neonriser · 3 months
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For those who can't see the screenshot post, for whatever reason it may be:
@sillyrookie posted:
Ok, since @hairiclilred asked, I'll start my dumb rant.
Over here in the US, the videogame market fell off a cliff in 1983 due to a reckless oversaturated market flooded with low quality dreck that killed player interest. So many unsold Atari games ended up filling landfills.
Revenue dropped by 97%. It was catastrophic. Videogames died in America for a couple years due to short-sighted business decisions by major corporations.
The American market was revitalized when Nintendo came over and instituted limits to third parties to keep quality up, while also ensuring that quality was their brand. America only has a video game market today because of Nintendo.
I think the current environment of constant remakes, mergers, layoffs, diminishing returns on blockbuster products, and corps thinking they can use "AI" to regurgitate their once valuable IP will cause a similar crash.
What I find interesting is how many classic IP will end up dying in the wake of this.
At the moment so many distinguished studios with established IP are getting bought up by corps, only to lay off the workers and shutter the studios.
The workers don't just lose their jobs, they lose the IP they created. Even if the team can regroup, they can't use the stuff they made anymore. The IP dies with the studio.
So stuff like this makes me feel like we're right at the brink of a collapse that will kill ALOT of once profitable IP when audiences are made sick and tired of alot of stuff they used to love.
These IP owners don't understand the products they own, the workers that make it, and the audience that buy it; and many in the c-suite have actual contempt for all three things.
When an IP stops being profitable, corps shut it down, lock it away unless somebody has the capital to buy it from them.
The only thing they understand is that an old movie made by humans generated billions of profits for them because an audience enjoyed it, and instead of taking new risks it's "better" business short term to just rehash the stuff that made money before. And if they expect "generative AI" to make more content even faster, expect a sea of endless remakes, each shittier than the last one.
Things are bad now, and they're gonna get way worse real fast.
I expect a cultural massacre. What does that look like?
It's obviously a different world today than the 1980s, but Nintendo's core business ideology has stayed consistent, and they'll weather a AAA crash with no problem because they don't play the AAA space at all.
They make a sustainable lower-tech console that's sold at a profit (the traditional model before the Wii was to make a powerful console and sell it at a loss so that you made your money on software sales) and their brand still means quality even 40 years later. Not every game they do is amazing, but their batting average is high and they go out of their way to avoid dropping anything half-baked.
I think every other industry is gonna need their own Nintendos to rise from the ashes. The more I learned about the history of the industry, the more respect I have for them.
And they are NOT perfect. But it the broad strokes they're the example I think most should follow to have a sustainable industry that keeps everyone happy.
Heck, I'll define "everyone happy:"
Artists properly paid, having job security, and able to BE creative.
Players having quality games to enjoy.
Businesses being sustainable for the long term, properly using the revenue from successes to experiment with new ideas, and not screwing anyone over.
If the collapse I'm imagining does actually happen, the only possible thing to grow out of it are new IP from all the artists that got laid off.
New stuff would be the only things coming out for a while and the only things people want if the big franchises burned them out.
Depending on how audience sentiment is by that point, public domain stuff might become suspect as well, which is also an interesting scenario to me.
I think about how the current remake ecosystem is targeted at millennials (which I am) while the pendulum is already set to swing in the other direction.
Sorry for not talking about this part first. 😂
74% of that survey wants new stuff. The major IP holders are about to commit suicide if they go through with the "AI will make us 30 remakes per second" scheme.
One thing I hope DOESN'T happen is a backlash against honesty in the creative process.
We were culturally at a point where the average joe could understand that new ideas don't come from nowhere and are all mutations of old ideas.
Game of Thrones exists because Lord of the Rings came first, which owes it's existence to Norse myth and Beowulf, ect ect.
We're at the point where youtubers make games out of seeing what a song sampled from, the references a movie made, on and on.
But right now a popular spiel from "AI" charlatans to justify IP theft is the assertion that there's no difference between stealing copyrighted media for an LLM to regurgitate and a human being inspired by the ideas and experience they felt from another creator's work and creating a new thing under the established rules of copyright. It's a lie, but it keeps getting repeated to justify theft.
As the scam cycle winds down, I think they might be poisoning the discourse in a lasting way. We could go back to people lying about how ideas work, and that has only negative effects on human expression as a whole.
