#see??? Cannoneer loves the Manatees
angrybatart · 5 months
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Oh, Barbara Manatee!
Manatee! Manatee!
You are the one for me!
One for me! One for me!
Ugh....when you realize it's been a while since you last drew Cackling Cannoneer. I'll either try and fix this one, or just redraw it.
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palettepainter · 2 years
How dare you create a precious Floyd x Janice love child and not tell us anything about them
I really wanted to draw some responses to this but since I've got a feeling I'm gonna be busy in these weeks running up to Christmas and new year you'll just have to have some facts. However I can offer this doodle of baby Caleb and Animal, for some reason this didn't upload in the first post I made with him?
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-He's literally vine energy, so many vines fit him so well (Kid Caleb: "Lookat all does chickens!" // Older Caleb "Road work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does"). I can go on but I don't wanna fill this with too many vine quotes, I've been wanting to draw a little comic of kid Caleb and Floyd to one vine but that'll likely have to be a newyear thing I work on
-Gas station sushi is his life and blood
-As a child he tried to eat things he wasn't supposed to, a lot. Dirt, flowers, coins, guitar plectrums, rocks, bracelet beads. Floyd more often than not spent his time trying to pry something nonedible out of Caleb's hands when he was little
-No thoughts, head empty, only vibes
-He will and has followed a snail around the theatre for three hours
-Haircutt?? Hairdressers?? No thanks. He's terrified of hair dressers
-He was a bit of a crybaby as a kid
-He likes to collet shiny rocks/crystals and give them to people he likes
-All of his good genes went to his looks and his singing voice Caleb has a total of three braincells, those braincells being the ones that successfully ate dirt when he was a kid
-He can sleep standing up
-Is a natural on the bass and the drums (Animal was excited to show him how to play them) but naturally he leans more towards the guitar
-As well as playing the bass Caleb can also play a ukulele, harmonica and acoustic guitar
-He likes kids, finds them easy going but they can stress him out sometimes
-Talk to him about literally anything and he'll just sit there, you could talk about rock formations, and he'll sit there nodding and humming. He will not understand a word you're saying but he'll listen
-I made a doodle about this in the post I made with Caleb's design but when he was a baby he was terrified of the rest of the band, except for Animal. It took him a while to warm up to them, but he loves them now, the band probably tease him about it sometimes, but they never mean any ill will
-Mama's boy and isn't ashamed about it, it took him ages to call Floyd pa, and when he did call him Pa it was probably right in the morning when the band got up and Floyd didn't even realise until minutes later
-I don't know if I'll make this cannon or not but I've been entertaining the idea of Caleb having some form of stage fright. He's totally fine preforming with his parents and the band and even to some of the other muppets, but to a live audience and infront of a camera?? This might sound silly but I've had the idea that Caleb first goes on stage to preform alongside his folks when he's 13 - Floyd and Janice where super excited as was the rest of the band, Caleb got many pats on the back cuz he was "offically part of the band!". While the band are waiting to go on stage Caleb peaks a glance at the audience through the curtains and he realises just how big the audience is, how many eyes are going to be on him, how - if he messes up - the WHOLE world is going to see on their TV's. Then right as Bobo gives the band the go ahead to go on stage Floyd turns around to Caleb to ask if he's ready to rock, only to see that Caleb is gone - leading to the band having to quickly improvise on stage cuz Caleb isn't there to play or sing his parts. Again this is all a loose maybe idea
-His favourite animals are snails, but he also likes sloths, manatees, penguins and cats
-Sunflowers are his favourite flowers
-He likes it when people braid his hair, he finds it therapeutic
-Out of the band he probably vibes with Pepe and Rizzo the most
-Totally chill with having his nails painted he's down for a spa day
And that's all I got for now!
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forsakenbysinnoh · 4 years
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@baiesbeau Made a post about an Obey Me Mer AU, and I wanted to draw some designs for these lovely boys! This took me… so long to do. I hope you all enjoy!
(Reasoning/explanation for each Bro’s fishy half under the cut)
Lucifer      -Luci was one I didn’t put a lot of time or thought into. He’s a shark, specifically a Thresher Shark.      -I…literally just looked up ‘elegant shark’ on google images and eventually saw this one, which I thought fit.     -Originally wasn’t going to have his wear much, but he IS the avatar of pride, he’d most likely like to cover up. Also that cape looks epic underwater.      -T E E F
Mammon      -Mammon is a barracuda. Because of this I tried to make his design very pointy, mainly working with silvers and golds.      -His fishy was thought up by baiesbeau, and I really couldn’t think of anything else that fit      -I tried to bring in a few more blacks (since that’s what he wears in demon form) as well as make his teeth EXTRA pointy.      -Likely lives in an empty pirate ship and often goes looking for treasure.
Leviathan      -Levi already has a lot of connections to snakes and the sea in cannon… soooo sea snake was an obvious choice XD      -A lot of sea snakes have stripes on them, and i wanted to bring more oranges into his design than are in cannon.      -I’d like to think he picks up scraps of fabric/metal/debris he finds to make cosplays. Like Ariel, he collects human stuff and is fascinated with them.      -I made him look super serious, but he’s probably just showing off his brand new sword from “I tried to kill my uncle, now I have a saw tooth blade and a creepy voice in my head!”
Satan      -My boi here was based off an octopus. Mainly cause they are SMART and can be known as escape artist.      -…don’t ask me what is around his neck, I don’t know either      -Probably has magic that he uses for pranks or to annoy Lucifer. Also to keep his books from getting destroyed.      -Can be very… ah… versatile with his tentacles. *cough cough*
Asmodeus      -He is a pretty beta fish with a LOT of fins and pearls. I tried looking up other fish for him, like lion fish, but Betas seem to be the most colorful and vibrant.      -I tried to emulate his 4 wings in demon form with the fins along his back and sides.      -Collects pretty/shiny things. And Mirror. He LOVES mirrors.      -I messed up on his waist and it’s way thinner than it should be. Sorry yall.
Beelzebub      -Originally I was thinking Whale shark, but baiesbeau made a good point that Orca need to eat a lot, and that they also eat moose so… yeah, made sense for this guy.      -He sees his brothers as his ‘pod’, even if they’re all different species. He loves and cares for them very much.      -Best hunter of the group…. buuuut often eats most of what he catches.      -Not shown here, but he’s also got TEEF!
Belphagor      -Based off a seal. Was thinking Manatee (cause sea cows) but seals actually have a spotted pattern that I liked better.      -Constantly carries around an orca plushy, mainly for Beel, who he’s closest to.      -He steals ALL the sunlit napping rocks he can find. Most of the time, you can find him in coral reefs or rocky outlets.     -If it’s too bright to sleep, he’ll pull up his hood to block out the sun.
