#selling a business
Q2 BizBuySell Report Shows Continued Increase in Small Business Acquisitions
The second quarter of 2023 was interesting. Typically, the summer months, especially July, are slow. However, this year, our firm saw an increase in business owners reaching out to learn about selling their business.
While interest rates continue to climb and put pressure on the selling prices, the number of businesses listed for sale continues to grow.
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Q2 BizBuySell Report Shows Continued Increase in Small Business Acquisitions
BizBuySell has recently released their insight report for the second quarter of 2023. These reports are helpful to business owners and potential buyers as they project market trends and explain what was on the rise and what declined over the past three months. To see the full report, you can visit BizBuySell’s website. Here is an overview of what was presented and where market trends are leading as we progress through 2023.
Full report: https://www.bizbuysell.com/insight-report/
The most important statistic from the last three months is that business acquisitions increased by 8% versus just 4.8% in the first quarter of the year. This continues the positive trend that buyers and sellers are adjusting to an environment with higher interest rates.
However, it’s important to note that while acquisitions are trending upward, sale prices have continued to trend downward. In the second quarter, the median business sale price dropped 14% to $300,000 largely due to higher interest rates.
While the decline in the sales prices may seem like bad news to buyers, this decline proves that sellers need to get more creative with their offers. For instance, sellers may have to offer financing or increase the monthly rent on the buyer’s lease.
Overview of business sales and listing information for Sacramento, CA
In the Sacramento, Arden-Arcade, and Roseville, California areas, the median asking price continued to increase. The median asking price rose to $399,000, and listings increased from 253 to 264. Median revenue also increased significantly from $550,000 to $609,445.
Here are 3 Key Takeaways from BizBuySell’s report:
1. Seller financing continues to play an important role.
With higher interest rates, many buyers and lenders require some form of seller financing. This can seem challenging for sellers as only 22% plan to offer it, while 70% of potential buyers intend to ask sellers to finance at least part of the deal.
However, sellers need to stay flexible and consider adding financing to their deals. Leaving out this crucial component can reduce the amount of potential buyers and, in some cases, be a deal breaker for lenders, as many lenders are beginning to require at least a 10% note from sellers. This is especially important to buyer and seller timelines. As roughly 28% of business owners intend to sell by 2024, and buyers continue to increase their desire to purchase, seller financing continues to play an impactful role.
In good news for sellers, because interest rates are on the rise, so are the rates on seller financing, allowing sellers to enjoy tax benefits and meet buyer demands as well.
2. Restaurants show a steady comeback, while the retail sector shows a decline.
The restaurant sector has been making a slow but steady comeback post-pandemic. Restaurants saw a 10.3% increase in transitions from last year, and sale prices increased 15.9% from the previous quarter and 6.7% from the previous year. While these numbers are positive, the report indicates that many restaurants are still struggling, offering purchasing opportunities from competitors.
While restaurant numbers have increased, retail numbers are showing a decline. 2022 showed promising numbers post-pandemic, but with more consumers purchasing online and higher interest rates and inflation, these numbers have slowed in 2023. According to the report, retail transactions declined 12.3%, sale prices dropped 22%, revenue slipped 24%, and cash flow fell 9.4%.
3. Buyers continue to seek independence with entrepreneurship.
The number of interested buyers looking to leave their traditional jobs and embrace entrepreneurship continues to rise. The report indicates that 46% of surveyed buyers want to leave their current position to be more in control of their future. This is good news for the baby boomer generation looking to exit the market, even though some want to reinvest in other markets.
It’s also important to note that service businesses made up the largest number of companies for sale recently. Almost half of the sales recorded in the second quarter were service-based businesses, and 59% of surveyed buyers indicated they were interested in purchasing a service-based business.
Outlook for the remainder of 2023:
The BizBuySell report indicates that interest rates continue to be the most significant factor in the small business market. Some sectors are seeing a return to the workforce, while others are still experiencing stagnant or declining numbers. However, there are a few positive notes to consider:
The baby boomer generation continues to exit the market. According to the report, 47% of sellers surveyed marked retirement as their reason for exiting, while 34% indicated burnout. As this age group continues to leave the market, it creates new opportunities for those looking to enter.
As mentioned, seller financing should be considered. This can be a great selling point to buyers looking for interest rate relief and impact new requirements from lenders.
