#seconded xx
allgreekbitch · 27 days
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abouttofillhisshoes · 1 month
Do you see me? - Matty Healy
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A/N: okay it's sort of short and a bit shit and i played around with the dynamic so it might seem off xx thanks @beforeyougo-turnthebiglightoff you absolute legend for finding the titles for my blurbs by scouring the 1975's discography based off my extremely vague parameters❤️
wc: 3.5k
content warnings: matty in lingerie (again), mpind typical cursing, bondage (handcuffs), thigh riding, cumplay, begging, switch! Matty, oral (f receiving), dirty talk, matty being a knob as per use
Your head is throbbing, the beat of the shitty house music still echoing in your skull even twenty minutes later. Matty is hanging on your arm, weighing you down as he rambles on about how shit the drinks were, and that you shouldn't have bothered going out in the first place. He was right, the diluted alcohol and trashy EDM ruining a perfectly good sunday night, better spent at an actual club instead of some random blokes house. 
Matty’s hands grip your back as you push the front door open, keeping his balance as the platform boots he had borrowed from you made it quite difficult to walk normally. The light in the foyer automatically comes on, the fancy motion sensors painting the space in a warm glow, casting a shadow over the unorganized pile of shoes on the floor.  
His hands run up your sides as you toe your heels off, tugging your dress down when it rides up, lace scratching the skin of your thighs. Your choice of attire this evening was a tight bodycon dress, red lace details adorning the neckline and bottom hem, a pretty contrast against the black fabric, clinging to your body like a second skin. Matty’s mouth fell open when he saw you slip it on, adjusting its straps in the floor length mirror in your bedroom. 
“Look so pretty tonight, love this dress on you.” he mumbled as his eyes raked up and down your body, drinking you in. 
The party was a flop, both of you promising never to go to that specific house ever again, also deciding to better stay clear of the friend that had extended the invite. 
Since you arrived, his hands were always on some part of your body, whether they were wrapped around your waist, resting on your lower back, or intertwined with yours, his thumb rubbing small circles into the back of your hand. 
Matty leans down to press a kiss to your glossed lips, a peck quickly transforming into his fingers weaving into your hair, pulling you against him. You give into his touch, your bodies flush as he pushes you backwards in the direction of the living room, your knees hitting something wooden. 
“Just- yeah, this is better.” he says as he seats you down onto his posh little decorative chair, the wood smooth against the back of your thighs. Matty’s favorite piece of furniture was a oak wood sitting room chair, the armrests cared to look like trees and flowers, painted in pretty pastels. You always found it a bit morbid, seeing as a tree had died to create it, and painting its living counterpart onto a corpse wasn't really to your taste. 
His lips are hot against yours, tongue licking into your mouth with fervor as you sigh into the kiss, letting your eyes droop closed. Your breathing is heavy, chest heaving against his as he leans over you, dominating the kiss. It felt odd, him above you while you let him kiss you, not the other way around. Lost in your thoughts, you don't even notice one of his hands stop touching you. 
The click is impossible loud as you feel a cool sensation on the skin of your wrist. Your eyes snap open, landing on Matty first before dragging down to your left hand, a pair of handcuffs coming into view. It takes a few seconds for it to actually click. Handcuffs. Matty had handcuffs, and they were on you, also on the armrest. Wait, what? 
Matty chuckles at your confusion, taking the opportunity to reach into his back pocket, pulling out another pair, snapping them onto your right wrist before you could even react properly.   
“What the fuck- Matty?” you sound a bit panicked, tugging at the restraints, not really understanding the purpose of his actions. That was, until you see a filthy smirk spread onto your boyfriend's face.
“Let me out, I swear to fucking god. I don't care what you are playing at.” you resort to immediately throwing around threats, the feeling of being trapped overwhelming you. All he does is watch you struggle, a mischievous expression on his face. 
He presses a finger to your lips, shushing you condescending as cures spill from your lips, the metal of the handcuffs harshly digging into your skin.
“In a bind?” he taunts, his hand stroking your face as you glare at him, not liking the lack of control you possessed. It felt strange, your eyes searching his for a hint of humor, maybe this was a prank? A crude joke to rile you up, his incessant need for attention always finding new, innovative ways to get it from you.
“Fuck you, what do you want?” you spit, eyes narrowing in suspicion. 
