#shiny silver curtain rods
titanicfreija · 2 months
Sunny's Shelf
A written portrait, because my art is only visual in the sense that written word is primarily conveyed with changes to colors of a surface.
It got longer than I meant it to. 😅
It's actually an open face box, roughly 6"x6"x4" (~ 15cm x 15cm x 10cm) with a back wall of wood and a panel of either wood or glass on the bottom quarter of the front. It's got pink sparkly curtains with a solid white liner for privacy. (She never uses these.) The back wall is a mirror panel, but the rest are shiny purple.
A chair/stand is in the middle but you'd only know what it is if the Ghost is using it- it looks mostly like a metal cup that spent four days being spun in cartwheels while heated to the brink of melting point then allowed to set in cycles.
At the back corner, there's a book-holder rigged with a couple of clamps for thicker books. It started simple but now looks like a full-blown Contraption with levers to help with page turning without losing place, ready adjustments for different size books, and easy-release buttons on everything.
Next to the Book Contraption, in the front corner, is the bed/tent. It started as a wad of pink cloth that evolved when Freija found the right density fluff and enough of the right fabric to turn it into a tiny beanbag chair/bed, which then gained a pink, purple, and white canopy tent complete with ribbons along the rounded curtain rod.
String lights adorn the outside and the back edges. These can be adjusted and Sunny has habits of lining up the color/flash patterns with her mood subconsciously.
A small speaker from some old headphones is rigged into the corner, and it can function with a variety of devices through a port or wirelessly, but Sunny rarely uses it. Near this is a set of her own shelves used to display a collection of pretty rocks and other knick knacks.
Two shelves more extend above this. The top has a glass door and is a display case for the various Ghost Shells that either Freija or Sunny like to look at but not for Sunny to wear; and the second is her wardrobe with a similar display but without the door. These also rest on stands that look like lumpy metal, but they looks more like what they are. A hand mirror, which is some futuristic equivalent of Bejeweled with shiny purple and pink and silver things, hangs on the back wall of the middle shelf and can be readily taken off and moved around, unlike the one in the main shelf.
Occasionally my mental image is open front and deeper but the furniture and details are all pretty much the same.
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dustedmagazine · 3 years
Listed: His Name Is Alive
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While Warren Defever’s name is perhaps less recognizable than that of his band His Name Is Alive, he’s also been connected with a seemingly endless array of other projects: Princess Dragon-Mom, Elvis Hitler, ESP Beetles, Control Panel, and far more. This doesn’t get into his recording and production credits for the likes of Michael Hurley, Iggy and the Stooges, and Mdou Moctar. Forever associated with Michigan’s weirdo-underground music scene, Defever has recently been issuing a series of long-buried recordings as His Name Is Alive. In February, the Disciples label released Hope Is a Candle, the third and final volume in the "Home Recordings" trilogy exploring Defever's teenage tape experimentation as well as A Silver Thread (Home Recordings 1979 - 1990), a four-volume collection of many of Defever’s solo home recordings prior to His Name Is Alive releasing their debut album Livonia on 4AD in 1990. In his review of A Silver Thread, Tim Clarke writes “For a collection of home recordings, what’s most striking about this music is how fully realized and carefully executed it sounds, comparable at times to contemporary artists such as Grouper, Benoît Pioulard and Tim Hecker. This is not the 1980s that I remember.”
Defever gives us his “What Else Is New” list, a set of personal snapshots, memories of a life spent in music, warning the reader that “the descriptions don’t always have an obvious correlation to the video, but welcome to my nightmare brain.”
In The Line of Fire
I started performing when I was five. My grandfather was a self-taught musician from Saskatchewan in Western Canada and he showed me and my brothers how to play banjo, guitar and fiddle. One of my earliest memories is having a full size 127 lb. accordion placed onto my lap and my grandmother voicing her disappointment when I refused to play. I did learn slide guitar from her later though. I have many, often terrible, memories of performing at square dances with his band and we would play old timey country music, folk songs, polkas and waltzes. There were also gigs at the trailer park, old folks homes and a convent. Although my grandfather believed that popular music died with Hank Williams in 1953, he still found room in his heart for Lawrence Welk and Slim Whitman.
Meet Me By The Water
By age ten I had a tape recorder and was using it to capture the sounds of nearby lakes, thunderstorms, and my older brothers LP collection played at the wrong speeds. I recently found the cassette, Echo Lake (1983) which features waves crashing onto the beach on the Canadian side of Lake St. Clair but it was recorded right after I got an echo pedal so it’s got a heavy dose of dreamy delay. Tape loops of the next door neighbor raking leaves and shoveling the driveway would be repurposed a few years later as rhythm tracks on the first His Name Is Alive LP, Livonia (4AD, 1990). Detroit in the late 70s and early 80s had totally insane radio and one of the highlights was Met-Ezzthetics, a late night show on WDET hosted by Faruq Z. Bey who also played saxophone in Griot Galaxy. Shortly before his death he played with His Name is Alive and we had a chance to formalize our student-teacher relationship.
Search For Higher Energies
In high school I was studying Bach Chorale harmonization and counterpoint during the day but recording and touring with the band Elvis Hitler at night. The other guys in band were older but at 16 I was a familiar sight at shitty Detroit punk clubs and Hamtramck dive bars, the nerdy teenager reading a book or doing homework sitting at the bar waiting ’til midnight or 1am for our slot to play our hellbilly hits, “It’s A Long Way From Berlin To Memphis,” and “Hot Rod To Hell.” I was still trying to make sense of the post 1953 music scene and when I met the guy with a giant afro and shiny super hero outfit complete with shiny cape I had no idea he was Rob Tyner of the MC5. We released three records before I was twenty one and played shows and toured with Devo, the Dwarves, the Dead Milkmen, Reverend Horton Heat, the Beat Farmers, Helios Creed, Babes In Toyland, the Cro-Mags, Corrosion of Conformity, the Frogs, the Gories, Pussy Galore, the Unsane and way more I can’t remember I was just a kid. It was some kind of education.
You Don’t Have To Go Home But You Can’t Stay Here
When I signed with 4AD I thought I was a composer and they let me write my own bio, so I called His Name Is Alive the work of a “fucked up, irresponsible teenage composer.” I had only been writing music for three years. When I heard “Tom Violence” by Sonic Youth I thought for the first time in my life, “I think I could do that.” In 1988 I made a mixtape with Tracy Chapman’s Fast Car, Leadbelly and some of Big Star’s third album and I tried to arrange it like it was an album, then I made my own album in that same shape, it was called I Had Sex With God and I sent it to 4AD. Our first album contained three of the first five pieces of music I had ever written. Within a few years I was playing festivals for contemporary classical composers and new age artists who were thirty or forty years older than me. His Name Is Alive played the Musicas Visuales Festival in Mexico with Harold Budd, Paul Horn and Jorge Reyes. The mayor of the city presented me with a guitar but then dramatically walked out of the theater during our performance realizing he had made a terrible mistake. I remember the surreal moment when from across the room Harold Budd walked in and greeted me as “Mr. Defever.” He had a cold and was sniffling during his set, the audience thought he was crying. I recorded his show and when I got back home to Livonia I added my own guitar to some of his songs and then edited the tapes, looping my favorite parts and editing out the parts I didn’t like, also adding additional layers of reverb and echo. More recently I did a concert in a five hundred year old temple in Japan where the unamplified meditation music never rose above a whisper and the monk had to turn off the furnace because the heat molecules were too loud. The show was recorded and released under the name Mountain Ocean Sun and features Ian Masters and Hitoko Sakai.
Energy Dealer
Both my parents were born in Canada, my mother in Saskatchewan, my father in Ontario. I have dual citizenship as my father was American and my mother had Canadian citizenship. I spent summers, holidays and weekends in a tiny cottage on Lake St. Clair that did not have a telephone and had curtains instead of doors separating the two rooms. Myrt Fortin who lived next door would receive phone calls for my mom, walk over to our place and yell into the window, “Hey wake up your ma, your dad’s on the phone.” My mom took a lot of naps, so she was always asleep when something important was happening. I remember always getting cut on broken glass while swimming in the lake or getting stabbed by one of the neighbors and having to go wake up my mom to take me to the hospital.
Lord I Don’t Believe You Exist
When I was ten my parents sat me down and told me it was time that I got a summer job. There were only two businesses in town, a gas station and a hardware store so I walked up to the hardware store and asked the owner for a job and immediately fell to the ground crying. Completely fell apart. He asked me why I wanted to work in hardware. I didn’t know what to say, I was only ten but I knew not to tell the owner that his store was stupid and I didn’t think he could handle the truth. It turned out he also owned the gas station so that didn’t really work out. Later that summer, I began working for the Pickseed Corporation as corn de-tasseling season was just beginning. All the moms would drop off their kids in the church parking lot in Tecumseh, just outside of Windsor, around 4:30am where an unmarked windowless cargo van was waiting that had cinderblocks and 2'x4' boards instead of benches so they could squeeze in the maximum amount of children. There were three job requirements to work in a cornfield, the child (it was only children, no adults) needed to show up with a baseball hat, a thermos with water and a large black plastic garbage bag. I think this was before sunglasses were invented. Upon arriving at the cornfield, we were separated into pickers and checkers, younger kids each taking a row of corn (a row could extend a mile or more) and a slightly older kid would organize and manage several of the younger kids. In the morning we were instructed to poke two arm holes and a head hole into our garbage bags and put it on like a raincoat because the corn was covered in dew and kids wearing wet clothes would walk slower than dry kids. So almost every day there was a point, usually around 11am when the dew would dry and we would be roasted alive from the summer sun coming down on our ridiculous shiny black plastic outfits. We worked from sun up until sun down. I received three dollars and thirty five cents an hour. For all you city folks, corn is planted in alternating rows of types of corn so that when the top part of the plant is removed, or “de-tasseled,” it can seed or cross-pollinate easily. It’s a terrible job with a high turnover rate and every day I would hear the sound of kids in nearby rows that had given up hope, sat down in the middle of the field and crying for hours. The following year, at age 11, I was promoted from picker to checker, and was put in charge of a group of about ten sixteen year old’s.
Sleep It Off
Mostly I like to record – His Name is Alive has over a hundred releases and I’ve done another fifty records under various names, Control Panel, Warren Michael Defever, ESP BEETLES, ESP SUMMER, Forest People, Infinity People, Jeepers Creepers, Layla al-Akhyaliyya, Mirror Dream, Princess Dragon-Mom, the Dirt Eaters, the Fishcats, the Whales, plus way more I can’t remember probably because the names were so dumb. I’ve recorded about four hundred records for other bands at my house or other studios. I’ve worked on records with Danny Kroha, Ida, Fred Thomas, Elizabeth Mitchell, Wild Belle, Michael Hurley, and when I was a teenager I helped record the first Gories album which was especially unique as I was the junior assistant engineer who helped move their equipment into the dirt floor garage next to the studio where it was decided the acoustics would be way worse. Also, I helped collage about a hundred Destroy All Monsters tapes from the 70s for a couple of their releases which led to remastering a bunch of tapes from the John Sinclair White Panther Party archives. I’ve done remixes for Thurston Moore and Yoko Ono and when Iggy and The Stooges started touring again I got a phone call from Ron Asheton seeing if I would help them record demos for their reunion album with Mike Watt on bass. They wrote the songs together while they were recording in Niagara’s basement sort of simultaneously. Iggy didn’t have a notebook with all his lyric ideas, instead he just sang about whatever happened that day – one song was about the airline losing his luggage, one about ATM machines and another was about reading in a newspaper that Ray Davies of the Kinks had been shot in New Orleans. In the end they weren’t terribly excited by my suggested song titles including “No Shirt” (you know because it’s like “No Fun” plus you know Iggy never wears a shirt) and they didn’t seem to love the mixes that I did that sounded kind of like those crappy Raw Power bootlegs.
Cost Of Living
Two summers ago I recorded an incredible concert by Mdou Moctar live at Third Man Records in Detroit. They’re wild hypnotic Hendrix style jammers who live in the desert. The band didn’t speak much english but I think I was able to communicate to them how excited I was about their amazing fingerpicking and hot guitar solos after the show by screaming and replaying the best solos over and over again and then screaming the word fuzz and pointing at their fingers. It’s insane and having seen them a few times since then with a different drummer and the addition of a bass player, I’m convinced it’s their best album. It’s wild but it’s still not Tchin-tabaraden wedding wild.
