#skinny is seen as the default body and the ideal body
seasonofprophecy · 1 year
I don't think reassuring people that skinny Narrators are valid is necessary. Skinny people aren't oppressed and will never lack in representation in all forms of media
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bodycountgame · 3 years
what are the RO body types like
haha okay been waitin for this to slide on in today
now, i'll start by saying that a lot of the ROs don't really have explicit descriptions of their physique ~in text~ because idk my physical descriptions are pretty sparse and i just didn't think it was the most interesting thing about them/the most important thing to convey in the brief time we've seen them all for so far. 
that generally leads to people assuming that they're skinny for f!ROs and like dorito shaped for m!ROs and tbh i think the assumption that a character must be skinny unless explicitly stated otherwise says a lot about how we collectively consume media and what we think about people with body types that don’t meet the societal “ideal”. idk man there’s just something to be said about skinny being the default i’m just not articulate enough to do the saying. 
(also soz editing to add this but, like everything in a WIP that’s only 3 chapters in, details about the characters will probably become clearer over time so if you’re waiting to see stuff referenced in text then it probably will be! just not as a big infodump the first time you meet them haha)
anyway, soz, i'll actually answer your question:
adegoke: pretty beefy, but well toned. adegoke's pretty into exercise so probably has the most Intentional physique. has the most cake after florrie, could definitely bounce a coin off his ass.
arthur: a very lanky build. he’s stronger than you’d probs expect but yeah he’s v slim has to get all his clothes tailored etc and is just very like. straight up straight down. 
atticus: very broad - kind of a big rugby player kinda build but one of the big guys at the back not the little ones that do all the running about?? strong and muscular, but not super toned. v barrel-chested. 
avery: tall and lean, very willowy. always wears heels because she does not give a fuck about being taller than the lads and if they are bothered then they can shove it. 
charlie: absolutely just Some Guy hahaha. he absolutely does not exercise or anything so he has no muscle tone to speak of lmao - very 2007 indie band guy aesthetic if that means anything to anyone?? 
ellis: slim and slender, naturally very slim. kind of emphasised by the way they hold themself - v statuesque and careful, partly due to the fact that they’re often in pain and don’t want it to be obvious. 
florrie: chubby cutie! florrie's like 5'1" so she's weeny but curvy, ~voluptuous~ i guess? i always picture her as like a fat girl with a kind of natural hourglass silhouette. definitely has most cake.
griff: i guess best described as an athletic build? he’s not huge and broad but he just has that kind of toned physique from constantly Being Active. definitely the closest to being dorito shaped, has rippling abs etc hahaha 
imogen: very slight, almost scrawny? imogen’s quite tall so she probably comes closest to like a 00s model aesthetic. 
nyra: nyra is petite in the sense that she is short and slim, but has quite a muscular build? she’s really into judo (as you will know if you get thrown in ch1 lmaooo) and has quite square shoulders, toned limbs etc. 
rowan: naturally slim, had her boobs done in her early 20s so she’s quite ~curvy~, a textbook 2020 instabaddie tbh. 
syd: i generally describe them as being like. lithe and wiry? they’re definitely strong and athletic but build more for mobility than like brute strength. trained as a gymnast so that has influenced their physique a lot. 
vinh: spends most of their time building installations etc so they’re actually pretty toned - kind of rectangular? and generally quite an angular person - a lot of sharp joints and lines. 
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itsallmightbitch · 4 years
Covert Ops For Dummies
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Possibly Part 1? Depends on the interest in a Part 2. I curse my best friend for a thousand years for making me watch this show and basically facilitating a brand spanking new addiction. I fucking love this skinny scarecrow man.
Pairing: All Might/Toshinori Yagi x Reader
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Nothing really. Smut abounds. Toshi is insecure as fuck about his body. That’s about it.
Word Count: 8000+ (I um... I might have gotten carried away...)
Summary: You and All Might go undercover, only to wind up stuck in a coat closet for most of the mission. Toshinori is insecure and you’re horny as all get out (and determined to make him see what you do when you look at him).
*gif isn’t mine but is oddly appropriate for this story?!?!???!!
Covert ops with a man who quite frankly defied the laws of stealth, was going exactly the way you’d thought it would. Go you. You were practically fucking psychic.
 Not that you were subtly bragging to yourself about being right but… well.
 You were.
 When you’d been paired with him by an oddly amused Aizawa earlier, you hadn’t thought much of it. You spent most of your time together anyway, so why not work while you were at it? It was a simple job. Get in, get out. Bust down some doors, take some names, kick some ass-
 “What the fuck do you mean, undercover!? How is this-” you gestured frantically at All Might, perched precariously on a nearby desk- “In any way, going to go under anything!?”
 The man in question laughed and the desk creaked worryingly as it shook along with him.
 “You worry too much! I can be stealthy when I want to be, kid!” his voice boomed and the glass of the window rattled in it’s frame from the sheer strength of it.
 You levelled a look at him, unsure if he was joking or not.
 Standing across from you both, arms crossed and a sleeping bag bunched around his waist- was the mastermind of this future fuck up.
 “You two won’t need to be stealthy,” Aizawa explained, his tired eyes sparkling with amusement at your absolutely horrified expression. Neither you nor All Might were built for sneaking through windows after all. “We know it’s not exactly your… strong point,” he said, clearing his throat and then and there, in that little classroom in UA, you learned that Shouta Aizawa actually did have a goddamn sense of humour.
 Go figure that it was at your expense.
 “You two get to be the diversion.”
 Your eyes went wide and one twitched.
 “Oh God, how is that better!?”
Everything had gone about as well as could be expected with Mr. Save the Day on your team. Although you, very begrudgingly, had to hand it to him. He did know how to keep a crowd’s attention when he needed to- and if it had been mildly arousing watching him make your suspects cower in fear at the same time then well, that was your business.
 All Might and the absolutely appalling mass of muscles that made up his left arm, shifted a little and jostled you into a nearby pile of coats. This resulted in a mouthful of faux fur and a coat hanger in your spleen. Your feet dangled off of the ground, your body suspended against the wall by the sheer size of him.
 You grunted in pain, indignant, then elbowed him hard in retaliation.
 “Sorry!” he said and now your elbow was aching as well as your spleen. It was like hitting a boulder.
 On top of the lack of room to breathe, the heat was almost unbearable. He was like a walking, talking space heater and normally you wouldn’t mind. Really. But being crammed into such tight quarters with zero warning was already making your head spin and the heat wasn’t helping matters.
 Your mind drifted without your permission.
 It wasn’t the way you’d ever imagined being pinned down by him but- oh, for fuck sake don’t think about that now.
 You willed yourself to behave, groaning out loud.
 He took your noise of frustration in a different way.
 “I know it’s not an ideal situation but I’m sure we can turn this around,” he beamed at you optimistically but since you couldn’t move your arms particularly well, you couldn’t flip him off. He ignored your lack of response and sullen silence, instead craning his neck forward towards the door. He had to shimmy a little and brought you along with him- stuck to his side as you were.
 Your wings sagged uselessly behind you, squished into a corner that they had no business being in.
 Toshinori squinted out of the spaces between the slats on the wooden door as if he could bend light itself and see around fucking corners. You bit your tongue.
 Knowing him, he probably could.
 He shifted again, without much thought. You, on the other hand, almost died. Thick fingers brushed over your thigh as he moved his hand and all of the blood in your body rushed in two different directions. One half reddened your cheeks and the other half slammed home between your legs and throbbed deliciously.
 Jesus. If either of you shifted in just the right way-
 He must have realized because his fingers snapped away as he made a fist suddenly, eyes darting everywhere but at your face. You felt his breath stutter in his chest and he cleared his throat and moved his hand as far away as he could in such tight quarters.You didn’t know whether to curse him for being such a gentleman or not.
 “It’s a little cramped in here, huh?”
 “You know, I hadn’t noticed.”
 Yes. When in doubt, default to sarcasm. That always ended well. But he was unaffected and just fucking chuckled instead, all throaty and low so that he didn’t alert any of the guards outside.
 Your ovaries screeched. One fainted.
 Half the words you’d been about to say turned into pathetic sounds instead so you simply swallowed them back again.
 You needed to put a bit of distance between you before you simply climbed around him and wrapped your legs around his waist for a place to sit. Hissing, you shifted from side to side, wings twitching helplessly in the cramped space. If you could roll your shoulders in just the right way-
 “Are you alright?” he whispered, looking alarmed at your sudden frantic movements. You grunted out a yes as you tried to find a way to move your arms properly. He didn’t seem convinced.
