#smth smth perfect court blah blah im SICK!!!!!
meyhew · 2 months
just. you know. neil and jean 😵‍💫 as funny and jaw dropping as it is for the reader, i can’t imagine how satisfying it must be for neil to call a hit on grayson. first he was just too late to protect andrew from drake in columbia and then he tried so so so hard to keep andrew safe at easthaven, suffered so much abuse for it, and still it wasn’t enough. then he finds out about jean, about the sexual violence this boy has been subject to, and doesn’t waste a second wondering whether he should or shouldn’t, can or can’t, do something to stop it. he just does. i wonder how often he thinks about what else he could have done to shield andrew in a similar way, had he not been paranoid about being found out. i wonder if jean will think about this at all, if he’ll agonize over his role in neil’s abuse at the nest or if he’s still too fucked in the head to realize that sincere apologies do go a long way (not that neil is looking for one, in the same way jean isn’t looking for an apology from kevin or lucas). just…. the intertwining of neil and jean and kevin and andrew’s trauma, and the role they all play in making it worse And helping to break the cycle. smth smth giving ppl one more chance than everyone else has given them
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