#self preservation is a revolutionary act
apas-95 · 3 months
The last post you re logged about arrestability and the Palestine Action network is something I've been thinking about a lot, and I feel really stuck on. It feels like any movement in the imperial core that wants to take actual direct action is going to find itself targeted by feds, but the ways that you can protect against that severely preclude it's ability to grow and find new recruits. Like, activism in the labor sphere can do more direct things because it doesn't have to be illegal, but I cant imagine that that will stay the case once a political labor party that's actually shutting things down. How does one make a mass movement that takes direct action but is able to prevent itself from getting shut down? I don't know, do you have any thoughts on this?
It's been done a hundred times before in the face of the same pressures, so the first order of business should be studying and learning from the experiences of successful labour movements.
Putting that aside, the key things are, in whatever words, militancy and deniability. By militancy, I mean the organisational understanding that you are in direct conflict with the bourgeois state (at a higher or lower intensity) and that your immediate priority should be making yourself immune to attack, followed only afterwards by taking offensive action. Militancy, then, means the recognition that the ultimate aim of the movement is the complete material domination and destruction of institutions that currently field armies and police networks. From the very first step, from the organisational nucleus, it needs to be understood that you are engaging in a pitched battle from within the enemies camp - which leads to the second key item, deniability.
Deniability, here, largely means compartmentalisation. Essentially every successful revolutionary movement has had a separation between the aboveground, legal struggle, and the underground, illegal struggle. To a certain degree, this is a genuinely covert or clandestine effort - undisclosed armed groups known only to a select few in the parent organisation, attributed funding through the laundering of the parent organisation. It is both essential that any armed cell is dependent entirely on the wide, integrated mass workers movement and that this cell is not actually widely known; hence, the parent organisation. If the cell were undisclosed but not integrated to a mass political organisation, it would not have revolutionary character, and be indistinguishable in practice from a common organised crime or terrorist group. It's ability to carry out correct actions would be incidental, and not self-correcting. If the cell had mass character but was not undisclosed, it would present a target to the bourgeois state and be destroyed. The strategy of asymmetric warfare is to strike at the enemy's undefended targets and to refuse to provide any defended targets for the enemy - this applies organisationally, too.
What needs to be stated, here, is that, given the connection to the mass movement, everything needs to be done only when the situation is correct. The size of a workers organisation necessary to support and supply even a single armed cell with laundered funding, safehouses, and information is extremely large, and will not be possible until a significant level of organisational base has been built and developed. Even once it is possible to support an armed cell, the political situation will very likely only warrant fairly low-intensity actions, like industrial sabotage. Again, though, the principal task of the militant - and the irregular fighter, the guerrilla in particular - is the preservation of one's own forces, over and above the destruction of the enemy. In real practice, there is no overabundance of caution, only hesitation - and the way to consistently and repeatedly carry out simple acts of industrial sabotage is by having three people work with the support of thirty-thousand. There can and must be a continuum of support, of different levels of action, between simply 'protest-organiser who pays dues to the aboveground labour organisation', to 'union salt who is a source of information on a worksite', to 'directly involved in organising and carrying out illegal acts'. The key metric for correct connection between the underground and aboveground sides of the movement is: if the actions of the underground were revealed, the mass base of the aboveground should be in support of it. The purpose of underground organising is not to go ahead of the people and start shooting cops (until the struggle has escalated to that intensity, and people are demanding that type of protection), it is to avoid providing a target for the bourgeois state.
At the higher levels of struggle, the existence of the underground becomes an open secret, which, with proper growth, coincides with the underground reaching a size and strength that it can begin to take up the mantle of the mass movement itself, and effectively transform itself into the parent organisation of the aboveground legal struggle. Until then, the model is that of a large political party leading a mass movement in every type of legal and semi-legal action under the sun (in strikes, civil unrest, and parliamentary campaigns), fiercely supporting those who do break the law (through legal and bail support, public campaigns, and protection), while the types of illegal actions the movement needs are carried out covertly.
TL;DR: Build a mass movement, or all you'll get are ecoterrorists and activists in prison.
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Group G, Round 3, Poll 4:
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Propaganda under the cut
Lelouch Lamperouge aka Lelouch vi Britannia aka Zero
Listen this guy has not just one but TWO secret identities, he’s constantly lying to everyone about everything and hiding crucial information even from his allies. He’s a true girlboss obvi because all three of his identities are in a position of power of sorts: as Lelouch Lamperouge he’s the vice-president of his school’s student council, as Zero he’s a revolutionary leader, and as Lelouch vi Britannia he’s literally an heir to the throne (and becomes emperor). And how could I forget he literally erased SEVERAL of his classmates’ memories so his secret(s) wouldn’t get out? He keeps screwing everything up and then pretending like it was all part of his keikaku. He’s so good at gaslighting people he even gaslit HIMSELF into believing he killed his sister on purpose (it was definitely not on purpose). I dunno what else to tell you, vote Lelouch for best tripe G threat.