 “I’m trying to put my wings away before we both suffocate.”
 It took a bit of concentration to ignore the feeling of being practically plastered to his side, but eventually, your wings disappeared with a little whoosh of air and you dropped slightly further towards the ground without their friction on the walls holding you up.
 The relief was real. At least two of your limbs could now breathe again- even if the rest were still stuck in this closet. The extra wiggle room was a gift from God as you inhaled actual air. As a bonus, you could now finally turn your scathing gaze on Toshinori.
 Bright blue met your eyes and he blinked owlishly back at your expectant ones.
 “Is that better?”
 “Toshi,” you said, as patiently as possible even though he was being terribly dense. “You could help, you know.”
 He paused for a moment- then wiggled as far away as he could. Which by your estimation was about three millimetres. You couldn’t even face palm as your hands were still stuck to your sides.
 “Jesus- Shrink down, you big oaf! Your muscles are taking up precious oxygen!”
 This closet was definitely not built to contain over five hundred pounds of thick ass muscle. His head was even brushing the ceiling. Eyes comically wide, he looked down at himself like he was actually surprised that it hadn’t crossed his mind to do so already.
 He was so not adorable. Not even a little bit.
 “Oh right.”
 Suddenly you had a face full of smoke instead of muscle and you dropped to the floor without warning. You almost fell against the door but you caught yourself at the last second with your hand on the wall beside it.
 Your body sighed in relief at the sudden space and you inhaled dramatically, stretching your arms out, grateful for the blood flow to your extremities. At least now you wouldn’t lose a hand.
 A short, wheezy cough from the other side of the closet had you wafting the smoke away, frantically trying to send it towards the little vent instead of the door. The last thing you needed was someone thinking the place was on fire.
 After so many months of trailing around after All Might, it was now far less jarring to see him going from one extreme to the other. From the hulking, muscular hero you’d been plastered against moments before, to the walking scarecrow who was now silhouetted in a cloud of smoke.
 So when the room finally cleared and left just Toshinori in all of his skinny, hapless glory, you didn’t even think twice about it. You were far more concerned with your ability to finally move your arms again.
 The non-reaction was a vast improvement from the stream of expletives you’d let out the first time you’d seen the transformation. It barely even registered as a difference these days. He was still Toshinori. A little clueless, always earnestly sweet and unfairly invading all of your sexual fantasies.
 The norm.
 But still, even now, those sharp eyes of his watched your expression closely.
 For what, you weren’t entirely sure but he mustn’t have found whatever he was searching for because he suddenly laughed, rubbing the back of his neck with one big hand.
 “Sorry kid. Must be getting forgetful in my old age,” he said and flashed you a sheepish grin. His hero outfit hung on him, at least seven times too big for his skinny frame and it would have looked comical on anyone else. Not him though. The damn thing still suited him.
 You ignored the traitorous, evil thundering of your heart in your chest.
 How could he be so impossibly sexy without even realizing it? You swiftly turned away to stare out of the slats like he had done earlier, pretending not to smile. Maybe he did realize it but just had no idea of the effect it had on you. It didn’t even make sense, when you actually sat down and thought about it. Which you had done, many, many times.
 He was older than you.
 An out and out good guy with a saviour complex.
 Skinny, almost worryingly thin- in this form anyway.
 On paper, he wasn’t your type. Not even a little bit. But fuck if he didn’t elicit a sinful ache between your legs whenever he was around. He made you disgustingly flustered, even if he was doing something as simple as handing you a stack of papers to grade.
 And now you were stuck in the worlds smallest coat closet with him.
 If Aizawa was wrong about this fundraiser then you were going to choke him to death with his own scarf.
 You could feel Toshinori’s presence behind you, as he silently tried to adjust his uniform to make it fit a little better.
 Until you’d followed him up the stairs earlier, it hadn’t been going as badly as you’d thought. He was a decent actor, given the circumstances and it might have had something to do with keeping up a ruse as big as his for so long.
 You’d been given the low down that morning. Big shot money man- who had built his fortune on the back of the Number One hero’s smiling face. It wasn’t the sort of thing that either of you would usually deal with but… this one seemed to have a personal ring to it. Cue his hero outfit and a fuck ton of screaming fans.
 All Might’s fans of course- not yours.
 You’d pulled up at the front gates of the lavish eight bedroom house, just outside the suburbs- and watched with absolute glee as Lanius Snow (con man, ringleader and all around asshole) looked like he was about to have a heart attack out of sheer fright.
 But Toshi played dumb as instructed, the atmosphere had relaxed- and all the attention had turned to the guest of honour and away from any potential heroes who may or may not have been sneaking around upstairs. Even the security that had been dotted around were fawning over All Might like school children, asking for autographs and pictures and all around ignoring their posts.
 You may or may not have nudged a few of the more eager ladies out of the way once or twice as well.
 Totally not your fault in a bustling crowd like that.
 All Might had taken the attention in his stride. You had slunk behind him after the first ten minutes, happy to be out of sight and out of mind.
 The evening had progressed and you knew that Snow was becoming more and more agitated by the second, talking frantically into an earpiece whenever he thought he was out of sight. None of the guards had earpieces and it was clear that the security down in the main hall was only the tip of the iceberg.
 Then everything had escalated when All Might had insisted on being his usual heroic self and had point blank refused to leave the hard work to just Eraserhead. Even when you reminded him that the police were on standby around the corner, it hadn’t deterred him in the slightest.
 “Toshi! We’re supposed to be distracting the guests! Eraserhead told us heroics weren’t necessary, remember!?”
 You had tugged at his suit in vain as he’d marched up the stairs, checking for guards as covertly as a seven foot mountain of a man could.
 “But you also heard Snow earlier,” he’d murmured. “Extra security? Drones? Eraserhead didn’t mention any of that in the briefing earlier. Which means he might be in over his head. It won’t hurt to check on him.”
 And so he’d surged onward with you trailing unhappily behind him, unable to stop him and bound to have his back.
 You hadn’t even been able to contemplate what was happening when a hand had yanked you sideways moments later and you were suddenly in the dark, pressed against All Might like you were about to become very familiar with him.
 A flutter of excitement in your stomach had made you clench your thighs together, thinking that maybe, just maybe, ‘checking on Aizawa’ had just been code for ‘fucking you in a closet’. You wished. As much as you might have enjoyed it, Toshinori was nothing if not a gentleman. He never would have dreamed of doing something so crass.
 The big guy got flustered if you just touched his arm. He’d probably flat out faint if you offered to suck his dick.
 Another security detail walked past, laughing between themselves and in the narrow sliver of space you could see out of, a glint of metal told you that these men were all heavily armed.
 Charity fundraiser your ass.
 “It’s a fundraiser for children with disabilities. The people who organised it have promised a ‘once in a lifetime opportunity’ for these children to meet All Might if enough money is raised,” Aizawa had explained, his voice it’s usual monotone but his eyes flashing with unusual emotion.
 You had turned to Toshinori curiously, head cocked and eyebrows raised at his sour expression.
 “Let me guess. You’ve never even heard of such a thing?”
 He shook his head and you fumed, fists clenching.
 “Tonight is supposed to be for those kids and we’re stuck in a closet being useless. They’re using your big, dumb, friendly face to fill their own pockets and I’m not even allowed to punch the mastermind in the dick,” you grunted, pushing away from the wall, suddenly angry at how useless you were currently being.
And at the gall these people had.
 Taking the God damn Symbol of Peace and twisting it into something vile for their own gain. You wondered how long it had been going on. Weeks? Months? By the look of this lavish house, you’d bet years. So many children’s dreams crushed because they thought that they hadn’t won some phoney competition. Parents wondering if perhaps they had only donated more, given more that they didn’t even have to give...
 In your sudden angry outburst, you didn’t watch your steps and stumbled over a pair of shoes that you’d kicked out of the way earlier. Toshinori’s big, warm hand on your arm steadied you. Your fingers wrapped around his skinny wrist and you breathed out, using your grip on him to pull yourself closer.
 For a guy who looked like a strong wind would blow him over- he was certainly sturdy. He barely moved, despite your tugging.
 “I know,” he said solemnly and his voice was hard in a way that he just couldn’t achieve when he was All Might. “I detest the thought of the hero I try to be, being used as a front for crime. The thought of disappointing those children-”
 He looked away from you then, past your shoulder to the door. You squeezed his wrist, warm skin under your palm making your heart stutter in your chest. 
“So, I couldn’t just sit still and smile for those people down there… I had to do something proactive. Do you understand, kid?” he asked and tilted his head to the side, looking almost imploring. He needed you to understand why he’d pushed on when you told him to stop. Just like he always did.
