tequiladimples · 5 years
10 Things I Hate About You!AU. Eva enrolls at Hartvig Nissens VGS in Oslo and falls headfirst for the popular and pretty Vilde Lien. Vilde, however, is not allowed to date until Isak—her sarcastic, misantropic introvert of a step brother—does.
Together with her new group of friends, Eva comes up with a plan to set Isak up with the school's rumor-ridden bad boy Even Bech Næsheim so she can take her crush out.
Featuring stargazing, parties, and endless pining.
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brionbroadway · 6 years
“Are you ready for your present?”
Isak quirks his eyebrows at Even, confused. There was breakfast in bed, naturally, another video, obviously--but it’s Even, so of course, of course, “There’s more?”
Even gasps, mock-offended. “Who do you think I am, Isak?” He opens a kitchen drawer and pulls a large container out, full of colourful sticky notes.
“I could’ve found that,” Isak says as Even hands him the container.
“Well, with all the time you spend cooking, that was a real concern of mine.”
Isak rolls his eyes as he takes the lid off the container, pulling out the first note. 
Isak, today you suggested we invite Yousef over while Sana and Elias are away, thoughtful and considerate.
Isak, today you researched affirming churches so you could go with your mom, standing up for yourself while supporting her.
Isak, today you laughed at Magnus’s jokes, incredibly generous. 
Isak, today you sat beside me. Maybe that doesn’t seem like much, but it is everything.
Isak digs around in the container: it feels like the notes are never-ending. “What is this?” he asks.
“Every day, I wrote down a reason I loved you. Actually, some days it was two notes, or three--but you can’t blame me for getting carried away when you’re you, you know?”
Isak doesn’t, not really, but Even’s helping him understand who he really is.
He just can’t wait to give Even his own container on his birthday.
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luffysfakebeard · 6 years
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nicolinocolino · 6 years
You see, last week, when Even donated a box of clothes to the second-hand shop down the street from his flat, he didn’t think much of it. It was just a few t-shirts that didn’t fit him anymore—either too big in the shoulders or shrunken from too many washes so that every time he reached up he was basically in a crop top. And a jacket, maybe, too, and some athletic shorts and possibly some nicer things that he just flat out didn’t wear anymore—forgotten flannels crumpled up in the corner of his closet or jeans he’d grown out of. Nothing he’d miss.
It had become kind of a tradition, one that he’d carried with him since he moved in with Mutta and Yousef after graduating from Bakka two years ago to start uni. His family would always begin the year, after Christmas (and after exchanging gifts), with that old saying: out with the old, in with the new. A reverse spring cleaning, if you will.
His mom would always remind him of how lucky they were, really. That not all families have the time or money to decorate or to get each other gifts, to be in a safe, warm house. That not all families even get to be families.
And on that note, they should always do what they can to give back, even if it’s just very little, because it all adds up some way or another. So, quite literally, out with the old. They’d go through clothes, shoes, dishware and other home items—gathering all of the stuff that has laid dormant and dusty to pack up and give away.
So yeah, Even really didn’t think much of it. It’s tradition so practiced it’s lost the charm and simply made it habit. He had dropped off the box two weeks ago and hasn’t thought of it since.
Now, a new sweatshirt rests comfortably fuzzy on his skin—a gift from his mom. It’s warm and soft and perfect for this cold day, every step towards the tram stop making his fingers numb with cold. He shoves them into his pockets. Once he gets to campus, he’ll get a coffee to hold on to and warm them up.
When it approaches, the brakes squeaking—Even having to jog to catch up to the platform—the tram’s packed with the morning commute. It is the first day of classes for the spring semester, after all.
But now, come to think of it… while the doors whir closed behind him as he takes a step onto the landing… that sweater looks awfully familiar.
The tram juts forward, and Even stumbles before catching one of the yellow bars to steady himself.
It’s just off-white, with a little ribbing on the collar and at the ends of the sleeves. And honestly, how Even noticed the sweater before he noticed the boy is just plain embarrassing.
[read the rest on ao3]
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fatoulein · 6 years
girl i met on the internet
art by fanni @bonanzza, love you queen <3 <3 !!!!
writing by ImSoSupernova / @lesbianshaydixon
pairing: sana/noora
rating: general audiences
warnings: no archive warnings apply
word count: 8.5k
“Hi guys!” Eva dumps her bag and tray in front of an empty seat at the table, and then immediately grabs another chair from a different table for her new friend. “Everyone, this is Noora! She just absolutely saved my ass in Spanish class so I thought she could come sit with us. Noora, this is Chris, Vilde, and Sana.”
