloomy but he can be quite sarcastic, mostly making dark jokes.
The series were for kids but I think he actually swears a lot when he doesn't have to act as a noble man. He is also quite violent and, while in human form, can transform his mouth and jaw to bite his opponent's face off when he is tired to play nice.
His eyes can glow in the dark, he also can look at someone for a long time without blinking when he is threatening them to scare the shit out of them.
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natalie-the-chimera · 2 months
Never thought of myself as a Monk
More like the most useless class in dnd Ranger
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natalie-the-chimera · 3 months
30 Questions for Your Tav! [ Ask Meme ]
[ Send in a number for a question to be answered! What is your Tav like? Who are they as a person? ]
Your Tav as a Companion
1. What would your Tav’s greetings be (at different levels of approval)? 2. Describe their tent setup! What’s on the outside? The inside? 3. What would their character quest be titled? Why? 4. What would your Tav’s romance scenes look like? How many would they have? 5. Describe their idle animations! 6. How would the player go about meeting them in Act 1? What is their introduction? 7. Describe their arc. How would a player help resolve it? What choices can be made? Can your Tav be turned down a dark path, or pulled to a lighter one? 8. After Act 3, what does their life look like? What are they talking about at the reunion party?
Back to Basics
9. What’s the significance behind your Tav’s name? 10. Does your Tav have a last name? Is there a meaning behind it? 11. What is your Tav’s go-to comfort food? 12. Does your Tav have any tattoos or scars? Why? 13. What is your Tav’s main color palette? Why do they choose those colors? 14. Where are they from? What was home like? 15. Is your Tav more likely to fight/flight/freeze/fawn? 16. What do they do for fun, when not adventuring? What are their hobbies? 17. Do they have any enemies outside of the main plot? Any friends? 18. Where/with whom do they feel safest? 19. What is their MBTI Type?
Deep Dives
20. What is their relationship to touch? Do they shy away from it? Do they need it to feel present? 21. Describe a defining moment from their past, which makes them who they are today! 22. How is your Tav’s relationship with their family? Their parents? 23. How does your Tav act in situations of stress? In moments of peace? 24. What does your Tav consider to be their own biggest character flaw? 25. What is something they would die on a hill over? 26. Give us one of your Tav’s secrets! 27. What is the worst thing they’ve ever done/said to someone they love? 28. Describe a smell that reminds your Tav of childhood. 29. What fears keep them up at night? 30. What does your Tav want more than anything?
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natalie-the-chimera · 3 months
Cedric sent the goblin into the shadows in the Shadow Lands, demanding to fetch the bone, and just stood with the sweetest, most innocent smile while the goblin was screaming, dying in the background.
And when Orin pretended to be a wounded soldier, Cedric just plunged and twisted the knife deeper. Before that he failed the perception check, so he didn't know it was Orin, he just chose to finish off the man in the most painful way.
He is a grumpy bitter asshole and he knows it.
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everyone's always like "durge this, durge that" but what about a dark tav
a tav who doesn't give in fully to the dark urge but still wants to see people burn
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natalie-the-chimera · 3 months
"I don't need Bhaal to be a bloodthirsty sadistic shit"
(c) My Tav Cedric
everyone's always like "durge this, durge that" but what about a dark tav
a tav who doesn't give in fully to the dark urge but still wants to see people burn
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So, I'm playing The Sims 4 now with some characters including Cedric and Phobos and these two have very... interesting relationship.
First of all, these bitches started flirting with each other from the first time they had met in EVERY SAVE FILE. Despite Cedric already dating or being married to another my character (I'll tell about her later if you want)!
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But despite that... everytime they meet one of them has this thought cloud, even if they want to hug/kiss/fuck each other! Some real "love-hate" relationship.
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I can't remember how many times I saw this want. But even if they break up (I tried to break up peacefully so they stay as friends, and mean breaking up option)... they start flirting with each other again on their next meeting and everything repeats again and again!
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I give up...
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Reading posts like this, I often wonder how some people imagined the life back in the Middle ages, where were no therapies and words "masculinity" and "femininity" sounded like some unknown curses.
What about Caleb, yes, he became a rebel leader in such young age not only because of "the plot" but also because he was the son of the previous leader Julian. And I'm sure there were people who wanted to take his place, so Caleb had to prove that he is worth of being the leader...with force. Wich includes actual fighting. Of course the idea of a race seemed a bit unfair to me, because one of the contestants could easily cheat, but it also was a prove that you are worthy to be a leader. If you were able to survive the hostile Meridian flora and fauna, then you are worthy to combat the actual leader. If not...sorry champ.