 You supposed you understood, just a little.
 You nodded, lips twitching.
 “Then…” he said, a sly grin stretching over his face. “Does that mean you’re not angry at my ‘big, dumb, friendly face’?”
 Biting back a laugh, you let go of his wrist and pushed his head to the side playfully. All seven feet of him swayed gently when you did, like bamboo in the wind, as he rolled on the balls of his feet. You must have been a little too close for comfort because you caught the tinge of pink in his cheeks even in the dim light coming from the door.
 “I suppose you are a hard man to stay angry with,” you teased and patted his gaunt cheek affectionately. Standing on your tiptoes, you brought your face closer to his, ignoring your usual carefully observed boundaries. “But don’t think you can get away with pulling me into closets in the future, Toshi. You have to at least take a girl to dinner first.”
 You made sure he saw when your gaze dropped to his lips and you noted his Adam’s apple bob when he swallowed- hard.
 Bringing your gaze back up, you didn’t even have time to wonder where your sudden bravery had come from because your eyes locked with his shockingly blue ones- the same eyes that often invaded your fantasies at night.
 Something heated and electric shocked your system and all of your inhibitions flew out of the window, waving their panties as they went.
 Your head swam, excitement causing a rush of adrenaline.
 “So-sorry! I-I didn’t mean to imply anything!” he almost squeaked, his voice reaching an octave you didn’t think it even could and you smiled up at his red face with a wolfish grin. His body was rigid, like you were about to murder him and it did something funny to your stomach thinking about just how adorably nervous he was from just a little flirting.
 It often confused you.
 Men and women fell at his feet all the time. All he had to do was step outside and he had phone numbers and offers of ‘coffee’ coming out of his ears. Usually, he took it all in his stride. A few winks here and there, oozing confidence and a hearty laugh while giving them a gentle brush off. It was like night and day compared to the man in front of you.
 As of right now, he was rubbing his arm and trying his damnedest to keep his eyes on his feet.
 Now, you were no fool and you certainly weren’t a liar. Especially not to yourself.
 You couldn’t deny that when he was all buff and muscular, he could make your pussy throb with pleasure with just a look. He didn’t even have to be in the same bloody room as you. All you had to do was happen across a picture of him and you could be ready to go in under fifteen seconds- ten on a particularly good day.
 Not that you’d ever tell him that. With his stupid grin and the way he looked like he could snap you in half with his hands. The way he towered over you and the way you just knew that he was packing some serious heat.
 You pulled in a shaky breath, swallowing back the drool that threatened to spill over.
 Thank fuck it was dark in here.
 Yet, with all that being said, there was something about him when he was just his regular, skinny self. All sharp angles and rough edges- with his hair a constant mess no matter what he did to it. Toshinori with his sad smile and electric eyes, shoulders sloped under the weight of the whole fucking world. You wanted to share some of that burden sometimes. Make him smile again, like he should be able to.
 If you wanted to do that by riding him into the ground then so be it. Who were you to question your own methods?
 His hands would still look phenomenal wrapped around your thighs, you decided. He still towered over you and damn, you couldn’t decide which version you liked more sometimes.
Choices, choices. You were practically like a kid in a candy store.
 “Maybe I like it when you imply things,” you said, voice nothing more than a purr. Jesus, where had that come from? Oh well. You were on a roll now. Might as well see where this took you-
 “You don’t have to do that, you know,” he said suddenly, expression stormy and his sad voice like a shock to your system.
 Your brain screeched to a halt, brakes on as you tried and failed to fit his tone into the situation you’d thought was building.
 “Um, do what?” you asked stupidly.
 Toshi’s expression hardened, his eyes not meeting yours any more and trained instead on a loose thread that he was tugging out of his pants. The soft frown turned into a scowl and he looked as though he wanted to simply barge past you and back into the hallway- anything to get out of the situation.
 But guards were still patrolling and you certainly didn’t want to be caught trespassing so it was a no go.
 You hadn’t thought that he would be bothered by your flirtatious banter- and you’d felt braver here in the dim light when it was just the two of you. Had you spooked him that much?
 It wasn’t like you hadn’t flirted with him before. In fact, it was pretty much becoming your favourite past time. Stroking a hand over his muscular arm. Standing way, way too close to him. Touching him in public where you knew he wouldn’t be able to escape and would have to stand there, red faced and blushing like crazy.
 “Pretend,” he murmured sullenly, fidgeting harder as he fought the urge to flee from the situation.
 His expression was almost pained, like this was genuinely hurting him. You, on the other hand, still didn’t have a clue what was going on. What were you pretending about? Your brain, which had been switched to ‘horny’ mode for the last few minutes, tried furiously to gain some traction.
 “Toshi, I don’t understand. Pretend to what? Explain it to me like I’m an idiot.”
 He scratched his forearm roughly, shrinking in on himself as much as a seven foot tall man could. You had a horrible, sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. He took a long, shaky breath. In. Then out. Like he was readying himself for a battle that you didn’t even know was coming.
 “You don’t have to pretend that you- ya know… find me attractive. Like… like this,” he said, his voice trailing off until it was so soft that anyone else might have struggled to hear him. Hell, even you had trouble- with only the sound of your thundering heart in your ears and of the world crashing down around you.
 Your throat went unbelievably dry and you gaped helplessly. How did you even respond to something like that? It took a long moment of uneasy silence before you managed to find your voice again.
 “But Toshi… I flirt with you all the time,” you managed to say, your brow creased. If it was possible, he shrank away even more, like you were shouting and not whispering. He hid his eyes behind his hair, either too cowardly or too embarrassed to meet your gaze and then shrugged, not answering.
 But his body language told you everything you needed to know.
 “You flirt with All Might,” he whispered.
 Oh. Oh!
 Holy fucking shit, you’d never realized it before. Not to be self deprecating but you were one dumb motherfucker. You’d always had so much fun making him blush when he was All Might. Breaking down that hero visage to remind yourself that he was still him under all that bravado. You’d never felt the need to do it when he was smaller.
 When he was Toshinori… everything he did made your idiot heart skip a beat.
 “Toshi… Look, I’m not going to lie to you, okay?” you said and then waited until he looked up before continuing, refusing to have this conversation with the top of his stupid head. “I find you really, really attractive when you’re All Might. I can’t deny it.”
 You gave a dumb, embarrassed laugh because hell, you’d never thought you’d be admitting your attraction somewhere like this.
 That seemed to be what he’d been waiting for, though.
 He openly flinched, head twisting to one side as if you’d punched him. His jaw set, teeth gritted and that sad expression made your stomach twist painfully. Was this what he’d been afraid of the whole time? Why he always searched your expression every time he changed from one form to the other?
 “I can change back, if you like,” he offered, in quite possibly the saddest voice ever. You went pale- practically felt the blood leaving your face. What had this man even been through that he thought no-one would want him the way he was? That they would only want the muscle bound hero that smiled all the time? You could have kicked yourself for feeding the dark part of him that thought like that.
 Did he honestly think that you would only shower him with affection when he changed back? That he was only worth something when he had fucking muscles?
 A cluster of emotions welled up inside you without warning and with a huff, you promptly slapped him upside the head.
 “Ow!” he yelped, forgetting himself and where he was for a moment. “What was that for!?”
 Suddenly, he was the confused one- staring down the barrel of your anger with wide eyes.
 “Because you’re being an idiot, Toshinori!” you hissed softly. “Yeah, I want to fuck you when you’re all big and muscular. Just like every other person on the planet who has eyes.” The use of the words ‘I want to fuck you’ seemed to catch his attention more than the rest of the sentence but you let his blush and tense posture slide because he was only human, after all. “It just so happens that I also want to fuck you when you’re- well.”
You gestured to him from head to toe. 
“You. You moron.”
 Red faced and annoyed, you crossed your arms over your chest and chewed on your bottom lip. How could you possibly make it any clearer to him?
 The silence was thick in the little coat closet, your words still ringing in the air.
 “Um… really? You’re not just saying that?” he asked, his voice still small but with something hopeful tucked away in the back. Your anger softened.
 “You’re more to me than just your body, Toshi” you said after a long moment. “I like you.”
 “But that first time, when I changed- I thought-” he argued, like he was trying to convince you that you didn’t actually find him attractive.
 “That first time, was the only time I’ve ever reacted. And I reacted because I was surprised. You almost gave me a heart attack,” you shook your head, a smile pulling at your lips. “I don’t flirt much with you when you’re like this because I’m not vying for your time like I have to when you’re All Might. It’s just you and me… like this. And I like it that way. I don’t need to make you blush to get your attention,” you shrugged, slinking closer to him.
