#seijoh hcs in the near future mayhaps . . .
kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
i am SO with you on thinking a lot abt yahaba and kageyama!! how they have such different relationships to oikawa, how yahaba and kindaichi are like gossipy buddies?? theres NO WAY that yahaba didn't get a skewed as hell picture of kageyama from the two of them lmao, my boy being salty as hell abt seijoh losing to them but also angry-cheering them on tv at nationals haha. I'd love to hear you take on these two :D
i think about them a LOT but i don't have anything written down for them yet, which is such a shame because i think they'd have such a fun dynamic!!! yahaba obviously admires oikawa a whooooole lot, and i think he'd be a tad bit frustrated that oikawa puts himself down in comparison to kageyama and takes it out on kageyama instead LMAAO. in canon, i think yahaba kind of wants to hate kageyama at first based on what kindaichi and kunimi have told him and because of the effect he has on oikawa, and yahaba sort of does, really, but he also never really KNEW kageyama, and i think that would help in them becoming eventual friends.
i also think that, hypothetically, if kageyama HAD ended up at seijoh, then yahaba would have had more to worry about than oikawa, because in that scenario there's a very real chance that yahaba would have been skipped over completely and the starting setter role would have gone straight to kageyama.
(keep in mind that there are, like, a HUGE number of factors for this and we'd have to think about what impacts this scenario or not, but if we take it with the things we know — kageyama was still in a rough spot and he wouldn't have had hinata so oikawa would have remained the best choice throughout the entire year, and since oikawa is older and more mature by that point and they're actually on the same side, i'm inclined to think oikawa would help kageyama AND yahaba improve because, hey, school pride he can't have them let seijoh fall through the ranks after he leaves, and imo kageyama would fucking BLOOM under oikawa's guidance if it was properly done)
so, yeah, yahaba would have pretty big reasons to be antagonistic towards kageyama, but i think once he gets over that they'd make a pretty great friendship! yahaba gets what it's like to want to match up to someone you really admire, and i think they'd have a fun time bonding over being the ultimate oikawa fans LMAAAO
(of course kageyama is COMPLETELY unaware about this whole complicated moral dilemma yahaba is struggling through because of him. he just thinks yahaba is cool because oikawa told him so ONE time and that anyone who can stand up to kyoutani deserves the utmost respect.)
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