#sigurd the crusader
medievalistsnet · 15 days
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gardenofkore · 3 months
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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The Norwegian Crusade was just as wild as you can imagine! In 1107 King of Norway Sigurd I sailed with 60 ships to Jerusalem. He would become the first European king to visit the Holy Land. But the journey lasted for four years and a lot of violence happened along the way!
Full thread by @LandsknechtPike
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soulcluster-moved · 2 years
the more I understand genealogy of the holy war, the more I understand that three houses is just genealogy-lite
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Vikings and their eras
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Summary: what era would vikigns be in if they weren't in their own
Notes: I did a lot of text for this one, bc I loved thinking about this!! There are some pretty popular characters missing (Ragnar, Sigurd, Athelstan) where I just couldn’t imagine a certain era for them. Thank you so much for your request :)))))) Some of these eras aren’t wonderful or filled with positivity but that doesn’t mean these characters wouldn’t thrive.
tagged: @majesticwren @obsessiveformiyatwins @leithdragon @demon-of-the-ancient-world @alicedopey, @ivarlover @levithestripper @batmandallyboy @akayxo09 @vrtualfairy (hmu to be added!)
based on this request | masterlist | requests are OPEN!
Lagertha would thrive well in times of crises and war (lmao). The black death, WW1 or 2, or long periods of war/famine/sickness is where Lagertha does well. Think about her what you will, but she brings people together, manages them, and takes care of them. She’s a natural leader, and a fighter, so she’s able to protect her community.
We’ve seen examples of this in the series, think during the sickness in Kattegat, or when she takes over and completely builds up Hedeby. People tend to trust her, and especially women look up to/feel safe around her. When disaster strikes, she would be able to save/take care of them.
I had to think about this for a really long time because I think that Aslaug fits so well into the era the show is set in, however, I finally decided on the 1920s. Even as a feminine woman in Viking Scandinavia, she had a lot of authority over herself and knew how to grow a business (Kattegat) when Hirst wasn’t feeling sexist.
In the 1920s, she’d live in a big city, maybe Berlin or New York, and she’d own some sort of speakeasy. I’d love to think that her speakeasy would be a place for the very few pagans of the city to meet up in secret, and she herself would still be a norse pagan, völva, etc. Also, she’d dip her toes into wild jewellery design (think Schiaparelli). Definitely someone who attracts artists and would be considered a muse.
Middle Medieval Ages for sure. He thrives being a knight because he’s a manipulative little hoe that I can’t stand. Gets to do his performative heroism during tourneys and woo women only to leave them all alone.
Rollo is not a good person, esp. towards women. He constantly gets into trouble with the church and with fathers whose daughters he ‘dishonors’. Definitely needs a wife like Gisla to slap some sense into him. I think that eventually (mid forties) he’d start to mature. Also, having children would help him become a better person (I think they should have put that into a show).
Bjorn thrives well in the late 2000s to early 2010s, when travel blogs were on the rise. He’s one of the early influencers, and travels the world together with Halfdan. This only works bc cancel culture isn’t real yet. Bjorn would say some stupid shit and get hounded for it let’s be real. Nonetheless, there is always some rumour about him and Halfdan being a thing (they would be if they both didn’t constantly say ‘that’s gay’).
Alternatively, Bjorn might make a good colonizer (can I say that?), but it’s not like he isn’t that already.
Ubbe would thrive during the late medieval ages (defo not the Renaissance though). He’s the type of man who would enjoy the idea of the charming knight. I think Ubbe would definitely enjoy the idea of quests/saving damsels in distress/having the arranged-marriage-turned-lovestory (he’s a booktok girly tbh).
This doesn’t mean that all of this is totally pure. Ubbe gets some shit twisted in canon as well (ESPECIALLY concerning Margrethe). Maybe his first war was something crusade-like, and he went into it thinking of heroic acts and blabla and then got fucked up by battle and gore. Also has a religion and Madonna/whore complex problem.
In the show, Hvitserk was always seeking sense/purpose while also struggling with balance, which is why I think he would thrive in the 1970s. This is THE era for protests and social change. Climate change, feminism and sexuality all became important topics. Going to protests would be able to give him a sense of change, and I think it would be liberating for him as well, to be able to free himself of his restraints by changing something.
I’ll go into communes a little more for Helga, but I think Hvitserk would thrive in an early commune a lot. He needs to have people around him taking care of his mental health, and this would be great for his mental health. Yes, therapy helps a lot of people, but I think if Hvitserk lived in our time, he would think that talk therapy is stupid, and completely close himself off to it. This guy just needs a lot of love, okay?
Also, he needs to smoke some 70s weed every once in a while.
Just like Hvitserk, Ivar would thrive during the 1970s. However, this is for completely different reasons and also means that no one else gets to thrive. I chose the 1970s because it’s THE serial killer decade.
That honestly sounds terrible but we all know it’s true.
Ivar would be bitter about being discriminated/not being able to fully take part in society/not getting any women and that would turn him homicidal. He definitely overcomplicated his killings and does shitty bloodeagles to get some cool name but all he gets is like “the Viking killer” or something and he’s so mad about that he reveals himself on his deathbed to change his title. It doesn’t work.
Floki just wants to be where Helga is, but he would not thrive in the 2020s. I think he’d get in arguments with Helga about vaccinations. However, I want Floki to be in the 2010s/2020s with Helga. He definitely has some kind of hallucination-related mental illness at the least. I think that especially the season where he acted out against Helga (season 4?) shows that his mental health was making him harmful towards others and probably towards himself.