Like I KNOW he’s a guy I get it but just like vibes alone. The feminine urge to be a revolutionary etc etc.
Lelouch is a teenager who led a revolution against a colonialist empire and comitted war crimes. Multiple of them. He made his best friend Suzaku his worst enemy and made Suzaku protect himself by all means necessary by using his power to literally psychologically reprogram the part of his brain responsible for self-preservation into acting up when Suzaku is in danger. This leads to Suzaku VERY unwillingly sacrificing innocents to survive. Lelouch made the royal family of a world-spanning empire afraid of him at the age of like 17. What's more gaslight gatekeep girlboss than that?
Regina George
Mean Girls became a template for high school drama movies, Regina being the meanest of the titular "mean girls"
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zee-man-chatter · 9 months
Allister Heath: Britain has succumbed to the tyranny of the minority
The U.K. is now an elite dictatorship where majority opinions are crushed
Allister Heath,  The Telegraph
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LONDON — Britain’s deranged war on cars, our looming ban on gas boilers, the debanking scandal, the failure to prosecute crime, the attempted cancellation of women, the sabotage of the Brexit agenda, the scale of migration: welcome to anti-democratic Britain, where the beleaguered majority is increasingly subject to the whims of an entitled, activist elite that often seems to despise the people over which it exercises so much power.
All the policies listed above share a devastating commonality: they are deeply unpopular, and would be crushed in a referendum after a fair campaign, were the politicians courageous enough to grant the public a say (in the case of Brexit, they did, of course, and continue to this day to resist implementing the revolutionary change implied by the vote).
In a truly majoritarian society, one where the demos actually exercised kratos, no form of crime would be tolerated, and certainly not burglaries or muggings. Nobody would dare to indoctrinate school children with extreme trans ideology, and the green agenda would be centred around urgent technological innovation rather than seeking to prevent working people from flying to holidays in the sun.
Yet we live in a very different political reality, one in which public opinion is flagrantly disregarded whenever it doesn’t align with the views of the ruling class. Westminster has become cartelized: the large parties are committed to an unrealistic dash to net zero, refuse to discuss the gargantuan cost involved and omit to mention that Britain’s carbon emissions are about three per cent of China’s. On the great subjects of our time — family policy, the size of the state, the NHS and even planning rules — there is little difference between Tory, Labour and Lib Dem MPs, disenfranchising millions.
The intellectual conformity is stultifying, and has been reinforced by the emergence of an all-powerful Blob, the nexus of mandarins, policy advisers, quangocrats and other government agents, a class of “public servants” who don’t really like the public and are increasingly convinced that they have a constitutional duty to constrain and contain elected politicians. They are experts at delay, prevarication and lawfare, and are cheered on by the left-wing activists who have taken over the legal profession, our cultural institutions, academia, charities and even many big companies.
Thus even in the rare instances when the Tories attempt to think the unthinkable and respond to public opinion, as with the Channel crossings, the system does its best to block any change, empowered by quasi-constitutional legislation such as the Equality Act, the Climate Change Act and our membership of the ECHR.
The upshot is an extraordinary disempowerment of the electorate: is it any wonder that some voters fear we risk becoming a democracy in name only? Take the absurd war on cars: a tiny minority of activists, council planners, devolved administrations and ministers are seeking to discourage the mode of transport that the vast majority of the population relies on. Or consider immigration, which is a lot higher than the public would like: all potential solutions to reduce numbers while preserving the economy are lambasted as gimmicks, meaningless or self-evidently stupid. The Tories have promised to cut numbers in every single one of their manifestos since at least the 1990s, and yet aren’t even pretending to try any longer. How does this not disastrously undermine trust in politicians?
Until recently, all parts of British society bought into the democratic ethos developed after the great voting reforms of the 19th and 20th century, or at least paid lip service to it. It was deemed snobbish to dismiss the views of ordinary voters out of hand, and borderline insane to seek to reverse the expansion of the consumer society.
That consensus, already left fragile by the Blairite legal revolution and his massive increase in the number of university graduates, was finally shattered after the 2016 Brexit referendum. Most of our institutions are now controlled by a pseudo-meritocratic elite convinced that only it can prevent the masses from reverting to ignorance, racism and prejudice.
Our new ruling class is paternalistic, messianic even: in a post-religious age, it has taken on the role of priest and saviour of the common people. It still occasionally feels the need to legitimize unpopular ideas by pretending that they garner majority support, hence all the polls “proving” that people support net zero. Yet when asked to pay the price in terms of actual cash or drastically reduced convenience, the public immediately rebels.
