bigsillyyyy · 1 month
If sun x monty is glittergolf
That means moon x monty is sleepygator
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ruporas · 1 year
i've been wondering- what do you think of vash and ww's relationship to pain? do u have any thoughts on it??
cuz i was just thinking like. obviously they're both extremely resilient and don't care much if they get hurt in the process of achieving whatever, but like... as for the pain specifically, i have to wonder.
cuz i'm reading trimax for the first time and toward the end of the sand steamer mess kite basically asks if vash even feels pain. and i mean... he has to, since not that long ago he just hit the floor with a dramatic blood splatter lmao. but like.
is he just suppressing visible reactions? or does he just not feel pain unless it's above a certain level?
and i wanna know about ww too if you have thoughts, i just haven't gotten that far in trimax :')
forgive me if my wording is all over the place, i havent been very elegant in my words Lately, but i am always down to talk about specific shit involving vash and wolfwood,
if we're just talking physical pain, yeah, i think they feel pain normally!
For Vash, he is the master of repression throughout Trimax, so I think naturally, he keeps a strong face no matter the level of hurt, whether on the outside or inner. It's just in his nature to not allow others to worry about him by pulling through with a fake smile or in some cases, he feels like he deserves the pain inflicted on him so even if he's getting pulverized to shit or threatened against his life, he'd default to a silence as opposed to screaming in agony that might make people think he isn't feeling anything. It's probably also second nature for him to no longer yelp or cry at pain after the amount of years he's spent getting hurt, but i think this only applies if he isn't emotionally involved in a fight (which is rare, but it happens in ch. 38).
In terms of physical pain, he seems to feel it like how regular humans do. I've thrown together some examples where he goes owchie owchie owchie that aren't too spoilery:
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The Emilio scene is kind of why I don't think he's just playing up the theatrics of feeling pain, though I do think he would on some occasion, especially since he roleplays with children all the time. Verbally saying "ow ow ow" could potentially be an instinctive reaction too or maybe a source of comfort. But yeah!! I think Vash has always been able to feel pain and it's not like being a plant has lessen his ability to do so. Any resilience built is tacked on due to him being alive for 100 years and being a guy with a clear painted bullseye on his entire figure that ends up getting him shot and scarred.
In the end, the pain that gets to Vash the most will always be on an emotional level rather than physical, but Vash is such a genuine person and so present when it comes to other people that even if it's a pain he can take, it'll still hurt him terribly in more ways than one.
For Wolfwood; I think in general, those under the Eye of Michael have a strong resilience to dealing with pain due to the regen potions and the amount of training forced on them. I don't think we ever get the full description of what exactly those in EoM endured throughout their younger years, but we saw WW get shot at an early age in chapter 12 and we can assume it happened more than once. Over and over again until he won't even flinch against it just like how killing without hesitation was attempted to be drilled into him. I don't really know how it works scientifically… but I fully believe that he's mostly numbed to the physical sensation of it and it's the psychological part that gets to him more. Wolfwood himself is a naturally skilled fighter too, not that that really has anything to do with his dealing with pain, but I think his focus and attention on a battle and his stubbornness to win kicks an adrenaline that allows him to ignore the pain.
Though, his body also gets sore and tired just like any regular human does and there's this instance where he goes owie too:
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(While NOT as much as Tristamp WW does where he's cracking a cold one every goddamn minute, I do think Trimax WW has gotten used to taking regen pots and thus, can afford to be careless and not give a damn.)
So, physically, technically in canon, they don't really have anything that specially makes either of them unable to feel pain, but just as you said, they're incredibly resilient. And ultimately, the both of them are affected emotionally/psychologically that hurts them more than the physical aspect of it, considering how physical pain is almost a daily chore for them to deal with (Vash being hunted for sport for majority of his life + Wolfwood being involved in experiments/killings for majority of his life.)
I think Trigun in general, while showing physical pain being a strong factor of hurt for regular people like us constantly seeing civiilians get beat up or shot, it tends to boil down to the multiple varieties of pain when it comes to those who deal with physical pain often (Gung Hos, Vash, EoM members).
I didn't know where to put these comments but here are extra thoughts:
They're both evidently really good at hiding their pains or any mark of vulnerability. They both could have a hole in their chest and go days without anyone else noticing so long it isn't killing them.
They're both pretty reckless during battle, but I think for Vash, he already tries to avoid violence at all cost and thus, do in a roundabout way lessen his own chance of getting hit in hoping to not stir that violence against another. As a result, I think Wolfwood can be way more reckless and ends up getting hurt more unnecessarily as a result of it.
They both are capable of healing at quick rates so I'm sure that allows the pain to feel more temporary, less of a risk to sustain, and to further hone in not caring too much about getting shot. That only applies for themselves individually though because every time they see each other get hurt, they're always so so worried despite knowing the other will be fine.
i'm pretty sure i repeated myself like 800 times, but i hope this Answered the question SFGMSDKGSMDKH i also tried to be vague enough in my wordings and focus only on the beginning-ish of trimax so to not spoil! i hope u enjoy ur reading of it!!
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luna-almighty-god · 28 days
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Commission for @nymphiou, gift for @sleepyge !
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alternate-beta-clones · 7 months
Artfight 2023
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My Fantrolls with @sleepyge fantrolls ! Drawings make during Artfight 2023!
As we rp together, we've had the opportunity to get our fantrolls to interact, and even to ship them!
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siglai · 10 months
u mean your skk lseepy
yourre right . iam soukoku sleepyg
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sanfielle · 1 year
the world is so creul for making my sleepygal get out of bed. this is fucked up adn evil
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i an so fucken sleepyg i gotta go 2 beddd
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wngweis · 7 months
my ass getting blocked by sleepyg*to for using the most iconic bbygirl kendall roy, silencing his shouting while screaming in a piece of clothing, having a mental breakdown in the bathroom of his father... cause of his father... meme is iconic. it’s the first time i noticed that im blocked in all the times that ive been tumblr’s resident, and i didn’t even do anything.... but try to express my feelings, haha :)) thanks, i guess
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marcedrickirby · 9 months
Htown the Realist Screwed/Chopped x OG Peso x Sterlo56 x SleepyG x BB
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mycomori · 1 year
best friend from catholic schoo is over like whenever she’s back here home to help her i i’m she needs place to stay so she’s always welcome in my place and my parents place and i’ll give all i can water and food and weed it’s all i can do anymore i just how she’s sleeping peacefully s how it’s almost 3 am and i’m tired and sleepyg and need to sleep we got to sleeep
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fairylander · 6 years
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Sunshine through the leaves 🌸🌿✨
ig: warmerthansun
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pastelartbabe · 6 years
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Oxford ✨
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cloudncherry · 6 years
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ig : kyraniichole
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b4 I head to bed cause im tired
I learned that whatever my archetype is, is my natural talent of mine
my archetype is being a poet, go figure. cause when I was younger and my first two poems started making roundsssssss like I was so impressed !
I kept doing it after that and the feedback has always been pretty good.
that was until I was starting to fish for compliments, thats the best way to describe the way I was feeling in certain times
now I dont care lol my poetry is for the people who feel it nd thats on that
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gingerbean17 · 6 years
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yesgeoff · 7 years
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Casemates Square, Gibraltar.
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