Licked By Lions
Jonathan Richman walks into Ethan and Gretchen's studio and asks if I can remove all the rugs, take the acoustic treatments off the walls and strike the baffles which normally separate the instruments, drums and amps, so the room will have the most echo possible, he has also invited about ten friends including Johnny Bee Badanjek the drummer from Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels and Mary Cobra from the Detroit Cobras to dance, sing and play percussion in the studio while he records. He has two vocal microphones set up at either end of the room and has brought his own microphones for the drums along with his own desired placement for them. He notices a tamboura near the control room and asks if I know how to play it or if I know how to tune it. Within seconds he’s tuned it and proceeds to sing Indian classical music accompanying himself on tamboura drone for about thirty five minutes. It’s beautiful and very surprising. He asks me if I recorded it, I lie and say no. Later he asks me not to play it for anyone. We record for hours. Some songs are quite long – ten and fifteen minutes, some are medleys of oldies or soft rock hits from the seventies segueing into new songs of his. It’s a confusing session as it’s not clear when songs are starting and ending and he often plays guitar and sings nowhere near a microphone. The distance between him and the microphone seems to have some meaning, there’s some formula to when he chooses to walk away in the middle of a verse but I am unable to determine the secret code. At the end of the session three or four songs are deemed usable, edited and mixed, although, sadly, an attempt at a completely insane and unexpected fuzz guitar solo is left unreleased. (The Harold Budd piece is at the opposite end of this spectrum.)
Calling All Believers
Shortly after Tecuciztecatl was released, I received an email from Dr. James Beacham at CERN inviting us to perform at a series of concerts that would combine experimental music with experimental science at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland. He didn’t contact our booking agent, which would be how we generally receive offers for gigs, instead he sent an email to me, which would be how we generally receive crazy messages from our completely insane fans (murderous, delusional, poetic, threatening messages usually). I assumed the invitation was fake or a prank and replied that we would prefer to wait until they had successfully opened a pathway to interspatial dimensions and we’d play on the other side or that if that was unlikely to happen at a convenient time then perhaps we could set up our equipment right on the edge of a mini-black hole and perform as the Earth is being destroyed so we could release the concert film “Live At The End Of The World.” After a few messages back and forth, it was clear that he was legit and I apologized for being such a jerk. Soon I discovered poetry within the language of particle physics as well as a certain beauty in the idea that these scientists have devoted their lives to dreaming, searching and discovering basic principles that connect all things in existence. The song “Calling All Believers” refers to this devotion. “Energy Acceleration” compares the scientists to monastic life in medieval times and mystics trying to find and define the line between this world and the next and at the same time invoking the incredible amounts of energy needed to create the collisions experiments. The Patterns of Light LP was released in 2016 on London London Records and is about interpreting visions of light, trying to find universal truth with whatever tools available, it’s about the search for how everything works, why it works and how it got that way but also about being inspired on a basic level by the way a thing looks and how all your senses take in a thing. A thousand years ago Hildegard Von Bingen was writing about this same thing in letters, songs, medical texts, and had even developed her own language to use in her mystical writings, similar to Magma drummer Christian Vander using his own language for their concept albums or French black metalists Brenoritvrezorkre and Moëvöt.
The Light Inside You
We get a lot of letters from fans, mostly weirdos though. I think it started when we released Song of Schizophrenia, that sort of connected us to a certain demographic I suspect. Here’s a recent typical message we received. “Growing up in Panama City, Mouth By Mouth and Livonia were like passages to other realms. I drank a ton of cough syrup at the time but those albums helped make life more livable. I was about to go to art school for sculpture and graphic design and the textures I heard on those records had actual shapes to them. Most music I knew at that time was flat or linear. I got them on cassette via mail-order from an ad placed in a bmx magazine. Mouth By Mouth arrived just before going to work at the amusement park and I was able to listen to it twice on the way thanks to the never-ending beach traffic. As luck would have it, I worked on “The Abominable Snowman” ride, basically a tilt-a-whirl inside a dome with lots of fog machine action, blue lights, mirrors, and lots of air conditioning. It took about 10 listens that day before it wasn’t as weird as when I first put it on. Maybe it was my bubblegum flavor/robitussin combo slushie on top of no-doz that pulled it all together, but it was probably a weird ride for a lot of vacationing beach tourists and townies when all they really wanted to hear was “Naughty by Nature” by O.P.P. I had no business running those rides at the age of 17 but I really loved how disorienting that ride could be with all the mirrors, the fog, the cold and for the final 90 seconds the ride would go in reverse. I had a buddy named Kevin that did acid at work and would repeatedly run the mini-train off the tracks and all the riders had to walk back through the woods for about a half mile that summer.”
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gluttonygirls · 5 years
BIG OOOF! Could we get a drabble of the three Touhous poledancing? Please? (Like this?)
The lights dimmed on the stage as patrons went to take their seats, fidgeting in anticipation at the show being prepared. Judging from the heavy thumping and creaking metal coming from behind the stage it was going to be a good one.
After a few more moments of preparation, the curtain parted, and the cheers of the audience showed that they appreciated what they were being given. On the middle of the stage was Nue, clad in a half blue and half red bikini, waving to her adoring public with a hand plumper than most people’s waists. Next to her, yawning as she rubbed her eyes from a nap, Patchouli adjusted her purple top, sending people whistling as her massive bust wobbled. On the other side of Nue, Parsee narrowed her eyes at the ogling crowd, shifting herself to the side. Her green bikini did nothing to stop her massive gut from slapping against the floor, brushing back and forth as she swayed.
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“Welcome, everyone~” Chimed Nue, reaching out her arms. Cupping the shoulders of the lovely ladies to either side of her, she pulled them all together, bellies knocking against each of their love handles like pendulums. Wobbling like a wall of flab, she smirked, tilting her head to the other two as she spoke. “We’ve got a great show for you all tonight, so why don’t we all shut up, and show off~?”
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“Whatever...” Grumpily shoving Nue away, the ravenette giggling from the bridge princess’s attitude, Parsee wobbled over to the nearly hidden pole in the middle of the stage. The other two enormous women backing up, giving her all the space she’d surely need, Parsee measured herself up against the shiny silver rod. Pressing her belly into it, the cool steel squishing down into her cleavage as it pushed down on her belly, the blonde glared back to the crowd. The patrons hooted and hollered as she slowly lifted up one massive leg, her tremendous thigh looking as though it was barely clearing the ground. The shouting only grew louder as her other leg rose up, a half ton of blonde fatty held up off the ground by her own strength.
It was impressive, for a moment.
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“You’re dawdling. This was only supposed to be a fifteen minute show, don’t have it take so long.” Lumbering past Nue, her rear to the crowd, everyone had a clear shot of her tremendous butt filling out her bikini. Waddling up next to the blonde, Parsee squeaked as Patchouli slid into place next to her. Wrapping her legs around the pole, fully embracing it with her legs instead of just squeezing with her thighs like Parsee, the long haired librarian climbed the pole, just resting a bit higher than the other youkai. Glancing down at the princess as the bar rested under her bust, one breast pushing up against her cheek, she huffed as the blonde started to splutter. With Patchouli’s belly resting against her boobs, forcing Parsee’s own breasts to nearly smother her, it was hard to object.
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But it seemed Nue wasn’t going to be outdone. Lifting a clearly reinforced ladder, Parsee let out another indignant cry as Nue leveraged it against her back. Climbing, the stage shaking as even more weight was piled onto the pole, people began to stamp their feet and cheer as Nue’s enormous thighs rolled over each other. Reaching the top, her belly surging over Patchouli and her rump flooding onto Parsee’s head, she gave a wink to her audience.
And let her.
Nue’s body swung around as she clutched the pole with the backs of her legs, the fatty crook of her knees keeping her secure with her unnatural strength. Her hair hung down as she flipped upside down. Her belly hanging down, her breasts only just short of suffocating her, she tilted her chins to be seen around her massive tits, giggling as her rear covered what had been left on the pole. If not for the sliver of silver at the bottom, it would seem like they were floating rather than clinging.
Now came the part the three liked most about the act.
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Eating until the pole broke.
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Good quality Curtain Rods Silver Good quality Curtain Rods Silver | Many thanks for stopping by at this website. Below is a terrific picture for…
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worldbestdiy · 4 years
DIY | How to Decorate With Metallics in the Bedroom | DIY | How to Decorate With Green
DIY Projects | How to Decorate With Green inspiring ideas DIY
DIY | How to Decorate With Metallics in the Bedroom | Creative DIY Project Ideas Are you ready to give your home a quick update? We are loving furniture and decor with metallic accents. Give your home a subtle Accessorize sparingly: too much metallic can be overwhelming so go for one stand out piece as the headlining embellishment in the room.
DIY Project Details: worldbestdiy.com.blog
It’s Time to Decorate With Metallics in the Bedroom
Almost every decorating style benefits from a little touch of bling — shiny metallics that add light, glamour, and a touch of luxe to the bedroom.
As with most strong decorative elements, however, a little bit of metallic goes a long way.
So whether you only want a hint of metal, or you want an entire wall of shine, these ten bedrooms will show you how to do metallic right.
If you’re going to use wallpaper on an accent wall, you might as well put the emphasis on “accent.” This gorgeous metallic wallpaper overlays a pale silver base with gold, bronze, and pewter leafy fronds.
DIY Project Details: worldbestdiy.com.blog
It’s dramatic, yet not overbearing. If you don’t like mixed metals, there are many single-metal wallpapers available that are equally lovely.
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Wow! The design might be simple, but the bright copper of this bed is a showstopper.
The copper drawer pulls and the bedside lamp ties the space together and adds further shine to a room that is actually very simply furnished. The fuzzy white pendant lights add a touch of whimsy, while the gleaming comforter is a final touch of bling in a room that combines glamour and minimalism beautifully. This Moroccan-inspired bedroom has plenty of exotic charm, but it’s the metallic gold curtains framing the matte gold, ornately-carved screen at the head of the bed that make it look like the sleeping quarters of a Moroccan princess. Golden curtains might be a bit too much for most bedrooms, but neutral curtains with a metallic design would work in any room. One of the most traditional styles of bed, particularly in cottage, country or coastal décor, is a brass bed. Although this warm metal fell out of favor for a while after the shiny excesses of the 1980s, it’s back in a big way. If a brass bed isn’t your style, it’s still very easy to work this versatile metal into your bedroom — look for picture frames, curtain rods, or a sunburst mirror.
DIY Project Details: worldbestdiy.com.blog
Mixing contemporary style with retro glamour, this bedroom shows how to do silver right.
The oversize tufted headboard, with its pale silver upholstery that complements the bed, is luxurious enough on its own.
but by adding in the silver mirrored bedside tables, silver lamps, and silvery-gray wallpaper, this bedroom takes glamour to a whole new level.
With an unexpected palette of brown, black, and aqua, this bedroom is already lovely. But it’s the two golden poufs at the foot of the bed that really add the “Wow!” to space.
DIY Project Details: worldbestdiy.com.blog
Add a touch of bling to your own bedroom with a similar ottoman: gold or silver would work equally well.
Notice the gold dots on the wall at the head of the bed — there’s no need for a headboard when your wall is this dazzling.
Who said you have to have a white ceiling? Instead, do something entirely unexpected, and paint your ceiling a warm, gleaming copper. This stunning look is created with a base of red paint and an overcoat of metallic copper specialty paint.
The nightstand shown here might be a very traditional French style, but the silver metallic finish is anything but old-fashioned.
This bedroom shows how easy it is to liven up traditional style with a touch of metallic — and yet, nothing here is overdone or tacky. This is the elegant side of silver.
DIY Project Details: worldbestdiy.com.blog
You’ll feel like royalty sleeping in a bed outfitted with golden sheets and a gorgeous metallic gold floral-patterned comforter. But it doesn’t stop there — check out the gold bedside table and the gold lamp.
What keeps this room from looking garish are the simplicity of the palette — just gold and cream — and the simple lines of the furniture.
What a serene, soft, and simple bedroom. The cozy palette of soft blushing peach, silvery gray, and the lightest tint of sage green is very soothing and quiet.
