#she ordered a meal with dairy TWICE despite allergens being listed and despite her insisting cheese sends her to the hospital
sunjoys · 1 year
sometimes i hate customers so muchhh. today a lady was like "could i have a chicken burger" which is Normal except we have two types of cbs (chicken burgers) so im like "lemon and garlic marinated cb or buttermilk fried cb?" (this is on the menu. and also, this will be relevant later, allergens are listed on the menu. including dairy. she had the menu. she read the menu) and shes like "whats the difference?". and im like "... well one of them tastes of garlic and lemon, and the other one doesnt + is more in line with what youd expect of a normal chicken burger." she goes "okay. ill take the normal chicken burger." "awesome!". "[serious expression] but no cheese please, if i have cheese i'll have to go the hospital." and im worried, so i go "oh, are you lactose intolerant? i can tell the kitchen to be extra careful." this is normal procedure if someone is allergic. she goes "yes, im lactose intolerant." im like "great ill let them know to be careful + no cheese!"
then just before i put the order in im like. "wait fuck. buttermilk chicken burger. buttermilk. oh my god shes going to die." and i go back to be like " ! heyyy the regular chicken burger is buttermilk which is dairy, is there an alternative you'd prefer? would you rather the lemon and garlic?" she stares at me uncomprehendingly. and then she goes "i cant have garlic. and im sure the buttermilk will be fine as long as theres no cheese." internally im going holyshit shes going to die. but like if she says its fine..... so i go "ah well if youre sure..." but eventually she goes "well alright ill have the lamb dish instead then. to be safe" i go great!
then i check the menu as im inputting the order. on the menu it says theres dairy in the lamb dish. im like "oh fuck" but i go sort it out with the kitchen and we come up with a lactose free alternative (dont fry with butter, different side dish etc). all good! she eats the lamb and doesnt die!
and then. and then after dessert she asks for tea and i see her ask a coworker for some milk for the tea. im going to throttle someone <3
tldr customer said she was deathly allergic to cheese. and ordered TWO meals with dairy in them (clearly indicated in menu). i was convinced she was gonna die. and then she asked for milk in her tea.
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