There was a time when we worried, rightly, that the tyranny of the majority was the main threat to freedom and prosperity; today, it is the tyranny of the minority that poses the greatest danger. Our new task is to prevent the majority from being oppressed: how do we stop the capture of every institution by the radical left? How do we make Parliament more representative, and reduce the power of the Blob? One answer would be to use a lot more referenda, as the Swiss do; another would be radical reform of the civil service, turning ministers into CEOs with proper control over mandarins.
I’m well aware that the majority can have bad or evil ideas, or vote for maniacs. We need to retain — and in some cases, further develop — protections against majoritarian abuses, even if some of the current ones are no longer fit for purpose or have been hijacked. Elites have helped drive much good social change in recent decades, including by fighting racism and prejudice against all sorts of minorities.
But the pendulum has swung too far away from majoritarian rule, and too much power handed to social engineers. Today, the problem doesn’t lie with the public, which is largely tolerant and liberal-conservative, but with the elites, who have become authoritarian and anti-democratic, captured by wokery and a dislike of material aspiration.
What we call populism, in the current British context, is really the majority trying to reassert itself. Voters are developing a new form of class consciousness; “motorists” are becoming a political force. The Ulez fiasco is acting as a gateway, normalizing opposition to other excesses.
The message to politicians is clear: start listening to the voters again, or else Britain will soon face a popular uprising orders of magnitude greater — and more unpredictable — than Brexit.
The Telegraph
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loving-n0t-heyting · 1 year
Still making my way trudgily thru Vinland saga and thinking a bit about what makes it feel so much more authentic and admirable than a huge amount of similarly themed preachy pop media (artistic sermons about how violence is not the answer). The example in the forefront of my mind is the civil rights arc from the umbrella academy s02, which I was watching pre-breakup with my ex. The good place can fit this mould at times too
I think the fundamental answer is that a lot of competing preachy pacifist propaganda is really selling a sort of complacency and self-congratulation. The height of morality is a moderately intensified version of well-adjusted suburban existence—maybe one that’s more politically involved, maybe one where you don’t call the cops much/ever, maybe one where you’re a bit ahead of the curve on social inclusion and conscientious consumption. But, once you’ve purged it of some unfortunate socially backward residue, a saint looks basically smth like you, the dignified and well-reared middle class liberal
VS refuses to let you indulge this fantasy, vigorously. It repudiates the idea at every step. Some examples [spoilers]:
The heroes are men who have committed or negligently failed to resist inexcusable acts, repeatedly and at mass scale. Thus they cannot present pacifism as a promised means of resting assured of their moral superiority; indeed, especially the protagonist makes it clear that he cannot preside over violent judgment precisely bc he is conscious of his guilt
In one of the most beautiful animanga scenes I’ve ever read/watched, the work viciously attacks the values of family and personal loyalty. Particular “loves” like those between parent/child or husband/wife are not even love at all, they are mere prejudice and favouritism, no different from servile courtiers debasing themselves before a king while exploiting their social inferiors. This is, obviously, a bad fit for middle class morality
It refuses to condemn revolutionary violence in absolute terms. King Canute, reimagined as a femboy 11th cent Lenin of the north sea, is one of the vaunted few who can see beyond to a truly better world. The manga makes clear which route it prefers between egalitarian radical pacifism and ruthless strongman militarism, but it doesn’t let the better man (that is, vicariously, the audience) gloat about it and also makes clear that the latter is at least asking the right questions (a rare and laudable achievement)
The hero’s personal self-transformation is centrally, flauntingly undignified. His pride and dignity are the first things he is willing to toss aside for the sake of his dream of a better world. His pacifism doesn’t allow him to preserve his dignity and honour at all: it treats it instead as one of his first hindrances
It also manages to be so earnest and unsubtle to circle around from cringe to endearing. You can tell she’s really putting her whole heart into it, she really believes she needs to say what shes saying with it and won’t let artistic sophistication and discretion stand in the way of it
In conclusion pls read the manga it is very good :3
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dionaeafl · 3 months
No Regrets for Our Youth, Akira Kurosawa, Neil McInnis JPT3391
In the suffocating atmosphere of 1930s Japan, where militarism casts a long shadow over society and dissent is swiftly crushed, we meet Yukie Yagihara, a young woman teetering on the precipice of adulthood. Sheltered within the comfort of her upper-class family, she witnesses the first tremors of political upheaval when her father, a liberal professor, is stripped of his position for criticizing the regime. This act shatters her idyllic world, forcing her to confront the harsh realities of an increasingly oppressive society.
As Yukie picks up the pieces of her shattered naivety, she is drawn to the idealism of Ryo Noge, a fellow student and charismatic leader of the anti-fascist movement. Their love blossoms amidst the backdrop of student protests and clandestine meetings, where so much as whispered dissent carries the weight of imprisonment, beatings, or disappearance. Yukie, initially hesitant, is swept up in Ryo's fervent belief in fighting for a better future, shedding her previous apolitical stance to embrace the cause.