When color is this muted, however, there is always a risk of monotony. Not a chance of that in this room.
However — not with the simple yet striking copper pendant light and the open-weave copper table by the bed. They provide just enough shine to create contrast without taking anything away from the overall tranquil feel of the room.
It’s Time to Decorate With Metallics in the Bedroom.
DIY Project Details: worldbestdiy.com.blog
Green is the color of life, of renewal, prosperity, and harmony. learn how to use it strategically and stylishly. Decorating in green has endless possibilities.
What Type of Color is Green?
Green is one of those colors that can be both trendy and traditional. An earthy hue that evokes images of lush grass and fresh air, green is a color that easily brings the outdoors in.
green belongs to the wood element and is a calming, balancing color that is all about fresh, new beginnings and renewal.
It can be both warm and cool, depending on the shade, but often lands more on the cooler spectrum.
You’ll often find other cool shades that derive the “coolness” from green undertones.
But while the majority of greens are cool, there’s a wide variety in green and will often feel vastly different depending on the room and natural light.
The Basics of Decorating With Green
Whether you want to paint your walls green or invest in an eye-catching piece of green furniture, the shade of green you should opt for depends entirely on the mood you want to set and the space you are trying to fill.
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DIY Project Details: worldbestdiy.com.blog
Dark Green
Dark, jewel-toned green is the perfect backdrop for a moody living room or bedroom. It instantly creates a sense of elegance and class, no matter the size of the space.
will appear smokey and rich, it’s a great choice for a larger space that needs grounding or an accent wall behind a bed.
Muted Green
On the other hand, a lighter pastel or muted green will make a room appear light and airy. It’s a comfortable shade, perfect for guest bedrooms or office spaces.
will create a sense of tranquility and peace in a bedroom or bathroom and acts as an updated neutral.
This shade is also a great choice for bedding in a minimalistic room as a way to add a little color without taking away from the original palette.
Vintage landscapes will also often draw from muted greens and can be a great way to add the color into your Mid-century modern or eclectic style home.
DIY Project Details: worldbestdiy.com.blog
Warm Green
When it comes to decorating with warm greens, look for shades with a yellow or orange undertone.
It’s a great choice for any space you want to add a little more color without coming off too bold.
DIY Project Details: worldbestdiy.com.blog
Colors That Go With Green
The greatest thing about green is that pairing it with other colors is easy because there are so many shades of green.
Pair crisp, linen-like whites with a deep moody green is a great way to add contrast and visual interest in space while keeping the feel fresh and modern.
For a super jewel-toned room, mix rich earthy shades of green with deep navy blues and burgundies.
This palette is perfect for large living spaces with room to experiment. Look for vintage Turkish-style rugs that pull in rich, deep colors.
Using the color green in home decor can add an earthy, grounded feel to any space.
Plus, unlike some other bold colors, green can lend itself well to many different color palettes and appear both calming and energetic at the same time.
DIY Project Details: worldbestdiy.com.blog
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How To Choose Your Curtain Rod?
There is more to curtain rod than the size and color. You also have to decide what style you want, what kind of brackets would fit your home space perfectly and so on. Selecting that one right curtain rod is solely dependent on the look, feel and style of the room.
A chunky, traditional and wooden curtain rod would work best with carved out properly fine-tuned finials (brackets). Shiny, silver rod would go best with crystal accents. Then you can also opt for some boho and eclectic bedroom
Think about it. A chunky, traditional wooden curtain rod with carved finials would appear garish in a sleek modern living room. Similarly, a shiny, silver rod with crystal accents doesn’t have a place in an eclectic, boho bedroom. The color of your curtain rod isn’t the only factor. You also need to account for the size, finish and any accents or finials you want to add. There are various home improvement stores offering you the chance to Buy Antique Brass Curtain Brackets, curtain rods, and much more.
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If you are still wondering how to choose the right curtain rod, then here are some ways to help you:
Select The Curtain Rod Size – Before you select the right curtain rod color be sure that you have the right measurement. The size of curtain rod should very well align with the overall style of your room.
Select Curtain Rod Brackets – other than the rod the overall look is also affected by the curtain rod bracket. You can easily Buy Curtain Rod Brackets Online from various home improvement stores.
Select The Right Color For The Curtain Rod – ceiling beams, accent chair, dresser, or lamp, whatever accessories you have in your room be sure to coordinate with them.
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Sweet Blood
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~Admin Allie
Part |1| |2|
You rested your head on the window and looked out as the trees flew past your window. The greenery was so thick and tall, unlike the plants back at the place you used to call home. You were used to loud streets, bright lights and the obnoxious drunkards that walked under your window almost every night.
“This place is so pretty,” your sister Bennie said. “The air is so fresh.” You rolled your eyes. Your lungs were perfectly fine with the polluted air they had inhaled their entire life.
“I just don’t get why I had to move with you all the way out here.”
“Because you decided to get drunk and use your powers to look like Beyoncé while everyone in the club was watching. And my new assignment is out here.”
“Okay, but you didn’t have to yank me out of the city so fast. I couldn’t say bye to anyone.”
You were usually so careful about your powers, or the parts you could actually control, but this time you rally fucked up. Being a shapeshifter was never a burden on you until now. One stupid mistake made you uproot your entire life and move to the other side of the country. You thought that you would have gotten away with it since Bennie is basically on of the Men in Black and had the ability to make everyone forget what happened. But one clubber slipped through the cracks and uploaded a video online. Luckily, he reordered it post-shift and only captured the part where you looked like Beyoncé. But that was still enough for the CMB (Corporation for Magical/Mythical Beings) to reassign your sister and move you away.
You understood the risks of being supernatural but you also understood everything going on with your sister who had this job just to protect you. When she first got hired, she didn’t let anyone know that she was related to a mythical being. She got high marks on tests and excelled in field work. The better she got at the job, the more secure the position became. But with your fuck up, she almost lost it all.
“Bennie, I’m sorry.”
“Eh, it’s alright. At least I didn’t actually lose my job.” You smiled at her.
“Always looking on the bright side.”
You pulled into the cul-de-sac and you lifted your head to look at the houses. They were all two-floor homes with garages and green turf that couldn’t be real grass. She stopped the car in front of the house and looked up to it.
“Hmm, I didn’t think we would be living in a house.”
“They didn’t tell you were you would be living? Sounds sketch.”
“It’s not. I probably should have googled the location.”
“You didn’t even look at the place on maps?! What if we were getting moved out to some ghost town?”
“I wouldn’t complain because our living expenses are free as long as I have this job.” She looked at you and you shrugged your shoulders, not in the mood to drill into her for not doing research beforehand.
You got out of the car and leaned against it, taking in the fake looking scenery that surrounded your new home.
“Hi! Are you Bennie?” A man in a black suit walked up to you and held his hand out to you. You didn’t want to but you unfolded your arms and shook his hand.
“No, I’m Y/N, Bennie is my sister.” You cocked your head back to tell him that she was behind you. His lips formed and “O” shape before smiling at you and making his way to your sister. You turned around and looked at the exchange they were having. He opened an orange envelope and pulled out two sets of keys that both had three keys on it.
“This one is for the front, this one for the back and the last one for the door that leads into the house from the garage.” Bennie nodded to him and finished off the conversation quickly. After ending comments, the man walked to his own car and drove off.
“I guess we should go take a look?” She jingled the keys at you before throwing them over the car. Despite hating that you left everything and everyone behind, you were still excited to check out your new home. You jogged to the door and opened the front door.
The outside of the home gave the house no justice. It was huge on the inside. The ceilings were tall and the house seemed to be so spacious. The living room was almost completely furnished and it wasn’t bad furniture either. You sat on the couch and you could instantly tell that it wasn’t something that was self-built; It was clearly expensive. The livingroom also had an entertainment section that had an enormous television and a sound system that you were sure would annoy the hell out of your neighbors once you learned how to use it.
The kitchen had silver and black appliances and pretty marbled counter tops. The cabinets were empty and you were happy that they didn’t go too far with stocking the house. You had your favorite pots and pans and wanted to stay attached to them. The last thing you needed right now was to allow some shiny new pot to steal your attention.
You heard your sister run up the steps and you ran behind her. When you got to the top of the stairs, you pushed past her. You knew she was on the search for a room. She tried to hold you back but you ripped your arm away from her. You pushed open multiple doors, looking for the room you wanted. When you opened the second door, you felt like you found your life partner. The room was painted a medium grey tone and the bed was queen sized. The room didn’t have much in it but it was perfect because you had a lot to decorate with and call it your own. You heard your sister’s feet and you spun around and dropped to your knees. You clasped your hands together and looked up to her.
“Bennie, please let me have this room. Please, please, please.”
“You know our rules, ‘If we get it first, it’s ours.’” This rule usually only applied to Bennie because she always bought everything but she must have been in a good mood. You fell back onto the plush carpet and smiled.
You moved your things out of the U-Haul and took them straight up to your room. You started decorating right away. You started with putting up your curtains. As you fed them onto the rod, you absentmindedly looked at the house right next to yours. But while you were staring, you saw the light turn on and a man walked past the window. You wanted to look away but it was something so interesting, and creepy, about being able to look straight into someone’s bedroom. But as soon as the man started to undress, you felt more perverted than you meant to. When he took his shirt off, he showed his lightly toned stomach and his smooth skin.
“Damn..” You caught you lip between your teeth. While you were enjoying the show, he turned his head into your direction. His face was straight for a second but his eyes widened. He threw his arms over his chest and pointed at you. Without even hearing his voice, you could tell he was whining because of his pout as he spoke. You rushed to put your curtain up but when you tried to lift it, your feet were firmly planted on it. You lifted your feet and got on the step stool. After putting up the curtain, you felt relieved. You couldn’t see yourself looking out of that window anytime soon.
You finished putting up your last couple of posters and admired your room. It was almost exactly like your old room, just two times bigger. You went to sit on the bed but the bell had rung.
“Y/N, can you get that, I think it’s our food.” You interest was piqued at the mention of food and you rushed down the stairs.
“One second!” You pulled open the door and you face fell when you saw your neighbor who was accompanied with two other people.
“Hello!” One man smiled at you when he greeted you. His cheekbones were so round and shiny, he almost looked like a character in a children’s show. He was adorable and manly at the same time and his smile made you give him one back.
“Hi. Uh, we just moved in today so we haven’t had the chance to go around and introduce ourselves. Sorry about that.” You looked to the man you had just seen half naked but he didn’t seem to act like you did. He smiled at you as you spoke.
“Oh,” the other man who was nicely built and sported a gummy smile that made you question just how old he was, started to speak and pushed a bag your way. “These are for you.” You took the bag from him and looked into it. “We didn’t have much in the house but we didn’t want to welcome you empty handed, so we got food from our favorite place.” There were burgers in the bag. And not just a few of them, there were almost a dozen in the bag and the weight of them all made you assume that these wouldn’t be small burgers either.
“Oh, uh, haha, thank you.” You looked up at them. “But it’s just me and my sister here so we don’t need all of these...” His face fell a little and you felt bad even though you didn’t have to. “How about- “ You felt like you were going to regret this. “How about you guys come in so your money doesn’t go to waste?” Yup, you did.
They all agreed and you let them into the house. “My name is Y/N by the way. And my sister’s name is Bennie.” You lead them into the dining area and you sat the burgers down.
“Ah, we also didn’t introduce ourselves. I’m Junmyeon. And this is Baekhyun.”
“I’m Minseok.” You looked at them and tried to register their names to their faces.
“Nice to meet you all. I should go get my sister. Will you guys be okay here?” They all nodded and you ran off to get Bennie. You heard one of them call you cute and you ran even faster.
“Bennie, I feel like I’m gonna shit myself. Oh my god.” She looked at you and chuckled, confused but amused.
“Why?” She was folding some clothes and putting them at the top of her closet.
“Because our neighbors came to greet us and their hot. But one of them might think I’m some kind of creep because I saw him getting undressed.”
“Not now! I’ll explain later. Right now, we need to go stuff our faces with burgers. They bought like, twelve. I guess they thought an entire family moved in.”
You pulled her along and she dragged her feet. You both went down the stairs and as soon as she saw them, she put on the usual front.
“Hi!” She walked up to them a greeted them one by one. “Y/N told me that you guys bought us food?”
