#sebastian looks so done oml
oreovideodisco · 7 months
happy halloween, everyone!!
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viridwns · 2 years
Can I request a soulmate!AU with either a yandere Sebastian or yandere Claude,you can pick whoever you like better.
A young lady is nearing the age where her soulmate mark will activate and draw her and her soulmate towards each other,but the problem is that she has already found someone she loves,unrelated to her mark.
Unfortunately when her mark activates,she very quickly learns that she is supposed to be bonded to a demon,and he’s not too happy to see his mate in love with someone else.
I love your requests oml
Yan!Sebastian x F!reader
warnings: yandere themes, unhealthy relationship, murder, godcomplex, misogyny, noncon, kidnapping, abuse
run rabbit run
The soulmate had been a gift by the the goddess venus, to help the love sick fools find their loved one, but as time went one, people stopped searching for the one whom bears the same mark. It was quite common now to marry someone who supposedly isn't your soulmate.
You were one of them.
You had met him at a ball from some nobel your father had business with. It was love at first sight. You had grown tired of dancing with many different suitors, so you decided to get some punch. And there he stood, drinking some wine. The two of you hit it off pretty quick, talking and laughing as the night grew shorter. He already had his soulmate mark; a simple ring around his wrist. It looked like some kind of bracelet. He had told you about his soulmate and that they did not like each other at all. They fought ever time they were together. So in a mutual agreement, they decided to split from one another and go their own paths. You were more than happy to hear this. And so a few months later on a beautiful summer day, he asked you to marry him and you had said yes.
The two of you were happy, soulmates or not, the two of you were in love. It hadn't even come to mind that your mark would appear in a few hours, you were too busy making yourself ready for the earl Phantomhive's yearly ball, where business associates could catch up and where ladies could gossip their heart out. Your soon to be husband stood in front of the carriage; he was in total awe as he saw the beauty that he had to honor to call his fiance.
You didn't even care to look when a pitch black feather appeared over your collar bone, you had only looked at it when the women began cheering for you, the mark being awfully exposed due to your low cut dress, that exposed your chest and stopped just above your breasts; just a bit of cleavage showing.
This of course drew allot of attention to you, but when you had calmly explained that you had already found the man of your dreams and that you weren't looking for the person whom bears the same mark anymore, many eyes drifted away again. Said fiance had also noticed the ruckus and came to your rescue, saving you from the last lingering eyes. Except from one pair.
Sebastian had noticed the screaming nobles from the corner where he was standing, being bored from hearing his master rant to another male. His eyes wandered to the group out of pure curiosity, wanting to know what the sudden outbursts caused. As he scanned the group, his eyes wandered to the center of the attention. you. You weren't all that special, although you were not bad for the eye, he had to give you that. If it was any other women he would've looked away after a few seconds. He would've done the same with you, if it wasn't for the mark on your collar bones. For the first time in centuries, he was surprised, astonished even. Demons were gifted the same thing as the humans, but they never really indulged in it as it was quite rare for a demon to find a mate. He had gotten a mark centuries ago, spend some time searching, but quickly gave up and never really thought about it again. But seeing the familiar feather, it was like all his senses heightened. His demon side kicked in, he couldn't keep his eyes of you, he wanted to devour you. Feel your skin, smell you, bite you, anything he desired. An overwhelming feeling to protect you and keep you washed over him. Your [S/C] skin looked so soft, your pure [E/C] eyes luring him in. Your hair framing your face perfectly and your awkward laugh tucking the corners of his lips upwards.
You were the one.
He placed his gloved hand on his side, his own mark being placed just above his hip. It was burning slightly. But the euphoric feeling disappeared quickly when a man took your hand and led you away from the group of bustling ladies. An immense anger grew inside him as his first instinct was to rip the man's head off, but he kept himself calm, for the sake for this ball. But as hours went by and you were enjoying yourself with the man who didn't have the same mark as you, he grew more and more agitated. He watched you dance with him, convincing himself you were probably confused with the feelings you had from him, trying not to blame you for being with the man who wasn't your soulmate. But when you were the one that leaned in for a kiss, something snapped. The perfect opportunity to get you away from this busy room walked right in front of him. Mey-Rin was wobbling with a tray full of champagne filled glasses. He grinned as you walked closer to her and on the right moment he so casually put his lanky legs in front of Mey-Rin's foot and just like he had hoped, she fell over; the champagne flying everywhere, including on you. And like the gentleman he was, he offered you some dry clothes and a place to clean up. Which you gladly accepted. Your fiance of course needing to go with you, much to his annoyance, but it would make his plan shorter so he didn't protest.
