revenantghost · 6 months
My mom has said that if Wolfwood dies in Stampede, she will stop watching it lmao. She’s like “They can’t take away my boy! That’s rude!” So whenever season two comes out, I’ll have to watch it before her so I can warn her.
SHE'S RIGHT!!! IT'S RUDE!!!!!!!!!! Prayer circle to protect against the couch come season two for your mom (and the rest of us lol)
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lokidokeyartichoki · 9 months
I have accidentally trained my budgie to demand lettuce whenever I have a meal next to her. I started by giving her some when I eat breakfast, but now she has taken it to mean that if I am eating, she needs lettuce. Or salad. And she will throw a temper tantrum if I don’t get her some lmao.
ummm that’s a very reasonable price to pay for the love and affection of budgie at meal time??? i think your budgie deserves lettuce????
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teshamerkel · 1 year
Ah corrupt greedy assholes can always be counted on to ruin everything. A steelix would be absolutely terrifying to run into underground. The gang running from him made me so tense! Also, poor Samir! Nia’s bout ready to beat someone and I’m in line with her. Also, Tobias’ desperation to get that info is making him make dumb mistakes. But I can’t blame him. Great chapter! I’m excited to see what happens!
Right?! Running into an angry steelix--especially on its own turf, trapped underground--would be so, so scary.
Nia, ready to fight the world on behalf of her grumpy, traumatized partner and her newfound bestie who was wronged by their past partner: (ง •̀_•́)ง
And Tobias is definitely not thinking straight at the moment! Desperation does funny things to typically logical people.
Thank you for the kind words and letting me know your thoughts about the chapter! Hopefully won't be too long of a wait until the next one is out. ^^
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septic-dr-schneep · 6 months
Merry Christmas Patient! I hope you had a wonderful day full of love and warmth! Jackiepup looks adorable with his ear bow haha. Fortunately for my cats, I can’t find my Santa hat.
I was surprised he tolerated it long enough to take the picture and even for a little while afterward! I don't think I could ever get him into a full costume though XD Merry Christmas!
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tristampparty · 5 months
Heya Rev! Thanks for hosting a Tristamp rewatch party! My migraines won’t let me write full on fanfics, but I figured I’d share headcanons! I love how many different ways people interpret the characters. What are your headcanons?
Animals are attracted to the energy he puts out due to being a Plant. If he sits still long enough, a cat will find and sit on him, a dog will sleep on his feet or a bird will nest in his hair. It has gotten to the point where Meryl bought a lint brush for his jacket.
Is a decent singer and misses playing piano. Bad memories have stopped him from picking up another instrument.
Sneezes like a cannon going off and has startled Wolfwood into falling off a dune by sneezing suddenly.
He likes cooking and is decent at it. His favorite thing to do for people he loves is cook for them.
His love languages are acts of service, physical affection and gifts.
He “purrs” when happy. He sounds likes a generator rumbling and the you can feel the vibrations if you’re close enough. He only purrs when he feels safe and happy.
Totally a morning person. He likes watching the parent sun rise before starting his day.
His feathers are extremely soft, though touching them also feels like a good dose of static electricity, the kind that raises your hair.
He’s double jointed and will sometimes twist or bend in a way to creep out Meryl and Wolfwood.
Thank you for participating!!! <3 Man, mood--I would kill to write a poem a day, but between a lack of spoons and my body rebelling (migraines truly are the worst), a rewatch it is!
These are wonderful, thank you for sharing!!! I’m bad at remembering my headcanons off the top of my head, so I ask anyone else out there reading this: what are your headcanons? :D
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weirdbabybirds · 3 years
Tawny frogmouths are adorable Muppet puffs of rage! And toucans look like jellybeans. The larger parrots like macaws and cockatoos really resemble dinosaurs haha. Love this blog!
gonna try and post some of these, thank you!
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loveislattes · 3 years
Oh my God I just realized. Mark posting the cucumber and the community freaking out is just like all those videos of cats getting scared by cucumbers lmao.
😂🤣 Omfg you're so right!
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d-structive · 3 years
I feel your version of Marvin would totally sing You’re Second Rate from Return of Jafar haha. Love your artwork!
I love how at this point, people pretty much learned how my Marv works..XD Thank you! Glad if you like my stuff! :D
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monochromemedic · 4 years
A character meme I thought up was what would your OCs’ idle animations be if they were in a video game? Same with dialogue if you had high affinity/low affinity like in Dragon Age!
ooh i like that. Well I suppose it would depend on the genre but I’ll go with a kinda chill open world kinda thing. Idle animations Fallon: 1. Fallon shoves his hands in his hoodie pockets, hunching over and looking around, softly making mouth noises before returning back to his normal stance 2. Fallon stretches, raising his arms and placing them behind his head as he lets out a loud groan muttering something like ‘Ain’t getting any younger.’ or ‘What’s the hold up?’ Dom: 1. Dom turns his head, cracking his neck left and right before starting to crack his knuckles, pausing for a moment to adjust his wrist watch before returning to his normal stance 2. Dom looks down at his tie, frowning and beginning to fix it, pausing to stare only to mutter a swear or ‘come on...’ under his breath and do it again. It loops until you start moving again to which he gives a grunt and let’s it flop back to his chest. As for the affinity stuff I love the idea of that but I have trouble coming up with some without like a prompt? Like is it during battle? A starting conversation? What is being asked? Cause that all changes the response ya know?