“Yeah, and it was apparently too much.” Minseok laughed at his own mistake and she insisted that it was no problem.
“I ordered food about a half hour ago but that’ll have to be our meal for tomorrow.” You smiled at her but internally you cursed at your caring neighbor. You were looking forward to your butter chicken.
You all settled at the table and started to eat. You sat right across from Baekhyun who was silently eating and looking around. Bennie noticed him and knew exactly what he was thinking.
“We bought the house almost fully furnished. I thought it would be easier on my sister and I since we’re both very slow when it comes to unpacking.”
“Ah,” that was the first thing you’ve heard him say this whole time. “That’s convenient. I still have boxes to unpack and we’ve been living here for almost three years.” She laughed at him. “And the setup of the house is different. I thought all of the homes were the same inside and out.”
“Baekhyun is very interested in interior design.”
“That I am,” He paused. “After we finish eating, could you give me a tour, Y/N?” Your stomach turned at his request. You knew he was doing this on purpose but you kept a smile plastered on your face just in case he would like to expose you here and now.
“Yeah, of course.”
Bennie noticed that your hair was becoming a tad bit lighter, a nervous tick you haven’t been able to control since you were fourteen. She bought her hand to your ear and exclaimed.
“Y/N! Do you want me to turn on the heat? Your ears are freezing.” That was always your code to put on your hood or to get a hold of yourself.
“Ah, no, I’m okay.” You pulled your hood on and tied the strings tightly around your head, concealing your hair.
After the heavy meal and casual talks, Baekhyun asked you for the tour. You stood from your seat and lead the way around the house. He had seen pretty much all of the first floor so you lead him up the stairs.
“This is the master bathroom,” You threw open the door and he looked inside quickly. You went through every room but your own and Bennie’s room, just out of respect for her. You saved your room for last because you knew that it would probably trigger him to ask you about earlier.
“And this is my room.” You opened the door and he stepped in. He didn’t step into any other room so you knew he had something in mind. He walked straight to the window you were looking out of just hours ago.
“Yeah, you have a nice view of my room from here.” He turned around and smirked at you.
“I swear to you, I’m not crazy or anything. I was just putting up my curtains and you walked in and started-“
“Shouldn’t you look away when you see things you shouldn’t?” His voice got deeper. You tilted your head to the side. He was a confusing person. One second he’s laughing about the whole thing and the next he’s so serious. “You should be careful of keeping an eye on me, you might see something you don’t like.” He looked you up and down. “Or maybe you will.” He closed the gap between you and he inhaled deeply, almost as if he was sme-
“You smell so good.” He grinned at you and something made you uncomfortable about this whole encounter. When he stepped closer to you, one of the other men was calling him. He nearly growled in response but shook it off. He showed you his soft face one more time before bidding you farewell and leaving you alone in your room. Everything about this man shook your being. He just seemed so off and it freaked you out. But it also intrigued you.
You tried to keep him off of your mind for the night but you could focus on nothing but him. You were attracted to him but you were scared of him, you wanted to be around him but you wanted to avoid him anyway you could. You laid in your bed and changed your features several times to practice your ability but also out of pure boredom. You turned off all of your lights and decided that now might be the time when you want to sleep. But all you did was toss and turn.
Eventually, curiosity, or stupidity, had gotten the best of you and you made your way to the window that looked right into Baekhyun’s bedroom. You opened the curtains just a little and stayed close to the ground just in case you needed to bail.
When you looked out, you saw that his room was dimly lit with candles. You saw shadows moving but you couldn’t make out exactly what was happening. You were gonna look away because you felt like you were straining your eyes but then he came into view. He was with a woman. He kissed on her and licked all over her neck and chest and she was enjoying it so much. But as you watched you noticed that she started to hit him. She pounded her fists into his chest and tried to fight him off but his lips were still latched onto her neck. She soon stopped struggling and her body went limp. You were so confused as to what was going on. That was until he dropped her body and showed the lower half of his face that was covered in blood.
You gasped at him and shook your head. Not out of disbelief but out of disapproval. He was so showy and careless with his ability. But in this case, it was “I show you mine if you show me yours” and he already exposed his true self. You stared at him more and you felt your muscles stretch and the subtle cracking of your bones. You even controlled your teeth to mimic how foolish he looked trying to look. All of his intimidation from earlier had gone to waste if this was the best he could come up with.
He pointed at you accusingly as you used his own face to make fun of him.
“Blah, I’m Baekhyun and I’m a super cool vampire, blah,” you said out loud, knowing well enough that he could hear you. You laughed at his expression and closed your curtains on him. “How lame can you be?”
The next morning, you sprung out of bed with a mission to make breakfast for Bennie. And by make breakfast you mean heat up her Indian takeout because neither of you could eat it yesterday. But the rushing was pointless because, as usual, she was two steps ahead.
“Hey,” she spoke to you as she stirred up the food before giving it to you.
“I was supposed to do this.” You whined to her and she chuckled.
“Nah, it’s okay. You can make lunch when we go shopping later.” You nodded in agreement and started eating.
“Ah! I have something to show you.” You got closer to her face, so close that you were probably breathing on her.
“Do I have to see your brain?”
“No, look at my eyes,” Everytime you blinked, they changed to another color, some natural and some not. “I’m finally learning control.”
“Yeah, after like ten years. Have a seat and eat your food.” You huffed and went into our own space. You mumbled to yourself over your food and you remembered what you really needed to tell her.
“Baekhyun is a vampire by the way.”
“I know,” she said flatly. She was now four steps ahead.” And so are the rest of the people in that house. But how did you find out?”
“The idiot had a meal last night and flashed his baby teeth at me.”
“Were you perving on him again?”
“NO! I wasn’t perving you ass!!!”
After a day that was filled with nothing but grocery shopping and more unpacking, your body craved for something to do. Yes, this new place was beautiful and had nothing but nice people but it was so boring. You walked around the house and listened to music and sang as loud as you could but that still didn’t keep you entertained.
You walked out of the house and looked around. Children playing, old people gardening and other people conversing.
“Ugh, typical,” you scoffed. Then you looked to your right. You figured since you knew your neighbors’ “secret” you would bug them and tell them off about their careless friend. You jogged to the house and rung the bell.
“Hi!” there was a man you didn’t see yesterday in the door.
“Oh, hi,” you gave him your hand. “I’m Y/N, your new neighbor.” He took it and introduced himself.
“I’m Jongin. Junmyeon told us about you and your sister. The rest of us were going to drop by soon but now that you are here, we can meet you now and meet your sister another time.” This guy was strangely warm. You met plenty of vampires in your hometown but all of them were the stuck up posh types, stereotypical vamps.
No one would know you had abilities until you told them and most supernatural were cool with it. But vampires had the habit of freaking out. Everyone knows what happens when and vampire bites a werewolf and vice versa. But when it came to a nearly human shifter like you, no one had a clue. From rumors, when a human shifter gets bitten, they turn into and extremely rare breed of shifter. They can still change their human form but they can also transform into what every mythical being bit them. But what frightens them even more is that if bitten by a vampire, they become a weapon against their own kind. But again, this is all based off of rumors.
“Why did you come over though?”
“I wanted to talk to Minseok about something.” Last night he let you and Bennie know that he was the oldest in the household and of there were any problems, come to him.
“I’m right here.” You jumped at his voice and you almost swung on him. He laughed at you. “Haha, sorry. But what did you want to talk about?” You looked to Jongin and he took your hint and walked away.
“I wanted to talk to you about your friend, Baekhyun.” Minseok’s smile wavered and he showed a hint of worry. “You might want to tell him to be careful of who he exposes himself to.” Minseok was confused and turned his head to the side.
“Yeah, he showed me his teeth last night, if you know what I mean.”
“His teeth?” You didn’t know if he was honestly lost or just playing dumb at this point so you spelled it out for him. You grew fangs of your own and pointed at them. He sighed out of relief.
“Well, at least you’re one of us too. I’ll talk to him about it.”
“Oh no, I’m not, I’m like, at the bottom on the food chain.” He didn’t question you out loud but you knew he was curious. “I’m a human shifter.”
In the blink of an eye, you were outside of your own house. Your face fell when you realized that you had been kicked out.
“That was seriously so rude. We won’t have any problems as long as they keep their fangs away from me.”
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S.S. GUTS// Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk
Take in as much air as you can.
This story should last about as long as you can hold your breath, and then just a little bit longer. So listen as fast as you can.
A friend of mine, when he was thirteen years old he heard about "pegging." This is when a guy gets banged up the butt with a dildo. Stimulate the prostate gland hard enough, and the rumor is you can have explosive hands-free orgasms. At that age, this friend's a little sex maniac. He's always jonesing for a better way to get his rocks off. He goes out to buy a carrot and some petroleum jelly. To conduct a little private research. Then he pictures how it's going to look at the supermarket checkstand, the lonely carrot and petroleum jelly rolling down the conveyer belt toward the grocery store cashier. All the shoppers waiting in line, watching. Everyone seeing the big evening he has planned.
So, my friend, he buys milk and eggs and sugar and a carrot, all the ingredients for a carrot cake. And Vaseline.
Like he's going home to stick a carrot cake up his butt.
At home, he whittles the carrot into a blunt tool. He slathers it with grease and grinds his ass down on it. Then, nothing. No orgasm. Nothing happens except it hurts.
Then, this kid, his mom yells it's suppertime. She says to come down, right now.
He works the carrot out and stashes the slippery, filthy thing in the dirty clothes under his bed.
After dinner, he goes to find the carrot and it's gone. All his dirty clothes, while he ate dinner, his mom grabbed them all to do laundry. No way could she not find the carrot, carefully shaped with a paring knife from her kitchen, still shiny with lube and stinky.
This friend of mine, he waits months under a black cloud, waiting for his folks to confront him. And they never do. Ever. Even now he's grown up, that invisible carrot hangs over every Christmas dinner, every birthday party. Every Easter egg hunt with his kids, his parents' grandkids, that ghost carrot is hovering over all of them.
That something too awful to name.
People in France have a phrase: "Spirit of the Stairway." In French: Esprit de l'escalier. It means that moment when you find the answer, but it's too late. Say you're at a party and someone insults you. You have to say something. So under pressure, with everybody watching, you say something lame. But the moment you leave the party…
As you start down the stairway, then -- magic. You come up with the perfect thing you should've said. The perfect crippling put-down.
That's the Spirit of the Stairway.
The trouble is even the French don't have a phrase for the stupid things you actually do say under pressure. Those stupid, desperate things you actually think or do.
Some deeds are too low to even get a name. Too low to even get talked about.
Looking back, kid-psych experts, school counselors now say that most of the last peak in teen suicide was kids trying to choke while they beat off. Their folks would find them, a towel twisted around the kid's neck, the towel tied to the rod in their bedroom closet, the kid dead. Dead sperm everywhere. Of course the folks cleaned up. They put some pants on their kid. They made it look… better. Intentional at least. The regular kind of sad, teen suicide.
Another friend of mine, a kid from school, his older brother in the Navy said how guys in the Middle East jack off different than we do here. This brother was stationed in some camel country where the public market sells what could be fancy letter openers. Each fancy tool is just a thin rod of polished brass or silver, maybe as long as your hand, with a big tip at one end, either a big metal ball or the kind of fancy carved handle you'd see on a sword. This Navy brother says how Arab guys get their dick hard and then insert this metal rod inside the whole length of their boner. They jack off with the rod inside, and it makes getting off so much better. More intense.
It's this big brother who travels around the world, sending back French phrases. Russian phrases. Helpful jack-off tips.
After this, the little brother, one day he doesn't show up at school. That night, he calls to ask if I'll pick up his homework for the next couple weeks. Because he's in the hospital.
He's got to share a room with old people getting their guts worked on. He says how they all have to share the same television. All he's got for privacy is a curtain. His folks don't come and visit. On the phone, he says how right now his folks could just kill his big brother in the Navy.
On the phone, the kid says how -- the day before -- he was just a little stoned. At home in his bedroom, he was flopped on the bed. He was lighting a candle and flipping through some old porno magazines, getting ready to beat off. This is after he's heard from his Navy brother. That helpful hint about how Arabs beat off. The kid looks around for something that might do the job. A ball-point pen's too big. A pencil's too big and rough. But dripped down the side of the candle, there's a thin, smooth ridge of wax that just might work. With just the tip of one finger, this kid snaps the long ridge of wax off the candle. He rolls it smooth between the palms of his hands. Long and smooth and thin.
