#slay the princess the shifting mound
coddda · 15 days
Someone's probably already pointed this out by now but I love how the game exercises the concept of the princess being "whatever you percieve her to be" before the game even begins.
After following one of the dialogue trees while questioning the Narrator you get the ability to ask why the Shifting Mound is, specifically, a princess. She is transformation, she is whatever she is perceived to be, the concept of change itself, death itself, etc. but why is she a princess? And the Narrator says that he does not know, just that there must be some reason why she appeared as a princess to you.
But the reason why she is a princess is because that's what was promised to you when you bought the game. If you take the blade, the princess will be just as suspicious and cautious as you are of her, something unsettling but not explicitly a threat yet. If you don't, she will trust you as you trust her not to be dangerous, and she will not display any indication that she can do you any harm. Her personality and mannerisms are variable based on how you play, however, she is, no matter what, a princess. Whether she is a vague idea of a princess (The Stranger, because you have not met her yet), a cold and only dubiously trustworthy princess, or a helpless and friendly princess, she is still a Princess, just because that's what you are going to believe she is just from the title of the game. The Shifting Mound is already taking form of what you are believing her to be, before you even meet her, and once she becomes known As the Shifting Mound, she becomes a shifting mound of, well, princesses. Because that is your first, "base" impression of her.
Idk I just think the entire concept of a character only taking form of what you Think they are is really cool and it was pulled off so well and this game makes me insane. (I can't find the specific dialogue but one of the potential ways you could've asked this question to the Narrator goes something like "Okay but why a princess? Why couldn't she have been a slice of bread or something?" (it wasn't that exactly but it was Something about bread). Slay the Bread Slice, and she would've been. A bread slice. Slay the Shifting Mound and she would've been an incomprehensible mound of, not princesses, but whatever the hell you believe that vague mound could've been made out of. I don't know I just think it's really cool and neat and this game is amazing. The Shifting Mound lives rent-free in my head
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swanpyart · 6 months
Interesting thing that no one has mentioned; the Narrator, despite trying to destroy the concept of death, doesn’t actually know what happens after you die.
When the Player asks what happens after the end of the world in the Fury Route, the Narrator and Hero have this back and forth:
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You’re probably thinking, “But he used to be alive! He killed himself!”
But each version of the Narrator we see isn’t ACTUALLY dead. They are still present, experiencing what the Player experiences. The original version of the Narrator that made the Construct, the Creator, is the only version of the Narrator to have actually experienced true death before the game’s events.
I find it interesting and a bit hypocritical that when the Player gets the chance to ask questions, the Creator chastises us for asking because, as the Long Quiet, we can’t possibly understand how awful it is to die since we are immortal. But the thing is, he’s in the same boat even if he doesn’t realize it; The Narrator, the Long Quiet, and the Princess have all experienced a death that didn’t actually TRULY kill them. Sure, the two Gods can come back again and again, while each version of the Narrator will simply fade away, but the point still stands.
The Narrator expresses how awful death is, and how his people were filled with dread at the Universe’s death, but the truth is that the issue the Narrator faced in life WASN’T because of death itself, but the precipice surrounding it; the grief, the dread, the panic, the anticipation, the trauma. Ironically, all of these things are things the Long Quiet and the Shifting Mound have experienced over and over…. Yet the Narrator insists that there is possible way for the Gods to relate to him in that way.
Also, it’s shown time and time again that the world the Narrator wants is unsustainable; the Player will never be satisfied with eternal life, and eternal life is arguably what makes the Player and the Princess miserable in this twisted cycle. The Hero compares the complete stagnation of the Narrator’s vision as functionally the same thing as being dead, not experiencing anything new, with no change or evolution.
Even more crazy is how the Creator describes the world without the Princess as one of “An eternal pattern of forgetfulness leading to the joys of discovery.” You know, exactly what every version of the Narrator experiences and is never ever happy to find out.
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thesoupisburning · 3 months
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she shift on my mound till i fall in love with every part of her
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My favorite part of Slay the Princess is that there's a character who's a monsterfucker. No, not the princess towards a gigantic bird man with claws that could tear you apart in an instant, it's the other way around.
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saelrum · 5 months
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Wait... That's not how the plot goes--
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multongsisig · 2 months
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She asks that I tell you to remember her. You won't.
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beartitled · 4 months
STP voices x princesses
Because I wanted a reason to draw them all >:D
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Also lil bonus ✨
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flowerbloom-arts · 5 months
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That one ending where the Stranger was your first Princess.
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cookiealchemieart · 5 months
Isn't there someone you forgot to ask?
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circusmantis · 21 days
I love it when the princesses are slay
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ngc7009 · 3 months
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my love!
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verylazypillow · 3 months
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wwwjam · 4 months
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Inspired by that pose from the Red Flags music video.
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flonejapassingby · 4 months
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A fucked up bitch and her bird boyfriend
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walrus-tusk-615bc · 3 months
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Couple goals: Horrid beast tormented by voices, whose only choices are to witness/cause the death of their soulmate and a princess who’s doomed by the narrative to repeat the cycle upon their death.
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saelrum · 5 months
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Ok I REALLY wanted to draw and post this cause I love the game
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