 He shut his dumb mouth then and while he was still a little skittish, he didn’t take a step back when you invaded his personal space. Instead, he let you snake your way close enough to him so you could lay a hand on his chest- eyes trailing over his sharp features and resting on those big sad eyes.
 “I wasn’t turned on when I was pressed against All Might,” you murmured and he sucked in an uneven breath, his fingers twitching at his sides and his lanky body curving towards yours. Without much thought behind the process of what you were doing, you laced your fingers through his and tugged his hand to your body.
 The first shock of him touching you was electric and you shivered- guiding his hand down, over your breasts and then across your stomach until you met the waistband of your pants. Nuzzling his jaw, you smiled when he returned the gesture and rubbed his cheek across the top of your head. 
His breathing was fast, heavy and you might have worried about him over exerting himself but he seemed fine for now, so you let him enjoy the moment.
You could take a wild guess and say this was the most action he’d had for a while. Not that you were faring any better. Your brain still hadn’t caught up with whatever the fuck your hands were doing.
 Fingers still tangled with his, both of your breaths caught when you slid his palm underneath the denim and then down further- under the elastic of your panties. You let him go on his own then, having given him enough encouragement by now. Besides, you were busy trying not to pass out, lightheaded and giddy as you were.
 He made a strangled noise, twisting his head down so that his forehead was pressed against yours and he could look at your face like you were personally gifting him the crown jewels.
 He murmured your name, questioningly.
 “Touch me?” you replied, trying to keep the desperation out of your voice because the hand that you’d often fantasized about was now cupped over your aching pussy, pressing lightly like he was afraid that he was going too far- even though you’d given him the clearest ‘GO’ sign you possibly could. “Please.”
 “Okay,” he said, voice wracked with arousal and despite the bagginess of his clothes, when you chanced a glance downwards you could see his erection outlined- eagerly way ahead of his brain. “Okay,” he choked out again, nerves making his whole body tremble.
 One long, rough finger, finally slipped between the lips of your pussy and you drew in a sharp breath. Your hands came up to grip his biceps and the sinful groan he let out caused another rush of arousal to seep out of you. He found you soaking and hot and without needing prompted further, he added another finger to rest inside- barely nudging your clit but causing enough friction to make you whine needily.
 “That’s what you do to me. Not your muscles. Not your quirk,” you said, breathless, as his other arm snaked around your back. His fingers splayed wide between your shoulder blades. “Not your fame. Just you.”
 “Fuck,” he moaned pathetically and without warning, he was moving. Your pants were off and your back was against the wall, legs wrapped around his slim hips before you had a moment to draw in breath. He pushed upwards and pressed his middle finger all the way inside you. You almost saw stars, shivering weakly against him and you opened your legs further to give him more space. With the added fact that you’d never heard him swear before, you were practically melting in his arms- your nails biting little crescents into his skin through the material of his suit.
 Your hips bucked, wanting more and so you voiced your desire softly.
 “More Toshi,” you urged, breath coming in pants. He nodded. He pulled his finger out and you felt another teasing your entrance before he pushed back in, stretching wider the second time. Then again. And again. And-
 “Hnng,” you managed.
 You muffled the next pleased sound that escaped you against his neck, then pressed a kiss to the curve that led to his shoulder.
 Honestly, you should have been ashamed at the state you were in with just a few tentative pumps of his fingers but that combined with his proximity and your long time crush was almost too much. His cheeks were still pink, his mouth open as he rocked his palm against you and you found yourself on the brink of an orgasm far too quickly.
 You nuzzled him, your nose brushing against his and his hot breath ghosting over your lips. The noises you were making were obscene, coupled with the soft wet sounds of his fingers sliding inside of you on repeat.
 He sought out your gaze and held it, his hand bunching up your shirt at the back as he slipped it under. The skin on skin contact was divine.
 The heel of his palm pressed upwards, sliding against your clit and you jerked hard in his embrace, inhaling a harsh breath as your fingers tightened their grip on him.
 He stopped all motion immediately and you pulled back from where you’d been laying sloppy, open mouthed kisses on his jaw.
 “Toshi?” you said, blearily, wondering why the pleasure had come to such an abrupt halt.
 “Did I hurt you?” he asked, concern in his voice.
 “What? No!” You shook your head from side to side almost comically. “No, no, no. Keep going,” you urged and he nodded, swallowing thickly. The delicious motions of his hand continued then, rocking back and forward over your swollen clit and dipping his fingers deep inside- hitting places your smaller hands could never dream of reaching.
 “So good,” you purred, nearly delirious with lust. You dipped your hand down and palmed his cock through his pants and he grunted obscenely in your ear, breath scorching. His thighs twitched as you traced the length of him- impressive and hard under your fingers. “I always knew you’d be packing,” you laughed, drunk on the atmosphere in your own personal bubble.
 You felt him smile, felt his shoulders shake lightly and your heart soared.
 There he was.
 “Kiss me?” you asked, all wanton and breathy. Here you were already hitting third base and you hadn’t even kissed him yet. He obliged, albeit tentatively at first. His lips found yours, warm and surprisingly soft. You tangled a hand in his hair, keeping his mouth on yours and rocking your hips lazily in pursuit of your orgasm.
 He bucked helplessly against your hand when you squeezed and when he groaned into your mouth, it gave you the perfect opening to slip your tongue in to meet his.
 You kissed him long and deep, until he hit a sweet spot and you had to pull away to breathe hard. You were so close. So, so close…
 “I’m gonna come,” you said, before cupping his face so you could simply revel in his expression as you did.
 “You are?” he asked, gaze lingering on your well kissed lips as he tried to keep the surprise out of his voice. Oh, you would definitely have to do something about all that self doubt in the near future- but as of right now you just flashed him a wicked smile and clenched your muscles around his fingers.
 All the while, the knot of tension in your stomach balled tighter and tighter.
 “Oh yeah, Toshi,” was the only response you could actually form because he suddenly sped up his movements, rocking his hand back and forth until you were just- right- there.
 The cry of his name was choked in your throat and your legs trembled with the effort of staying around his hips- although he had the foresight to wrap his free hand around one of your thighs to keep you up. Your muscles fluttered frantically around his fingers and through the wild haze of your orgasm you could only anticipate what it would feel like with his cock inside you instead.
 The thought sent another spasm through you and you shook softly, holding onto him for dear life.
 There was a long moment where the only sound in the room was of you trying to get your breathing back to normal.
 Gently, Toshi pulled his hand away- leaving you feeling dreadfully empty, his nose tracing your cheek as you leaned into him. Your hand fisted in the front of his shirt and honestly, all you wanted to do was curl up against him for the next twenty four hours and reassure him that you’d just had the time of your life.
 But, you were still in a closet and he was still hard, so instead, you tugged his hand to your mouth and wrapped your lips around the fingers that had just been inside you.
 Keeping your eyes locked with his, you silently revelled in the sheer embarrassed arousal on his face. You ran your tongue between his fingers, and his eyes grew heavy, lips parted and his breath hitching.
Reaching between you, despite the awkward angle, you found his cock straining eagerly against his outfit. The moment you ran your fingertips along the length of him and stopped at his head, he growled low and long in his chest and buried his face into the curve of your neck. 
The fingers of his free hand dug into your ass as he held you aloft- backing away a little to give you more room while you refused to release his other hand from your mouth.
You sighed around his fingers, already imagining that they were his cock instead and he must have been imagining it too- either that or he was far more pent up than he’d ever let you know. You only had to suck softly and palm his cock a few more times before he was shuddering against you, panting and groaning as he came.
 You finally let him go with a wet pop, letting him shake and spasm in your arms while you laid soft, unassuming kisses to the side of his head and muttered sweet things in his ear. His breath was hot against your neck as he slowly regained his senses- to a certain extent anyway. 
Not enough to break away from you just yet.
 “Sorry,” he managed, his voice hoarse. You shook your head, thumb tracing circles in the baggy fabric that separated you.
 “For what?”
 “Made a mess,” he said, giving a breathy, shy laugh that was music to your ears. You pressed a kiss to his palm, then brought his hand to rest over your cheek. You leaned into the warmth of it, enjoying the sweet way he was staring at you It was a far cry from the terrified expression he’d worn earlier.
 “Next time you can come inside me. Then you won’t have to worry about the dry cleaning.”
 He almost collapsed against you, trembling as he hid his blush against your neck.