But their path is strewn with thorns. Ryo and his co-revolutionaries face constant surveillance, their every move tracked by the watchful eyes of the authorities (possibly the Kempeitai?). Betrayal hangs heavy in the air, friendships dissolve at the slightest suspicion, and the threat of arrest looms large. Torn between personal safety and a strong desire for change, Yukie finds herself at a crossroads. The burden of her father's dismissal weighs heavily on her, whispering caution and the wisdom of self-preservation. Yet, Ryo's dauntless passion and the pained pleas of fellow activists tug at her heartstrings, reminding her of the cruelties she cannot ignore.
Kurosawa masterfully depicts the mental anguish faced by individuals caught in the crosshairs of a very difficult situation, and a desire to fight it, but the crippling inability to do so. This phenomenon would later be referred to as Cognitive Dissonance. The viewers see the erosion of trust, the fracturing of families, and the constant fear that permeates everyday life. Yet, even in those dark times, moments of courage and resilience flicker. Ryo's unyielding pursuit of the cause despite the personal cost, the quiet defiance of ordinary citizens, and Yukie's own journey from sheltered passivity to active resistance knit a poignant tapestry of the human spirit in the face of a seemingly immoveable obstacle.
In the end, No Regrets for Our Youth offers no easy answers. The film ends ambiguously, leaving the audience to ponder the weight of individual choice and the consequences of pursuing ideals in a world teetering on the brink of even more destructive conflict. The title itself, "わが青春に悔なし", resonates with both pride and sorrow, acknowledging the sacrifices made yet refusing to succumb to despair. By portraying the struggles of ordinary people caught in the whirlwind of history, Kurosawa crafts a powerful indictment of political tyranny and a timeless testament to the everyday man's (or woman's as well in this instance) capacity for defiance in the darkest of times.
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lena-oleanderson · 6 months
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Who Taught Me to Be Holy or queer survival is revolutionary and holy or you can't save the world on an empty stomach quotes i've been thinking about: for some of us our best revolt is self-preservation (mitski) self-preservation is an act of political warfare (audre lorde) a quietly mad population is a tractable one (naomi wolf)
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milkboydotnet · 9 months
Today you will be baptized a Christian. All those great ancient words of the Christian proclamation will be spoken over you, and the command of Jesus Christ to baptize will be carried out on you, without your knowing anything about it. But we are once again being driven right back to the beginnings of our understanding. Reconciliation and redemption, regeneration and the Holy Spirit, love of our enemies, cross and resurrection, life in Christ and Christian discipleship – all these things are so difficult and so remote that we hardly venture any more to speak of them. In the traditional words and acts we suspect that there may be something quite new and revolutionary, though we cannot as yet grasp or express it. That is our own fault. Our church, which has been fighting in these years only for its self-preservation, as though that were an end in itself, is incapable of taking the word of reconciliation and redemption to mankind and the world. Our earlier words are therefore bound to lose their force and cease, and our being Christians today will be limited to two things: prayer and righteous action among men. All Christian thinking, speaking, and organizing must be born anew out of this prayer and action. By the time you have grown up, the church’s form will have changed greatly. We are not yet out of the melting-pot, and any attempt to help the church prematurely to a new expansion of its organization will merely delay its conversion and purification. It is not for us to prophesy the day (though the day will come) when men will once more be called so to utter the word of God that the world will be changed and renewed by it. It will be a new language, perhaps quite non-religious, but liberating and redeeming – as was Jesus’ language; it will shock people and yet overcome them by its power; it will be the language of a new righteousness and truth, proclaiming God’s peace with men and the coming of his kingdom. ‘They shall fear and tremble because of all the good and all the prosperity I provide for it’ (Jer. 33.9). Till then the Christian cause will be a silent and hidden affair, but there will be those who pray and do right and wait for God’s own time. May you be one of them, and may it be said of you one day, ‘The path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter till full day’(Prov. 4.18).
Dietrich Bonhoeffer to Dietrich Wilhelm Rüdiger Bethge, May 1944
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
SEOUL, June 13 (UPI) -- North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ordered officials to weed out corruption and abuses of power, state media reported Monday, calling for party discipline as the country battles a COVID-19 outbreak and economic woes.
At a meeting of the ruling Workers' Party of Korea held Sunday, Kim and top officials discussed the need for "firmly preserving discipline" while fighting "unsound and non-revolutionary acts, including the abuse of power and bureaucratism," Korean Central News Agency reported.
Kim pressed for boosting the ruling party's "monolithic leadership" and demanded a "stern penalty system" to be imposed against officials who violate the rules.
The remarks may signal an effort from Kim to consolidate political power and round up public support amid a COVID-19 outbreak that is shaking a precarious economy, according to some observers.
"The meeting appears to be intended to first strengthen control over the party," South Korean Unification Ministry spokesman Cho Joong-hoon told reporters, according to news agency Yonhap.