I can’t diagnose Floki, but I think we can all see that he might have some kind of bipolar disorder/mania disorder on top of a schizophrenia. He needs some kind of meds, and he needs someone to help him taking them.
This is very specific, but Helga would do AMAZING during the early era of Covid (like March 2020). Yes, she’s a very social person, but I do believe that Helga would be part of a quite isolated commune if she lived during modern times, and even during that time be isolated with Floki.
I would like to think that the commune could be self-sufficient and Helga just gets to go ham making banana bread and care packages. She thrives in this time where she doesn’t really have to go to work (even though she loves being a kindergartener too) and gets to take care of the people in her commune, and even further than that from the comfort of her own home.
This woman thrives where no one else does, and that is toxic 2020s twitter. All she does is tweet, get cancelled, tweet, get popular, repeat. She’s so so annoying and bullies a bunch of people who don’t deserve to be bullied. Is most definitely blocked by trump, hailey Bieber and the Kardashians at least.
Makes a living by selling feetpics.
Ecbert thrives in the 1980s. Now. Hear me out. Ecbert in neon Zumba clothes. There, that’s my reason.
I’m just kidding, there’s more. I’m not old enough to fully understand most of the decades I’m talking about in here but the 1980s, it seems, were this extremely colorful and wild decade. Literally everywhere, color just kind of seemed to explode, and I think Ecbert would thrive in this kind of chaotic atmosphere.
(are there people in their forties or older on this post that can verify?)
I’m really sad that we didn’t go into Aelswith more in the show, but I firmly believe that Aelswith would make an amazing Sufragette. Thinking back to her time on the show, she was always very firm in standing her ground, more so than Judith or even Lagertha in some ways (especially in the sense that she was SO YOUNG). She directed and strengthened Alfred, and I think during season 6, she used a beartrap to defend her baby?
Anyway, I imagine her as a rich/aristocratic lady in London who definitely steers the household while Alfred brings the money in (he likes art) and she decides that, if she puts in the work in the house, she should be able to decide over the country that house is in as well.
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rosecelebi · 4 months
Now that Fire Emblem Heroes has opened it's yearly Choose Your Legends voting period.... I am kindly asking you to consider sparing a vote (or two!) to two of my favorites in the series: F!Robin and Sigurd!
Well let's start with Robin,
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Robin fans won out last year when their Male counterpart won the male division of CYL 7 alongside Soren and I'm sure many F!Robin fans (myself included) helped him reach that victory by voting, just as we did in previous years with Chrom and A!Tiki. F!Robin has waited for her time to shine and has supported her competition for several years now. It's time for her to receive the Awakening vote love!
If that wasn't enough to sway you, let's look at F!Robin's legacy in FEH.
1. Her base version was a year 1 grail unit with a mediocre (affectionate) refine that takes max investment to work around
2. Her summer alt is a year one seasonal with a bad weapon and book 1 era stats (but she sure is cute!)
3. Her legendary alt isn't even her- it's Grima. Grima took away her chance at being a legendary unit
4. Her Halloween alt is another Grima alt. She didn't even get to participate in Halloween because Grima took the spot :(
5. Her Valentine's alt is adorable but still a seasonal locked unit
6. Her rearmed version is yet another Grima.
HALF of all F!Robin's in FEH are Grima alts. There is no F!Robin available to summon in the normal 4/5 star pool. Getting a brave alt would be a big deal for her and her fans.
Please, spare a vote to the best tactician around, F!Robin!
Now, let's talk about Sigurd
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Sigurd comes from FE4, Genealogy of the Holy War, a game I know many of you may not have played yet. That's okay though! I get it! It's a bit old and jank to play and you need to emulate it with a translation patch if you don't understand Japanese. So I'm gonna explain who this man is to you....
Sigurd is the heir to house Chalphy and a descent of the crusader Baldr in Judgral, which makes him kind of a big deal. Throughout his game, he makes allies with many people throughout Judgral in an attempt to unify and fight back against the rising corruption.
Along his journey, he meets Deirdre and the two fall in love and end up having a son together, Seliph. Sigurd is devoted to his family and loves Deirdre more than anything in the world. Sigurd is a family man. Look at this Cipher art if you need more explanation:
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(*SPOILERS ahead for FE4, but FEH and Engage already spoiled this so if you somehow don't know what happens to Sigurd, maybe stop reading here*)
Tragedy befalls the couple not long after their son is born... Deirdre is kidnapped and her memories are wiped clean as she is needed for a sinister plot... Her holy blood is needed to help the Loptous cult resurrect their dark God so they use Deirdre as a pawn and marry her off to Arvis.
Sigurd is distraught with his wife gone and searches and searches for her but ultimately must continue through on his plans. He returns to his home and is met by Arvis, the Duke of Velthomer, and the descendant of the imperial family. He welcomes them in as a deceitful trick and declares Sigurd a traitor and calls for his execution. Before he issues the order, Arvis lets Sigurd meet his new wife- Deirdre as a sick and twisted punishment. With that, Arvis calls down Valflame and kills Sigurd and many of his army members.
Sigurd's legacy is carried by his son, Seliph, who will free Judgral from the horrors that the dark cult inflicted many years later.
So that was heavy. But do you understand why he's such a compelling character??? He has such an unfortunate heroes tale, but FEH let's us see him again and be able to reunite him with his love and his son.