You huffed as you were led inside a room by Phantomhive's head butler. Your fiance waiting patiently by the door as the butler gave you some spare dresses from lady Midford; earl Ciel's fiance.
"If there is anything else you need, just give me a call." He smiled at you as he bowed slightly, you smiled back and nodded. "I shall need your name first if you want me to call specifically for you." You laughed. His smile only grew wider to the point is unsettled you slightly. "But of course milady. My name is Sebastian." You nodded and gave a small curtsy before thanking him. He nodded and left the room, leaving you to clean yourself up. You walked over to the large mirror in the corner of the room, adorning the mark that appeared just moments ago. with a look of approval, you admired it. The mark was placed on a rather nasty spot, and it was quite big, but that didn't change the beauty it had. The feather was very detailed, it almost looked real. You traced the shape of it with the tip of your fingers, getting goosebumps as you did so. You didn't know if it was meant to feel like this, but the spot was quite hot and it was burning slightly. You stood there with a pained expression, only wearing your white under dress. A knock on the bedroom chamber ripped you from your thoughts. You frowned as a sigh left your lips.
"Who is it? My lord is it you?" No answer back. You squinted your eyes as you slowly waddled to the door. You placed your ear against the wood and listened closely, thinking it was some kind of prank from your fiance. No sound was heard. Your suspicion rose as you opened the door. Only for you fiance to fall in front of your feet. A gasp escaped your mouth as your chest rose and fell in a frantic manor. He wasn't moving. A pool of blood surrounded his chest area, your eyes grew wide as the only thing you could do was scream, but before you could even part your lips, your vision went black. The butler, Sebastian, catching you. His eyes glowing red.
Your eyes fluttered open, at least that was what you thought. The room you were in was pitch black. Memories from before flashed before your eyes and you shot up. immediate regret filled your veins as pain shot through your neck down to your back. Trying to ignore the sering pain, you used your hands to get a sense of your surroundings. You were sitting on something soft, a mattress clearly, you let your hands wander further and felt the edges of wood. You were on a bed of wood, that is something. That means you are probably in a bedroom, which means there must be curtains somewhere blocking the light from entering the room. So with careful movements you sat yourself on the edge of the bed, your feet dangling above the ground. You hopped off, a bit wobbly as your legs were still sleeping. Your cautiously felt your way around the room, bumping against the bedside table in process. After a few seconds of shuffling, you had found some soft fabric and you smiled, giving it a hard tuck. You squinted a bit as the full moon greeted you. It was still night, or had you slept an entire day? Before you could even question the situation further, the door creaked open. You spun around, another spurt of pain shooting through your body. You grabbed the edges of the windowsill as the male you had came to know as Sebastian stood in the doorway.
"Oh you're awake? Good, I thought might had knocked you in a coma with how fragile humans, especially the female race, can be." He smiled at you as he came in with a tray of, what seemed like, fruit. He put the tray on a small table in the corner as he started to light some candles. You glared at him from your spot at the window and looked over you shoulder. But his voice led your gaze back to him.
"I wouldn't even try that. We are somewhere deep in the woods. Even if you manage to escape me, you will never escape this forest." With in the blink of an eye he stood before you. You gulped as he leaned forward, his hands resting next to your; entrapping you between his arms. The two of you stared at each other as he inspected your face. Lifting his arm to trace your cheekbone. You flinched at his cold hand, noticing the large star engraved in it. His black nails were pitch black and fear started to grow in the pit of your stomach. "I- I wasn't trying to do anything." Your voice was barely above a whisper. He hummed as his eyes filled with amusement. He was so close, you could feel his eyes piercing into your soul as you tried to turn away from him. This only seemed to fuel his amusement as he slowly guided his hand to your collar bones. The flimsy underdress giving you barely any coverage. As he touched your mark, his cold hand made you shiver all over. "You know what this mark means?" He questioned you, still tracing the mark. You dared to look at him and nodded. Your throat feeling dry as you remembered what he had done to your fiance. "It's a soulmate mark." Was all you could croak out. He nodded. "Indeed, the soulmate mark shows you who you belong to. To whom or in this case to what, your soul is connected to." He finished as he backed away from you, his neat butler outfit gone and replaced with just some black trousers and a white button up. He lifted his blouse and pulled his pants down just a bit, to reveal the exact same feather you had on your collarbone. The black jumping out on his inhumanly pale skin. You choked on your spit. He was your soulmate. A psychotic murderer was your soulmate.
