#shes not my favourite character This was about ttpd
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tayloranalyst · 19 days
My boy only breaks his favourite toys is about cheating (a theory)
I will preface this the same way I plan to preface all my posts. These are my personal opinions and how I view the song. I don’t like to think too much about what ex Taylor wrote this about because I think the meaning of her songs are deeper than that and I believe she writes them to mean different things to different people. Please don’t come for me I am sensitive 💃🏻 also I wrote this on my phone and am dyslexic SORRY
#MBOBHFT #taylorswift #taylor #swift #analysis #songmeaning #review #ttpd #torturedpoetsdepartment #swiftie
I see this song as a heartbreaking comparison of loosing someone you love to cheating and depression to a toy being broken and discarded on the shelf after their child has found a better one to play with. Taylor infantilises her ex partner while also describing herself as a broken plastic Barbie Toy.
“The voices in his head called the rain to end our days of wild”
The voices in her partners head called the rain, the same way negative thoughts bring depression. Taylor seems to reference a severely depressed partner throughout the album, linking song together. I will post about how each song links together (for me) soon.
“The sickest army doll purchased at the mall. Rivulets descend my plastic smile”
I don’t believe Taylor is describing herself here because if she were a toy being purchased from the mall why would she cry? I think this is referencing the partner bringing another “toy” or person home.
“My boy only breaks his favourite toys. I’m queen of sandcastles he destroys”
Obviously she is referencing herself being broken by what has just happened. I believe she talks about a sandcastle to convey her fragility. Perhaps the partner wasn’t even cheating but perhaps she was just so fragile, like a sand castle, that seeing her boy with another toy broke her.
“Cause it fit too right. Puzzle pieces in the dead of night”
It took me a while to come to a conclusion on this one. I believe the imagery describes the way that they both lay together at night, fitting perfectly together, but perhaps this was exclusive to the night. I wonder if she is trying to say things were only perfect when they were in bed together.
“Put me back on my shelf but first, pull my string. I’ll tell you he runs because he loves me. You should have seen him when he first saw me”
This described her toy being put back on the shelf, broken and bruised, but still adamant that she is his favourite toy.
This is obviously in line with denial.
“Just say when, I’d play again. He was my best friend down at the sandlot. I felt more when we played pretend than with all the Ken’s”
In the last line she talks about playing with the other Ken’s, which I think means she’s describing herself as being a feminine toy or a Barbie (I could be wrong this is biased to my experience).
We also see the theme of denial playing out again here. Her boy has gone off to play with a new toy but she still wants to play again. She breaks character implicitly with “he was my best friend” as if she’s now so angry she can’t keep the metaphor going.
“He took me out of my box. Stole my tortured heart. Left these broken parts.”
I believe this is referencing her loss of youth and innocence to the relationship which she discusses in other songs on the album. It’s as if she’s now trying to re-sell herself as a “used” toy.
Taylor if you ever read this you are always a genius! I hope - if anyone reads this - you found my perspective interesting. Post what you do or don’t agree with down below! I’d love to hear it!
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I saw your post. It's the same TTPD anon (im sorry i still hiding behind this anonymous thing)
I LIVE for "The Prophecy" too... like being in a phase where you feel like nobody wants you... every person who is close to you slowly one by one, leaving you alone... so it's makes you wondering. Maybe im the cursed one, and it's my fate to be alone.
The "I hate it here" is painfully and ironically related to me. When you can physically run away so you use your imagination to make you feel you're in a better place. The place where no one can't enter, can't make comments about you, can't ruin anything.
How did it end?- I feel like it's a warning for us? How when her broke up coming up and then traveled so fast from one person to another person, from one friend to other friends, one person to another family... and they really want to know how the story ended.
Every song breaks me... but the one that makes me sobbing is "The Manuscript" - like looking back to your oldself... scraping the pain and sadness and writing it to the manuscript... watching other people playing the memory of yours😭🙏
okay I took a while to respond to this because I really needed some more time to process how I felt and my thoughts on those songs!
I hate it here is literally anyone who loves reading and writing because we are all trying to escape the real world aren't we? I know I definitely daydream to the world of my favourite fictional characters when the real world become too real. I am also so desperate to get to Zermatt because it's the closest I'll ever get to Velaris!
How did it end? - I saw it as a take on parasocial relationships that seem to be the norm in the world of celebrity. like the need and right some people believe they have to discuss and dive into the personal lives of celebrities and overanalyse their relationships, habits and day-to-day life. The post-mortem line perfectly encapsulates this as anyone who has seen a postmortem either in real life or on a TV show like Silent Witness knows that you can tell a lot about how someone lived their lives during a postmortem. She is quite literally saying people are digging into the dead body of her relationship to look for clues as to what went wrong when the only people who should know are her and people close to her. not fans.
and the Manuscript that took me the longest to process and I'm still not sure I've completely processed it either. the music in it makes me so reminiscent, it actually kinda reminds me of those old Disney Ads where they would show clips of their older movies (specifically the one where Peter Pan I think says 'Here we go!'). It also feels very much like a goodbye, not that I think Taylor is retiring but she's saying goodbye to the era of her life (the lover house era). the song harks back to different periods of her dating history like dating older men and the lessons she'd learnt from those times. I don't know when exactly this song was written but I wouldn't be surprised if it was once she was with Travis and she's realised she's in a different stage of her life and is therefore ready to let go of her old self and have the stories belong to the world and her fans instead of her.
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