yeonban · 4 months
I might be ~quirky~ for this (welcome to my twisted mind and etc) but I genuinely have so much fun with shipping nowadays, ever since I chose to be singleship for each muse. I feel like my adhd has never allowed me to pour even half as much care and attention into a ship as I'd have loved to when I had multiple ones at the same time per muse, so being able to focus on a single romantic dynamic per muse really feels like a weight off my shoulders
#* ooc.   /   posts.#I also know my adhd is all over the place so at times I may go a few months w/o bringing that specific muse (and thus ship) up#(unless you approach me in dms; in which case my mind typically instantly goes !!! on the muse & ship)#so I'm INCREDIBLY touched whenever my ship partners agree to be singleship w me. It's truly such an honor and blessing to me#and I feel like it's much easier for my muse to get very attached when their romantic attention only goes to a single person;#so you can best believe that from the moment we start shipping your portrayal will ALWAYS. and I mean /ALWAYS/ be intertwined with mine#doesn't matter if you drop the muse or leave tumblr or stop writing altogether. your muse will Always be my muse's special someone#I've had tons of ships where my partner disappeared off the face of the earth one day and yet all I've done was change 'singleship'#to 'noship' bc my muse's heart to this day (several irl years later) continues to be with their portrayal; REFUSING to look at anyone else#Granted this is also why I'm so picky with shipping; in the sense that I let my muse lead the way til they fall in love#and only THEN do I ask the mun if they're fine w our muses being a thing (and thus being singleship w me)#I used to say yes to people just asking to ship and while I know that's a neat option too; I simply. Cannot do that these days ADGHSAJDSDK#nothing against anyone nor against that route; but I've had a good share of ships that crumbled or made me lose muse bc my muse wasn't#feeling the ship. so I'm no longer going ahead unless the muse falls first and makes ME start shipping it rather than the other way around#and that decision has unironically made me feel so light and comfortable here AHDSAJDSKDJ#AH NEY WAYZ!! I need to be sedated bc why am I awake at 11 am. I HAVE NOT SLEPT.
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ofgentleresolve · 10 months
the nice thing about this blog is that bc most of my muses are not cis-men with traditionally masculine traits/personalities ( and the ones who are aren't east asian / are requested muses / have unpopular fcs ), the k*rp blogs tend to ignore me :)
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psychcdelica · 3 months
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@electricea sent: ❤️ + dcviated Send ❤️ + a URL and I’ll write something nice about them/their blog! @dcviated
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First and foremost, I'm thankful to have such a good friend like Bear in my life, he's supportive and patient with someone like me - who is notoriously bad at replying or answering asks. (Especially now that I'm back at Uni.) But regardless, I could comfortably say that without Bear, I might've given up on writing on Tumblr altogether. He has such a variety of muses which I find fun to team up with my own, we've built relationships, and friendships together into what I consider one big verse - to which I'm so glad he decided to play Ai:tSF because yessssss, it's one of my favorite games. I don't really know how to end this so...
WySae For Life! BOOM!
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ofsavior · 7 months
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bells-of-black-sunday · 8 months
Something I did talk aboutt with Egg and I do want to talk about here-
There is something incredibly interesting at the fact that it's mentioned, albeit offhandedly in a combination with Sander, that Tarhos was trained specifically under the captain. Not a first in command, the captain himself. Meaning he was pretty much raised by the guy and it's even more interesting that he not only gains his freedom, but is put in such a privileged position where he is given official knight training (which is intensive because it's mounted combat and dressage) and the title itself. And once he is free, he doesn't have a plan for any of that. He just wants to find work and buy his friends' freedom.
Now: I do write it and I've mentioned it once or twice that there is some weird familial dynamic between the two (not by blood obviously), the weird dynamic where he is that mans property,but he was also raised by him. The same man who occasionally calls him son is the same one to give him some of the scars on his body and would absolutely throw him to the wolves to save his own skin. Tarhos knows this. He uses it to his advantage to gain certain privlegeshe usually wouldn't. After all he's the Captain's favorite dog why doesn't he deserve something small occasionally.
His life is shit, but he also is well aware that it could be far worse than it is currently especially when Haruko enters the picture and he's met with things he had seen before, but never talked to a person who lived that every day. And it leads to some pretty difficult conversations just because while he does value Haru as a friend, and later they obviously become extremely close, Haru fully expects Tarhos to treat him like everyone else had. And really whose to blame him? It's just a stark reminder to Tarhos that no matter how many new scars he collects, life could be way worse, but he is still allowed to be unhappy with his own circumstances.