 “You have to stop saying things like that kid. This old man might just keel over if you do.”
 There was nothing but warm affection in his voice when he said that and for once, you realized he wasn’t being hard on himself. Just playful. With you of all people. Granted, you had just made him come in his pants after he’d given you a spectacular hand job. 
You’d expect a little of his confidence to return in the afterglow- even if you knew you still had a long way to go before he was back to himself.
 “Hmm, you’d better not. I expect at least a thousand more orgasms like that before you get a break,” you said, resting your arms around his neck to play with his hair. Almost as though he was testing your boundaries (ha, they were long gone) he tentatively nuzzled and nipped a few light kisses along your jaw, his hands settling on your waist. It was nice, being this close to him without him stammering and making excuses to bolt.
 “Only a thousand?”
 “My bad. A million?”
 He was just about to steal another kiss from you when-
 “Are you two quite finished in there?”
 Like deer caught in headlights, both of your heads swivelled around towards the door- wide eyed and suddenly flushed with acute embarrassment as the realization dawned on you.
 Was that-?
 “I have to let the police up here eventually and I doubt either of you would enjoy being caught in a closet doing… whatever it is you’ve been doing. I could hazard a guess if you like, though,” Aizawa’s dry voice drifted through the slats in the door. “I could hear you both down the hall.”
 Before you could stop yourself, nervous giggles erupted from your throat.
 You muffled them in Toshi’s neck while he gaped stupidly in the direction of the door, and swiftly forgot what words were and how to use them. It took him a moment to find his voice again.
 “Shit,” he finally muttered but he made no move to release your legs from his waist- frozen to the spot and possibly about to die from all the blood rushing to his face.
 You got your shit together fairly quickly though.
 “Give us a moment, please Eraserhead,” you called out, still grinning like an idiot despite being caught doing something so out of character. For both of you. “Tell them it’s still dangerous up here or something.”
 “Shall I say there’s a banshee?”
“Just do it, you jerk,” you grumbled and you heard Aizawa grunt something in agreement before his footsteps faded down the hallway. Had you really both been that loud? Just how long had Shouta been standing guard exactly? You’d almost call him sweet if you weren’t so mortified. You could only guess how Toshinori felt.
 “Hey, lover boy. Come back to me,” you patted his cheek and brought his attention back you swiftly. His eyes found yours and you practically melted, forgetting what you were going to say and tugging him in for another kiss.
 He murmured your name against your lips after a few seconds, breathless and warm.
 “How can you be so calm?” he asked, cupping your cheek and looking at you in confusion.
 “I’m still on an orgasm high, I guess,” you answered honestly. It would hit you properly later you were sure, but right now Toshi was still achingly close between your legs and you were still giddy from coming so you could hardly feel much of anything other than satisfaction.
 “Oh,” he laughed shyly, finally lowering you back to your feet at long last. Your legs felt like jelly and you held onto him for support.
 You felt his eyes on you the entire time you were shakily pulling on your underwear and then your pants and you might have felt a little bit of a confidence boost at the hushed noise of loss he made when you were fully covered up again. You couldn’t resist the sudden urge to slide yourself against him- sighing contentedly when his arms came up to wrap around you.
 “Want me to stand in front of you until we can leave?” you asked, amused, kissing his Adam’s apple and he swore again, seemingly only just remembering that he’d come in his pants like a teenager.
 “I don’t think it’s too bad… I think my underwear got the worst of it.”
 You cocked your head to the side, finally looking up from where you’d been finding new places to kiss on his neck.
 “You wear underwear with your hero outfit?”
 “You�� don’t?” he asked, clearly confused.
 Waggling your eyebrows at him, you flashed him a sinfully cheeky grin.
 “That’s something for you to think about the next time you see me in it, isn’t it?”
 He groaned loudly, tugging you closer and laying a kiss to the top of your head. The affection wasn’t at all unwelcome. How long had you been wanting this exactly? It felt like forever. You revelled in the sudden change in him, despite still being his skinny self. His shoulders weren’t as sloped now and his expression was almost playful.
 You couldn’t wait to see what he would look like when you got him into a bed- could barely focus on anything other than the thought of stripping him bare and riding him long and slow until he knew, for sure, that you wanted him just the way he was.
 You opened your mouth to tell him as much.
 “If you two don’t come out of there now, I’m coming in.”
 That was Aizawa’s teacher voice and you both sprang apart, muttering apologies through the wood. With a cough, you were suddenly half propelled out of the opening door by hard muscle- All Might behind you now instead of Toshinori- and came face to face with Aizawa.
 “Eraserhead,” you said meekly, your bravado suddenly wilting under his unamused stare. All Might ducked under the door frame behind you, his face beet red and looking everywhere but at the irritated pro hero. It was almost comical but you swallowed the nervous laugh that threatened to bubble up.
 As subtly as you could, you shifted in front of him- just in case his underwear hadn’t been as effective as he was hoping.
 “How… um, how much did you he-”
 “Everything from ‘Ow, what was that for’,” he answered before you could finish. Ah yes, when you’d slapped the back of Toshi’s head and he’d forgotten himself. Your eye twitched and All Might made a choked noise that sounded like he’d started to think of something to say . You opened your mouth to speak, but Aizawa brought a hand up and cut you off abruptly. “It might be none of my business but, how long has this been going on?”
 You cocked your head to the side. Not the question you’d been expecting admittedly but…
 “Just ah, it’s just been the closet. So far,” you tacked on quickly when you felt All Might tense slightly. He relaxed though, his fingers brushing yours behind your back. You could practically feel his eyes on you, curious and warm. You resisted the urge to grin like an idiot and wink at him.
 Aizawa grunted out a noise of... approval?
 “Good. Just making sure. Go home, both of you. We’re basically wrapped up for the night.”
 With that, he nodded and turned on his heels to walk away- leaving you both to stare after him. You only found your voice when he reached to top of the stairs and before he could disappear out of sight, you managed, “Wait! You’re not mad that we got distracted?”
 Aizawa paused, an unsettling and unfamiliar grin spreading across his face.
 “Hizashi owes me a rather large sum of money, thanks to you. What’s there to be mad at?” he said, in an oddly upbeat voice. He continued on his journey, disappearing from view as you gaped at his back.  But he had one more thing to throw back over his shoulder. “Oh and you might want to wrap a towel around your waist if you’re going to use the front door, All Might. There are eagle eyed reporters everywhere.”
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energonalucard · 5 years
A FEM Team of my Own Design (RED Edition)
Usually, I don't like doing this kinda stuff. One: I don't usually share my ideas and I am very nervous. Second: FEM characters are one thing, BUT A WHOLE (TWO) TEAM makes me sweat. The good sweat, but also a nervous sweat. Because I am now sharing a personal part of my brain and my love for woman. Beautiful. Lovely. Yes. 
@medics-secret-shipfic-folder, this is one half of those FEM's I talked about! 
Is this more OC team's then canon gender swap? Yeah, and that's because I don't think that's my endgame here, I didn't make these for a gender bend AU, I made them out of love and from a community of great idea makers. I'd rather make OC's then be another generic half-hearted bending AU maker. <3 <3
Also, this really is just a dumb fact thing as I don't want to give away plot stuff. Fun facts and getting to know them a bit. 
(Yes, I said PLOT) 
-- RED Team: 
𝗦𝗰𝗼𝘂𝘁: The default FEM Scout you see around. Pony-tail, blonde like normal Scout, Bostonian. Has a bit of dimples but I swear, she'll punch you if you call her cute. 
She/Her. Straight, but an Ally. Or so she says. Nobody believes her.
But something you won't know is how many sisters she has! The answer is four. Four sisters and a single dad back in Boston. While lower on the sibling count then most Scout's she is far more likely to NOT talk your ear off in a large group... but will corner you and chat you a blue streak if your like Sniper or Spy and seclude yourself. Since she has less family to push her to run, she's a slower Scout but she can run ALL day pal. Even Medic needs a break but she keeps going, going, going...
Will beat you with heels/pumps (Spy will have loaned them) if you even offer the idea of her wearing them. Sneakers, pal, are Gods gift to feet.
Right handed, and uses left only to throw a ball or clever. Only. ONLY. 
Once drank Mad Milk. No one saw them for three days. Medic had her strapped to a table. She apparently was found in town on a rooftop at 6 AM after vomiting loud enough for neighbors to notice. She got better, but has amnesia from the incident.
Favorite weapon of all time is the Holy Mackerel, because its freaking hilarious and Spy's are disgusted by it. Also reminds her of her dad only being able to cook fish and roast back home in Boston.
