#serra do mar
aaesthetica · 3 months
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unspokenmantra · 10 days
Sunrise 🥹🫠🤗🥰🙅‍♂️🔥🎋🌥️⛅🌤️☀️🌄🌻
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meanddogs · 11 months
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Cubatão River . São Paulo. Brazil
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flui-insight · 2 years
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reinolirico · 1 year
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Para a minha casa apontava um Dedo de Deus! Em seu ponto culminante, imponente e 'onipresente' devido a sua altura que o permitia ser avistado também ‘daqui’! Eu não sei como é a figura de Deus, mas vi o seu dedo… e daqui ele é 'azul'! É o dedo de sua poderosa mão onde eu seguro e vou! Azul como o céu que governas soberano e também devido a distância que também 'dista' nossa insignificância diante de tal grandeza! Localizado na serra com pequenas cachoeiras('fluviais ou pluviais') em sua encosta e próximo a uma grande 'cascata de cerração' desaguando num 'mar' formado pelas mesmas névoas sobre aquele vale, e do qual se faz promontório! Ele pode curar aquela 'surdez' provocada pela mesma cerração…! Ele aponta de lá para o alto e o infinito com sua Altura e poder que pode nos guiar! O Dedo de Deus é ponto turístico de Teresópolis, aquela cidade que só conheço de passagem através da janela de um ônibus de viagem, mas da qual já me sinto também 'um de seus cidadãos’ mesmo morando no subúrbio do Rio devido a tal visão! Lá treina a seleção, tem muita vegetação, as aves que aqui gorjeiam, e toda aquela mesma cerração que nos dá a impressão de já estarmos no céu! Dedo de um Deus que é generoso e misericordioso ao estender sua mão que há quem tem o seu 'pesar'! E fazendo do meu quintal mais um de seus 'mirantes', apesar de distante, apontei e mostrei para a minha prima quando esta esteve aqui em casa 'há muitas serras de sua casa' e há muitos anos atrás! Dedo de Deus me apontando desde sempre, de lá de Teresópolis e na bandeira do Estado… E ele continuará em sua magnitude, altitude, grandeza, natureza e imagem rupestre! É o pico do Dedo de Deus que como qualquer montanha só pode ser removido pela fé! E que também fica na direção leste como o Oriente Médio e 'aquela montanha de Maomé'! Num caminho íngreme apontando a retidão. Com suas formas misteriosas para os homens, seu desafio para alpinistas e socorro para quem elevar a cabeça para aqueles montes! É o pico do Dedo de Deus se destacando dentre as outras serras, pedreiras e pedras pelo meu caminho! O Dedo de Deus que cura, salva, transforma e aponta o mesmo caminho e a verdade… É o Dedo de Deus que quase avisto por inteiro 'do Alfa e Ômega' como só é possível através de oração.
MAIS DE MIM EM: https://gustavoreymond.blogspot.com/
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umatleta-blog · 1 month
Com últimas vagas disponíveis, Uphill Serra do Mar desembarca na Baixada Santista
Pelo segundo ano consecutivo, a Uphill que é uma das provas mais desejadas do país, desembarca na Baixada Santista. Com a estreia da distância de 21km, a etapa batizada de Serra do Mar, acontece dia 13 de abril, onde os futuros ninjas poderão desfrutar de um percurso repleto de histórias ao logo das curvas, da Estrada Velha de Santos. Apresentada pela COMGÁS e Governo Federal por meio do…
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bikeaospedacos · 5 months
WTR divulga calendário para 2024 com prova inédita em MG
Calendário 2024 terá etapa inédita em Minas Gerais
Calendário 2024 da World Trail Races terá etapa inédita em Nova Lima, Minas Gerais  Em uma temporada cheia de aventuras, desafios superados e momentos inesquecíveis, a World Trail Races (WTR) termina o ano de 2023 consolidada como uma das principais ligas esportivas de montanha do Brasil. Nesta temporada, a WTR passou por diferentes lugares, como Grumari no Rio de Janeiro, Teresópolis, Arraial…
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jornale · 1 year
#br277 #caminhao #veiculo #oleo #soja #prf #estrada #morretes #rodovia #parana #serradomar
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chicoterra · 1 year
Onças-pintadas com filhotes são encontradas na Serra do Mar paranaense
Onças-pintadas com filhotes são encontradas na Serra do Mar paranaense
Espécie chegou a ser considerada extinta na regiãoJá chega a sete o número de onças-pintadas identificadas por pesquisadores brasileiros na região da Serra do Mar paranaense, área de Mata Atlântica. A espécie, que chegou a ser considerada extinta na região, voltou a ser registrada por armadilhas fotográficas em setembro de 2018. As descobertas dos pesquisadores do Programa Grandes Mamíferos da…
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jugonzalezsblog · 2 years
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yellowjellobean · 7 months
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aaesthetica · 10 days
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unspokenmantra · 10 days
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G'morning everyone! Sunrise now 🥹🥰
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meanddogs · 11 months
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thelastconfessor · 8 months
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Barcelona, August 2023. As a result of the events that took place this morning and the perplexity of the speech made by the president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation, Mr. Luis Manuel Rubiales Béjar, the players of the senior national team, recent world champions, in support of Jennifer Hermoso, wish to express their firm and resounding condemnation of conduct that has violated the dignity of women.