Seliph got his own brave alt two years ago in CYL 6 and it feels right for it to be his father's time to step up and shine as a brave hero.
Let's look at Sigurd's legacy in FEH:
1. His base version is a year 1 sword cavalier who's a bit outdated but not unusable by any means with proper skill investment
2. His duo dancer alt is Deirdre is one of the best arts in the game and I won't let anyone convince me otherwise
3. His Legendary alt was a meta threat at one point in time and the art is gorgeous
4. Lastly, this year he got his second seasonal alt, a tea time Butler alt that just cute. He definitely is serving tea for Deirdre and making sure she's happy.
A brave alt just seems perfectly fitting for him at this point!
In conclusion, these are two characters who are ready for their moment to shine in FEH with a brave alt. They've waited for their friends or family members to get there first and now it's (potentially) their time for the brave win. Thank you for reading all this and may the CYL odds be in our favor!
TLDR: Vote for F!Robin and Sigurd in CYL 8!
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bxldrsdraumar · 6 months
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The day has arrived! The sun is shining high in the sky, and the air is crisp. You go about your duties for the day, perhaps class or training, perhaps stopping into town for ingredients, or to buy your dish outright.
Eventually, you make your way to the dining hall to find it transformed - no longer the structure of the rows upon rows of benches, but you find they have been pushed together to form two long tables, bejeweled with flatware and beverages and many dishes already provided in a family-style arrangement. Strung - and, along some windows, half-strung - with shining garlands and tinsel and magical lights, the hosts appear to have really outdone themselves! Even the chef, who has worked so hard to prepare this feast, is making an appearance.
Making your way into the hall, your hosts greet you warmly with a goodie bag - some treats from home that they hope you will enjoy too. Just a little bit of Chalphy to take with you when you leave.
But there is tension in the air as you step in, as with any party - do you mingle, or flounder? Are you a social butterfly, or a wallflower? Worry not, friends - no matter your proclivities, your hosts have put together a traditional feast for the Bounty of the Crusader Baldr, and they flit about, working to ensure you have a wonderful evening.
So How Does This Work?
Welcome one and all to the first annual Baldr's Bounty feast! From 02 December to 10 December, Sigurd and Ethlyn will be hosting a traditional Chalphy Harvest Feast, and they've invited you.
To all who responded to the interest check, check your inbox, as your hosts have a gift for you, and would you please find your seat at the table here - your hosts have worked together to ensure that those you are seated with will provide maximum entertainment.
From there, the world is your oyster! Feel free to mingle with the other guests, share the kitchens with those who may or may not know what they're doing, or huddle in the corner and just wait for dinner to be served. You might even poke at your hosts as they're dashing about!
If you'd like a little direction, you can check out the prompts that we've prepared for you, underneath the cut.
Fruitcake - Every culture, it seems, has their own tradition of a dense, sweet cake studded with dried fruits and nuts (and maybe soaked in liquor for a true holiday treat). Some share their family's recipes, while others revile the things - where do you stand when a friend asks you to try theirs?
Mulled Wine and Hot Cocoa - They say there’s nothing like sharing a warm drink by the fire the shake off any holiday ennui you might have. So grab a mug and a buddy, and toast to the quiet moments.
Cookie Decorating - Cookies and biscuits of all shapes and sizes, fresh from the oven and ready for your own artistic flair. Will you make a custom tableau in gingerbread and royal icing, or dot shortbread with chocolate kisses, or smoosh jam into a linzer? Careful not to make too much of a mess!
Sharing the Kitchen - Ready to show off your own culinary prowess with a dish from your homeland? Or lend a helping hand while someone else makes theirs? Or are you nosy beyond belief and looking for scraps before the main event?
Decorations - Tinsel, garlands of popcorn-and-cranberries, and wreaths and cornucopias galore - what’s a party without decorations? Help the hosts with some last minute sprucing up, or make a decoration of your own to liven up your dorm.
Hand-imals - Proud parents in the Duchy of Chalphy happily display their children's handprints decorated to look like animals (such as turkeys, reindeer, or others!) this time of year on their iceboxes. With the large array of art supplies provided, can you create a masterpiece worthy of such an honor?
Opening Crackers - Inside your goodie bag is a holiday popper, a fun gimmick from the families of Chalphy. Simply have someone else hang onto the other side and tug - ! to reveal the treats inside. Will you get to wear the shining paper crown in victory, or will someone else steal your precious treats?
Thankful - A Chalphy tradition after a harvest is to thank the earth for its bounty, the Crusaders for their blessing, and for one’s loved ones for their presence. Why not get a little festive (and potentially cheesy) and tell someone exactly what they mean to you?
Bonfire - What better way to wait for the main event than by lighting a bonfire? Help each other lug some lumber to set ablaze, and show off your fancy footwork with its warmth at your back. Grab a partner and get to swingin’!
Seat Swap! - Were you seated too far away from the object of your affections, or the only other person you know at this shindig? Too close to your mortal enemy? The nerve! Maybe you can find someone to switch seats with you, voluntarily or not.
Throwing the Pigskin - Take it outside! Waiting for the food to be prepared is boring! Grab a friend, head outside, and toss an almond shaped ball back and forth to kill some time and let off some energy. Don't get too rowdy!
Punch Bowl - A haven for the less socially-inclined, you can gather around the proverbial water cooler and make awkward eye contact until someone drags you off to have fun. Unless of course the more mischief-minded decide to slip a little something in there to lighten things up?