Stoned and horny, he slips it down inside, deeper and deeper into the piss slit of his boner. With a good hank of the wax still poking out the top, he gets to work.
Even now, he says those Arab guys are pretty damn smart. They've totally re-invented jacking off. Flat on his back in bed, things are getting so good, this kid can't keep track of the wax. He's one good squeeze from shooting his wad when the wax isn't sticking out anymore.
The thin wax rod, it's slipped inside. All the way inside. So deep inside he can't even feel the lump of it inside his piss tube.
From downstairs, his mom shouts it's suppertime. She says to come down, right now. This wax kid and the carrot kid are different people, but we all live pretty much the same life.
It's after dinner when the kid's guts start to hurt. It's wax so he figured it would just melt inside him and he'd pee it out. Now his back hurts. His kidneys. He can't stand straight.
This kid talking on the phone from his hospital bed, in the background you can hear bells ding, people screaming. Game shows.
The X-rays show the truth, something long and thin, bent double inside his bladder. This long, thin V inside him, it's collecting all the minerals in his piss. It's getting bigger and more rough, coated with crystals of calcium, it's bumping around, ripping up the soft lining of his bladder, blocking his piss from getting out. His kidneys are backed up. What little that leaks out his dick is red with blood.
This kid and his folks, his whole family, them looking at the black X-ray with the doctor and the nurses standing there, the big V of wax glowing white for everybody to see, he has to tell the truth. The way Arabs get off. What his big brother wrote him from the Navy.
On the phone, right now, he starts to cry.
They paid for the bladder operation with his college fund. One stupid mistake, and now he'll never be a lawyer.
Sticking stuff inside yourself. Sticking yourself inside stuff. A candle in your dick or your head in a noose, we knew it was going to be big trouble.
What got me in trouble, I called it Pearl Diving. This meant whacking off underwater, sitting on the bottom at the deep end of my parents' swimming pool. With one deep breath, I'd kick my way to the bottom and slip off my swim trucks. I'd sit down there for two, three, four minutes.
Just from jacking off, I had huge lung capacity. If I had the house to myself, I'd do this all afternoon. After I'd finally pump out my stuff, my sperm, it would hang there in big, fat, milky gobs.
After that was more diving, to catch it all. To collect it and wipe each handful in a towel. That's why it was called Pearl Diving. Even with chlorine, there was my sister to worry about. Or, Christ almighty, my Mom.
That used to be my worst fear in the world: my teenage virgin sister, thinking she's just getting fat, then giving birth to a two-headed retard baby. Both heads looking just like me. Me, the father AND the uncle.
In the end, it's never what you worry about that gets you.
The best part of Pearl Diving was the inlet port for the swimming pool filter and the circulation pump. The best part was getting naked and sitting on it.
As the French would say: Who doesn't like getting their butt sucked?
Still, one minute you're just a kid getting off, and the next minute you'll never be a lawyer.
One minute, I'm settling on the pool bottom, and the sky is wavy, light blue through eight feet of water above my head. The world is silent except for the heartbeat in my ears. My yellow-striped swim trunks are looped around my neck for safe keeping, just in case a friend, a neighbor, anybody shows up to ask why I skipped football practice. The steady suck of the pool inlet hole is lapping at me and I'm grinding my skinny white ass around on that feeling.
One minute, I've got enough air, and my dick's in my hand. My folks are gone at their work and my sister's got ballet. Nobody's supposed to be home for hours.
My hand brings me right to getting off, and I stop. I swim up to catch another big breath. I dive down and settle on the bottom.
I do this again and again.
This must be why girls want to sit on your face. The suction is like taking a dump that never ends. My dick hard and getting my butt eaten out, I do not need air. My heartbeat in my ears, I stay under until bright stars of light start worming around in my eyes. My legs straight out, the back of each knee rubbed raw against the concrete bottom. My toes are turning blue, my toes and fingers wrinkled from being so long in the water.
And then I let it happen. The big white gobs start spouting. The pearls.
It's then I need some air. But when I go to kick off against the bottom, I can't. I can't get my feet under me. My ass is stuck.
Emergency paramedics will tell you that every year about 150 people get stuck this way, sucked by a circulation pump. Get your long hair caught, or your ass, and you're going to drown. Every year, tons of people do. Most of them in Florida.
People just don't talk about it. Not even French people talk about EVERYTHING.
Getting one knee up, getting one foot tucked under me, I get to half standing when I feel the tug against my butt. Getting my other foot under me, I kick off against the bottom. I'm kicking free, not touching the concrete, but not getting to the air, either.
Still kicking water, thrashing with both arms, I'm maybe halfway to the surface but not going higher. The heartbeat inside my head getting loud and fast.
The bright sparks of light crossing and criss-crossing my eyes, I turn and look back… but it doesn't make sense. This thick rope, some kind of snake, blue-white and braided with veins has come up out of the pool drain and it's holding onto my butt. Some of the veins are leaking blood, red blood that looks black underwater and drifts away from little rips in the pale skin of the snake. The blood trails away, disappearing in the water, and inside the snake's thin, blue-white skin you can see lumps of some half-digested meal.
That's the only way this makes sense. Some horrible sea monster, a sea serpent, something that's never seen the light of day, it's been hiding in the dark bottom of the pool drain, waiting to eat me.
So… I kick at it, at the slippery, rubbery knotted skin and veins of it, and more of it seems to pull out of the pool drain. It's maybe as long as my leg now, but still holding tight around my butthole. With another kick, I'm an inch closer to getting another breath. Still feeling the snake tug at my ass, I'm an inch closer to my escape.
Knotted inside the snake, you can see corn and peanuts. You can see a long bright-orange ball. It's the kind of horse-pill vitamin my Dad makes me take, to help put on weight. To get a football scholarship. With extra iron and omega-three fatty acids.
It's seeing that vitamin pill that saves my life.
It's not a snake. It's my large intestine, my colon pulled out of me. What doctors call, prolapsed. It's my guts sucked into the drain.
Paramedics will tell you a swimming pool pump pulls 80 gallons of water every minute. That's about 400 pounds of pressure. The big problem is we're all connected together inside. Your ass is just the far end of your mouth. If I let go, the pump keeps working - unraveling my insides -- until it's got my tongue. Imagine taking a 400-pound shit, and you can see how this might turn you inside out.
What I can tell you is your guts don't feel much pain. Not the way your skin feels pain. The stuff you're digesting, doctor's call it fecal matter. Higher up is chyme, pockets of a thin runny mess studded with corn and peanuts and round green peas.
That's all this soup of blood and corn, shit and sperm and peanuts floating around me. Even with my guts unraveling out my ass, me holding onto what's left, even then my first want is to somehow get my swimsuit back on.
God forbid my folks see my dick.
My one hand holding a fist around my ass, my other hand snags my yellow-striped swim trunks and pulls them from around my neck. Still, getting into them is impossible.
You want to feel your intestines, go buy a pack of those lamb-skin condoms. Take one out and unroll it. Pack it with peanut butter. Smear it with petroleum jelly and hold it under water. Then, try to tear it. Try to pull it in half. It's too tough and rubbery. It's so slimy you can't hold on.
A lamb-skin condom, that's just plain old intestine.
You can see what I'm up against.
You let go for a second, and you're gutted.
You swim for the surface, for a breath, and you're gutted.
You don't swim, and you drown.
It's a choice between being dead right now or a minute from right now.
What my folks will find after work is a big naked fetus, curled in on itself. Floating in the cloudy water of their backyard pool. Tethered to the bottom by a thick rope of veins and twisted guts. The opposite of a kid hanging himself to death while he jacks off. This is the baby they brought home from the hospital thirteen years ago. Here's the kid they hoped would snag a football scholarship and get an MBA. Who'd care for them in their old age. Here's all their hopes and dreams. Floating here, naked and dead. All around him, big milky pearls of wasted sperm.
Either that or my folks will find me wrapped in a bloody towel, collapsed halfway from the pool to the kitchen telephone, the ragged, torn scrap of my guts still hanging out the leg of my yellow-striped swim trunks.
What even the French won't talk about.
That big brother in the Navy, he taught us one other good phrase. A Russian phrase. The way we say: "I need that like I need a hole in my head…" Russian people say: "I need that like I need teeth in my asshole…"
Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse
Those stories about how animals caught in a trap will chew off their leg, well, any coyote would tell you a couple bites beats the hell out of being dead.
Hell… even if you're Russian, some day you just might want those teeth.
Otherwise, what you have to do is -- you have to twist around. You hook one elbow behind your knee and pull that leg up into your face. You bite and snap at your own ass. You run out of air, and you will chew through anything to get that next breath.
It's not something you want to tell a girl on the first date. Not if you expect a kiss good night.
If I told you how it tasted, you would never, ever again eat calamari.
It's hard to say what my parents were more disgusted by: how I'd got in trouble or how I'd saved myself. After the hospital, my Mom said, "You didn't know what you were doing, honey. You were in shock." And she learned how to cook poached eggs.
All those people grossed out or feeling sorry for me…
I need that like I need teeth in my asshole.
Nowadays, people always tell me I look too skinny. People at dinner parties get all quiet and pissed off when I don't eat the pot roast they cooked. Pot roast kills me. Baked ham. Anything that hangs around inside my guts for longer than a couple hours, it comes out still food. Home-cooked lima beans or chunk light tuna fish, I'll stand up and find it still sitting there in the toilet.
After you have a radical bowel resectioning, you don't digest meat so great. Most people, you have five feet of large intestine. I'm lucky to have my six inches. So I never got a football scholarship. Never got an MBA. Both my friends, the wax kid and the carrot kid, they grew up, got big, but I've never weighed a pound more than I did that day when I was thirteen.
Another big problem was my folks paid a lot of good money for that swimming pool. In the end my Dad just told the pool guy it was a dog. The family dog fell in and drowned. The dead body got pulled into the pump. Even when the pool guy cracked open the filter casing and fished out a rubbery tube, a watery hank of intestine with a big orange vitamin pill still inside, even then, my Dad just said, "That dog was fucking nuts."
Even from my upstairs bedroom window, you could hear my Dad say, "We couldn't trust that dog alone for a second…"
Then my sister missed her period.
Even after they changed the pool water, after they sold the house and we moved to another state, after my sister's abortion, even then my folks never mentioned it again.
That is our invisible carrot.
You. Now you can take a good, deep breath.
I still have not.
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spyjokerlove · 4 years
Color Name:Firozi  |  Size:Door – 7 Feet
Purav Light velvet curtains are the perfect addition to your home. Our curtains are available in a variety of sizes and rich colors. These block out curtains are following the modern minimalism style, suitable for the bedroom, living room, dining room, infant room, kids room, office or other public place.
All sizes curtains fit easily with standard curtain rods.
Cross dyed craft offers a modern elegant look to your window.
Luxury Style:With opulent tones and elegant drape, these sumptuous velvet curtains frame your views in pure luxury. These give a touch of elegance to the room.
Modern design combined with the benefits of bringing room comfortable visual perception.
Polyester & Polyester blend,bring soft tactile impression.
Ideally suited to a living room, bedroom and more, for a privacy protection.
After-Sales service: We aim to satisfy you well by all our try . Any questions or problem about the Quality Issue, 24 hours in time reply on working days to help you solve problems.
Size & Content : Ready Made 2 Piece Curtain Width is 4 Feet (48″/122cm) and Length 7 Feet(84″/213cm). Material: Curtains made of 100% high quality Velvet. They are silky, soft, drapery and very pleasant to touch. These curtains available in 6 colors which is suitable for any room decoration. Detail?Each curtain contains 8 silver grommets that have a large diameter of 1.6 inch which fit well with standard or decorative curtain rods for easy installation. Also, each grommet is rustproof. Light Control: With these luxury room darkening velvet panels you get 80% sunlight out for bedtime, 0 TV glare for your favorite game and absolute privacy with all your indoor activity? perfect for late sleepers and afternoon naps. Easy to Care: Easy unpick and wash by machine. Do not bleach, do not tumble dry. Iron from the back with steam when needed [amz_corss_sell asin=”B0833VV1LR”]
Purav Light Curtains Set for Door 4ft x 7ft Velvet Soft and Shiny Drapes Eyelet Grommet Parday – 2 Piece, Firozi Color Name:Firozi | Size:Door - 7 Feet BEAUTY WITH SIMPLICITY! Purav Light velvet curtains are the perfect addition to your home.
