#semi ooc
eviler-slenderman · 8 days
Bark and wood? Wood? Like will wood?
Someone Hand Me A Shovel...
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jigsawkillings · 2 days
Feeling a bit silly. Might put someone in a trap and test them later...
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Monster AU - Joestar Family Lore
brought to you by unexplained moment of omnipresence!
This is about the Joestar family in general. The only Joestar that I've confirmed to "be" anything other than human is Giorno (and his half brothers I suppose). But that doesn't mean the Joestar family is full of normal, magic-dry humans.
Let's start from the beginning:
Jonathan Joestar is a human being, and yet, he appears to be distinctly ethereal.
Not holy, per se, I could perhaps use the word 'divine', but the specific religious connotation that would probably conjure is not really meant to be part of it. The way I would tend to describe it would be 'some kind of ethereal entity borne of a miracle'. I'll just refer to this concept as 'the Entity' (with capital E) for simplicity. Within the bearers, there's a sense of righteousness that may be linked to it aswell.
Essentially, it was miraculous that anyone survived the carriage incident, and because George and Jonathan both did miraculously survive, they (but more specifically Jonathan) were hashtag blessed and the Entity became a part of Jonathan and subsequently his descendants. It's pretty simply passed down like genetics are; as generations pass on, there's some muddling or dilution, but every Joestar descendant from Jonathan onwards has this [non-Stand] Entity as a part of them to some extent. Even the normal ones (Holy); basically anyone with genetic parentage tracing back to Jonathan (so unfortunately no Joestars-in-law) will have it.
The muddling is because the Entity is more or less an entirely unique thing, so others that would have that same Entity as part of their being would be rare, if not completely nonexistent. Joestars are mostly having kids with normal humans, so over the generations it gets sort of 'watered down'. The Entity, however, is an incredibly strong thing, so much so that, even generations down the line, it's still detectable or distinct in them or their auras.
Furthermore, Hamon deeply resonates with the Entity, making it more powerful and more prominent; the two things seem to be somehow linked, and this connection may be why Joestars seem to be particularly skilled Hamon Users. Unfortunately, this also means that the Entity started to become much more subtle when the practise of Hamon was no longer passed down in the Joestar family.
So Joseph, despite being Jonathan's grandson, still has a very distinct presence of the Entity which furthermore gets even stronger throughout the events of Battle Tendency when he receives Hamon training. Though you'd never guess there's anything ethereal about him with how much of a little bitch he is
Then we get to Holy, Joseph's daughter. She's three generations (since Jonathan) along and the Entity (thanks in part to Joseph's attunement with Hamon) is still fairly strong. Her good natured spirit helps to bolster it somewhat, and though we never see her using Hamon, she definitely could. The Entity was strong enough for her that, when she was unable to control her own Stand, it helped her, through her will to survive, to withstand the full extent of her Stand's power, keeping her alive (I call bullshit on her not having enough fighting spirit and would like to see Holy throw hands).
So with Jotaro being Holy's son, Joseph's grandson (4 generations in), the Entity starts to become a bit passive. Jotaro doesn't practise Hamon and he's an asshole (albeit with overall noble intention) so the Entity has more or less ceased to be particularly distinct with him (though it might have had some influence on the sheer general capability of Star Platinum). It's still fairly plainly detectable in his aura.
And then we get to resident sleepy boy Josuke Higashikata, requiring a hop back in the generational line. Josuke is Joseph's son, consequently also being Holy's half-brother; thus, he's a third-generation Joestar descendant. This means that, similarly to Holy, the Entity is once again fairly strong (even though Joseph stopped practicing Hamon), and perhaps a little stronger due to another "miraculous" event that occurred in Josuke's childhood (when he'd been deathly ill); it's an Entity borne of a miracle, so it seems only natural that another miracle would strengthen it.
Now, I'm going to skip Giorno for a moment because he's a little... complicated.
Then comes Jolyne. Jolyne is Jotaro's daughter, Joseph's great-granddaughter; she's a 5th generation Joestar (and the only one of which we really know about) and by now, the connection with the Entity is quite faint, especially since it was already pretty subdued for Jotaro. It's detectable in her aura, but it doesn't seem to really have much impact on her.
Funnily enough, Jonathan aside, the Joestar descendant with the strongest attachment to the Entity... is Giorno.
Now before I get into detail about Giorno I need to address... the DIO. The Entity is linked intrinsically to both the spirit, and also to the physical form (hence why it's genetic), its primary attachment generally depending which is 'active', to put it simply. What this essentially means is that while a person is alive, the Entity is mainly attached to their soul. But if the person dies, the Entity typically becomes inactive. However, since DIO (who is, to simplify, still a vampire) decided to steal Jonathan's body when Jonathan died, that meant that Jonathan's body became active despite the lack of his soul, so the Entity remained attached to his body.
Giorno, technically being the son of both DIO and Jonathan (because of, you know, complete bullshit that just works), would inherit both the vampirism from DIO and the Entity directly from Jonathan. And this would also technically apply to Donatello, Ungalo and Rikiel (so, yes, they are all also part-vampire), but there's more when it comes to Giorno; since Gold Experience is basically Hamon: The Stand, the Entity particularly resonates with Giorno, meaning it's pretty much just as intense as it'd been for Jonathan.
This also further bolsters just how absolutely fucked Giorno's genetics are as a presumably three-piece, maybe four-piece hybrid... his aura is a fucking terror.
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trans-slenderman · 4 months
what the fuck is your problem
not enough ppl are collecting my hormones :((
ooc tho, i’m a very silly little guy and i have various mental illnesses which impact my social interactions and view of the world :DDD
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oshas-evil-twin · 9 months
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fakeboytofemale · 5 months
Maybe I could make a side blog of my erotica writing that I'm more comfortable blurring the lines on... Who knows!
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fluffybunny-things · 1 year
Sugarbun: A horrortale semi-OC
I would like to take a few seconds to thank those who helped me out on this project, gave inspiration, and advice over on Twitter and Discord.
You all are wonderful💖
🚫TW!! 🚫 Mentions of past abuse, light gore, and implied incest
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If you guys keep gaslighting Terro I'm bringing out the spray bottle.
-quote anon
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❦ @agardevoir amaranth, Xerneas, caretaker (if I can request it lol)
Xerneas: I wish she knew when to focus on herself more.
Caretaker: whos this weird gardevoir (pos)
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Do you like him.
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shane-with-abols · 1 year
Does Shane likes collecting gemstones? (for the ask game)
🌺 Somewhat? She never actively went to do it but always enjoyed it!
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shadowheritageposts · 2 years
Just so you know, anon, I am getting your youtube asks; however I’m not posting a link to anything that has cursing or explicit language in it. I am amused, however, and you are free to send them.
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askhenrymorris · 1 year
i got stabbed by an arrow
(not really irl btw, just a roleplay)
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official-raihan · 1 year
I've made a facts/about thing, links are on blog and the pinned post
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Never Ending Voyage, Thousands of Miles
(NOTE: This design is a little outdated, I redesigned his tail but other than that its mostly up to date.)
Art under the cut. This is Voyage/Miles, he is the main puppet engineer for KICI. He also works as Unity's primary mechanic. He lost part of his tail during a maintenance job due to lack of concentration. He has learned this lesson the hard way.
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fantoccia · 2 years
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Tell me what your spirit says, Show me what you pray Teach me every single part, I will be your guide You are a prisoner looking for to be You can change your face but can't change your mind No matter what you do No matter what you do No matter what you do No matter what you do
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