#self absorbed self pitying homophobic women speaking for lesbians and then coming out as bi
My opinion on the phenomena of “lesbian” radfems actually being bisexual, which I talked about on one of psychrevenge’s post of her being equally irritated by another radfem:
“I’ve seen this happen with lesbians from different political backgrounds and have seen this happen with apolitical lesbians, online and offline. When you’ve seen this scenario repeat itself across a range of women, you can’t help but wonder why and how so many women come to perceive themselves as being lesbians and then how one dude pops along and BOOM different story. It’s the scenario misogynists and homophobes of all political spectrums love, they eat this shit up and it’s why this sexuality - particularly female sexuality - is inherently fluid idea just keeps gaining traction and social backing. 
 I do believe a lot of questioning women are led to believe as long as they disregard an attraction to men they in actuality have and ‘prioritize’ women they can magically be lesbians, so I do think politicization under the guise of “every woman can be a lesbian” is a major player. I also think there continues to be a lot of straight and bi women who are political lesbians who are like ‘SCREW MALES I’M ALL WOMAN” only to do shit such as get with a dude later on in life lmao but most of the time they say shit that makes it obvious, like ‘unlearning ATTRACTION’ to men or 'not acting on their ATTRACTION’ to men (a lot of radfems on here who are political lesbians have said stuff like this and THIS has given them away of all things tbh). Thanks to these assholes it adds extra harassment and disbelief of our sexuality, as well as people automatically equating feminists to just man-hating lesbians **until after graduation** andddd perceiving lesbianism as being the 'consequence’ of/inherently related to feminism.“
In addition, lesbians usually can tell who is doing this beforehand, but many of you being self righteous demonize them only for this shit to be 100% true.
Then again, as i said lately, radical feminism was created by appropriating het and bi women FOR het and bi women. It is true as fuck, and reality reflects that. Radical feminism is nothing close to a community respectful of lesbians, that is reality. Using this idea of sisterhood to bastardize lesbian experience for your own selfish gain against your attraction to men and how you deal with it is manipulation at its core.
For all the lesbians you get angry at and condemn for knowing this shit you lot sure prove what we say. You have some damn nerve.
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