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spoiledsplendid · 5 years
2019 Grammy Awards Fashion Critique
On music’s biggest night, the stars came out blazing at the 2019 Grammy awards. Some wore their best and others made us shake our heads in bewilderment. Lets take a look at some of the most notable looks of the evening. 
Camila Cabello - While I might be over her hit song ‘Havana,’ this look is pure perfection. The glitzy frosted pink Armani gown fits her perfectly. I like the high neck and backless combination. Sexy but not overdone. Her hair and make up couldn’t be better. Standing ovation. 
Cardi B - I’m as shocked as you are that Cardi B made the best dressed list. This daring archived Mugler (fall 1995) is high fashion but fits Cardi’s persona perfectly - head to toe.  She looked like a cartoon character - but in a good way. And lets face it, besides a Kardashian, who else could pull this off. I loved it and it made me smile. 
Kacey Musgrave - This soft billowy tulle Valentino was the perfect contrast to Kacey’s dark shiny hair. The pale dress moved beautifully on the red carpet and Kacey looks radiant in it. 
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Due Lipa - Wow. Wow. Wow. Due Lipa looks stunning in this silver strapless Versace. But who can get past her Bvlgari necklace with over 100 carats of diamonds and emeralds. Possibly the best look of the night!
Bebe Rexha - Bebe took to social media after being turned away by several designers who refused to dress her size 8 frame - claiming she was too big for couture. The fashion world quickly came to her rescue and some of the biggest names (Jeremy Scott, Christian Siriano and Karl Lagerfeld all personally offered to dress her) came to her rescue. However, Bebe chose middle eastern designer Monsoori to design this beautiful cherry dress with a dramatic abundance of ruffles. Her jewelry was by Chanel and David Morris jewellers. So beautiful. 
Shawn Mendes - He may be young but he proved to be a leading man on the fashion front in this standout Paul Smith blue tuxedo. The tux fit perfectly and Shawn stood out from the crowd. He looked relax and cool but so hot. 
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Anna Kendrick - Anna looked like she brought the party in this adorable feathered and jewelled Ralph & Russo mini dress. Anna’s tiny frame pulled this pretty lil dress off so well. She kept the hair and make up simple. Her metallic silver heels finished the look perfectly. 
Miley Cyrus - This could have gone either way. I don’t love the oversized jacket, but I do like how she wore the Mugler tuxedo. Going bare chested (which seems to be her signature look lately) and pairing with a flared and cropped pant really worked. The strappy sandal was the right way to add a feminine touch to the menswear look. I also loved Miley’s long hair. 
Janelle Monae - Only Lady Gaga or Janelle could have pulled this Jean Paul Gauthier dress off. The angular dress could easily be a disaster but it looks great on Monae. I don’t love the hat BUT the angles and colours work with the lines of the dress. Her makeup is flawless (as usual). Also, Monae usually wears white and black on the red carpet - and I love the fact that she traded black for this deep wine colour.  
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Lady Gaga - Speaking of Gaga, I liked her dress but felt she played it a bit safe. Perhaps because she has so much on the line this awards season and she doesn’t want to rock the boat before the Oscars. However, she looked like a couture disco ball in this Celine gown - which for me, is fitting for Lady Gaga. Shoes by Jimmy Choo and jewelry by Tiffany. 
Jennifer Lopez - She rarely ends up on my worst dressed list but…grrrrr. The Ralph & Russo dress was ok at best…but it didn’t fit properly and wrinkled the entire midsection and bunched at the back. The hat was bad. Real bad. You’re not Pharell and this ain’t Ascot. However, all is forgiven since your performance was incredible and your performance outfits were so much better than this. But can you please burn A-Rod’s dye-tie Tom Ford jacket please?
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Maren Morris - Initially I was torn with this Galia Lahav dress as it photographed alright from a few angles. But the more I looked at it, the less I liked it. While the flower embellishment was likely inspired from Sex & the City, even Carrie Bradshaw wouldn’t approve of this. The train was too long, the day glow shoes are too much and the sheerness of the fabric take away from the look. The pattern screams more curtains than red carpet. Sorry Maren…I really wanted to love this.
Kylie Jenner - This Balmain number made me laugh. It’s not everyday we see a pepto-pink pleated pantsuit on a 21 year old fashion model. Oh and lets add matching gloves. The fabric seems to swallow her but thank goodness for the bedazzled belt. *shakes head* This look is much more ‘mom-ager’ than ‘model.’
Heidi Klum. Hey Heidi. Back on the worst dressed list again eh? My first impression was this Stephane Rolland dress was a Halloween costume as a feminine hygiene product with wings…and crystal embellishment. Seriously, enough of the wacky costumes. You’re on a supermodel. Any decent designer will dress you. For free. Let them help you. And while you’re at it, a quick come through the hair wouldn’t hurt. Kisses. 
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Katy Perry - Well well. You’ve been compared to a cupcake but I really think you look more like a knitted toilet roll cozy. This Balmain dress is just too much. While I think the bodice is cool, the ruffles and shape kill it. On the plus side, your hair and make up are gorgeous. 
Charlie Puth - Puth looked putrid in Prada. I’m not sure who thought that a bright red shirt would save this look. It looks like he dug the entire look out of his grandfather’s basement. 
Andra Day - While she may be incredible talented, she looked like a coquettish grape in this feathered mini-dress. And I don’t love the exposed matching stockings. But if I’m trying to find a nice thing to say, I don’t hate your Sophia Webster shoes? Yeah - that’s all I got.
There were also a few ‘costumes’ that were BAD but weren’t fashion. And I didn’t want to give them the attention that they were so thirsty for. 
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deadbycreative · 6 years
Killer: The Maid (Natalie Norman)
Natalie Norman lived her whole life as a faithful and disciplined maid. She was the highest ranking maid and the one the Lord and Lady would depend on the most to tend to their needs. One night, an assassin arrived to deal with the Lord and Lady, to end their tyranny. Natalie heard a noise made by the assassin and she quickly moved into action. She continued on her daily routine, acting as if everything was normal but she knew her way of life was threatened as long the Lord and Lady were in trouble.
Natalie made her way to the kitchens, and quickly moved towards to the fireplace to grab a Fire Iron as her weapon to defend the Lord and Lady. With a handkerchief she quickly cleaned it as no ashes were to touch the floors. Natalie continued on her nightly routine which would eventually pass right by the Lord and Lady’s bedchambers.
Natalie got a glimpse of the assassin in the corridors, hiding behind a curtain that had been neatly prepared and fashioned to let a gentle stream of moonlight in. Natalie gently walked up to the window, acting as she did not know of the assassin’s location. As the moonlight touched her face, she turned her head to face the assassin with a wicked smile, staring directly at him.
In the morning the Lord and Lady happily woke up to a sound night of sleep and pork sausages, freshly made. As they were enjoying their meal they noticed that their favorite maid was nowhere to be found, all they were able to find was her belongings left untouched and some bloodstains on the floor by a unfolded set of curtains.
Now the Maid has a new Lord and Lady, she serves the Entity now...
The Maid is a slow moving killer with no tolerance for unruly children messing up the realm she was placed to keep nice and clean.
The Maid has a base movement speed of 110% that can be increased or reduced by add on.
The Maid
’s Lunge is fairy weak but empowered in Maid’s Duty.
The Maid
’s ability is
Maid’s Duty
. Whenever The Maid is stunned by a pallet, she will be stunned for 3 seconds that cannot be reduced by any Perks. During the stun, The Maid will shake her head and scream out in a 35 meter range around her. The Maid will then instantly slam the pallet, breaking it and receive a 25% movement speed buff for 8 seconds, doubling the lunge range, and increasing her Terror Radius by 8 meters. While under
Maid’s Duty
, breaking a pallet or getting stunned again will knock The Maid out of it and The Maid will return to normal.
Maid’s Duty
can also be activated once every 30 seconds, stunning you for 3 seconds and granting you the Maid’s Duty buff for its set duration.
Servants in Unison: Kicking a generator creates a bond between you and the generator. Every time you kick another generator, the generator with a bond to it is also kicked at the same time. If a Survivor is working on the gen while it is being kicked, the Survivor will get injured (Cannot down the Survivor). The Killer can have up to 3/4/5 bonds active at all times. A Bond will only be removed if the generator is completed. (Can apply Overcharge) Hex: Generator Ownership: Generators regress 50/75/100% faster. If a gen is left untouched for 8/6/4 seconds, it will begin to regress. Kicking a generator makes it regress an additional 50/75/100% faster. No Dirt Allowed!: Survivors you’ve injured repair generators 10/20/30% slower. Additionally, time needed to Bloodlust is reduced by 2/3/5 seconds if you are chasing a wounded survivor.
Detailed Information (To avoid confusion) Servants in Unison will make a noise as if the Killer was there kicking the gen himself or herself. If the Survivors do not stop working on the gen before the kicking animation is done, the gen will explode, wounding the survivor. The exploding gen will give killer a notification. Bonded generators have a White Aura instead of Red. Hex: Generator Ownership cause gens to regress from 360 seconds to 180 seconds, 0.5 charges per second. to 90 seconds. 0.75 charges per second. (If I did the math right) No Dirt Allowed might be a little strange as it have 2 different effects on it that don’t match very well, the idea is that it is The Maid’s perspective, survivors are to quickly heal up to stop bleeding everywhere and creating a mess of the place. Upon activating Maid’s Duty, The Maid will shake and scream, turning camera view all around making it difficult to keep track on survivors and easy for survivors to escape to safety. Once activated it can’t be canceled and and the duration only takes affect after the stun is over, not during the stun. The Maid is a tall and slim in appearance.
Add ons Common: Maid’s Gloves - Slightly increase Maid’s Duty Duration (1 second) Stacks. Iron Shackles - Slightly reduce stun duration when activating Maid’s Duty. (from 3 seconds to 2.75) Does not Stack. Portrait piece - Slightly reduce Terror Radius when under the affect of Maid’s Duty. (from 40 meters to 36 meters) Stacks. Maid’s etiquette notes - Stunned scream range is slightly reduced (from 35 meters to 30 meters) Stacks. (5 meters) High Quality Iron - Slightly increases lunge range. (2 meters to 2.2 meters) Does not Stack. Broken Monocle - Moderately increases field of vision when stunned, Slightly reduce the blindness effect on you. Does not Stack. Uncommon: Expensive Gloves - Moderately increase Maid’s Duty Duration (1.5 seconds). Stacks Spanking Rod - Moderately reduce stun duration when activating Maid’s Duty (from 3 seconds to 2.5) Does not Stack. Portrait of a dog - Moderately reduce Terror Radius when under the effect of Maid’s Duty (from 40 meters to 32 meters). Stacks. Maid’s Etiquette Journal - Stunned scream is moderately reduced (from 35 meters to 25 meters) Additionally, Slightly reduce the shaking motion when stunned. (10 meters)  Stacks. Steel nails - Moderately increase lunge range (2 meters to 2.4 meters).Cause Survivors to bleed more frequently. Does not Stack Common Monocle - Considerably increases field of vision when stunned, Moderately reduces the blindness effect on you. Does not Stack. Rare: Silver Gloves - Considerably increases Maid’s Duty Duration (2 seconds). Stacks. Spike of Iron Maiden - Considerably reduces stun duration when activating Maid’s Duty.(from 3 seconds to 2 seconds) Does not Stack. Family Portrait - Considerably reduces Terror Radius when under the effect of Maid’s Duty (from 40 meters to 28 meters) Additionally, the red stain is slightly dimmed. Stacks. List of Lady’s Compliments - Stunned scream is Considerably reduced (from 35 meters to 15 meters) Additionally, Moderately reduce the shaking motion when stunned. (20 meters) Stacks.  Lord’s Broken Cane - Considerably increase lunge range (2 meters to 2.8 meters) Additionally cause Survivors to bleed Considerably more frequently. Does not Stack. Shiny Monocle - Tremendously increases field of vision when stunned, Considerably reduces the blindness effect on you. Does not Stack. Very Rare: Lady’s Gloves - Tremendously increases Maid’s Duty Duration (3 seconds) Stacks. Pork Sausage? - Tremendously reduce stun duration when activating Maid’s Duty (from 3 seconds to 1 second) Does not Stack. Lord and Lady’s Portrait - Stunned scream is Tremendously reduced, (from 35 meters to 5 meters) Additionally the red stain is gone when under the effect of Maid’s Duty. Does not Stack. Killer’s Etiquette - Stunned Scream is Tremendously reduced (from 35 meters to 10 meters) Additionally, Considerably reduce the shaking motion when stunned (25 meters)  Stacks. Lord’s Cane - Tremendously increases lunge range (2 meters to 3.3 meters) Additionally causes Survivors to bleed Tremendously more frequent. Does not Stack. Lord’s Monocle - Tremendously increases field of vision when stunned, Tremendously reduces blindness effect on you. Does not Stack. Ultra Rare: Lord’s Right Eye - You stand completely still when stunned by a pallet and you don’t let out a scream. The Survivor’s Aura is revealed to you for the duration of Maid’s Duty. Additionally become immune to blind effect, but can no longer see tracks. Does not Stack with the add ons Monocle, Etiquette or Portrait. Lady’s Left Eye - You have no terror radius under the effect of Maid’s Duty. Being stunned under the effect of Maid’s Duty no longer cancels the effect and instead extends the duration by 3 seconds. Does not stack with Gloves, Lunge or Torture Tools.