𝗦𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗶𝗲𝗿: Looks like the canonical Soldier, but her hair is similar to the Battle Bob (https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Battle_Bob) but with no bangs and it barely peaking from her helmet. Blonde, American, and named John Doe respectively. 
She/Her. Bi(romantic/sexual). 
Has a thing for tank tops and will wear them around base when not on duty, because she's a very sweaty person and her clothes suffer (and who ever does laundry as well). This was a compromise. Trust the RED Team on that one (Medic approved).
Helmet 100% of the time though.
Bra comes off = be ready for a fight maggot.
Has more lower body strength, absolutely loves the Manntreads. But don't underestimate her running Original. See her on Battalion? She most likely has Rage ready when she pops out of nowhere.
Has no idea why people tell her walking around naked is weird/distracting/rude or whatnot. She's covered up! In jam (Pyro mourns their jam and preservatives cupboard)!
𝗣𝘆𝗿𝗼: Looks... exactly how a Pyro should. Like a balloon bodied Pyro. Yeah, nothing strange here other then their SASS. Dear heavens.
They/Them. Non-binary.
You've only seen these Pyro's around three or four bases in your entire LIFETIME. This walking bag of fire does not have time for ANY bullshit. Loves doing the windup middle finger when someone does something stupid/rude. Isn't really all that serious as they are made out to be but you get it.
Still loves Balloonicorn and cooking even though they act like any other merc. Has a tea set with crudely melted crayons on its outside.
Wanna get BACK here? BACK into THEIR base? Turn around and head BACK son. Backburner and Thruster Pack predator, all day unless the team suffers.
Covers up Soldier in a towel if she's naked. Sows up Demo's pants if she splits them. Engie loves them when they swing by with anything cinnamon realated. Second most likely to do everyone's laundry.
Arsonist Guardian of the Year Award. 
𝗘𝗻𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗿: Just like Scout, the typical Femgineer model but this time, she's more chubby then her skinny model on Gamebanana. Her overalls like default Engineer helps her self esteem though. Brunette, Texan, and still a shortie. 
She/Her. Bi(romantic/sexual), but leans more towards men.
Ever seen a small volcano of 5'4'' and puffy red cheecks? You've met it, you've angered it. But you ain't staying conscious for long. Not with her weilding a Southern Hospitality just for this occasion.
Has made many comments about making traps and watching unfortunate folk "disappear" from her daddy's old farm. Nobody questions why the cameras in the building have tiny barrels attached to them and a laser sight. 
Has mentioned a husband or at least a male partner once to Sniper. Never elaborated. Never showed a ring or even a smile when talking about him.
Cinnamon and jam enthusiast along with Pyro, and the most flustered when Soldier is covered in it. 
Hair bun is a must unless she ties it flat with pins. Short hair because she don't wanna catch fire. Smells like burnt metal and a dulled oil smell nobody can rinse out of her clothes. Her hardhat is permanently on her head, googles are a go too. Welding smock and overalls in and out of battle.
𝗛𝗲𝗮𝘃𝘆: Like before, like Gamebanana FEM Heavy. Brunette (like two of her sisters), Russian, and actually has scars all across her chest if you can see her shirt peak off-hours.
She/Her. Lesbian (romantically involved with RED Medic). 
You probably think Medic is the one most likely to do laundry since I said Pyro was second right? (I'm not that predictable ;>) Nope, its Heavy. Heavy doesn't like machine washers unless she has to deal with jeans or other thicker fabrics she knows won't dry in under 12 hours correctly (because they fight EVERY day). She washed unmentionables too, and does not make it weird. Until Sniper literally has to answer about why all her underwear is stained yellow, Sniper she just wants you to have nice clean clothes--
You ask Pyro for dinner if you miss a meal or have a diet going on. If Heavy catches anyone not eating, they eat double. Diets? Heavy always grew up with the mentality you ate what you could get, but Heavy is not heartless. Since food types are abundant, she is careful about diets. But she'll still make you eat it double. 
Her girlfriend doesn't eat pork products, so she understands. (Slightly)
Natasha may be her right hand gun but her doctor will always have her heart and soul. Still bought a better bed for Natasha though, but don't tell doctor. 
Once beat a male Scout cause he called her ally Engineer a fatty. Has had to fend off two Scout's from her team's Spy ("Heavy, they had information I needed." / "Intelligence? Bah."). Actually stepped on a drunk Demo's crotch on accident, but did apologise. 
Loves her girlfriends muscles way more then her curves, she has no idea why. But she can appreciation a nice bottom when she sees it. 
Two little sisters, an older brother who's tettering around step-brother, and a mother who's nearly paralyzed from the waist down. But that woman was her light, she did things not many woman do anymore and for that wisdom and learning, Heavy is grateful. Mother also instilled a fear of swatters with a shoe tied to it. Creative, but scary.
𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗺𝗮𝗻: Actually looks like The Demowoman made based on Drew Wolf's own design, but I think a bit more fuller in the cheeks and chin (more square). Scottish, eyes sharp as a sass lass, and a thick as hell skull.
She/Her. Pan(romantic/sexual).
Once cried in a pile of bras while drunk. Not her own. That's how everyone learned about Spy being... more on that later.
Has a father and mother, but both are leaning so far towards insanity she gave up listening a long time ago. Still doesn't back talk them though, she just pacifies them by dividing her money and saying she has many jobs.
Gains weight like crazy, and its not all the alcohols fault. Food is just very heavy in America and since the team is 1/3 American she feels enlarged everytime a meal based around or for the Americans is brought out. And dear god Heavy, bear goes straight to her muffin top. Spy notices her uncomfortable nature when eating and generally tries to swap out their plates (Spy fussing at the chief before dinner saying she needs X on her plate and not Y, just so Demo can keep her ideal self). (Don't tell Demo, she's too drunk to notice it)
Actually will hug Soldier when naked and be like, "Nothing weird about it". Has actually kissed Spy's hand like you'd do royalty as a joke. Has actually spun Medic around in a circle in a bear hug before. 
She's all for makeup, but really, all she can manage normally and steadily is lipstick. At least she can wipe it away if she wants (can't wipe away the pain of stabbing your only good eye with a mascara brush). 
Nobody touches her hair, never. But she likes doing other's hair. She isn't all that good with cutting or styling or maintaining hair, but playing with hair or just running her hands through it is amazing. The body hair on her legs is shaven and so are her underarms, but her arms and "moustache" that Scout notices are well grown out.
Quickiebomb Launcher Quickiebomb Launcher Quickiebomb Launcher Quickiebomb Launcher Quickiebomb Laun--
Hair always under a beany, nobody sees her hair until much later. She had it all in one wide french braid. Wait, doesn't she normally fail at braids? How did she get that? 
𝗠𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰: (Okay, this is where similarities in the FEM models stops. To me, I don't really like the FEM Medic model as much as I should for OC's so I'll explain Medic as best I can.) Just like any male Medic counterpart and she has a square-ish chin, with curves almost as boxy as some of her cosmetics. But its a good boxy, she's wide with muscle and shoulders to carry injured teammates. Black hair, German, and the creepiest white teeth you've ever seen.
She/Her. Lesbian (romantically involve with the Heavy). Gay Energy™.
Thicc thighs saves lives. Like, no joke. She is mostly muscles in her legs and torso so everyone assumed she was good at running. Even Scout. Once lifted Demo with ease in her arms and gave Pyro a piggyback ride all at once. It did strain her back and she was slower, but she was fine after dropping Demo in a safer spot to sleep.
Her posture is shit, but she does form corrections regularly, and uses a pillow to cheat the system if she's grumpy enough.
Her teeth. God, her teeth anywhere in blue lighting make weaker mercs a bit dizzy. You've never seen teeth have a blue-green tint like hers, it feels like watching a horror movie permanently set in a blue shaded tint.
Does not eat pork products, and won't elaborate. Will eat beef, but not pork. Maybe she just hates it? Maybe. A diet? Even Heavy shrugs it off now when it happens.
Medic gives the thumbs up for Soldier walking around in tanktops. Naked Soldier is also a thumbs up. All those bras Demo collected once had Medic sorting through them happily. Actually figured out Spy's real cup size. 
Medic has banned Sniper's ace bandage bras. Not in this house, not under her roof. She fits Sniper for personally made bras, Spy bought and tailored. 
Loyal girlfriend. But gayer. Heavy is fine with it, and actually partakes in showing everyone love sometimes too. Since Demo is also affectionate, it can't be too bad.