The North Korean leader has blamed health officials for mishandling the country's COVID-19 response and in recent years has publicly railed against issues such as economic mismanagement and "anti-socialist activity."
While the country faces domestic struggles, the regime has focused a great deal of resources on ramping up its illicit weapons program.
On Sunday, North Korea launched several rounds of artillery into the sea, South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff reported, Pyongyang's latest provocation among a flurry of weapons tests this year.
At the end of a three-day political conference last week, Kim gave a speech defending North Korea's "right to self-defense" and said the "current security environment of the country is very serious."
"This urgently calls upon the DPRK to attain the goal of bolstering the national defense capability as soon as possible," Kim said.
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is the official name of North Korea.
Officials in Seoul and Washington have warned for several weeks that Pyongyang is poised to conduct a nuclear weapon test at any time.
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a-room-of-my-own · 2 years
It's official. I've peaked radfem and radblr and really just anything radical feminist related. If this is the reaction they all have over the Roe v Wade debate, consider me over and out. The way they just let misogyny and male supremacy win like this is making me see red. They really think they're doing something new and revolutionary by telling women to just stop fucking men if the consequences are too great to bare. Newsflash, asshole: That's EXACTLY what conservatives have been saying this entire time. Their hypocrisy really knows no bounds and it baffles me that they can't see it, either. That they really think they're owning the GOP, the conservatives, religious groups, and the hard right by saying, "Uhm girlies just don't have sex because daddy government tells us we're not allowed certain things anymore owo" got me fucking screaming. Y'all are really spineless at this point!
This isn't me saying that women should just throw all caution in the wind and have reckless sex, mind you. It's just the way these radfems are behaving in the face of actual oppression is making me speechless. Why are we just lying on our backs and letting these people in the government win?! For what?!
If it's the case that we just don't have what it takes to fight back and to just act 100% in self preservation, then you know what, feminism, especially radical feminism, is fucking cancelled as far as I'm concerned. Let the men win and we can just go home and give up our jobs, careers, education, and stay in the kitchen, since that's all far more safer than being out and about in a post-Roe v Wade world. Let the TRAs win our bathrooms and other female exclusive safe spaces because it's too dangerous to fight back. Let the MRAs win and have them agree that cocksuckers and handmaidens deserve nothing but pain unless she keeps her legs closed.
The way y'all say that the women who are critical of separatism are just happily complicit in her own oppression is top comedy, because with the way you happily agree with Christian Fundies with regards to forced purity culture are also complicit in your own oppression, too.
Fuck all of this and fuck all of you who can't see the blood on the walls. I used to be offended years ago when people compared radblr with tradblr "without the letter t", but after all of this, now I see the comparison.
I fully understand your anger. Just know that they're a tiny minority blogging from their bedrooms in between writing erotic fanfiction about tv characters. They don't represent anything except themselves and the internet can sometimes act as an echo chamber and give you the impression that a few dozen of very vocal people have influence or that you could meet them in a real-life feminist group.
That's not true. The people I have met who worked daily to help women had barely a website, they didn't have social media either. It doesn't mean that the internet doesn't have an influence on how movements or ideas are perceived, on the contrary. But they can be confiscated and distorted, and that's what's happening here.
Just try to picture them as people, each one isolated in her own home, screaming abuse at strangers to compensate whatever issue they have with life.
And if you want to stay on here, fortunately there are a lot of intelligent, articulate and kind women and men who are interested in this subject, people I'm always happy to talk to and learn from. I'm sorry all this made you so upset ♥️
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bossandwagons · 5 days
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Shield Your Ride: Top PPF Coating Experts in Bangalore
Looking to safeguard your car's paint from the harsh Bangalore elements? Consider PPF (Paint Protection Film) – a revolutionary solution offered by leading car detailing service providers in Bangalore.
PPF is a virtually invisible, ultra-thin film applied directly to your car's paintwork. Acting as a sacrificial barrier, it shields your vehicle from scratches, stone chips, UV rays, and environmental contaminants. This not only preserves your car's showroom shine but also enhances its resale value.
Advantages of PPF Coating:
Unmatched Paint Protection: PPF offers superior protection against scratches, nicks, and swirl marks caused by everyday wear and tear.
Self-Healing Properties: Certain PPF films boast self-healing properties, where minor scratches disappear under heat application.
UV Protection: PPF shields your car's paint from harmful UV rays, preventing fading and discoloration.
Chemical Resistance: High-quality PPF films are resistant to bird droppings, acid rain, and other harsh chemicals.
Enhanced Gloss: Professional PPF application often results in a deeper, glossier finish compared to traditional waxes and sealants.
Finding the Right PPF Coating Expert in Bangalore:
When choosing a car detailing service provider in Bangalore for PPF application, consider their experience, reputation, and the quality of PPF films used. Look for providers offering a variety of PPF options to suit your needs and budget.