Doorways: Decorating each doorway is a sprig of fresh mistletoe. Rumor has it that it's a Chalphy tradition for two people to share a kiss if they are caught under it together. You wouldn't deny the tradition of your hosts, would you?
Luminary Trail: Just outside of the party is a path lit by luminaries. It's a perfect place to get some fresh air or escape from the hustle and bustle for a moment. Make sure to watch where you are walking. Those paper bags look pretty flammable!
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ulirblood · 8 months
*.✧ edain in fodlan. ✧.*
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Character Profile
Gender. Cis Female
Age. 25
Height. 5’4” 
Crest/Holy Blood. Minor Ullr Blood
Class. Bishop
Affiliation. Blue Lions
Personal History
Gran 738 — Born along with her twin sister Brigid in the noble house Yngvi under Duke Ring.
Gran 743 — Started studying for knighthood, lost her twin sister to sea later that gran.
Gran 750 — Gave up her knighthood in order to enter nunhood, taking the holy bow Yewfelle with her in hopes of finding and giving it to its rightful heir— her previously lost at sea twin sister. 
Gran 757 — Captured by the invading forces of the neighboring Verdane, saved later by an army led by Lord Sigurd of Chalphy. Decides to march with that army in the four coming gran.
Gran 761 — Barely escapes the battle of Belhalla with her life, leaving behind Jugdral and soon after enrolling in the Officer’s Academy as a professor for the Blue Lions House.
INTERESTS. Faith Magic, Sewing and Needlework, Cooking, Archery
LIKES. Family, Children, Taking care of others, Praying, Homemade gifts
DISLIKES. Fighting, Arguments, Stormy weather, Flirtatious men, Superficial compliments
STATUS. Faith Professor
CLOSE ALLIES. [currently in toa] Deirdre, Andrei, Sigurd, Leonardo, Ayra
Sweet And Salty Whitefish Sautee, Spicy Fish and Turnip Stew, Vegetable Pasta Salad, Onion Gratin Soup, Peach Sorbet, Cabbage and Herring Stew, Country-Style Red Turnip Plate, Pickled Seafood and Vegetables, Vegetable Stir-Fry, Fruit and Herring Tart, Pheasant Roast with Berry Sauce, Saghert and Cream (12)
Gronder Meat Skewers, Garreg Mach Meat Pie, Peach Sorbet, Beast Meat Teppanyaki, Daphnel Stew (5)
“This reminds me of when I would sit at dinner with my father and my siblings. What a warm feeling.”
“Oh dear. I don’t think I can finish this. Would you like the rest, perhaps?”
Crescent-Moon Tea, Chamomile, Rose Petal Blend (3)
A place you'd like to visit, Children at the market, Cooking mishaps, Fodlan's future, Our first meeting, Overcoming weaknesses, School days, Thanks for everything, The view from the bridge, Working together, You seem well, A dinner invitation, Perfect recipes, The ideal relationship, The existence of crests, Hopes for your future, Things you find romantic, Bonds between siblings (18)
“Good afternoon. Thank you for inviting me.”
“I’m not an avid tea drinker, but there really are just some blends that are better than others, don’t you agree?”
“Oh my, this must have been quite expensive.”
(1.) “Is there something on my face?”
(2.) “You look like you have a question on your mind. What is it?”
(3.) “Stare any longer and you’re going to start reminding me of the nobles who used to vie for my attention when I was unmarried.”
“I see.”
“Is that right?”
“Something wrong?”
“Let’s pray together.”
“I understand.”
“Did you know that I used to be a knight in training? It’s hard to imagine, isn’t it? Hehe.”
Answer: Laugh, Nod, Commend
“I’ve always enjoyed just sitting down and talking with others.”
Answer: Nod, Chat
“I was way more rough around the edges when I was younger, but that somehow didn’t stop various suitors from trying to get my hand in marriage.”
Answer: Admonish, Chat
“My father never forced me into doing anything I didn’t want to, so I was able to escape a political marriage thanks to him.. and my own stubbornness, hehe.”
Answer: Praise, Commend
“Nothing is more important to me than my family. Not even the lord.”
Answer: Nod, Commend, Praise
“I can see a bit of the crusader Ullr in you. You have the courage she was known for.”
Answer: Blush
“I entered nunhood when I was only twelve, and I would do it again if I was given the choice.”
Answer: Commend, Chat
“Do you think it’s wrong to not wish to fight? Sometimes I wonder if things would be better now with my family if I wasn’t afraid to shed blood in the past.”
Answer: Disagree, Admonish
“I have a good bow arm left over from my childhood spent studying and training to be a knight, but I don’t think I could make use of it in a proper fight where lives were on the line.”
Answer: Nod, Commend
“This was surprisingly quite pleasant. Let me know if you’d like to do something like this with me again, i’d be happy to oblige.”
gift guide
Gemstone Beads, Owl Feather, Goddess Statuette, Legend of Chivalry, Exotic Spices
Hunting Dagger, Training Weights
gift quotes
“Erm… Why would you give me this?”
“Oh, this is rather nice. Thank you.”
“You know me really well. I’m going to make great use of this.”
Item 1. Embroidered Handkerchief
Description: A delicately embroidered handkerchief with the letter “Y” and a bow symbol embroidered into the corner. It probably belongs to someone who places importance on blood and family.
Location found: Infirmary
Item 2. Silver Talisman
Description: A fragile pendant with some sort of fake magic inscriptions running along the edge. It probably belongs to someone who believes that it’s the thought that counts.