Push-up queen, but will drop in the dirt in exhaustion afterwards. She only beats Soldier by a few points and mostly runs on spite. 
Has actually stollen all her team's uterus'. What?! She gave them all back later! Just... someone else needed them first. And in a Female vs Female war zone her teammates weren't planning on using them. But they are back now! Well... not all.
Has actually tried to make a Spyper out of an old male Spy and Sniper she used to fight. Both just despawned and targeted her the next day. Sadly. 
BLU Demo's line about shagging Medic's husband always makes her go into a laughing fit. 
Has a ring ready for Heavy, because Heavy is best wife material and loves her dearly.
𝗦𝗻𝗶𝗽𝗲𝗿: (Changed a bit too.) Taller then her Gamebanana model, and god is her face longer and more like regular Sniper. You've heard of laugh lines but the Sniper has frown lines, and the dip in her cheeks has wrinkles from the sun. She has a unibrow growing almost as fast as you can wax it, she leaves it be. So much arm hair. Brunette, Australian (New Zealand), and her hands are big for her size.
She/Her. Bi(romantic), Asexual. 
Never shaves. Never.
She has a mom, a dad, and a big brother. Her brother snipe's as well for RED Team and they have secret mail chains going between them (not so secret, Administrator knows). Her parents don't know she's Bi and after what they said to her brother about him being Trans, she never wanted to figure out. 
Her brother is actually fully transitioned with the help of a Medic who seemed pro-Trans. Of course the doctor waved that off but he had been careful about the procedure enough that they could tell he was a good doctor about all this.
Her brother is the reason she wears ace bandages for bras. So he wouldn't feel bad. She just never STOPPED wearing them after that, and she always reasoned it was because of her broken family and wanting to hold on a little longer. A "little longer" was nearly nineteen years of wearing it to help her brother mentally. Until Medic banned it. Then, she had tailored bras that were strapless but wouldn't fall down. Sometimes goes without the bra onto the battlefield and will tie her shirt off as a makeshift support. She doesn't feel she betrayed him, just... cloth is real itchy sometimes.
Jarate. Isn't... entirely enthusiastic about hygiene outside of basic shower stuff, brushing her teeth, and trimming her nails. Her underwear is clean but since jarate is... yeah, it stains her clothes. Jarate is a lot harder for females to make with how pants work.
Yes, has mooned the enemy Spy before. Not on purpose. Many times. Yes, her pride is shattered every time it happens.
Had long hair upon arrival to this war. She refused to cut it even as her team warned her about what long hair can cause. She changed her mind after the male enemy Spy yanked her around by it and smashed her head in a windowsill. She had her ally Spy cut it after she could stomach letting it be tugged, even for a cut. Spy was gentle, and asked her questions on what she prefers: suits or dresses. 
Suits mate.
(And that BLU Spy was never seen again on the battlefield after a week.)
𝗦𝗽𝘆: (Different from the model ENTIRELY, I really do not like the Spy FEM model at all. But I have grown more warm towards it lately, probably from my BLU team ideas *wink* *wink*) Wears a suit like all other Spy's, and a balaclava as well. Her shoes are as Italian as they come and could take out a man's eye they are so sharp. Blue eyes, sharp chin and nose, and she is NOT a mother.
She/Her. Pan(romantic/sexual)/Polygamous.
Is not the mother to any children at all. She does not need nor want any. Still gets all the men thought. And ladies. 
She actually does not have a uterus at all, she caught wind the doctor had taken something out of her (what Medic doesn't) and didn't want it back. Turns out, she really does not care for the missing body part. Oh well, a Spy's lose is a Medic's fortune.
Has her breasts restricted a bit by a special SpyTech bra that distributes muscle instead of pressing it all against her lungs. She looks like a D cup for her bust size. Is a E cup naturally. Medic drools when she sees the tag on the bra for the first time. Sometimes wears buisness casual around base, without her SpyTech bra and using a normal one for comfort. Attracts Demo and Soldier like flies when she does. 
Cuts and manages everyone's hair. Sniper was her first job, and that was easy. Next was Medic coming in it get a half fade. Next was Soldier to keep her hair barely peaking from the helmet. Demoman was the hardest to convince and she can only touch her hair if she "uses those leather fancy gloves" she always wears at all times while braiding Demo's hair.
That BLU Spy from before? Gutted multiple times over the course of games throughout a week. His score suffered and he was moved to a team of lesser skill. A temporary "fix" to the problem. She still wants to gut him but can't do it outside of work hours as he's employeed to BLU (costing her a contract). But did find him in a seedy city with the mother of his child, and casually reminded him of his deeds out of spite while in disguise. He apologized, but she refused to take it. She wasn't the victim. They parted ways after that and promised to never see each other again. 
Will actually hit Scout on the head. Hand open, palm ready. Right in the back of her head. Stupid American loudmouth...
Likes the Dead Ringer with the stock revolver a lot, and likes being active. Really good at acting like Pyro, its kinda scary. It's probably the sassy movements they mastered.
Third least shameful having no top on. Proven.
Has secret meetings with BLU Spy outside both base ranges. For some reason, even though the ritual of enemy teams Spy's meeting and exchanging whatever they have for whatever they need is long over they both still come out here. Probably to get away from the base and at least smoke in peace, or at least she hopes so.
-- BLU Team... (soon)
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logicalstansadvice · 3 years
Sent similar ask elsewhere but wanted to address this here too. AO gets accused of photoshop a lot. Not saying she hasn’t/doesn’t (seen a giveaway bent line in 1 pic) but I know there’s many who get accused of it bc clothes, angles, lighting, time of month, diet/exercise, bloating etc change SO much. Any “good” pic is deemed fake instantly. eg saying her latest pic is fake bc in a recent photoshoot she looks big wearing a certain dress which is unflattering around her middle but in the same 1/3
2/3 exact video footage wearing a crop top which shows her waist is slim. Not saying A doesn’t enhance pics but goes to show how clothes, poses can change a lot. You might’ve just woken up, empty stomach. Also seen vids of A skinny but ppl still accuse her faking pics from that era. I think it’s wrong to jump to the conclusion every time she looks “too good” Might be wrong ofc A might be photoshop queen who doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt I’m willing to give, but I’m sure there’s some
3/3 one out there that this helps bc they get accused of it when it’s just their real body-which can change. Don’t let what ppl think good/bad get you down no matter what body size/shape you are. Ofc I’m sorry to those who get negatively affected by the false ideals perpetuated by a lot of ppl & I’m sure AO has contributed to this. I just feel it’s a default accusation at this point with biased evidence used eg the photoshoot footage.
We're posting because as you said, it could help someone: Don’t let what ppl think good/bad get you down no matter what body size/shape you are.
We agree, people are more than their dress/pant size. Women's bodies are especially susceptible to change due to hormonal fluctuations. All this scrutinizing is unnecessary and inappropriate, regardless if who the woman is. (We really don't care about Ale.)
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geirutoneido · 7 years
“skinny” is generally seen as the “default” body type in art, with many, especially professional artists, never drawing or including any other body types beyond the same shade of skinny. while there are obvious problems with that (you know, the casual fatphobia), a lot of artists also dont know how to draw a realistic skinny body, learning only from the skewed and disproportional examples in popular media and by other artists! so heres a little ref.
the actual definition of skinny varies a little, because what one person considers skinny another person already considers fat. i’m “severely underweight” at 10kg below recommended mbi, and mbi charts are already pretty fatphobic in themselves lol. ill mostly be talking about drawing stomaches and torsos at my approximate size.
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a problem i see a lot in art depicting skinny people is that they all have an hourglass figure. its not impossible! people with hourglass figures exist. but if you are drawing a below-average person, with visible ribs and flat stomach and all that, chances are they dont have enough fat to have an hourglass figure. why? because an hourglass figure is formed by visibly thicker hips, not a decrease in waist. if a person is skinny and has little fat distribution at all, they will likely not have much fat on their hips or breasts either.
the shape of the torso is defined by the rib cage, and cannot be smaller than that is. as you can see in the skeleton behind me, a rib cage is an egg shape cut off at the bottom (and curved in at the back). it does not go inwards at the bottom. a little below it is the hip bone, and an indent in the waist can only form between those two bone structures. i have one! but its not very pronounced because my skin is almost directly against my bones, and like most people, i have internal organs filling up my waist as well.
an indent far beyond this is anatomically impossible unless a person is on the verge of dying and literally all bones (and even then, limits), or wearing a corset, which squeezes the rib cage inwards and pushes half a persons organs up into their rib cage, which is not recommended!
