#smh what even is time?
turtleblogatlast · 6 months
Big Mama must have lost some serious standing in the yokai underworld because it’s gotten apparent that she keeps being beaten by a small group of teenagers and the occasional rat man, and when it’s not them then she’s taking L’s from her own schemes working against her.
And in the ensuing power vacuum, the Hamatos accidentally become the most feared crime family known to all the big bads of the Hidden City.
After all, they’ve publicly outplayed Big Mama multiple times, a couple of them have taken out the heads of two of the most well known criminal organizations, one took out Heinous Green, two are responsible for the destruction of Witch Town, they have ties to both the infamous Baron Draxum and Captain Piel, they won the Doom Dome death race, they’re Battle Nexus Champions, they’ve displayed insane feats of power and defeated impossibly strong enemies, most of them have been to jail, and they regularly mingle with humans.
You can just imagine the notoriety they’d accumulate from word of mouth alone.
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seryotonin · 2 days
Oh no he’s fuzzy
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yuwuta · 2 months
yuuta exhibits such previously abandoned, recently adopted dog behavior. incredibly anxious all the time, even though nobody’s out to get him or leave him behind. waits for you to return home or from school or from work excitedly, just to see you when you walk through the door. follows you around senselessly, hovering in your space just for the sake of companionship. initiates affection in prodding ways—starts off next to you, then a hand on your thigh, then deems it safe to lay all the way down, then slowly pushes his head into your lap. gets up whenever you need to get up, and resumes his position as soon as you’re ready. brings you gifts as a sign that he’s thinking of you, and maybe because he likes the affection it brings out in you, maybe because he likes the gentle affirming touches of a hand in his hair or a pinch to his cheek. rests his head on your stomach or his chin on your shoulder when he’s sleepy, stays there, immobile, and will not move unless absolutely necessary. sometimes he gets surprised when he hears you calling for him, there’s a moment of disbelief as he thinks “me? really? you need me?” but it’s very quickly overshadowed by this compulsive need to show up, to please, to do anything for you, which is why he always answers when you call. he doesn’t realize that he has puppygod eyes, especially when he’s excited or confused, but he does and it’s incredible endearing. very reluctant to share your space or attention after a while, considers that to be sacred and he won’t risk being let go or lost again, so as a safety precaution, he keeps himself right by you, waits for you always. 
#atp i need to shut and write the omega verse fics that consistency plague my mind#but while im here time for my obligatory megumi mention bc i mentioned dogs teehee#yes megumi attack dog hes megumi grumbly yes megumi bark bark bite bite BUT BUT BUTTTT#megumi is also used to like... hm........ taming? having? caring for? people in his life and also literal (divine) dogs#so for him yes he bites and barks#but he also... he gets confused if YOU dont follow him around like a puppy bc everyone else in his life has so why not you?#gojo's always been the annoying yapping pomeranian chewing on his arm even if he didn't ask#always in megumi's space even tho he didn't ask but he learned to deal with it#won't admit it but knows that too much attention is better than having someone who couldn't give a shit about you#yuuji is the golden in everybody's life and megumi is no exception#unmovable unshakeable and incredibly addictive even if he doesn't mean to be#and very very attached to the people he cares about so yeah yuuji is loud and annoying but he's also loyal and megumi respects that so fine#nobara is like... she decided she liked megumi and was upset about it so she bit his ankle and he tried to kick her off but she has too muc#pride to get shaken off by someone as scrawny as megumi and somewhere along the way megumi became impressed that she was still there even i#it hurt a bit and she was a little rough it's not like he was worse so fine whatever she can stay too#so if you like... if you dont hover around megumi if you dont pry if you dont prod then he has to be the dog smh#now he's gotta bite for your attention and nudge you and how annoying. he's gonna keep doing it tho. as long as he has to#or until you learn to fall in line and accept your leash too whichever comes first n e way.... anyway.............#somebody's pampered omega always gets what he wants megumi complex is showing......#this was about yuuta right? ok i'll put his tags now....#juju#jujutsu kaisen smut#jjk x reader#jjk smut#jjk fluff#jujutsu kaisen x reader#yuuta okkotsu x reader#yuta okkotsu x reader
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science brain vs hopeless romantic brain, who will win
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pixlatedvampire · 9 days
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You gave those wounds to your god, Enki. Did you think they would heal so easily?
(Uh Oh! Someone gave the priest catholic guilt!)
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cinamun · 5 months
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Lot Credit: @pixelglam *chef's kiss*
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madcowzombie · 4 days
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Happy Pride!!
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I had this stupid joke in my mind for a while now..
And I absolutely had to doodle it so..
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.. Here it is!!
Special Hand [SANITIZER] 🎉
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tekkenenjoyerblue · 8 days
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“How long does that boy expect me to wait around…”
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fffuckthelaxbros · 1 year
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Also if you’ve only read the main comic so far I recommend also checking out the extras tag! There’s a lot more fun stuff in there (like. A lot)
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worstloki · 8 months
Loki in season 2 saying that he did New York because he was soooo angry with his father and brother that he let his emotions get the better of him.......
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shima-draws · 3 months
NOT ME getting shot in the head with another AU idea. Couldn’t be me ever
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quasarifxxy · 1 year
“____ is the comedian out of the duo” Can we TALK about how funny both Kazuki and Rei are. Like they always manage to get me. Kazuki with his overdramatic mom tendencies and desperately tries to get his shit together. Rei with his blunt side comments paired with a monotonous delivery. And most of all these two have no idea what they are doing. These two are absolute disasters together holy shit
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Was thinking about your au and realized that whichever neighbour wakes up last is in for a very awkward reunion
Imagine waking up to your entire neighbourhood being in an apocalyptic scenario, and you’re the last to find out about it-
technically the last neighbor is Sally BUT Julie is the last "normal-sleeping" neighbor to wake and yeah! she sure has a hell of a time! i mean tbh it's kinda her And Barnaby? they wake up within a week of each other (the neighbors wake via Pacific Rim kaiju rules) so their breakdowns overlap <3
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phantomdecibel · 1 year
Listening to My Goodbye and can’t help but
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when Odysseus says “you’re selfish and prideful and vain” bc in literally the FIRST TEN PAGES of the translation of the Odyssey I’m reading Athena has already called Zeus a heartless bitch ass motherfucker (not those words exactly, but the VIBES were there) for not helping Odysseus, literally BEGGED the other gods to set him free (I think he’s trapped on Ogygia?) and then proceeded to go befriend and look after his son like bro she’s halfway gearing up to fight Poseidon for you at this point
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nightytime · 1 year
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if you see a blob come from the ruins of the pizza tower, run (it may or may not be friendly)
btw this thang has so much inside it (secret rooms, forknights, cheeseslimes, pizzards, and ofc some of the funky lab stuff with the clones)
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