“There's so many things I want, but let's start with a simple task first.” he twirls a strand of his hair around his finger, pouting at you. Annoyance bubbles up inside of you, threatening to overflow.
“Be nice to me, won't you? I’ve put in so much effort into your seduction, give me some credit.” His definition of effort was distracting you long enough to snap two pairs of expensive looking handcuffs onto your wrists, but it was more elaborate than his usual routine, which was constantly being nuisance until you gave in. 
“Seduction? More like trickery, you dickhead.” he winces at your insult, clutching his chest over his heart, playing up his offense. 
He tuts at you, mimicking exactly what you did whenever he mouthed off at you. The lightbulb in your head finally clicks on. 
“You could have just told me you wanted attention.” your expression darkens as his eyes dart around, acting caught. That couldn't really be it, right? This was way to much extravagance, even for Matty 
“That's it, isn't it?” he waves a hand to dismiss your words and you scoff, bewildered and intrigued, wondering how long he was going to keep this up for until he finally gave up, letting you free. He spins around on the heel of his foot, hips swaying as took a few steps away from you 
“Watch me.” His voice is thick, sultry, different.
He faces you, his whole body shamelessly on display for you to gawk at. A thin white button down covers his chest, the first four buttons already open, showing traces of his tattoos. The leather trousers he wears look painted onto him, clinging to his legs, the waist of them so low it was obscene.
His fingers work at the remaining buttons as you drink him in, unabashedly staring at his lower half, the leather barely concealing his growing erection. 
The faint trail of hair under his belly button becomes visible as the shirt slips down his shoulders, pooling onto the ground next to his feet. His hands run over his skin, feeling himself up while you sit exactly three feet away, unable to do anything about it but watch, the sight driving you insane. 
He had never denied you like this before, always being ready and willing for you to touch him, feel him, graze your nails over his cock as his back arched into you, begging for relief. It had always been the other way around, Matty on his knees, pleading for your hands, mouth, anything. 
“You're so rough with me.” His voice is whiny as he makes eye contact with you, trailing his fingers over the myriad of hickeys and bite marks that littered his neck, all various shades of purple and red, some faded more than others.
“So aggressive, turns me on.” he breathes harshly, pressing down onto a particularly prominent mark, hissing at the pain that radiated from it. 
“Does it now?” you say, fighting to keep your composure.  
“Yeah.” he parts his lips provocatively, throwing his head back as his hands leave his throat, running through his tangled mess of curls instead.
“Is that why you wouldn't leave me alone at the party?” you try to keep your answers short and simple, attempting to conceal the blatant arousal clouding your mind. Your thighs clench together, your dress riding up slightly. 
“Among other things.” 
You swallow as he takes two steps towards you, his movements fluid and sensual, the look in his eye unrecognizable.
His hand suddenly grabs your face, squeezing it harshly between his fingers. Your lips pucker, a bit of drool falling onto his digits, and you can't do anything but take it, a foreign feeling taking over your body.
“Gorgeous.” he mutters, slipping his thumb past your parted lips. Breathless, you let him explore your mouth, saliva pooling on your tongue as he presses down. 
It all feels surreal, the way Matty just does, not once asking for permission. You can see that familiar glimmer in his eye, an unconscious urge to submit, to serve still present, even if his actions tell a completely different story.
“Do not take your eyes off me.” you nod mindlessly, like you’d ever dream of missing a second of what was happening in front of you. 
His slender fingers toy with the zipper of his trousers, and he smirks at the way you lunge forward, promptly hindered by the cuffs still around your wrists. You seem to keep forgetting that fact, your entire body on fire as he makes delicious eye contact with you, unbuttoning the leather. 
You stare, entranced by his movements, slow and deliberate, yet still never letting you get used to one singular thing. He pushes the trouser down, a hint of his underwear visible over the waistband.
Green catches your eye, and it's not until his fingers reach to snap the fabric against his skin that you realize what he’s wearing.  
“Let me out.” you warn, breathless. The panties you had eyed at that store, the ones he had put into the basket and paid for with a wink.
“LET ME OUT.” you pull violently, yanking at the metal, hoping it would snap off or break or something, anything to get your hands on Matty. He chuckles at your reaction, raising his eyebrows as you cease your struggle 
“Where's the fun in that?” he says, palming himself through the underwear, moaning at the relief. You whine, rapidly tapping your foot against the floor when you realize that your efforts are futile. Leave it to Matty to buy handcuffs made out of titanium, even if the pink color of them made them look cheap. 