I want a world where everyone understands the difference between inspiration and a ripoff and can appreciate human creation better than previous generations have. We were right there before the scammers showed up.
So yeah, another rant out of me. 😂
So when people want new IP, they also need to understand what it means that Dragonball was a goofy parody of Journey to the West.
Dragonball is alot of things, it's inspirations are loud and obvious (even the Terminator is in there), but it's also a unique work created through the mind of one talented individual that nobody else could have made, because nobody else was Akira Toriyama, and ALL the subsequent works inspired by Dragonball (One Piece, Naruto, Hero Academia, Sonic the Hedgehog, ect) are their own original works that stand on their own, but still owe their existence to Toriyama's work as much as he owes his work to the things that inspired him.
The best ecosystem is where everyone encourages new IP and also fully understands how they come into being.
(Using this example for obvious reasons.)
Discord Post Reaction: [☝️ 1]
To go back to the topic of videogames, Toys for Bob recently made themselves layoff proof by going full independent.
With the level and volume of world class talent being laid off in the industry, I think we'll see more and more indy teams pop up if they can organize the means to do so.
There is too much high pedigree talent out there right now to just disappear or eventually go back to the people that screwed them over. The current ecosystem allows smaller teams and projects to flourish.
I am 100% down for an industry with less games like Immortals of Aveum and WAY more games like Pizza Tower.
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sillyrookie · 5 years
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Ko-Fi: http://ko-fi.com/sillyrookie
Patreon: http://patreon.com/sillyrookie
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auriceli-things · 6 years
Tagged by: @more-witches (I don’t know why it took me until now to realize your username was a reference to Monty Python... ffff)
Nicknames: “Elizabeth” or “Rice”. Sometimes I’ll allow “Lizzybeth” from gal pals.
Gender: Female
Sign: Scorpio
Height: 5′6″
Time: 9:37 pm
Birthday: November 16th, 1990
Fav Bands: Daft Punk, Pendulum, FM attack, Vocaloid, Puffy Ami Yumi, Switchfoot, Caravan Palace, Queen, and Newsboys.
Fav Solo Artists: Imogen Heap, Deadmau5, Calvin Harris, Snail’s House, Porter Robinson, Madeon, Parov Stelar, Home, Lemon Demon, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, Weird Al Yankovic, Marina and the Diamonds, Enya, and Jonsi.
Song stuck in my head: Fashion Monster by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu
Last Movie I Saw: Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 2
Last Show I Watched: Kill la Kill! Giving it a second try because I couldn’t handle it when it came out initially. It still makes me go eeeh but it makes up for it with a great story, a massively creative world, great characters, and not taking itself too seriously.
When did I create my blog: June 27th, 2011
What do I Post: I usually post things related to animation or cats. Anything from anime, cartoons, videogames, storytelling, music, humor, science, self-help/wisdom, and animals. With the occasional shitpost.
Last Thing I Googled: “how to wood finish” because I’m working on building a kotatsu. Nearly done! :)
Do I Have any other Blogs:  Yeah, an Art Blog: (x) A PG PVC figure catalog blog (I don’t care for sexualized figures so I made a catalog of my favorite PG ones): (x) A Neon/Cyberpunk/Futurepunk blog made for Synthia inspiration: (x) A diary blog for when I’m sad, which I won’t link here. I can organize my thoughts better there than in a physical journal.
Do I Get Asks: Like... once a month, maybe once every two months? But ask at your own risk! I’m a wordy woman.
Why Did I Choose My URL: My first username! Generated from public high school so we could log into the computers. First five letters of my last name, first three of my first name. I liked the way it looked, and the fact that it didn’t have a meaning because my interests change all the time.
Following: 585
Followers: 505
Average Hours of Sleep: 6-8 or so, but without an alarm I could sleep for 12 hours easily. @in-a-hat​ knows this well.
Lucky Number: 25 I guess? I like it but I wouldn’t bet on it. May have been because of my state quarter collection as a kid.
Instruments: I learned clarinet in middle school because I’d heard it was the easiest instrument, took several choir classes and singing lessons (which I gave up on because I couldn’t read music tonally), taught myself a smidge of piano, and tried guitar lessons but my fingers hurt too much. :’) Whiny whiny excuses. But in college I taught myself how to make electronic music for a little while. I’d still like to keep learning that in particular. I’m not very creative musically but I enjoy making things for myself.