In Conclusion:
PPF coating is a valuable investment for car owners in Bangalore who prioritize maintaining their vehicle's flawless appearance and long-term value. By partnering with a reputable car detailing service provider offering PPF expertise, you can ensure your car remains protected and gleaming for years to come.
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hd99-solutions · 15 days
The Best Dental Implants For Long-Lasting Smile
Missing teeth can be a source of insecurity and discomfort. They can affect your ability to chew properly, speak clearly, and even impact your self-esteem. Thankfully, modern dentistry offers a revolutionary solution: dental implants.
The best dental implants are considered the best dental implants for a reason. They are artificial tooth roots surgically placed into your jawbone to support replacement teeth. These replacement teeth can be crowns, bridges, or dentures, designed to look and function just like your natural teeth.
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Finding the Best Dental Implants:
Typically, a dental implant is made up of three parts:
The Implant is a small screw-like post, usually made of biocompatible titanium. It acts as an artificial tooth root and is surgically inserted into your jawbone.
The Abutment: This is a connector piece that is attached to the implant once it has fused with the jawbone. It provides a stable base for the replacement tooth.
The Crown, Bridge, or Denture: This is the visible part of the implant system, custom-made to resemble your natural teeth in size, shape, and color.
Benefits of the Best Dental Implants:
Dental implants offer a multitude of advantages over traditional bridges and dentures, including:
Enhanced Functionality: Implants fuse with your jawbone, mimicking the function of natural tooth roots. This allows for improved chewing ability, providing a more natural biting and eating experience.
Durability and Longevity: Implants are made from strong, long-lasting materials and can function effectively for decades with proper care.
Preserves Jawbone Health: Unlike dentures, which can contribute to bone loss in the jaw, implants stimulate bone growth, preserving the integrity of your facial structure.
Improved Speech: Ill-fitting dentures can sometimes slip and cause slurred speech. Implants provide a stable foundation for replacement teeth, eliminating these concerns.
Increased Confidence: A complete and natural-looking smile can significantly boost your self-esteem and confidence.
Who Qualifies for the Best Dental Implants?
Dental implants are a versatile solution for most adults missing one or more teeth. However, some factors can affect your candidacy, such as:
Overall Health: You should be in good general health to undergo the implant surgery.
Jawbone Health: Sufficient jawbone density is crucial for successful osseointegration, the process where the implant fuses with the bone. In some cases, bone grafting procedures may be necessary to build up the jawbone before implant placement.
Gum Health: Healthy gums are essential for a successful implant procedure. Gum disease (periodontitis) must be treated before implant surgery.
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Procedure for the Best Dental Implant:
The best dental implant process typically involves multiple stages spread over several months:
Consultation and Planning: Your dentist will perform a thorough examination, including X-rays and 3D scans, to assess your jawbone health and determine the best course of treatment.
Implant Placement Surgery: Implant surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia. The dentist creates a small incision in the gum tissue and surgically inserts the implant post into the jawbone. The area is then stitched closed, and a temporary restoration may be placed.
Osseointegration: Over the next few months, the jawbone heals and fuses with the implant post in a process called osseointegration.
Abutment Placement: Once osseointegration is complete, your dentist will place the abutment on the implant.
Crown, Bridge, or Denture Placement: The final stage involves attaching the custom-made crown, bridge, or denture to the abutment, creating your new, natural-looking smile.
Caring for Your Dental Implants:
Dental implants require the same level of care as your natural teeth. Brushing twice daily, flossing regularly, and attending routine dental checkups are crucial for maintaining good oral hygiene and the longevity of your implants.
The Cost of Dental Implants:
Dental implants are an investment in your oral health and overall well-being. The cost of dental implants can vary depending on several factors, such as the number of implants needed, the complexity of the procedure, and your geographic location. However, the long-term benefits and durability of implants often outweigh the initial cost compared to traditional dentures or bridges that may need to be replaced more frequently.
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The best dental implants are state-of-the-art solutions for replacing missing teeth. They offer a natural look, improved functionality, and long-lasting results, significantly enhancing your quality of life. If you are considering replacing missing teeth, consult a qualified dentist to explore if dental implants are the right option. With proper care, dental implants can give you back a beautiful, healthy smile that will last for years to come.
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motivationlinkllc · 23 days
Step into a journey of self-empowerment where you hold the reins to your well-being. Boundaries aren’t barriers; they’re shields protecting your energy and preserving your peace. In a world that constantly demands our attention, setting boundaries becomes a revolutionary act of self-love and preservation.
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shutupstore · 1 month
Express Your Revolutionary Spirit With ShutUp Store
Are you tired of blending into the crowd? Do you crave a bold fashion statement that screams individuality? Look no further than ShutUp Store – the ultimate destination for the best punk t-shirts online store. This isn't just an e-commerce site; it's a revolution in self-expression.