In view of the statements made by the president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation, Jennifer Hermoso wishes to categorically deny that she consented to the kiss that was given to her by Mr. Luis Manuel Rubio at the World Cup Final. "I want to clarify that, as was seen in the images, at no time did I consent to the kiss he gave me and, of course, in no case did I seek to lift up the president. I do not tolerate my word being called into question and much less that they invent words that I did not say".
From our union we want to stress that no woman should have to answer back to the blunt images that everyone has seen and, of course, they should not be involved in unacceptable attitudes.
The players of the Spanish national football team, current world champions, expect strong responses from the public authorities so that actions such as those contained in this document do not go unpunished.
We would like to end this statement by calling for real structural changes that will help the national team to continue to grow, in order to be able to pass on this great success to future generations. It fills us with sadness that such an unacceptable act is tarnishing the greatest sporting success of Spanish women's football.
After everything that happened during the Women's World Cup medal ceremony, we would like to state that all of the players who have signed this letter will not return to a call-up to the national team if the current management continues.
Jennifer Hermoso
Alexia Putellas
Misa Rodríguez
Irene Paredes
Ona Batlle
Mariona Caldentey
Teresa Abelleira
María Pérez
Cata Coll
Aitana Bonmati
Laia Codina
Claudia Zomoza
Oihane Hemández
Rocío Gálvez
Irene Guerrero
Alba Redondo
Athenea del Castillo
Eva Navarro
Enith Salón
Ivana Andrés
Olga Carmona
Esther González
Salma Paralluelo
Elene Lete
Fiamma Benítez
Marta Cardona
Maite Oroz
Patricia Guijarro
Lola Gallardo
Nerea Eizagirre
Ainhoa Moraza
Maria León “Mapi”
Sandra Paños
Claudia Pina
Amaiur Sarriegi
Leila Ouahabi
Laia Aleixandri
Lucia García
Andrea Pereira
Vero Boquete
Ainhoa Tirapu
Sandra Vilanova
Ana Romero "Willy”
Silvia Meseguer
Nagore Calderón
Marta Torrejón
Lucía Rodríguez
Vicky Losada
Carmen Arce "Kubalita”
Maria Teresa Andreu
Priscila Borja
Mar Prieto
Natalia Pablos
María José Perez
Susana Guerrero
María Marco “Beni”
Larraitz Lucas
Paula Kasares
Isabel Benito “Chabe”
María Luisa Monzón “Gusa”
Amanda Sampedro
Isabel Fuentes
Nines Pérez Urda “Quilla”
Elisabet Sánchez
Angela Martín Martín
Mari Paz Azagra
Victoria Hemandez
Vanesa Gimbert
Virginia Torrecilla
Leire Landa
Elisabet Ibarra
Isi Gavilán “Isi”
Toña Is
Meli Nicolau
Gurutze Fernandez
Auxi Jiménez
“Vanesa Moreno "Vane”
Roser Serra
María Goñi
Marta Moreno
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guywrestlingaddiction · 3 months
What Turned me Gay: How to Introduce Someone to Gay Wrestling
It's no secret that wrestling turned me gay.  High school wrestling turned into a passion for pro wrestling, which evolved into an obsession with gay wrestling.  Now, while my journey is unique to me, I wondered, how do you turn someone on to gay wrestling? 
What turned me gay (not really) ... 
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Troy & Brian Baker v Vinny Trevino & Joshua Goodman (bgeast.com)
This post, inspired by the sidelineland.com blog, takes a tongue and cheek look into "what made me gay (not really)" and in thinking about the topic of introducing someone to gay wrestling, it's helpful to go back to the beginning - at least my beginning.