The same way Haru is allowed to be wary of men, he is allowed to hate everyone, but a few specific people and no one can blame him for it.
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clemencetaught · 8 months
Painfully Honest muse bingo card meme ( verse three. )
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if you are, you should probably rethink your life decisions </3
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rebelquilled · 2 years
on the one had: romantic shipping is super cute and could lead to so much angst and fluff on the other hand: incredible discomfort shipping xayah immediately because i play her with such strong values and a general disinterest in romantic situations, her situation with rakan is unique and odd and ( as i plotted with amber ) started off incredibly bumpy and almost toxic before they started to connect
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streetslost · 2 years
📱- Popping in super briefly just to say Cat is my baby and people who love her actually hold special places in my heart 🥺💕
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fallershipping · 2 years
Besides Fallershipping, what other Pokémon ships do you love wholeheartedly? And what headcanons fo you have for those ships?
none. :)
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gcholdtrops · 2 years
@runs2u​ requested for a short starter: ♡.
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          slender  digits  are  tapping  his  now  empty  glass,  sighing  out  as  the  other  finishes  his  sentence;  reaching  for  the  bottle  of  rum  standing  between  them.   ❝   i  am  not  drunk  enough  for  this  kind  of  information.   ❞
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phantomuheist · 2 years
@trio-of-tr0uble​ said: Someone's a little too eager to see her Thief. Makoto walks behind Akira and gently slips her hand into his. "Hey you~. Where have you been? I was looking for you after the last bell." (she's gotta see Akira's new DIGS ON THE BLOG xD)
Unprompted | Always accepting
It looks as though walking in peace was almost impossible today. The Velvet Room twins were quite demanding with their specific fusion requests, and being taken out to eat at Big Bang Burger. Taking their biggest challenge was a clear mistake from his stomach. A small dizzy spell came over him, and so he sat down on a bench for a while.
Minutes passed and he began walking to the station when a hand slipped into his, catching him by surprise. But of course, it was none other than Makoto. A relieved smile was on his features as soon as recognized her, squeezing her hand in return.
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“Hey, beautiful.~ Sorry, I had to run some errands for some... friends of mine. Little kids. I’m going home now, and I’d love to take you with me. Unless you wanna go somewhere first?”
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psychcdelica · 5 months
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@thebreakfastmuses asked: do you have a favorite memory when it comes to rping a ship? SHIPPING QUESTIONS FOR THE MUN - SFW EDITION!
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I have so many! So to pick one is pretty damn hard, I'd have to say one of the memories that really stands out to me has to be when Sae proposed to her ahem, long-time boyfriend and now husband, Wylan. ( @dcviated ), and the fact that their relationship had managed to get to that point, considering they started as neighbors who pranked each other, to now having their own family together.
I still like to indulge in re-reading this particular ask, love it - I'm forever thankful for having a friend like Bear in my life.
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conjuredarchive · 2 years
i think i might have finally settled on how i want my rosters to look like, in terms of multis.
i’m going to let myself have a night or two to mull everything over, then decide if i want everyone to be where they are currently placed at, but overall ?? i really, finally think i’m settled on who i want to keep around, add, and drop. like i said giving myself a bit to mull it over but if by the end of the weekend i still feel confident about everything, then it’ll stick for good.
i’ve definitely gone back and forth to an annoying degree over several, but some muses have reached their expiration date or don’t have as much to offer, and even if i wanted to, i can’t and won’t force myself to keep them; one particular character is a woc that i’m really sad to be dropping, but i’ve accepted she’s a goner. that and i’m picking up several new ones of diverse personalities and backgrounds so i feel like i’ll have more fun with all of them in the long run at least ?? which is really important to me.
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silenceindefeat · 9 months
Any verse: Pillow Princess or Power Bottom?
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...He should've known this would be dangerous. "I think I'm a little bit of both, but...probably the first one."
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clemencetaught · 8 months
Painfully Honest muse bingo card meme ( verse one. )
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if you are, you must like repressed turtles who take 283490238 years to come out of their shells <;/3
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strawberry-barista · 11 months
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⚅— @lunarshined asked: —⚅ ⚅— ღ sure ill send for aoi why not —⚅
Attraction Meme
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
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Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
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