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angelinatoms · 4 years
Being a bunch of wake-riding pros who’d spent the past two decades jumping, carving, surfing and skating boat wakes together, we got right into what we love most about being on the water. (Bryan Soderlind/)
When it comes to water, the state of Florida is many things: swampy marsh with suspicious-looking gators, crystal-clear springs occupied by curious manatees, wide-open lakes with boundless potential, the busy Intracoastal Waterway and much more. The idea behind the North Florida Loop was to see as much of that diversity as possible, all while aboard two wakeboarding boats—a Malibu 23 LSV belonging to pro rider Brian Grubb, and a MasterCraft -X-Star belonging to the legendary Parks Bonifay. Our five-day itinerary called for us to run north up Florida’s St. Johns River, wrap through downtown Jacksonville, and hook south down through the saltwater ICW to Cape Canaveral. Basically, a 400-mile journey with no real need to set foot on dry land. In other words, a boater’s dream.
Whether you’re looking for amazing wakes or somewhere to cook breakfast while cruising, the Malibu 23 LSV and the MasterCraft X-Star proved their versatility. (Bryan Soderlind/)
The early-summer air was perfectly still as we slow-motored along the cypress-covered shorelines of the St. Johns. Pro wakeboarder Massi Piffaretti was casting frog lures from the back of the X-Star, rider-turned-videographer Erik Ruck was prepping lunch for the crew on board the Malibu, I was bird-watching with my binocs, and photographer Bryan “the Golden Bear” Soderlind was reciting interesting historical tidbits he’d picked up online while researching the dignified old river. Even though we’d only just rounded the corner from the boat ramp from which we’d just launched, we were already fully immersed in the vibe of our journey. Time was no longer a concern, so everything began to move at a more leisurely pace than real life, and the boundless nature of being on the water made every friendly boater who waved as they passed by us our neighbors. We were river people now.
A short distance from where we’d started, the no-wake zones loosened up, and we were free to run. Being a bunch of wake-riding pros who’d spent the past two decades jumping, carving, surfing and skating boat wakes together, we got right into what we love most about being on the water. Appropriately enough, Bonifay hopped in first and inspired all of us with his creativity and fun-loving ways. He even got the two boats running close together to create a spine with the wakes, which motivated the rest of us to get in on the action. We took turns riding, and with each new rider, the excitement ticked up a notch. Snaking (or “gatoring”) our way along the winding river, we knew we were in for something special during the next handful of days.
Nature abounds along the North Florida Loop. (Bryan Soderlind/)
As the intimacy of the narrow river opened up to a huge, wide lake that we could barely see across, we could suddenly hear the sirens in the distance, luring us off course with a sweet song of crystal-clear water coolly flowing nearby. A brief reprieve from the midday Florida heat was too much to resist, so we veered west into a magic little cove called Silver Glen. Brown water full of snakes and gators quickly warped into a clear-blue potion full of manatees and silverfish. It became obvious why the conquistadors thought they’d stumbled upon the Fountain of Youth. We swam around the bowl-shaped headsprings—millions of gin-clear gallons of cold water pumping out of a crack in the earth—and then got out the toys. Grubb had brought two Lift eFoils, battery-powered, self-propelled hydrofoil boards. Using the wing to reduce drag and elevate the rider off the water, they can silently carve through over 20 miles of water before needing a recharge. We all took turns riding the eFoil magic carpets, flying patterns around each other as we got better, and continued to dive around in the springs until it was finally time to go. We’d located a riverside lodge just a little bit farther north, but there was just enough glowing yellow daylight left for Piffaretti to take one more wakeboard session.
The Lift eFoil provided a great way to cruise around Silver Glen and elsewhere. (Bryan Soderlind/)
With all of our batteries fully charged the next morning, we were primed and ready to resume our journey north. The previously wild and pristine river was now becoming more populated, the shoreline morphing into the classic small-town feeling of north Florida. Places with names like Palatka, Deep Creek and Astor featured riverfront houses on every point of the socioeconomic spectrum, seafood restaurants offered to deep-fry everything that could be found under their docks, and more one-of-a-kind north Florida lodging was right at the water’s edge. Our photogenic backdrops were now peppered with houseboats, wooden train trestles, Air Force bases and nuclear power plants. In a wider, branching part of the river, nearly in sight of our next major destination, we came across an 80-foot river yacht, half-sunken and jutting out of the mud near the trees. Utterly torn apart, it appeared to be a hurricane refugee that got caught out in the open and spent the next 10 years weathering down even more. We tipped our hats in sympathy to its derelict plight, and then happily waxed the portside bow so that Bonifay could board-slide the beautifully upturned gunwale, since such a spectacular opportunity rarely presents itself to those inclined to take it. Bonifay took the incline spectacularly, doing the setup such justice that even the ship’s original owner might’ve watched the session without shedding a single tear.
A half-sunken, 80-foot river yacht provided opportunities for some fun board sliding. (Bryan Soderlind/)
A few turns of the river later, the bait shacks and bullfrog croaks to which we’d grown accustomed quickly turned into high-rises and car horns—an all-out assault on the senses as we entered the bustling center of downtown Jacksonville, one of Florida’s largest and busiest cities. Grubb invited me for a doubles session, wakesurfing behind the Malibu on our (nonpowered) hydrofoil boards, right through the heart of downtown Jax. Somewhere, 40 stories over the water, in one of the many bank-stamped skyscrapers above us, an overworked number-cruncher probably glanced up from his calculator and TPS reports just in time to watch me and Grubb fly by on our foils, ropelessly hopping from one boat wake to another, dropping back to the third roller, and soul-carving past his building toward the shipping port laden with giant cargo ships and foreshadowing, without even once looking back. We’d gone from the remoteness of swampy, cypress-laden riverways to the hustle and bustle of 9-to-5 urban life, but we were still grinning from ear to ear.
The North Florida Loop serves up some amazing opportunities for wakeskating. (Bryan Soderlind/)
Passing through Jacksonville brought other changes to the journey: dolphins rolling through the wakes of seafaring outriggers, and a very different water texture as we skirted the sandy shores of Huguenot. We were no longer floating on the St. Johns River; we were now motoring down Florida’s Intracoastal Waterway, which meant the North Florida Loop had made its southbound turn. Although happy to return to my native salt water, I was grateful the St. Johns had so warmly taken us in.
If any other part of the trip had felt like a step back in time, it paled in comparison to what came next. After a marina breakfast, we anchored abeam one of the oldest buildings in America: the Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine. A Spanish fortress from the 1600s, the castle has endured attacks from pirates, sieges by British colonial forces, and a Confederate takeover, yet it stands firm in the year 2020, though no longer under control of the Spanish crown or the Confederacy. With a bit more reverence and distance than we’d given that poor river yacht back on the St. Johns, we glided around the emerald green waters of the Castillo de San Marcos on our eFoils in the beautiful morning light, carving through centuries of imperialism and strife with our silent hoverboards, while the pelicans above matched our turns with thoughtful dispositions. Bonifay was on the back of his X-Star, strumming a tune on his guitar, and Bear was tempting me to hand off the eFoil by waving a mason jar full of fresh-pressed juice. A fair deal. The peaceful day took a sharp turn when period-accurate subtenientes de fusileros approached the cannons on the terreplein and began loading them. We skedaddled southbound, taking a quick detour out the inlet to catch a quick peek of the open ocean before looping back to the calm waters of the ICW.