"This can't be..." You whsipered in disbelief, moving away from the window to create as much distance as possible between the two of you. "Oh but it is my sweet darling." He grinned as he stalked your cowered form, like a predator would stalk his prey before devouring them. "This mark means your mine, your soul is mine. So you would understand i was rather displeased when you were having such intimacy with another human." His tone of voice was too steady, too calm. You only backed away further, hitting the edge of the bed. The door was still wide open and there was plenty of distance between you and him. It only took on more step from him for you to bolt to the door, but just like moments before, he had you in mere seconds. You trashed in his grip as he pinned you to the ground, holding your fragile wrists easily in his large hand. Tears streamed across your cheeks as you called for help, but everything was hopeless. "I am not yours! You killed the man i loved! How on earth could i possibly be binded to a monster like you!" You screamed in his face. He only sat there on you, watching your struggling form. Only when you had given up on moving and tears stopped coming from your eyes was when he decided to speak again. "I am a monster yes, a monster who is far greater than you. You should be grateful. I will forever protect you and care for you if you follow my every command, but if you want to act like a spoiled brat..." He trailed off as his grip on your wirsts tightened. The blood flow being cut off and an uncomfortable pain tickling your nerves. You cried out as he moved even closer to you, his ice cold lips brushing yours. "...Well i suppose you are smart enough to know what will happen." You didn't dare to move as he connected his lips with yours. New tears formed in your eyes as his bruising grip on your wrists slowly loosened. He was rough, a little bit too rough. He bit and tuck at your bottom lip and you could feel the hot bitter liquid entering your mouth. His mouth was red with your blood as he slowly licked it off. His glowing red eyes were filled with lust as you lay there crying beneath him, wrists and lips bruising. "You taste delicious, darling." Was the only thing he said before diving in for a one sided kiss again.
He was making sure you knew whom you belonged too that night and the nights that followed. You beared his mark and you had to endure the consequences of having so.
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anewp0tat0 · 3 years
new chapter new post where I scream to my personal void YEAAAAAA
first of all while I'm not so much one to complain about the chapter length... I hope I'm allowed to appreciate the gift that we got this month😍 more than 15 pages thank you yana!
I would like to start off with:
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this isn't the meeting I expected but it sure is realistic. those two are so pure. finny oml you're too good... also was he always taller than meyrin and I didn't notice???
and now here we get an answer to a question... not the answer I expect-
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so- ciel really didn't know. I know that what read is a fan translation so maybe the original is completely different. but what I'm gathering here is that, Sebastian really just bolted, went to America, dragged back this soldier all without ciels knowledge??? or consent??? ok maybe Sebastian was sent to America for a reason... what reason??!?! will we ever know? it's ok if not but... yana explain, explain...
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😭 she really drew "canabalism" out of a hat and went "ooo let's add that now
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also I just would like to say that I love ciels outfit in this chapter?? look of course I adore ciels ouji type fashion, it's aesthetic, it's beautiful, we love it. but this one here feels a tad more, historical I'll say?(well not the short trousers but regardless)... and I adore it!
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;~; why did you do this... when can we know. uuuuuuuuugh come oooooon am I gonna cry. will you like that.
interesting if he does ACTUALLY end up being a father, because I've never once considered him fatherly. though, ig that's one realistic aspect about his character, thanks to war... but well, if he is, ig that leads to more headcanons! so bitter he is now though, against children. ofc I completely get the thing of "eat the rich"(a better term please that sounds so bad coming from bard now hh), but still, it's quite interesting.
alright. here's a collection of this man suffers emotionally so we smile!:
that butler, don't know anymore
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I jus- does he not know? i swear to god you can't say anything around him, no no I'm not pale or skinny or oLd how dare you
alright im done now youve successfully scrolled to the end. i dont in any means like seeing bard suffer, but i do appreciate the steps in accurate writing when it comes to war trauma and such(coming from someone who doesn't experience it, ofc). i am very very pleased, and most of all, confused caUSE YANA LITERALLY JUST GAVE US MORE QUESTIONS THAN ANSWERS STOP DOING THAAAAT
it's my pleasure to hyperfixate. have a great day~!!
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luci-on-the-moon · 3 years
Hi, I hope you are well. I just wanted to say, I love your art style. I particularly, loved your Wolf. We don't see enough Wolf, particularly with Sebastian. Also wondering if you have, ever drawn Agni? Have a good day or night.
Hello there!! Thank you for this wonderful ask!! It brightened my day when I read it ❤️❤️ I'm glad you like Sebawolf!!! I swear Wolfram needs more attention! I mean look at him! He's built like a tank oml 👀
I will definitely do more of them! ✨
As for Agni, YES! I have drawn him on several occasions, tho I haven't done a nsfw Sebagni yet... That HAS to change tho!
Love Agni so much. Specially when he was a bad boy! With the long hair! So sexy RIP 😭
Thank you for this awesome ask!
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