“Matty, let me out- you can't just- not when you look like that.” you choke, not knowing where to look as he sets his hands on your shoulders, grinning wildly, the expression on your face satisfying him.
“Relax, let it happen.” he coos into your ear, his legs moving to straddle you in the spacious chair.
His lips catch yours in a passionate kiss, your teeth clashing against each other in a mess of spit and tongue. You moan pathetically into his mouth, your mind clouded in lust and desperation, begging him to uncuff you.
You let yourself be kissed, his mouth slowly moving down your jaw, nipping the skin with his teeth, leaving light scratch marks in their wake. 
He alternates between sucking and biting your neck, the sensation making you dizzy with need, your thighs squeezing together in an attempt to relieve some of the pressure.
“What do you feel?” he asks, pulling away to get a good look at your face. His eyes dart over your face, drinking in the mess he’d reduced you to. 
“You’re not in control, I have you. What do you feel?” he breathes against your ear, sucking the lobe between his teeth. Your breath hitches, a familiar heat spreading throughout your body, your nipples hardening under your dress as he cups your tits.
“It’s-” you gasp, being cut off by his erection grinding down onto your bare thigh.
“Good?” he finishes, the words dragged out as the pleasure blooms inside of him, all the blood in his head rushing south. 
“Amazing.” you know he cant help himself, and you tense your leg under him, feeling his cock twitch against you.
His arms wrap around your neck as he ruts against your thigh, moaning into your ear, holding nothing back. You whisper small praises back, encouraging him even if you don't want to, the blissed out look on his face making you crack a prideful smile. 
“Feels so good taking you like this, can't even put me in my place, can you?” he mumbles as the wet patch on the front of his panties grows larger, precum leaking onto your skin.
“You're fucking finished once I get out of this.” you threaten, fists clenching and unclenching around the armrests. 
“Is that a threat or a promise?” he deliberately pitches his voice, letting out performative moans as his hips stutter, the tip of his cock brushing against a rough bit of lace.
“God- fuck, you were onto something with these.” he snaps the waistband of his panties, hissing at the sting.
“Feels amazing, especially if it's you I'm rubbing up against.” his hand strokes your face, his chest and cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink as you eye him up and down, your lips slightly parted.  
“It’d feel so much better if you’d let me go.” you try, knowing it's futile to fight him. He pretends to ponder, stilling against your thigh as his eyes narrow in deep thought. You knew better than to believe it was a genuine debate, his filthy smirk returning when you realize he wasn't going to release you anytime soon. 
He laughs in your face, borderline delirious as he grinds against you, whimpering dirty strings of curses into your ear, his breath hot and intoxicating.
He uses you to get himself off, feeding off of the undivided attention you give him, your eyes never leaving his body. 
His moans grow louder as his cock leaks all over you, his panties completely ruined by now.
“F-fuck, i’m so close. Wanna watch me cum? See how good you make me feel- shit.”
Your pupils are blown out, eyes wide as you watch him cum with a choked groan, spilling all over your thigh, sullying the bottom part of your pretty dress.
Matty’s breathing is erratic, curses falling from his lips as he shakes from the force of his orgasm, his face buried into the crook of your neck as you squirm desperately.
“Are you satisfied?” you mumble, slightly fucked off at the fact that you hadn’t been able to touch him at all, that he had gotten there all on his own.
“Very.” his voice is muffled by your hair, his hands trailing up to cup your tits, groping them with a glint in his eye. You shiver under his touch, pleasure blooming from your chest.
“I could've done it better.” he chuckles at your words, pressing a sweet kiss to the side of your mouth.
“I know, but it was worth it seeing you all riled up.” you roll your eyes in annoyance, hips bucking upwards against the weight of him, searching for any sort of relief.
“Are you desperate?” he coos into your ear, his breath hot against your cheek as his fingers toy with the hem of your dress, covered in his cum.
You scoff at him, trying to calm down and steady your breath as he drops to his knees, nuzzling his face into your lap, peering up at you. 
He parts his lips, tongue lapping up the remnants of his orgasm, licking you clean. You feel the world spin around you, every single part of you screaming at him to you fucking do something.
“Please.” you force out, his hand parting your legs further.
