#since this is lore for a RP with a friend we are shamelessly pulling interesting bits from things we read
drawnecromancy · 3 months
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Mecarevainen, Mecare or Meca for friends. Pronounce the "c" like a "sh" and you're golden.
This bird brought magic to Neseah. There's many ways to channel magic - drawing power from the things around you, from yourself, from a magical creature. These kinds of spells are often done through sheer willpower, and can be highly dangerous.
According to legend, Mecarevainen sought out Ulevan of Neseah, the nation's founder, because she was a powerful mage looking to protect her small territory from their larger neighbors. Linking their very souls together, he gave her the gift of runes - birthing the modern magical system most wizards use to this day.
It is unclear whether or not Mecarevainen is still alive today.
After all, the easiest way to kill a phoenix is for them to be soul-bonded to someone, and have that person die.
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