Next Steps
As market conditions continue to change and evolve, and as more buyers indicate their desire to purchase a business, it’s essential to fully understand the value of your company. Are you looking for a Sacramento business broker? Reach out today for a free consultation.
source https://www.sacramentobusinessbrokers.com/post/q2-bizbuysell-report-shows-continued-increase-in-small-business-acquisitions
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kakapobusiness · 10 days
Exploring Franchise Business Opportunities in New Zealand
For entrepreneurs in New Zealand looking to start a business or expand their portfolio, investing in a franchise offers a compelling opportunity. Franchises provide a proven business model, established brand recognition, and ongoing support from the franchisor, making them an attractive option for individuals interested in owning their own business. With a variety of franchise opportunities available across different industries, from food and beverage to retail and services, there is something to suit every interest and investment level.
One of the primary advantages of investing in a franchise business is the opportunity to leverage an established brand and business model. Franchises typically come with a well-known brand name, established customer base, and proven operating procedures, reducing the risk associated with starting a new venture from scratch. This can be particularly beneficial for first-time business owners who may lack experience or expertise in a particular industry.
In New Zealand, there is a wide range of franchise opportunities available for entrepreneurs looking to enter the market. From international brands looking to expand into the country to homegrown concepts with a strong local presence, there are franchises available in various sectors and investment levels. Whether it's a fast-food franchise, a retail outlet, or a service-based business, prospective franchisees have plenty of options to choose from based on their interests, skills, and financial resources.
Selling a business is another aspect of the franchise industry that deserves attention. For existing franchise owners looking to exit their business, selling their franchise can be a viable option. Many franchisors offer support and guidance to franchisees who are looking to sell, including assistance with valuation, marketing, and negotiations. This can make the process smoother and more streamlined, allowing franchise owners to transition out of their business with minimal disruption.
For individuals interested in purchasing an existing franchise, buying a franchise business for sale can be an attractive option. It allows prospective franchisees to step into a turnkey operation with an established customer base and revenue stream, potentially reducing the time and effort required to get the business up and running. Additionally, buying an existing franchise can provide access to valuable insights and support from the previous owner, helping new owners navigate the transition and ensure a smooth continuation of operations.
In conclusion, investing in a franchise business in New Zealand offers numerous advantages for entrepreneurs looking to enter the market or expand their business portfolio. With a wide range of franchise opportunities available across different industries and investment levels, there is something to suit every interest and budget. Whether it's starting a new franchise, selling an existing business, or purchasing a franchise for sale NZ, the franchise industry in New Zealand provides a wealth of opportunities for aspiring business owners.
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dynamitebrokers · 2 months
You have devoted your time, money, and energy into building, running, and operating your business. It may well represent your life’s work.If you have already decided that now is the right time to sel.
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rosecarlsonmemoirs · 4 months
Chapter 11: The Pair Came as a Matched Set
My conversation with Matt solidified the desire to grab hold of the reins of my destiny. Steve, the lecturer I spoke with in Phoenix two months prior, had opened the door for considera-tion, while Matt thrust it off its hinges. I finally believed I could get out of my practice, that the world would keep turning regardless of whether or not I stayed. For the previous three years, I had heavily…
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buybusiness · 5 months
In this article, we are going investigate the best ten ways to maintain a strategic distance from destroying a bargain when offering a trade.
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sophblogsnthings · 8 months
Can I Sell My Business Before A Divorce
The divorce process can leave you feeling like you are in limbo, as you wait to see exactly what the result will be. Matters can become even more complicated when you are running your own business. So, can you sell your business before a divorce? Here, we look at some of the “pros” and “cons” of doing so.
Can I sell my business before a divorce?
The simple answer to this question is “yes” but bear in mind that if your partner finds out about the attempted sale, they may start divorce proceedings early and move for an injunction to block the sale.
If you see no alternative but to sell your business before a divorce, then you should think about several things before attempting a sale.
Things to consider before selling your business
The long-term effects of the decision
People naturally feel heightened emotions when a relationship breaks down. However, once divorce proceedings have been brought to a close, you may regret a rushed sale of your business. You might be able to look at the decision more objectively when the divorce is completed. Consider, for example, that selling your business takes away the chance for your children to take over your business, or for the business to grow and prosper.
Risk of sellers remorse
Your business might be in a slump at the time of a relationship breakdown, and you might be struggling to cope with running the business. The idea of capitalising a poorly-performing business is tempting. However, you never know when your luck might turn around. The next big idea could be around the corner, or a new trend might favour your industry. If your luck picks up then you can either carry on running the business or look to sell from a more beneficial position. By not allowing divorce to be a deciding factor in the sale of a business, you leave less room for seller’s remorse later on.
Timing of a sale
When selling a business, you need to know what the sale will mean for you. Speaking to financial and family lawyers, as well as an accountant, can be a great idea before starting the sale of your business. This is because the sale of a business can have tax implications.