Location found: Cathedral
Item 3.  Engraved Wedding Ring
Description:  A well-loved silver band with the initials M.E engraved on the inner ring. It probably belongs to someone who placed romantic importance on only one person their entire life.
Location found: Infirmary
“Oh! This is mine! I was worried sick and looking for it everywhere. Thank you so much.”
“I apologize, but this isn’t mine. It looks very lovely, though.”
battle quotes
White Clouds Chapter 1: Three Houses 
Retreat Quote (Mock Battle)
“I apologize but I can’t hang on any longer, I must retreat. You have my prayers!”
White Clouds Chapter 2: Familiar Scenery
First Kill
“May the lord forgive me for my actions.”
Monastery Lines
“Ah, this takes me back to my nunhood. I think I still have it in me. Let me see… Ahem. Ahhh~ ♪”
“Did you cut your hand just now!? Don’t try to hide it from me, honey. Let me see.”
“I apologize. I’ll do better next time, I promise on the lord’s name.”(Bad)
“Your teaching style is really easy to understand.”(Great)
“Hm, somehow I feel like i’m missing something in this equation still.”(Great)
“My holy blood guides me in my pursuit of knowledge.”(Perfect)
“Oh please, you don’t have to flatter me like that.”(Praise)
“Taking care of creatures like this wasn’t a duty afforded to me in my days of nunhood, but it’s one that I take pride in now. I believe that animals are just important to the world as humans are.”
“When I first joined the nunhood, I remember being made to weed the gardens as punishment by the sisters if I ever did anything bad.”
“I can't say i'm very experienced with this, but I'll do my best regardless.”
“I will not lie and say I am disappointed in myself. I suppose I’ll have to study harder.”
“It was thanks to my ancestor that I was able to get this far and become something far greater.”
Lecture Questions
“I need some advice on something.”
“Professor, tell me. How would you handle a student that couldn’t understand the subject matter no matter how much you tried to explain it to them?”
> “I guess i’d have to give up on them ever getting it.” Bad Answer
> “I would find someone else to explain it to the student.” > “I would try to relate with the student and form a bond with them first, before trying again later with an empty head.” Good Answer
“Nevermind. I’ll look to the lord for an answer instead.”
“Why didn't I think of that before? I’m glad I came to you, professor.”
“I think myself far more magically inclined, and I hate having to hurt others. If I put my all into Faith, I know I can contribute more to the battlefield then I ever could with a sword or a bow.”
“That’s rather disappointing.”(0 to 2 stats up)
“I suppose that’s agreeable, but I know I can do better.”(3 to 4 stats up)
“You can rely on me more now.”(5 stats up)
“This is all thanks to Ullr looking out for me.”(6 stats up)
“I don’t think I can get any higher than this!”(Upon reaching level 99)
“I can feel the lord granting me a new power.”
“I’ll use this new power to protect the people I love.”
“I can save more people with this.”
“The lord grants me new strength.”
“Point me where you need me.”(Full/High HP)
“I can still keep going.”(Medium HP)
“Just a little more… (pained grunt)”(Low HP)
“That was amusing.”
“May the lord have mercy on you!”
“You’re so pathetic.”
“Follow my lead!”
“I’m stronger with my allies!”
“We can do it, together.”
“A life taken, but many lives saved.”
“You’re braver than I am.”
“Thanks to you I can keep going.”
“I can’t take anymore. I have to retreat and take the time to recover.” (casual)
“So this is the end of me. Brother, Sister, I’m sorry. May the lord watch over you all.” (classic)
i. “My brother doesn’t talk about his feelings very often, but I want to be able to understand him more. How should I get him to open up to me?”
> Just be patient and listen to him when he does talk to you, even if it’s about the littlest things. Slowly but surely he will open up about the harder things to talk about. > You should pursue him relentlessly and never give him a moment alone. He’ll have no choice to talk to you then. > Bury him in gifts, then he will see that you think about him all the time and that he can trust you.
ii. “As a young woman, I often find myself dealing with a lot of flirts who only like me for superficial reasons. It gets annoying hearing how beautiful my hair is or how soft my facial features are. Why do men think women want to hear those kinds of things? ” (Question)
> You will never understand men. Give up while you’re still ahead.
> They don’t know anything about you, so they look to compliments on appearance when it comes to first meetings.
> Can you blame them when women are so beautiful? 
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tgrailwar-zero · 10 months
So, Lord Sigurd, what else can you tell us about the current situation? Also apologies for what has occurred to your city. We are Interlopers, but this isn’t how we wanted things to play out, even if hostilities came about.
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SIGURD: "A few hours prior, the Beast manifested in the city and began attacking the people. My beloved and I tried to fend back the dragons, but found ourselves on the back foot until assistance arrived- now, we're focusing on defending the people of this city."
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CONSTANTINE: "Your beloved?"
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SIGURD: "Brynhildr."
The way he said her name was dense with affection, almost reverent.
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SIGURD: As soon as I was summoned, I used my Runic Magecraft and my Authority as a Lair Servant to summon her as well. We've been ruling this city together ever since, and even for the fleeting existence for the Solar Cell, I've been able to live in peace."
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SIGURD: "For disrupting that peace, I cannot forgive you. Not yet, though I am willing to fight alongside you. However, you can attempt to cleanse your sin by saving my city and these people. Then we can discuss further- perhaps discuss an end to your crusade entirely."