We happily cruised southward, enjoying glassy water and sunshine all the way until Ormond Beach, where a dark squall line stretched from east to west, threatening to derail the day. With only minutes to prepare, we hunkered down under a bridge. Through gale-force winds and a blinding deluge of rain, we endured the truth of summertime in Florida before suddenly emerging back into sunshine. The trip wouldn’t have been complete without at least one thunderstorm sending us scrambling.
Cooking and jamming around the fire was a great way to end the day. (Bryan Soderlind/)
Following Mother Nature’s brief delay, we made berth at Indian Mound Fish Camp a little bit south. With the slightly cooler temps, we made a little campfire out front, cooked dinner, and sparked up the best jam session of the trip, with Bonifay on his carbon-fiber guitar and vocals, Ruck on my half-size six string, and yours truly backing them up with the fiddle. We jammed in the moonlight until our campfire was low-glowing embers. Continuing south in the morning, our vista opened up to the familiar Mosquito Lagoon, an indicator that we were nearing the end of the road. I took the opportunity to enjoy a proper wakeskate session behind the boat, since I’d mostly been fooling around with hydrofoils for the past few days. Clad in my favorite Hawaiian shirt and lucky shoes, I jumped off the back of the boat right into that same joy that made me fall in love with watersports from the very start. I don’t think the smile left my face for the entire session. With the final boat ramp in sight, we diverted to a small island in the lagoon to soak up the sweet final hour of our epic adventure together. Climbing around on the half-submerged trees, taking group photos in the sand, and getting one last ride on the eFoils, we all agreed that the road trip by boat had just become a new tradition for us to indulge in for many, many years to come.
#boating #boatingtips #boatingsupplies #boatingnews #boatingshop #wolfcreek
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tonydsmith · 5 years
Key West Day Trip Itinerary
Key West Day Trip Itinerary: Plan the Trip with Kids
If you plan to visit Key West with your kids, you need to make the Key West Day trip itinerary. Keep in mind that Key West is not a Disney World. Fortunately enough, there are several family-friendly activities. This is far away from the drudgery of the regular life. You just need to know where to look.
Key West Day Trip Itinerary
If you want to have some fun plan the Key West day trip itinerary by checking out this key attractions.
Dolphin Safari
One thing that both kids and adults like in the sea is the dolphin. You can simply jump on to the Dolphin Safari. This is six boat passengers which enables you to see the dolphin wild. In this safari, you will be able to check out sea turtles, manatees, and also sting rays. You can drop some tropical pineapple in the water and you will notice the fish go crazy. As a matter of fact, you will also notice playful dolphins playing in the open water.  You can jump in the water while your kids stay on the boat. It is better to book the afternoon tour as it will enable you to wrap up the trip with the beautiful Key West sunset. Thus, you will have a breathtaking view.
Conch Tour Train
Kids tend to love train. Thus, you can take your kid for a ride in the Conch tour train. These are bright yellow trains which follow the meandering routes of the Old Town of 1958. This is best way to be acquainted with the island and its history. Children under 12 years can take this ride for free. You will be provided with a guide. They will offer you an insight into the historic district. Moreover, they will offer a commentary on the legends of the city. Hence, your kids will be able to learn a lot.
Shipwreck Museum
You can plan your Key West Day itinerary around the Shipwreck Museum. Your kids will learn the history with bells and whistles. Moreover, the authorities will greet you with 15-live story telling presentation before they offer tutoring on the museum. Here, your kids will come across the 17th and 18th century artifacts. Along with this, they can be part of the audio recordings and video presentations. You and your kids can head to the 65 foot lookout tower. This will offer a stunning view of the island and also the surrounding water. If you are interested in checking out a real shipwreck, you can take a look at the Mel Fisher Museum.
Eco Discovery Center
When snorkeling and museum tours become boring, you can opt for a tour of the eco discovery center. Here, your kids will be able to learn a thing or two. The Eco Discovery Center will offer your kids a look into the Florida Key’s ecosystem. As a matter of fact, loving star of this place is the Living Reef exhibit.
Fort Zachary Taylor State Park
People believe that traveling to Key West means sparkling white sand. However, they are far and in between. Fort Zachary Taylor is actually an exception. This three story brick fortress has the largest collection of Civil War Cannons. In fact, you will also find some nature trails in this area. Moreover, if you are interested in snorkeling, this place offers you that opportunity, too.
Higgs Beach
This is far from the Old Town in Key West. This is quite a popular spot where you can soak in the bright sun rays. As a matter of fact, you can also take a dip in the shallow water. There are options of tropical water sports. If you want you can simply relax with your kids. Thus, you can do this by renting the beach chairs, umbrellas, paddle boards, and kayaks.
The post Key West Day Trip Itinerary appeared first on Miami to Key West Tours Guides.
from Miami to Key West Tours Guides https://www.miamitokeywesttoursguides.com/key-west-day-trip-itinerary/ from Miami to Key West Tours Guides https://miamitokeywesttoursguides.tumblr.com/post/186522866056
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erickrichards · 5 years
Key West Day Trip Itinerary
Key West Day Trip Itinerary: Plan the Trip with Kids
If you plan to visit Key West with your kids, you need to make the Key West Day trip itinerary. Keep in mind that Key West is not a Disney World. Fortunately enough, there are several family-friendly activities. This is far away from the drudgery of the regular life. You just need to know where to look.
Key West Day Trip Itinerary
If you want to have some fun plan the Key West day trip itinerary by checking out this key attractions.
Dolphin Safari
One thing that both kids and adults like in the sea is the dolphin. You can simply jump on to the Dolphin Safari. This is six boat passengers which enables you to see the dolphin wild. In this safari, you will be able to check out sea turtles, manatees, and also sting rays. You can drop some tropical pineapple in the water and you will notice the fish go crazy. As a matter of fact, you will also notice playful dolphins playing in the open water.  You can jump in the water while your kids stay on the boat. It is better to book the afternoon tour as it will enable you to wrap up the trip with the beautiful Key West sunset. Thus, you will have a breathtaking view.
Conch Tour Train
Kids tend to love train. Thus, you can take your kid for a ride in the Conch tour train. These are bright yellow trains which follow the meandering routes of the Old Town of 1958. This is best way to be acquainted with the island and its history. Children under 12 years can take this ride for free. You will be provided with a guide. They will offer you an insight into the historic district. Moreover, they will offer a commentary on the legends of the city. Hence, your kids will be able to learn a lot.
Shipwreck Museum
You can plan your Key West Day itinerary around the Shipwreck Museum. Your kids will learn the history with bells and whistles. Moreover, the authorities will greet you with 15-live story telling presentation before they offer tutoring on the museum. Here, your kids will come across the 17th and 18th century artifacts. Along with this, they can be part of the audio recordings and video presentations. You and your kids can head to the 65 foot lookout tower. This will offer a stunning view of the island and also the surrounding water. If you are interested in checking out a real shipwreck, you can take a look at the Mel Fisher Museum.
Eco Discovery Center
When snorkeling and museum tours become boring, you can opt for a tour of the eco discovery center. Here, your kids will be able to learn a thing or two. The Eco Discovery Center will offer your kids a look into the Florida Key’s ecosystem. As a matter of fact, loving star of this place is the Living Reef exhibit.
