#she’s goku
yusuke-of-valla · 2 years
Pokémon girl: Loves to spar and wants to make friends through her hobby. Some people: Is she obsessed with me romantically? For real though sounds like she has more in common with a shonen main character than a yandere.
Oooh yeah
Like I don’t want to derail but something I like that they did with both Leon and Nemona is that essentially, they were the player character prior to the game. They’re the best trainer they’re undefeated and they did it at a young age
And as many players do when they beat the game it becomes really boring when they don’t have any challenging battles! It’s actually super interesting!
(Literally I was watching a playthrough of Scarlet and Nemona was like “I’m going to go battle other people while you do the gym” and the player was like “you’re just going to crush some child?” And I had to roll my eyes because LITERALLY THAT’S WHAT THE PLAYER CHARACTER DOES)
But yeah Nemona’s not a yandere she’s just dying for a challenge, something you’d think older Pokemon fans could relate to but I guess it’s more fun to take the neurodivergent coded character and call her a yandere
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smuby · 3 months
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art dump !!!! (frieza and goku designs by @sporrkks (hiii againnnn sporkssssss))
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jemcore · 18 days
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my girlfriend just opened their ipad and said “are you ready to watch dragon ball z”
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firehydrant00 · 5 months
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doodles feat mew cat gohan in corner
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egophiliac · 1 year
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before episode 34: Kekera is the only fan of this godforsaken show who has a remotely healthy relationship with media.
after episode 34: frogman what have you done
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crewtawn · 3 months
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"Hah, looks like we were thinking the same thing..."
"Is that traditional saiyan wear? Where did you even get that thing 'geta?"
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hamofjustice · 11 months
nemona feels like an obscure blorbo instead of the main rival character from the latest pokemon game because to get to her really good content from people who really get it, you first have to wade through the ocean of yandere pervert obsessive stalker annoying punchable bimbo amazon goddess interpretations of...
... a neurodivergent and possibly disabled high schooler who's desperately trying to make any friends or get any support from her rich neglectful family - while everyone in her school is jealous of their own imagined version of a privileged asshole version of her they made up - who deeply and platonically loves and supports the one new kid who agreed to take the time to get to know and respect her and her special interest without having to hold back her true self
unlike her, it's not great!
kinda feels like she has the same problem in our world that she does in hers.
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sleepy-edits · 2 months
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ap-kinda-lit · 1 month
Chichi: Is it really so hard for you to believe that your brother married a human?
Raditz: No, I can’t believe anyone would marry Kakarot.
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hi-there-buddies · 4 months
I honestly think people give Goku too much crap for not “understanding Gohan” in the cell saga. Like ya, it was kinda his fault to an extent, but look at it from Goku’s pov:
In the saiyan saga, Gohan came back to help fight even after Goku said to stay away
Gohan begged to go to Namek to get his friends back, even yelling at his own mother to do so
Gohan refused to leave at first when Goku went super saiyan, saying he wanted to help Goku fight Frieza
Gohan trained with him and piccolo for three straight years and was happy with it
Gohan trained with Goku in the time chamber and trained so hard that he unlocked a form even Goku hadn’t
Gohan *yelled* at Goku because he thought Goku was going easy on him during training. I think this one is a BIG thing people miss
I think some people forget that we’re viewing these characters from an outside lens. Goku doesn’t know what Gohan went through when training with Piccolo (cause he DIED protecting him). The FIRST time someone tells Goku Gohan actually doesn’t like fighting, is in the Cell saga when Gohan is literally in the middle of the fight with Cell (correct me if I’m wrong but I think this is right). There’s a reason he looks so genuinely surprised when Piccolo says this. And when this happens, Goku immediately steps up and tries to stop the fight.
I’m just saying, if I was in Goku’s shoes, I don’t think it would have crossed my mind that Gohan doesn’t like fighting either.
Also, a decade after Goku found this out, he still takes it into account whenever he asks Gohan about something related to fighting. I’d say now in the story, he knows Gohan fairly well
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grimmcheems · 3 months
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Made this……..was inspired by a comment @mindflayer-inc made on a Yamcha post, idk what the og post was about and can’t find it anywhere but the idea stuck and now here I am oop.🗿 Yamcha first born of Fire Moutain au?!? Idek what type of title to have for this au but the plot I cooked up was that Yamcha ran away from home and was disowned. Maybe I’ll make more art on it later at some point since this one took me forever, I have become a shrimp with my hunching ahh back while doing this.