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gascon-en-exil · 10 months
A follow-up on the Jugdral seasonal alt conundrum.
Including this new teatime banner, there are all of 17 Jugdral seasonal alts in Heroes, or 19 if you count harmonic backpacks. 10 of these come from just two banners pulling solely from this one setting.
September 2020 dancer event (duo Sigurd/Deirdre, Quan, Ethlyn, Eldigan, Lachesis)
September 2021 Crusader festival event (harmonic Leif/Seliph, Lewyn, Julia, Larcei, Nanna)
These plus the three on the latest banner, Brigid and Lifis appearing on separate pirate banners, and Ishtar and Reinhardt on the September 2019 dancer banner are all that we've ever gotten. The two harmonic backpacks, Lene and Sara, appear on desert banners. With this in mind, it's only reasonable to expect Jugdral seasonals in January, August, or September. How random.
As a point of comparison, Valentia currently has 15 seasonals - meaning that before the release of this teatime banner, Gaiden/Echoes had more seasonals than the Jugdral games combined. Valentian characters have also shown up under a wider range of themes, including Valentine's, spring, bridal, and Halloween banners.
There are three possible conclusions I might draw from this, although they're all somewhat related:
IS doesn't believe that Jugdral units can sell the more fanservice-dependent seasonal themes,
IS treats the setting with a degree of respect not given to any of the others, viewing it as too serious for the sillier themes, or
IS is holding off until these games get remakes, at which point we'll be inundated with redesigned Jugdral characters showing up in swimwear and bunny costumes and all the other usual nonsense.
I'm not sure which conclusion I prefer.
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ulircursed · 3 months
♡ mananan would've made a better match for ayra i think (sorry andrei) but he didn't arrange a marriage at all so let's just roll with it
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from here! holy shit who is this guy changing the hair color changed everything
(the twins are here too! yeah, they get three children bc i do not like to shadow realm one of a pair of twins. they look the same as they do in canon bless u ayra and ur black hair)
but oh god ok in this au, ring reacted faster than all the conspirators and actually advised kurth to bring an entourage to meet mananan at the edge of the ribaut clan before reptor could assassinate the isacchian king. they get their peace treaty and the war ends! in exchange, mananan agrees (is forced to agree) to send ayra to grannvale to marry. because... something something od holy blood. maybe they take shannan too. anyway they are basically political prisoners grannvale is just too polite to say so.
and so she is wed to andrei, as the son of duke ring. at this point in my hc he has been officially declared heir i think. andrei makes no attempt to treat ayra as anything but a political prisoner, knowing that the chances of him having a major blooded child with a minor blood from a whole 'nother crusader are slim to none. at the same time, with ring right there and no conspiracy on the horizon (yet), it's not like andrei will do anything too crazy of his own accord (i've said this before, but while his relationship with ring wasn't good, it also wasn't bad enough that he would've at all wanted to kill his father without an outside reason). so they have a child.
meet black haired 'scipio'
the kid is born with only minor od blood. this is not great for andrei's mental health, and andrei makes his disappointment known to the kid from the moment he is consciously aware of his surroundings. at the same time, political prisoner ayra wasn't exactly encouraged to form a bond with her child so he also doesn't have a mother's support throughout all this
he ends up inheriting his father's self-worth issues wholesale, but worse bc at least father had minor ullr blood??? he has Nothing except the Political Prisoner's Bad Blood. hates himself deeply but tries to keep up a haughty appearance to cover that up. inferiority-superiority complex to the extreme
he will become a master knight in this iteration. gotta prove himself and his nonexistent self-worth u know
a few years later, the twins are also born! they have minor ullr blood and andrei ends up deciding that's worse, the idea that ullr's legacy is being mixed with another crusader's blood. when i say he doesn't have a healthy attitude re: ullr this is what i mean. he ends up liking the twins even less than 'scipio', and edain is aware of this.
ANYWAY back to the lore. a large part of the tellius gen i asks is just figuring out how we even get here ahaha. eventually, the conspirators find a chance during a big event that andrei is expected to bring ayra, and assassinate kurth during that time, blaming the whole thing on ayra but also insinuating that chalphy and yngvi were in on it. they publicly execute ayra and order that mananan and mariccle answer for their family member's crimes or they'll like. kill shannan too.
at this point byron and ring figure out what's going on, and they rescue shannan and get sigurd to smuggle him out of the country using the excuse of political visits to the surrounding nations. the yied desert is no longer a viable route at this point bc reptor and lombard would have troops there to intercept them, so sigurd plans to get to isaach via going through verdane and agustria then getting a ship north to silesse and then to isaach. he leaves with some of his friends, edain included, and edain brings her niece and nephew the twins, thinking that this might make their cover story of innocent visits more convincing if they brought children along (shannan is also along but he's the whole point of the excursion so he has to hide at all times). andrei then kills ring, takes the duchy and throws in his lot with the conspiracy 'for yngvi's sake'. byron also is killed.
everything that happens in canon with sigurd's party happens at this point, even though it's a little bit late. manfroy pulls strings behind the scenes to convince both verdane and agustria that sigurd is here to conquer them instead of basically just. smuggling a small child. and so they run into Problems along the way. he meets deirdre, they have seliph, manfroy comes in with a steel chair, etc etc. anyway the gang is in silesse when they receive news that mananan and mariccle are both dead, isaach has officially fallen, and grannvale knows what sigurd and co are up to and they'd best come back before they're all labeled as traitors. chapter 5 happens and the people/kids who do escape originally still escape.
ok the story took a huge extra few years to get back on track but ultimately everything stays the same, except scipio now has black hair, od blood and hates himself more. sorry.