The value of the business
The value of the business to you in practical terms might not be the same value that the court would attribute to the business. For example, if you have a share in a family business with your siblings, then the paper valuation of the business based on its turnover might not reflect the reality of the situation because you might be a minority shareholder or, if you are a majority shareholder, you might be subject to family pressures to not sell your shares, or sell them only to a particular person at a particular price.
You should be aware that if you sell your business for a particular value, then your partner may argue in divorce proceedings that the true value was in fact greater than what you sold it for.
A cleaner break for you and your partner
If you and your partner are joint owners of the business, then selling it before a divorce (to a third-party or to the other partner) could be sensible. It can be challenging if not practically impossible for divorced former partners to run a business after a divorce. Sharing a business can also complicate divorce proceedings. By selling the business and having clear figures from the sale, matrimonial assets can sometimes be more easily ascertained.
An opportunity for a fresh start
Selling a business is a big decision that is potentially life-changing. Perhaps you are tired of your industry and are looking for a change. Or maybe you want to retire. Divorce can be lengthy and complicated and, can “drag on”. By selling your business before the divorce, you will be able to make a clean break before the complications of divorce begin.
What is the court likely to make of it?
The powers of the Family Court on divorce are governed by the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973. Section 25 of the 1973 Act sets out the factors to be considered by the Family Court when making a financial order. The court will consider business assets as part of the section 25 exercise. For further information, see our article at: https://demstonechambers.co.uk/what-does-the-family-court-take-into-account-when-making-a-financial-order/
How a family lawyer can support you with the process
Selling a business is a big decision to make. Here at Demstone Chambers our team of expert family lawyers (who are family law barristers) will be able to provide legal advice regarding your business assets. To find out more about how we can help you with a divorce when you own a business, please contact us today.
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riselegal · 10 months
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duckprintspress · 3 months
suddenly got curious why people follow us, and also just in general why people follow each other. i know for me I usually follow my friends, whether we became friends on another platform (Discord, Ravelry, AO3, etc.) or because we became friends after interacting with each others' personal posts.
but yeah.
tell prev why you followed them (vote and tell um in the tags!), then reblog to find out in the tags why people follow you!
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smalltofedsblog · 11 months
3 Optimal Scenarios To Sell A Government Contracting Firm When The Time Is Right
“FEDERAL NEWS NETWORK” By Mike Kapetanovic  “Factors to consider include the state of the market, the economic climate and the overall health of your business. If you’re a few years away from retirement, clear on your firm’s financial future and confident in your team, it could be a good time to look for…
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abclinkbusiness · 1 year
Do you have experience working with buyers and sellers in my industry?
Are you an experienced professional with a promising track record in your industry? If so, possessing invaluable expertise within your field can be a powerful asset. From negotiating deals to ensuring everything goes smoothly during transactions, having extensive knowledge of the market can grant you valuable insight that could aid you in generating profits and minimizing risks. By utilizing strategies and methods wisely along with experience in dealing with buyers and sellers from this particular niche sector –you may find new opportunities opening up for yourself! Utilizing appropriate approaches when working towards profit maximization would certainly help one establish solid foundations for future success.
When it comes to dealing with buyers and sellers in a specific sector, possessing an in-depth understanding of the requisite competencies is paramount for success. Knowing about industry dynamics and characteristics such as different types of products and services available can assist you make informed decisions that yield greater gains from each transaction. In addition, having experience working with both parties in a particular field can grant you an edge when establishing long-term partnerships or forging relationships - enabling cooperative solutions that benefit both parties equally. Ultimately, acquiring knowledge on your craft within your industry is invaluable which could help advance career progression; foster valuable solidifying relationships along with beneficial investment opportunities!
Our team has extensive experience working with potential buyers and selling a business of all types, such as yours. We are experts in the process of selling a business, and offer guidance and support during transactions to ensure they run smoothly while still yielding a rewarding return on investment. Our thorough research coupled with effective negotiation strategies along with our expedient closing procedure will help you feel confident that we can provide an optimal outcome for your investment.
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fcbbphoenix · 1 year
Sell Your Company to a Strategic Buyer
The value of your firm will be determined by a variety of things, including the calibre of the professionals you recruit. We assist you in making an informed decision and maximising the sale price. Contact us today.
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9 Tips for Selling a Business in California
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If you live in California and have considered selling your business, you may have a lot of questions. What do I need to complete before my business is ready to be sold? How much is my company worth? What should I focus on?
While selling a business can be complicated, a smooth transaction is possible with the right advice and planning. Here are 9 tips that will help you sell your business in California.