0 notes
additionallysad · 7 years
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Light Fixtures That Work Together Without Being Boring http://ift.tt/2nFRg2k
This week we dove into the struggle to find light fixtures that feel related without being too matchy-matchy or boring (the discussion kicks in around the 20-minute mark of this week’s podcast) and I promised to link to some lighting combinations that I liked in the show notes, but then I promptly fell into a mood board making wormhole. When I regained consciousness in this reality, I had way too many mood boards for the show notes, had inexplicably eaten two pop tarts, and this post was born.
Whether you’re dealing with an open concept floor plan where you can see your kitchen pendants, dining room chandelier, and living room lights all from one vantage point – or you’re just trying to keep your whole house feeling cohesive from room to room, our main tip is to try to make your lighting relate in era, style, shape, or finish/material. Note that it’s an “OR” and not an “AND” situation. In most cases, as long as you check one of those boxes, your lighting will relate nicely to one another. Bonus points if other elements in the room tie into the light in some way too, like the dark railing and runner on the stairs of our foyer that relate to our oil-rubbed bronze chandelier (pictured above).
Another good example of tying light fixtures into their surroundings so they look right at home once they’re hung would be our upstairs hallway. All of the doorknobs up there are oil-rubbed bronze with rectangular back plates. So hanging some oil-rubbed bronze lanterns down the hall with an almost-rectangular shape definitely relates to the hallway’s hardware.
But let’s get back to the task at hand: coordinating light fixtures in adjoining rooms. That big star light in our foyer has cloudy seeded glass that’s similar to the tone and texture of the capiz chandelier in our nearby dining room, so although the metals are different, the repetition of the glass-like material (and the fact that they’re both geometric, and framed with metal) helps make them feel related without being too predictable or matchy-matchy.
Meanwhile, the metal pendants in our kitchen relate to the capiz chandelier in the adjoining dining room because they both have polished nickel stems and canopies. So although capiz and painted metal have nothing to do with one another, they still have another material (in this case it’s the polished nickel) that ties them together.
Now, it could be argued that we’re breaking our rule between the foyer (dark bronze star pendant) and the kitchen (three large metal domes with polished nickel stems) since they don’t share any common finish, shape, etc. So they might qualify as a more “eclectic” pairing to some, but we find that since both make sense in their respective rooms – and the rooms flow together nicely due to other elements that relate (paint color, wood accents, seamless flooring, etc), it means the lights don’t feel like a jarring juxtaposition. They just easily fit into their surroundings. I’d show you in a picture, except it’s pretty much impossible to get them in the same line of sight – which might be another reason these guys don’t have to be super similar, since they never actually have to compete visually. Here’s a shot of how the rooms connect (I’m standing under the star pendant here).
There are also instances when you have multiple lights that need to coordinate within one room. Take our master bedroom for example. The bedside lamps, the floor lamp, and the chandelier work together within the same room thanks to various commonalities: similar neutral shades on all of the lamps, the chrome finish on the floor lamp and chandelier, the tiered triangular shape of the artichoke lamps and the chandelier, etc. Other things in the room also help these fixtures work well in the space (the lamps share the same tone as the curtain rods and the hardware on the dresser, while the chandelier’s finish ties into the floor lamp and the silver knobs on the nightstand).
Ok, now that we have that out of the way – onto the mood boards! I used a few of my favorite lighting sources where we purchase lights (places like West Elm, World Market, Wayfair/Joss & Main, as well as some of our own lighting designs with Shades of Light) and I did my best to include a mix of pendants, chandeliers, flushmounts, and even sconces so a range of applications are represented (things that would work in dining rooms, kitchens, even hallways and bathrooms). I also tried to keep things budget friendly, so although a few are $350 splurges like our own dining room chandelier, many others are under $150 or even $100).
Crisp & Classic
In this board we have four lights that all feel somewhat traditional or transitional and they’re all in the silvery-finish family. So they’re similar in both style and/or finish. The two pendants both have chains, which is another detail that ties them together, and the semi-flush mount shade (#3) and flush mount fixture (#2) both have clean round canopies at the ceiling. This might seem obvious, but tiny details like these can really go a long way in uniting fixtures that otherwise aren’t super similar. Even the subtle diamond shapes in #2 echo the pointed framing on the top of #1, and the cylindrical metal bulb bases in #1 tie into the same cylindrical bulb base in #4. 
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Moody & Modern
In this little pairing, you can see how fixtures with mixed finishes can be “bridges” for other lighting options. Picking something like #1, with both black and chrome, means all black choices (like #2) and all chrome picks (like #4) look totally at home in the mix. This grouping of lights also has some shape commonalities that help. See how #2 and #3 both have “arms” while #3 and #4 both have similar Edison bulbs going on.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Gilded Glam
In this board, I went with the whole brass/gold finish that ties things together, along with pretty classic shapes like a quatrefoil shade, a tiered chandelier, a glass globe, etc. But since #1 and #3 felt like updated takes on traditional fixtures, I had some fun incorporating a few more modern fixtures too (#2 and #4). But again, since I kept such a tight palette in the finishes and materials, that allows for more flexibility to mix styles or eras.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Black & Brass
In this board I had fun mixing metals, just because that goes on a lot at our house, and is also pretty common in light fixtures these days (there are tons of mixed-finish ones out lately). The semi-flush mount shade (#1) and the chandelier (#4) seem extremely related thanks to chunky dark metal and the shades they both have. Meanwhile, the sconce (#3) which features a black and brass combo, acts as the bridge to the antique brass and mercury glass pendant (#2), which shares some similar tones.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Natural & Neutral
We’re always fans of natural textures and interesting shapes, so enter this mood board stage left. The neutral tones in capiz, wood, antique gold, glass, and even the soft woven fabric of the shade all easily relate and feel soothing and layered without feeling too matchy or similar. There are also lots of curves and round shapes to keep everything in the family (round glass pendant, round capiz shells, round drum shade). The exception to that one point would be the star of course, so would I hang it right next to anything else? Probably not. But would I use it in the foyer with the glass pendants in the kitchen with the capiz chandelier over the eat-in table and the fabric shade over the dining table? Heck yeah I would.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Lines & Shine
This board was fun because it sort of has a coastal-meets-modern vibe. You can see a lot of chrome and white going on (so beachy and nautical) and the fact that there are many angular lines and high gloss finishes also helps them relate. You’ve also got a lot of domes that aren’t identical, but feel similar (they’re more like cousins than twins), and all of these fixtures have exposed bulbs, so choosing one type of bulb – like vintage Edison bulbs or chrome tipped modern bulbs – could be a fun way to further tie them together.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
In Our House
And now for the final mood board. This one is a pretty good representation of our house (not every light is in here, but it’s pretty close). You can definitely see the mix that we’re drawn to – capiz, geometric shapes, neutral colors, and shiny silvery metals along with the occasional oil-rubbed bronze fixture.
1 (laundry) / 2 (kitchen) / 3 (dining) / 4 (guest room, similar) / 5 (foyer) / 6 (office, similar) / 7 (master bedroom) / 8 (hallway)
Want more words and explanation? We dropped a little podcast player right here in the post for anyone who’d like to listen (the light fixture discussion starts about 20 minutes in). There’s definitely some other stuff in there that should help. Note: if you’re reading in a reader and don’t see the podcast player right here, just click through to the post.  
And with that I bid you a good night light. May the odds be ever in your favor. (Are Hunger Game references from a few years ago proof that I’m an old lady or what?! Pretty soon I’ll be trying to bring “bling bling” back).
*This post contains affiliate links
The post Light Fixtures That Work Together Without Being Boring appeared first on Young House Love.
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vincentbnaughton · 7 years
Light Fixtures That Work Together Without Being Boring
This week we dove into the struggle to find light fixtures that feel related without being too matchy-matchy or boring (the discussion kicks in around the 20-minute mark of this week’s podcast) and I promised to link to some lighting combinations that I liked in the show notes, but then I promptly fell into a mood board making wormhole. When I regained consciousness in this reality, I had way too many mood boards for the show notes, had inexplicably eaten two pop tarts, and this post was born.
Whether you’re dealing with an open concept floor plan where you can see your kitchen pendants, dining room chandelier, and living room lights all from one vantage point – or you’re just trying to keep your whole house feeling cohesive from room to room, our main tip is to try to make your lighting relate in era, style, shape, or finish/material. Note that it’s an “OR” and not an “AND” situation. In most cases, as long as you check one of those boxes, your lighting will relate nicely to one another. Bonus points if other elements in the room tie into the light in some way too, like the dark railing and runner on the stairs of our foyer that relate to our oil-rubbed bronze chandelier (pictured above).
Another good example of tying light fixtures into their surroundings so they look right at home once they’re hung would be our upstairs hallway. All of the doorknobs up there are oil-rubbed bronze with rectangular back plates. So hanging some oil-rubbed bronze lanterns down the hall with an almost-rectangular shape definitely relates to the hallway’s hardware.
But let’s get back to the task at hand: coordinating light fixtures in adjoining rooms. That big star light in our foyer has cloudy seeded glass that’s similar to the tone and texture of the capiz chandelier in our nearby dining room, so although the metals are different, the repetition of the glass-like material (and the fact that they’re both geometric, and framed with metal) helps make them feel related without being too predictable or matchy-matchy.
Meanwhile, the metal pendants in our kitchen relate to the capiz chandelier in the adjoining dining room because they both have polished nickel stems and canopies. So although capiz and painted metal have nothing to do with one another, they still have another material (in this case it’s the polished nickel) that ties them together.
Now, it could be argued that we’re breaking our rule between the foyer (dark bronze star pendant) and the kitchen (three large metal domes with polished nickel stems) since they don’t share any common finish, shape, etc. So they might qualify as a more “eclectic” pairing to some, but we find that since both make sense in their respective rooms – and the rooms flow together nicely due to other elements that relate (paint color, wood accents, seamless flooring, etc), it means the lights don’t feel like a jarring juxtaposition. They just easily fit into their surroundings. I’d show you in a picture, except it’s pretty much impossible to get them in the same line of sight – which might be another reason these guys don’t have to be super similar, since they never actually have to compete visually. Here’s a shot of how the rooms connect (I’m standing under the star pendant here).
There are also instances when you have multiple lights that need to coordinate within one room. Take our master bedroom for example. The bedside lamps, the floor lamp, and the chandelier work together within the same room thanks to various commonalities: similar neutral shades on all of the lamps, the chrome finish on the floor lamp and chandelier, the tiered triangular shape of the artichoke lamps and the chandelier, etc. Other things in the room also help these fixtures work well in the space (the lamps share the same tone as the curtain rods and the hardware on the dresser, while the chandelier’s finish ties into the floor lamp and the silver knobs on the nightstand).