Fort Zachary Taylor State Park
People believe that traveling to Key West means sparkling white sand. However, they are far and in between. Fort Zachary Taylor is actually an exception. This three story brick fortress has the largest collection of Civil War Cannons. In fact, you will also find some nature trails in this area. Moreover, if you are interested in snorkeling, this place offers you that opportunity, too.  
Higgs Beach
This is far from the Old Town in Key West. This is quite a popular spot where you can soak in the bright sun rays. As a matter of fact, you can also take a dip in the shallow water. There are options of tropical water sports. If you want you can simply relax with your kids. Thus, you can do this by renting the beach chairs, umbrellas, paddle boards, and kayaks.
The post Key West Day Trip Itinerary appeared first on Miami to Key West Tours Guides.
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Key West Day Trip Itinerary
Key West Day Trip Itinerary: Plan the Trip with Kids
If you plan to visit Key West with your kids, you need to make the Key West Day trip itinerary. Keep in mind that Key West is not a Disney World. Fortunately enough, there are several family-friendly activities. This is far away from the drudgery of the regular life. You just need to know where to look.
Key West Day Trip Itinerary
If you want to have some fun plan the Key West day trip itinerary by checking out this key attractions.
Dolphin Safari
One thing that both kids and adults like in the sea is the dolphin. You can simply jump on to the Dolphin Safari. This is six boat passengers which enables you to see the dolphin wild. In this safari, you will be able to check out sea turtles, manatees, and also sting rays. You can drop some tropical pineapple in the water and you will notice the fish go crazy. As a matter of fact, you will also notice playful dolphins playing in the open water.  You can jump in the water while your kids stay on the boat. It is better to book the afternoon tour as it will enable you to wrap up the trip with the beautiful Key West sunset. Thus, you will have a breathtaking view.
Conch Tour Train
Kids tend to love train. Thus, you can take your kid for a ride in the Conch tour train. These are bright yellow trains which follow the meandering routes of the Old Town of 1958. This is best way to be acquainted with the island and its history. Children under 12 years can take this ride for free. You will be provided with a guide. They will offer you an insight into the historic district. Moreover, they will offer a commentary on the legends of the city. Hence, your kids will be able to learn a lot.
Shipwreck Museum
You can plan your Key West Day itinerary around the Shipwreck Museum. Your kids will learn the history with bells and whistles. Moreover, the authorities will greet you with 15-live story telling presentation before they offer tutoring on the museum. Here, your kids will come across the 17th and 18th century artifacts. Along with this, they can be part of the audio recordings and video presentations. You and your kids can head to the 65 foot lookout tower. This will offer a stunning view of the island and also the surrounding water. If you are interested in checking out a real shipwreck, you can take a look at the Mel Fisher Museum.
Eco Discovery Center
When snorkeling and museum tours become boring, you can opt for a tour of the eco discovery center. Here, your kids will be able to learn a thing or two. The Eco Discovery Center will offer your kids a look into the Florida Key’s ecosystem. As a matter of fact, loving star of this place is the Living Reef exhibit.
Fort Zachary Taylor State Park
People believe that traveling to Key West means sparkling white sand. However, they are far and in between. Fort Zachary Taylor is actually an exception. This three story brick fortress has the largest collection of Civil War Cannons. In fact, you will also find some nature trails in this area. Moreover, if you are interested in snorkeling, this place offers you that opportunity, too.  
Higgs Beach
This is far from the Old Town in Key West. This is quite a popular spot where you can soak in the bright sun rays. As a matter of fact, you can also take a dip in the shallow water. There are options of tropical water sports. If you want you can simply relax with your kids. Thus, you can do this by renting the beach chairs, umbrellas, paddle boards, and kayaks.
The post Key West Day Trip Itinerary appeared first on Miami to Key West Tours Guides.
from Miami to Key West Tours Guides https://www.miamitokeywesttoursguides.com/key-west-day-trip-itinerary/
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juliamichaels84 · 6 years
Everglades Trip in Miami
Things You Need to Know Before an Everglades Trip in Miami
Everglades trip in Miami will be a good vacation if you are adventurous and want to experience something awesome. The saw grass wetlands in Florida are one of the primary attractions of Miami. Most tourist who spend their vacation in Miami, make a trip to the Everglades for enjoying the fascinating tours. However, there are several things that you need to take care of before you choose the Everglades tour.
Everglades Trip in Miami
The Best Time to Visit
The dry winter season is considered to be the best time for the alligator tour. This is because during this time, the eclectic wildlife will come out of the hiding for soaking up warm sunshine. Thus, you will be able to spot them easily. Moreover, the menace like the insect and mosquitoes are substantially less during the winter months. If you are planning on camping Everglades trip in Miami then this time of the year is the best.
The Various Escapades
You will be able to enjoy different types of activities and adventure in the Everglades. One of the best adventures is the fan boat tour of the saw grass marshes. If you are availing the shuttle to come to the Everglades National Park, you will be able to enjoy various other excursions like boating, hiking, and bike tours. This is truly an adventure which will exceed your expectation.
The Cost
Admission to the Everglades Park is pretty cheap. You can get an annual pass, weekly pass, or a one-day pass. Airboat tour of the Everglades trip in Miami can either be in group or in private. Naturally, private tours are more expensive. However, it comes with additional comfort. You have the option to go for private airboat tours which are offered by the smaller companies. They cost as much as the group tours by some of the popular vendors. If you are adventurous, you can opt for self-tours or even guided tours. You can get canoe, bike, kayak, or even boat for rentals in the park.
Precautions You Need to Take
You should note than even though the sun rays are not that harsh, you might easily suffer from sunburn. The fresh wind, the cold weather, and lush greenery might prevent you from feeling the heat. However, adventure seekers end up suffering a heat burn. Children tend to suffer this the most. Hence, you need to carry enough sunscreen when you enjoy the varied adventure of the Everglades. Moreover, you should not forget to take mosquito repellants for avoiding insect bites. If you want more information on insect stings, you can check out the visitor’s center before you go for the Everglades airboat tour.
Tips for Visiting the Everglades National Park
When you opt for the Everglades trip in Miami, there are certain tips that you need to keep in mind.
A great introduction to the Everglades is the Anghinga Trail which is just-under-a-mile. This is at the Royal Palm Visitor Center. As a matter of fact, it is one of the most popular trails that you will come across in the park. Even though it is quite short, you will have a spectacular wildlife view. You should lookout for turtles, herons, anhingas, and even egrets. There are also alligators in this part of the park.
One of the best ways to enjoy the Everglades is to go slough slogging. Here, you will be able to hike off-trail with a park ranger. In case you go slough slopping, you will be able to experience a certain portion of the park which people never see. You need to plan ahead. However, keep in mind that these trips are limited to only 15 people. This means that you will have to make reservations. Make sure that you carry an insect repellant.
You can bike through the Shark Valley. This is a 15 mile trip which takes only 2-3 hours. While you are riding, you can hop out of the saddle to explore the unpaved trails along the way. If you ride quietly, you might come across some alligators.
