#she has so few meaningful relationships. she keeps collecting familiars and crafting and naming clockwork creatures for tiny servants.
blujayonthewing · 1 year
thinkin about. it's so easy to fall into the 'antisocial nerd who hates people' trope with a certain flavor of character archetype but. how much is melliwyk actually just... without even realizing it... fundamentally lonely...? she's friendly, but bad at making friends and maintaining meaningful relationships. the incident where she blew herself up launched her career but it also permanently blinded her roommate, and that would have absolutely colored her reputation and the way people interact with her for the remainder of her academic and all of her professional career. she lived alone in the woods for years. she talked to the ghost she didn't believe existed, she talks to her familiar even when he's not in the room, she keeps inventing robots shaped like little animals and creating items for her friends? companions. an NPC died at her feet and she invented an entirely new way to use magic so that she could learn revivify and spare the dying as an arcanist. while working on that project she shut herself in her room and didn't talk to anybody. after learning her parents were hostages she dove into working on her projects and shut herself in her room and didn't talk to anybody. a party member invited her to turn on the others and seems to this day to resent her for siding against him, and she doesn't know how to explain how she feels about the fact that he would even think to ask.
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