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nothosword · 6 months
Ethlyn's eyes narrow as she approaches Fergus and prods him firmly in the sternum. "Not only do you show up to my party late but you don't even bother to stop and introduce yourself?" Granted, she barely gave him any chance to do so before marching her way up to him right after entering but it would not have been as funny otherwise.
It's not like she's serious either. Not entirely.
She throws her head back with a laugh and offers her hand in a firm shake. "Ethlyn Claus. My brother, Sigurd, and I are hosting. Don't take me too seriously. You, of course, are welcome to a great time!"
Ow. What kind of lady pokes a charming young guy at a dinner party?
Fergus whips around to meet her, his low ponytail flying behind his back. It's only his first day out here, so he sort of just stumbled in--didn't even have time to get dressed--but things looked so lively he simply couldn't exclude himself! Now he's biting himself for it. The woman blabbers on, but between the slight sting on his chest and his waning attention, he could care less.
That is, of course, until he hears the name 'Sigurd.' "Woah, woah, wait." He hesitates to shake her hand, a smile of his own creeping over his face, "Sigurd? Like, that hotshot from Chalphy? So you're Grannvale..."
Like those dogs that harassed Karin. Fergus should be beating her up right now.
Her hand is suddenly seized with a crushing grip, and shaken so hard her shoulders jostle in their sockets. "You guys never change, always laying it thick on the little guy! Name's Fergus," he laughs, deciding to ley bygones be bygones and play along with her joke, "I'll get myself well-acquainted, don't you worry."
A pause as he returns her hand to him. It eluded him before, but the hosts of Baldr's Bounty are well and true Jugdralis--not some Crusader-pushing posers.
"Say... I know this might be a long shot, but there aren't any Leif's in attendance, are there?"
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vieridebitchtits · 1 year
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Brave Seliph - Enduring Legacy
Descendant of the crusader Baldr and son of Sigurd. He brings Jugdral's long war to its conclusion.
I haven’t drawn enough Fire Emblem. I haven’t drawn enough FE4. I fixed both of those!
Edit: Hey, do ya like Speed Painting videos?
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
Fire Emblem Engage — “Welcome to the Somniel" Trailer
Japanese version
Fire Emblem Engage will launch for Nintendo Switch on January 20, 2023.
The Divine Dragon awakens.
In a war against the Fell Dragon, four kingdoms worked together with heroes from other worlds to seal away this great evil. One-thousand years later, this seal has weakened and the Fell Dragon is about to reawaken. As a Divine Dragon, use rich strategies and robust customization to meet your destiny—to collect 12 Emblem Rings and bring peace back to the Continent of Elyos.
Team Up with Iconic Heroes from Past Fire Emblem Games
Summon valiant heroes like Marth and Celica with the power of Emblem Rings and add their power to yours in this brand-new Fire Emblem story.
Emblem Marth – Known as the Emblem of Beginnings. A hero among heroes, brimming with nobility and charisma. Reads enemy’s intentions in battle and responds with a flurry of strikes.
Emblem Celica – Known as the Emblem of Echoes. The princess of a vibrant country, as well as a warrior priestess. Her holy magic is the bane of monsters.
Emblem Sigurd – Known as the Emblem of the Holy War. A noble knight with a mighty lineage. Boasts high movement and powerful lance attacks.
Emblem Leif – Known as the Emblem of Genealogy. A brave prince in whose veins runs the blood of two crusaders. A versatile knight proficient in axe, sword, and lance.
Emblem Roy – Known as the Emblem of Binding. A nobleman who excels as a general, brave and intelligent. Endures enemy attacks and cuts a path through with his sword.
Emblem Lyn – Known as the Emblem of Blazing. A virtuoso swordswoman from a nomadic tribe that lived in nature. Defeats closeup foes with her sword and distant ones with her bow.
Emblem Eirika – Known as the Emblem of the Sacred. A compassionate princess who takes up her sword for the sake of peace. Her flashing sword shatters her foe’s defenses.
Emblem Ike – Known as the Emblem of Radiance. A famous mercenary leader with unparalleled skill in battle. Destroys obstacles with his mighty sword and axe.
Emblem Micaiah – Known as the Emblem of Dawn. Bearer of strange healing powers as well as visions of the future. Supports allies with illuminating magic and a healing staff.
Emblem Lucina – Known as the Emblem of Awakening. A royal heir who knows anything can change and will not yield to despair. Creates bonds with allies, and pools their strength to attack enemies.
Emblem Corrin – Known as the Emblem of Fates. Someone with an iron will and the blood of the First Dragons. Can tap into dragon veins, a magic sleeping in the land.
Emblem Byleth – Known as the Emblem of the Academy. A mercenary who became a teacher. Wields various hero’s relics and knows a variety of tactics.
New Faces
Alear – Successor to the Divine Dragon, awoken from a long sleep. Summons Emblems to lead the world to peace.
Divine Dragon Lumera – The Divine Dragon and ruler of the holy land of Lythos. She vanquished the Fell Dragon 1,000 years ago.
Framme – An apprentice Steward of the Dragon and the determined, buoyant twin sister of Clanne.
Alfred – The staunch and loyal crown prince of Firene. He trains constantly to strengthen his constitution.