There is saltwater, as well as fresh water in the Everglades National Park. You can cast a line and try out your luck at snagging a sea trout, snapper, bluegill, or bass. However, do not forget to ask the ranger which fishing spots are open. Moreover, abide by the Florida fishing regulation.
The post Everglades Trip in Miami appeared first on Miami to Key West Tours Guides.
Source: https://www.miamitokeywesttoursguides.com/everglades-trip-miami/
from Miami to Key West Tours Guides https://miamitokeywesttoursguides.wordpress.com/2018/01/04/everglades-trip-in-miami-3/
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2traveldads-blog · 7 years
By now you know that we’re head over heals in love with Florida (#LoveFL).  St Augustine caught us with its charm and history.  The Everglades stole our hearts with the gators and one-of-kind landscape.  Rainbow Springs left us speechless with its crystal clear water and endless fun.  St Pete Beach and Fort De Soto are just icing on that cake of love.
At home in the Pacific Northwest we’ve got Fort Worden or Fort Casey to satisfy our need for beaches, bunkers and lighthouses.  Fort De Soto County Park has all of this and more.  And it’s actually warm and sunny so you can swim and have an amazing Florida experience.  Check it out!
Locale of Fort De Soto
Fort De Soto County Park is at the very western end of Pinellas County at the edge of Tampa Bay.  Technically in Tierra Verde, Florida the park covers five different keys (islands).  The first key, St Jean Key, is where you’ll find the campground and the start of the biking trail, and the campground also spills onto St Christopher Key too.  The second island, Bonne Fortune Key, is home to mangroves and small water access spots.  The key to the west, Mullet Key, is the largest and most fun.  This is the main island and is where you’ll see the bird sanctuary, actual fort, ferry to Egmont Key State Park, the piers, and the beach.
Beyond Fort De Soto County Park, you’ll find loads to do in the area.  St Pete Beach and St Petersburg have all kinds of great restaurants, beautiful hotels (the Don Cesar!), and wonderful cultural sites, including the Salvador Dali Museum.  South across the Sunshine Skyway Bridge you’ll find Bradenton with its own beautiful beaches and De Soto National Memorial… in case you’re into living history and Spanish cosplay.  Lot’s to do all around the Tampa Bay area!
Staying at Fort De Soto
You know we love camping, so on our epic Florida Gulf Coast road trip we tooled up and down the coast in an Escape Campervan.  It was awesome!  We made our reservations at Fort De Soto through the Pinellas County Parks website about a month in advance.  
Tip:  book your camping reservations here, or any other Florida park, as far in advance as possible.  Florida State and County Parks fill up fast and far out.
The campground was really cool, like camping in a palm jungle.  Each campsite is separated from the next by dense vegetation.  The palm trees and vines provide a partial canopy in most sites and it’s really cool.  Each camping loop also has well maintained bathroom and shower facilities, and there is a communal playground in the campground as well.  It’s a great spot for a family vacation or weekend getaway.
The Waterways
Not that the Gulf of Mexico has crazy tides or anything, but the waterways surrounding Fort De Soto County Park are really calm and quiet.  Kayaks and stand up paddle board (SUP) rentals are available in a few different spots in the park so that you can explore the bays and mangroves surrounding the keys.  
Fun activity:  whether or not you’re a birder, you’ll love seeing all of the different shorebirds that congregate at Fort De Soto, from roseate spoonbills to great blue herons, egrets to ibises.  You cannot paddle into the protected area of the bird sanctuary, but you can approach it and there are loads of spots to watch the birds from the water.
The Bunkers of Fort De Soto
Hands down, nicest military bunkers we’ve ever toured, and we’ve been through a lot of them including in San Francisco and all around Washington State.  Very well maintained, but also very limited, the bunkers of Fort De Soto are a fun addition to a day in the park.  Unlike most of the West Coast bunkers, these are white washed and well lit.  Our kids prefer the dark, scary labyrinths of the bunkers we have at home, but I particularly liked being able to see and not be freaked out by the never ending corridors.
Note:  the cannons at Fort De Soto are pretty cool (if you’re into military history) and you won’t find many like them anywhere else, as they’re short, stubby cannons that point vertically.  Weird.
Fort De Soto’s North Beach
You never have to coax us to have a beach day, especially when the beach access is so easy and the sand so beautiful.  Fort De Soto County Park’s North Beach is a long one with plenty of space for beach-goers.  The current here is stronger than any other beach we visited on the Gulf Coast, but it’s still very easy to manage even if you’re not a strong swimmer.
The best part about the beach here is the manatees. Yep! So, the manatee hoopla began when I was swimming back into shore and bumped into him.  Turns out he had some friends with him and they were making their way around the island.  We got to watch them around the pier and going back and forth at the beach.  It was a really special experience.
Note:  if you are trying to communicate with somebody speaking French, Spanish or Italian, the word for “manatee” is “lamantin” or “sirene”… like a mermaid.
The Fishing Pier
You know that we don’t sport fish and we actually don’t fish for food either, but a lot of other people do. The 1000 ft fishing pier is super fun for kids, with fishermen on both sides casting and reeling continually… vying with the dolphins for fish.  Yep, we got to run back and forth on the pier tracking the dolphins as they swam at top speeds, playing with fish and fishermen.  The kids loved it!
Also from the fishing pier:  manatee watching.  If they’re in the area, the manatees love to eat the sea grass that grows around the island, particularly on the north end.  Keep your eyes peeled!
Can you see why we fell in love with Fort De Soto?  I have to admit that it actually is quite a bit more cool than our two main fort-parks in Washington State… but then you can’t blame the PNW for not being Florida with all of the sunshine and warm water.  Oh well, we’ll just have to get back to Fort De Soto sooner than later for another unforgettable camping experience by the beach.
Do you know of any other spots like Fort De Soto you can share?  We’re always looking for those perfect combos of history, nature and fun, so tell us where to go next!
The best of Florida camping: Fort De Soto and its beauty By now you know that we’re head over heals in love with Florida (#LoveFL).  St Augustine…
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erickrichards · 5 years
Key West Day Trip Itinerary
Key West Day Trip Itinerary: Plan the Trip with Kids
If you plan to visit Key West with your kids, you need to make the Key West Day trip itinerary. Keep in mind that Key West is not a Disney World. Fortunately enough, there are several family-friendly activities. This is far away from the drudgery of the regular life. You just need to know where to look.
Key West Day Trip Itinerary
If you want to have some fun plan the Key West day trip itinerary by checking out this key attractions.
Dolphin Safari
One thing that both kids and adults like in the sea is the dolphin. You can simply jump on to the Dolphin Safari. This is six boat passengers which enables you to see the dolphin wild. In this safari, you will be able to check out sea turtles, manatees, and also sting rays. You can drop some tropical pineapple in the water and you will notice the fish go crazy. As a matter of fact, you will also notice playful dolphins playing in the open water.  You can jump in the water while your kids stay on the boat. It is better to book the afternoon tour as it will enable you to wrap up the trip with the beautiful Key West sunset. Thus, you will have a breathtaking view.