1. Determine why you want to sell your business.
Perhaps you’ve been considering selling your business for a while, so why now? What’s the driving force behind your readiness to hand over the reins of your company? There are ,many reasons why business owners sell, including:
Starting a new venture
Change in ownership
Your business is growing or slowing
Your prospective buyers will want to understand your motivation behind the sale. Articulating your reason will help you build credibility early in the evaluation process, so gaining clarity on this challenging question is critical.
2. Understand the value of your company.
Not only does a ,valuation help you to understand the full scope of your business, but it also helps you establish a listing price and financially plan for the sale. Many items are taken into consideration when determining the value of a business. These include:
Fundamental financial data such as balance sheets, tax returns, and cash flows.
Both tangible and intangible assets.
The geographic location of your business.
Current market conditions.
Your company’s potential for growth and expansion.
Your exit plan.
This process can seem cumbersome and confusing, so it’s best to visit with an experienced business broker. ,Click here to begin an assessment of the value.
3. Document all of your processes and procedures.
Potential buyers will be interested in how your business operates daily. Retaining detailed documentation of your operations and policies will show interested buyers that a smooth transition is possible. A few processes to ensure you’re documenting include:
Sales and marketing procedures
Daily operational processes
An employee handbook
Human Recourses documentation and practices
Showing interested buyers that the business can run smoothly without you is often a key selling point.
4. Review your financial records.
Before you start marketing the sale of your business, it's essential to have your financial records in order. Not only are these records ,fundamental documents you’ll need for the sale of your business, but they will also give interested buyers confidence that the numbers presented are accurate. When organizing your financial records, be sure you review the following:
The last three years of tax returns
A current balance sheet
An income statement
A cash flow statement
Providing accurate and comprehensive financial records will give potential buyers a better understanding of your business's financial health.
5. Focus on increasing sales.
One way to increase the value of your business and make it ,more appealing to buyers is to focus on boosting sales. This will show interested buyers that your business has growth potential and is a good investment. Here are a few ways to enhance sales:
Create a sales playbook and start delegating tasks to highlight a proven sales record independent of you, the owner.
Attract a diverse customer base ensuring revenue is generated from many different clients or customers and not from a small number of high-paying ones.
Establish streams of recurring revenue.
Upsell to current clients or customers.
Establish a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool if you don’t already have one.
Illustrating your business’s growth potential through increased sales will not only draw in more serious buyers but will also ensure you maximize your profits from the sale of your business.
6. Determine what will be included in the sale.
When selling your business, you'll need to decide what will be included in the sale. Your listing price may consist of both tangible and intangible items. Here are a few things to consider:
Real Estate
Intellectual property
Customer lists
Partnering with a ,successful team of advisors like a broker, attorney, CPA, and financial advisor can help you determine what needs to be included in the sale.
7. Interview business brokers.
Once you understand the value of your business and what selling it entails, you'll want to start interviewing business brokers. A ,broker can help you sell your business quickly and efficiently, maximizing your profits. They can also help you with the following:
Determining the value of your business.
Creating a marketing strategy for the sale of your company.
Maintaining high confidentiality as they seek to identify and connect with potential buyers.
Managing negotiations and providing due diligence before finalizing the sale.
We recommend working with a broker that belongs to the California Association of Business Brokers (CABB).
When searching for the ,right business broker to sell your business, be sure to ask about their experience selling businesses in your industry and in California specifically. Also, be sure who you partner with has your best interests in mind and understands the value of your company.
8. Get your business SBA approved.
SBA approval adds credibility to the health of your business. It's desirable to buyers who need to secure an ,SBA-guaranteed loan to purchase a business. If you’re working with a business broker, they can help you with this process, or you can work with an SBA-approved lender who may ask you for the following documents:
Past company tax returns
Profit and Loss Statements
Balance Sheets
Your W2
An asset list
Keep in mind that more documentation may be required, and there may also be other qualifications needed to ensure your buyer can acquire SBA funding.
9. Market your business and pre-qualify prospective buyers.
Once you've selected a broker, they will help you create ,effective marketing strategies that will attract buyers. A few ways to successfully promote the sale of your business include:
Create a buyer persona so you know who you’re listing is targeted to.
Contacting prospective buyers through cold outreach.
Determining how and where to advertise your listing.
Evaluating what other forms of advertising could be beneficial.
Remember that not all buyers will be qualified, so it's valuable to work with a broker with experience selling businesses in California to help you with this process.