Chris’s phone pings with a notification and the name of this new girl is still bouncing around Sana’s head like an alarm bell, and then the new girl, Noora, turns to shake Sana’s hand and then meets her eyes and freezes like a deer in headlights-- And everything falls together, and Sana remembers.
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fcntasmas-archive · 6 years
you’ll always wait for me to come home
In a world where time may be arbitrary, but perhaps not linear, Even looks for Isak.
chapters: 1/1 words: 14.852  pairing: isak/even rating: teen & up additional warnings: this is science fiction so even though it involves major character death it’s like probably not permanent notes: thank you to everyone who has been incredibly supportive of and patient with me. i haven’t written this much in months, and it took me a while to finish, but i think it’s the first step into finally being able to delve back into tmtts. this is my mind right now. and i hope you enjoy this for the time being. i love you, i am here, i am alive, and i am always thinking of y’all. ❤️
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monstermonstre · 6 years
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A Collection of Season 4 Fix-Its
Plot holes will be filled, characters’ backstories will be explored, and (hopefully) our dreams will come true. (Each part is a one-shot fix-it fic for SKAM’s season 4. One-shots will not necessarily be posted in chronological order of the events in the show so feel free to read them in whichever order you please. You can read all of them or only the ones you want, none of them should need you to have read the others to understand what is going on.)
Second Fix-It: Sticks and stones may break my bones
Rating: Mature Pairings: Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen Total Words: 2,519
Summary: The SYNG fight as I wished it would have happened. Where Even doesn't leave Sana standing there, thinking she's the reason Isak is bleeding, thinking that her own brother is homophobic. Sana deserved better.
 Even has run the scenario in his head so many times he knows it by heart. He knows not only all the lines, but also their timing; when the camera should pan out or close in; when a character should step into focus; when another should be partially cut out of the frame, only leaving a piece of an ear or a lifted corner of a mouth in to accentuate a sentiment.
 When it should fade to black.
read it here on ao3
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evenshands · 6 years
it’s mostly butterflies
even/isak, alternate universe - magical realism, friends to lovers, witch!even
complete, 11.7k words
written for the evakteket birthday challenge    
“I’ve told you before,” Isak says, without looking up at Even. “The modern world relies on science and technology, Even. There’s no place for magic, it’s dangerous and unnecessary.”
Little does he know, Even’s a witch.
[Read it on AO3!]
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wlwharrys · 7 years
it’s 2am in oslo and isak and even should be asleep, but they aren’t. well, isak was, but he’d been woken up by a cool finger prodding into his back and the absence of even’s arm draped around his middle. “what?” he mumbles, his voice rough with sleep and his eyes glued closed, his mind threatening to drop off before even can answer the question.
“it’s snowing,” even whispers, pressing a warm kiss to the back of isak’s neck because he knows it’ll turn isak into putty. “look, baby, it’s snowing.”
isak hums and turns around in even’s arms, pressing his face into even’s neck. he hums again, happier this time, when even’s large hands start smoothing up and down the expanse of his back, because it’s freezing cold in their room. “snows every year,” isak murmurs, tangling his legs with even’s until he’s not sure where his body ends and even’s begins. he’s pretty sure they’re just one entity by now, open one up and you’ll find the other in there.
even just laughs, and isak can feel it reverberate through his body. “i know, but it’s so pretty. if it isn’t frozen tomorrow, we can go make snow angels,” even murmurs. his lips are against isak’s temple, his lips moving like he’s giving little kisses every time he speaks, and it tickles so much that isak can’t fight the smile. even’s thumb finds his bottom lip, smooths across it from the middle to the corner of his lip. “can i kiss you?” even asks. isak snorts and tilts his chin up, pulling his arms up from under the blanket to cup even’s cheeks (despite the biting cold surrounding them).
after the kiss, even just cuddles again, two cold bodies pressed together. isak reaches up to cup the back of even’s neck, twirling his fingers around the hair at the nape. “i’m gonna go back to sleep now,” isak whispers, and even laughs, kisses him again. “goodnight, baby.”
“goodnight, my angel,” even says, pulling isak closer to warm him up. “my snow angel.”
“that was cheesy.”
“you love it.”
“mm,” isak hums. “i do. i love you.”
even kisses him again, and it warms him up from his head down to the tips of his toes. it always does.
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littlespoonevan · 7 years
since we’re alone
Pairing: Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 19085
Summary: “You don’t go to Bakka, do you?” Even asks when he’s exhaled.
“Um, no. Nissen.”
Even looks at him, a smirk tilting his mouth as he lets Isak take the joint back from him. “In enemy territory. Brave of you.”
Isak scoffs, feeling a little more of the tension drain out of his shoulders – even if Even leaning closer does have his heart ratcheting up a beat or two. “Nissen and Bakka aren’t enemies.”