A Curated Collection of Counterculture
Step into ShutUp Store's virtual aisles, and you'll immediately feel the electric energy of rebellion coursing through their meticulously curated collection. From iconic punk band logos to gothic macabre imagery, each t-shirt is a canvas for non-conformity. Moreover, their team of punk-rock archaeologists scours the globe for the rarest, most coveted gems, ensuring every piece is an authentic artifact of counterculture.
Unleash Your Inner Rebel
Slipping into a ShutUp Store vintage tee isn't merely a fashion choice; it's a mindset. You're not just wearing a shirt; you're donning a badge of honor for the outcasts, the misfits, and the unapologetically unique. Whether you're moshing in the pit or strutting down the street, these tees empower you to embrace your inner rebel fearlessly.
Furthermore, ShutUp Store understands that true individuality cannot be mass-produced. Consequently, their collection is ever-evolving, with new pieces constantly being added to keep the rebellious spirit alive.
Authentic Artifacts of Defiance
What truly sets ShutUp Store apart, however, is their unwavering commitment to authenticity. They don't simply sell t-shirts; they curate a lifestyle. Each piece is meticulously sourced from the depths of basements, thrift stores, and vintage markets worldwide, ensuring you're investing in a genuine relic of counterculture.
Additionally, ShutUp Store takes pride in preserving the stories behind these garments. Every tee comes with a tale – a snapshot of the era it represents, the bands that inspired it, and the subcultures that embraced it.
Join the Revolution
If you're seeking the best place to buy vintage t-shirts that ignite your rebellious spirit, ShutUp Store is your sanctuary. Join the revolution, one authentically defiant tee at a time, and declare your refusal to conform. After all, in a world of clones, standing out is the ultimate act of resistance.
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askgothamshitty · 1 month
idk why i find it hard to relate to other women. like i view myself as a woman so i'm more similar to women than men. but it's still hard for me to feel "like" them when i just dont have a lot of feminine interests, i dont like makeup or dresses, and i have absolutely no interest in being with a man. i'm awful at cooking and im also fat and ugly. genuinely i feel like i'm a socially inept freak and i'm a failed woman. how do i come to terms with this.
I’m so sorry you feel that way, but please don’t beat yourself up for it! It’s actually very common for gender non-conforming people to feel alienated. Your feelings are very valid.
A lot of popular culture among (straight) women is about bonding over common gendered interests like beauty/fashion and dating men. So for those who don’t find interest in that stuff, it can be hard to relate. People may even act maliciously towards “outsiders”, worsening the effects of isolation.
But it’s important to remember that this popular construction of what makes a woman important is completely arbitrary and not based in any truth! You have value despite not fitting into the stereotypical mold. And the fact that you resist conforming and asserting yourself as your own person is actually very important and revolutionary. It may take time but try to take pride in your uniqueness and how it gives you a different perspective and makes you your own person. Hating yourself is very convenient for the world so your best revolt is self love and preservation (I’m paraphrasing a Mitski quote here lol)
Have you tried seeking out friendships with queer women specifically? You’ll probably find it easier to relate to these women since most of them are in the same boat as you. Personally, I also have a hard time relating to most women, and have found that queer women are the only ones I can feel really close to.
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dr-sohail7 · 2 months
Implant Denture Cost USA
Missing teeth can significantly impact your daily life, affecting your ability to eat, speak, and smile with confidence. While traditional dentures offer a solution, they can come with limitations in terms of comfort and stability. Implant dentures, a revolutionary advancement, offer a permanent and comfortable alternative. However, understanding the cost of implant dentures in the USA can be a complex task.
This article, presented by DR. Motiwala Dental Clinic, aims to demystify the cost factors associated with implant dentures and equip you with valuable information to make informed decisions about your oral health.
Understanding Implant Dentures:
Unlike traditional dentures that rest on the gums and rely on adhesives for support, implant dentures are anchored by strategically placed dental implants in the jawbone. These implants act as artificial tooth roots, providing a stable and secure foundation for the denture. This innovative approach offers a plethora of benefits compared to traditional dentures.
Benefits of Implant Dentures:
Enhanced Stability and Comfort: Implant dentures are firmly secured to the jawbone, eliminating the need for adhesives and ensuring they won't slip or become loose while speaking or eating.
Improved Function and Speech: The secure fit allows for natural biting and chewing, allowing you to enjoy a wider variety of foods and speak clearly without discomfort.
Preserved Jawbone Health: Implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss associated with missing teeth and contributing to long-term oral health.
Increased Confidence: A natural-looking and stable smile boosts self-esteem and confidence, positively impacting your personal and professional life.
Durability and Longevity: With proper care, implant dentures can last for decades, potentially eliminating the need for future replacements.
Factors Affecting Implant Denture Cost in the USA:
The cost of implant dentures in the USA can vary significantly depending on several key factors, including:
Number of Implants Needed: The number of implants required to support the denture significantly impacts the overall cost. Generally, more implants lead to a higher cost.