Conch Tour Train
Kids tend to love train. Thus, you can take your kid for a ride in the Conch tour train. These are bright yellow trains which follow the meandering routes of the Old Town of 1958. This is best way to be acquainted with the island and its history. Children under 12 years can take this ride for free. You will be provided with a guide. They will offer you an insight into the historic district. Moreover, they will offer a commentary on the legends of the city. Hence, your kids will be able to learn a lot.
Shipwreck Museum
You can plan your Key West Day itinerary around the Shipwreck Museum. Your kids will learn the history with bells and whistles. Moreover, the authorities will greet you with 15-live story telling presentation before they offer tutoring on the museum. Here, your kids will come across the 17th and 18th century artifacts. Along with this, they can be part of the audio recordings and video presentations. You and your kids can head to the 65 foot lookout tower. This will offer a stunning view of the island and also the surrounding water. If you are interested in checking out a real shipwreck, you can take a look at the Mel Fisher Museum.
Eco Discovery Center
When snorkeling and museum tours become boring, you can opt for a tour of the eco discovery center. Here, your kids will be able to learn a thing or two. The Eco Discovery Center will offer your kids a look into the Florida Key’s ecosystem. As a matter of fact, loving star of this place is the Living Reef exhibit.
Fort Zachary Taylor State Park
People believe that traveling to Key West means sparkling white sand. However, they are far and in between. Fort Zachary Taylor is actually an exception. This three story brick fortress has the largest collection of Civil War Cannons. In fact, you will also find some nature trails in this area. Moreover, if you are interested in snorkeling, this place offers you that opportunity, too.  
Higgs Beach
This is far from the Old Town in Key West. This is quite a popular spot where you can soak in the bright sun rays. As a matter of fact, you can also take a dip in the shallow water. There are options of tropical water sports. If you want you can simply relax with your kids. Thus, you can do this by renting the beach chairs, umbrellas, paddle boards, and kayaks.
The post Key West Day Trip Itinerary appeared first on Miami to Key West Tours Guides.
from https://www.miamitokeywesttoursguides.com/key-west-day-trip-itinerary/
from Miami to Key West Tours Guides - Blog http://miamitokeywesttoursguides.weebly.com/blog/key-west-day-trip-itinerary3225264
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tonydsmith · 5 years
Key West Day Trip Itinerary
Key West Day Trip Itinerary: Plan the Trip with Kids
If you plan to visit Key West with your kids, you need to make the Key West Day trip itinerary. Keep in mind that Key West is not a Disney World. Fortunately enough, there are several family-friendly activities. This is far away from the drudgery of the regular life. You just need to know where to look.
Key West Day Trip Itinerary
If you want to have some fun plan the Key West day trip itinerary by checking out this key attractions.
Dolphin Safari
One thing that both kids and adults like in the sea is the dolphin. You can simply jump on to the Dolphin Safari. This is six boat passengers which enables you to see the dolphin wild. In this safari, you will be able to check out sea turtles, manatees, and also sting rays. You can drop some tropical pineapple in the water and you will notice the fish go crazy. As a matter of fact, you will also notice playful dolphins playing in the open water.  You can jump in the water while your kids stay on the boat. It is better to book the afternoon tour as it will enable you to wrap up the trip with the beautiful Key West sunset. Thus, you will have a breathtaking view.
Conch Tour Train
Kids tend to love train. Thus, you can take your kid for a ride in the Conch tour train. These are bright yellow trains which follow the meandering routes of the Old Town of 1958. This is best way to be acquainted with the island and its history. Children under 12 years can take this ride for free. You will be provided with a guide. They will offer you an insight into the historic district. Moreover, they will offer a commentary on the legends of the city. Hence, your kids will be able to learn a lot.
Shipwreck Museum
You can plan your Key West Day itinerary around the Shipwreck Museum. Your kids will learn the history with bells and whistles. Moreover, the authorities will greet you with 15-live story telling presentation before they offer tutoring on the museum. Here, your kids will come across the 17th and 18th century artifacts. Along with this, they can be part of the audio recordings and video presentations. You and your kids can head to the 65 foot lookout tower. This will offer a stunning view of the island and also the surrounding water. If you are interested in checking out a real shipwreck, you can take a look at the Mel Fisher Museum.
Eco Discovery Center
When snorkeling and museum tours become boring, you can opt for a tour of the eco discovery center. Here, your kids will be able to learn a thing or two. The Eco Discovery Center will offer your kids a look into the Florida Key’s ecosystem. As a matter of fact, loving star of this place is the Living Reef exhibit.
Fort Zachary Taylor State Park
People believe that traveling to Key West means sparkling white sand. However, they are far and in between. Fort Zachary Taylor is actually an exception. This three story brick fortress has the largest collection of Civil War Cannons. In fact, you will also find some nature trails in this area. Moreover, if you are interested in snorkeling, this place offers you that opportunity, too.
Higgs Beach
This is far from the Old Town in Key West. This is quite a popular spot where you can soak in the bright sun rays. As a matter of fact, you can also take a dip in the shallow water. There are options of tropical water sports. If you want you can simply relax with your kids. Thus, you can do this by renting the beach chairs, umbrellas, paddle boards, and kayaks.
The post Key West Day Trip Itinerary appeared first on Miami to Key West Tours Guides.
from Miami to Key West Tours Guides https://www.miamitokeywesttoursguides.com/key-west-day-trip-itinerary/ from Miami to Key West Tours Guides https://miamitokeywesttoursguides.tumblr.com/post/186001017346
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Key West Day Trip Itinerary
Key West Day Trip Itinerary: Plan the Trip with Kids
If you plan to visit Key West with your kids, you need to make the Key West Day trip itinerary. Keep in mind that Key West is not a Disney World. Fortunately enough, there are several family-friendly activities. This is far away from the drudgery of the regular life. You just need to know where to look.
Key West Day Trip Itinerary
If you want to have some fun plan the Key West day trip itinerary by checking out this key attractions.
Dolphin Safari
One thing that both kids and adults like in the sea is the dolphin. You can simply jump on to the Dolphin Safari. This is six boat passengers which enables you to see the dolphin wild. In this safari, you will be able to check out sea turtles, manatees, and also sting rays. You can drop some tropical pineapple in the water and you will notice the fish go crazy. As a matter of fact, you will also notice playful dolphins playing in the open water.  You can jump in the water while your kids stay on the boat. It is better to book the afternoon tour as it will enable you to wrap up the trip with the beautiful Key West sunset. Thus, you will have a breathtaking view.
Conch Tour Train
Kids tend to love train. Thus, you can take your kid for a ride in the Conch tour train. These are bright yellow trains which follow the meandering routes of the Old Town of 1958. This is best way to be acquainted with the island and its history. Children under 12 years can take this ride for free. You will be provided with a guide. They will offer you an insight into the historic district. Moreover, they will offer a commentary on the legends of the city. Hence, your kids will be able to learn a lot.