Even tuts. “You’re no fun, Isak. This could’ve been a great start to a modern twist on Romeo and Juliet, you know? Two star-crossed lovers meet at a party but their school rivalry is destined to tear them apart.”
If Isak and Even had met at the Bakka party mentioned in 2x01.
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daigina-3 · 6 years
Happy women’s day!! here’s some wholesome gay content about my two favs.
Rating: G
Pairing: Eva/Vilde
I don’t wanna talk about it, I don’t wanna think about, I just feel alone, feel alone
4 times Eva and Vilde have a sleepover and nothing happens +1 time it does.
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Eva’s heart was beating a little too quick as she remembered what happened between them. But it was nothing. It was just fun. Happened all the time.
But not like this, something in her whispered. It doesn’t usually feel like this.
Eva fell asleep with her arms around Vilde, her heart pinching just a little.
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psychopompian · 6 years
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me and you and angels too
pairing: eva kviig mohn/ingrid theis gaupseth
Ingrid was a soldier, and as a soldier she'd gotten used to death. But this time was different.
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brionbroadway · 6 years
“I told you this would happen.”
“No, you said the freezer would explode. This is far less dramatic than your reaction suggests.”
“It’s fine that it sounds like a garbage disposal, Isak. It’s singing us to sleep, Isak. Isak, have you ever considered that quiet freezers are actually the broken ones?”
“Really? We’ve been living together for a year and that’s your impression of me?”
Isak rolls his eyes. “How do you think you sound, Even?”
“You know, sexier. Irresistible. Right about everything.” Even mops up the puddle on the floor with his socks. “Let’s just Google leaky freezers. Surely we can fix this ourselves.”
“Or call our landlord?” Even frowns at the suggestion. “I don’t know why you hate him so much.”
“He flirts with you.”
Isak shrugs, smirking a little. “Well, can you blame him? I’m sexy. Irresistible. Right about everything.”
“You’re the one who’s in love with me.”
Even grins. “I know. I was thinking about asking you to live with me for another year.”
Even steps closer to Isak, looping his arms around his waist. 
“Mhm. And maybe even another year after that.”
“Wow. You really love me.”
Even kisses him, simple and sweet.
“You’re home.”
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luffysfakebeard · 6 years
The Næsheim family: cold, distant, and socially elite. When Even has his worst episode yet it's the final straw. His parents want him on a new drug to finally straighten him out; the only problem? It's been known to leave patients infertile.
Solution? Hire an omega to have Even's child before he's no longer capable of having one.
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nicolinocolino · 6 years
skam fic love fest ▸ day 6 ▸ recommendations
Here’s a chance to really spread the word about some of your favorite fics! Readers: make a rec list and spread some love!
hello! under the cut, you’ll find a master post of my very favorite (completed) skam fics in no particular order. 💖
one shots:
ride with me, i'll ride with you by skamz // @skamz isak x even | rated t | no archive warnings apply
a life to live by champagneleftie // @champagneleftie isak x even | rated e | no archive warnings apply
A Bridge of Magpies by junkshopdisco // @junkshop-disco isak x even | rated m | no archive warnings apply, underage
watch myself, watch myself watching you by cosetties // @bechnaesun isak x even | rated t | no archive warnings apply
caught up in a dream by bbyfruit // @lesbovilde isak x even | rated t | no archive warnings apply
knees knocking, blood flowing, so i want you to know (that i want to) by vesperthine // @vesperthine isak x even | rated m | no archive warnings apply
open the pod bay doors by iriswests // @juilawicker isak x even | rated g | creator chose not to use archive warnings
four movements on a first wedding by chevythunder // @icelandcurry isak x even | rated t | no archive warnings apply
Though our parts are slightly used by Teatrolley // @uannsett isak x even | rated t | no archive warnings apply
ten meters by spikettes // @spikettes isak x even | rated e | creator chose not to use archive warnings
(you'll always be my) thunder by kittpurrson  // @towonderland72 isak x even | rated e | no archive warnings apply
sitting on the fences by bbyfruit // @lesbovilde mikael x jonas | not rated | no archive warnings apply
blue like the night in cuba by piccadilly // @katebush1978 isak x even | rated m | no archive warnings apply
Blanket Fort Gospel by Sabeley isak x even | rated e | archive warnings: underage
making new clichés by strangetowns // @canonicallyanxious isak x even | rated t | no archive warnings apply
I'll Be Coming Home, Wait For Me by dahlstrom // @dahlstrom isak x even | rated t | no archive warnings apply
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fatoulein · 6 years
tell me how i can tell her (i love her)
Summary: Shay had almost completely, perfectly convinced herself that she was in love with Marlon. Almost.
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