Life of a common folk in Meridian is actually a struggle. A struggle against wild mutated nature and diseases, a struggle against Phobos and his soldiers. And you need to be strong enough to survive, no matter how smart you are.
And now for the part that made me shrug the most: to stop saving everyone who have been captured by the enemy. Starting from Vathek in ep.3 and finishing with lots of rebels in Cavigor and castle dungeons in ep. 24, not mentioning Caleb's own father in ep. 19. If Caleb just had left them to die, he wouldn't have people to fight Phobos. And what type of leader just leaves his men behind not even trying to save them? In that case he would be just like Phobos.
i kept wondering why on earth (or Meridian i guess) the rebellion was led by a fifteen year old (apart from Because The Plot Demands It) and of course, OF COURSE it is because the the rebellion has the most toxic masculinity idea of what leadership needs that i have ever seen - not only do you need to physically fight the previous leader, before that you also need to do a deadly version of an obstacle course!! love that for them, but have they ever considered not doing that? maybe if you were led by someone just slightly past their physical peak you'd get a developed frontal lobe and you'd stop having to rescue everyone you let get captured ever third episode or so
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Elyon: My brother is not a tyrant! Phobos, Cedric, the whole Meridian:
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awwww isn't she naive bb?? In moments like this, I really wished Phobos really actually cared for her...just a tiny bit T_T
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What is your love language?
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Consumption of a heart unloved
Here is a dining table, here is a set of plates. Here is your heart, red and bursting with love. You have tried to love people all your life, but no one seems to understand you. Your own mother perhaps forgot to teach you how to protect yourself, maybe people whom you trusted chose to look the other way when all you wanted was a hand full of love. All you want is someone to take from you, all you want is someone to dig in your heart and eat it and kiss you afterwards - bloody and red. You want them to tell you that you are what they have been looking for, you want to be the one who ends their hunger.
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natalie-the-chimera · 2 years
If Cedric passed out from stress, he would be in coma since season 1
i just have Thoughts about the way this is phrased (from cedric's wiki page).
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natalie-the-chimera · 2 years
Oooh boooy, here we go
First of all, he is stubborn. He goes till the end, no matter how bad things are. Phobos betrayed him? Eat the fucker! Guardians knew about the ambush in the underwater mines? Flood the mines! There is a wall in his way? Crush it! When the snake locomotive is charged, there is no breaks.
Of course Cedric is a good psychologist if they existed in Meridian. He knows how to deal with Phobos, how to calm that bitch down. Well, he successfully brainwashed Elyon, even if it stayed behind the scenes. Probably slowly and carefully making her doubt in her friends and parents.
He is confident, always has a plan, mostly acts cool on public, and showed as confident and stoic lord, but we saw on "Happy birthday Will", that he can snap, throwing the papers to the wall. In all this stress I think that when he is alone in his chambers, he breaks stuff to calm down. I'm not talking about him in his snake form, because he is like a gigaton bomb with an even shorter fuse.
And of course he is loyal to his ideals and to Meridian. He served Phobos for more than 13 years and only when the prince had betrayed him, Cedric decided to have his revenge.
And speaking of revenge...Remember about the bomb and stubbornness ? Well, if it explodes, everything in the radius will be fucked. Until the reason of his anger is destroyed or he is dead himself, Cedric won't stop.
guys i need your help. How would you describe Cedric's personality from the TV series? Thank you very much.
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natalie-the-chimera · 2 years
Sorry for being a horny freak, buuuut...
He can use his tail.
Cedric: I want to spitroast him.
Miranda: lol for dinner?
Cedric: ...
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natalie-the-chimera · 2 years
Cedric: Am I really that stupid?
Miranda: Do you really want to hear the answer?
Sometimes Cedric asks Miranda if he is stupid. Not to be continued.
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natalie-the-chimera · 2 years
❓ Caleb
"To my greatest shame when I first heard about Caleb and that he was a leader of the rebellion, I really wanted to murder him with my own hands. Rebels destroyed my home, because of them Meridian was torn in two sides, supporting either them or Phobos, and I thought that with his death it...would stop. I even was chosen to lure him into the sandpits of Torus Filney, and there I first saw him with my own eyes. A child, who had to grow up really quick and lead an army. Now I realize how stupid I was back then. They would just choose a new one.
I saw him again a few times after Elyon's coronation. We don't talk much, but I think I'm fine with him, being here. He is a friend of Elyon and guardians, a hero of Meridian, and...Even if he knows who I am and whom I worked for, he doesn't hate me. That's all I need from him".
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