I also wrote up some of this concept of him confessing to Bulma when they were still dating about his “past” and roots, so now this AU is ingrained into me. Without giving away too much of what I have planned, I figured it’d make more sense if the reason he ran away was because he was arranged to marry a girl his age from another kingdom since the Fire Mountain wasn’t doing so well and Ox King needed some assurance and that was the easiest way to do it. Yamcha, however, finds out about the arrangement and later on flees with the dowry💀💀which ties into why he beats up kids and steals money in the og series lmao.
Anyways. I actually like how this turned out but don’t flame me for the layout,😅I’ve never rly attempted to do a comic type art before and just figuring out how to was draining. Can I just say I love how goofy Puar gets👩🏽‍🦯. I wish they all kept their tails but alas.
Also I heard that “titling” or adding a header to art messes with the algorithm? I’m still new to tumblr so can someone explain that to me or confirm whether that’s true or not.
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magicalswordgirls · 3 months
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Akira Toriyama has always been a source of inspiration for me. Dragon Ball was the reason I picked up a pencil and started drawing manga-style in the first place. To this day, the “Complete Illustrations” volume of Dragon Ball is the art book I keep revisiting. I love the expressiveness of the characters and the attention to detail in each illustration, I particularly like the ones that include vehicles and robots. Throughout the years I’ve been redrawing and getting inspired by these illustrations. At this point I’m not sure if I’ll ever make it, but I’ve always wanted to capture all those compelling elements in my illustrations. However, regardless of how my art turned out, I’ve always had fun with the process of drawing and I’ve even been able to connect with other people.
For that I’m grateful to Akira Toriyama. Hope he’s doing great wherever he is now.
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skeletonfumes · 7 months
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Goku: Midnight Eye [MIDNIGHT EYE ゴクウ] Yoshiaki Kawajiri
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ayoalex · 2 months
My brain is so funny, decided to rewatch ATLA (again) and for some reason got obsessed with Azula (I've always liked her tho, just... Something in my brain started itching this time around), so of course started reading meta analysis of her and azula centric fics and wanted to give my 2 cents (that no one asked).
After the Spirit Temple she just goes solo for like 2 months rewinding on what she saw there until she's like "I need to reinvent myself" and decided to get a buzzcut but like it's really fucked up and this one nice lady finds her like u find a stray cat with a really fuck up haircut and it's like "this kid is totally going through puberty but like... Mental illness" and decides to help her with the buzzcut.
So Azula finds herself helping this nice lady and her wife in their restaurant in some part of the Earth Kingdom.
She stills trains and pretty much continues evolving her bending but at the same time she does a lot of reflection about herself, her relationships with other people and her nation.
Without realizing she gets adopted by the lesbian couple. They are smart adults that saw a very much homeless kid and decided to give her love and shelter and Azula is weird and awkward about it at the beginning but this helps her realise a lot of things about her family.
So she's like soft now in the sense she just minds her own business and likes to pet cats around her neighbor but at the same time she's still a bit mean and quick with her tongue.
Her hair grows and one time she sees like someone from her past and boom, war flashbacks, buzzcut time once again but this time... She asks for HELP.
Basically I think Azula deserves and need a support system while healing.
Personally I think she ends up as a masc lesbian but I could be projecting.
She also goes back to Fire Nation with her two moms and presents them to her family and it's like
"Moms, this is Mother, Uncle and Zuzu" and it's a pretty awkward dinner for the 3 of them, Azula is having a blast and her 2 moms are loving seeing her baby pictures.
Also something something her and Toph are besties now.
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astriwilt · 7 months
Ms. Saotome was the best character in all of Madoka Magica- no, in all of anime. Her passionate speech about how there is no wrong way to make an egg was the best speech I’ve ever seen in fiction. She really showed how much she cared about the girls in her class when she told them not to marry men who complain about eggs. She showed how much she wants the boys in her class to lead respectable lives when she told them to not complain about their eggs. Ms. Saotome knew all of the secrets of the universe and could kill Kyubey just by raising her pinky finger. If you disagree; you’re wrong and you should be ashamed.
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
Vegeta, panicking: This is bad! This is REALLY bad!!
Piccolo: What’s wrong?
Vegeta: I kissed Bulma!
Piccolo: Woah… I owe Goku so much money…
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