What am I Wearing: Black long-sleeved shirt and skinny-jeans.
Dream Job: I’m not sure anymore? I mainly want to be able to afford my hobbies now. I like the idea of being a storyboard artist, but the thought of living a gypsy lifestyle gig-to-gig kind of frightens me. I’m just grateful to have a fulltime job in California with benefits and the ability to pay my bills finally. < : ) Went too long without it and that was scary! Helps that I like who I work with too.
Dream Trip: Predictable. Japan! Anywhere in Japan. I love the cuisine, the look of the countryside, old buildings, and the creative and beautiful modern architecture n’ products. Buy some things I can’t find anywhere else in the world. I also really like the philosophy and design sense behind wabi-sabi/kintsugi. Aside from Japan, I’d like to visit some parts of Scotland, Ireland, France, and Italy. I’d also like to visit a Pacific Island at some point, just hike and swim and camp for a few days.
Fav Food: Lately? I’ve been a sucker for the Hawaiian BBQ Short Rib at Moana’s in Burbank. SO. GOOD.
Nationality: Just an average Caucasian mutt. Mostly European with some speckles of Mexican and Native American. 
Last Book I Read: I honestly can’t remember, so it’s probably time to get back into reading again. xD; Hard to find unique plots these days. 
Top 3 fictional universes I want to join: Join? As in visit? Harry Potter, Teen Titans, Pokemon, Assassin’s Creed, Beetlejuice (cartoon series), Splatoon, Avatar the Last Airbender, The Book of Life, the land in Miyazaki’s head, Welcome to Nightvale, Hook (yes, the Robin Williams movie), The Spiderwick Chronicles, Portal (1 & 2), Kim Possible, and Motorcity. Why isn’t Gravity Falls on the list? Because I already grew up in the Pacific Northwest and can visit whenever I want. :) 
I’ll tag @in-a-hat, @rubymight​, @lightlybow, @bluedubia​, @frankrmb, @irish-hugz​, @rose-colored-lesbian, @trinirichelle​, @najjaporter​, @sillyrookie​, ah shoot, that’s too many people already.... uhhh... And anyone else who wants to try~
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markrosewater · 8 years
Very excited for your article about the evolution of vehicles.
That article is two weeks from next Monday (Sep. 19).
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izaart · 9 years
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I drew kouotsu @sillyrookie_art sillyrookie and mark at Priscillas for kicks
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sillyrookie · 5 years
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That feeling when you've finally made it in one afternoon.
Ko-Fi: http://ko-fi.com/sillyrookie
Patreon: http://patreon.com/sillyrookie
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sillyrookie · 5 years
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Ko-Fi: http://ko-fi.com/sillyrookie
Patreon: http://patreon.com/sillyrookie
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sillyrookie · 5 years
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‘32 Kick Up Vol 1 - Close to the Edge.
It’s been a long time coming, but I’ve finally launched a kickstarter to bring ‘32 into it’s first print volume! Collects chapters 1-8 and includes over 20 pages of extras!
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sillyrookie · 5 years
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The Kickstarter for the physical print run of Vol 1 is now in it's final week! It ends on Monday, June 24!
No idea how this will turn out, but thank you everyone who pledged so far!
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sillyrookie · 5 years
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We actually made it with a few hours to spare! Thank you, everyone who pledged and helped promote this Kickstarter! This couldn't have happened without you!
There’s still a few hours left, and we’re close to our first stretch goal!
Time for me to get those rewards ready!
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sillyrookie · 5 years
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The Kickstarter for the first volume of ‘32 is moving along!
Hopefully I can announce some stretch goals soon!
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sillyrookie · 5 years
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The kickstarter for the physical print run of ‘32 Kick Up Vol 1 is now in it's final week! It ends on Monday, June 24! No idea how this will turn out, but thank you everyone who pledged so far! Retweets are also very appreciated!
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sillyrookie · 5 years
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You’ll be able to get early access to new pages and behind the scenes content through my Patreon.
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sillyrookie · 5 years
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And here we are with the new release model. A new chapter starts!
You’ll be able to get early access to new pages and behind the scenes content through my Patreon.
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sillyrookie · 6 years
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And we’re going! Hopefully my internet doesn’t burst into flames.
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sillyrookie · 6 years
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