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Hey, everybody. Sort of a serious OOC message today.
Jenny's writer @skipperdamned 's cat has been diagnosed with FIP, and is in need of help transitioning to palliative care. To help, I wanted to run a little fundraiser.
For the next week, if you donate at least 5 USD to Penny's ko-fi, I will send you either a free art card or a small handful of the black and white mini stickers. Send an email to [email protected] with a screenshot of proof of donation, your choice (and choice of art card), and your address if you feel comfortable with it. I'll probably wait a few days so I'm making as few trips as possible. Remember that you can find the galleries of all my designs (and thus the art card designs) in these two posts.
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I will include the free art card in any upcoming orders for the next week if I also get proof of donation. If you have ALREADY donated to Penny's ko-fi, this offer is retroactive - send me an email and I'll put you on the list.
Take care of your furry friends, everyone. Thanks for reading.
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opn-theorizing · 6 months
Hi! This is a sideblog made for @kleptomatic to theorize about @mothpriestdustwing and @skipperdamned's project @preservationofnormalcy.
Lore doc will update occasionally and may not be too complete. Should give a general idea of the lore though.
LORE DOC IS NOT CURRENTLY UPDATING (sorry about that. I blame it on being a second-semester senior)
Theories and such:
Indrid Cold
Protect the Equation
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vaspider · 8 days
Hey Spider; I hope your day is going well! I wanted to ask if you could reblog my donation post for our cat Aqua; we're trying to put together money for her end-of-life care and other expenses. https://www.tumblr.com/skipperdamned/751294245688786944 I also wanted to thank you for always standing up for what you believe in and defending the people who get forgotten about in our community; I'm really grateful you're around.
I'm sorry you're going to be losing your friend. I'm glad to help. <3
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miragesbian · 4 years
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malelavellan · 6 years
Samahl/Josie :P
amber run - i foundparamore - last hopeseafret - oceansgregory and the hawke - boats and birdssleeping at last - chasing cars
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lapdogmabari · 6 years
Pembroke Wizard with the Scholar background
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direhuman · 6 years
Acrobatics, Arcana, Endurance
Acrobatics - Have your players ever made you have to quickly rework/improvise an entire adventure?
Never too bad, but there’s been more that one occasion where “oh no! the minor villain who I wanted to escape to use later got away! let’s do other things for a while” instead caused the players to spend a huge amount of resources dropping everything and giving chase. Still, that’s a pretty good way to find out what your players want instead of just guessing.
Arcana -  What is your most crazy/insane/bizarre tabletop experience?
I ran a game in a mental hospital using chess pieces for figures and dominos to make a grid, with a few pregen character sheets having to be made from scratch paper with markers. It’s a good thing I know a ton of the rules by heart by now.
Endurance - What’s your worst tabletop experience?
A truly miserable DM back in college who wanted to “subvert player expectations” by cranking up the difficulty on every encounter and “give the players freedom” by pushing us into a dangerous setting without any hints or direction. Clearly we were not the target market for his ideas.
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jonbutter · 7 years
"Well I should hope so! You kids have been playing outside for the past nine hours!" My friend Decker showed me Circletine a year ago and I have not known peace since.
you shoulda seen the big circletine craze of 2011
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nerokai · 4 years
@skipperdamned tagged me to do this and TBH I usually never do but fuck it we’re gonna do it!!! 
Name: Matt
Gender: Imma dude! I think! Maybe!
Star sign: Cancer
Height: 5'6″
Sexuality: Gay  AF
Favorite book: Under the assumption manga’s count I’m gonna say One Piece! Because im weeb trash
Current time: 5:13 PM
Average amount of sleep: 4 or 12. 
Dogs or cats: Yes. 
# of blankets: Assuming my bed is actually made, 2-3 usually. 
Dream job: See I used to LOVE dealing with people so like my hubby’s dream job of owning a restaurant I would love to support them and be like the front of house person but good lord lately I would probably strangle anyone that complained (Oh the food here sucked?? Here let me kick your ass!!!!!!!!!!)  That said I’d still do it because I love talking to nice people so either that, or something in IT. Like let me work behind the scenes fixing everyones computer problems 
Blog established: idk? I’d like to not think about that thanks
Favorite animal: Penguins!!!!!!
# of followers: 123! Active? Probably like 10. 
Reason for url: Its my username for things online. Where I came up with that idk. Just a portmanteau of words I thought were cool sounding? 
Something I’m grateful for: Watching my hubby lay on our bed and just being adorable af? Like??????? 
Favorite color: Red and Black
Last song: ADAMAS by Lisa was the last one that came up on my youtube music feed when I was driving!
Last movie: Hocus Pocus!
Last show completed: Agents of Shield I do believe? 
Currently Reading: One Piece weekly and I’ll eventually start the book my hubby lent me.