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beerecordings · 4 years
Anti trying to be clever and going after Chase in the familiar AU only to get his ass whooped by an utterly enraged Marvin lmao. Don’t touch his kitty!
in the meantime Chase is just trying to make friends with the odd little dog Anti owns because he is more scared of Anti than Jameson!!!
ahh but yes he totally would!! Marvin’s magic is much weaker when Chase isn’t around and he’d freak out if his cat-friend was taken, which could both work to Anti’s advantage if Marvin and Jackie weren’t going to find him and fuck him up for it. Marvin will burn that mf into the ground for this and you know what?? they’re taking JJ too!! fuck you Anti!!! it won’t be easy because Anti is a crazy powerful half-human magician who’s been heavily corrupted by black magic of his own volition and even attacking him with magic can cause the attacker to get injured, but they’re both determined. Jackie’s been promising since he was thirteen that if Marvin was going to be magical and live his whole life fighting because of it, he was going to learn to be just as much of a fighter to protect his brother with non-magical means. so Anti can maybe deal with meeting Marvin face-to-face without Chase there to make him stronger, but Jackie’s got his fucking hands and he’s ready to throw.
poor Chase probably gets stuck in a cat kennel in the meantime so he can’t shape-shift :( and no one is around to pet him or feed him treats :( which has almost never happened to him when he was a cat before :( and he just wants to go home and play Animal Crossing
also he’s as annoying as possible to Anti that cat can HOWL
edit: oh my gosh what if Anti just shows up to Marv’s house while he’s away and there’s just like five cats there and he doesn’t know which one is Chase so he has to take all of them
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revenantghost · 9 months
I really want to thank you for throwing together Trigun Bookclub! I lurked, but it was a ton of fun seeing all the art and meta. I missed out on all this fun fandom stuff when I first saw Trigun cuz I didn’t know where it was on the internet or if it even was around. I appreciate your hard work!
Oh man, I feel like I've said this too many times, I'm like a broken record, but I'm so surprised and thrilled with how it turned out myself?! I really just slapped down the dates, threw some resources out there, and the bookclubbers carried this through to the very end--including lurkers! I've loved seeing people react to and support posts. It's really been an amazing experience, and I'm honored to have been a part of it.
I wasn't a part of Trigun back in ye olden days (I was a weeb, but I was painfully hipster about it, forgive me for my sins), but I can only imagine how isolated it was in the wild west of the internet! And yeah, from what I hear from the fandom olds, it was only a small percentage of the fandom that had even read Trimax because, like you said, it wasn't easy to find (and the only version for a hot second was the infamous bad translation), and it took awhile for Dark Horse to complete its run. I'm thrilled so many people are finding it now, because it absolutely rewrote my DNA upon reading. I'm just doing my part to spread the Trimax propaganda lol
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lokidokeyartichoki · 6 months
My mom’s cat has decided that my budgie’s cage is the perfect place to nap despite being over twenty pounds. He knocked her cage over trying to get comfy, giving me, my mother and the cat a heart attack. Hilariously, the budgie just sat on her perch, baffled. The cage didn’t go all the way over thank God. A book case caught her. She just looked around like “What happen?” I have the calmest bird around lmao. Meanwhile I think the rest of us had ten years scared out of us. And now I have a row of stuffed animals on the cage to guard her.
your budgie is an unbothered queen and she deserves her 24 hour guards. your cat is a problematic fav and only cares for themself i love them too.
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teshamerkel · 1 year
I want to visit Shivergleam! I love dark forests with ghost lights. Good choice for Edme being a Shedinja! I love the implications of gods fighting. Shit would be scary. And yeah, it is terrifying for poor Nia to suddenly be in another dimension with Ghost Noodle staring down at her, but I just see him saying “Oh, come on in. I just put the kettle on! Cookie?” Lmao.
Ha!!! You may be overestimating his people skills a bit. 😂 But I do love the mental image!
And Shivergleam is a lovely place to visit! Just don’t visit Edme with exciting news about Giratina and you’ll be Gucci.
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septic-dr-schneep · 2 years
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I have no jokes but have a picture of my grandmother’s 5 month old kitten next to my mom’s 3 year old kitten haha. It’s hilarious watching them chase each other - kinda like Godzilla being chased by a human, then turning around and chasing the human lol. I hope you feel better!
Aww, the brown bits on his/her nose and snout are cute <3
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septic-dr-citrus · 4 years
Marvin holds up a mirror to Henrik’s face and says “I enchanted that to show you who Y/N likes!” And all Henrik can say is “Your hocus pocus failed! It just shows me!” And Marvin just makes strangling motions while Y/N facepalms.
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I spent my entire afternoon absolutely devouring your rewrite of Warriors! I forgot to finish my sandwich I was so absorbed! I’m especially loving how you’ve added magic and spirits. And the characters are more interesting than the original books!
thank you!! more magic and interesting characters were definitely among my goals so I’m glad~
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