“Oh?” there's a hint of victory in his voice, knowing he’s won. You were giving in, scooting to the edge of your seat, anything to get closer to him. 
His fingers push the lacey hem of your dress, your damp underwear visible against your aching cunt.
“You’re so wet, I can see it from here.” you blush, moving to close your legs. He stops your attempt, digging his nails into your skin.
“Keep them spread, m’gonna make you feel so good.” 
“I need you, please Matty fuck-” his palms grip your thighs as he mouths at your cunt, licking the fabric of your panties, occasionally grazing his teeth other your clothed clit. 
You whimper and moan, bucking into his mouth as he slips them off with his teeth, winking at you when you make eye contact. 
He balls your underwear up and throws it off to the side, forgotten, in the corner. Faced with your glistening core, he licks up your slit, relishing in the way you clench your walls around his tongue, getting lost in the taste of you. 
“It tastes so good, I could spend my whole life right here.” you can only whimper in response, the metal of the handcuffs around your wrists digging into your skin, the dull pain only amplifying the pleasure of Matty sucking your clit between his lips. 
Wet sounds fill the room as he lets you grind against his face, taking back a sliver of the control he had ripped away from you. You feel lightheaded, waves of pleasure washing over you as he doubles his efforts, almost as if trying to apologize for everything he had done to you up until this point. 
A particularly loud moan spills from your lips as he latches onto your clit once again, letting his teeth into the mix. It's slightly painful, but only adds to the overwhelming sensation, the elastic band in your core tightening more and more. He smirks and you feel it on your cunt, a filthy look on his face when he realizes you're close, only needing a little push to get you over that delicious edge. 
“Gonna cum for me? Make my face all dirty?” His voice is muffled, but you hear him loud and clear, his nails digging deep as he buries his tongue into your cunt, feeling you twitch and convulse, your orgasm so close you could taste it. 
“Oh god, i’m so close- fuck.”
“Cum all over my face, paint me yours.” he moans, sucking your clit between his wet lips, feeling you tense up, fingers clutching the armrests they were bound to for dear life. 
Your vision whites out for a few moments as you violently cum, thrashing and gasping for air as the pleasure washes over you in stages, Matty working you through it.
It takes a few moments for you to regain your position, Matty’s eyes peering up at you from his position on the ground, his mouth and chin covered in your slick. He licks his lips provocatively, moaning as the remnants of you hits his tongue, sickly sweet.  
He moves to uncuff you, your wrists an angry red from the fight you had put up earlier in the night. His mouth peppers light kisses over the bruises, quote un-quote “kissing it better”. It was endearing, watching him take such good care of you, even if you did insist that you were perfectly fine. 
“See how good it feels to let go?” he asks, trailing his fingers up your bare arm.
You nod, your hair sticking to your forehead as you breathe shallowly, completely exhausted. His expression is one of love, a genuine smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
“You’re so pretty like this, all fucked out. Finally I get to see the other perspective.” you chuckle, his words ringing true 
This was the first time in your relationship the roles had been even slightly reversed, him restraining you instead of the other way round. His cocky and confident nature, one that usually crumbled after skilled touches and a few whispered words, stayed present the entire way through, stripping you of the control you were used to. 
You were never opposed to him taking on the more dominant role, it was just that neither the situation, nor the opportunity had ever presented itself, with Matty always being more naturally submissive, dropping to his knees in front of you at the flip of a switch. 
You smile at him fondly, delicate fingers reach out to cup his face softly, mindlessly swiping at the skin
“You’ll be seeing a lot more of it if it feels like that.” he sniggers, his eyes crinkling up as laughter fills your ears.
“Does this mean I get to take pictures too?” he sounds so hopeful, making it impossible to just say ‘no’. You huff instead, a smile spreading onto your face, telling him all he needed to know. 
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kreachvera · 7 months
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shes got that toxic yuri grip.. WATCH OUT....!!
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big-barn-bed · 6 months
paul mccartney prostate orgasm
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trentione · 8 months
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— 5/10/23
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lesbiangiratina · 6 months
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bleachblomde · 3 months
The whole "kill Imogen before Ludinus can use her" discussion from 4sd and now the "expendable" conversation from e87 KILLS me because they are so so close. Ludinus doesn't need Imogen.
is not ruidusborn and bitter about it
has built a device that sucks the magical essence out of creatures (currently fey), but requires the user to be of the same magical essence
commissioned the conception of Fearne (gross) to be both ruidusborn and fey
is now surrounding himself with VERY POWERFUL RUIDUSBORN
I feel like it's been obvious for a while but Otohan fully TOLD THEM Ludinus needs Fearne for his plan to work. He set up his own personal food chain (food dominoes?) that currently goes:
fey -> Fearne -> all ruidusborn -> Predathos? -> the gods??