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another thing i see a lot of people struggling with is skinny stomaches. no stomach is flat! theyre all wobbly and bobbly because they have organs inside of them, or if they’re more toned, there’s these chunky stomach muscles. this is in part the pants im wearing here (if i pull up my boxers, there’s less of a dent, but my stomach still curves out), but even without, an untrained skinny person will have a bit of soft pudge because of the weight and shape of their organs. when a skinny person has a meal, it will stick out even more because their stomach increases in size and at this absence of fat, its a very visible increase.
also, as you can see, the more the stomach gets squashed (ie by sitting down), the more it bulges out, and the more the belly button gets squashed horizontally, too. most belly buttons are round indents in the body, and they will not typically be vertical because they don’t get squished that way. vertical belly buttons is an artist shortcut many people draw when drawing flat stomaches because of  the line between the muscles a very toned stomach will have, but they are not Actually vertical.
skinny people also typically dont have many soft shapes, and are full of dents, angles and corners, because of the way their bones are visible under their skin, especially at the wrists, ankles, shoulders, elbows and knees. in the bottom left corner, my ribcage is pushing on my stomach, creating a visible dent because its not covered by any fat. skinny people are not smooth because they are skeletons with skin and skeletons are not smooth (see: first picture)
skinny people also will have folds depending on how they sit or lie, because skin is elastic and will fold even without fat rolls. skinny people who were once bigger and have lost weight will typically have more loose skin and therefore more folds, as well as typically saggy boobs, because they lost some volume. (for reference, i am not one of those people, ive been underweight all my life)
this is by no means an exhaustive list of things to keep in mind when drawing skinny people - i havent even gotten into how many skinny people dont have thigh gaps, how theres a lot of variety in body shapes even in skinny people because of different skeleton shapes and different fat distributions, etc - but i hope you learned some things! the “ideal” body type often depicted in art and media is not usually very realistic, and i encourage drawing more from life and trying to steer your art away from drawing all the same bodies and all the “ideal” body type. good luck!
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mukhannath · 7 years
Tim Gunn is pretty cool, fam. Nothing he said in regards to transgender models was incorrect or mean! If you're MtF your hips are smaller and you dont have the right bone structure, those are just facts! Anatomically correct statements. It is not transmisogynistic to point out biology. It makes me angry that you are saying it is. What, are you gonna bully nature into giving transwomen different bone structure? & he was very supportive and kind to trans people in general, and you're defaming him.
there’s so much wrong with this ask lol
he doesn’t say “smaller hips” he says “You still have the anatomical bone structure of a man” and “So, to be looking at women's fashion on a tall, skinny guy with no hips” and idk how to get it through his thick skull that youre not looking at men wearing womens fashion because trans women are literally women. to treat cis women as the default for fashion is honestly just, incorrect. I think that a diversity of body types is necessary in fashion but as a result not everyones gonna be able to “project yourself into those clothes” but goddamn i dont think most people can do that when every model is already toothbrush skinny. part of body diversity means including trans women. 
also, there’s this concerning trend ive seen where fashion people like Gunn say trans women shouldn’t be in fashion because they represent some kind of unnatainable ideal; first of all we all know theyre just imagining skinny white trans women like andreja pejic and second of all please name 1 time in which trans women have been treated as an aesthetic ideal? I’m not a trans woman but im amab nonbinary so im affected by transmisogyny and goddamn i know that society is a BITCH to all of us but especially trans women and especially trans women who aren’t white/dont fit in the ideal ‘model’ countenance. 
also like transwomen (no space) and mtf are not great terms to use fyi theyre kinda outdated 
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ernflrs · 6 years
Rules of Survival: Limitations
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Picture from game (screenshot)    
          I haven’t played any video games at all, not until recently this year. I tried playing Rules of Survival or also known as ROS because all my friends couldn’t stop playing it. It was a popular game that everyone talked and posted about online. I learned about it from watching my friends play it in school and also from the many post with screenshots of their game ranking on Facebook and Twitter. I watched how they’d strategically hide and kill as much as they can to stay alive in the game. To win the game it was a matter of who was the last man standing.
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Pictures from game (screenshot)     
         Out of curiosity I eventually downloaded it on my phone and tried it out. It presented me with the start up part of the game where I chose my location and the female character. I proceeded to feel my way through the game since I did not read the instructions and only know I need to kill others. The game started with an airplane where I had to parachute to the war zone at which I just randomly pressed drop. The drop presented me with a view of the whole zone. It was filled with old abandoned houses, empty roads with vehicles lying around. Once I hit the ground, I immediately entered one of the houses and found guns and ammo and suited up. I then crawled all the way out of the house to one of the cars. I drove and started looking for people to shoot. I forgot to check the map and realized that I was driving towards the war zone and out of the safe zone so I turned back. I suddenly saw someone running up a hill so I got off the vehicle and shot him. Sadly, while I was shooting him another player shot me from behind. I ended my game early with only a ranking of 70 out of 120. I played again and changed my tactic by simply camping inside the houses and crawling to the safe zone. I had so much fun playing it with finding guns and hiding randomly. I realized how tense and scared I am when playing this game since I am so afraid of dying early. 
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    Pictures from game (screenshot)     
         I played again for the nth time but this time it was to observe the world of the game and the characters in it. The overall point of the game is to survive by being the last man standing in the playing ground. This is why all elements of the game add to being able to survive better. The environment of the game is literally just old abandon houses, fields and vehicles scattered. All things found in the game is to help the player survive to kill the others. There is no other interaction with other players except when killing others or playing as a team. The game used the avatar as an independent status where the character was used as a tool to survive and kill. The identity-play was also a big factor seen since the player had the option of freely choosing what gender of character to pick from. This denied the usual “body-based identity” and may practice or open new sexualities. It also presented anonymity where players can hide behind usernames while playing. It may be seen as a outlet of self expression with identity and other desires. The game was completely removed the class issue and put all characters equal in the arena. But the racial and gender offline baggage was evidently brought online.
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    Pictures from game (screenshot)    
          During the game, I noticed how all characters had the same built and were all white. From the beginning the default characters to choose from were both white. It was either a white curvy female with big boobs or a white buff male. There is an option to change the clothes, hairstyle and face by buying it through money earned from playing. Yet, the options of faces to choose from are limited to certain white faces with chink-y eyes (that almost look exactly the same too) there is no option of changing the characters built, skin color etc.  The standard built of all the female characters was skinny with small waist and big boobs while for the male it was the tall and muscular with broad shoulders and biceps. The limited built and skin color in the characters raises questions as to how open the game is.
Here are the options to change the characters face. The limited face options are seen below as well as the standard built.
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    Pictures from game (screenshot)   
        There’s a standards unified set of looks where the characters were only limited to being white. It showed no open window to cast darker skin tones or features to represent the other races. It also reinforced the stereotypes concerning the male and female body. Virtual drag and hyper gendering was seen with how stereotypical the bodies were with the genders. The reason for these may rely with the producer of the game.
          The game Rules of Survival was developed by NetEase Game. The description of NetEase Inc. online is:
 “NetEase, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTES) is a leading internet technology company in China. Dedicated to providing online services centered around content, community, communication and commerce, NetEase develops and operates some of China's most popular PC-client and mobile games, advertising services, e-mail services and e-commerce platforms. In partnership with Blizzard Entertainment, Mojang AB (a Microsoft subsidiary) and other global game developers, NetEase also operates some of the most popular international online games in China.”
          From the quote above the most important to note is that it is based in China. This may be one of the reasons why all characters are white and chink-y eyed. It mirrors the producers’ culture and interest. The characters may be seen as Chinese if anything. This also explains why they first released ROS in China. With this in mind, more connections from china and the game can be seen. The producers may have projected their “ideal” Chinese community into the game where everyone is aggressive in killing and all white Chinese looking. The quote also mentioned how it is “dedicated to providing services centered around content, community, communication and commerce” which says that they ultimately prioritize the content and community of the world. Yet this is not shown in the Rules of Survival game. They did not take into consideration the message of their game which showed only white Chinese characters. There was no diversity of races in the game.
          It lastly mentioned how NetEase operates the most popular international games. This shows how influential they are in creating these games for all around the world. This game shows their cultural imperialism by only portraying white characters. Their power over creating many games with certain racism and stereotypes adds to the real life issues. It is here where critical theory is seen. These producers hold the power to choose what to put in these games and how to portray the characters. They control what information is put out there with the games which puts discourse on these real life problems in society. The NetEase inc. produces more than just games with the underlying messages. They may have not done this intentionally but it sure shows how they did not think about the game critically.   
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