Shipwreck Museum
You can plan your Key West Day itinerary around the Shipwreck Museum. Your kids will learn the history with bells and whistles. Moreover, the authorities will greet you with 15-live story telling presentation before they offer tutoring on the museum. Here, your kids will come across the 17th and 18th century artifacts. Along with this, they can be part of the audio recordings and video presentations. You and your kids can head to the 65 foot lookout tower. This will offer a stunning view of the island and also the surrounding water. If you are interested in checking out a real shipwreck, you can take a look at the Mel Fisher Museum.
Eco Discovery Center
When snorkeling and museum tours become boring, you can opt for a tour of the eco discovery center. Here, your kids will be able to learn a thing or two. The Eco Discovery Center will offer your kids a look into the Florida Key’s ecosystem. As a matter of fact, loving star of this place is the Living Reef exhibit.
Fort Zachary Taylor State Park
People believe that traveling to Key West means sparkling white sand. However, they are far and in between. Fort Zachary Taylor is actually an exception. This three story brick fortress has the largest collection of Civil War Cannons. In fact, you will also find some nature trails in this area. Moreover, if you are interested in snorkeling, this place offers you that opportunity, too.  
Higgs Beach
This is far from the Old Town in Key West. This is quite a popular spot where you can soak in the bright sun rays. As a matter of fact, you can also take a dip in the shallow water. There are options of tropical water sports. If you want you can simply relax with your kids. Thus, you can do this by renting the beach chairs, umbrellas, paddle boards, and kayaks.
The post Key West Day Trip Itinerary appeared first on Miami to Key West Tours Guides.
from Miami to Key West Tours Guides https://www.miamitokeywesttoursguides.com/key-west-day-trip-itinerary/
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tonydsmith · 5 years
Key West Day Trip Itinerary
Key West Day Trip Itinerary: Plan the Trip with Kids
If you plan to visit Key West with your kids, you need to make the Key West Day trip itinerary. Keep in mind that Key West is not a Disney World. Fortunately enough, there are several family-friendly activities. This is far away from the drudgery of the regular life. You just need to know where to look.
Key West Day Trip Itinerary
If you want to have some fun plan the Key West day trip itinerary by checking out this key attractions.
Dolphin Safari
One thing that both kids and adults like in the sea is the dolphin. You can simply jump on to the Dolphin Safari. This is six boat passengers which enables you to see the dolphin wild. In this safari, you will be able to check out sea turtles, manatees, and also sting rays. You can drop some tropical pineapple in the water and you will notice the fish go crazy. As a matter of fact, you will also notice playful dolphins playing in the open water.  You can jump in the water while your kids stay on the boat. It is better to book the afternoon tour as it will enable you to wrap up the trip with the beautiful Key West sunset. Thus, you will have a breathtaking view.
Conch Tour Train
Kids tend to love train. Thus, you can take your kid for a ride in the Conch tour train. These are bright yellow trains which follow the meandering routes of the Old Town of 1958. This is best way to be acquainted with the island and its history. Children under 12 years can take this ride for free. You will be provided with a guide. They will offer you an insight into the historic district. Moreover, they will offer a commentary on the legends of the city. Hence, your kids will be able to learn a lot.
Shipwreck Museum
You can plan your Key West Day itinerary around the Shipwreck Museum. Your kids will learn the history with bells and whistles. Moreover, the authorities will greet you with 15-live story telling presentation before they offer tutoring on the museum. Here, your kids will come across the 17th and 18th century artifacts. Along with this, they can be part of the audio recordings and video presentations. You and your kids can head to the 65 foot lookout tower. This will offer a stunning view of the island and also the surrounding water. If you are interested in checking out a real shipwreck, you can take a look at the Mel Fisher Museum.
Eco Discovery Center
When snorkeling and museum tours become boring, you can opt for a tour of the eco discovery center. Here, your kids will be able to learn a thing or two. The Eco Discovery Center will offer your kids a look into the Florida Key’s ecosystem. As a matter of fact, loving star of this place is the Living Reef exhibit.
Fort Zachary Taylor State Park
People believe that traveling to Key West means sparkling white sand. However, they are far and in between. Fort Zachary Taylor is actually an exception. This three story brick fortress has the largest collection of Civil War Cannons. In fact, you will also find some nature trails in this area. Moreover, if you are interested in snorkeling, this place offers you that opportunity, too.
Higgs Beach
This is far from the Old Town in Key West. This is quite a popular spot where you can soak in the bright sun rays. As a matter of fact, you can also take a dip in the shallow water. There are options of tropical water sports. If you want you can simply relax with your kids. Thus, you can do this by renting the beach chairs, umbrellas, paddle boards, and kayaks.
The post Key West Day Trip Itinerary appeared first on Miami to Key West Tours Guides.
from Miami to Key West Tours Guides https://www.miamitokeywesttoursguides.com/key-west-day-trip-itinerary/ from Miami to Key West Tours Guides https://miamitokeywesttoursguides.tumblr.com/post/185699697681
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erickrichards · 5 years
Key West Day Trip Itinerary
Key West Day Trip Itinerary: Plan the Trip with Kids
If you plan to visit Key West with your kids, you need to make the Key West Day trip itinerary. Keep in mind that Key West is not a Disney World. Fortunately enough, there are several family-friendly activities. This is far away from the drudgery of the regular life. You just need to know where to look.
Key West Day Trip Itinerary
If you want to have some fun plan the Key West day trip itinerary by checking out this key attractions.
Dolphin Safari
One thing that both kids and adults like in the sea is the dolphin. You can simply jump on to the Dolphin Safari. This is six boat passengers which enables you to see the dolphin wild. In this safari, you will be able to check out sea turtles, manatees, and also sting rays. You can drop some tropical pineapple in the water and you will notice the fish go crazy. As a matter of fact, you will also notice playful dolphins playing in the open water.  You can jump in the water while your kids stay on the boat. It is better to book the afternoon tour as it will enable you to wrap up the trip with the beautiful Key West sunset. Thus, you will have a breathtaking view.
Conch Tour Train
Kids tend to love train. Thus, you can take your kid for a ride in the Conch tour train. These are bright yellow trains which follow the meandering routes of the Old Town of 1958. This is best way to be acquainted with the island and its history. Children under 12 years can take this ride for free. You will be provided with a guide. They will offer you an insight into the historic district. Moreover, they will offer a commentary on the legends of the city. Hence, your kids will be able to learn a lot.
Shipwreck Museum
You can plan your Key West Day itinerary around the Shipwreck Museum. Your kids will learn the history with bells and whistles. Moreover, the authorities will greet you with 15-live story telling presentation before they offer tutoring on the museum. Here, your kids will come across the 17th and 18th century artifacts. Along with this, they can be part of the audio recordings and video presentations. You and your kids can head to the 65 foot lookout tower. This will offer a stunning view of the island and also the surrounding water. If you are interested in checking out a real shipwreck, you can take a look at the Mel Fisher Museum.
Eco Discovery Center
When snorkeling and museum tours become boring, you can opt for a tour of the eco discovery center. Here, your kids will be able to learn a thing or two. The Eco Discovery Center will offer your kids a look into the Florida Key’s ecosystem. As a matter of fact, loving star of this place is the Living Reef exhibit.
