#sirius reaction to anything he doesnt like pour butterbeer on it
lulublack90 · 18 days
Prompt 14 - Bottle
@jegulus-microfic May 14, Word count 666
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James and Regulus were rudely awakened the next morning when a bottle of butterbeer was unceremoniously poured over them by Sirius. 
“Hey, what the?!” James sputtered, the worst of the spray hitting him. 
“Seriously, you two? We’re out there looking after a werewolf, and you're up here doing what exactly?” He stood with his hands on his hips. Regulus rose from the bed and stared daggers at his brother, before he leaned in and whispered something in his ear. 
All the colour left Sirius’s face and his eyes opened wide. 
“Does he know?” He asked in a hushed whisper. His eyes darted to James and back. Regulus gave him one small nod. Sirius closed his eyes and sucked in a shuddering breath through his nose. “You,” He pointed at Regulus, “Go back down to your dorm, I’ll deal with you later.” Regulus rolled his eyes, but did as Sirius asked. Whatever he’d said to Sirius had drained him, and Regulus didn’t seem to want to push him further. 
Regulus turned back to James, who had managed to put his glasses on and was using his wand to vanish as much of the butterbeer as possible. Regulus leaned over and kissed him. Sirius’s jaw tightened, but he didn’t say anything. Then Regulus was gone. He’d stolen James’s invisibility cloak, so he could get back to bed without being seen. 
“Don’t lose it, love.” James called after him. 
“I won’t,” Regulus’s bodiless voice answered. 
They sat in silence while they waited for Regulus to leave the Gryffindor common room. 
“Peter, fuck off.” Sirius hissed. 
“Oi, this is my room too! I didn’t shag your brother. Why am I getting kicked out?!” Peter realised his mistake and scurried out of the room before Sirius could even turn around. 
“I swear, Sirius, nothing happened,” James blurted out hurriedly, before Sirius could say anything. 
“Oh, so you didn’t snog my little brother then?” He raised his eyebrows, daring James to deny it. 
“Okay, well, yes that happened. But I swear that was it. He wasn’t going to stay, but we must have fallen asleep.” He rubbed his face with his hands. “I’m sorry Sirius, this was literally the first time.” He looked up at his friend. “Please don’t hate me.” Sirius’s jaw quavered, and he tore his eyes away from James. But James saw how shiny with tears they had gotten. 
“Was he telling the truth? Do you know?” He asked, still not looking at James. 
“Know what?” James was confused. He replayed the almost silent conversation between the two brothers. His head ached with the intense thinking he was having to do so early in the morning. If only it hadn’t been a full moon last night, Sirius would still have been asleep. He looked over at Sirius’s bed and for the first time wondered if he even slept there anymore or if he slept in Remus’s bed. Oh, that was it! 
“Do you mean if I know about you and Remus?” He asked, keeping his voice even. Sirius’s head whipped back around. “The relationship that you kept from me? How long Sirius?” Sirius hung his head. 
“Since the end of last year.” James hadn’t been expecting that. It had been months. How had he not noticed? 
“Well,” He said slowly. “At least now you don’t have to hide it anymore.” He tilted his head until Sirius looked up at him. “I’m happy for you. For Remus as well,” He said earnestly. 
“Really? You’re not mad at me?” Sirius said quietly, looking unsure. 
“Of course I am, you idiot. Why wouldn’t I be?” James chuckled. Sirius launched himself at James. James instinctively reacted and caught his friend as they went tumbling back onto the bed. 
Sirius snuggled into his arms, burying his face in James’s chest. 
“Thank you Prongs.” Sirius sighed as he clung harder to his best friend. “I’ll try not to be a dick about Regulus. No promises though.” James squeezed him tighter. 
"Thanks Padfoot.” He smiled happily.
Next part
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