#secret courtier馃挄
empireofpearls-if 1 year
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Embark on a captivating journey as you assume the identity of Birbal, a brilliant prodigy, and immerse yourself in the enigmatic realm of the Mughal Empire. Behold a world thrown into chaos following the demise of Emperor Humayun, as a mere 14-year-old Akbar inherits the illustrious throne. Your choices shall shape the destiny of this young monarch, as you aid him in becoming the legendary emperor he's destined to be, or plunge the empire into turmoil by orchestrating a web of subversion and deceit. The power to shape an empire lies within your hands.
Amidst a cast of colorful characters, tread cautiously as you determine which souls can be deemed trustworthy, while remaining ever vigilant for those who may, with a swift and treacherous strike, plunge a dagger deep into your unsuspecting back. In this enthralling tale of loyalty and betrayal, the art of discerning friend from foe becomes your most vital survival skill. Make allies, face challenges and uncover hidden secrets. Just as internal conflict reaches a boiling point, the walls of the royal palace begin to tremble, beckoning you take a stance. Whose side will you embrace?
Empire of Pearls: A Mughal Tale is an interactive story inspired by historical events. It is set at the beginning of Abu'l-Fath Jalal-ud-din Muhammad聽Akbar's reign as the youngest-ever Mughal Emperor where you play as his most trusted advisor and friend, Birbal. This reimagined work is entirely text-based and your choices help shape Birbal's personality, skills, relationship with others, and of course the fate of the Empire.
Content warning: This game explores dark themes such as abuse, bullying, manipulation, use of drugs and alcohol, blood, gore, violence etc. and is strictly rated 18+. Besides that more in depth warnings will be provided before each chapter and certain trigger points can be turned off completely at the start of the game.
Demo | Character Appearances | Tags | FAQ |
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Play as male or female and choose your real name and sexuality.
Customize your appearance and personality.
Choose one of three different backgrounds that will impact your reputation and relationships:
A noble possessing a remarkable talent, invited to join the court by Emperor Humayun himself; a child of a maid serving a powerful military commander, hired on the recommendation of the commander or a street urchin caught stealing from the royal palace, rewarded with a place in the elite circle owing to the incredible feat.
Romance any of the five different love interests or not. Friendship is always an option.
Be a part of an elite group of courtiers serving none other than Emperor Akbar and shape the fate of the Empire.
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Abu'l-Fath Jalal-ud-din Muhammad聽Akbar (he/him) 馃挄 : The newly crowned young emperor. Friendly and affable, the ruler has a tendency to be a bit impulsive at times. Despite his age he has been preparing for this role for years and doesn't seem at all nervous to be the new monarch. Akbar can be a powerful friend and an equally dangerous foe. How he perceives you vary depending on your background. A year younger than Birbal.
Bairam Khan (he/him): A military commander and the most trusted ally of the throne until the death of Emperor Humayun. Since then he has been promoted to commander-in-chief, if that wasn't all he also happens to be Akbar's guardian, chief mentor and advisor. Bairam knows his way around the empire but can you actually trust this man?
Ruqaiya Sultan Begum (she/her) 馃挄: An aloof but fiercely loyal woman and Akbar's first wife. Being cousins, neither of them ever saw each other as anything but friends. But Ruqaiya also hides a big secret, one that has her loathing herself. Will you able to form a deep enough connection to assist her in embracing her true self and breaking free from her constraints? A year younger than Birbal.
Salima Sultan Begum (she/her): A strong and intelligible woman and Akbar's second wife. She feels heavily undervalued and undermined by the court which causes her to constantly act out and push the boundaries of what is acceptable for a woman. Though she sees Akbar as a friend, anything more than that with anyone is unfathomable to her. Two years younger than Birbal.
Mahira Khan Mughal (she/her) 馃挄: A softspoken and timid young woman sold as a political pawn by her own father to become Akbar's third wife. Mahira longs for companionship and understanding which she can't find in the palace but you can fill that void in her life by secretly courting her or by providing the friendship she desperately craves. Two years younger than Birbal.
Arslan Khan (he/him)馃挄: The son of Bairam Khan and another young prodigy, seemingly possessing supernatural powers and later becoming known as the legendary Mulla Do-Pyaza. With a mixture of rivalry and occasional bullying, he views Birbal as a formidable adversary. Arslan, driven by an insatiable desire for his father's approval, harbors a volatile temper that ignites at the mere mention of insults hurled towards his family. Peering beyond the myth, can you uncover the man within? A year older than Birbal.
Nadeem/Nadia Mirza (opposite gender of Birbal) 馃挄: Birbal's betrothed and distant cousin of Akbar. A noble with a secret lover, N only accepted the marriage offer because it was arranged by commander-in-chief Bairam Khan himself and it was made obvious that refusal would not bear good consequences for their family. Can you form a connection with your betrothed despite the rocky start? Two years older than Birbal.
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juliettecxi 3 years
your secret courtier here! i see you like awae! that's awesome! it's one of my favorite shows, ever. do you have any favorite chracters and ships from the show? mine are diana, ruby, & ms. stacey, and my favorite ships are diana + jerry, ruby + moody, & ms stacey and bash / mary and bash. what about you? (also, i need your feelings on the show being cancelled!)
Anne with an E is one of the first ever shows I was 100% invested in.. I mean it's one of the first book remakes I've seen that was so different yet so GOOD. And it most definitely is one of my favourite shows ever 馃槏
My favourite characters were Anne, Gilbert, Diana, Jerry, Bash and miss Stacy and also prissy whom in my opinion had one of the best character arcs ever! Wait and how could I forget Cole and aunt Josephine!
My favourite ships were Shirbert (these two were such idiots tho but I love them so much ahhh馃槱) bash and Mary (her death was so sad 馃槩 ) and although Diana and Jerry would have been cute, It wasn't explored enough for me so... I'm on the fence there...
As for cancelling...They shouldn't have cancelled the show! There was so much potential for one more season atleast and the reason it was cancelled was because people between 25 and 50 weren't watching the show? ?? A show about a young girl who's growth from childhood to adulthood is explored ? ? Who would've thought! (*screams in frustration*) I mean they could've showed so much! They were all going to college! 1800s college antics? Hello? It was also a really good show when it came to social issues and all in all it was that show 馃槑 but netflix always cuts the good ones so no suprise there 馃槱
Atleast the first 3 seasons will always be there whenever I want to watch sooo.. some solace there I guess... also there is always fanfiction soo 馃槀
This was fun to talk about.. thanks for asking hon!
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juliettecxi 3 years
that鈥檚 great, i鈥檓 so glad! i鈥檇 love to get to know you better! do you have any favorite fandoms and characters? - secret courtier 馃挄
hey hon! 馃挄
uuhhhh I love way too many fandoms but if I were to list a few I love/ recently got obsessed with I鈥檇 say
Favourite books (In no particular order)
PJO (all time fave classic)
The mortal instruments and The infernal devices (love love love)
The lunar chronicles (Read it recently and it was love at first page)
Favourite Characters (In no particular order)
Percy Jackson (Very relatable)
All the lunar chronicles characters聽
Will herondale (My BAE)
Simon Lewis (He鈥檚 such a mood sometimes)
Magnus Bane (He鈥檚 Magnus, what鈥檚 not to like)
Annabeth Chase (She鈥檚 amazing )
Well that鈥檚 all I can think of for now, and if there are any fandoms in my description you would like to explore or ask me about, let me know! 馃挄
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juliettecxi 3 years
hello! your secret courtier here! how has your day been so far? 馃挄
Hiiiiiii!!!! It's been great! I'm super excited about this lmao
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