If you're thinking about selling your California business, we can help. ,Contact us today for a consultation.
source https://www.sacramentobusinessbrokers.com/post/9-tips-for-selling-a-business-in-california
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stults888 · 1 year
Professional Business Brokers in Charlotte | FCBB
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homkamiro · 7 months
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EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! I need to tell just how running blind fanfiction by @thetriggeredhappy fucked me up
I'm not joking when I say that this is my favourite fic ever made, I literally don't, everything about it is so perfect, so detailed and so emotional,, i cried a lot, i laughed a lot, and I was really amazed by some of the plot twitsts
EVERYONE needs to read it, and if you don't imma bust yo damn kneecaps
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bizbuyerpro · 2 years
When You Should Sale Your Business
If you are thinking about how to sale your business, there are many factors to consider. Some entrepreneurs find it easier to sell their business in order to retire and enjoy their free time. Other entrepreneurs may want to sell their business because they need the cash. Whatever the reason, you will need to research your options and weigh the pros and cons of each. Selling your business is a complex process, and it can be a lengthy process. However, the following blog discusses some of the reasons people choose to sell their business, as well as some tips for how to sale your business.
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Selling a business can be a good option for those who are ready to move on from their current business. However, it is not always the best option. If you are not sure if selling your business is the right choice, there are a few things to consider. One, are you happy with the way your business is currently performing? If not, then it may be time to sell. Two, do you have the time to devote to your business? If not, then it may be time to sell. Three, do you have the skills to run your business? If not, then it may be time to sell. Lastly, do you have the desire to keep your business? If not, then it may be time to sell. If you answered yes to all of these questions, then business to sell may be the right choice for you. One of the most important aspects of selling a business is determining what the business is worth. This can be done by looking at similar businesses in your area or through an appraisal. It is also important to be realistic about the potential for growth for your business. Selling a business can be an exciting and liberating experience for those who are ready to move on from their current business.
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Starting Premises Catering Business: A Simple Guide
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For some people, choosing a good name for their new clients are easy. They have probably had a name in mind right since they first thought of a business, or simply use their own name. For others it's an arduous task that involves short lists, long lists, sleepless nights and Post It notes. Lots of Post It renvoi.
If you don't use leverage for your business, due to be earning a living for someone escalating using you as their leverage. Throughout the that's the truth why aren't all people using leverage if it's really that positive. The reason is people fear so much using leverage. Some think it is risky and some prefer physical leverage which is working hard, and more. They are afraid of using new leverage in their business as it is used to secure job, working harder just for a promotion at the end of the year, a few of them even think, they developed a smart choice by working hard. And it is an intelligent choice for them, on that are afraid of being opulent.
But you shouldn't be fooled. right Business broker takes some home work. I recommend don't settle affordable. Call and observe at least a few business brokers before help to make up your mind. Once the remote feature your pay off your business purchase ask the brokers if they'll work with that budget. Sometimes they have general rates that they work any where from. For example, a small bit . sell businesses prices between 500k to 5million. So in circumstance it is likely to be a total waste to speak with them if your budget is 100k. And please try not to get stressed outside in this entire process involving a company. It's considerably less hard merely because sounds. And in case you're it's not for must be sad because it's not not every person.
Let's using some basic Company a comparison of HAVVN. This company was founded by Ric Durham and they are the current CEO. Formerly Jus International, this company offers "youth-extending" products inspired by the science of Epigenetics. HAVVN was launched in February 2011. Starting a Company in Indonesia The machines was birthed from an individual experience by Ric Durham, when he lost his father together with a disease called MS. This inspired him to find a way to live made use of create long, lasting as well as financial to protect others.
We then went distinct traditional village, an even older one. This place was awesome halloween and had the look and feel of their tribal settlement the likes of that had always dreamed about visiting. A few things i really loved about these places was that they hadn't (yet) sold out their culture by pandering to tourists and tourist dollars. Had been no tacky stalls with expectations of tips or hand-outs. Those just quietly went concerning their business as visitors politely had just a little nosey close.
So, may possibly be asking yourself, "can this often be a XB-Fit scam or a XB-Fit pyramid scheme?" In answering these questions, you'll need to take a peek at the Indonesia Business Company's leadership, services income possibilities. Only you can answer these questions for on your own own.
Being remarkable and standing out does not always mean being the biggest or quickest or the anything. It's about testing the limits and figuring out how much they could be pushed. It may be as simple as changing the display in your store window more often, letting your employees choose incredibly own uniforms, launching a new brand or slashing estimates. It might be doing things on a smaller scale. It may mean giving your customers more choices or being more receptive to their input. It will probably mean sending out a weekly or monthly newsletter or creating advertisements with larger print that happen to be simpler shared there . and truly want to understand.
Your company name matters much in excess of you may realize. You have to take serious amounts of choose automobile that will actually work with your business to help you make great first impression on buyers.
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