Ok, now that we have that out of the way – onto the mood boards! I used a few of my favorite lighting sources where we purchase lights (places like West Elm, World Market, Wayfair/Joss & Main, as well as some of our own lighting designs with Shades of Light) and I did my best to include a mix of pendants, chandeliers, flushmounts, and even sconces so a range of applications are represented (things that would work in dining rooms, kitchens, even hallways and bathrooms). I also tried to keep things budget friendly, so although a few are $350 splurges like our own dining room chandelier, many others are under $150 or even $100).
Crisp & Classic
In this board we have four lights that all feel somewhat traditional or transitional and they’re all in the silvery-finish family. So they’re similar in both style and/or finish. The two pendants both have chains, which is another detail that ties them together, and the semi-flush mount shade (#3) and flush mount fixture (#2) both have clean round canopies at the ceiling. This might seem obvious, but tiny details like these can really go a long way in uniting fixtures that otherwise aren’t super similar. Even the subtle diamond shapes in #2 echo the pointed framing on the top of #1, and the cylindrical metal bulb bases in #1 tie into the same cylindrical bulb base in #4. 
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Moody & Modern
In this little pairing, you can see how fixtures with mixed finishes can be “bridges” for other lighting options. Picking something like #1, with both black and chrome, means all black choices (like #2) and all chrome picks (like #4) look totally at home in the mix. This grouping of lights also has some shape commonalities that help. See how #2 and #3 both have “arms” while #3 and #4 both have similar Edison bulbs going on.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Gilded Glam
In this board, I went with the whole brass/gold finish that ties things together, along with pretty classic shapes like a quatrefoil shade, a tiered chandelier, a glass globe, etc. But since #1 and #3 felt like updated takes on traditional fixtures, I had some fun incorporating a few more modern fixtures too (#2 and #4). But again, since I kept such a tight palette in the finishes and materials, that allows for more flexibility to mix styles or eras.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Black & Brass
In this board I had fun mixing metals, just because that goes on a lot at our house, and is also pretty common in light fixtures these days (there are tons of mixed-finish ones out lately). The semi-flush mount shade (#1) and the chandelier (#4) seem extremely related thanks to chunky dark metal and the shades they both have. Meanwhile, the sconce (#3) which features a black and brass combo, acts as the bridge to the antique brass and mercury glass pendant (#2), which shares some similar tones.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Natural & Neutral
We’re always fans of natural textures and interesting shapes, so enter this mood board stage left. The neutral tones in capiz, wood, antique gold, glass, and even the soft woven fabric of the shade all easily relate and feel soothing and layered without feeling too matchy or similar. There are also lots of curves and round shapes to keep everything in the family (round glass pendant, round capiz shells, round drum shade). The exception to that one point would be the star of course, so would I hang it right next to anything else? Probably not. But would I use it in the foyer with the glass pendants in the kitchen with the capiz chandelier over the eat-in table and the fabric shade over the dining table? Heck yeah I would.
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Lines & Shine
This board was fun because it sort of has a coastal-meets-modern vibe. You can see a lot of chrome and white going on (so beachy and nautical) and the fact that there are many angular lines and high gloss finishes also helps them relate. You’ve also got a lot of domes that aren’t identical, but feel similar (they’re more like cousins than twins), and all of these fixtures have exposed bulbs, so choosing one type of bulb – like vintage Edison bulbs or chrome tipped modern bulbs – could be a fun way to further tie them together.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
In Our House
And now for the final mood board. This one is a pretty good representation of our house (not every light is in here, but it’s pretty close). You can definitely see the mix that we’re drawn to – capiz, geometric shapes, neutral colors, and shiny silvery metals along with the occasional oil-rubbed bronze fixture.
1 (laundry) / 2 (kitchen) / 3 (dining) / 4 (guest room, similar) / 5 (foyer) / 6 (office, similar) / 7 (master bedroom) / 8 (hallway)
Want more words and explanation? We dropped a little podcast player right here in the post for anyone who’d like to listen (the light fixture discussion starts about 20 minutes in). There’s definitely some other stuff in there that should help. Note: if you’re reading in a reader and don’t see the podcast player right here, just click through to the post.  
And with that I bid you a good night light. May the odds be ever in your favor. (Are Hunger Game references from a few years ago proof that I’m an old lady or what?! Pretty soon I’ll be trying to bring “bling bling” back).
*This post contains affiliate links
The post Light Fixtures That Work Together Without Being Boring appeared first on Young House Love.
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Grey And White Interior Design Inspiration From Scandinavia
Grey and white are often used as background or complementary colours. Muted, easy to design around and pair with Scandinavian style, they are often the supporting act, not the feature. What if your dream interior combined just those colours – just grey and white? These three Scandinavian-inspired homes show that grey and white need not fade into the background. Whether adorning kitchen tiles, comforter sets, living room walls, luxurious couches or simple wall streaks in the bathroom, grey can amplify white, and white can lighten a touch of grey. See more grey and white in our three house tours below.
Architect: Thai Quang   Our first space is an apartment decorated in grey, white and green. Green peoples the space in an array of potted plants and canvas artwork. The lounge opens up, offering a Swiss Cheese Plant, cacti and a mini tree against an exposed brick wall painted in grey. Sleek concrete flooring holds a worded rug, making grey and white almost monochrome. A gorgeous quilted couch and banquet chandelier in white match blowing chiffon curtains, providing a level of contrast. Two leather ottomans make the contrast sharper, by pairing solid grey and white in two comfy items.
Towards the other side of the lounge, a TV emerges betwixt two plants. Backed by a range of leaning monochrome abstracts, a white cabinet alludes to the dining room beside it, with a row of dark-wooden handles. The space parades many different species of flora and fauna, including the Fiddle Leaf Fig in the bedroom to come.
The dining room offers an eclectic array of furniture, interspersed with plants. A spray of black and white LEDs create a monochromatic chandelier. A circular glass mirror and leaning ladder add a hint of the kooky; a stencil black bookcase, wicker cane baskets and a plant in a lightbulb-vase the hipster. Beside a beige panel wall, an all-wooden dining table and chairs allude to nature, while grey and white portraits create more contemporary chatter.
The bedroom is a sensual feast in grey and white, with an erotic photograph above the bed. A standard design without the little details, the complexion of the room is easily changed by a white and grey comforter set, boldly-patterned rug and banquet lamp from the living room. Looking from the bed, artistic letters, pictures and numbers hang above another erotic work, TV cabinet and desk. The result is minimal Scandinavian with a natural twist.
Designer: Hoàng Long   Our second Scandinavian space makes a statement with a grey wooden floor extending through its rooms. Surrounded by white walls and grey kitchen cabinets, the main living space oscillates between grey and white, grey and white in a striped rug, grey couch and cushions. Coloured features pop out alternately, in white tables framed with gold and a mixture of lamps in differing colours. A few potted plants, a dangling copper lamp and deer hide add elements of difference.
Turning towards the bedroom, a large, winding Japanese partition window makes a stand across a large section of wall. Set off beside the copper lamp, the black-framed panel opens up the room and reflects natural light, setting off an array of coloured wall frames.
The bedroom, beautifully partitioned on the other side, is lit further by the window. Full white walls with a white-tiled panel juxtapose the painted wooden floor and matching cushions. A brown fur throw and patterned rug combine the two hues, while two simple wooden shelves hold trinkets.
The warm gold of the dining room adds warmth to the kitchen, a wall of grey with shiny appliances. Inlaid into a custom-made inlet, the wooden bench affords ample room for preparation, without encroaching on the wider room. Rough-shod metal chairs and a red-legged wooden cabinet add detail to the white dining table.
Photographer: Anders Bergsted   Source: Entrance   Our final space draws on lighter-toned grey to bring monochromes and greyscale elements together. No place is this better exemplified than the lounge’s six frames, a compilation of dreamy fades and illustrations each different in their artistry. A woollen grey rug foregrounds the scene, as a white leather sofa and matching tables hold roses below glass bubbles. The space opens to show a ceramic fireplace and greyscale kitchen with five-piece white chandelier. Two brown leather chairs shrink back the space, echoing hot air balloon decorations on the wall behind.
Three portrait windows across the main space’s wall let in light and hold on to modernity. Bathed in grey with white joinery, they unite the kitchen, dining and lounge areas. Beautifully-crafted cornice mouldings bring a French Renaissance feel, mirrored by a black antique mirror in the entrance.
The dining room and kitchen add a Scandinavian twist, as a wall of brick and idea lights populate the room. High, black wooden chairs sit around a grey slatted table, while white cabinetry makes a splash in a kitchen otherwise grey. A stack of three shelves hold crockery for guests; chrome, copper and living accessories add a natural touch.
A walk around the corner shows a decorated ceramic fireplace, hot air balloon ornaments (available on Amazon) and a silver hot rod – an entrance for a nursery. Its corridor space is made bright by grey paint and white joinery, alongside small white wall shelving and a matching cot.
Cute hipster accessories like the race track rug and cute bear storage basket are found from Amazon, while the wall bunting and name-branded cupboard join in a soft and sophisticated design.
The master bedroom offers a pretty place for relaxation. Pastel mint walls and cabinetry play with white, grey and berry hues upon the bed and across the room. A large window to the side lights up personal finds in photographs, cheesecutter hats and antique chandeliers, while a simple white bedside table rests candles and plants.
The bathroom echoes the kitchen in a wall of tiling with a stroke of grey. White amenities, shower curtains and cabinetry offer just enough space for a simple wooden stool and two mirrors, reflecting a glass-vased plant.
Related Posts:
Unique Bathroom Designs by Daymon Studio and Semsa Bilge
Inspiring Examples Of Use Of Grey In Luxury Interior Design
Beautiful home interiors rendered by Dmitry Kobtsev
Carrying patterns and colours across living spaces
Kids' Bathroom Decor Ideas
Photo Tiles for Kitchens and Bathrooms
from Interior Design Ideas http://www.home-designing.com/grey-and-white-interior-design-ideas
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spyjokerlove · 4 years
Color Name:Blue  |  Size:Window – 5 feet
Amazing design from fashion string, choose from different size option like window, door or long door. Made from 100% polyester fabric makes the curtains soft & shiny with an impression of upmarket. The grommet design will make the curtain orderly, easy to install and slide, so that let the room more elegant. Fit the rod pocket up to 1.6 inch inner diameter.
Color: Blue, Size Name: Window – 5 feet Material: Polyester, Thread Count: 130, GSM: 130 Package Contents: 2 Window Curtains Size: Each Piece: Width 116 cm X Length 152 cm Care Instructions: Normal hand wash or machin wash, wash separately with daily wears Material: Polyester, Color: Blue, Size: Window – 5 feet Dimension of Each Piece: Width 116 cm X Length 152 cm Transperancy: Semi Transparent, Fabric GSM: 130 GSM The design of silver grommet (1.6 inch inner diameter) creates casual elegance for your house, which makes the curtains easy to install and slide [amz_corss_sell asin=”B07Q9B8MMS”]
Fashion String 2 Pieces Window Curtain Set, 5 feet Long,Blue Color Name:Blue | Size:Window - 5 feet Amazing design from fashion string, choose from different size option like window, door or long door.
0 notes
spyjokerlove · 4 years
Color Name:Blue  |  Size:Door – 7 feet
Amazing design from fashion string, choose from different size option like window, door or long door. Made from 100% polyester fabric makes the curtains soft & shiny with an impression of upmarket. The grommet design will make the curtain orderly, easy to install and slide, so that let the room more elegant. Fit the rod pocket up to 1.6 inch inner diameter.
Color: Blue, Size Name: Door – 7 feet Material: Polyester, Thread Count: 130, GSM: 130 Package Contents: 1 Door Curtain Size: Each Piece: Width 116 cm X Length 213 cm Care Instructions: Normal hand wash or machin wash, wash separately with daily wears Material: Polyester, Color: Blue, Size: Door – 7 feet Dimension of Each Piece: Width 116 cm X Length 213 cm Transperancy: Semi Transparent, Fabric GSM: 130 GSM The design of silver grommet (1.6 inch inner diameter) creates casual elegance for your house, which makes the curtains easy to install and slide. [amz_corss_sell asin=”B07Q73HCTR”]
Fashion String 1 Piece Door Curtain Set, 7 feet Long,Blue Color Name:Blue | Size:Door - 7 feet Amazing design from fashion string, choose from different size option like window, door or long door.
0 notes