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Superstition says that if a woman is trying to attract a lover, she should fill her panties with valerian. #therealwomantalk #itchypanties #sexythoughtoftheday 
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Chlorosis, a condition that caused a woman to turn pale green, was considered a danger of long-term virginity by medical professionals until the 1800s. Feeling a little green? You know what you need. #sexythoughtoftheday #virginity #itsnoteasybeinggreen https://www.instagram.com/p/B2nQb1lgeHh/?igshid=1vozrzqwbt59y
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Birth control pills have been all the rage in the US since the 60s, but there are tons of side effects including mood changes, weight gain, and decreased libido. Talk to you doctors about which options are best for your lifestyle and ask about side effects! #sexythoughtoftheday #birthcontrolpills #birthcontrol https://www.instagram.com/p/B2fhovagI77/?igshid=1u1x33hce4dil
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One study reports closer to 50%. Top three reasons? 1. She isn’t going to likely orgasm 2. She wants sex to be over already. 3. She doesn’t want to hurt her partner’s feelings. #sexythoughtoftheday #fakeorgasm https://www.instagram.com/p/B2dBjntgpU_/?igshid=4iy96guvgqx
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Over half of women who are murdered are victims of their partners. This is compared to 6% of murdered male victims. Don’t wait. Get out. Get help. national domestic abuse hotline: 1 (800) 799-7233 #sexythoughtoftheday #domesticviolenceawareness #abusedwomen https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ajII4Adho/?igshid=x4bkn5jpshtk
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Female Frigidity is a condition when a woman has difficulty becoming aroused. Ever hear a woman described as frigid? Now you know what it means. #damnthatscold #sexythoughtoftheday #femalefrigidity https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Xy3A8Alrr/?igshid=is7ziemv1ahv
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Women are amazing creatures with an ability to heal even the most difficult wounds. One doctor who specializes in working with sexual abuse survivors observed, “Women are incredibly resilient, and many are able to recover from the trauma completely with no long-term or ongoing difficulties.” (Brotto) #sexythoughtoftheday #lifeafterabuse #innerhealing https://www.instagram.com/p/B2NzGt9AnYs/?igshid=1lwerj6bcddc
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People in the Middle Ages were just as afraid of dying from celibacy as they were of contracting a disease from a prostitute, creating the need for some of the first regulations on sex workers’ health. These restrictions (on the women: not the clients) included prostitutes suffering from the “burning disease” being restricted from working. #middleages #sexythoughtoftheday #sexworkers https://www.instagram.com/p/B2DMy85ACjN/?igshid=1v0z2c2xzleel
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If you wait to talk to your kid about sex until they are a teen, it’s too late. Even more disturbing, kids who learn about sex from media or friends are more likely to end up pregnant or with an STI. #talktoyourkidsaboutsex #sexythoughtoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Ayx5pAw8R/?igshid=twqhzerr9fxy
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The Madonna-Whore complex is when men can only view women a good, pure, Madonnas or as sexually promiscuous whores. Surprise, surprise: men who had a strong belief in MWD also believed that women should have less rights and autonomy. #madonnawhorecomplex #sexythoughtoftheday #categoriesofwomen https://www.instagram.com/p/B1-JLnNg4h7/?igshid=1sk9l9fu84r4z
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Women are more prone to phone addiction than men, said one study. 52% of women used their smartphones at least four hours a day while only 29.4% of men reported the same level of usage. #sexythoughtoftheday #phoneaddiction #womenhavemoretodo https://www.instagram.com/p/B17jI8rAZ0A/?igshid=14rpdhaat8quc
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In 1967, two women were killed by a grizzly bear in Montana. One was menstruating. This started a resurgence of the very real fear men had (have?) that being near a women on her period would attract wild animals hunting for dinner. Like they had to make a pamphlet for men to calm down about it. #periodmyths #sexythoughtoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/B145O70ASHF/?igshid=db0eb83vtznl
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A French study found that women are about 10% more likely to give a stranger their phone number if the weather is sunny. Florida is not starting any love stories this week... #sexythoughtoftheday #sunshinemakesmehappy #flirtinthesun https://www.instagram.com/p/B1zpAN3AD0A/?igshid=1d6juhhu6we8g
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Do opposites do attract? A Harvard study found that not only are women more satisfied when they see more similarities with a partner, but the relationship also lasts longer the more the couple has in common. So...maybe not? #sexythoughtoftheday #oppositesattract https://www.instagram.com/p/B1r795BAGbT/?igshid=1gcxkd0a2dsq3
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To measure the effects of exercise on arousal, two groups of women watched an erotic film. Half of the women worked out with an intense cycling class right before viewing, and they were significantly more turned on than the other group. #exercise #arousal #sexythoughtoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/B1pSfOjg162/?igshid=dajnze3yv42o
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Sex after fights can be mind-blowing. One reason is because we have a biologically-based attachment system, and when we perceive a threat to the relationship, our bodies react strongly to try to restore the connection. #angrysex #sexythoughtoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/B1m5-mUAfmg/?igshid=utqe7w5mbi4o
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