My first exposure to gay wrestling was on bgeast.com and boy do I still have vivid memories of that experience. Those wrestler profiles, the exciting match descriptions, all of it worked to overly stimulate my young imagination.  Reading about those grunting and groaning men made me feel like I was there, in the ring with them and feeling every strained bicep or the pain of a perfectly timed ball claw.  One particular image forever sealed in my memory from that day was an aggressive Brigham Bell flex-straddling a helpless Dino Serra in a schoolboy pin.  Brigham's cocky look, that vain bicep flex all worked to supercharge my interest.
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Brigham Bell v Dino Serra (bgeast.com)
Later, after months, maybe even years of research, when I was finally able to buy my first Bgeast DVD, I picked up Tag Team Torture 3 - specifically because of Mr.Troy Baker.  Now it wasn't intentional but what's key here is that I picked a gay wrestling match without the sex.  As it happened, Troy Baker simply didn't do nudity and after all my 'research' there was no stopping me from wanting to see him.  
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Troy & Brian Baker v Vinny Trevino & Joshua Goodman (bgeast.com)A gay wrestling match without the gay sex
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I mean can you blame me? 
All that to say that my first introduction to gay wrestling was less about guys doing it and more about the wrestling. Of course I visited other gay sites devoted purely to sex, but somehow keeping them separate - gay wrestling and gay porn helped. In fact, it intensified my gay wrestling passion since there was just nothing hotter than being taken to the edge of excitement, only to be denied it.  Gay wrestling wasn't just a cheesy prelude to the sex, it was an epic story of powerful emotions, humiliation, and masculinity.  Needless to say I was hooked. 
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Flyboy v Jose (bgeast.com) Another gay wrestling classic without the sex.
I won't go as far to say that I didn't need the release that typical porn had to offer, but what I will say is that the images of hot guys straining their muscles or the guttural moans each fighter made was simply hotter than anything else I had seen before. Whether it was the intense cries of defeat or the shakiness in their voice when the adrenaline was flowing; all of that was heaven to me.
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Mars v Bjorn (wrestler4hire.com)
But the thing that did it for me was the intense realness that gay wrestling brought.  The sweat that proved each man was a fighter, the trash talk boasting how they would dominate each other, and the humiliation showing there were real consequences to all this, all worked in concert to fuel what was rapidly becoming my obsession.  
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Grant Phelps v Mark Molina (movimuswrestling) Movimus: The most wrestling focused studio. 
At stake in each wrestling match was a piece of a man's masculinity and pride, with the winner stripping the loser of everything they had. Gay wrestling to me was everything but the sex, everything but the climax, all of which made it a thousand times hotter.
So how do you welcome someone to all that gay wrestling has to offer? Following my path I'd recommend jumping into a classic high quality match minus the sex from a studio like Bgeast then alternating between a studio that offers more sex to one that offers more wrestling. 
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After awhile you'll figure out where you land on this spectrum (wrestling and sex) and really begin to see where the stars align for you.  Now for me, if I had to guess what the perfect mix would be, it would be something like 75% wrestling and 25% sex, but to each their own.  
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Ron Masters v Cody Brooks (can-am.com) Can-Am: The most sex focused studio. 
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Jonathan Bennett v J Durango (bgenterprises) Bgenterprises: Sometimes all wrestling, sometimes all sex. 
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Logan v Drake (nrwrestling.com) Nrwrestling: The most non-gay gay wrestling studio.
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Luke Truong v Mack Mahoney (muscleboywrestling.com) Muscleboywrestling: More sex focused than wrestling. 
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Cali Boy v Christian Thorn (wrestler4hire.com) Wrestler4hire: More wrestling than sex. 
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Cody v Tanner Ripley (undergroundwrestler.com) Undergroundwrestler: Gay wrestling with everything but the nudity. 
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Kid Leopard v Sean Cannon (bgeast.com) Bgeast: This studio has everything on the wrestling-sex continuum. 
When I first started watching gay wrestling there were really just a few options but now there are countless variations to entertain yourself with. Some of you may prefer more sex, others more wrestling, but whatever the type of gay wrestling you ultimately become interested in, it really is up to you. You see this story, this journey of how I came to obsess over gay wrestling is unique to me as it is to every other person's passion and without a doubt something that turned me gay (not really).
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