Imogen would be convenient on his side, and another source of power, but she is not the lynchpin. Fearne is. And right now she seems pretty cavalier about potentially getting caught :)
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istanbulite · 15 days
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im still stalking street cats btw
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ruvviks · 1 year
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FAR CRY 5 ➤ scenery [5/?]
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kyrup · 6 months
hoping it doesn't come to this but i'm mentally preparing myself for the ending where the stoats have to choose between allowing the Blue to keep existing or getting rid of it so that the First Stoats situation can never happen again. but. getting rid of the Blue gets rid of the only thing keeping Tula and Ava alive(?). BUT. keeping it around threatens the balance of the entire forest. possibly the world??
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a-chaotic-dumbass · 1 month
finally start reading asos again after a reading slump:
the very next chapter is dany's:
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silvyslayer42 · 11 months
Heyyy!! I read your saiki k headcanons, and I thoroughly enjoyed each and every one of them. I noticed you mentioned something about kusuo's lack of self-acceptance?? And how you think he's good angst material?? And honestly, I'm a sucker for protagonist angst so maybe could you drop some hcs about that? Or just expand on that idea?? Thanks xx
late answer because tumblr didn’t notify me about this ask 😭 love you btw anon, i would love to talk at as many people as possible about saiki angst despite not being very coherent right now and i will be doing it!!!!
ok so we see a lot in the series that saiki doesn’t believe anyone could really love him.
examples of this: saying that his love meter ability that has never not worked before must be “broken” when it shows that his parents also have that crazy high number for him (+ considering their love for him second place to their love for each other since he was BORN??), always denying the idea that he could have meaningful relationships (specifically friendships but literally any) on the basis that he is “too different” from other people despite having his reasoning proven wrong literally all of the time, insisting that teruhashi’s feelings for him don’t come from her actually liking him (along with yumehara and aiura’s but we don’t see it as much), not believing that kuusuke didn’t hate him, etc.
to me, it’s pretty obvious that he’s fallen into the same trap a lot of people do at some point. he can’t wrap his head around people liking/loving him, because he does not like/love himself. the same goes for hiding his powers in a way; of course there’s the overarching reason that he doesn’t want to bring all the trouble of being known to have all of these psychic powers onto himself, but i think there’s a bit more underlying that than how it appears. he does not truly accept that part of him, so he can’t imagine anyone else would either.
like i said before, it’s this non-acceptance that leads to his obsession with appearing average/normal, and why if he fulfilled the wish of being completely average i don’t think it would make him actually happy. it’s like when you don’t want to admit you’re trans so you go even harder with appearing cis kinda?? yea. but because what he really wants is a world that will accept him, he changed the standards of a normal appearance/thinking speed/regeneration speed rather than changing himself to meet those standards
i think that both the lack of self acceptance and of self love come mostly from things that happened during his formative years. my favorite ones to explore are 1. him accidentally hurting akechi with his rage when they were kids and 2. kuusuke calling him a monster because why would you fucking say that kuusuke go sit in a corner and think about what you did. but those aren’t the only ones, there’s a lot going on there tbh
i hope this was satisfactory if you’re seeing this anon! i am about to pass out on my phone but i choose this over sleeping 🫶
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worstloki · 11 months
i think the funniest possible family drama to throw into Thor 1 would be if Laufey and Odin were brothers btw
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uservalentine · 2 years
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professional tourist
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solradguy · 10 months
happy evo 2003 mr badguy
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Happy EVO 2003 to you too, anon <3
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edge-oftheworld · 5 months
happy belated (in australia, it’s still on time for international fans) 28th birthday calum hood. thank you for sacrificing your soccer career to show the world your beautiful voice and killer bass lines and funny personality and wisdom and being such an integral part of the band as you guys prove again and again that you are what you always set out to be, a band that will last and keep making bangers that are also so genuine and musically expert and down to earth and fun. thank you for introducing me to secular buddhism too and inspiring me to practice my musical instruments
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