Currently watching: Rewatching Kamen Rider Build with my hubby. Need to start Kamen Rider Saver. Let’s see. One Piece, Black Clover, Sword Art online(I Like it bite me) with my mom.....Walking Dead on occasion with my mom when I feel like it. I need to start watching more stuff. 
Sweet, spicy, or savory: Yes.
Craving: Honestly I really want some tortilla chips and salsa con queso
Coffee or tea: I am a slut for some good iced tea. 
Named after someone: Nobody! I share my middle name George with my Grandpa’s middle name (Roy George) 
Last time you cried: October 31st! Had a good ole meltdown in my car being held because my mom was being a massive bitch.
Any kids: Not at the moment, but in the future definitely! Two at least!
Do you use sarcasm a lot?: Yes, which usually gets me in trouble. A lot. 
What’s the first thing you notice about ppl: Hmm. Probably face? Like retail for 10 years kinda has me honed into seeing what type of person they are by their facial expressions and how I should act around them to make the transaction as pleasant as possible? 
Eye color: Hazel? I think?
Scary movie or happy ending: Happy ending
Any special talent: I feel like I can get random strangers to like me pretty easily? Like, its something that I got from my uncle and grandpa, who, in retrospect were doing it to be pervs and for me it was just “oh im gonna be polite what no im not hitting on the person?” and its kinda evolved into a natural like...idk sense of just being nice? Which is something I’ve tried to bury in but SOME PEOPLE LIKE TO REMIND ME HOW NICE I AM SO FUCK IT I GUESS IM NICE
What country were you born in: The USA
What sports do you play/have played: Hahahahahahahahahahahah.  Junior year of high school I took Racket Sports as my PE elective and TBH I was pretty decent at it. 
What are your hobbies: Video games mostly. I used to love writing and I would RP a bunch but lately that itch hasn’t been there but god I would love to start getting into it. I also love reading. Not necessarily novels anymore but like, people sharing their passions online and I get to experience what they love about something? Awesome. I feel like once i move out of my home my hobbies may increase. 
Any pets: Not currently!
Favorite subject in school: High school I actually enjoyed Math and Chemistry, but college kicked that love right out of me because I was horribly mentally unprepared for college. Literature in general is pretty good. I like analyzing stuff! 
I’m not gonna tag anyone bc fuck it but do it if you want to! I will definitely read!!! <3
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tigerator · 7 years
@skipperdamned, through tears: i’ve literally never seen shrek 3
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orevet · 7 years
note to self: the settings on the "make answer private" toggle thingy for asks are weirdly counterintuitive for you despite literally working the same way as a fuckening light-switch, so jot that down anyway @skipperdamned I'm glad you enjoyed my elaborately-crafted joke answer as much as you did and also that the message I meant to answer privately consisted solely of a compliment and a smiley face, lol whoops <_< >_>
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OOC: thank you all for participating in the first OPN "event." it was a ton of fun, you're all so incredibly creative. Especially you poetry people, I was blown away. I wasn't intending on it getting to that point, but I got to drop some lore pieces, and you all got to meet ALICE. If you’re tuning in late, you can use the “wonderland protocol” tag or “Halloween” tag to see the whole story. Remember that tumblr will list in reverse order, so scroll down to the beginning.
The “voice”/text of Jenny was provided by my friend @skipperdamned
You better believe more events are in the cards.
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vaspider · 8 months
Hey Spider, I hate to ask but could you signal boost my post? My husband got scammed out of the money we needed to get through the rest of the month and we're kind of at the end of our mutual rope here. https://www.tumblr.com/skipperdamned/729006208167591936/buy-penny-s-a-coffee-ko-ficomluckypenny
I appreciate it <3
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miragesbian · 4 years
Hi I have a mod request; pls make Sloane huggable in real life ty Also 6 and 49 for the music thing
6. I think my all time favorite is always gonna be ‘The Black Parade’ but honestly? Thrice’s “To Be Everywhere Is To Be Nowhere”, I’ve listened to it beginning to end far too many times to count.
49. already answered this one but i just remembered - I used to pretend to like these pagan folk bands my ex best friend liked because she wouldn’t talk to me about the music we both liked growing up and made me feel like really weird for still enjoying it at the time? sooooo. yee haw
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malelavellan · 6 years
Abandonment, fear of/attraction to religion/cults, black and white thinking. Now do me!
u hit me on the nose
i sent u the ask! but ill give you a bonus: you obsessively think about the negative traits of those you don’t like to the point where you can’t seem to forgive them even if youre wrong, and that leaves you embarrassed, so you try not to think about the negatives of anyone else but sometimes you just can’t help it
just like me! yay, best buddies
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lapdogmabari · 6 years
Acrobatics, Nature
Nature - Do you like using props/minis or do you prefer using a bare table?I’m just a minis kind of guy, I think. It speaks to the wargame lover in me.
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