Type of Implants: Different types of implants are available, with varying materials and functionalities. Premium implant brands or specific functionalities might influence the cost.
Abutments and Denture Materials: The materials used for the abutments (connectors between implants and denture) and the denture itself can have a cost impact.
Geographic Location: The cost can vary depending on the geographical location of the dental clinic due to variations in overhead costs and dentist fees.
Experience and Reputation of the Dental Professional: The expertise of the dentist or oral surgeon can influence the cost. However, prioritizing experience and qualifications should not be solely based on cost.
Cost Range and Transparency:
While providing an exact cost estimate without an individual evaluation is impossible, implant dentures in the USA generally range from $15,000 to $50,000. It's crucial to choose a dental professional who prioritizes transparency. At [Your Hospital Name], we provide:
Detailed Cost Breakdown: This outlines the cost of individual components, including implants, abutments, denture materials, additional procedures, anesthesia, medication, and follow-up care.
Multiple Payment Options: We understand that cost can be a barrier. We offer flexible payment plans and explore various financing options to fit your budget.
Beyond the Cost: The Long-Term Value of Implant Dentures:
While the initial cost of implant dentures might seem significant, it's crucial to consider the long-term value they offer:
Reduced Future Costs: Unlike traditional dentures that may need frequent repairs or replacements, implant dentures can potentially last for decades, minimizing long-term expenses.
Improved Quality of Life: The enhanced functionality, comfort, and confidence they provide significantly improve your overall quality of life.
Investment in Your Health: They offer a long-term solution for replacing missing teeth, promoting oral health, and positively impacting your well-being.
Exploring Alternatives and Seeking Professional Guidance:
At DR. Motiwala Dental Clinic we understand that cost is a significant consideration in your treatment decision. We are committed to providing accessible oral care solutions by:
Discussing All Options: We discuss various options, including traditional dentures or potentially less complex implant configurations, ensuring you understand all possibilities before making a decision.
Providing Personalized Advice: We encourage you to schedule a consultation with our experienced and qualified dental professionals. They will conduct a thorough evaluation, discuss your specific needs and budget, and answer any questions you may have.
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denatlcare · 2 months
The Role of Dental Implants in Restoring Your Smile Confidence
A beautiful smile is not only aesthetically pleasing but also plays a crucial role in boosting self-confidence. Unfortunately, tooth loss can greatly impact one's smile and self-esteem. However, thanks to advancements in dental technology, dental implants have emerged as a revolutionary solution for restoring not just your teeth but also your smile confidence.
Understanding Dental Implants:
Dental implants are titanium posts surgically inserted into the jawbone to replace missing teeth roots. These implants serve as sturdy foundations for dental crowns, bridges, or dentures, mimicking the natural structure and function of real teeth. Unlike traditional dentures or bridges, dental implants are a permanent and long-term solution for tooth loss.
Enhancing Aesthetics:
One of the primary benefits of dental implants is their ability to restore a natural-looking smile. Unlike removable dentures that can shift or cause discomfort, implants seamlessly blend with your existing teeth, creating a uniform and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Whether you're missing a single tooth or several, dental implants can be customized to match the size, shape, and color of your natural teeth, ensuring a seamless integration with your smile.
Improving Functionality:
Beyond aesthetics, dental implants also play a crucial role in restoring oral functionality. Tooth loss can significantly impact your ability to chew and speak properly, leading to discomfort and embarrassment. With dental implants, you can regain full chewing function and articulation, allowing you to enjoy your favorite foods and communicate with confidence. Unlike traditional dentures, which may slip or click while talking or eating, implants provide stability and security, enabling you to live life to the fullest.
Preserving Jawbone Health:
One often overlooked aspect of tooth loss is its impact on jawbone health. When a tooth is missing, the surrounding bone can deteriorate over time, leading to facial collapse and a prematurely aged appearance. Dental implants help stimulate bone growth and prevent bone loss by acting as artificial tooth roots. By preserving jawbone density, implants maintain facial structure and prevent the sunken-in look commonly associated with tooth loss.
Long-Term Solution:
Unlike traditional dental prosthetics that may need frequent adjustments or replacements, dental implants offer a long-term solution for tooth loss. With proper care and maintenance, implants can last a lifetime, sparing you the inconvenience and expense of frequent dental visits. Additionally, implants are resistant to decay and cavities, further enhancing their durability and longevity.
In conclusion, dental implants play a pivotal role in restoring not just your teeth but also your smile confidence. Whether you're missing one tooth or an entire arch, implants offer a permanent and natural-looking solution that enhances both aesthetics and functionality. Say goodbye to self-consciousness and hello to a confident smile with dental implants from TheFreshDentalCare. Trust us to restore your smile confidence and transform your life.
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