Fort Zachary Taylor State Park
People believe that traveling to Key West means sparkling white sand. However, they are far and in between. Fort Zachary Taylor is actually an exception. This three story brick fortress has the largest collection of Civil War Cannons. In fact, you will also find some nature trails in this area. Moreover, if you are interested in snorkeling, this place offers you that opportunity, too.  
Higgs Beach
This is far from the Old Town in Key West. This is quite a popular spot where you can soak in the bright sun rays. As a matter of fact, you can also take a dip in the shallow water. There are options of tropical water sports. If you want you can simply relax with your kids. Thus, you can do this by renting the beach chairs, umbrellas, paddle boards, and kayaks.
The post Key West Day Trip Itinerary appeared first on Miami to Key West Tours Guides.
from https://www.miamitokeywesttoursguides.com/key-west-day-trip-itinerary/
from Miami to Key West Tours Guides - Blog http://miamitokeywesttoursguides.weebly.com/blog/key-west-day-trip-itinerary9219720
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Key West Day Trip Itinerary
Key West Day Trip Itinerary: Plan the Trip with Kids
If you plan to visit Key West with your kids, you need to make the Key West Day trip itinerary. Keep in mind that Key West is not a Disney World. Fortunately enough, there are several family-friendly activities. This is far away from the drudgery of the regular life. You just need to know where to look.
Key West Day Trip Itinerary
If you want to have some fun plan the Key West day trip itinerary by checking out this key attractions.
Dolphin Safari
One thing that both kids and adults like in the sea is the dolphin. You can simply jump on to the Dolphin Safari. This is six boat passengers which enables you to see the dolphin wild. In this safari, you will be able to check out sea turtles, manatees, and also sting rays. You can drop some tropical pineapple in the water and you will notice the fish go crazy. As a matter of fact, you will also notice playful dolphins playing in the open water.  You can jump in the water while your kids stay on the boat. It is better to book the afternoon tour as it will enable you to wrap up the trip with the beautiful Key West sunset. Thus, you will have a breathtaking view.
Conch Tour Train
Kids tend to love train. Thus, you can take your kid for a ride in the Conch tour train. These are bright yellow trains which follow the meandering routes of the Old Town of 1958. This is best way to be acquainted with the island and its history. Children under 12 years can take this ride for free. You will be provided with a guide. They will offer you an insight into the historic district. Moreover, they will offer a commentary on the legends of the city. Hence, your kids will be able to learn a lot.
Shipwreck Museum
You can plan your Key West Day itinerary around the Shipwreck Museum. Your kids will learn the history with bells and whistles. Moreover, the authorities will greet you with 15-live story telling presentation before they offer tutoring on the museum. Here, your kids will come across the 17th and 18th century artifacts. Along with this, they can be part of the audio recordings and video presentations. You and your kids can head to the 65 foot lookout tower. This will offer a stunning view of the island and also the surrounding water. If you are interested in checking out a real shipwreck, you can take a look at the Mel Fisher Museum.
Eco Discovery Center
When snorkeling and museum tours become boring, you can opt for a tour of the eco discovery center. Here, your kids will be able to learn a thing or two. The Eco Discovery Center will offer your kids a look into the Florida Key’s ecosystem. As a matter of fact, loving star of this place is the Living Reef exhibit.
Fort Zachary Taylor State Park
People believe that traveling to Key West means sparkling white sand. However, they are far and in between. Fort Zachary Taylor is actually an exception. This three story brick fortress has the largest collection of Civil War Cannons. In fact, you will also find some nature trails in this area. Moreover, if you are interested in snorkeling, this place offers you that opportunity, too.  
Higgs Beach
This is far from the Old Town in Key West. This is quite a popular spot where you can soak in the bright sun rays. As a matter of fact, you can also take a dip in the shallow water. There are options of tropical water sports. If you want you can simply relax with your kids. Thus, you can do this by renting the beach chairs, umbrellas, paddle boards, and kayaks.
The post Key West Day Trip Itinerary appeared first on Miami to Key West Tours Guides.
from Miami to Key West Tours Guides https://www.miamitokeywesttoursguides.com/key-west-day-trip-itinerary/
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erickrichards · 5 years
Key West Day Trip Itinerary
Key West Day Trip Itinerary: Plan the Trip with Kids
If you plan to visit Key West with your kids, you need to make the Key West Day trip itinerary. Keep in mind that Key West is not a Disney World. Fortunately enough, there are several family-friendly activities. This is far away from the drudgery of the regular life. You just need to know where to look.
Key West Day Trip Itinerary
If you want to have some fun plan the Key West day trip itinerary by checking out this key attractions.
Dolphin Safari
One thing that both kids and adults like in the sea is the dolphin. You can simply jump on to the Dolphin Safari. This is six boat passengers which enables you to see the dolphin wild. In this safari, you will be able to check out sea turtles, manatees, and also sting rays. You can drop some tropical pineapple in the water and you will notice the fish go crazy. As a matter of fact, you will also notice playful dolphins playing in the open water.  You can jump in the water while your kids stay on the boat. It is better to book the afternoon tour as it will enable you to wrap up the trip with the beautiful Key West sunset. Thus, you will have a breathtaking view.
Conch Tour Train
Kids tend to love train. Thus, you can take your kid for a ride in the Conch tour train. These are bright yellow trains which follow the meandering routes of the Old Town of 1958. This is best way to be acquainted with the island and its history. Children under 12 years can take this ride for free. You will be provided with a guide. They will offer you an insight into the historic district. Moreover, they will offer a commentary on the legends of the city. Hence, your kids will be able to learn a lot.
Shipwreck Museum
You can plan your Key West Day itinerary around the Shipwreck Museum. Your kids will learn the history with bells and whistles. Moreover, the authorities will greet you with 15-live story telling presentation before they offer tutoring on the museum. Here, your kids will come across the 17th and 18th century artifacts. Along with this, they can be part of the audio recordings and video presentations. You and your kids can head to the 65 foot lookout tower. This will offer a stunning view of the island and also the surrounding water. If you are interested in checking out a real shipwreck, you can take a look at the Mel Fisher Museum.
Eco Discovery Center
When snorkeling and museum tours become boring, you can opt for a tour of the eco discovery center. Here, your kids will be able to learn a thing or two. The Eco Discovery Center will offer your kids a look into the Florida Key’s ecosystem. As a matter of fact, loving star of this place is the Living Reef exhibit.
Fort Zachary Taylor State Park
People believe that traveling to Key West means sparkling white sand. However, they are far and in between. Fort Zachary Taylor is actually an exception. This three story brick fortress has the largest collection of Civil War Cannons. In fact, you will also find some nature trails in this area. Moreover, if you are interested in snorkeling, this place offers you that opportunity, too.  
Higgs Beach
This is far from the Old Town in Key West. This is quite a popular spot where you can soak in the bright sun rays. As a matter of fact, you can also take a dip in the shallow water. There are options of tropical water sports. If you want you can simply relax with your kids. Thus, you can do this by renting the beach chairs, umbrellas, paddle boards, and kayaks.
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