Diamant – The majestic crown prince of Brodia. His people trust him greatly for his strong, genuine demeanor.
Ivy – The mysterious, melancholy crown princess of Elusia. She never relaxes her icy royal decorum.
Timerra – The bubbly and outgoing crown princess of Solm. Known for being accessible and approachable by all.
Anna – A traveling merchant from a wintry part of Elusia. She is a cheerful and cunning cheapskate.
Veyle – A mysterious young girl who appears suddenly as Alear is ambushed by a Corrupted. It seems she’s on a journey to find someone.
Engage in a New Style of Combat
Aside from merging appearances, Engaging lets you use weapons, skills, and more from these legends during battle. The turn-based, tactical battle is back with the brand-new Engage system to add more layers to the strategy.
Welcome to Somniel
Explore the paradise of Somniel, your base of operations, located in the sky above the continent of Elyos. It hosts a variety of facilities and activities for the player to prepare for upcoming battles and strengthen bonds.
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enarmor · 6 months
"Oh, welcome, my new friend!" Sigurd spread his arms as he approached Sain – he'd seen the man about the monastery, a fellow Knight of Seiros, and he seemed a charming companion to have, all eager smiles and ready flattery. He knew in passing that the young man was friends with many that Sigurd had come to like, and even respect, and was glad to see that Sain had taken them up on their invitation to the party.
"Please, if you've goods that need to be chilled," Sigurd nodded at the items in the man's hands, "You can find stations in the kitchen setup for them. What an opportunity for us to become close, isn't it? I understand you share a passing relationship with my sister, Ethlyn? She is helping me host the event, surely she would like to see you as well."
Reaching to shake the man's hand firmly, Sigurd grabbed the goodie bag he and Ethlyn had prepared. The bag is of a plush sapphire velvet with braided gold drawstrings. If he were tempted to peek inside, he would find the festive goodies of the typical Chalphy holiday season: roasted nuts coated in a caramelized warming spice mixture, a hand-pulled twisted peppermint stick, decadent candied orange peel, and a holiday cracker to be pulled later with little knick-knacks within.
"You mustn't hesitate to call upon me, whatever your needs! Please, enjoy!"
"Ah, so you remembered me!" Sain retorts, clapping his hands together before mimicking Sigurd's spread and pulling him into a hug. "It must have been fate that brought us together. We're knightly brothers, you and I."
He breaks and holds Sigurd by the arms when the crusader notices the baskets of food hanging from his shoulders. Sain can't help but be marveled by his keen eye. He really does have the makings of a true event host. It's like every little twinkle in his heart that he felt from meeting him has erupted into a column of light.
Sigurd really is the ideal knight.
Something catches him off guard, though. "Mm? Lady Ethlyn? O-Oh, so you're related... I guess that would explain things..." Bashfulness creeps up on him. He can't choke down the blush growing in his neck and cheeks. Just how much had Ethlyn already told him? Does Sigurd see Sain as a failure? As a scoundrel? Has he been hiding his knowledge of their meeting this entire time--waiting for the minute the Lance would slip up around a lady?
He swallows hard. Nothing seems out of the ordinary yet, but his guard is raised. "You two have the same eyes! Ahah, maybe there's more to your lovely family than I've yet to see."
Throwing out compliments like arrows from a brave bow ought to tide over any unsavory feelings he'd have for Sain. Or so he hopes. The night has yet to begin, and already he can feel himself stepping on the wrong foot. For a brief moment, he wonders if his fate with House Chalphy is sealed. Not once does it cross his mind that he had done Ethlyn a great service at the ball.
The swarm of thoughts are broken apart, however, by the gift Sigurd thrusts into Sain's hands. The flirt tugs at the hem a little, trying to take a peek inside. He believes it impolite to open these kinds of things up until the party is over, so the string remains intact, but he thinks he can spot a few treats floating around.
Setting it in his breast pocket, he gives his friend a nod of acknowledgement. "Of course, Sir Sigurd. Just for tonight, I'll allow you to be my guiding star."
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aurheatum · 1 year
💋 a kiss between furrowed brows to try and comfort 
"Dear lady Rhea, what can it be that troubles you so?"
Sigurd always finds an occasion to walk into the archbishop's audience hall - perhaps for tea, or to discuss pilgrims or monastery events, or even just to watch the sun rise or set. He is always happy to provide his companionship to her, for words and heart are the least he can offer for all that she has done for him.
Sigurd does not bother to look at whatever missives Rhea is glowering at, simply scoops her hands into his to sweep her to her feet, pressing a swift kiss to the furrow in her brow.
"My lady, there are far finer things to explore this day. Shall we take a walk to clear your mind?"
The music Rhea makes is only ever in tones mimicking that of her Mother’s; even the oldest of the Seiros faith’s hymns are merely faded notes playing in Rhea’s mind kept alive only by visiting and revisiting those scants memories.
How is it then that Sir Sigurd causes her to produce such lyrical laughter? As weary as her office so often makes her seeing the crinkle of his smile, the youthful cheer there unmistakable as that which once tried to slip away from the crusader, miraculously makes her too feel younger and freer.
“You are as ever quite wise, Lord Chalphy,” she teases, though there is no lie in her statement playful though it is. “I fear I may burn a hole into these pages if I look at them any longer, and then I truly will be in dire straits. It is funny – the more I look at some of these sentences, the less I feel they are words that mean anything at all; so, yes, I would take you up on this walk, and please let us speak of things that make sense in both heart and mind for once.”
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